How to open an IP repair of radio equipment. Documents and licenses. Business expansion option

The current development of the economy tends to develop small businesses. All kinds of workshops fall under this category (shoe repair, art, repair household appliances etc.) The proposed business plan-workshop is based on the fact that any business can be started if there is a consumer of goods or services.

In modern life, power tools have firmly entered almost every home, but sometimes they fail. Setting up a power tool repair shop is easy and relatively cheap. It's important to be an expert. customers even in big city there will be plenty.

Carefully read the small workshop business plan described below, calculate everything and act. Please note that each workshop (repair of household appliances, artistic, tailoring, etc.) has its own characteristics.

Brief description of the proposed business

Power tools used in the household are used infrequently, but at the same time, due to their minimum price, they often break down due to minor breakdowns (brush wear, bearing failure, less often gearbox wear). It is often not possible to repair such a product at home due to the lack of skills and the necessary set of tools.

Majority potential clients looking for a craftsman with experience who will repair the instrument and at the same time give good advice. It is important to know that even a person with a technical education will not always take up the repair of a tool for a simple reason - the repair of a master will cost less and will be performed better.

Based on the foregoing, we can safely say that this business is reliable and long-term. Naturally, it takes some time for promotion to get known about you, get recommendations from your first clients.

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What is needed to launch a workshop business plan?

The most important issue for the workshop is the availability of a room with an area of ​​​​at least 24 square meters. m. The room should be dry and warm (in a cold room, precise assembly is difficult and impossible to make). The floors must be wooden or covered with linoleum, based on the safety requirements of the work being carried out. The room must have email. 220 volt network with a connection power of at least 3 kW. Be sure to have a ground loop.

The workshop must be equipped with at least two tables: one table for locksmith work with a vice installed (assemble-disassemble), the second - for electrical work. The electrical assembly table must have a soldering post with a power of at least 300 W, several sockets (euro and simple). Both tables must have individual lighting. It is also necessary to have three racks for storing incoming products that are under repair, repaired. It is desirable to have a bedside table for keeping the instrument.

The workshop should be equipped with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

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Workshop equipment and tools

To repair a power tool, you must have the following tools in sufficient quantity:

  • a set of screwdrivers flat and Phillips, and from the minimum to the maximum size. This is due to the fact that you will need to repair products from a fairly wide range of manufacturers, and there are many of them and with different standards;
  • a set of hex keys;
  • a set of open-end and socket wrenches;
  • grinder with a power of 750-1000 W;
  • electric drill (speed adjustment is required);
  • winding machine. A factory-made machine is expensive; a home-made one is suitable for a workshop;
  • muffle furnace for drying windings. It is advisable to buy a factory-made muffle furnace, it is equipped with a thermostat;
  • soldering irons with a power of 30 W, 120 W, 200 W;
  • mini gas burner There are a lot of them now on sale at a low cost and, importantly, easy to use;
  • a set of drills for threads from M2 to M10, as well as for screws from 2 to 10 mm;
  • plate set.

Other tools and fixtures will be added in the process of work as needed. For repairs, it is necessary to have a certain amount of mounting wires and other auxiliary materials (alcohol gasoline, solder, rosin, etc.).

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Economic justification for the business plan of the workshop

For economic calculation we derive the costs necessary to implement a business plan for a power tool repair shop. For convenience, we will calculate in US dollars (c.u.):

  • rent of premises (2 c.u. per sq. m x 24 x 12 months) - 576 c.u. e. per year;
  • screwdriver sets - 60 cu e.;
  • sets of keys - 120 USD e.;
  • grinder - 120 c.u. e.;
  • electric drill - 120 c.u. e.;
  • soldering irons - 50 c.u. e.;
  • vice - 130 c.u. e.;
  • soldering post - 90 c.u. e.;
  • tables - 180 c.u. e.;
  • shelving - 300 c.u. e.;
  • auxiliary materials - 100 c.u. e.;
  • electricity consumption energy per year - 540 c.u. e.;
  • salary - (2 people x 750 x 12) - 18000 c.u. e.

Every year more and more complex and expensive household appliances appear on the market. It requires constant diagnostics, preventive maintenance and, of course, repair. Therefore, the opening of a workshop for the repair of household appliances is always actual idea. The only thing to open such a business is to understand this technique yourself, otherwise you simply cannot survive in a competitive environment.

You can start a business with a small investment, going to customers' homes. But if you want to build a serious business, you should think about opening a full-fledged home appliance repair shop.

Workshop concept

What your workshop will deal with is approximately clear. It will offer repair and preventive maintenance services for large and small household appliances:

  • dishwashers;
  • refrigerators;
  • washing machines;
  • boilers;
  • ovens,
  • microwave ovens;
  • TVs and more.

But there is another criterion on the basis of which the specialization of the workshop is determined: the relationship with manufacturing firms.

You can specialize in servicing one particular brand of home appliance. In this case, your workshop becomes a representative of a particular manufacturer, receives from him the appropriate permission to service his goods: warranty and post warranty service.

You can work with manufacturers in two directions: to become an affiliated workshop or relatively independent. In the first case, you will be completely dependent on the requirements of the manufacturer, in the second, you will have relative freedom of action. In addition, the right to work under the name of a well-known brand is extremely expensive and often does not justify these investments.

It is possible to open a multi-brand workshop. In this case, you can also specialize in a particular type of equipment, or accept any equipment of any brand for service, which significantly expands your potential circle of customers. But you will have to independently promote your business and win a name for yourself in the market.


First of all, the business plan must include a clause on registering a company for the repair of household appliances. For it to work, you just need to register as individual entrepreneur by choosing UTII as a taxation system. But to work with organizations and other legal entities it is more convenient to work on USN.

Registration will require 800 rubles. for the payment of state duty and five working days for consideration of documents. When registering, you must specify OKVED 52.72: Repair of household electrical products.

The specifics of the work of the workshop for the repair of household appliances allows you not to spend money on cash machine and its registration with the tax authorities. Often the masters go to the client's house, where the calculation is made. It is simply impossible to use a cash register for this. Therefore, you can get by with forms strict accountability, which also need to be registered with the tax office.


As for the premises for the work of a company for the repair of household appliances, at least it should be divided into two zones:

  • reception point;
  • actual workshop.

If you work in a large city and plan to deploy big business, it would be advisable to include in the business plan the opening of several reception points.

The room for the workshop depends on the type of household appliances that you plan to deal with - the larger it is, the more spacious the room should be. It should have a place for storing orders that are awaiting repair, repaired and the workplace of the master.


At the start, a business can get by with a minimal set of equipment: an oscilloscope, a soldering iron, a tester and a hand tool. But to operate a full-fledged workshop with a constant flow of orders, you will need an impressive set of equipment. In addition to it, the business plan must include a purchase vehicle, which will deliver equipment from collection points or from the customer to the workshop.

On average, the equipment procurement plan looks like this:

Name Number of units Price per piece (rub.) Total price (rub.)
1. ampervoltmeter1 800 800
2. Spectrum Analysis1 28 000 28 000
3. Frequency meter1 15 000 15 000
4. Hand tool set2 3 000 6 000
5. Wizard's desktop3 3 000 9 000
6. Other furniture 16 200
7. Air conditioner1 5 000 5 000
8. Car (pickup)1 80 000 80 000

IN without fail it is necessary to conclude contracts for the supply of spare parts with manufacturers. It is advisable to have a certain stock in the warehouse, since the speed of repair, as well as quality, are the only indicators that can favorably distinguish you from your competitors.


To plan staffing except CEO whose duties may be performed by the owner of the company, the following positions should be included:

  • chief master;
  • masters (2 people);
  • accountant.

It doesn't make much sense to hire an account manager. New customers will be brought by a good advertising campaign. Calls can be received by a call center with which you must first conclude an agreement. Operators will take orders and give contacts to the masters, who will continue to contact the client.


The success of an appliance repair company depends on quality advertising. At the start of a business, experts recommend investing up to 50% of the allocated budget in it. Plan advertising campaign should include the use of such means:

  1. Business cards that must be left for all customers. If they are satisfied with your work, they will definitely call again if necessary.
  2. A sign above the entrance at the workshop or in a conspicuous place. True, for the right to hang it you have to pay an official fee.
  3. Ads. Everything must be involved possible options. This is pasting stationary advertising boards at the entrances and around the city, as well as placing ads on the Internet on free boards.
  4. Printed publications. Any publication that places such ads must have information about your company.
  5. Site on the Internet. Today, most customers are looking for companies that provide this kind of service over the Internet. Therefore, it is important to allocate enough funds to create a good website and promote it.

Additional services

To increase the profitability of the workshop, you can include a number of related services in the business plan. For example, the sale of spare parts. Sometimes repairs are so simple that customers can do it themselves. But this is not a reason to lose contact with them. Offer them the spare parts they need.

Spare parts can also be offered to craftsmen who work independently. They can offer discounts and special conditions purchases.


The cost plan for opening a full-fledged workshop will be about 100 thousand dollars. At the same time, the profitability of a business idea does not exceed 6%. The difficulty lies in the fact that technology quickly becomes obsolete. Sometimes it is almost impossible to find spare parts for a five-year-old product, and if they are, then the work can cost half the real value of the goods. Therefore, people prefer to buy new equipment than to pay for the repair of the old one.

Most often, repair shops specialize in repairing refrigerators. They are rarely changed, and they do not become obsolete so quickly. At the same time, the cost of services is kept on average at the following level:

As for the promotion of business, according to experts, in six months it is possible to form a sufficient customer base.

The consequences of the past crisis still affect the purchasing power of the population of our country. Consumers even now prefer not to buy new expensive household and industrial appliances, but to get by with the use of the old one. But old equipment has such a feature as failure, it often breaks down and is repaired. Consequently, there is a growing demand for authorized service centers to repair this equipment.

Hence the conclusion: your own authorized service center- This is a promising option for a profitable business. In order to understand how to open a service center, we will consider what actions will need to be taken step by step for this, how to form a business plan for the structure and activities of the service center.

A service center is an enterprise that provides services for the repair, maintenance and service support of industrial and household appliances, production equipment and other miscellaneous products. In addition, the scope of services of authorized service centers (ASC) includes such activities as the implementation of pre-sales, warranty and after-sales repairs of equipment.

Goals, objectives and ways to create the future business

Before you open your service center, first of all you need to decide which equipment will be repaired by the SC. Will it be an authorized SC, which has a narrow specialization and is engaged in servicing one specific type of equipment, or is it planned to open big company providing a wide range of services. In order to occupy a successful and profitable niche in the services market, you will need a thorough study of the market, an analysis of the ways of doing business of all kinds of competitors and, based on the analysis, competent calculation and planning of your own entrepreneurial actions.

Then you need to correctly and competently assess your capabilities and choose one of three ways to start your business: from scratch, buying an existing ASC, acquiring a franchise. Opening your service center, starting from scratch, is, of course, the most difficult path. Here it would be nice to have some professional connections to help and support in establishing a business. The purchase of an already functioning and existing enterprise will significantly reduce difficulties and reduce risks, because there is already a base of attracted customers, a reputation, a trained staff of employees and workers. It is worth noting that opening a service center by acquiring a franchise does not give much more chances for starting a successful business than other ways of establishing a business.

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Registration and licensing of the service center

, including the opening of authorized service centers, begins with the registration of the enterprise. For this, it is necessary to register the company with the tax office located at the place of residence, and after you have officially registered as a legal entity, you need to take care of ordering stamps and the seal of the organization. Then it will be necessary to open a bank account in order to carry out cashless transactions with other legal entities. You will also need to issue a license for the right to conduct activities that your company will be engaged in, purchase or rent premises and also document this premises.

It should be noted that a license does not need to be obtained for every type of activity. For example, if authorized service centers are repairing garden equipment, no license is required. And here is the service medical equipment must be licensed.

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Why do you need a service center authorization?

If it is planned to carry out warranty or post-warranty repair of equipment in the service center being opened, it must be authorized and have legal law for this type of activity. The authorized service center can be contacted by the buyer of equipment that failed during the warranty period. ASC in this case carries out free repairs or replaces faulty equipment.

Most manufacturers of any equipment do not have the opportunity to locate their service centers in the vicinity. In this case, manufacturers enter into an agreement with an authorized service center to repair their branded equipment. In order for the service center to meet the requirements of the manufacturer and be able to fully function, it must have its own collection point, an equipped repair shop, and vehicles adapted for transporting bulky cargo.

All current issues that arise during the warranty repair process are directly resolved by the service center. The manufacturer is interested in the prompt and high-quality repair of its products and therefore supplies its branded parts and components for replacement free of charge, replaces equipment that is no longer subject to repair, and pays for repair work.

The service center, for its part, must also diligently treat its duties in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. Repair shops must be equipped with high-tech equipment in order to carry out high-quality repairs. Personnel must be qualified professionals who must be neat, tidy and courteous.

The authorization of the service center is confirmed by the manufacturer with a special certificate. An individual contract is concluded between both parties, on the basis of which the equipment is repaired by the service center. In addition, even at the initial stage of the service center, it is necessary to establish partnerships with several suppliers of parts and spare parts for the repaired equipment. This is necessary to speed up the repair period of equipment and avoid possible interruptions in the supply of spare parts. After all, the timing of the repair depends on the speed of delivery of the necessary part.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

In any home today there are many electrical appliances, their users usually do not have the slightest idea about the device, and even more so about how to repair it in the event of a breakdown. At the same time, in most cases, the failed equipment is subject to restoration, and repair is much more economically profitable than buying a new unit. In this regard, the need for the services of craftsmen among the population is constant, a true professional, able to cope with any breakdown, will definitely find his client. Building a household appliance repair business is relatively easy, but for this you need to have the appropriate knowledge, and not every master is universal, being able to work with absolutely any equipment from any manufacturer. But even in this case, you can build your own successful business which will have many development prospects.

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The biggest problem, perhaps, can be called the level of competition in this type of business. Due to the simplicity of starting and low costs, there are a large number of players on the market who already have an established client base, they can be found in any area of ​​the city, and rivalry forces them to constantly reduce prices for their services. Depending on the market situation in the city where you have to work, it can be very difficult to organize your own business, especially if there is already a workshop for the repair and maintenance of equipment nearby. However, due to the wide variety of technical products and the difference in their structure, many craftsmen do not even compete with each other, but rather cooperate, occupying different niches and offering their customers the repair of different equipment, and a large number of service centers rarely take on the same type of work. , this is done by one workshop. Thus, there is a complete differentiation of the services offered, and the competition ceases to be sharp.

However, the way you organize your home appliance repair business can be different and has two directions. The first way is a mono-brand salon, which offers the repair of equipment of only one specific manufacturer, and does not undertake the maintenance of equipment of others. Which service center often acts as a partner for a household store and provides warranty service for equipment purchased in this store. This method of organization has its advantages and disadvantages. If you maintain your own mono-brand salon and cooperate with household appliances stores, you can constantly have service orders, but in this case, the store or device manufacturer will pay for the repair of equipment.

An exception can be called buyers who have expired the warranty period, but who seek to have their equipment repaired by an official master. IN this case you will have to maintain high quality indicators of the work performed, often act at the behest of stores, and the range of opportunities is limited to servicing only one manufacturer, which significantly reduces the number potential consumers. A store that is looking for cooperation with a service center will submit to the latter high requirements, and often in this case you have to invest more in your arrangement. All this should be covered by a stable and large number of orders, but not every manufacturer or store can offer this.

The second way of organizing such a business is opposed to the first, because it involves the maintenance and repair of a variety of equipment from different manufacturers. Relatively speaking, it is multi-brand, but in fact does not make any difference in the brand of products, but simply troubleshoots. Hence the main difficulty in organizing such a business - masters must be generalists, be able to understand any devices, taking into account their features, and often the design of the same type of products from different manufacturers varies significantly. But in this case, the repair shop operates independently of other structures, conducts its own own policy and has more possibilities to attract a large number of consumers. With this way of organizing, there is a considerable risk that demand will fluctuate greatly, but this problem must be smoothed out by constantly asking people to fix different brands of products. It is not worth comparing these two ways of organizing a business, because in each case one or the other may be preferable. To do this, it is worth studying the offers of household appliances stores and manufacturers, and then make a decision depending on the conditions offered.

To get started, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. There is no need to register a legal entity, you can stay individual by registering as a sole trader. If there is a need to still register a legal entity, then it is better to choose a form of company with limited liability, this will make it possible to use a simplified taxation system, as is the case with individual entrepreneurship. However, registration of an IP is much simpler and requires significantly lower costs, an individual entrepreneur is liable for debts with his own property, but in such a business, as a rule, serious debts do not arise. It is also worth choosing the OKVED code correctly, and the activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 95.2 Services for the repair of personal items and household goods, but this grouping includes many provisions, and almost all of them can be suitable for a household appliance repair business . For the repair of mobile phones, the definition of consumer goods is more suitable.

The next step in organizing your business will be the search for premises, and in this case, you must first of all focus on ensuring that there are no competing firms nearby. A significant advantage of organizing a small equipment repair business is the ability to work in a very small space, one master with all the necessary equipment can fit in an area of ​​​​no more than 10 m 2. This includes mobile phones and all small, small and easily transportable household appliances. In case you have to work with large units (refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.), then it will no longer be possible to get by with a small area and you will have to rent significant spaces for your work. This is due at least to the fact that there will be a need for a place to accommodate equipment, including one that is only in the queue, space for the convenience of the master and a platform for unloading and loading equipment. The workshop itself can be located in the city center, especially where there is very good traffic, but the enterprise that is located on the territory of residential areas can also be successful. Moreover, in some cases, accommodation in residential areas is more appropriate than in the city center, where there are practically no residential apartments and houses, and this primarily concerns a workshop for the repair and maintenance of large-sized equipment. But even in this case, there is an opportunity to save on rent if you offer your customers home visits.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Ideally, the workshop should offer its customers solutions to issues of any complexity, and not all of them can be solved in the client's apartment, but at first you can limit yourself to home repair services. In this case, most clients will be able to help, and it will be possible to rent a large room a little later, when there is an accumulated client base. Providing repair services at home almost completely eliminates the need to maintain an office, because if the entrepreneur himself is a master, then he can keep all the equipment at home, and accept applications only by phone. For businessmen with limited financial resources, this way of organizing a business is much more preferable, but it is absolutely not suitable when working with stores providing warranty service for equipment and a specific manufacturer, and also not very successful in the case of repairing small household appliances and especially mobile phones, because in this case it is assumed that the master takes the technique to himself. On the other hand, small appliances and phones can be repaired at home.

But even if the business was started with the provision of services by one person - an entrepreneur, sooner or later in its development it will reach a level where additional specialists will be required. In the case of working with large equipment, you will initially have to attract additional forces. Therefore, you need to think about the personnel issue from the very beginning. It is best to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit, only masters will work directly in the company itself, and the entrepreneur himself must perform all administrative and organizational duties. Looking for experienced and knowledgeable features devices of many products are specialists. Their number is determined by the very level of the enterprise, and at first it can be two people, if not one at all.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In addition, when working with large equipment, loaders and a driver are involved, this is necessary only when the work is performed directly on the territory of the workshop. And in this case, it is critical to purchase freight car, but the simplest such representative will cost about 200 thousand rubles. This will be a used car. Russian production, but for the first time this will be enough to transport equipment. The body of the car can also become an advertising platform, which contains information about the workshop. Given that the car will move around the city, you can count on the fact that a sufficiently large number of people will know about the company's offer.

Working with each type of equipment has its own characteristics, which type of business may not be in demand among the population if the craftsmen offer maintenance and repair of milking a book, which is easier to replace than repair. Therefore, the maintenance of systems or other types of equipment may be different in terms of economic attractiveness. The most cost-effective undertaking can be called the repair of refrigerators, because this large technique is easy to repair, and even an inexperienced specialist can handle it. It is relatively easy to learn how to repair refrigerators, and therefore there is no personnel issue. At the same time, such devices are expensive enough to be replaced even with a serious breakdown, and many users are much more likely to call the master than go to the hardware store. Refrigerators, in comparison with other equipment, are not so subject to obsolescence, they serve for a long time, therefore, even when the warranty ends, the user operates the refrigerator for a long time. Washing machines can also be noted from other large-sized equipment, but they are more difficult to repair, although in most cases it turns out to be somewhat cheaper than buying a new one.

With small appliances, everything is much more complicated, because it costs an order of magnitude cheaper, the price of components is often comparable to the price of a new product, and many users prefer to change such products even with a minor breakdown. Demand for these types of services will be much lower, and consumers who know the price will often forego repairs in favor of buying a new product. This issue is especially acute with cell phones, because they become morally obsolete very quickly, and after the warranty expires, the consumer often no longer needs the phone if it breaks down. Even a person with limited funds can go to a salon instead of repairing their phone cellular communication and purchase for a while an inexpensive model, which he will use until he saves money for a new modern phone. In this regard, it is better to repair small household appliances and mobile phones as a mono-brand service center that works at the store and offers warranty service for products. However, even a multi-brand salon can offer its customers simple operations that are much cheaper than buying a new phone. This includes replacing the display, microphone, speaker, receiver, battery for some models, as well as flashing software and simple services not to repair, but to improve the phone. If you intend to work with mobile phones, then it is not economically profitable to engage in one repair, but you need to offer Additional services up to drawing pictures on the body or changing the backlight.

Depending on the complexity of the services provided, various equipment is purchased, the cost of which can vary significantly. Repairing small appliances requires special tool kits, as well as soldering stations, ultrasonic baths, and computers with special software for reconfiguration electronic systems. The cost of such equipment starts from about 10 thousand rubles, but can be slightly higher when buying a more professional and advanced tool. At the same time, not all devices can be useful in work, and for a mono-brand service center you will have to buy the most advanced equipment. To repair large equipment, you will need the same tool, but also special equipment for each type of device. The most important thing is the devices for checking the electrical system. The amount of such equipment can be small if you buy standard tool how self-taught masters manage. Also, if you plan to transport equipment, you will need special transport devices. Thus, depending on the complexity of the work and the available funds, the arsenal of the master may be different.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This type of business is characterized by low profitability, because the main part of the repair cost for the client is the price of the components themselves. In this regard, when replacement of any parts is not required, the cost of repairs will not be high, otherwise it is often more profitable for the client to buy new equipment. In general, the cost of the repair shop services themselves rarely exceeds two thousand rubles, and often is within 500. The craftsmen themselves are engaged only in simple repairs (all for the same reason: it is often easier to replace than to repair), the most profitable business will be when there is a large number of small orders. Study complex work disadvantageous neither for the master nor for the consumer.

The repair shop must be actively engaged in its promotion in the market, because without informing the population there will not be enough orders for the survival of the business. Therefore, the advertising campaign should be given special attention, and if necessary, create your own website, which lists all the services offered and the cost of them. In order to quickly fulfill its task, the workshop must have established relationships with suppliers and manufacturers of parts, which, of course, is easier for a monobrand salon to do. This business can become good knowledge for an entrepreneur who is himself a foreman, otherwise almost all income will be spent on expenses.

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average cost a normal set of equipment is approximately 100-200 thousand rubles, a well-equipped service with all additional systems and auxiliary equipment will cost ...

You will need

  • - funds for the purchase of equipment and office equipment (computer, printer);
  • - order forms or contracts with customers for the maintenance and repair of equipment in printed or electronic form;
  • - office space with access for transport;
  • - own car (if the master will go home);
  • - racks for storing tools and equipment;
  • - telephone;
  • - Internet access


Contact tax office to register an individual entrepreneur or other form of ownership. Order a seal or stamp of the organization (it is done only after the official registration of the legal entity). If possible, open a bank account, since cooperation with legal entities (for example, with enterprises) involves paying for your services through bank transfer.

Rent an office space or purchase non-residential space to organize a service center. It is desirable that the office be well lit, so with small details it requires a big con center of attention and vision.

Arrange a good access to the service center. If your company will be engaged in the repair of large-sized, customers will bring it by car. If the master plans to go to clients' homes, a car will be required, since the equipment may require "hospitalization" before the service center.

Purchase a minimum set (oscilloscopes, frequency meters, generators, blocks, screwdrivers). As a rule, in the process of work, the masters may require the purchase of additional equipment, without which it will be impossible to repair this or that technique. You will also need a computer with Internet access to be able to accept orders online and a phone to communicate with the client. You may need a printer to print order forms or service contracts and .

Hire qualified personnel. For effective work service center you will need at least two masters who would have a technical education and experience in the field of maintenance and repair.

Helpful advice

The organization of a service center may involve the opening of an office where only certain models of household appliances and electronics will be repaired, or an office where craftsmen will be able to accept any model of any equipment for repair.


  • Service center business plan
  • service center business plan

After-sales service for the repair of household appliances is a profitable occupation for good craftsmen, whose work is properly organized. Skillful management combined with golden hands can produce impressive results.

You will need

  • - a small room (divided into a room for receiving orders and a working area);
  • - memorable phone number;
  • - base of suppliers of spare parts;
  • - a set of universal tools and test equipment;
  • - several shift masters.


Decide if your service center will operate as an authorized repair shop for one of the famous brands, or you will work independently, repairing household appliances of any brand. The first option may seem attractive only outwardly - foreign manufacturing firms, as a rule, offer such conditions that turn out to be unprofitable for the entrepreneur. Therefore, in most cases, masters prefer to open universal centers for the repair of almost any household appliances.

Think over how orders will be received in your center - organize a mini-office with a telephone on which you can answer customer questions in the room where the workshop will be located. It is desirable that the negotiations were not conducted by the master himself, constantly breaking away from work, but by a person who is free from work - you can connect, for example, one of your female relatives to the case. It's also good if your service center has an easy, memorable number.

Choose a scheme of work with suppliers of spare parts - the time of order fulfillment will often depend on the availability of the necessary spare part, and the very possibility of its fulfillment. It is good to have a database of trusted suppliers, which can then be regularly replenished along the way. If you do not have any base at all, then try to find opportunities to quickly and at an affordable price to get the most demanded spare parts even before the opening of the center.

Rate your technical capabilities- are you personally able to cope with any work (as a rule, the masters themselves open such centers), and do you have everything necessary equipment and a tool for the job. If you do not know the device of any type of household appliances (for example,) very well, and you are not confident in your abilities, look for someone who would be well versed in the work of this particular type. Two or three rotating masters and one person answering phone calls- this is the optimal team for a service center for the repair of household appliances.

Helpful advice

Never count on only one supplier of spare parts, look for options "just in case" in advance, since your competitiveness directly depends on the speed of your order.


Shoe repair service center major cities can become an alternative to the more familiar "handicraft" workshops, in which one person works. Such a business in the field consumer services does not require much start-up capital and quite easy to organize.

You will need

  • - a room in a residential area of ​​the city (30-50 square meters);
  • - a set of machines for repairing shoes;
  • - contracts with several suppliers Supplies;
  • - order clerk and two shoemakers;
  • - site-business card of your institution on the Internet.


Calculate how much space you need to receive and fulfill a fairly large flow of orders, while not resembling a traditional lone handicraftsman in a booth. Experienced entrepreneurs advise renting a room of at least 30 square meters. At the same time, your service center should be clean and tidy - you will need redecorating, and in addition, a connection to a working electrical network, without which you will not be able to use the equipment.

Purchase used, but modern and high-quality shoe repair machines. It will hardly be affordable for a novice entrepreneur to buy equipment from a factory (most likely foreign) - it will cost several tens of thousands of dollars, while domestic machines can be bought, keeping within the amount of up to ten thousand. Find opportunities for small-scale (for starters) purchases of consumables - heels, heels, leather and adhesive mixtures.

Make sure that your relatively new format shoe repair establishment attracts attention - order the creation of a website with a description of the full range of services that your service center is able to provide to professionals. You will also need a signboard and pavement signs, but the means of attracting "traditional" shoe repair alone would obviously not be enough. Develop a corporate identity for your establishment, try to create a memorable image for it.

Select people to work in your center - the revolution in the field of shoe repair should be the distribution of the functions of receiving and fulfilling orders among several people. Hire a woman specifically to take orders from customers and then give customers finished shoes. You must have at least two masters working on the principle of piecework wages.

Service activity refers to services designed to meet the needs of the client. Human needs are divided into short-term, permanent and periodic. Accordingly, and service activity provides such services. The provision of services must be complete and have its final cost.

Distinctive features of service activities

There are features of the provision of services from other activities. First of all, it is intangibility. The client cannot see, touch, look at the service until it is completed. Therefore, it is especially important