Business lady: personal experience of leaders. Time management for women of different social statuses

“Intelligent people need to be hired. Because they think not only about themselves, but also about the space around them. Such a person will not make you a hostage of the trust that you place in him. And you need to trust if you take talented people into the team. In fact, you just need to not interfere with people's work. In Russia, this is difficult, because we are an Asian country, and we are famously successful in all pyramidal structures when the leader gets into everything. I'm trying to build a flat company, my task is to inspire and push for exploits. Especially boys. Our vulnerable boys, whom the country has made so, our system has been destroying the male will for more than five hundred years.

A person needs to be allowed to express himself and cultivate the chemistry of success in him. And also give the right to make mistakes - let him learn. What is happening in our company is a well-organized chaos. I am a brand caretaker, that is, one who observes the values ​​and spirit of the company.

The leader should be a moderator, someone who understands and sees what is good, what is bad and where the level of quality is. The main thing is when any employee, faced with a problem, can approach you as a “brand conscience” for advice. It costs a lot. I am first and foremost a team member. In relations with employees, I generally have a lot of personal things. We do not have an aunt who is responsible for the deadline - you are responsible for it, you look into the eyes of the client. Therefore, there is no question of forcing someone. You can't close everything.

In our company, everything is built on anti-taboos. Right now we are desperately short of gays. We need such a human texture, because a gay man could come up with something for a brand of tights - who else but him? We only have a taboo against scoundrels, scoundrels and gossips.

Natalya Kasperskaya, InfoWatch CEO

“For some reason, many people think that vertical growth is good, and they want to manage someone. I am especially surprised when, immediately after school, they go to study as managers. Since childhood, I have been an activist and have always tried to control someone. A few years ago I received an MBA degree, but I am skeptical about the idea of ​​business education. It is impossible to teach business - it must be in the blood. If it were that simple, everyone would be Rothschilds.

In fact, you have to rely on your intuition, knowledge of the market and understanding of people. When I hire and a person has an MBA diploma, then for me this is not a good sign. Interviewing two candidates, with and without this diploma, I will choose the second one. MBA graduates have more ambitions, they raise their salaries and believe that everyone already knows.

  • What pisses us off at work: revelations from employees

When I take a person to work, I do not rely on intuition. My experience, unfortunately, shows that the higher the position, the more difficult it is to identify professional suitability. If you hire a marketing director, he is already so prepared for the interview and knows all the questions in advance that you can’t understand what he will be like at work. I manage developers. On the one hand, it is easier - they understand everything themselves, and on the other hand, it is more difficult, because many of them are much smarter than me. Ordering, pounding the table with my fist is not my story, although there have been cases. But in general, top managers do not need petty instructions.”

Tatyana Rogachenko, owner of Jean Louis David salons

“In my business, working with people is the most difficult thing. Because everyone is a key figure. His emotions can both positively and negatively affect the client. Even the best master is not immune from this. I consider myself a flexible and diplomatic person, I always try to remain calm. Emotions I allow myself only in my personal life.

A lot of people think I'm tough. One of my former employees wrote that I was a bitch. Perhaps because I am a demanding leader. But at the same time, I really like to raise staff and share my experience with them.

I'm lucky, I get money for what brings me pleasure. My principle in life is not to reinvent the wheel. Therefore, when I decided to open beauty salons in Russia, I chose the franchise path.

Our clients are more picky than in the West. And men stop being shy. They not only cut their hair, but also do a manicure - this is already a must. Pedicure and beautician on the way.

  • Tatiana Berkovich, restaurateur

    “In the restaurant business, as in any other, the main thing for a leader is fairness. That is, do not allow yourself to act under the influence of emotions and personal sympathies. I always try to explain and put them in my place: "And if you yourself..." I try to create an atmosphere in the restaurant. I always tell my employees: “All that you have is good, drag it here. All problems should stay at home. I teach them by example. They are young, but not stupid, and they understand that I will not advise bad. I worked as a bartender in a nightclub in Düsseldorf, and how good it was - everything will come in handy. Purely worldly and managerial skills can only be obtained from life - no gymnasiums teach this.

    Our people have become better versed in food. With France, everything is clear - there are hereditary culinary specialists, in the fifth generation. And here what? It is clear that if you eat potatoes with pasta for 70 years, then already at the level of genetics, taste buds degenerate. We have talents, but we still don't have a few of them - mass cooking. I don't have a single foreign chef in my restaurant. All Russians, young guys. The less he knows, the better. Better from the bench of the culinary college. The only thing he should be able to do is peel potatoes. After all, retraining is much harder than teaching from scratch.

    I always ask if I served in the army. It means a lot to me - a man has to go through this! There must be military discipline in the kitchen. I have a favorite - Jamie Oliver (Jamie Oliver). He's brilliant! In everything. He is not afraid of products and treats himself with humor. After all, as soon as a person begins to take himself seriously, it's all over. Whatever specialist he may be, he is a fool.”

    Maria Maksimchuk, conductor of the Moscow Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

    “As a child, I was afraid to be alone on stage, so I decided to become a conductor - he is always in the company. A female conductor always has to prove something. This is a very ambitious profession, the competition here is tough. Like in an aviary. Artists require exceptionally tight management. My dad led the army, and big - you can’t show emotions there. But in music it's the other way around. When you go into a rage, the artists understand better.

    Although the conductor is also a commander. Because he risks himself, goes ahead first, and people follow him. He is responsible for everything. As soon as the conductor starts playing for the audience, the orchestra starts doing the same. You need to love and trust the orchestra, because how can you take responsibility for what you don't love? An orchestra is a one-time presence in one mood, thought. As soon as you think about an outsider, everything falls apart. Much depends on the degree of concentration and involvement of the conductor.

    I see the eyes of everyone in the orchestra, and it is important that they look at me. Otherwise, the artist will sit and read "Soviet Sport". There is no female conducting. Swinging, waving your arms - it shouldn't be like that. You have to do everything like a man. They are arranged in such a way that they organically develop a pattern of gesture - it is more correct, stingy and strong.

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  • Elena Yatsura, producer

    “Problems of a gender nature in the profession are still an open topic for me. Despite the grandiose track record, men pretend that they are in command. I am a stubborn person. But everything should be decided through negotiations. Including with the creative team, which has its own cunning and stubbornness and with whom it is most difficult to work, although it is the smallest. My employees are not afraid of me, because I do not hire cowards. I like to teach if I see that there are abilities.

    I have a peculiar relationship with money, which is probably why I still have not learned how to ask for it. I say right away that this is not quick money. At the time of the default, it was such that I borrowed ... two thousand from my aunt, two from friends and four for the first time in my life I took on credit. Cinema is not a gold mine, as many people think. Loans, investors, business plans, market analysis every three months. The story about the fact that “guys, give us money, and everything will be back in six months” does not work - you have to answer for everything.

    The peculiarity of Russian business, in particular cinema, is that the main one who does not understand who a producer is and how everything should be arranged is the state. It mindlessly interferes in everything, instead of being engaged in the development of new technologies and promotion. We have an impeccable audience, and it's a lie that she watches only pop music. You just need to be able to sell and build movie theaters in the provinces. It’s terribly convenient to say that the public is an idiot.”

    Nowadays, women are used to relying only on themselves in everything. Therefore, they often make a career, start their own business, without consulting the male half. Usually, Business lady, who has already achieved all the successes and is in a leading position, does not have her own family or does not have enough time for her. Then, by the age of forty, a disappointing verdict can be passed - she was left alone. Although no, alone with his career. But there are also reverse situations, when a woman sacrifices the title Business lady and pays great attention to the family, but in this case, her career advancement stops. How to make the right choice?

    Home, family, work

    Home - family, family - work, the constant cycle of such different life orientations quickly draws you in. A woman with a proudly raised head steps up the career ladder. A graceful silhouette, a light gait, a calm and confident look - all these are business women who rotate at breakneck speed in the business world. But is this the main purpose of a woman? She must create the comfort of the hearth, give birth and raise children, wait for her husband from work. Real success lies in the right combination of career and family. And not everyone can do it.

    What to donate?

    Many women are simply sure that they always have to sacrifice something: children for work or work for children. Someone is more focused on maintaining family well-being, someone is more focused on self-realization in professional activities. Staying at home and raising children is not for everyone. Some women cannot sit idle. Succeed and become Business lady becomes the main target. And it is necessary as air. You need to listen to yourself, try to understand what exactly the inner self wants, and then act according to the situation.

    Combine incompatible

    Sometimes you have to go out of your way in an attempt to combine home and work. You have to find the strength to pay attention to both, otherwise you will have to sacrifice either your family or career growth. To begin with, it is recommended to draw a clear line between these concepts. You need to remember: at work - Business lady, at home - a loving and caring wife and mother. It is better to share all the responsibilities between the household, as a working woman will not hurt to rest. You should try to correctly prioritize, because you will have to satisfy the desires and needs of both your own family and demanding bosses.

    Who is the earner?

    The stumbling block that lies in the way of becoming a business woman is the correct organization of time. There are only 24 hours in a day, and most of the day you have to work. Here you can encounter misunderstanding on the part of the husband. The man is considered the head of the family and the main breadwinner. And, of course, he will be outraged when a woman begins to apply for this place. It is important to remember that any lady, be she Business lady or a simple housewife, will not be able to avoid household chores and forget that she is also a mother. However, there are families where the husband runs the household, and the wife earns money. But there are very few families that have managed to achieve complete harmony.

    Follow the principles

    There are basic principles, following which a woman can facilitate the difficult reconciliation of family and work. There is no need to stay at work, it is necessary to make it clear to the management that there are still household chores and worries that cannot be avoided. Food can be prepared in advance so that the children and husband can then warm it up. You can't completely forget about children. They need a mom. If possible, you should check the lessons in the evenings or just give them a little time.

    Every mother knows what time her baby goes to bed, what time he needs to be fed and when he is in a playful mood. Well, it remains only to correctly adjust your affairs to this uncomplicated daily routine.

    When the child rests during the day, don't waste your time pat around the house: take care of cleaning, washing, ironing, etc. Stretch this process over several days: one thing today, another tomorrow. By the end of the week, it turns out that you spent at least 6 hours on household chores. Isn't it possible to bring the apartment into perfect condition during this time?

    When the child is playful and longs for street walks, use this time to visit the store, meet your girlfriend. So you win, and the child is happy. After putting the baby to sleep at night, nothing prevents you from secluded with your beloved husband and relax with a glass of wine or devote time to yourself and soak in a hot foamy bath.

    Also, don't forget that some things can be delegated to the husband. Use it to visit a beauty salon, go in for sports - in general, in order to put yourself in order.

    Nobody promised that it would be easy. But by properly planning your day, you can be less tired and continue to enjoy life.

    The hard life of a business woman

    Business women are women who own their own business. It would seem that sleep more, work less, go to salons and travel. But not everything is so simple. Lady Boss is not just the face of the company, but also an example for all employees. She must always look presentable, be available to her subordinates 24 hours a day, while finding time for household chores and personal life. In the business sphere, time management is indispensable without the basics.

    For a business woman it is important:

    • make a plan for the short and long term;
    • always have a backup plan - plan B;
    • delegate responsibilities.

    In the life of a modern woman, one cannot do without a pre-drawn daily routine - a plan. If we are talking about a business woman, then it becomes equally important to draw up a fallback plan in case the meeting with a partner or client fails. In the business sphere, this happens all the time, so that time is not wasted, you always need to be ready to occupy it with something useful.

    In order to learn about the transfer or cancellation of plans not at the very last moment, but in advance, you need to regularly contact partners to clarify whether everything is in force. This job is best delegate to one of the subordinates. Ideally, for such purposes hire a personal assistant or secretary. Freed from smaller tasks, you can devote more time to global ones, thereby saving time and directing your efforts in the right direction.

    What is it like to be a student and build a career?

    More and more conscious young people are striving to find a job while still studying at the university. Someone is looking for a temporary part-time job in order to have personal finances, and someone is looking for a full-time job, which in the future would become permanent, could bring a stable income and provide an opportunity for development and career growth. How to adapt to the employer, teacher and have time to enjoy all the delights of student life?

    Only one thing will help here - timely completion of current tasks. Do not delay with term papers and essays, as well as at work - do not postpone the date of delivery of the project. Certainly, will have to sacrifice personal time, but if you alternate things, then everything, always and everywhere, you can keep up.

    So that the routine does not drag out, and a large flow of tasks does not knock you off your feet, make time for yourself in your schedule. Go in for sports, it perfectly discharges and promotes the production of the hormone of happiness. A charge of vivacity and a sense of satisfaction are provided.

    Don't be afraid to ask non-working friends for help. But don't abuse it either. You yourself have chosen your path, you yourself have set a goal for yourself - and achieve it yourself.

    Whatever a woman does, time management in her life is a breath of fresh air, a ray of light in the dark, which shows a way out of seemingly the most hopeless situations. You already perform your duties daily, so why not start doing them more smoothly and clearly in order to save your time and effort, look great and be in a great mood. No one should be forced to follow any lifestyle. But you will never know if time management can change your life unless you try. Be happy and take care of yourself. No business is worth so many forces that take away health.

    The path to success is not strewn with rose petals. Everyone knows this. And if a woman builds the path to a successful career, then it is doubly difficult. Business lady- a woman running a business, creating commercial structures, focused only on financial success. At the same time, it is not always important that a woman be a leader.

    Who is building the business?

    Businesses are built by people who take risks when creating something new. They know that having invested money, it is necessary not only to return it, but also to increase it.

    A successful business woman is risk-averse, but within reason, to accomplish her own goals. A successful woman always predicts the result of her actions and clearly knows where to invest money for maximum profitability.

    The strengths of a business woman include communication skills, initiative, the ability not only to select a team, but also to work in it, communication talent, a strong-willed personality. It's not easy being a business woman.

    Stereotypes about successful women:

    1. A successful business woman is successful not only at work, but also in her personal life.
    2. A business woman prioritizes her career, her family is not important to her.

    There is some truth in these stereotypes. Women who have a successful business, if they have a family, but pay little attention to it. Of course, everything needs harmony. But practice shows that improperly organized time and low efficiency of a domestic business woman prevent her from working on two fronts. The “soviet” upbringing interferes - for years we were told that in order to work effectively we need to work 50 hours a day. Therefore, midnight work, protracted presentations, etc. have become the norm.

    Of course, with such a distribution of time for the family, there is absolutely no time left. The mistake of our post-Soviet workers is the wrong distribution of time, the inability to delegate authority to their employees. The myth of “presence” also serves negatively - not a single enterprise has yet collapsed if the leader does not control every second.

    Successful business woman and their categories

    Of course, given the above factors, personal life flies into the abyss. In such a situation, a business woman can be classified into two categories.

    Women of the first category understand that it is impossible to forget about the family. They try to find time to take a walk with the children, communicate with them, spend time, though not very much, but qualitatively. A successful woman will always find time for her family.

    Directly opposite are our business women and those who are abroad. In other countries, both time management and delegation of authority are excellent. Foreign business women devote more time to their families and children.

    The work of a successful business woman and her psychological problems

    Women additionally have to face many psychological difficulties, including the male team. Entrepreneurs, for the most part, treat their colleagues with disdain. Every day a woman has to defend her right to a place in the sun. Being successful isn't easy.

    The second problem is often illiteracy and unpreparedness, this can be attributed to both men and women. Our entrepreneurs can't stand up for their space and emotional health. As a result, incorrectly conducted negotiations, incorrect distribution of time and tasks between their subordinates. Such hard work can have an extremely negative effect on the nervous system of a woman. Often, lack of self-control due to nervous exhaustion contributes to divorce and loss of contact with children. Only professionalism will help to solve the problem. If a business woman is a professional of the highest class, then the male team will follow her and appreciate her merits.

    What qualities does a business woman need?

    Not every woman can be a business woman. According to statistics, only 10-15% of people have a business streak. To be successful, you need to be highly developed intellectually, sociable, courage, have leadership qualities, it is very important to be able to set tasks and goals correctly. It is important to learn how to negotiate and make the right decisions. Remember, business is hard work and you need to be prepared that you won’t be able to rest and relax. Try to achieve harmony and be successful in your affairs and endeavors.

    16 .10 .2015

    Business woman must learn

    You are interested in trainings:

    As a result, you will gain an understanding of the main sources of problems when interacting with subordinates and how to eliminate them. Develop your leadership skills and improve personal efficiency, learn right control work of subordinates inspire them and constantly maintain a high level of motivation to work.

    What is prohibited for a business woman: TOP 10 “no” Elena Alexandrova

    Today is Boss Day all over the world. This holiday was proposed in 1958 by American secretary Patricia Harosky. After only 4 years, this holiday became official in the state of Illinois, and then rapidly spread throughout the world. Just a few decades ago, those who were congratulated on Boss Day were exclusively men. Now women are also receiving congratulations. Women leaders are called "business women" and they are expected to have special approaches to work, subordinates and to themselves.

    Today is Boss Day all over the world. This holiday was proposed in 1958 by American secretary Patricia Haroski. After only 4 years, this holiday became official in the state of Illinois, and then rapidly spread throughout the world.

    Just a few decades ago, those who were congratulated on Boss Day were exclusively men. Now women are also receiving congratulations. Women leaders are called "business women" and they are expected to have special approaches to work, subordinates and to themselves.

    We are talking today with the executive director and managing partner of BogushTime about what is strictly forbidden for a business woman

    Who is a business woman? This is a female leader. Who is a successful business woman? This is a business woman who knows that a leader is a person who is obliged to ensure the result, regardless of the situation, without discounting the floor. A business woman knows how to provide this result and at the same time does not forget that she is a woman. How does she manage all this? Let's go from the opposite and name those moments that should not be in the work of a business woman.

    Business lady can't go astray

    Any leader should focus on, because working with goals is the main function of the leader and his main advantage. Focusing on goals makes it possible to see the whole picture of what is happening, take into account risks, draw up a working strategic plan, set priorities correctly, influence the situation and direct your employees in the right direction. Every time you get into a state of confusion, you really need to work on goals and make plans. You sit down and describe everything according to the company's activities and then you see that in order to have such a result in 3 months, you and your employees need to take such and such steps today.
    In order for each employee to understand what he needs to do to achieve a common goal, the manager must convey these goals and developed plans to his employees: people need guidance for the future and confidence in it. In addition, they must understand why today they are doing the work that is not always interesting and does not always inspire them. Only an understanding of the goals gives their work meaning, determines motivation and forms loyalty to the management and the company.

    Business woman should not let things take their course

    The leader must be able to control the execution of tasks well, because setting goals is one thing, but being able to control their achievement is another. Therefore, any leader must have the tools with which he controls the achievement of a particular goal and be able to use them. Tools may be different, but they should be. Because if the manager does not control the receipt of intermediate results, especially the final results, then the employees get the idea that this is not important and they sabotage the work.

    Business woman must not lose faith in the product

    A successful leader must constantly or subdivision. Those. people should understand that they are doing something good, useful and they manage to achieve results and achieve goals even in difficult times. Therefore, it is important to constantly focus the attention of your team on what has been done well.

    Even in our company, when we stop sending out good news, when we don't report some good results, and when we don't take stock, people get stuck in a routine and lose energy and motivation. When we give confirmation of what has been done, when we sum up the results within a week and send out good news, then people really see how much has been done, how cool we are and our product is great, and how many people we have helped.

    Business woman can't be modest

    You need to constantly ask customers to give feedback about the product, about the benefits they received by purchasing your company's product or service or interacting with you. It's important to get positive feedback from customers and make it known to your employees to inspire them. It is even better to make it known to the general public in order to create a certain image for yourself, your company and its products.

    Business woman can't be biased

    There must be leverage, carrot and stick, reward and punishment. If a person deserves a bonus, then he needs to be rewarded and not necessarily with money, for example, give an additional paid day off. Those. give some special conditions at the moment when a person deserves it. At the same time, encourage everyone to know about it.
    And to punish behind closed doors, but only when a person has really gone blunt somewhere, as a result of which the company has suffered some losses, received a blow to the image, etc. If people are only encouraged, that's good. But people should understand that if you make a mistake, you must make a contribution to correct the situation.

    Business women should not be led by employees

    The successful action of any leader is not to get involved in the problems of employees. Because the leader must be “lazy” and force employees to work, and not work for them, and he must have his attention on the future. Because when a leader gets involved in current problems, his attention gets off track, and this does not allow the company to develop. Therefore, as soon as a problem arises, then demand from the employee options for solutions, you can support one of them, direct, but never take up the matter yourself.

    Business woman should not forget about people

    My tactics are such that it is important for me to support people, and if I see that I can help, then I help. At least the fact that I’m talking to a person and it already becomes easier for him from the fact that he was given attention. At the same time, it is important to help employees keep the focus on personal goals. The goals of the company are good, but if you see that an employee is dead, then talk to him, find out what he wants for himself and how he can realize it with the help of the company.

    A business woman should not focus only on the company

    A top executive must have public relations at his level. Those. if you are a director, then you need to communicate with directors, if you are a commercial or financial director, then you need your own social circle. It is imperative to have communications outside the company, because when you are just “boiling” inside the company, you get stuck, your attention is only here and there is no way to look outside at your company and your activities. And when you communicate with people, then you have some new ideas, the opportunity to evaluate what is happening now and what you can improve.

    Business woman must learn

    It is important to be constantly learning. If this is not done, then the ways to get results and achieve goals become obsolete over time, and learning is the only way to start doing things differently.

    Business woman should not miss the mood of her team

    It is sacred for a successful leader to ensure that employees understand each other and maintain productive communication with each other. If I see that someone is in conflict with someone, I settle it here. I do not allow someone to swear at someone - when I see this, I do everything to cope with it. And people who are not configured to communicate and interfere with the work of other employees need to be removed from the team - this solves many problems in itself.

    Business woman should not be in a bad mood

    The leader must keep himself in a good emotional state. Because if you, as a leader, are crushed, then you don’t want anything - no goals, no control, no work. In fact, when you are in a bad state, you cannot manage normally. Therefore, sometimes a leader, especially a woman, needs to drop everything and go do what is pleasant. Everyone chooses something for themselves: massage, training, sports, extreme sports, family, children, etc. Everything that you like, that inspires you, that lifts you in emotional tone.