Ideal product description structure on Etsy. The description tells what exactly the buyer will receive. Solving all problems in the description of product properties

About two years ago, for the first time, I seriously thought about how my visitors see my store.
It all started when I sat down in front of my computer and opened my Etsy store and tried to look at the main page of my store through the eyes of a visitor. I was interested in the first visual impression. Indeed, the first impression is connected precisely with the visual perception of the page. I doubt that any of the visitors, in the first minutes of visiting the store, will analyze your banner in detail in terms of competent graphic design or look for the golden ratio in photographs. The page is scanned with a cursory glance and perceived subconsciously, and not by analyzing the details.

Having come to this conclusion, I once again changed the photos, updated the banner, made the main page of the store visually coherent, at least in my completely unprofessional opinion.:-)

I realized that this visual integrity in the store experience would actually “force” the visitor to stay on the page and start exploring it in more detail.

Great, now what? After all, my goal is to somehow turn a potential buyer into a real one.
What does he see next?
Most likely this one potential buyer will begin to “wander” around the store, examining one product after another in more detail.
And he sees at this stage photos of the product and a verbal description of the product under the photos. By the way, all this is relevant not only for the store on the Etsy website. A potential buyer will look at photos and read the description of the goods on any other resource where you sell your products.

I will skip the extensive topic of photographs for the time being. In the future, we will definitely give the floor to photographers and learn from professionals in their field.

Today we will write the correct product description. By the way, under the word "correct" I not I mean writing the right text for search engines.
It's about writing competent selling text specifically towards the buyers.

Imagine that you are the owner of not an online, but an offline store. For all its shortcomings, you still have at least one important advantage: the ability to lead dialogue with the buyer. Buyers, they are such a people, explain everything to them, show them, and give answers to all questions. And no matter how many questions you are asked, you, with enough patience and desire, in the course of dialogue, You can chew all the information carefully and put it in your mouth.
In other words, dialog provides individual approach to the buyer.

Online stores don't have that luxury. The product description is, in fact, your personal monologue. Unfortunately, with such a one-way connection, an individual approach is covered with a copper basin. ... Or is there a way out?

This is the question I asked myself when I decided to change the description of the product in the store for the hundredth time.

First of all, I usually start looking for literature on topics that interest me. Literature, by the way, is a dime a dozen. I don’t remember how many books I found, but a couple of dozen for sure. As a result, one book was bought, which was especially praised by buyers. Namely, the book "How to write sales texts" (authorsAndrew Parabellum, Nikolai Mrochkovsky, Konstantin Benko, Kirill Belevich.)

I’ll make a reservation right away: although the authors of this book have developed a whole system for writing sales texts, I still believe that writing these very sales texts is rather a subjective thing. Some of the advice in this book bothered me a little, and some I strongly disagree with. But still, 30 percent of the information turned out to be strategically important for me.

All of the tips for writing good sales copy below are based on this book. At the same time, I wrote out only the information that corresponded to my moral principles and was suitable for descriptions of handmade goods.

As an example, I give a description of ... candles. Well, what to do, this is the only segment of the market that is well known to me. But I tried to write everything in such a way that you could apply it to your products.

So, before writing a product description, answer the following questions:

  1. Who is your potential customer and what are the main reasons for buying (why your customer needs your products).

To be honest, at first I was shy. I didn’t write any description of the potential client, except for a couple of phrases regarding the reason for buying my candles. And somehow the writing of the text didn’t work for me, I didn’t feel it. Moreover, I'm still a scribbler, it's hard for me with this.
Having gone through a couple of points in such a free way, I nevertheless decided to return to the beginning and still work with my imagination regarding the portrait of a potential client. And honestly, at the moment when I introduced these same clients, I suddenly realized what and how to write.

I'm not sure I could present them correctly if I work only online - the only information about the client from the online store is actually the mailing address with the name of the recipient.
But 3 years at the Nachalat Binming fair were not in vain. There I see all my clients, both potential and real, in all their glory.

You know, I noticed a long time ago that every master has his own clients. Those who are interested in my neighbor's jewelry may not even look in the direction of my counter. Well, and vice versa, respectively.
In 99% of cases, I know what questions this or that person will ask, for what purpose he will purchase my products.

So who is my potential client?
90% of buyers are women, the remaining 10%, respectively, men .

What are the main reasons for buying?
Men in 99% of cases buy candles as a gift.
Women are 50:50 (or something like that, I don't keep statistics) - 50% as a gift, 50% for yourself.

That is, the main reasons for purchasing my candles are
1) a gift, 2) for yourself.

Great, that's sorted out. Let's move on to the next point:

  1. What benefits does your product bring?

Keep in mind that the word "benefit" refers to the benefit of your product to the customer, and not its technical characteristics, such as size, weight, etc.

Since the main reasons for buying candles are 1) a gift, 2) for yourself, in my case it is important to mention the benefits of buying candles in relation to these two points.

The example below is far from perfect. Do not find fault with the beauty of the text, in this moment it doesn't matter. It is important to understand exactly what points should be mentioned when compiling a selling text.

Carved candles are an unusual gift. The recipient of the gift will immediately understand how important it is to you, feel special. Be sure to show your loved one a video describing the amazing process of making carved candles. You will see how the recipient of the gift will be amazed, and will remember the amazing, magical moment for a long time. (benefit from a gift, because gifts are bought precisely with the aim of surprising).

If you want to decorate your house or a solemn event with carved candles, be sure that your guests will long remember the wonderful atmosphere created by unusual candles.

For the past 3 years I have been working on improving the technology for making carved candles. Thanks to this, I have achieved an improvement in the quality of candles: the colors in my candles do not fade. For many years they will delight your eyes with bright colors. (benefits of candles as interior design).

If you could not find a business plan (BP) with a description and characteristics of the product that you plan to promote, then you need to start compiling it yourself. What sections does a business plan include? What are the stages in its preparation? And finally, how to arouse sincere interest among investors? All these and other equally interesting questions will be discussed in the article.

Project product description or business plan

The business plan should be understood as the company's strategy regarding the management, marketing and financial activities. It is formatted as official document. BP allows you to highlight all aspects of the future business, take into account existing risks, calculate investments and return periods Money. It is advisable to consider in more detail how to correctly write a product description. You should understand how important it is to draw up a document on paper. This is the first thing an investor will look at at the presentation of the project. As an example, consider the description below software product.

Business plan: functionality

Perhaps the main requirement when drafting a document is the ability to demonstrate an idea so that investors clearly understand where they should invest or not invest money. If the description of products and services is written correctly, various funds, banks and other structures will certainly be interested. Business planning helps to structure and systematize all information about the project. With its help, you can create settings for the planned expansion of future infrastructure, as well as correctly identify the time suitable for investing money in the development of the project.

Today, many novice entrepreneurs can only write product briefs. They are only in in general terms represent what functions a priori the business plan performs. Below we consider its varieties that exist today.

To present investors with a decent description of the product, you should use a number of tips for writing a business plan:

  1. The text should contain simple and readable formulations, concepts: two-valued interpretations are prohibited.
  2. The business plan should contain no more than 25 pages.
  3. The product description file is compiled in accordance with generally accepted standards.
  4. It is important to present to a potential investor full details about the project.
  5. All calculations and conclusions in the project must be confirmed by specific figures, facts or studies carried out in advance.
  6. All sections of the product description should be related. Each of them complements the general positive opinion of the audience about the project.
  7. Having studied the business plan, the investor must see the potential of the project, so it is worth working on this issue separately.
  8. It is important to maintain the flexibility of the stated. Explanation: if your business plan does not exclude additions, changes or clarifications, then it can already be considered better than the competition.
  9. It should be mandatory to indicate the methods of monitoring future activities.

Principles for compiling a business plan

Drawing up a business plan is not difficult, the main thing is to think through the main idea of ​​​​a startup in detail. It is advisable to consider step by step algorithm, which allows you to develop a document yourself. First you need to identify the "strong" and "weak" sides of the business idea. You should not stop working on a project at the first stages, if suddenly there are more negative points than positive ones, because each minus is a unique point of growth for the business. A detailed analysis is also needed for the sales market.

Product description. Example

If, after doing the research above and calculating the initial monetary indicators, you have not changed your mind about implementing the startup idea, it is advisable to start developing a business plan. The complete BP contains 12 sections. Consider them on the example of a description of the development of a software product.

BP sections

The business plan includes the following sections:

  1. The title page, which displays the name of the project and the structure where the launch and implementation of the software product project is planned. It is important to indicate the full name of the director of the company, the contact information of the people responsible for writing the BP, the date the document was created.
  2. A non-disclosure memorandum that will guarantee the protection of a unique business idea and will not allow it to be stolen. The file contains a requirement to keep confidential any information obtained in the process of reading the document. So, violation of the rules will be prosecuted by law.
  3. Brief summary. It is important to keep in mind that you need to draw it up at the end of writing the BP. This is, as it were, an excerpt from the entire document, in which it is advisable to characterize the key points related to monetary indicators and the business idea as a whole.

Description in resume

To properly write a resume, you first need to describe the product. In accordance with our example, it will look like this: the system for creating X-ray microtomography software involves studying the structure of the object of study from the inside in a non-destructive way. The mechanism consists of a photodetector and a radiation source. The software takes about 360 slices (one step = 1 degree). And after receiving the primary information, a reconstruction technique based on the Radon algorithm is used. This is how a three-dimensional model of the research object is built.

In addition to a competent description of the product, the summary should contain a description of the target audience, the number of goods sold in absentia, and the planned revenue after the launch within 1 year. It is important to indicate the total amount of investment required, as well as the costs of the project. It should be remembered:

  • about the organizational, legal aspects of the issue;
  • labor force, which will be required to implement the plan;
  • list of sources of subsidies;
  • timing of reaching the breakeven point;
  • payback period.

What is the first thing an investor pays attention to?

It should be borne in mind that the "Summary" section is the most important, since it is on it that a potential investor first of all pays attention. Conclusion: the fate of your idea is almost completely curled by the summary, so you need to present the data logically and concisely. We should not forget about the total income for the year, the total amount of cash at the end of the year, NPV (net present value) and the profitability of the structure.

Business plan sections: part two

In addition to the above sections of the BP, there are the following:

  1. Characteristics of the project (its meaning, what is needed to achieve the main goal, what are the obstacles and risks, ideas for the development of the project, and so on). This section is approximately two pages long. Today, a SWOT analysis is relevant, reflecting all the risks and opportunities of the business.
  2. characteristics of the market niche. Here, an assistant will be such a figure as the volume of sales of an analogue product for certain period.
  3. Detailed information about the project, that is, its essence is in the details. Here you need to remember the degree of readiness for the start of implementation, the availability of the necessary resources for this. It is necessary to indicate the primary goals of the startup, target audience, ways to achieve success, the pros and cons of the product.
  4. Marketing strategy. It is advisable to describe the essence of the strategy, the main performance indicators and the means to achieve the goals outlined in one of the previous headings. It is worth distributing responsibilities to all employees involved in the marketing service, deadlines and methods for achieving marketing goals.
  5. Production plan. In this section, you need to specify information regarding the production marketable products taking into account the seasonality factor. There is one caveat if you are planning to implement finished products, for example, the product disassembled in the example above (clothes, shoes, children's toys), then this item can be omitted. The section should contain the following aspects: the necessary production mechanisms, process features, a list of equipment with its technical specifications and cost, information about the areas for production process, the necessary raw materials, costs in accordance with each stage of production.
  6. An organizational plan, where it is important to reveal the features of hiring personnel, monitoring their activities and distributing professional tasks. It is very harmful to neglect this section, because it is with its help that you can understand the compliance with the existing organizational structure the main goals of the project. This section should contain the actual and legal address, the name of the organizational and legal norm (for example, LLC or OJSC), the current management scheme.
  7. Financial plan characterizing all the monetary nuances of a business idea: profitability, payback period, and so on. Here it is important to calculate the tax payments, the composition of the capital of the structure, the plan for the income and expense reports of the enterprise, the cash flow and the balance sheet of the structure. You should also calculate the break-even point and net present value.
  8. Risk management. In the section, it is important to describe all the risks that are possible in the process of organizing and conducting the proposed activities. It should be remembered that a special role is played by those factors on which the profit of the enterprise directly depends.

By now, we've done Title page”, “Contents and summary” and section “About the company”. Now we have everything to start the essence of the planning process of any business, i.e. what he will sell - goods and / or services. The next section is "".

Description of products in a business plan

So far, we have developed introductory elements aimed at arousing the interest of the readers of the business plan for further reading. If you've managed to grab the reader's attention in the previous sections, the next thing they'll want to read is a description of the product or service you're selling.

Every business sells something. And part of the money received from sales again needs to be invested in the business. This is the core cycle of any business. That "something" can be a product, or a service, or a combination of both. In recent years, a new type of product has been noticed on the market - an electronic (or information) product. And this is also a business.

The purpose of this chapter is to accurately define the characteristics of a product and/or service, and to clearly identify the benefit that the consumer will receive by using these products and/or services. Therefore, I recommend using this section of the business plan.

The content of the section "Description of products in a business plan"

Here you should include the following subsections:

  • An introductory summary of products and/or services.
  • Description of products and/or services.
  • (by product and/or service).
  • How will you receive products and/or services?
  • Future plans.

Introductory summary

Introductory summaries should be written just below the title of the section. Before you start filling out the remaining subsections, you briefly indicate what will be discussed next. Think of the introductory section summary as analogous to the business plan summary as a whole - it can help you write the rest of the subsections, and at the end you can adapt it to the content. In each part of the business plan, try to give short review what will be discussed in the following subsections. Thus, you will simplify navigation for both the reader and yourself.

Read also

Description of goods and / or services

This part should list all products and/or services that you sell or will sell. The short description should contain the following elements:

  • What is the product and/or service?
  • What benefits will the consumer receive?
  • What are the main features?
  • What type of customer does the offer apply to?
  • How will you sell?

For each product and/or service, the answers to these questions must not exceed 100 words or 500 characters. More specific products and/or services are not subject to this rule.

The Business Plan Product Description section can be used as a tool to consider customer needs and the benefits of using the product or service being offered, potentially generating new ideas and a better USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

All this must be expressed in a form that is understandable and comfortable for reading, with easy navigation for the reader. Everything said should be specific (better in numbers), and talk about what is important for each product.

Competitive comparison

Until now, we have been focused only on our business and on our potential clients. Now is the time to include competitors or potential competitors in your planning process if you are a startup business.

Considering that in a separate section we will analyze the market in more detail, here we will briefly list the differences and features that you offer in comparison with the main competitors in the market. Use specific words when talking about quality, prices, sales, location, etc. Be short and concise for easy understanding. This process will take place as follows:

  • Identification of major competing products and/or services.
  • Determining the characteristics of these competing products and/or services.
  • Identifying the uses and benefits that products and/or services provide.
  • Comparing the features and benefits of competitive products and/or services in relation to your products and/or services.
  • Including additional specific ideas and options to increase the comparison gap in your favor.
  • A clear clarification of these differences and advantages in this subsection.

How to obtain products and / or services

The subsection must include a description of how to obtain the products and/or services you will be offering in the marketplace. If you retail business, describe where and who your suppliers are. If you are providing a service, describe how the service could be provided. For example, by hired professionals, using special tools and equipment… If the business is a manufacturing company, here you will have to describe the production process and the raw materials needed for production.

It's a good idea to consider the impact technological change (which is permanent) will have on your business. Every product or service has an "expiration date" or so-called. . Technical side can affect all aspects of the business, both positively and negatively. For example, the rise of Internet service businesses has fundamentally changed the services offered. Or, if you are going to start a print newspaper, keep in mind that even some of the older printed editions completely moved online. New ones have come and gone marketing tools. Manufacturing enterprise must constantly monitor technological changes and incorporate them into the production process.

If the technology is not important to your business (although it is practically impossible today), you can ignore this part of the subsection.

Future products and/or services

You should never stand in one place. Business life is dynamic, requiring you to always be one step ahead. It is advisable to include in this section products and / or services that you will not immediately offer on the market, but plan to launch them in the future. This section simply needs to consider and answer the following questions:

  • What products and/or services can we introduce in the future?
  • What are the conditions for their introduction?
  • By what time can they be introduced?

This section relates to your long-term strategy and is a combination of financial needs and range of options.

Remember! What you define here will be the foundation of your business in the future. Again, I note that this is a planning process and does not mean that you are not allowed to come back with new ideas when you write other sections of the business plan. And when you have accepted your own plan, you must begin to implement the plan.

This section will help you reconsider all the possible aspects of your business, already taking into account the main competitors. Do not neglect this opportunity!

We released new book"Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand.


So you all come so beautiful to work, go to pour yourself a refreshing coffee, and in the kitchen a colleague talented in colorful descriptions is waiting for you, who begins to describe to you deliciously and in detail how she (Cinderella, a real hostess) decided to cook buns at the weekend. Well, or at lunch, a well-known office movie fan tells you about his conflicting feelings that arose after watching the next hipster movie. And these emotions are so close to you that in the evening, right from the doorstep, you rush to the torrent and, without even having time to put on your pirate hat, download the same movie while the dough for those same buns rises.

Has this happened to you? With me all the time.

A good product description can do a lot for your :

  1. justify the high price of the goods;
  2. create a need for the user;
  3. Convince to buy goods in your store.

Here's what "poor product description" means to me:

Cool mug for your kitchen. Also suitable as an original gift.

As for "a good SEO description for a product", for me it is a combination of all the points described below. How to make a product description that will work?

The product is sold by the picture: no matter how

Sometimes I can buy 0.5 ordinary water for 100 rubles just because I liked the bottle. I can get some creepy-tasting tacos because there's a funny guy on the pack. This is, of course, an unhealthy situation. But I'm far from alone in this.

This proves that appearance(high-quality photo, picture) is the main selection criterion. Then comes the price of the item. But what do most people do if they liked the picture sooooo much, and the price is quite high? That's right, he begins to study a detailed description, trying to find at least some arguments in favor of the purchase, to justify his waste.

A good picture + cool text is a guarantee that people will buy from you. A colorful photograph awakens desire and demonstrates what you can have. And the emotional description of the properties of the product creates a need in you, makes you imagine how you will feel, what to experience when you have this thing. A very strong method, in my opinion.

How to make a cool product description: emotions

Filling out product cards- real art. Do your best to make the user feel like they already own the product.

Describe the sensations that you can feel when using your product. Find something that will be familiar to most users.

“Imagine how great it is to come home from the cold and wrap yourself in cozy homemade pajamas with a warm fleece lining.”

After reading something like this, you remember how terrible it is to walk along a dark street in winter, when you are very tired, there is some kind of porridge under your feet, small ice floes rush right into your face and cause micro-injuries. The arms and legs are stiff, the nose falls off. And so you come home, wash your hands in warm water, put the kettle on ... This is where a fleece pajama would be very useful.

While writing this paragraph, I decided that I urgently need to buy warm pajamas. Well, you get the idea.

Solving all problems in the description of product properties

Buying a particular product is always a solution to a problem. Before write product description, form the target audience problem and solve it. Really, don't make empty promises.

Think carefully, what problems can lead a person to your store?

For example, online toy stores are visited by those who do not know what to give a child for the next holiday. Convince the user that the teddy bear bought from you will 100% please the child, and this is where the painful searches and puzzles can be stopped.

You must present not only the product, but also its purchase in your store.

What else should be in the description of goods for an online store?

In the description, or rather, in the description of the product, you must answer the maximum number of questions.

For example, in one well-known Russian online clothing and footwear store, I noticed the following jamb:

I don't think there should be such things. Imagine, you need to go to the sea and you are impatient to buy a new swimsuit for the trip. So you go to the site, found a suitable model, and the parameters you need are not indicated there. You have 2 options: either wait for support to answer you, or search desired item in another store.

In a situation with the sea, when every day counts, I personally would prefer to look in another store.

Moreover, most purchases are made impulsively: sometimes you can only earn on a special mood of the user. Do not deprive yourself of such bonuses. While you are answering the client's question, he may change his mind, product description textshould include as much information as possible. Only, I beg you, do not “dump” it all like a solid wall. Specify the basic information, and remove the details under the cat.