Business lady: personal qualities and image of a successful woman. Business lady: how to combine family and work

Gazprom-Media - Moscow

...Gazprom-Media KIT opens a competition for the vacancy of Coffee-lady!Need a coffee lady/coffee man for a GPC contract for a period of 6 months.... ...Fri, from 10-00 to 19-00; work in a comfortable and modern office inBusiness-center "Vereiskaya Plaza 3", st. Vereiskaya. (m. Slavyansky Boulevard...

11 days ago

Intex - Moscow

Responsibilities: Drawing up work schedules; Determination of the required number, professional and qualification composition of employees and contractors in accordance with the production tasks and calendar plans of the construction industry, determination ...

6 days ago

Laboratory Gemotest- Moscow

65 000 rub.

...Assistant manager/ business-assistant/secretary of "Laboratory Gemotest" has been working since 2003, today the company is one of the leaders in laboratory diagnostics in the country, "MARKA No. 1 in Russia - 2017". The laboratory performs more than 55 million tests per year: from standard studies...

4 days ago

Video Gift Studio- Moscow

30 000 rub.

...orders for the production of individual gifts. In addition, we make congratulatory videos for all occasions. Why are we looking forassistant?We want the maximum number of people to know about our gifts, because we believe that they are cool and we will definitely...

4 days ago

GC Novotrans - metro station Dynamo, Moscow

150 000 rub.

Responsibilities: Plan the manager's working day: develop and coordinate the schedule of meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions; Engage in the preparation of business meetings held by the head. Select the necessary materials, notify the participants ...

4 days ago

Etiket - Skolkovo Innovation Center

70,000 - 120,000 rubles

Responsibilities: Search and selection of personnel (posting vacancies on the Internet, searching and processing resumes, conducting telephone interviews, initial interviews with candidates, maintaining a database); Managing HR records; Conducting staff appraisals;...

6 days ago

Richard Mille - Moscow

...Responsibilities: Completebusiness-support and execution of current instructions of the General Director; Search and systematization of necessary information; · Preparation of analytical reports, regulations; · Participation in brand promotion in the Luxury segment; · Confident...

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Volkova Anastasia Tursynovna - Taganskaya metro station, Moscow

75,000 - 95,000 rubles

...Responsibilities: Selection and analysis of the required informationbusiness-tools and implement them Planning the working day. Administrative support. Organization of meetings. The desire to develop and not stand still Recruitment, organization of interviews...

11 days ago

MaximaTelecom - Dostoevskaya metro station, Moscow

What will need to be done: Organization of internal and external meetings, telephone conversations, as well as informational and material preparation for them; Planning, coordinating and maintaining the work schedule of the head; Office work of the Directorate; Working with the system...

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Claire&Clarté - Delovoy Tsentr metro station, Moscow

100 000 rub.

...High stress resistance; Ability to find a solution in any situation; Willingness to work an irregular schedule, Work experienceassistantleader or in project teams as a project leader, project manager, assistant project manager, etc.;...

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Oh Kay Consulting- Moscow

35,000 - 45,000 rubles

...and business trips; Information support of the head; Fulfillment of personal instructions of the head. 2. Work asbusiness-assistant: Document management; Control of setting and deadlines for the implementation of projects and tasks; Maintenance and development...

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Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Russian Villages From the city...- Moscow

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M-moving - metro Yugo-Zapadnaya, Moscow

50,000 - 100,000 rubles

...The owner and manager of a rapidly growing moving company needsBusiness-assistant / personalassistant,with the potential to become an executive director What to do: Searching and structuring information Recruiting personnel, organizing interviews...

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MySchool- Vystavochnaya metro station, Moscow

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Ideal horizontal bar- Moscow

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16 .10 .2015

Business woman must learn

You are interested in trainings:

As a result, you will gain an understanding of the main sources of problems when interacting with subordinates and how to eliminate them. Develop your leadership skills and improve personal efficiency, learn right control work of subordinates inspire them and constantly maintain a high level of motivation to work.

What is prohibited for a business woman: TOP 10 “no” Elena Alexandrova

Today is Boss Day all over the world. This holiday was proposed in 1958 by American secretary Patricia Harosky. After only 4 years, this holiday became official in the state of Illinois, and then rapidly spread throughout the world. Just a few decades ago, those who were congratulated on Boss Day were exclusively men. Now women are also receiving congratulations. Women leaders are called "business women" and they are expected to have special approaches to work, subordinates and to themselves.

Today is Boss Day all over the world. This holiday was proposed in 1958 by American secretary Patricia Harosky. After only 4 years, this holiday became official in the state of Illinois, and then rapidly spread throughout the world.

Just a few decades ago, those who were congratulated on Boss Day were exclusively men. Now women are also receiving congratulations. Women leaders are called "business women" and they are expected to have special approaches to work, subordinates and to themselves.

We are talking today with the executive director and managing partner of BogushTime about what is strictly forbidden for a business woman

Who is a business woman? This is a female leader. Who is a successful business woman? This is a business woman who knows that a leader is a person who is obliged to ensure the result, regardless of the situation, without discounting the floor. A business woman knows how to provide this result and at the same time does not forget that she is a woman. How does she manage all this? Let's go from the opposite and name those moments that should not be in the work of a business woman.

Business lady can't go astray

Any leader should focus on, because working with goals is the main function of the leader and his main advantage. Focusing on goals makes it possible to see the whole picture of what is happening, take into account risks, draw up a working strategic plan, set priorities correctly, influence the situation and direct your employees in the right direction. Every time you get into a state of confusion, you really need to work on goals and make plans. You sit down and describe everything according to the company's activities and then you see that in order to have such a result in 3 months, you and your employees need to take such and such steps today.
In order for each employee to understand what he needs to do to achieve a common goal, the manager must convey these goals and developed plans to his employees: people need guidance for the future and confidence in it. In addition, they must understand why today they are doing the work that is not always interesting and does not always inspire them. Only an understanding of the goals gives their work meaning, determines motivation and forms loyalty to the management and the company.

Business woman should not let things take their course

The leader must be able to control the execution of tasks well, because setting goals is one thing, but being able to control their achievement is another. Therefore, any leader must have the tools with which he controls the achievement of a particular goal and be able to use them. Tools may be different, but they should be. Because if the manager does not control the receipt of intermediate results, especially the final results, then the employees get the idea that this is not important and they sabotage the work.

Business woman must not lose faith in the product

A successful leader must constantly or subdivision. Those. people should understand that they are doing something good, useful and they manage to achieve results and achieve goals even in difficult times. Therefore, it is important to constantly focus the attention of your team on what has been done well.

Even in our company, when we stop sending out good news, when we don't report some good results, and when we don't take stock, people get stuck in a routine and lose energy and motivation. When we give confirmation of what has been done, when we sum up the results within a week and send out good news, then people really see how much has been done, how cool we are and our product is great, and how many people we have helped.

Business woman can't be modest

You need to constantly ask customers to give feedback about the product, about the benefits they received by purchasing your company's product or service or interacting with you. It's important to get positive feedback from customers and make it known to your employees to inspire them. It is even better to make it known to the general public in order to create a certain image for yourself, your company and its products.

Business woman can't be biased

There must be leverage, carrot and stick, reward and punishment. If a person deserves a bonus, then he needs to be rewarded and not necessarily with money, for example, give an additional paid day off. Those. give some special conditions at the moment when a person deserves it. At the same time, encourage everyone to know about it.
And to punish behind closed doors, but only when a person has really gone blunt somewhere, as a result of which the company has suffered some losses, received a blow to the image, etc. If people are only encouraged, that's good. But people should understand that if you make a mistake, you must make a contribution to correct the situation.

Business women should not be led by employees

The successful action of any leader is not to get involved in the problems of employees. Because the leader must be “lazy” and force employees to work, and not work for them, and he must have his attention on the future. Because when a leader gets involved in current problems, his attention gets off track, and this does not allow the company to develop. Therefore, as soon as a problem arises, then demand from the employee options for solutions, you can support one of them, direct, but never take up the matter yourself.

Business woman should not forget about people

My tactics are such that it is important for me to support people, and if I see that I can help, then I help. At least the fact that I’m talking to a person and it already becomes easier for him from the fact that he was given attention. At the same time, it is important to help employees keep the focus on personal goals. The goals of the company are good, but if you see that an employee is dead, then talk to him, find out what he wants for himself and how he can realize it with the help of the company.

A business woman should not focus only on the company

A top executive must have public relations at his level. Those. if you are a director, then you need to communicate with directors, if you are a commercial or financial director, then you need your own social circle. It is imperative to have communications outside the company, because when you are just “boiling” inside the company, you get stuck, your attention is only here and there is no way to look outside at your company and your activities. And when you communicate with people, then you have some new ideas, the opportunity to evaluate what is happening now and what you can improve.

Business woman must learn

It is important to be constantly learning. If this is not done, then the ways to get results and achieve goals become obsolete over time, and learning is the only way to start doing things differently.

Business woman should not miss the mood of her team

It is sacred for a successful leader to ensure that employees understand each other and maintain productive communication with each other. If I see that someone is in conflict with someone, I settle it here. I do not allow someone to swear at someone - when I see this, I do everything to cope with it. And people who are not configured to communicate and interfere with the work of other employees need to be removed from the team - this solves many problems in itself.

Business woman should not be in a bad mood

The leader must keep himself in a good emotional state. Because if you, as a leader, are crushed, then you don’t want anything - no goals, no control, no work. In fact, when you are in a bad state, you cannot manage properly. Therefore, sometimes a leader, especially a woman, needs to drop everything and go do what is pleasant. Everyone chooses something for themselves: massage, training, sports, extreme sports, family, children, etc. Everything that you like, that inspires you, that lifts you in emotional tone.

Long gone are the days when the fairer sex was engaged exclusively in housework. Many modern women are establishing business connections, pursuing a career or starting their own business. We will talk about how to become a business woman from scratch in this article.

Where to begin?

Interested in how to become a successful business lady? The most important thing is to start your business right. You should not immediately take huge loans to purchase a ready-made enterprise. First of all, decide what you would like to do.


  • Choose a good business idea;
  • Read thematic literature;
  • Connect with successful entrepreneurs;
  • Gather all the necessary documents and officially register your company;
  • Attend trainings and seminars;
  • Invest your profits in business development to achieve the best result.

What to do?

How to become a business lady and where to start to make your dream come true?
  • Look like a business lady. Buy expensive high-quality things, do moderate makeup. Your appearance should indicate your success;
  • Try to communicate more often with people who have managed to achieve success. They will help you become more confident and believe in yourself. With those who constantly complain about life, communication should be limited;
  • Constantly engage in self-development;
  • Learn to think like you own a big business;
  • The constant striving for something new will help you reach heights in any business.

Children's beauty salon

If you are concerned about the question of how to become a business woman and open your own business, pay attention to the beauty industry. This line of business brings good profits at any time.

Rent a small space and open a beauty salon for children. Haircutting a child is a rather troublesome task that not every professional can handle. Hire hairdressers who love children and enjoy working with them. You can hire young professionals who have just completed their studies and do not know. The room should be decorated with various pictures with fairy-tale characters so that the baby is not afraid to go to the beauty salon. Also hang a TV where the little visitor can watch cartoons while cutting. Usually parents do not spare money for their children, so such a business will bring good profits.

Creative studio for children

Any mother believes that her baby is talented and special. But to deal with it on their own, modern parents usually do not have enough time. If you have a pedagogical education and have certain knowledge, open your own business center for children's creativity or a game room. In this case, you do not have to think about and take a teacher's vacancy in some children's educational institution. You yourself will become an employer and will receive not only pleasure from your work, but also a good profit. The demand for educational activities with children is constantly growing, so you will not lack customers. This is a fairly profitable business that does not require large initial investments.

Cleaning of apartments and houses

Almost all women know how to clean and restore order. Why not make money from it? To start such a business, you do not need a large investment. It is enough to purchase the necessary cleaning equipment, buy cleaning products and you can advertise in the media to find your first customers. At first, you can do the cleaning yourself. If you can't handle the work yourself, hire 2-3 assistants to take on more orders.

Let's see who is a business lady? This is a woman who has business acumen and knows how to make money out of the blue. Cleaning of premises is a simple and affordable business that can be opened in any city literally from scratch. If you take your business seriously and responsibly, over time you will be able to become the owner of a large one.

Culinary products

Let's find out, shall we? First of all, it is a cook and a confectioner. Such professionals are needed always and everywhere. If you are good at cooking, you can open your own business, such as making culinary products or making custom cakes.

Modern people highly appreciate the author's cooking, so they often order cakes from private confectioners. In order to do this business, you do not need a large start-up capital. It is enough to purchase the necessary equipment and purchase quality products.

You can advertise your services in social networks and thematic forums on the Internet. This advertising option, despite its low cost, is quite effective. In the future, with success, it will be possible, thereby expanding the business and increasing profits.

Internet trading

If you have firmly decided that I want to become a business lady, but you don’t know where to start your business, try opening your own online store.

You can sell online:

  • Clothes and shoes;
  • Kids toys;
  • Video tutorials and more.

Trade on your own resources and on other sites using affiliate programs. In addition, you can do network marketing - distribute cosmetics, gift books or nutritional supplements. Before becoming a business woman, you can work as a sales representative in some large company to gain invaluable experience. After that, feel free to open your own business.

Through the Internet is a popular and profitable activity that you can start almost from scratch. Do not be afraid to try your hand in this direction.

Children's things under the order

Young mothers who are on maternity leave can tailor children's clothes to order. Original high-quality clothes for babies are always in great demand. Your child, dressed in beautiful unusual things, usually acts as a model advertising products. In addition, you can make author's children's toys or cook children's soap with natural extracts.

Trainings and seminars

Are you interested? Better try to open your own business. This is the best way to earn money and at the same time, assert yourself. Women who have oratory skills can engage in training on various topics:

  • Family relationships;
  • Parenting;
  • Beauty and health;
  • Home economics.

At first, classes can be carried out at home. When the audience starts to expand, rent an office or a training room.

Nowadays, online training is very popular. Using Skype, you can communicate with your students without having to spend money on office rent, which will significantly reduce the payback period of the business.

Handmade souvenirs

Almost every woman has some useful hobbies. It can be embroidery, knitting, making souvenirs and so on. Any hobby can be turned into a profitable business. You can sell your products online. Copyright items are in great demand, especially on foreign sites. When the business begins to expand, open your own gift shop, where you can sell not only your products, but also other goods.


There are different ideas on the basis of which you can create a profitable promising business. Many of them do not require a large initial investment. In the process of work, certain difficulties may arise, but do not be upset ahead of time. If you encounter setbacks, never give up. Love your business, and it will surely become successful.

Our strength is in our weakness,

and our weakness is boundless.

W. Shakespeare. The Taming of the Shrew

Today it is almost impossible to find such a field of activity, wherever a woman works, moreover, where she would not occupy leadership or at least key positions. In Russia, for example, women head 40% of small and medium-sized businesses. But even a hundred years ago it was hard to imagine that women could adequately work in business, which has always been considered a purely male path. And here you go, they work! And how successful! But business women, strictly speaking, are not only female managers, but also representatives of ordinary professions that are somehow connected with commercial activities, such as an assistant secretary or assistant manager.

It's no secret that the path of a business woman is by no means strewn with roses, and the harsh mentality of business is gradually leaving its unflattering imprint on a finely organized female nature. Business demands from a woman not only strict orderliness of actions, but also sometimes rigidity in decision-making, categorical, authoritarianism. This state of affairs causes irreparable damage to the naturally emotional female psyche. Suppressing femininity in oneself for the sake of circumstances, the beautiful half of humanity risks losing not only peace of mind and self-confidence, but also their main weapon of influence on men. Always being a woman is the only recipe for the success of a real business woman. How to learn to harmoniously combine these two principles - business and femininity?

Softening the tough dress code

Let's start, as K.S. Stanislavsky, "from the hanger", or rather, from the wardrobe of our imaginary business woman. A strict dress code prescribes a strict suit of a traditional cut, a soft range of colors, the absence of aggressively sexual details in the suit (deep neckline, tight-fitting and transparent fabrics, high-heeled shoes, stilettos, etc.). It seems that having lost this arsenal, a woman will turn into a shapeless and asexual object, completely devoid of attractiveness. However, even from such a suit you can create an attractive image.

Firstly, nothing emphasizes female weakness and fragility as much as a male-style suit. Secondly, the skirt always enhances the femininity of its owner, even if she does not get out of trousers and jeans for the entire non-office part of her life. Thirdly, elegant, tastefully selected feminine accessories (brooches, neckerchiefs, men's ties of exquisite colors (yes, yes, your eyesight, dear reader, it's men's ties!)), expensive, but modest in size jewelry ( earrings, beads) will make a woman truly irresistible. Even those details of the toilet that others do not know about, but the owner herself knows (stunning lace underwear, elegant stockings), will give her an inner sense of confidence in her own irresistibility. When a woman likes herself, when she feels her inner strength and, if you like, the power of her charm over the surrounding men, then she is really capable of moving mountains.

Reception - an oasis of femininity

Now let's move from the wardrobe to the reception room, which should be a kind of "oasis of femininity." One should not think that the aura of female presence arises in this or that office due to the aromas of expensive perfume novelties or various gadgets such as openwork frames with photographs on the desktop, souvenirs brought by colleagues from distant countries, plush toys of small caliber ... Nothing like that! Even the strict business environment of the reception can be feminine due to the accuracy, comfort, and most importantly - the friendly, sensitive, attentive attitude of the hostess of the office to her employees and guests.

I often remember how a new secretary, Yulia K., came to the commercial department of our company. For lack of space, she was given an uncomfortable, rather dark walk-through room. A week later, the room was unrecognizable. And it's not that the light was always on in it now, and the feeling of gloom was gone from this, and not even in the new, eye-pleasing blinds or a beautiful large flower that fit comfortably into the interior. It was just Yulia's charming smile, which literally lit up the modest room when one of her colleagues entered it. The combination of calm confidence, the highest professionalism, efficiency, organization and softness, ease (but not lightness!) in dealing with others was so sweet and attractive that it created a strong feeling: not just a business employee, but a lady reigns here!

Even leaving her waiting room and finding herself directly in the circle of colleagues with whom, we note, the assistant manager must keep a certain distance due to the specifics of her work, she did not seem like some kind of alien creature. She was always in a good mood, not talkative, but ready for dialogue, able to joke with others, ask about their personal affairs and hobbies, at the same time a little more formally convey to the employee the manager’s instructions and immediately clearly and even dryly reprimand a negligent colleague for delaying work. In a word, like a true woman, she was always a bit of an actress.

But it is precisely this quality that distinguishes a woman from men. A woman is able to quickly transform, change roles depending on the situation and not feel any nervous strain. Men are simply not capable of such aerobatics, they (if only with very rare exceptions!) Are not able to quickly change roles. For a man, changing his usual image is the strongest stress. But a good and successful business is, first of all, creativity. Improvisation? Yes, but well thought out and prepared in advance. So the female acting beginning in commerce comes in handy.

Explosion of stereotypes

We have already talked about the suit of a business woman. I want to return to this topic once again, but from the point of view of the acting streak in the soul of every woman. If a man, getting ready for work in the morning, thinks about a clean shirt, a tie to match the suit and pressed trousers, then for a real business woman, choosing an image for the next working day takes much more time. Of course, according to the office dress code, an employee is obliged to change her outfit and hairstyle, but this alone is not enough. An experienced business woman thinks through her choice to the smallest detail. If she is going to have a regular meeting, a neutral gray-blue scale is quite enough. If the meeting promises a breakthrough in a career, then she cannot do without a dark blue formal suit with a thin vertical stripe (a symbol of internal professional growth, according to psychologists). And if the meeting involves a confidential conversation, then the pale pink color will become her faithful assistant, conducive to openness and frankness. Tell me, dear reader, would any male businessman bother to analyze his image so carefully in anticipation of the coming day? I won't be wrong if I say no. Only an artistic female nature brings its own rules of the game to business.

One of these rules is especially popular with business women. I mean the explosion of stereotypes. When a male businessman goes to a business meeting with a female executive, a certain stereotype is already present in his mind. Most often, this is a lonely, slightly masculine, bitchy lady of indeterminate age and with a heavy tread. (The image of the boss from the film “Office Romance” immediately comes to mind.) And ... what a surprise! An elegant, slender young woman appears before him, in the presence of which our hero already wants to be, first of all, a man and a gentleman. Or, on the contrary, instead of a quick-witted, sharp-to-word and quick-to-deed aunt, an ephemeral creature with an angelic look and such meekness floats into the negotiation room that it seems he wouldn’t hurt a fly. The man relaxes and loses his vigilance, deciding that it will not be difficult to beat "this sheep". Meanwhile, a “chilling story” unfolds: a lion lurks under the mask of a sheep! Shock and bewilderment - the partner is unsettled ...

Negotiations are like a chess game

Since, following our imaginary heroine, we moved from the reception room to the meeting room, it would not be out of place to remind the reader that a serious business conversation, intricate combinations of steps in the negotiation process, sometimes resemble ingenious chess games. “Where can a woman comprehend the mechanics of these processes. The braid is long - the mind is short, ”those of the men who do not recognize the role of a woman in the negotiation process and in general in business like to quote the proverb. And they are very wrong! A sensitive and emotional female nature, which has excellent intuition, much better than a male one captures the slightest nuances in a change of mood of an interlocutor. The smallest shades of intonation game, not available to the hearing of a man, a woman catches with ease and ease, immediately understanding what the interlocutor's attitude to the issue raised and to her personally. And having a flexible and, as we have already found out, artistic nature, he easily adapts to his opponent, being on his wave both emotionally and intonation. There is a situation of communication in one, albeit non-verbal, language. I'm not talking about the language of facial expressions! Men are less inclined to express their emotions with facial expressions, here the primacy is certainly for women, moreover, the observation of the latter allows them to mirror the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor during discussions, which also contributes to establishing additional positive contact.

Words words…

Men rarely know how to find a successful embodiment in the word of their spiritual movements. Another thing is a woman. Her natural verbal intelligence allows her to find exact matches for expressing the whole gamut of feelings, inner feelings, doubts, hesitations, etc. “You discourage me with your categoricalness!” flight of your thought! - such phrases, uttered by the lips of a woman, and even seasoned with various intonation modulations, can sound playful and intriguing, cool the ardor of the interlocutor, and can also sound like a compliment. In this regard, the possibilities of a woman are truly endless!

Compliment is a woman's weapon

Perhaps we should linger a little on such a powerful "weapon" as a compliment. For men, this is more difficult. To praise another man in front of everyone, especially if this is your business opponent, and even more so a woman (!), the male mentality is unlikely to allow. But a business lady is highly recommended to compliment a man, admiring his mind, intellect, business acumen or insight. For example: “Sergey Ivanovich, among my business partners it is difficult to find a more experienced person who, moreover, has such extensive and significant connections ...”, “Ivan Grigorievich, only you, with your intellectual baggage and a number of unique authoring developments, are capable of the shortest possible time to influence the further course of events. Well, tell me, dear reader, what man would not like an admiring female look and a couple of flattering words, especially if they are supported by facts!

Emphasized attention to the opponent, the ability to react in time to what he said and at the same time find the right emotion, showing interest in the little things in a conversation - all this is extremely appealing to male interlocutors. I know quite a few women who, in a business conversation, did not make long and lengthy speeches, did not demonstrate their erudition for the sake of a red word, but restrainedly and concisely outlined their position, silently listening to the interlocutor the rest of the time. They made the most pleasant impression and evoked readiness for a constructive dialogue and compromise solutions.

Create an atmosphere

For successful negotiations, the ability of a woman to create a meeting atmosphere suitable for the occasion is also useful. You can, of course, hold a meeting in a dry, businesslike way, in a meeting room at a rectangular table, with your partner seated opposite you. Immediately there will be a distance not only physical, visual, but also psychological. What will be the result of the meeting, it is difficult to predict. What will a real woman do? He will hold a meeting at a round table, where all those present are at the same distance from each other, and there are no sharp corners that always cause internal emotional discomfort. In the meeting room, suddenly, quite “accidentally”, there will be an issue of a magazine in which an interview with the current guest is published, or his book, if he wrote one. As a drink "accidentally" his favorite brand of tea or coffee will be offered. In a word, the whole meeting will be prepared in advance and built according to the “beloved guest” scenario, which any woman uses in everyday life. Sometimes she can transfer such a meeting to an expensive cozy restaurant, again taking into account the gastronomic preferences of a business partner. Relax, lull vigilance, tune in to positive communication, win over, evoke pleasant associations - in a word, spread around you that aura of femininity that will allow you to achieve your business goals. This is how woman and business go hand in hand.

And no matter what the skeptics say, a woman and business are two things that are very compatible! The whole point is only the ability to correctly place accents and find the golden mean. Then the business is guaranteed to have a very charming female face.

N.V. Coachman,
personal assistant
Director General of CJSC TVK Aviapark,
Member of the Club of Professional Secretaries

Nowadays, women are used to relying only on themselves in everything. Therefore, they often make a career, start their own business, without consulting the male half. Usually, Business lady, who has already achieved all the successes and is in a leading position, does not have her own family or does not have enough time for her. Then, by the age of forty, a disappointing verdict can be passed - she was left alone. Although no, alone with his career. But there are also reverse situations, when a woman sacrifices the title Business lady and pays great attention to the family, but in this case, her career advancement stops. How to make the right choice?

Home, family, work

Home - family, family - work, the constant cycle of such different life orientations quickly draws you in. A woman with a proudly raised head steps up the career ladder. A graceful silhouette, a light gait, a calm and confident look - all these are business women who rotate at breakneck speed in the business world. But is this the main purpose of a woman? She must create the comfort of the hearth, give birth and raise children, wait for her husband from work. Real success lies in the right combination of career and family. And not everyone can do it.

What to donate?

Many women are simply sure that they always have to sacrifice something: children for work or work for children. Someone is more focused on maintaining family well-being, someone is more focused on self-realization in professional activities. Staying at home and raising children is not for everyone. Some women cannot sit idle. Succeed and become Business lady becomes the main target. And it is necessary as air. You need to listen to yourself, try to understand what exactly the inner self wants, and then act according to the situation.

Combine incompatible

Sometimes you have to go out of your way in an attempt to combine home and work. You have to find the strength to pay attention to both, otherwise you will have to sacrifice either your family or career growth. To begin with, it is recommended to draw a clear line between these concepts. You need to remember: at work - Business lady, at home - a loving and caring wife and mother. It is better to share all the responsibilities between the household, as a working woman will not hurt to rest. You should try to correctly prioritize, because you will have to satisfy the desires and needs of both your own family and demanding bosses.

Who is the earner?

The stumbling block that lies in the way of becoming a business woman is the correct organization of time. There are only 24 hours in a day, and most of the day you have to work. Here you can encounter misunderstanding on the part of the husband. The man is considered the head of the family and the main breadwinner. And, of course, he will be outraged when a woman begins to apply for this place. It is important to remember that any lady, be she Business lady or a simple housewife, will not be able to avoid household chores and forget that she is also a mother. However, there are families where the husband runs the household, and the wife earns money. But there are very few families that have managed to achieve complete harmony.

Follow the principles

There are basic principles, following which a woman can facilitate the difficult reconciliation of family and work. There is no need to stay at work, it is necessary to make it clear to the management that there are still household chores and worries that cannot be avoided. Food can be prepared in advance so that the children and husband can then warm it up. You can't completely forget about children. They need a mom. If possible, you should check the lessons in the evenings or just give them a little time.