How to sell ebooks online. Create a booklet in PowerPoint Online. Falling sales? Don't know what to do

Many sellers have to deal with the sale of not goods, but services. This area is in demand. Such services are provided in medical, educational institutions, in beauty salons, taxis. They are provided not only by companies, but also by individuals, performing certain work. But not everyone knows how to properly organize a business so that it brings a stable and high income. How to sell services will be discussed in the article.

Why is this needed?

Entrepreneurs are often encouraged to sell services with goods. Many companies pay more for this. But not all sellers understand why this is necessary. Is it possible to sell services if the business has just opened? It is necessary to do this. You just need to use proven methods.

It all comes down to the fact that the service is considered that is, the profit from it is higher than from the goods. For example, the markup on air conditioning may not be noticeable; during the season, the sale of this equipment often brings small profit. But if the installation of equipment is ordered, the company will receive a high income that will pay for everything.

Principles of selling goods

All people have different methods of obtaining information: a person can be visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Some remember everything visually, others by ear, and still others by touching the object. For a full-fledged person, all 3 methods work, but there is always a more comfortable one.

Selling something to visuals and kinesthetics is difficult. The seller can talk a lot about the product, but if the buyer does not see or touch it, then it will not be easy to sell it. Many customers are looking for products on their own, so they are guided by the senses. So it's important to use marketing methods that are suitable for most people.

Features of the implementation of services

The service is considered a more delicate thing. In order for the client to like it, you need to learn how to present it correctly. How to sell services? You should be guided by proven principles:

  • services must be of high quality, otherwise they will not be popular with customers;
  • an important role is played by the training of sellers, since in many respects the success of trade depends on them;
  • it is important to create a visualization of services: brochures, leaflets, posters, folders, presentations - this is how buyers perceive information better;
  • clients must be sure of safety, receiving an individual approach.

If you take into account these rules, you can properly sell goods and services. This will help attract customers who can become permanent. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the work of your company, improve the quality of service and find new methods to attract customers.

Step-by-step instruction

What services can be sold? Any, the main thing is to use proven methods:

  • it is necessary to choose a method of implementation taking into account the needs of customers;
  • unique features that are unlike competitive ones must be introduced into the activity;
  • it is important to clearly position the company;
  • it is necessary to use flexible pricing;
  • you need to create a convenient buying process;
  • need to advertise services;
  • An individual approach is important for each client.

With these principles, you can promote any services, making them in demand. It is important to choose an appropriate implementation method, such as telephone, internet or other media.


Consumers need to see the work, so they need to be shown a video or photo. You can provide consultations, conduct trainings. If this information work, then you can submit reports on electronic media, for example, screenshots, presentations.

Consumers need to evaluate the results of the activity, so they should be shown. Facts about the work done are of great importance. If the consumer is satisfied with everything, he will definitely seek help.

Sale of services by phone

This type of sales is considered one of the most difficult. Now this is how companies operate: Banking services, Forex. Investments, installation of meters, internet connection. How to sell a service over the phone? You need to be guided by the following rules:

  • due to high competition, good sales scripts are needed to help with customers;
  • sellers must use sales techniques, as well as know everything about the services they offer;
  • it is important to be able to work with objections and close deals correctly;
  • telephone sales should be carried out with the help of paraverbal communication - intonation, voice;
  • it is important to make the required number of calls for a specific period of time.

It should be borne in mind that no matter what service is offered, if it is in demand, it is necessary to find a client. Often this is done with the need to control the work of competitors.

Internet using

How to sell legal services, as well as medical, transport? It is necessary to have a website designed according to modern requirements. What services can be sold with it? Booking tickets, making transfers, consulting in different areas life.

The site should have informative, optimized articles. There must be Feedback, the function of accepting payments, a section with reviews. Need to take advantage of opportunities social networks, which can be used to create a community. This will allow you to connect with buyers. On the Internet, you can create advertising in other ways.

How to lure clients?

Needed in business strong people. And if there are a lot of clients, you should not relax. Competitors can lure them to their side at any time. How to sell services so that there are always those who want to buy them? It is necessary to use poaching methods. Now this is practically the only way to increase sales.

Competitors have pros and cons. On the shortcomings, you should build a marketing policy. It is important to offer more favorable conditions than in other firms. For example, ISPs offer free connection and setup. Such techniques will help to gain many new customers.


How to sell services so that it brings high profit? You can use dumping - a decrease in value (below the market). This tactic is needed to displace small firms from the market. Dumping is great for promoting a company.

Just keep in mind that those customers who came for the sake of price can quickly disappear. They will not be permanent, because they are attracted to more profitable options that may appear in other firms.

Competitor Mistakes

How to sell services in other ways? You can take advantage of your competitors. You have to take advantage of this. For example, if a provider has a communication outage, then competitors whip up a panic using the media. At this time, it is important to offer more favorable conditions.

Secrets of a successful sale

You need to focus on the customer, not the service. This is the key to success in business. For the client, you need to become a friend who is attentive to his interests. Service users care about every little detail. You should quickly respond to requests, phone calls, and also greet politely. The first impression matters.

The company must be honest with consumers. Therefore, promises must be kept. Only for quality services will apply. If discounts and promotions are offered, then all this should be real for the client.

Correct positioning of services is necessary. Consumers evaluate this based on personal experience. This is how the public opinion about the work of the company is formed. If one consumer liked the company's activities, then he will offer other people to use its services. Each person is unique, therefore, with the help of an individual approach, you can form a positive attitude towards the work of the company.

Demanded services

Now the best-selling services:

  • household;
  • informational;
  • advertising;
  • transport;
  • specialized.

Household services will always be in demand as people constantly need help in their daily lives. It can be home renovation, cosmetic work, hairdresser. Ateliers, clothing repair, dry cleaning are in demand. No wonder there are a lot of companies like this open right now.

Household services include caring for the sick and children. Some use such help due to lack of time, others - due to lack of skills. Opening a home services firm does not require big investments compared to other types of business.

You can sell household services using advertising, publications on the Internet, distributing brochures and booklets. It is necessary to regularly arrange discounts and promotions for customers, and then they will become permanent.

Information services are in demand. They allow you to receive advice from specialists in various fields: recruitment, customer search, audit, advising on special issues, collecting information, training courses.

Information services can be advertised through radio, television, newspapers, the Internet. Each client should be provided with a business card, a booklet with activities. An individual approach to each person helps to attract buyers of services.

Are popular advertising services that every company needs. You can create banners, organize events, place ads. The services of animators and promoters are in demand. Companies need help creating websites and promoting them.

Popular in Russia. It can be the transportation of goods, passengers, courier delivery. This activity requires all types of effective advertising. Specialized services include medical, legal, technical, construction. Each of these areas is promoted through proper sales management.

The first way to increase online sales is email marketing. It is gaining more and more popularity every year and not only in Internet commerce. E-mail advertising allows you to deliver high-quality messages to target audience offers of firms and effectively increase sales at low cost. But to achieve the desired results, you need to familiarize yourself with how to properly implement e-mail marketing technology.

Direct Marketing Association analyzes show that firms statistically receive $40 for every $1 invested in email marketing (based on 2012 data). It is by far the most cost-effective form of online advertising.

Promoting products and services through email marketing is the first step in getting your brand across the internet and a short cut to big sales. After designing and uploading the product catalog to the company's website, the question arises: "How to communicate with potential customers who have left their data in the registration form?". Very often, enterprises do not use 100% of the data received from the registration forms on the site. For such firms, unfortunately, not all registration data is part of the strategy to increase sales on the Internet. And they collect contact information on the recommendation of a webmaster who was developing a corporate website.

Reasons for Increasing Online Sales Created by E-mail Marketing

It is easy to increase sales on the Internet with the help of E-mail marketing for several reasons:

  1. High readability of advertising materials by recipients of letters. If letters come personally addressed and by agreement of the recipient (not like spam), then according to statistics, 71% of users will read them.
  2. The popularity of the contact form. 43.8% of Internet users consider E-mail the most convenient and popular form of communication with any company. For comparison, communication via facebook is preferred by 17.8% of users, and according to mobile phone– only 10.5% (due to paid calls).
  3. High activity of recipients. More than 35% of Internet users check their email several times a day. This significantly increases the activity of customer response. Their active response to the company's offer is instantly reflected in the increase in sales on the Internet.

In E-mail marketing, the result largely depends on the quality of the distribution of high-quality contact databases of potential customers. If you are still new to this field, then first pay attention to how other enterprises work and where they make their mistakes. Treat your company presentation by email responsibly, otherwise, in the worst case, you will get the opposite effect (spam should not be allowed).

4 Steps to Increasing Email Marketing Sales

The undoubted advantage of E-mail marketing conducted to increase sales on the Internet is its low entry threshold at the start of an advertising campaign. As well as the absence of technical difficulties in right choice suitable platform for it. In order to properly conduct the distribution of electronic advertising messages, you need to use:

  1. Professional software platform for sending emails. Its cost will cost about $15 per month.
  2. High-quality database of contacts potential clients firms. It is better to form the base yourself through the registration form of the site. Paid databases do not even give 50% of the effect.
  3. Design template for writing letters. It must be designed for mass mailing, so the graphic designer must take into account the style and weight of the graphic in kilobytes. Also, the template should be easily editable to create new offers by the firm. Its cost will cost about $100.
  4. The text of the company's offer written by a copywriter. The price of the service will cost $ 10 per 1000 characters on average.

The ratio of costs and effectiveness of the result is the most optimal in advertising carried out through the mass mailing of booklets to the email addresses of potential customers. It's not for nothing that Bill Gates once said: Whoever masters e-mail perfectly will be a millionaire in the twenty-first century! .

Reports increase the effectiveness of email marketing sales management

The analysis of e-mail marketing is compared with the analysis of increasing sales on the Internet. The mailing efficiency report is the main trump card of software platforms for mass mailing of e-booklets. Thanks to it, you can even find out how many recipients have opened advertising booklets with the company's offer of interest to them. Reports, analyzes and statistics make it easy to manage sales and accurately forecast them in the short term.

An important question for every internet entrepreneur is "When to start email marketing?". Most respond when the contact base grows to a decent size. But as practice shows, you can start E-mail marketing with a budget of $35 per month. Strange as it may seem, but after the advertising campaign, there are bursts of activity in the growth of new contacts and customers. Therefore, you should not delay for a long time, because an early start helps to increase the contact base of potential customers. And you need to gain experience as early as possible.

Avoid the mistakes of inefficient email trading.

3 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Composing an Email Proposal to Clients:
  1. Graphic materials in the attached file of the letter. At mass mailing emails over the Internet, the load on the server increases. Also, this method of designing an advertising booklet significantly increases the likelihood of getting into the recipient's spam section.
  2. The personal address was not specified in the text of the message. Be sure to address the recipient by name. This increases the effect on the positive reaction of the client. This confirms the fact that the user has given his agreement to receive emails from the store and reduces the likelihood of the email getting into the spam section. The email should also include a link to unsubscribe from the mailing list. If the client does not want to receive store news, he ceases to be a potential one. Mailings to such clients are not effective and only lead to unnecessary expenses and disorientation of the strategy of advertising companies. Therefore, you need to give the client the opportunity to filter himself.
  3. In the subject line promotional materials. Each letter sent to a client must be presented as an important event. You can’t use the words sale, advertising, booklet, flyer, etc. directly in the subject line. 53% of recipients don’t even open such messages, but immediately send them to the trash.

It is also important to follow the design of contact information for customer feedback with the company. All ways to contact should be described there:

Mass mailing software platform

For most Internet entrepreneurs, the first steps in increasing sales through mass mailings by E-mail are immediately associated with email clients Microsoft Outlook, The Bat or Mozilla Thunderbird. And this is the first mistake. These programs work great for e-mail correspondence between two or ten recipients. But these programs are absolutely not suitable for mass effective mailings of emails for the following reasons:

  1. Big investment of time and effort. Traditional email clients do not allow you to effectively manage your contact database. A lot of time is spent on routine work when designing a booklet. Programs will not send one letter to all recipients in the database at once. Each time you need to compose a new letter and add several dozen addresses of recipients to it. There is also no possibility of convenient work with groups of recipients. Indeed, in effective E-mail marketing, not always every offer will be addressed to the entire database. Sometimes it is necessary to allocate separate groups of contacts of target buyers for certain offers.
  2. Low efficiency. In practice, there is no clear guarantee that all letters after mass mailing reach the recipients. There can be various reasons for the disconnection: overload mail server sender; there is no connection with the recipients' email boxes (due to scheduled work on their servers); problems in the configuration of the sender's server; Internet connection interruption. Therefore, mailing programs must formulate real reports after mass mailing in order to be sure that the letter is delivered to each recipient. The percentage of recipients that the promotional brochures did not reach can be resent later.
  3. Lack of learning. Special programs for mass mailings of letters also formulate reports on the distribution of the budget assigned to one or another advertising company conducted for each offer of the firm. How much is invested, how much is spent, how much is left. It is convenient to compare these data with sales data. Thus, you can fully control the effectiveness of the funds spent on advertising.

In the absence of reports, it is impossible to manage the effectiveness of the distribution. It is not known where and how to change the parameters of the advertising campaign to increase its effectiveness. You can't save on software that doesn't fit its intended use.

Back in the 90s Email ahead of faxes and regular mail in popularity. And in 1991, the first enamel was sent from space.

Advertising booklet- a well-known advertising channel, with which each of us has repeatedly met. We held it in our hands art exhibition, hidden in a pocket, leaving the furniture store, taken out with correspondence from the mailbox, thrown into the nearest bin with relief, having received from the hands of the promoter ...

By the way, can you remember the form and content of at least one of these booklets, brochures, leaflets? If you remember for a long time and none of them have been preserved for a more detailed study of information, you have not yet come across a real masterpiece of booklet design. Because you would definitely remember that.

And what's holding you back to think booklet design and order ready layout in printing?

  • No idea how it's done...
  • Expensive in terms of money and time consuming...
  • It is long and tedious to tell designers what to do and how to do it ...
  • Ineffective and not the fact that it will work ...
  • Flyers- all on the same face and still in the same urn ...

But if you are one of them, then only until the moment of reading this article. Now I will tell you about creating a booklet everything you need to know from theory and how to put it into practice.

If you are patient and read to the end, you will see how simple it is. And sincerely wonder why you still do not have a "selling" advertising booklet for your stores. At least you will know for surewhat to say and how to explain to designers when going to order advertising booklet sample.

What is a booklet?

In most cases, we mean by this word a brochure,. But it is not - and I will show you the essential difference between a booklet and a pamphlet.

Booklet(from English booklet) is a brochure, booklet, mini-catalog,paperback printed matter, folded("folded") sheet several timespaper. Traditionally, on the sides of the booklet there is a text / graphic advertising information- hence the name advertising booklet».

Brochure- This is a purely book edition, large in volume - up to 48 pages. It is correct to say "advertising brochure", because there are a huge number of advertising brochures. It is incorrect to call a brochure an advertising booklet.

To summarize: if there is 1 sheet of paper and it is folded in one / several places, this is a booklet; if sheets 4-48 - this is a brochure.

Goals and objectives

First, this marketing project and promotional tool. Heneeded to advertise your stores and you do it for yourtarget audience. Your first step is to draw a portrait potential buyer and define the tasks of the booklet.

I am sure that it is worth starting with these two key questions. booklet creation. Sit down and write like this:

Portrait of your Target Audience

What is the purpose you want from the booklet

Detail structure

OK, we have determined the purpose and target audience of the booklet. What's next? It is necessary to think over the structure of the advertising booklet in detail. And there is no difficulty in this -do just 2 things:

  • Make a list of all positions that will be present
  • Determine the order of these positions and place in the layout booklet

Design Rules

#1 Conciseness is the key to success. This is a small advertising medium, its purpose is to inform briefly, but interestingly. A booklet with a bunch of text causes nothing but a burning desire to immediately throw it in the trash.

#2 Focus on target audience – attracting the attention of potential customers, the target audience of your advertising message, taking into account its interests.

For example, the color and style of the booklet. For women - red, pink, pastel shades; for youth - juicy, bright, acidic; for business people - gray, blue, discreet.

#3 Visual accent - no need to grind on n small booklet format. Better couple juicy images are “anchors” for a look than many different pictures that distract attention.As a rule, live photos are used for advertising booklets, which are easy to beat.

#4 Readable fonts convey information, and not vice versa, interfere with its perception in the scale of a small format advertising booklet. Do not use more than 3 different fonts - this is "bad form". Better use bold, italic, underline to create text accents.

#5 The hook is the value invested in the booklet. For example, about tear coupon, discount card. Everyone loves "freebies".

How to make an advertising booklet for a store? Basic moments

In fact, this is an A4 sheet ( booklet A4), folded into 3 parts, which describes your proposal. Of course, you can order printing. But you can print on a regular printer. The main thing is the text!

Do not print many copies. This applies not only to booklets, but to the whole printed matter. Because some mistakes are possible from the very beginning.

Make a test batch first. Test, measure the response. If the result suits you, it is worth increasing the circulation. If not, find the flaws, change the description, change the titles, play with the words.

Do not order booklet production at the print shop or advertising agency. Test on a small batch, try it, and then you can increase the circulation. HYou need to test all the methods and see what kind of response from each offer: how many people called, how many came to the store, how many went to the site. This is necessary in order to evaluate the effectiveness.

Important elements of a "sales" booklet

catchy title

The most important part of a booklet is a catchy headline. The client must understand from the heading alone what he will get as a result, he must see a specific result. Maybe a headline that grabs attention for further reading of your ad.

A good headline is 80% of success. Take this moment seriously. Look at how tabloid headlines are written or look at good sales texts describing information products and model.

Here list of best titles which you can use. Take the one that suits your store, model, add the missing words:

  • Found a new way...
  • What is hidden from you...
  • The most expensive ... Why buy it?
  • Are you too busy to learn how to save time (money) on…
  • We are looking for people who want...
  • You can never...until you do...
  • Why do people buy our ..., it's all about ...
  • You can do…without help…and save…
  • Reduce your costs - made possible thanks to ...
  • Imagine... your dream. We have experience in implementing just such solutions ...
  • Stop thinking about where to get money for ... There is a simple solution ...
  • Order from the comfort of your home and save up to... with every order...
  • An amazing secret for those who no longer believe in anything ...

Emotionality of the text

Most purchases are made on emotions. It's proven. Make the text of the booklet emotional. At the end, you can once again talk about the results of using your product, product or service.

Use or benefit of your offer

What exactly will your customer get as a result of ordering or purchasing your product? Very few people write about it, but a good booklet should be client-oriented. Most often, the sentence sounds like this:

We are such a company. We offer certain products/services. Buy from us. We have been on the market for 10 years.

A person does not understand what exactly he will receive, what benefit he will get from acquiring such a product ...

Why would your product help solve the problem?

Explain to the customer why your store will help solve their problem. And then, point by point, list all the advantages of the product, service, store.

Call to action

At the very end, on the last page, write a call to action. Write what exactly a person needs to do to get your product: “Call such and such a number”, “Send an SMS”, etc.Many neglect this element and as a result lose customers.

If you need buyers, you want to work out advertising, make it as effective as possible -

P.S. You will find more ways to effectively advertise at. And, of course, on the training to get the results!

P.P.S. If something remains unclear on this topic, please ask your questions in the comments. I will definitely answer every one.

Falling sales? Don't know what to do?

Hundreds of my students who own clothing stores have already increased their sales from 20% to 300% using simple technology. Great amount There are reviews on this site.

I am sure you also want to increase sales or figure out what to do in your case in order to guarantee a result.

Get a personal consultation. Get clear action clarity and create your business growth plan.


With faith in your success, Valery Dubinetsky.

Six months ago, I started a series on sales copy and how to create it. Only from my experience.

The series went off the rails. There were many visits, responses and gratitude. So let's continue the topic.

Today I want to talk about brochures and booklets. How to create them so that they sell and bring results.

Booklet front page by AEG

The purpose of the booklet

The main thing to understand is that few people are interested in you and your company.

Your product solves a problem, a human difficulty. I deliberately do not use the word "client", because behind this cold and faceless word is a living person with his own needs.

And so your goal

  1. be remembered
  2. To solve the task person.

If you just want to be remembered, then this is a weak motive. Remember what different leaflets you are given when you exit the subway or at stops. They can be very diverse, but not hooked. Why?

Because you have to decide specific task person.

If you do not understand this from the very beginning, then in the future you will brush aside all the extra pieces of the brochure.

Booklet creation. Stage of preparation, step by step instructions.

The preparation is much more important than the process of creating the brochure itself. After all, it is during preparation that you get max.

Arrange brainstorm. Make sure you have enough time to prepare. Do not run through this process in passing, otherwise the result will most likely be sad.

When preparing, pay special attention to three elements:

  1. Target audience/people

Think carefully about who you are creating the brochure text for.

And describe as clearly as possible the problems, difficulties that arise in the people for whom you are creating a brochure. This is what should always be kept in mind. Don't think marketing concepts: the target audience. think about ordinary people What makes them happy, what makes them sad.

To test yourself if you understand the needs of the client, ask yourself a simple question: “What is a person really willing to pay money for?”. Very cleans the brain, right away 🙂

Understand the target audience well. What makes her happy, what upsets her

  1. USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

You must clearly understand your positioning, how you differ from competitors. And if you don’t have a USP, then get rid of them.

A USP is what sets you apart from your competitors for the better.

  1. target action

The target action is what the user should do after reading the brochure.

If no action is offered to him, he may close the pamphlet and leave.

Difference between brochure and booklet

By the way, it is worth immediately making a clarification.

A brochure is a multi-page catalog, usually stapled.

A booklet is 2, 3 pages that are not fastened, but bent.

How to make a booklet/brochure. Stage 2: Text and 4 principles of its creation.

Let's talk about text. You need to understand a few essential principles, for which the text will work:

  1. Benefit
  2. Numbers
  3. Human language.
  4. real people


You don't have to use vague phrases. You need to talk about what customer problem you are solving.

In other words, the principle "Not WE, but YOU."

If you are a home appliance company, sell:

  • "Silence from the washing machine"
  • "Free time to be free from the dishwasher"

There is even such a principle: "not to sell a drill, but holes in the wall." Understand that a man does not buy a drill. A hole in the wall at his convenience. And if you write this on the site, and he just had a difficult dialogue with his wife in the style of “Honey, hang a picture, I’ve been asking you for six months” ... This will become a trigger.

This is what your brochure or booklet should convey. This is why you need to clearly understand your target audience. After all, different people need different things.

Sell ​​holes in the wall.

Sell ​​"Holes in the Wall" to a Man, Not a Drill


Not "long-term experience allows our chefs to prepare wonderful dishes." But "28 years is the combined experience of our chefs who prepare over 103 dishes."

People do not believe the information about "dozens of online school graduates." But people believe the information about "82 graduates of the school"

The exact numbers in the brochure are very important.

Human language.

No "cognitive dissonance", even if the target audience is psychologists.

Try to write in as simple a language as possible.

Real people.

Let real people praise your product or service.

Moreover, you will receive texts for them from them. Or record on a dictaphone, and then decipher.

People trust other people.

Here is an example from the Electrolux brochure

“Cooking with the combination of steam and hot air is one of my favorite techniques and it is the secret of a professional kitchen.” Fernando Canales Chief Chef of Etxanobe Restaurant, Bilbao, Spain

Here is such a man with a kind smile and a quote calls a lot of sympathy target audience is women. AEG in the booklet "Home Appliances" acted wisely.

And the main rule - shorten the text. Minimum text, maximum benefit.

Creation of an advertising brochure/booklet. Stage 3. Design.

  1. Color in brochure or booklet

Choose the right color. Take advantage of color printing.

Look at the Cadillac brochure, for example. The colors are chosen juicy, and at the same time the feeling of a rich choice.

There is a color palette. The combination of colors should be harmonious.

It is worth choosing a color according to 3 parameters:

  • related colors
  • Contrasting colors
  • monochrome colors

This is clearly visible in the image.

Color combination and color wheel.

  1. Fonts in a brochure or booklet

Limit yourself. Don't overwhelm the reader with a wide variety of fonts.

Usually beginners try to surprise, hook and use a large number of fonts. You do not need to do this, because it will have the opposite effect.

There are no laws in design, there are personal experience, which many are trying to make laws. And yet there is one wish that I recommend using:

  1. Photos in a brochure or booklet

Quality photos are always visible. It's nice to look at them. And it doesn't matter what product you have: food, clothes or concrete mixers.

Don't skimp on images.

High-quality photos are archival

Details when creating a brochure or booklet

  1. Paper carrier

You need to immediately think about what kind of brochure format you or the client for whom you are creating a brochure like.

The options can be very different.

If this is a booklet, then it is usually small in size: one or two folds.

  • Booklets with one fold (fold) - have the format of A6, A5, A4 or A3 sheets.
  • Booklets with two folds are made from sheets of A5 to A3 format and they have more folding options
  • A booklet with three folds can be folded pages inward in three different ways, as well as a W-shaped accordion or counter-folded, resembling a bird in cross section.
  • Booklets with four folds are traditionally made with an accordion from sheets of A4 to A1 format.

If it is a brochure, it may be larger. In addition, a brochure, unlike a booklet, is fastened together with a paper clip, spring, or KBS (adhesive seamless bonding.)

Brochure formats are very different:

  • Catalog A4: in ready-made 210 x 297 mm, spread 297 x 420 mm
  • Catalog A5: finished 148 x 210 mm, spread 210 x 297 mm
  • Eurocatalog: finished 210 x 100 mm, spread 210 x 200 mm

  1. Paper density

This is an important element.

Thick paper always makes a richer impression.

Conversely, thin low-quality paper is the opposite.

  1. Use non-standard moves

- choose a custom shape (square shape, pocket brochure)

- Several internal inserts made of tracing paper

— design papers for the cover

– embossing

- selective varnish on the cover

Non-standard photos, text placement and font sizes are great to remember.

It will help you make your brochure better.

  1. Brainstorm

Try to gather everyone interested in a closed room. Close the doors. Set a target and a gun to the temple with the words: "If we do not develop this brochure by the evening, then I ...". Stop. Sorry, I got a little carried away...

Gather people. Set a common goal. And let creativity and creativity pour out as much as possible.

When you first start, draw by hand. And it doesn't matter that you have scribbles.

Give up tablets, gadgets, and just use a pencil. Then the brochure or booklet will be more familiar, and the ideas will be easier to express.

  1. Use What Works

Don't try to be weird, creative just to stand out. It won't work.

For example, most designers use 15-20 fonts. Precisely because these fonts are verified. If there is no clear rationale for using a non-standard Broadway font, then don't use it. Helvetica for text and Rockwell for headings, for example

  1. A good first impression of a brochure is half the battle.

Make a strong first impression. Hook the reader and even the viewer. Solve his problem.

Then success is already half guaranteed to you.

  1. First page

Let it be such that it was impossible to break away. Like the first page of the book "Anna Karenina", where the author pulls you into the learning process very quickly.

But there is no design there.

The first page of the Cadillac Escalade brochure is memorable

  1. Explore other brochures

First of all, know your competitors in person.

Second, look at the brochures of companies with million dollar budgets.

These are car companies Appliances, Cell phones.

I'm attaching a few examples (to download, right-click and select "Save As"):

— AEG freestanding equipment catalog

— AEG oven

— Brochure in Ford Focus

Conclusion on creating a booklet or brochure

If you want to make a strong brochure, apply these principles. And add a pinch of creativity.

But if it's difficult, get in touch. We, the Slovo studio team, will do everything in the best possible way.

Shortly about myself: Entrepreneur, internet marketer, commercial writer, Christian. The author of two blogs (and Words of Encouragement), the head of the studio of texts "Word". I have been writing consciously since 2001, in newspaper journalism since 2007, and I have been earning money exclusively with texts since 2013. I love writing and sharing what helps me in training. Became a father since 2017.
You can order training or texts by mail or by writing in a personal message on a social network convenient for you.

Site site we talked about how to make money on book reviews. In this, we'll talk about how to make money selling books online.

And we will sell electronic and paper books, new and old, antique and not so good, used books and well-known ones... In general, all sorts. For simplicity and better understanding, we divide all books into two groups: my books And other people's books.

By “ours,” I mean not those written with my own hand, but those that belong to us. For the most part, we are talking about paper books. But we will also talk about electronic “our” books.

As "foreign" I consider those books that we do not own. We will consider this point in more detail later.

And so, let's start with "our" books.

Selling your books

Each of us has book library. Big or small, collected independently or inherited from parents, but any of us have it. And sometimes we decide to sell it. Or sell some of the books included in it.

In our library, books can be very different. Most likely, most of them are ordinary fiction. Modern and yesteryear. Plus a certain amount of non-fiction: various encyclopedias, tips, recipes and more.

It happens that in the library, among old books and new books ("old" and "new" in relation to the date of their writing, and not printing), there are old or antiquarian books, or second-hand rarities.

In both cases, if you are going to sell only this finite list of books (limited by your library), then it makes little sense to build some kind of special sales channel for this. It is much easier to take all valuable books (old or second-hand books) to an antique store and offer them there, and sell the rest at the nearest flea market.

It's a different matter if:

  • A) . your library really big and there are a lot of books in it, or it is constantly replenished with you;

  • b) . With book sales you are not in a hurry and are ready to sell the library gradually, or are you just too lazy to run around shops and flea markets;

  • V) . The price of your books in an antique shop or at a flea market seems understated to you.

From then on, it makes sense to create a permanent and well-established sales channel.

With amimi simple ways to create such a sales channel would be the following two:

  • 1) . word of mouth(tell your friends about your intentions, they will tell their friends, etc., in general, we are looking for buyers with the help of people's rumors);

  • 2) . Internet.

With the first way, everything is clear. But we'll talk about the second one in more detail.

There are two ways to sell your books online:

  • 1) . Use existing sites on the Internet;

  • 2) . Create your(their).

In the first case, we use message boards, specialized forums, etc. In general, we look for sites on the Internet where there are people who want to buy books, and we place our offer there.