Own business: How to open an outsourcing company. Organization of the work of an outsourcing company. What is outsourcing - definition and origin

Starting a business in the service sector does not require a large start-up capital and expensive equipment. This is a significant advantage when starting your own business. Outsourcing is one of the most popular and increasingly demanded directions in the field of services every year.

This is a special type of interaction between enterprises, when one party under the contract transfers some functions related to production activities, another for a fee. This article will show you how to open outsourcing company, and why this idea for business can be considered relevant.

What do outsourcing companies do?

Outsourcing companies take over part of the production or other functions of another company. Business includes more processes than it might seem at first glance. After all, the management of your company, even if the entrepreneur works independently, or with a small staff, in addition to the main ones, includes secondary functions. This can be cargo transportation, bookkeeping, account management in payment systems, office work, etc.

Execution of additional, but necessary responsibilities third-party firm is the main activity of outsourcing companies. Unlike one-time contractors, such enterprises work with the customer for a long time, usually at least a year.

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Benefits of outsourcing

One of the reasons for the popularity of outsourcing development is the difficulty of managing any, even small business with formalities.

For a company that faces a similar problem, there are two options for solving it:

  • resort to the help of an outsourcing company;
  • use internal resources (insourcing).

The first way allows you to optimize the company management system by transferring the routine and high paying job own employees outsourcing specialists, whose services are cheaper. Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to specialized firms, seeking to save time and save resources, and outsourcing as a business gets more and more customers.

If you want to get started in this area, there are many benefits to be had: high demand for services, constant cooperation with the client for a long time, stable income, no large current expenses, etc.

Types of outsourcing companies

The vast majority of companies work in the following areas:

  • advertising and marketing;
  • labor resources;
  • supply, transportation, transportation;
  • internal audit;
  • tax optimization;
  • IT support, design and content of websites.

Choose for yourself an area in which you are well versed, and feel free to register a company.

How to start an outsourcing company

There is an opinion that this is an expensive process that can drag on for a long period of time. However, for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to create an outsourcing company, there is good news - in this case, large investments and going through numerous instances will not be needed.


In order to provide such services, it is enough to contact tax office and or through an agency, as well as choose an appropriate system of taxation. Read . The registration procedure will not take much time and will lead to significant costs - you will only need to pay a state duty for issuing a Certificate in the amount of 800 rubles.

Material and technical base

To get started, you will need to rent a small office and purchase the following equipment:

  • a computer;
  • multifunctional device (printer, scanner, copier);
  • modem for permanent Internet access;
  • means of communication - it is desirable to organize your own multi-channel automatic telephone exchange.

In addition, you will need standard set office furniture for employees and clients.

An important role in outsourcing activities is played by the availability of software - special software. So, when providing accounting services you will need to purchase relevant software products from 1C.

Important! Don't skimp on software. All software in without fail must be licensed.


There are many examples when an outsourcing business began with the work of one enterprising accountant (merchant manager, programmer, etc.), who took spot orders and, fulfilling them, gradually expanded the scope of activities and recruited staff.

You can go this way as well. However, if you work independently, you will not be able to serve several clients at the same time. In addition, outsourcing involves not just the execution of orders, but a full-fledged professional management one or another area of ​​activity of the customer's company.

Therefore, for the successful operation of your enterprise, it is recommended to recruit a staff of qualified specialists with sufficient skills and abilities to work in the required area. The number of employees will depend on the scale of the planned activities and the chosen direction. So, to start the work of a small outsourcing company engaged in accounting support, a staff of 3-4 practicing accountants will be enough. Over time, as the enterprise develops and the number of customers increases, additional vacancies can be opened.


To promote the services of an outsourcing company, advertising on the Internet (banner, contextual, targeted) is best suited. Be sure to consider creating a "landing page" - a landing page containing information about the services provided by your company, allowing you to increase the effectiveness of advertising.

In addition to these methods, you can use print advertising, articles in targeted periodicals etc.

Word of mouth also plays a significant role. A job well done is the best advertisement of all time.

An alternative option is a franchise in outsourcing

A franchise is a special type of partnership that allows one of the parties (the franchisee) to use trademark and provide services under the brand name of another (franchisor).

Read more about what benefits the purchaser receives. Basic concepts of franchising, and conditions for concluding a deal.

It saves a novice businessman from a lot of difficulties that arise at the start, find out what you need to pay attention to when choosing a partner.

Are you thinking about the topic? Read about the main pros and cons of working as a franchisee.

The essence of the transaction boils down to the fact that a novice entrepreneur buys almost ready business plan with well-established profit-making mechanisms. Franchising is in great demand. Not bypassed this form of business and outsourcing.

The franchise of outsourcing companies is only gaining momentum, but many entrepreneurs already now prefer to use a brand rather than promote a company from scratch.

Outsourcing business - summing up

Outsourcing confidently goes to domestic market services. Unlike trade or production, it does not require big investments capital. All you need to start your outsourcing business is to rent an office, purchase necessary equipment, hire qualified employees and register a company. Immediately after registration, you can start working.

Opening an IT outsourcing company will undoubtedly become a good and stable business at the present stage. The development of information (IT - IT) technologies is necessary to provide office firms with IT services, and such companies are engaged in this. in plain language: everything you need in the office: computers and related products, telephones, video surveillance systems, etc. and are supplied by IT outsourcing companies, and they also ensure the performance of this equipment.

In order to open an IT outsourcing company, you need to assess the demand for such services in your city. It will be possible to get a very good profit if there are a sufficient number of organizations and office buildings. It is no secret that office equipment and computers require regular maintenance, which means that specialists in this field are also needed.

How to open an IT outsourcing company from scratch.

Client base. With a competent approach, an extensive customer base can be created in less than a year, which will bring big, and most importantly, stable income your company.

On the initial stage you will need to study the availability statistics in this particular city various organizations and companies. Large enterprises do not need to be taken into account immediately. Obviously, such organizations (for example, factories) already have their own IT service departments, and sell office equipment, etc. to them. also almost impossible. This is due to the so-called rollback system, as well as the fact that Management Company of any large organization, most likely, is located in Moscow, which means that all the available equipment comes from there. These circumstances must be taken into account at the time of opening your company, so you should not particularly count on the cooperation of such large organizations with your company, which is still unknown to anyone.

In addition, there is no need to immediately take into account numerous banks and their branches, they also already have an established IT service system.

In this regard, the basis of your potential clients will be small enterprises, firms or office organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs that provide various services to the public. Such organizations may be: a) taxi department; b) various business centers; c) companies providing real estate services; d) any other organizations that require computers, video surveillance systems, automation systems, and the like.

There are not so many main competitors in this type of business and this should please you. Competitors for you can be stores that, in addition to selling computer equipment, provide after-sales services. According to the documents, such stores are exclusively suppliers of various equipment. In fact, these same stores often service the supplied equipment, as well as provide additional IT services, while receiving additional income.

The package of services and the cost of service directly depends on the proximity to the regional center. In the event that your IT company is located in the regional center, then your prices will be an order of magnitude higher than in other cities of the region. And if your potential customers are located in such cities, then they are unlikely to use your services and, moreover, become yours. regular customers, and the reason for this is the high price of your services.

To open an IT outsourcing company and make it profitable, you need to correctly draw up your price list. To do this, you need to carefully study the prices and range of services of competing firms, and you can also attract a certain circle of your friends who are somehow connected with this line of business. In this case, each of your acquaintances should offer such a cost for various services that would suit him. After that, from the complete list, you need to choose the highest price among those offered by your friends, while this price should be lower than the prices of competing firms. Thus, you will form your price list.

Suppliers. At this stage, you need to find out which products and types of equipment are in the greatest demand at the moment. In addition, you need to carefully study the list of stores that sell computers and other office equipment. A store that, along with low prices, also uses discount systems (from 20 to 30%) can become your reliable supplier.

When registering a company, you need to clearly understand exactly how you want to open it. If there are several organizers (co-founders) of the company, this requires registration of the LLC. And if there is only one founder, then registering an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough. The tax base should preferably use a simplified form of taxation with a 15 percent rate.

Advertising and promotion of services is necessary for the effectiveness of your work. To do this, you should draw up a commercial offer for your potential customers, which will use elements of the advertising text.

It is quite possible to do without creating your own website to promote your services. So, customers can simply be redirected to the site of your suppliers, of course, if they have one.

If your company has several co-founders, then it is necessary to distribute areas of responsibility between them in the further conduct of business. The priority should be to offer customers exactly the sale of equipment, since the maintenance of equipment and its installation are secondary. For this you can use different types commercial offers, although no text documents can replace live communication in person.

An IT outsourcing company in your city can be opened at minimal cost. This is possible with the proper design of your appeal to potential customers. Specialists should present good and high-quality presentations of your business with a story about the goods and services of your company. Naturally, in this case, customers do not immediately agree to various kinds of proposals for cooperation. Most often, they need some time to think about your commercial offer. Namely, in order to get acquainted with your prices (for goods and their delivery) and try to find better deals.

Today, more and more often outsourcing firms take part in various business processes, and sometimes in production. Every year their market share increases by 20-30%. The attractiveness of the business is that its profitability reaches 40%.

What is outsourcing

Despite the growing popularity of such organizations, not all entrepreneurs understand what outsourcing is and what are its advantages. This activity involves the transfer of a certain set of functions from one company to another. For the company that removes them from its processes, the functions are not core or core, but without them it will not be able to work normally. The host company, as a rule, has specialists in this field. Therefore, outsourced functions are performed faster and better than within the framework of the activities of the main organization.

There are different types of outsourcing:

  • Outsourcing of business processes, when secondary functions are transferred to a third party. For example, marketing, accounting, personnel management, advertising and more.
  • Production outsourcing, when a third-party organization is given a part to perform production process. Then the company can concentrate its efforts on the most milestones production.

Functions can be transferred in whole or in part, one-time or for a long time. In addition, an organization may involve several outsourcing companies to perform various functions. This suggests that the competition in this niche is low, since outsourcers can work in completely non-overlapping areas.

Outsourcing Features

Until recently, the services of such companies were used only in order not to make certain information public. For example, for the calculation of salaries for company executives. But practice has shown that it is much more effective to leave certain functions in the hands of professionals than to perform them within the same company.

The benefits of such cooperation are as follows:

  • improving the quality of the functions performed;
  • the company's ability to concentrate on its core business;
  • exclusion of typical errors;
  • expansion of business contacts;
  • half the cost.

At the same time, it should be understood that the main functions of the company, which are core for it, are not transferred to outsourcing. Also, the involved company should not be allowed to have access to confidential information that constitutes trade secret. All financial institutions its employees must visit on behalf of the customer company without the right to sign.

Outsourcing niches

Having dealt with the advantages of activity, you can decide how to open an outsourcing company. First of all, the business plan of the outsourcing company should define what type of activity your firm will be engaged in. The most demanded services on the market today are:

  • development and support of sites;
  • call center;
  • cleaning service;
  • testing;
  • office printing;
  • transport management;
  • personnel Management;
  • inventory of materials and goods;
  • advertising;
  • security;
  • tax accounting;
  • legal services;
  • accounting services.

The most demanded of the list are still IT-services. Today, leaders of organizations understand that it is easier to attract a third-party specialist if necessary than to keep one in the state. But the above niches are already filled and there is quite a lot of competition.

In addition to the niches that are popular today, new ones continue to appear. These include the following:

  • logistics;
  • sales department;
  • maintenance and sales staff;
  • issue of corporate publications.

To determine the type of activity of a future outsourcing company, it is necessary to assess the market in terms of the number of possible customers, the average check for entering the market, and competition. Based on this, it is necessary to think over in detail the strategy for entering the market.

Questions about opening a company

Having decided on a niche, you can draw up a business plan for an outsourcing company. It should address the following questions:

Company registration

There is no fundamental difference in the form of organization. But it's better to register entity. Then you won't have any problems with legal registration agreements with large clients.

Room search

It is not at all necessary to look for a room in the city center, where the cost of rent is high. But it must be a business center, which will be a lot of potential customers. Also, there is no need to invest huge funds for a good repair. A little cosmetic is enough to make the room look neat. It is necessary to purchase office furniture and equipment, always keep order in the room. Neat and clean room business card your business.


Personnel for work is selected based on the profile of the company. In any case, you need to look for specialists with experience and certain achievements in their field of activity.

Advertising campaign

You can convey to potential customers information about the existence of your company using traditional advertising methods: distribution of leaflets, ads in the media, advertising banners And so on. In parallel, it is recommended to create your own website, where you can provide all the comprehensive information regarding the services and the conditions for their implementation.

The order of the company

When working with each customer, it is necessary to sign an agreement where mutual rights and obligations are prescribed. The document must contain information that the outsourcing firm undertakes to keep the information transferred to it secret. And also what penalties are imposed on it if its employees violate these agreements.

Expenditure part

As practice shows, opening an outsourcing company will require no more than $25,000. Most of it will go to:

  • company registration;
  • rent payment;
  • cosmetic repairs of the premises;
  • purchase of office furniture, machinery and equipment;
  • advertising.

The payback time depends on the quality of the company's work. At first, it will be difficult to talk about high incomes - at first, all efforts will be directed to developing a client base. For normal operation, the company must have two or three regular customers.

An initial fee

From 258 000 rubles


from 258 000 R

up to 675 000 R

2% of revenue

Payback period

4-6 months

Description of the franchise

About the franchisor

Open your business on labor services and earn from 200,000 rubles per month!

Who are we? And why the company "Personal Solution" can be trusted?

  • "Personal Solution" - the largest franchise network in the CIS for the provision of movers and laborers, headquartered in St. Petersburg.
  • Already 11 years in business on the services of loaders and laborers, 2 economic crises have passed - mistakes have already been made, bumps are full, we transfer all the concentrated business experience.
  • Franchise - 6 years, in 2012, became the founders of the "franchise for loaders" market, already 253 partners in 8 countries have chosen us.
  • Head company earns with its partners, not on them. Receives % from the revenue of the entire franchise network, therefore it is directly interested in your business being profitable. Revenue already in the first 28 days. Payback 4-6 months.
  • Company founder Denis Reshanov, a serial entrepreneur, created Personal Solution while still a student, co starting capital at 4000 rubles. In 2012, he was awarded a publication in Forbes magazine and recognized as the best young entrepreneur in Russia according to Ernst & Young (the big four global auditors).
  • In 2014, they became the Best Innovative Company according to Deloitte.
  • In 2017, they entered the TOP-100 franchises.
  • The company has more than 100 business awards and publications in the business press.
  • For 11 years, the company has been "driven" great amount effort, time and money. We have strong current results and equally great prospects. We ourselves have something to lose.


We are not in the streaming franchise business. Our franchise does not suit everyone, but we do not need everyone.

We select strong partners in our international network for joint work for a long time.

Need detailed information ? Do you want to know how to become a partner of a network with a revenue of 1 billion rubles a year?

Leave a request and we will send all necessary information and answer all questions

Franchise business concept

What are you going to do? And how will you earn on the services of the labor force?

You will provide workers for warehouses, factories, plants, production with piecework and hourly wages.

Who will work for you?

  • Workers looking for additional income
  • temporarily unemployed people
  • students
  • Cadets
  • Drivers with private car

Who will become your clients?

1 018 563 275 R of revenue was given in 2017 by the client base of the network, which we have been accumulating for 11 years

Private customers

  • Carry out earthworks at the cottage
  • Arrange your move
  • Take the trash out of the apartment
  • Lift and move furniture

Corporate clients, B2B

  • Enterprises in need of labor
  • Warehouses
  • construction sites
  • production
  • Factories
  • Factories
  • Supermarkets
  • The shops
  • Hypermarkets
  • Ports

State order, tenders

  • Painting
  • landscaping
  • Winter cleaning and snow removal
  • Cargo handling
  • Excavation
  • Rigging work

Over 11 years of work, more than 1000 enterprises have become our clients, among them: Eldorado, McDonald's, Russian Football Premier League, IKEA and many others

Do you want to know if the business will go on the services of the labor force in your city? Write to a representative and we will send market research guide in your city and we will answer all questions.

What will you earn?

  • Services of loaders. Unloading-loading trucks, office and apartment moving, warehouse work.
  • Handyman services. Land works, civil works, agricultural works.
  • Provision of cashiers and merchandisers.
  • Services of workers on the conveyor and production.

Need detailed business model and list of related areas for your city? Write to a representative and we will send all requied information and we will answer all questions.

How will you earn 200,000 rubles a month?

The scheme of earning "on the fingers"

You will earn on man-hours:

  • The client pays 250 rubles/hour ( average cost man-hours)
  • 120 rubles - the average salary of an employee
  • 80 rubles - taxes and overheads
  • 50 rubles your profit from an hour of work of an employee

How many man-hours do you need to earn 200,000 rubles per month?

  • 200,000 (rubles per month) / 50 (rubles per hour) = 4,000 man-hours
  • With a standard five-day week, there are 22 working days per month
  • 4,000 (hours per month) / 22 (number of working days) = 181 hours per day
  • The average length of a working shift is 8 hours
  • 181/8 (average shift duration) = 22 workers!
  • Total: 22 employed workers = 200,000 rubles PROFIT per month!

Wanna get financial plan for earnings 2,789,000 rubles per year with the calculation of the payback of the project

Write to our representative, and we will send all the necessary information and answer all questions.

What will you get by becoming a partner of the "Personal Solution" company?

Why partners pay us % of revenue, and why they have been working with us for years


11 years of experience in the trucking business. What works right now. Real practice without water, insurance against 99% of mistakes and bumps. The package is constantly updated. You do not have to waste time and money due to lack of experience

Step-by-step instructions for starting and developing a business on the services of loaders-handymen

Roadmap for starting and developing a business - 11 video lessons from the founder

Lessons and courses on mass recruitment

Legal and other documents


You will have instructions on how to:

Find free promotion channels

Develop an inexpensive and effective PR strategy

Use the benefits of working within the federal network


With her, whoever came to you will become the one who bought from you

You will learn:

Make cold calls and make appointments with clients

Turn 10 calls into 8 deals

Get 30% from each transaction more money

Build your own effective sales team when orders become too large to handle alone

You will also receive selling marketing kits for personal selling which are guaranteed to increase sales efficiency. Proven by the experience of our partners

Sales training materials were created by an employee who personally sold the services of laborers for more than 25 million rubles.


Working under our brand, you are a company representative with federal PR, recommendations from well-known companies, and a positive image. You are in the Major League, and your competitors are in the second

In case of receiving a federal order, it is distributed among official partners

- "Personal solution" - registered mark. Under you it will be impossible to fake

A package of all branded marketing materials necessary for work

*Send an application to our representative to find out information about the possibility of working "under the brand" in your city


By becoming an official partner of the company, you will receive representation on the site, in which more than 1 million rubles have been invested

You will also get representation on the site where the “multi-landing” system is installed, which changes the content of the site, depending on the request. The client is looking for loaders, the start page of the site will be dedicated to loaders. The client is looking for a cashier, he will go to the site and immediately see information about the cashiers. Such a system allows you to reduce the number of bounces to a minimum and increase the landing page conversion by 2-3 times.


With it, you will beat your competitors. On average, it increases business profitability by 5-7% with a turnover of 1 million per month

An HRM system will allow you to:

Collecting workers is many times faster than using a primitive base in Excel. There is no need to call dozens of people, hear from them “But I can’t today”, “And Vasya is on a drinking binge” and so on. Robot bell ringer + SMS informing will do everything for you.

Keep a rating of workers, which reflects the responsibility, diligence and reliability of each of them. Vasya, who has gone into a binge, will greatly regret it. You will only have sober and responsible employees. Do you know what they say about us? “This is a company that takes sober movers from somewhere, we don’t know how, but they do it!” The same will be said about you in your city.

To increase the loyalty of its workers due to the fact that the system provides an opportunity for workers to work in their own profile and close to home. Why are we leaders in our market? We have built good relations with sober and responsible people. They don't let us down, we don't let them down. Therefore, our services highest quality. Your services will be at the same level.

To provide services not only qualitatively, but also extremely quickly. While your competitors are persuading drunken Vasya to go to work, you have already assembled a team of workers and sent them to the facility.

The result is less managerial resources, higher efficiency, lower costs, faster response to orders.

Do you want to get a demo access of the HRM system?? Write to a representative, And we send access and answer all questions.


We monitor the quality of the network. We'll find your mistakes and help you fix them

Test purchases

Mystery shoppers

Process audit


You will become part of our entrepreneurial community, like-minded people with common values

Teleconferences with the parent company

Private chat of partners in Telegram

Live exchange of experience at forums and congresses of partners

Would you like to discuss the content of the franchise in detail? Write to our representative and we will provide Additional information franchise and answer all your questions

Franchise Benefits

Why have more than 250 partners in 8 countries chosen our franchise?


Without hiring a bunch of people, purchasing, equipment and “digging in” millions for years. The first time is possible without an office.


and understandable business. The labor force will always be needed, without hype and fashion trends.


Not tied to exchange rates. Does not depend on foreign policy and sanctions. Business is crisis resistant. You will sleep peacefully while the ruble falls and bitcoin storms

Questions, details needed? Write to our representative and we will send you all the necessary information and answer all your questions.

Training and support

How will we bring you to the result of 1 million rubles in revenue per month?


  • All knowledge about mass recruitment, negotiations, accounting, legal component and business intricacies is packed into 11 steps
  • The steps are designed to gradually educate the franchisee about the business of hiring workers. Each step is a separate topic with infographics, diagrams and a checklist. In the beginning - the basics, and then - the subtleties and details


  • 6 industry experts will help you in any business matters
  • You will have a personal manager who is in touch daily and ready to help
  • You can be calm - you will not be left to the mercy of fate


  • This is team tracking (leading to the goal with a mentor) for all partners
  • Team of 6-8 people. You will work under the supervision of experienced mentors, learn how to build your business from scratch, complete tasks, get feedback and get on the rails of stable work
  • The shuttle is the way to 1 million rubles in revenue per month. We bring partners to this result in 3-5 months
  • Special chat of franchisee partners and network experts. More than 1000 messages on "hot" topics with personal life hacks accumulate there per day
  • You will receive advice and answers online from experienced colleagues, experts, you will be aware of all industry and network news


  • Every month intensive courses for new franchisees are held at the head office
  • Two days the best specialists train in market research, finding clients and workers, marketing and sales
  • The intensive takes place in person, for those who cannot come - online broadcast

In addition, you will become a full participant in industry master classes, trainings, annual forums and congresses of partners.

Interested in the training system, need details on the Shuttle program?Write to our representative and we will send you all the necessary information and answer all your questions.


To start your labor service business, all you need is a phone and a desire to make money.

The first time is possible without an office.

With the increase in the number of orders and workers per day at the sites, a small office will be required for mass interviews and negotiations with clients.

Conditions for buying a franchise:

Franchise of the outsourcing company "Personal Solution"


    Inner Kitchen Business Shuttle Personal Solutions. 12 October 2018 What are Business Shuttles and how do they help to achieve revenue of 1,000,000 rubles in 4-6 months? Learn more in 5 minutes.
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  • How much did Personal Solution partners earn in Q3 2016? 07 November 2016 "Personal solution" with its partners summed up the interim results in this fiscal year
  • Until the end of October, "Personal Solution" gives a business with an income of 1 million rubles per season! 13 October 2016 Buy the "Personal Solution" franchise before October 28 and get a snow removal business with an income of more than 1,000,000 rubles per season for FREE!
  • "Personal solution" introduces new system franchisee training 06 October 2016 Training in the business of providing services of loaders and handymen has become even easier and more exciting
  • How to find sober loaders and earn more than 150,000 rubles a month from them? 11 August 2016 Franchisees of "Personal Solution" know the answer to these questions
  • Stock! Discount on the franchise "Personal solution" 20%! 16 May 2016 Special Promotion for new partners: get a 20% discount on the “Investor” package, or 3 gifts out of 5 of your choice!
  • There is still a chance to receive 3 gifts when buying a franchise! 18 April 2016 At the request of those who did not make it to the end of the action last time, "Personal Solution" launches the action again!
  • What does partnership with "Personal Solution" provide? 04 April 2016 The franchisee of the company "Personal Solution" from Orel not only completed the order with high quality, but also in an impossible short time
  • How much can you earn renting movers with "Personal Solution"? 22 March 2016 A partner of the company "Personal Solution" talks about how much you can earn from their franchise
  • How to get 3 gifts at once when buying a franchise? 15 March 2016 "Personal Solution" is holding a promotion until March 31! Hurry up and get 3 gifts!
  • "Personal Solution" gives its partners a new system for receiving orders 01 March 2016 The company "Personal Solution" provides its partners with a second site with a multi-landing system for free
  • "Personal Solution" innovates together with its partners 24 February 2016 On February 18, a teleconference was held with the participation of the company's regional partners
  • "Personal decision" on NTV. 19 February 2016 For its professionalism and quality of services, the company "Personal Solution" got the opportunity to advertise on NTV and REN-TV at a discount
  • How to get a business with a monthly turnover of 2,000,000 rubles for free? 17 February 2016 "Personal solution" reaches millions of turnovers in the snow removal business and gives its partners the same opportunity!
  • "Personal solution" conquered Tula 30 December 2015 Alexey Mityaev, the official partner of the Personal Solution company in the city of Tula, became the hero of the TV show "Economic Environment"
  • Birthday gifts Personal solution! 18 November 2015 Company "Personal solution" is 8 years old! In honor of the holiday, we are giving away gifts!
  • A story on television about the company "Personal Solution" 09 October 2015 A story about one of the franchising partners of the Personal Solution company appeared on regional television.
  • Handicap for start-up entrepreneurs 05 June 2015 The company "Personal Solution" provides its franchisees with additional support, exempting them from paying royalties during the first months of work
  • Test the business the hard way (exclusive) 18 May 2015 "Personal Solution" conducts a free internship at the main office in St. Petersburg for new partners. For 3 days, the franchisees will visit the cultural capital during the magical "white" nights, see the business from the inside and practice in future activities.
  • May gifts for new partners of "Personal Solution" 06 May 2015 The franchise with the Personal Solution brand has become 10% cheaper for all new partners (only until May 15).
  • "Personal solution" will help you beat the competition 21 April 2015 In April, all new Personal Solution franchisees will receive a super training that will help them conquer the market in their region and earn 2 times more money.
  • "Personal solution" helps franchisees to earn 27 March 2015 Since March 13, a quality department has been operating in the Personal Solution company. Among other things, he is engaged in business audit and studies the quality of service. As a result, this will help the franchisee to work better and earn more money.
  • Personal solution - 10 hours free! 02 March 2015 Until March 15, new Personal Solution franchisees will receive an additional 10 hours of consultation with a business expert
  • Buy a franchise with a profit of 150,000 rubles / month. – at the old prices ONLY until February. 27 January 2015 Until February 1, the Personal Solution company “freezes” prices, so that a franchise can be bought for 100-150,000 rubles cheaper. Then, as part of reindexing, all packages will rise in price.
  • "Personal solution" offers "snow business" 29 December 2014 For all new franchisees, until the end of the year, a seasonal addition to the staff lease, which allows you to hire more workers, offer more services and get even more money. Snow removal service!