Job description for a driving specialist. Job description of the driver of a passenger car: basic provisions, duties and recommendations. Development of a driver's job description

Of course, there is no universal guide to action for the driving profession. This is understandable because, for example, the duties of an ambulance driver will be fundamentally different from the duties of an “office” driver.

In this article, we will describe in detail what categories of prescriptions generally exist for the driver's profession and give brief information according to what labor responsibility they impose on the employee (although the job description is similar to the standard one described).

Job description of the driver of a company car

The official vehicle is the property of the organization (for example, the chief director), the following obligations of the driver are associated with this:

  • Timeliness and speed of delivery of the machine;
  • Keeping the car clean (including the interior) and in good condition;
  • Smooth and accurate car driving.

The duties of this position include timely refueling of vehicles and the implementation of timely maintenance.

Forwarder driver job description

This document prescribes the maintenance of vehicles in good technical condition. The obligations of the freight forwarder include receiving goods from warehouses and checking its compliance with the documentation, checking the integrity of the packaging, monitoring and controlling the loading and unloading of goods into the car, monitoring the safety of goods, filling out waybills, maintaining a report of mileage and fuel consumption, and fulfilling individual instructions of the head.

Bus driver job description

Job description the driver of the school bus, determines compliance with the bus schedule, approves the mandatory check of the technical condition of the transport before leaving, the installation of identification marks "Transportation of children", the maintenance of the bus in sanitary order and cleanliness, the provision of the bus on demand.

Job description of a truck driver

This document prescribes timely refueling of the car with fuel, each time before leaving, checking the full filling of the waybill, eliminating malfunctions that occurred during operation, compliance with the rules traffic. In case of serious breakdowns, you should read the article about the duties of a mechanic.

The guide to the action of the driver for the transportation of dangerous goods, additionally prescribes the prohibition of avoiding the route agreed with the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, exceeding the established speed. There are individual provisions in case of any incident or breakdown, which can be read in the document by clicking on the link below.

Typical driver job description

This document prescribes to work with various mechanisms of the car (depending on the specifics of the transport), refuel vehicle fuel, lubricants, coolant, supply vehicles for unloading, loading, etc.

Forklift driver job description

This document prescribes the uninterrupted operation of load handling mechanisms and loader attachments, monitor the safety of raw materials and products during such work, monitor timely maintenance, keep clean places used for repair and parking of loaders.

Ambulance driver job description

This document prescribes to follow the instructions of the paramedic. Also, his duties include maintaining the proper technical condition of the car, cleanliness in the cabin, ensuring fast and timely departure of the ambulance. medical care, assistance in loading, unloading, escort of victims, assistance medical workers accompanied by mental patients, maintaining the safety of property and securing on-board medical devices.

Administration driver job description

This document prescribes obedience to the instructions of the head of administration, ensuring the timely delivery of the car, maintaining cleanliness in the cabin and body, carrying out the necessary maintenance and repair, turning on the alarm whenever you leave the car, ensuring a neat, correct and smooth ride.

Cases when an employee of a company, not officially being its driver, uses a company car are not uncommon today. It would seem that a person is employed, works for the benefit of the company and, due to the traveling nature of work related to trade or purchases, is forced to drive a car owned by the employer.

For this he has everything Required documents: a driver's license, an insurance policy, a certificate of state registration of the vehicle, and even an order regarding the transfer of a company car for use. Why not ride? From a legal point of view, everything is legal here. But what about the additional payment for combining two positions? Maybe take a look at the job description? And is it available? Let's figure it out.

Combination fee

Combination surcharge: in what cases does it occur and why is it important to have a driver ID? The need for additional payment to an employee due to his driving a company car arises if he was actually entrusted with the work of a driver, the essence of which was the transportation of goods or people.

You can establish the fact in question by referring to the content employment contract employee and his job description, if it is part of this agreement(57th and 68th articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If in these documents nothing is contained about driving, and the employee continues to perform, in addition to his main duties, driving, that is, additional, he has the right to insist on an additional payment for combining (151st article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A similar point of view is shared by the courts, which can confirm the actual combination of professions with the emergence of the employee's further right to additional pay.

This is possible if:

  • the employment contract (the main position of the employee) does not provide for duties performed as additional ones for the position for which the company has a separate staff unit and, accordingly, the job description;
  • in fact, the parties have come to an agreement regarding the payment for the combination, which is confirmed by the written statement of the employee, where he expresses his refusal to perform certain duties, or by the written request of the head, addressed to the founder, to make additional payments to the employee.

Otherwise, when the management of a company car does not affect labor function and does not change it, there is no need for additional payment.

In this case, such management is considered as one of the types social guarantee for the worker.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is advisable to draw up a job description for the driver of a company car.

You can't do without the document in question:

  • in case of disagreements and disputes related to the performance of the duties of the employee;
  • if the position of a purchasing manager or, for example, sales representative, does not imply driver duties and vice versa;
  • if confirmation of the combination of two positions and the need for additional payment is required;
  • The staff list of the enterprise provides for a separate position of the driver of a company car.

What job responsibilities should be included in the instruction

In each individual company, the job responsibilities of a driver who is assigned to manage a company car may differ.

However, in general they boil down to the following:

  • to ensure professional driving by a passenger vehicle, safety of health and life of passengers. Prohibited: overtaking the person in front road transport, apply sound signals without urgent need;
  • eliminate the likelihood of an emergency by maintaining a safe distance and speed of movement;
  • put the vehicle on an alarm, block the doors, even in the event of a short-term absence from it;
  • maintain the technically sound condition of the vehicle and its safe operation through timely maintenance and inspection in service center;
  • keep the interior of the vehicle clean using appropriate surface care products;
  • follow all the instructions of the head, ensuring the timely delivery of the vehicle to the place of demand;
  • carry out daily maintenance of waybills indicating routes, fuel consumption and distance traveled;
  • avoid cases related to the performance of extraneous affairs during the performance of their direct duties;
  • drive carefully, informing your supervisor of any emerging suspicions regarding safety issues and proposals for improving it;
  • do not use the vehicle for personal purposes, for the transportation of people or goods without the special permission of the head;
  • be at the workplace in the passenger compartment of the car or in the immediate vicinity of it at the set hours;
  • notify the immediate supervisor in case of poor health resulting from the intake of alcoholic beverages, as well as drugs that reduce the reaction and attention of the driver (antidepressants, hypnotics, psychotropic drugs, etc.).

car driver

The job description of a car driver is compiled by an employee of the personnel department or a person responsible for labor protection at the enterprise. After agreement with the immediate superior of the employee, the document is approved by the head of the organization.

The job description of a car driver includes the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
    This part of the instruction indicates the position and division of the employee in accordance with staffing adopted by the enterprise. It is also necessary to write qualification requirements and the procedure for replacing an employee in case of his absence. We recommend reflecting the subordination of the driver in this section so that he knows who his immediate supervisor is.
  2. Functions and tasks.
    Here it is necessary to clarify the main areas of activity of the driver. In particular, these may include: driving a car and ensuring its timely delivery to its destination, as well as monitoring the technical serviceability of the vehicle.
  3. Job Responsibilities.
    This section includes a list of the main duties that the driver must perform as part of his activities. These typically include:
    • ensuring the technical serviceability of the entrusted vehicle;
    • timely delivery of the vehicle;
    • monitoring the external and internal condition of the car, including washing / dry cleaning of the interior, etc.
  4. Rights.
    This part of the document contains a set of rights that an employee is vested with for the quality performance of his duties. In particular, the driver may be entitled to the following:
    • require employees of the enterprise moving in the car assigned to it to maintain cleanliness and order;
    • improve your skills;
    • make suggestions to the management about improving working conditions, etc.
  5. A responsibility.
    This section of the job description indicates the types of liability to which the driver can be held for failure to perform or improper performance of official duties. In particular, we can talk about:
    • financial liability - for the failure of the entrusted car, as well as the property in it;
    • administrative responsibility - in case of violation of traffic rules;
    • criminal liability - when committing a crime (for example, hitting a pedestrian, which ended in the death of the latter).

Responsibilities of the driver of a passenger car

A passenger car is intended for the transportation of specific officials or is the property of the enterprise. Therefore, we recommend supplementing the text of the job description with the driver's schedule, which will correspond to the schedule of the person being transported.

Job responsibilities of a driver of a passenger car include:

Don't know your rights?

  • delivery of the vehicle on demand;
  • keeping the car clean (including the interior);
  • smooth movement, etc.

The driver is also obliged to refuel the car in a timely manner and carry it out Maintenance.

Duties of a bus driver

The bus driver, as a rule, drives the vehicle entrusted to him according to the established route and schedule. Accordingly, he obeys the instructions of the dispatchers working at the enterprise. Therefore, in addition to being responsible for the bus entrusted to him, he will also be responsible for the life and health of the passengers being transported. In this connection, one of the main duties will be to check the vehicle before leaving for the flight, which includes:

  • inspection of the external and internal condition of the bus;
  • checking the presence of a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, warning triangle;
  • checking the correct operation of all outputs, including emergency;
  • checking the condition of tires, mirrors and windows.

In addition, the bus driver without fail fills out the itinerary sheet and is tested for the presence / absence of alcohol in the blood.

Often, some organizations require drivers to be at work in uniform. Therefore, the driver must ensure that his clothes are neat and clean.

Job description of a car driver

The driver of a car, as a rule, transports employees of the organization or works in a taxi. In our opinion, his duties should include the following:

  • inspection of the car before starting work and in case of detection of shortcomings, notification of this to a higher manager;
  • monitoring the external and internal cleanliness of the car;
  • filling out itinerary sheets before the start of the trip;
  • passing a pre-trip medical examination;
  • refueling the car with fuel and lubricants.

The employer has the right to include additional areas of activity in the list of job responsibilities of the driver of a car.

Thus, the driver's job description should contain, in addition to the general rights and obligations characteristic of any profession, specific provisions for drivers of certain vehicles (for example, trucks, cars, etc.). We remind you that changes to the document are made only with the consent of the employee; otherwise, they will have no legal effect.

For a hired driver. It differs from the standard one in terms of volume and content. The maximum corresponds to the production of motor transport activities.

The instruction is approved by the head of the subject of motor transport activity.

Job description of the driver of the car.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. Persons who have reached the age of 18, who have a valid driver's license and a medical certificate of the established form, are allowed to drive cars.

1.2. The driver once a year undergoes a 20-hour road safety training program. After training, the driver passes a test for the right to work independently on the line.

1.3. The driver passes a medical examination once every 2 years and presents a medical certificate of the established form on his admission to drive vehicles.

1.4. The driver, within the time limits established by law, undergoes preventive medical checkup for compliance with his health in conditions of work with harmful substances and under adverse production factors.

1.5. In cases established by law, the driver undergoes an internship, after which the commission issues an opinion on his admission to driving.

1.6. The driver in matters of technical and industrial (commercial) operation reports to the head of the enterprise operation department (head of the motorcade).

1.7. During car repairs in a garage, the driver is subordinate to a car repair mechanic.

1.8. The driver during the repair of the car may be involved in driving other cars instead of the drivers of these (other) cars who are absent for various reasons.

1.9. The driver must know and comply with:

- rules for the technical operation of vehicles (factory operating instructions);

- your job description;

- Traffic Laws;

- instructions on safety and road safety;

- a list of operations for shift maintenance, maintenance No. 1 and No. 2;

- the procedure for issuing waybills and bills of lading;

- internal rules work schedule;

- rules for the transportation of goods and people;

- fire safety rules;

- schemes for the passage of vehicles on roads and streets in the conditions of local transportation, taking into account the installation of road signs.

1.10. The driver is prohibited from independently re-equipping and changing the design of the vehicle.

1.11. The driver tows trailers (semi-trailers) in accordance with the permit marks in the driver's license.

1.12. The driver, depending on his qualification, eliminates the following malfunctions of the automatic telephone exchange on the line:

- driver of the 3rd class - small operational, not requiring disassembly of mechanisms;

- driver of the 2nd and 1st classes - operational malfunctions requiring disassembly of mechanisms;

1.13. The driver is set preparatory - final time:

a) preparation time summer time(from April 1 to October 31) - within 15 minutes and in winter (November - March) - within 30 minutes.

b) final time - in summer time - 3 minutes, in winter time - 6 minutes.

1.14. The driver is given a time limit for a pre-trip medical examination within 5 minutes.

1.15. The start of the driver's working day is at 8 00, the end is at 17 00. Break for food and rest from 12 00 to 12 45.

1.16. The driver may be allowed to overtime work within the duration prescribed by law, taking into account the modes of operation with the summarized accounting of working hours. At the same time, the maximum allowable operating time on the line, incl. driving, in some cases is:

a) when carrying out intercity transportation:

- work on the line - no more than 12 hours, incl. driving - no more than 10 hours (no more than 2 times a week);

b) on transportation for healthcare facilities, utilities and emergency services, communications services, on technological transportation, transportation on cars when servicing authorities and heads of organizations:

- work on the line - no more than 12 hours, incl. driving - no more than 9 hours (10 hours no more than 2 times a week);

c) on other transportations:

- work on the line - no more than 10 hours, incl. driving - no more than 9 hours;

1.17. Intercity drivers must rest for 15 minutes after the first 3 hours of continuous driving, followed by the same rest every 2 hours of driving.

1.18. The driver keeps on the car (trailer, semi-trailer) the factory marking (plates, embossed numbers, etc.).

1.19. When going on vacation, on a sick leave, on time off, etc. the driver gives the officials of the organization registration documents on the car, waybill, magnetic card, cash balance, insurance policy and car keys.

1.20. The driver keeps the car in good condition, clean, conducts daily maintenance, conducts (takes part in) technical maintenance No. 1 and No. 2, seasonal maintenance.

1.21. The driver is provided according to existing standards with overalls and personal protective equipment.

2. Obligations of the driver before leaving the line.

The driver must:

2.1. Arrive at work no later than 8-00 (go through the checkpoint).

2.2. Hand over to the dispatcher the waybill issued by the customer and the QCD service and cash receipts Filling stations for filled fuel for the previous working day.

2.3. Present a driver's license to the dispatcher, receive from him a waybill, a task for performing work and a route (schedule) of movement, an indication of refueling in liters. Receive cash or a magnetic card for refueling as a sub-report.

2.4. Pass a pre-trip medical examination.

2.5. Prepare the vehicle for departure by performing a vehicle inspection; checking the operation of brakes and steering, lighting and light signaling devices, sound signal, windshield wipers, windshield and headlight washers, heating and glass heating systems (in the cold season), ventilation systems; checking the oil level in the engine crankcase, the fluid level in the hydraulic brake drive and the clutch release mechanism, in the cooling system;

in the cold season, warming up the engine by pouring hot water into the cooling system;

2.6. Show the car to the mechanic (controller) of the Quality Control Department to check the technical condition, fill out the waybill (departure time, speedometer readings) and obtain his written permission to leave with a signature in the waybill.

2.8. Put your signature on the waybill for taking the car to control.

2.9. Do not go to the line by car with malfunctions, in which the operation of vehicles is prohibited; with faulty and unsealed speedometer equipment; in a sickly and tired state, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

3. Duties of the driver when working on the line.

The driver must:

3.1. Obey the rules of the road.

3.2. Movement from the garage to the "Customer" (zero mileage) should be carried out along the route established by the dispatcher, or along the shortest path in compliance with traffic rules.

3.3. Upon arrival at the “Customer”, present him with a waybill for entering the speedometer readings and the time of arrival into it.

3.4. During work, follow the route of the vehicle established by the dispatcher or the "Customer".

3.5. Do not deviate from the established route.

3.6. Carry out the transportation of goods and people under the guidance of the "Customer" in compliance with safety regulations, fire safety and traffic rules.

3.7. If necessary, require the "Customer" to comply with the rules for placing, securing and sheltering the cargo in order to avoid its falling and interfering with the movement.

3.8. During the shift, perform an external inspection of the car, check the condition of tires, wheel fastenings; if necessary, remove objects stuck between the split tires; keep lights, windows and license plates clean.

3.9. Ensure the safety of the car (trailer, semi-trailer) from theft on the line.

3.10. Avoid spontaneous movement of an unattended vehicle.

3.11. If a fault occurs on the line, eliminate it; in case of failure to cope with the malfunction, call technical assistance from the organization.

3.12. In case of damage to the car without participation in an accident, report to the management of the enterprise, and upon arrival at the garage, present the damage to the mechanic (controller) of the QCD.

3.13. In case of a traffic accident, comply with all requirements of the Rules of the Road.

Call the traffic police and a representative of your organization.

In the absence of a representative of the organization, independently fill out notices of an accident according to the rules of compulsory civil liability insurance.

3.14. After completing the task, present the waybill to the "Customer" to enter the route of movement (if the route was not set by the dispatcher when issuing the waybill), the speedometer readings and the time of departure, the signature and seal (stamp) of the "Customer".

3.15. Movement from the “Customer” to the garage after completing the shift task should be carried out along the route established by the dispatcher, or along the shortest path in compliance with traffic rules.

3.16. In the event of a fire at the vehicle, extinguish with a standard fire extinguisher and other available means. If the fire cannot be extinguished with your own means, immediately call the fire department.

3.17. In case of non-return from the line before 1700, inform the management of the organization the reason for the delay and your location.

4. Obligations of the driver while driving (while driving).

The driver must:

4.1. Obey the rules of the road.

4.2. Do not be distracted from driving.

4.3. Do not use the radio, tape recorder or telephone.

4.4. Do not smoke, drink or eat.

4.5. Adopt a proper posture (the weight of the whole body is perceived by the seat, arms and legs are completely unloaded). The location of the hands on the steering wheel is strictly symmetrical: the right hand should be in the clock zone from 1h. 30 minutes to 3 hours, left - from 9 to 10 hours. 30 minutes.

4.6. Pay close attention to the situation on the road. When a danger is detected, try to avoid a collision in 3 ways: slow down; collapse; increase speed.

4.7. If an oncoming collision is inevitable, try to translate it into a lateral or tangent collision.

4.8. Do not brake hard unless it is necessary to prevent an accident.

4.9. Maintain a sufficient distance from the vehicle ahead to avoid a collision.

4.10. Drive a car at a speed appropriate to the specific traffic conditions and comply with the requirements of traffic rules.

4.11. To interact with other road users, use headlights, direction indicators, horns, brake lights, hand signals.

5. Obligations of the driver when returning from the line.

The driver must:

5.1. When returning from the line, present the car to the mechanic (controller) of the QCD to check the technical condition and, if necessary, draw up an application for repairs.

5.2. When returning from the line, present the waybill to the mechanic (controller) of the Quality Control Department for entering the time of arrival and speedometer readings into it, as well as for signing for the acceptance of the car.

5.3. Place the car in a fixed place on the territory of the organization, put the car on the parking brake, put a wheel chock on the slope.

5.4. Maintain order and cleanliness in the parking lot.

5.5. Turn off the mass, in the cold season, drain the water from the engine cooling system and vehicle heating.

5.6. Drain condensate from the water separator, air cylinders of the pneumatic brake actuator, sediment from the fuel filters, fuel tank (for vehicles with diesel engines in the cold season).

5.7. When parking the car, turn off the autonomous heating devices located in the van and operating on solid fuel.

5.8. When returning from the line after 17 00, hand over the car under protection, having previously completed all the above operations.

6. Rights.

The driver has the right:

6.1. Refuse to leave the line if the technical condition of the car he drives does not meet the requirements for ensuring road safety.

6.2. Require the management and engineering staff of the enterprise, the workshop to put the car on TO-1, TO-2 and CO according to the schedule.

6.3. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise, workshop on improving working conditions.

6.4. To rest during the shift, between shifts and weekly rest in accordance with the Regulations on the peculiarities of the working hours and rest time for car drivers.

6.5. To compensate for the costs of passing a periodic medical examination.

7. Responsibility.

7.1. The driver of the car bears criminal, administrative, material and disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the current legislation.

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The driver belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The driver is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. Driver reports directly to CEO/ manager structural unit companies.
1.4. During the absence of the driver, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of driver: category B rights, driving experience of 2 years.
1.6. The driver must know:
- Rules of the road, penalties for their violation;
- basic specifications and the general device of the car, purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of the car;
- rules for maintaining the car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term operation;
- signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions that occur during the operation of the car, ways to detect and eliminate them;
- procedure for car maintenance.
1.7. The driver is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the driver

The driver performs the following duties:
2.1. Provides timely delivery of the car.
2.2. Ensures the technically sound condition of the car assigned to the driver.
2.3. Takes measures for the safety of the car and the property in it: does not leave the car unattended, without fail puts the car on an alarm in any case of leaving the passenger compartment, blocks all car doors during movement and parking.
2.4. Carries out driving a car, ensuring the maximum safety of life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the car itself.
2.5. Monitors the technical condition of the car, performs independently necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions).
2.6. Timely maintenance in the service center and technical inspection.
2.7. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.
2.8. Do not use alcohol before or during work, psychotropic, sleeping pills and other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.
2.9. Before leaving, he clearly works out the route, coordinates it with the senior of the group and the immediate supervisor.
2.10. Maintains waybills, noting routes, distance traveled, fuel consumption.
2.11. At the end of the working day, he leaves the car entrusted to him in a guarded parking lot / garage.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

3. Driver's rights

The driver has the right:
3.1. Require passengers to comply with the Rules of the Road (fasten their seat belts, get on and off at places allowed for this, etc.).
3.2. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
3.3. Submit proposals to management for improving their work, as well as those aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the vehicle.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the implementation official duties and safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the driver

The driver is responsible:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for conservation trade secret and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.