Paid and free crm systems: rating of the best. Paid and free crm systems: rating of the best Comparison of 10 crm systems table

In the process of business development, Internet entrepreneurs sooner or later face a serious problem: which CRM system to choose? This difficult choice is somewhat similar to finding a car - you are looking for a certain model, the right color and equipment, to achieve certain goals.

For example, to take children to school, you need a minivan, to travel - a crossover, to create an image - a presentable premium coupe. However, CRM is selected according to the same principle - depending on the goals pursued.

And to make it easier for you to decide, we have collected the best CRM systems for small businesses, as well as large and rapidly growing projects.

Popular CRM systems: overview of functionality

Customer Relationship Management is an indispensable assistant and digital brain modern business. This is a customer relationship management system, which also allows you to streamline and optimize work processes within the company.

In fact, this is a program that automates all stages of sales, pulls up analytical data, controls customer service and the work of managers. That is, it makes business processes fully manageable and transparent.

How to choose a reliable, functional, advanced system? To do this, we made an overview of the best services presented on the Russian-speaking market.

AmoCRM is a functional system that is designed for sales. That is, to automate the interaction of the department with customers. In the ranking of CPM systems in 2016, this service has become one of the leaders in the Russian-speaking market.


ZohoCRM is the superman in the world of customer relationship management on 3 key levels: marketing, sales, support. The service allows you to control and automate the main business processes.


ZohoCRM allows you to collect all the important data in one place: customer contacts, their history, information about traffic sources, the number of sales, etc. And as a result - to improve ROI and increase sales.


Bitrix24 is a convenient, multifunctional, and also free system that has not lost its position in the CRM systems rating for several years. The main emphasis in the service is on the management of projects, tasks, documentation, reports, plans. At the same time, Bitrix24 does a good job of optimizing customer relationships.

Unlike the previous 2 systems, Bitrix is ​​designed to be implemented throughout the company, and not just in the sales department.

Main functions:

This service is like an internal working social network companies. It optimizes the interaction between different departments, automates workflows, performs all the main functions of sales control and analysis. In a review of CRM systems for small businesses, as well as for low-budget startups, Bitrix24 is the undisputed leader in the Russian-speaking space for at least one important reason - the service can be used for free if no more than 12 people are involved in it.

Salesforce Sales Cloud

Cloud system for planning, managing and controlling business processes (customer relations, marketing, budget, sales, analytics).

  • visitor targeting;
  • internal online chat for managers;
  • accounting / work with transactions, payments;
  • cloud data storage;
  • customer base management;
  • customer interaction reports;
  • automatic distribution of requests between managers;
  • integration with social networks, mail services;
  • access to the service from mobile devices;
  • assigning priority to applications;
  • lead capture and traffic source tracking;
  • sales control and analytics;
  • formation of work tasks, planning.

Despite the fact that BaseCRM is designed specifically for large businesses, it remains one of the simplest and most understandable systems on the market. Using this service, you can track sales, deals, their dynamics (decline/growth) at different stages of the funnel, predict future income, and compile comprehensive reports.

On the other hand, it is a powerful machine for increasing the productivity of company employees (planning, KPI, performance reports, setting goals / objectives). As well as multi-level control of data on the client base (contacts, transactions, letters, documents, touch history).

Service functionality:

  • support for Android and iOS mobile platforms;
  • end-to-end reports on the development of a specific transaction;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of employees;
  • sales funnel analytics;
  • forecasting sales dynamics;
  • customer information cards;
  • storing the history of interaction with customers;
  • tracking conversions, clicks, email opens;
  • built-in telephony;
  • work with documents, finances;
  • task setting, calendar.

So which one to choose? The mass of options is confusing, the variety of functions and software does not allow you to focus on the main thing - for what purposes do you need a CRM system? What are the top priorities for your business? Where do you plan to implement it (in the whole company or in certain departments)? And finally, what budget do you have?

The answers to these questions will help you shed light on the characteristics of a customer relationship management system that are important to you.

Comparative analysis of CRM systems in 2016-2017

We have analyzed the most popular domestic market CRM-systems, their rating, functionality, features.

Write in the comments which CRMs have you already tested or are you using right now? What do you like about them, and what moments leave much to be desired?

The global trend towards digital transformation of business is also growing in Russia. Large businesses are implementing advanced CRM and BPM systems to improve operational efficiency and speed up their own activities. Working with business processes, optimizing and automating processes is the key trend of 2020.

We have collected the TOP-5 platforms that are capable of comprehensively transforming large businesses and included them in the rating. Each solution is unique and has successful implementation cases.


1st place ranking. The best integrated solution for the Enterprise segment. Unified low-code Creatio platform for sales, marketing and service from the domestic company Terrasoft. Creatio allows you to automate and accelerate business processes large companies from different industries. For medium and large businesses, 24 ready-made industry solutions are offered (banks, oil and gas, logistics, pharmaceuticals, business support centers, etc.). Cases of successful implementation of the platform in such companies as Tatneft, Dobroflot, EVRAZ, Gazprom Neft, Sberbank confirm the high level of trust of large businesses in Creatio products. Terrasoft is developing its own Marketplace of ready-made solutions and templates to speed up platform integration.

Microsoft Dynamics

2nd place. A powerful solution for medium and large businesses with ERP elements. Integration with applications from Microsoft. Tools for managing sales, marketing and service. Creation and automation of business processes. Ready-made industry solutions for financial industry, personnel management and HR, integrated service management, sales and analytics. Successful integration into such foreign companies: Unicef, Pandora, HP.


3rd place. SAP CRM offers a solution for sales, marketing and customer service. Reference work with the entire sales cycle - from planning and strategy development to successful implementation and performance analysis. Work with buyers across all distribution channels, transaction control and a functional planner. A powerful platform for managing marketing activities and brand management has been created for marketing department specialists. Among the successful implementation cases are such companies as Bashneft, Severstal, NLMK, Sibmost.

Oracle Siebel

4th place. A system for large businesses that helps to create a comprehensive corporate IT system to automate all departments of the company. Suitable for front (sales, service, marketing) and back offices (analytics of the company, personnel management). Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to create and automate a company's call center, integrate many third-party services and applications into your business. The company offers ready-made industry solutions for many areas of activity - industry, hotel business, public sector, IT, retail, medicine and others. Successful cases foreign companies Bosch Telecom, AOL, Xerox.

sales force

5th place. The Salesforce CRM solution is ranked #1 in the world, as confirmed by analytical agencies such as Gartner and Forrester.

A single platform for sales, customer service, marketing and in-depth performance analytics. The company is not focused on Russian market and is represented only by integrator partners. This does not allow her to be placed higher than 5th place.

Rating of CRM systems - Evaluation table

Ratings of Gartner and Forrester agencies

The Creatio system in these ratings is called bpm'online (Terrasoft changed the name of the platform in 2019).

Interfaces of compared CRM systems

  • SAP

  • MS Dynamics

  • sales force

CRM - customer relationship management system. It is a set of programs for automating interactions. The system allows you to increase sales, optimize marketing, improve customer service, establish and improve business processes.

It also simplifies subsequent analytics due to the rich statistical base with the ability to visually display the results on various graphs. And thanks to the CRM system, you can control the work of each employee and ensure the standardization of work.

When choosing a CRM-system, you should rely primarily on its functionality and their need for the introduction of a particular business. If the set of program features meets all the requirements and business strategy, then the choice of this system will be optimal.

You should also pay attention to whether the CRM system can be integrated into the applicable corporate information system is there a possibility fine tuning and subsequent refinement, focusing on the needs of the business, etc. Equally important are the ratio technical capabilities system and the cost of its use, which includes the costs of both acquiring a license and implementing CRM technologies with possible setting and accompaniment.

There are two main types of CRM systems:

  1. cloud usage,
  2. hosted on your own server.

The first type involves the placement of the system itself on the supplier's server, access to CRM is provided online through a browser or program / application. But there is no way to change the product code (in most cases, access rights setting, integration external systems, setting up reports and changing the design), fine-tuning the system, the need for a permanent Internet connection. But at the same time, there is no need for your own server, constant system updates, and, as a rule, a lower price.

The second type - "boxed version" - involves placing the program products on your own server with all the possibilities of use, including changing the program code (within the framework provided by the product supplier). However, the cost of such placement and maintenance is an order of magnitude higher, which determines the use of "boxed" versions. big business. Small and medium business, as a rule, uses the cloud version in the course of its activities.

Megaplan provides its customers with 2 main tariffs for using the program: for joint work(including the extended version), as well as a CRM system: customers and sales (including the extended version).

The mode of joint work involves the distribution of responsibilities between employees and control over the performance of work. The system allows you to put things in order when creating projects of varying complexity and establishing links between performers. Discussion of projects, conducting surveys is done in a couple of clicks. The system also allows you to keep documents always at hand, files can be stored both in certain tasks and in shared folders. Existing employees within the system can be divided into specific departments, assign work and rest times to each, and distribute tasks to avoid duplication of functions. Freelancers can be connected to the system by setting access rights in such a way that the confidentiality of information is maintained. Task Scheduler allows you to assign to everyone necessary persons appointments and meetings, allows you to distribute cases in the calendar, and reminders come in the form of notifications by mail or SMS.

The advanced collaboration plan allows you to add the fields and lines required for a specific type of business to the list of tasks and projects, quickly coordinate documents, and create departments and evaluate the work of employees. Distinctive feature The extended version is the ability to integrate with ActiveDirectory, which allows you to import employees into the Megaplan system.

To work with Megaplan, you only need an Internet connection. The existing mobile application allows you to keep in touch with employees on business trips and vacations. Data encryption allows you to keep information confidential, regardless of how you connect to the Internet. The system also provides easy integration with a number of useful working services, in particular API, mail and telephony, Google calendar.

At the moment, the cost of connecting the classic tariff for collaboration is 330 rubles per connected employee, and the extended tariff is 430 rubles.

As part of the "CRM: Customers and Sales" tariff, Megaplan facilitates customer management, billing and control of the sales funnel. This version can be used in both cloud and boxed versions. To increase loyalty, all information about customers is entered into the CRM system, transactions are made transparently and under the control of the head of the company, the terms and amounts of payments are always at hand. Also, this type of tariff includes all the features of the program for collaboration.

The extended version of the tariff allows you to keep financial records in the system, increase projects, evaluate the work of employees, and also integrate CRM with ActiveDirectory, Oktell and 1C. The cost of connecting the classic tariff "CRM: clients and sales" is 550 rubles per one connected employee, and the extended tariff is 750 rubles.

Bitrix24 provides companies with a complete set of tools that ensure the organization of the company's work.

Work in the system is organized according to the type of social network, which allows even an unprepared user to intuitively understand the program. At the same time, the possibility of distributing tasks, monitoring their implementation, along with maintaining the capabilities of a regular social network remains: a live feed of events, communication, notifications, exchanging likes and photos, as well as thanks to other employees provided through the Extranet.

Tasks are set in a classic way, which allows the manager to control the progress of work, compliance with deadlines for tasks and projects. Management takes place online, which allows, as necessary, to change and refine the necessary tasks, distribute roles in their execution, take into account the employment of employees, and also receive reports in a convenient form on time. Setting tasks is possible both from scratch and according to pre-prepared templates, including basic ones. The calendar and task scheduler allow you to timely distribute tasks among performers, hold meetings, planning meetings.

Communication between employees, as well as the manager and performers is made in the form of a corporate messenger and the possibility of video calls. The system can be used both as a mobile application and as a desktop application.

Directly CRM allows you to combine any channels of communication with customers (calls, mail, appeals, payment) in one window by connecting to the system itself, while saving data will occur automatically. Each client in the system has its own profile, which contains its entire history of calls, and statistics allow for analytics and load control. The reporting system shows a complete picture of work by category and in consolidated form. The toolkit makes it possible to account for customers, track orders and offers, pay, and also automate business processes.

The cost of using the Bitrix24 system depends on the type of version used and the specific tariff. The cloud version can be used for free, but this imposes a number of restrictions. The cost of classic tariffs varies from 990 rubles per month to 10,990 rubles, while an unlimited number of users can be connected to the system, and the difference between the tariffs (Project +, Team, Company) will be expressed in the volume of the cloud and the range of opportunities. The boxed version costs from 59,000 rubles to 699,000 rubles, depending on the tariff (CRM, Corporate Portal, Enterprise). The difference between the tariffs lies in the number of connected users, the ability to work through the extranet, the use of multi-departmental and web cluster.

3rd place. CRM Simple Business

Simple Business CRM makes it possible to manage customer relationships and sales processes in accordance with the needs of the company. The system allows you to maintain a customer base, reminds you of calls, provides calls and mailings, has a number of templates for documents, a sales funnel, a reporting system, allows you to connect requests from the site directly to CRM, etc. There is also the possibility of task management (the entire cycle from creation to acceptance of completed work, while monitoring execution throughout the entire cycle), personnel management (employee work statistics, company organizational structure, reports, work control, calendar and task scheduler), there is a system communications (telephony and mailing, videoconferencing), document management (creation, storage, downloading of files of any formats) and content management system.

built-in financial module makes it easier to manage accounting organization, allows you to work with a warehouse. The system allows you to maintain a table of goods, shows complete information on transactions, allows you to analyze sales through a funnel and a number of charts. In the system, you can draw up acts of reconciliation of settlements, fixing the payment of invoices, and visually have information on the movement of the company's funds by periods. The warehouse allows you to track the movement of goods, plan purchases and determine the profitability of certain goods.

Conventionally, there are 5 versions of the program: 2 desktop applications (for Windows and Mac OS), 2 mobile applications(iOS and Android), as well as a web version. Depending on the tariff, the capabilities of the system vary. The Free plan assumes a free connection, however, the possibilities are limited to only 5 connected employees, cut down on the amount of memory and client base, as well as weakened communication. Cloud versions of Pro and VIP (1,990 and 3,990 rubles per month, respectively) provide connection of an unlimited number of employees and give great opportunities to work with clients and control over work. The boxed version of the program costs 29,900 rubles, allows you to connect 30 employees and transfer the system to your server.

place. retailCRM

Another rather interesting CRM, but this time with a focus on e-commerce.

If you own an online store or collect leads using a landing page or Instagram, you should pay attention to RetailCRM, because this system has a powerful module for collecting and processing orders from all popular social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram) and messengers (Telegram, Viber and WhatsApp) in one window. Using this functionality, you can not only distribute customer interaction tasks between your employees, but also simplify their work by enabling the ability to make auto-replies and reminders.

In addition to the ability to segment customers, which is standard for any CRM, RetailCRM has another interesting feature - monitoring the performance of your employees. With its help, you can quickly determine how effective one or another employee of your online store is.

Today, RetailCRM clients are already more than 10,000 online stores from all over the CIS, which in total process more than a million orders every month. In addition, this system already now supports more than 80 integration options with all kinds of CMS, delivery services, telephony and other services.

The cost of using RetailCRM varies from 1500 to 1900 rubles per month for each connected user, depending on their total number- the more you work, the less you pay for each account. Optionally, you will be given a 14-day trial period. However, if you are a novice online businessman and are not yet sure that your online store will be able to generate a sufficiently large number of orders, then you can use the demo version of this system for free.

Domestic cross-platform CRM-system for the full automation of all business processes with a fairly flexible functionality and the ability to create a solution for your needs.

Key features of the Client Base include:

  • table builder,
  • IP telephony,
  • creating and conducting mass mailings on customer base,
  • multilevel database filtering,
  • reminders,
  • calendars,
  • document generator,
  • data import and export,
  • backup and program log.

In addition to the main features, with the help of a store of ready-made solutions based on ClientBase, you can transform this CRM to the needs of a beauty salon, dentistry, real estate agency, etc.

To date, this system can boast that more than 120,000 people are already its customers, and every day this figure is only growing.

If you want to use ClientBase to control business processes, then 7 tariff plans at a price of 1500 rubles / month and up to 12000 rubles / month. Also, if for one reason or another you do not want to rent an account on the server, but want to immediately buy a boxed version of the program, then depending on the tariff, its cost will be from 13,500 rubles to 126,000 rubles.

Regardless of which option you choose to work with the Client Base, you will receive a free trial period of 10 to 14 days and training in working with the program.

SugarCRM is a commercial open source CRM system. This determines its individuality for each business, since open source allows you to customize the system for the needs of any organization, which is not available in the vast majority of existing CRM. Also, along with changing the code, the user can modify the old and create their own new modules, thanks to a special module that provides visual development (Studio), which comes with the system.

The system works through a web browser. Accordingly, the program is implemented by the owners as SaaS.

The system is distributed on a free and paid basis. The functionality of the free version is limited, only basic functions are presented to users, such as a project calendar, setting tasks, managing documents, mail, invoices and transactions, etc. At the same time, the period of using the free system is 7 days, after which a license is required. Paid versions (Corporate, Professional and Enterprise) allow you to connect additional modules that simplify the interaction between employees and customers of the company. In particular, it is possible to integrate with Microsoft Outlook, work with the mobile version of the platform, work offline, form teams to complete projects with complex connections and control access rights, access an improved reporting system and configure modules.

The main modules in the formation of sales are counterparties, contacts and deals. Data is entered into them either directly or by converting previously entered information.

To build relationships with counterparties, the system uses the "Events" module. It handles calls, appointments, tasks and notes. Notes are used, as a rule, to fix nuances when working with other tools.

The main modules allow the user to interact with customers through flexible planning and recording of events, sales analytics, additional modules allow you to organize mass mailings, store documentation, create various projects, optimizing routine business processes.

The base language of the system is English. However, the current localization software allows you to work with many major languages, including Russian.

Quite an interesting and multifunctional platform for comprehensive control of processes in your business and interaction with customers. According to the creators of WireCRM, this system is a "single window" with which you can manage almost all aspects of your business.

To date, this CRM can offer its customers more than ten different modules: scheduler, customer accounting, sales accounting, goods and services, mail integration, telephony integration, billing, act generation, and much more.

In addition, WireCRM has quite flexible modules for integrating with the client site (html forms for collecting contacts) and API, and this system scales well to suit your needs with the help of an application store, thanks to which you can connect one or another application for expansion. functionality in just two clicks.

For novice users, WireCRM has prepared a month of free testing of the service.

This system has only one tariff plan and a month of use will cost you 499 rubles for one connected account. For this money you get full functionality, without any restrictions.

Previously called bpm "online sales.

BPMonline is a comprehensive solution that allows you to optimize business management in three main areas: sales (full cycle management, starting with leads and ending with a ready-made contract), marketing (determining customer needs and their subsequent conversion into deals) and services (using ready-made processes to organize a service ).

The system supports organizational solutions for 24 business sectors, from manufacturing and services to pharmaceuticals and microfinance. The main advantages of the system are the availability of ready-made business processes, a single platform for the main lines of business and a convenient modern interface.

BPMonline sales allows you to manage sales of any complexity with the same efficiency: both short orders and long corporate deals. Full cycle management is carried out, including using ready-made solutions.

Creating sales and placing orders takes place in a few clicks, the system allows you to manage employees directly, all of whose work is transparent. Dashboards help track the pulse of sales, as the system includes a set of necessary metrics to ensure that the right management decision. Working with the sales funnel is easy, and deal tactics can be adjusted on the go.

Depending on the complexity of the sales process and the company's policy, there are different tariffs for the BPMonline sales product. Small companies can use the team plan, which is ideal for long-term direct sales, the cost of use is 950 rubles per month for 1 user. The commerce tariff is used by companies with short sales cycles, its cost reaches 1,250 rubles per month, while the enterprise tariff serves as the best tool for medium and large firms, having many different sales channels (cost - 2,500 rubles per month).

BPMonline marketing allows you to manage multi-channel communications to determine customer needs. Customers are guided through all stages of the funnel, from the definition of a need to the transfer to a sale. The system allows managers to focus only on really ready-to-sale leads. In particular, lead management, client profile, event analytics, segmentation, etc. are available. target audience and the start of the mailing takes place in a few clicks, and the effectiveness of nurturing and the flow of new leads (dynamics) are automatically evaluated using the built-in analytics toolkit.

The cost of the service is determined by the number of users and contacts in the database. For example, the minimum subscription cost per 1 user and 1,000 active (used for marketing activities) contacts is about 50,000 rubles.

Finally, BPMonline service provides a set of ready-made service management processes. The direction is divided into customer service management (improves work automation), as well as a service center (suitable for large organizations that provide services to both customers and departments, taking into account ITIL recommendations). This area includes data management, business processes, appeals, releases, etc., as well as omnichannel communications and a client profile. The cost of the customer center is 1,600 rubles per month per 1 user, and the service enterprise - 2,850 rubles.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a set of intelligent applications divided into several areas. The main ones are: sales, marketing and customer service.

"Sales" gives the opportunity to use analytical information in decision making. This allows you to increase the speed of sales, identify potentially ready-to-buy customers. Signals from Office and Dynamics represent the current state of the customer relationship and possible risks, which allows you to choose the optimal solution. Attracting staff, managing relationships, optimizing sales make the service as efficient as possible. The main advantages are, first of all, the automation of the preparation of proposals and the processing of orders, as well as the maintenance of customer profiles, which indicate meetings, negotiations, sales schemes, etc.

Gleb Kluyko

Review of the twenty best CRM systems for business

CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management) is a tool for organizing and controlling the workflow within the company, managing sales, communicating with leads and customers.

How to choose a CRM system that is right for you?

Overview and comparison of popular CRM systems. How to choose?

We have collected the most popular CRM systems in a selection, let's study the advantages and disadvantages of different services.

1. Bitrix24

Advantages of integration with eSputnik:

  • Multi-channel communication with leads and customers - SMS, Email, Web Push and Viber will work in one system.
  • Marketing communications automation tailored to your business model - you can set up automatic messages to be sent depending on any event that is registered in your CRM.
  • Convenient reporting - contact base growth dynamics, effectiveness of each channel, RFM and cohort analysis, and much more - all this in the form of charts and graphs on the eSputnik dashboard.

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