The most unusual goods sold. EICC network - free search for business partners in Russia and abroad. Puzzles "Open the lock"

Wisdom has also been added to the main personality traits of a successful businessman. Work experience allows you to understand the essence of the laws of development and prosperity of certain market segments. However, there comes a time when competition in the main areas of business is so high that you have to borrow ideas from other countries.

The desire for European standards and the American way of life, the blockage of the Russian market with Chinese products are pushing us to look for ideas for implementing new business areas in our country. Innovative products and services make it possible to occupy as yet free niches in which only a few work today.

Variants of ideas from America

  • Sale of unique cases for stylish and ordinary car models. This device protects against ultraviolet rays, precipitation and mechanical damage. Buying such a cover for a number of motorists will cost less than repairing the hood or changing headlights. Russian entrepreneurs you can try to buy such covers in the USA and resell them at home.
  • Construction of unique garages unlikely to be as popular as in America. This niche Russian market occupied, and the buildings are of great variety. There are also companies involved in individual design and design.
  • Grocery van moving through the city, very popular in the United States. The variety of foods and the accompanying performance of artists to brighten up the expectations of buyers attracts the attention of Americans. In Washington, such vans are very popular. Whether anyone will be able to organize such a "nutrition and entertainment" business in Russia is a moot point. Strict sanitary and hygienic rules and huge competition in the field Catering made the demand for such services minimal.
  • Idea "taxi for animals" suitable for wealthy residents of large cities, more precisely, for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The task is to escort the animals to a specified location, in particular, to a veterinary clinic.
  • Personal consultations, popular in the US, are unlikely to be in demand among Russians. Our people are more self-confident and usually do not need anyone's advice. The exception is lawyers, but this niche is occupied so tightly that inexperienced beginners have nothing to do here at all.

You can learn some more interesting methods of earning from the following video:

Variants of ideas from China

  • Application work- resale of goods with a low cost, if you make purchases via the Internet. The cost of products in China is 50-60% lower than analogues in our markets. The advantage of the repurchase business is that in China you can find any product that is in demand in Russia - starting from ballpoint pens and ending with medical and industrial equipment.
    Now small business is actively developing in Russia, which requires new types of equipment for its own production of building goods, clothing, and household items. China is the most mobile country in terms of introducing any new products.
  • Opening of a salon for the sale of running gear Chinese goods with the placement of the store's website on the Internet. Need to organize a courier service and mail delivery. Many citizens of the Russian Federation are embarrassed to go to cheap Chinese eateries. Sale of small items via the Internet can bring a good income to the store owner. Purchases can also be made online. big investment not required for this business.
  • Organization of sales of piece goods. The essence of the idea is to purchase wholesale lots of goods and pack them in a separate container. The price will depend solely on the recognition of products. If you manage to create a brand, then the initial cost can increase by 2-5 times.
  • Sale of gadgets is already being actively implemented in Russia, but the market niche is still not densely filled, there is always room for innovation. New phones and software versions appear daily, replacing each other. Popular recorders. Their independent purchase in China will cost half as much as the analogues offered by local wholesalers. With phones, the percentage of sales will be less, but they are often changed.
    There is a good demand for seasonal novelties - sunglasses, devices for sports and leisure, as well as various electronic knick-knacks. All these devices are good for an inexpensive gift to friends and acquaintances. There are many options here. The main thing is not to overdo it with the purchase of large quantities of goods, since the demand for these products is spontaneous.

Variants of ideas from Europe

  • Rubber production paving slabs opens up great prospects. The ability to find clients is important. There is no high level of competition in this segment yet. The level of business profitability is approximately 40%. Rubber tiles have a lot of advantages over analogues:
    • long service life - up to 20 years;
    • high resistance to fading, cracking;
    • lack of slip;
    • low cost (rubber crumb for the base can be obtained from old, obsolete car tires).

    Equipment required to start production: molds, volcanic press, dryer and dyes.

  • Calorie counting restaurant. This idea, indicating the number of kcal in front of each dish on the menu, can be supplemented and developed further. For example, a person who breaks a record in calories can be presented with a bottle of champagne or a glass of wine.
  • snow advertising, which has found application in England, is unlikely to be appropriate in Russia, where posters and posters are full of posters on every corner. It’s worth a try if next year’s winter will please the Russians with snow. Law enforcement officers can ban this business even "in the bud".
  • Unlimited taxi rides for a monthly fee. The high cost of gasoline and the irrepressible desires of the Russians will ruin a businessman who ventured into such a business in the first month. The investment is unlikely to pay off. An increase in taxi rental fees will scare off rare customers. The minus of the service is that it operates only within the city and is provided exclusively on a prepaid basis.
  • Pizza in the shape of a cup. The national Italian dish was to the taste of the Russians. And if you cook what has become one of your favorite snack dishes in edible cups, filling them with a variety of toppings, it can turn out to be very convenient and popular.
  • Processing of fruits and vegetables that have lost their visual appeal. appeared in Russia great amount supermarkets, where customers choose their favorite products. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits of the correct form, without cracks and spots. All the rest are sent to the lower boxes, where they continue to rot. If we conclude profitable contract with directors of hypermarkets, you can open profitable business for processing fruits and vegetables into juices, dried fruits, soups and salads. You can organize sales with the permission of the administration at the places of purchase of raw materials.

Variants of ideas from Japan

The country of the Rising Sun offers many original ways of investing, but not all of them are applicable and appropriate in Russian conditions:

  • Divorce ceremony for a nominal fee. There is nothing similar in Russia. Is it worth organizing such a business? You can try the idea as other services of banquet halls and restaurants. Perhaps decent people will want to disperse beautifully, to find out all the painful problems in the circle of close people. Perhaps such an event will serve both spouses as a good lesson for the future. And friends and acquaintances will not have ground for gossip.
  • Production of coolers. Their application to the skin in the heat reduces body temperature, and stuffiness is easier to bear. Taking into account the hot summer in Russia, this idea is worth a try. The price of a spray can will be approximately 60 dollars. Such a cost may not be affordable for the average mass of the population, but there will certainly be customers vacationing in hot countries and at their own dacha.
  • Making 3-D masks- production is expensive, but when a distribution channel is found, it is very profitable and cost-effective. The mask, made of high quality material, is worn on the face and is completely invisible. Partially, the business is implemented in the Russian Federation, but the quality of products leaves much to be desired.
  • Practiced in Japan hotels for unmarried girls. In a limited and calm environment, they prepare themselves for life in marriage. Such an idea is inappropriate for Russia and somewhat wild. However, you can use the idea to organize a version for couples who want to get married in the near future. Most likely, such a service will be in great demand if the price of a room for lovers is lower than the daily rent of apartments in Russian cities.
  • One Book Store. This practice of selling one printed edition for a certain period in Russia is not yet. Often buyers visit bookstores simply from nothing to do, not even hoping to see the long-awaited book there. The new Japanese trend is not to overload the reader with a big offer, but to introduce him to a particular publication or topic. Perhaps this method of sale will be of interest to certain circles of consumers. book production. The most important thing is timely, targeted advertising. You can work on request.

Many people prefer not to work "for their uncle". These people need to earn some money. For example, by organizing own business. This is the most correct solution for those who want to receive money without being hired. But in this case, every businessman faces the question of defining activities. Quite often people prefer handmade things. They are highly valued in today's world. Today we have to find out what you can do with your own hands and sell. What tips and tricks will help you get a good profit from your business? Where and how best to distribute handmade things? If you thoroughly study the answers to these questions, you can become a famous businessman with a good income.

About popularity

With the advent of man on Earth, needlework was born. In the past, people made things out of necessity. With the development of society, handmade things began to be valued not only because of their importance, but also because of their beauty.

The so-called hand-made is usually genuine, original and unforgettable. It carries the love and positive energy of a person. Many say that the philosophy of the art of conserving the planet's resources is promoted through the creation of handicrafts. After all, craftsmen usually use only natural materials in their work.

Having and wearing handmade items means always being at the peak of fashion. Also, people think about what they can do with their own hands and sell due to the fact that such things are distinguished by their originality and originality. They emphasize the individuality of a person. In addition, not everyone can do something with their own hands. Someone does not know how, someone is good at embroidering or sewing, someone has a talent for drawing or forging. In any case, in the modern world, hand-made is in great demand.

Problem of choice

Can you sell handmade items? Yes. A similar perspective opened up in ancient times. As already mentioned, before people made something for themselves. Then they started exchanging items. With the development of the economy on Earth, handmade goods began to be sold. This is normal.

But every businessman who wants to create handmade things faces a number of problems. The first of these is the question of what you can do with your own hands and sell. Below are the most common, relevant and useful ideas for those who plan to try their hand in the field of hand-made.

Bijouterie and jewelry

The first thing that can be advised is to make jewelry and accessories. They are usually worn by women. Such handmade things are always in price. They don't go out of fashion. Such items are unique, they attract the eye.

What can you do with your own hands and sell? Any jewelry and accessories. They can be both male and female.

You can make beads, bracelets, pendants, brooches, key chains and so on. In this case, the use of absolutely any materials is allowed - beads, clay, wood, wire. This is not an exhaustive list.

What can you do with your own hands and sell? Beaded bracelets and beads made of polymer clay. Even a schoolboy can make such decorations.

Many say that kanzashi-style jewelry is very popular - these are original hair ornaments. In the manufacture of such a hand-made, the technique of adding fabrics is used in a variety of ways.

It should be noted that many semi-precious stone jewelry without a clear cut cannot be found in stores. Such items can only be bought with hands. They look original, which attracts buyers.

paper filigree

What can be done with your own hands and profitable to sell? The following idea will suit exceptionally assiduous and accurate people. It's about paper filigree. It's called quilling.

What it is? The art of creating a variety of crafts (decorations) from paper. Usually masters use paper tapes for their hand-made. They create various decorations that can be used for postcards, letters, frames and gift wrapping.

In addition, with the help of quilling, you can make a variety of decorations. What exactly to do? It's hard to predict. Any figures from paper ribbons will be bought up by modern mods.

A few ideas for paper filigree:

  • creating flowers;
  • crafts in the form of zodiac signs;
  • paintings;
  • toys.

Paintings are especially popular today. Making them with a certain skill is not difficult. And such hand-made is sold expensively.


What can you do with your own hands and sell? At home, modern people can create a variety of items. The range of improvised materials is practically unlimited. Therefore, there are a lot of ideas for business.

The next interesting direction for work is quilting. This is the process of creating objects from scraps of fabric. Usually such things turn out to be bright, original and original.

The art of quilting came to the modern world from past centuries. Ancestors quite often sewed from scraps of fabric. Modern craftswomen use expensive fabrics of different colors in their work.

What can be done this way? Here are some ideas:

  • blankets;
  • pillows;
  • towels;
  • paintings;
  • rugs;
  • toys;
  • bags.

This is not a complete list of what can be done with quilting. But these ideas will help to test the activity and evaluate its profitability.


Not everyone can do crafts. Some people have certain talents for art. What can you do with your own hands and sell in this case?

When decoupage, the use of any materials is allowed - from napkins to fabric. Such a business does not require special expenses. The main thing is to have talent in the field of decor.

You can paint anything you like - plates, saucers, cups, vases, coasters and even furniture. It all depends on what exactly the person wants to do. At first, it is recommended to work with available items - dishes and vases.

Shop of unusual goods - profitable option business in a segment with a low level of competition. It can be organized in the form of a specialized outlet or a boutique operating offline or online. The initial investment in the implementation of a business idea is at least 500 thousand rubles, and the estimated profitability is 40-50%. A room in crowded places, 2-4 employees and a bright sign. Manufacturers of non-standard gadgets, needlewomen, flea market dealers can become suppliers. The payback of the project can be achieved in 6-12 months. To reduce the level of risks, you can use the franchises "Lost and Found", "Red Cube", "Delicious Help", etc.

Business model for a fancy goods store

Most people have a craving for creative, interesting and non-standard things. What is the reason for this trend? A water painting mat, a fur case for a smartphone, an umbrella in the form of a samurai sword are ideal options for gifts, convenient and stylish gadgets. A time machine made from old bolts, a vase in the shape of a dragon, stuffed animals will serve as a spectacular decor item or a detail of a private collection.

In this light, the idea of ​​creating a store of unusual goods can be seen not only as profitable business but also as a fun activity.

What are the advantages of implementing a non-standard business idea?

  1. The profitability of sales can reach 50% if the store is located in a busy place.
  2. The level of competition is extremely low even in major cities, while in small settlements a niche may turn out to be completely free.
  3. Original items are more expensive than their standard counterparts.
  4. Unique products do not need additional advertising - they are able to attract the attention of buyers without outside help.
  5. The payback of the store is 5-7 months, provided it is properly organized.

Figure 1. Game of Thrones pillows will cost the customer 3-5 times more than standard designs.
Source: Aliexpress website

Important point! For a store of unusual things, the seasonality factor is relevant: the demand for original goods is growing on the eve of major holidays. In this regard, you can replenish the range of thematic products.

Choosing a business format

There are several formats for organizing a company selling non-standard things:

  1. Special shop. A unique products shop can be positioned as a souvenir and gift shop, handicrafts, strange things, accessories for subcultures, or as an antique shop.

    An example of an original gift shop from Ufa that has been operating online and offline since 2009

  2. Boutique. The firm may sell a limited range of premium products at a high mark-up, such as unique decor items and antiques made from expensive materials.
  3. Online store. Variant with minimal cost, which requires selecting a service region and debugging delivery channels.

Figure 2. Shop-museum of felt products by artist Lucy Sparrow, UK.
Source: Chips.Net website

Important point! Before choosing a business format, it is worth evaluating the circle potential buyers. Thus, in a small town, the proportion of wealthy citizens who are able to purchase goods in a boutique of unusual things can be 3-7% of the total population. The cost of maintaining couriers may also be more than the rent of premises for a stationary outlet.

Store registration - important nuances

A creative store of unusual goods requires quite ordinary registration with the Federal Tax Service and off-budget funds. To begin with, the company should formalize its activities as an individual entrepreneur - this will avoid the need for large-scale reporting.

  1. To register with the tax authorities, you must submit a passport, a receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles) and a completed form P21001 to the IFTS office at the place of registration of the entrepreneur.
  2. When applying, you should choose a special UTII tax regime (rate - 15% of income), which allows you to deduct insurance payments from the tax base, as well as submit reports every 3 months.
  3. In order to register with the PFR and the MHIF, it is enough to contact the tax service with this question (non-budgetary authorities interact with the Federal Tax Service in a one-stop shop).

Important point! After choosing a location, the fancy goods store must also obtain permission to operate from the fire department, where you need to submit an application and a copy of the lease.

AT general view The functioning of the store of unusual goods is based on the norms of such legislative acts of the Russian Federation:

  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" No. 2300-1-FZ dated February 7, 1992;
  3. Federal Law "On Advertising" No. 38-FZ dated March 13, 2006;
  4. Federal Law "On the basics state regulation trading activities in Russian Federation» No. 381-FZ of December 28, 2009.

Important point! If we are talking about organizing an online store, then in this case the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Rules for the sale of goods remotely» No. 612 dated 09/27/2007 and the Letter of Rospotrebnadzor "On monitoring compliance with the Rules for the sale of goods remotely" No. 0100/10281-07-32 dated 10/12/2007.

Premises and equipment for a shop of unique goods

Important role in achieving high profitability plays right choice premises. The main criterion is the mass of people inclined to spontaneous purchases. Therefore, the choice should be stopped at:

  • first floors of buildings with access to busy avenues;
  • stalls or pavilions in crowded places;
  • boutiques in shopping malls.

Figure 3. Facade of the unusual gift shop "Lost and Found".
Source: Torgov.Net website

To equip the internal space and create conditions for the operation of the store, you will need to purchase a set of fixed capital that is standard for a retail outlet.

Important point! Before heading out for new equipment, it's worth checking out the ads on the city's forum: among used items, you can find cheap and amazing interior items.

Worth paying Special attention shop window, its signboard, interior decor - they must correspond to the unusual format of the outlet. It is the design - main way attracting visitors.

Figure 4. Creative action for the sale of an old piano.
Source: Lost and Found website

Important point! To promote a store of unusual goods, it seems relevant to participate in fairs and exhibitions that will attract new customers to the products. potential clients.

Purchase of goods for the outlet

The issue with suppliers is one of the most difficult in opening a shop for non-standard products. There are several options for finding the source of goods:

  • coordinate the supply of interesting gadgets from China and other countries;
  • negotiate with local needlewomen and craftsmen;
  • search for original knick-knacks and antiques on " flea markets and city forums.

The initial purchase of goods can take about 200-300 thousand rubles.

Figure 5. Chairs "Time Machine" from metal trash.
Source: Lost and Found website

Important point! It is important to match the assortment with the design of the store. If these are modern gadgets, then you can think of a space-style design. If cute trinkets - then in the style of "Vintage". If antiques are in the style of the era to which they belong.

Sales of goods should be organized not only offline: it is advisable to get your own website and organize active activities in in social networks.

Financial plan - how much start-up capital is needed to open a store?

The calculation of costs shows that it may take about 500 thousand rubles to create a point of sale for non-standard goods. At first, the store may be limited to hiring a few employees - 2 shift workers, a security guard and a cleaner. Bookkeeping should be outsourced.

If you organize sales on the basis of a stall or pavilion, and also take on the function of a seller in the first months of work, then you can start a business with 400 thousand rubles.

Examples of Russian firms selling unusual products

In 2004, three creative and cheerful people - publisher Dmitry Shchepin, economist Natalia Mayorova and artist Yuri Movchan, were solving a difficult task. On their birthday, they wanted to surprise a friend with an outlandish gift, but they could not find anything suitable among lighters, sets and ties. Without thinking twice, the friends found an old iron in the attic and built a clock into it. So the first unusual gift appeared.

To choose a suitable and rather unusual business idea for starting your own business, let's look at what they are and where they come from.

How start-ups are born

Their main sources are hobbies, their own or others' needs, as well as attempts to improve someone else's idea. That is, take specific project, "bring to mind" and adapt to your own needs.

Another winning option is to remember the well-forgotten old. Having rummaged through the archive of ideas and pulled out something worthwhile, but undeservedly forgotten, many contemporaries were able to establish a more than profitable business.

The basic principle of every successful entrepreneur is to do what you love and manage to profit from it. Almost any hobby, subject to a serious passion for it, can grow into a full-fledged business. To do this, you should consider how it can benefit others. At the same time, an easy adjustment of the idea or work in a similar direction is possible. Business training in this case is quite easy and natural.

The classic way is to analyze what is missing in the surrounding reality for you or your loved ones. It was with this approach that a huge number of useful little things appeared, without which we now cannot imagine everyday life. Another good option is to copy someone else's business idea. For example, you came to relatives in another city and suddenly you see something that is not in your native places. For example, a bright and cheerful playground on the territory shopping center. Why not organize something similar in the nearest supermarket? Unusual small business ideas sometimes literally lie underfoot.

For about a month, ask yourself the following question - what kind of inconvenience do people experience, what do they need right now, how can I use it? Think about this always and everywhere - being in society, observing the life and daily affairs of acquaintances and strangers. This is where the basics of business training begin.

Let's get started on the project

Start brainstorming by making two lists - what you are competent in (what you know, know how to organize) and a list of things and hobbies that can bring you true joy. Be as honest as possible, delve into your memory - what exactly did you like to do from your very youth, what did you dream about when you were young? All activities that arouse interest and attention, carefully write down on paper.

When both lists are ready, we alternately select one item from the first and try it on for each position of the second. We carefully and critically examine the resulting combinations. What can they give? Do not be lazy to mark each found option. At the same time, we do not forget about the basic principle brainstorming We record everything, but do not analyze anything yet. Now our job is to record all the thoughts that come to mind. If necessary, we involve friends or colleagues in the process.

The next stage is the analysis and careful selection of the recorded information. To evaluate how effective our new and unusual business- idea, you should think about a whole host of factors, namely:

1. Will this offer be in demand?

2. What kind of resources will the project require?

3. Which of these do you have?

4. How is the competition in the chosen area?

Try to answer the questions as objectively as possible. As a result, you will understand that most of the initial ideas can be discarded without regret for complete hopelessness. Don't worry - that's the way it should be. Leave only a few that are realistically achievable. And do not rush - maybe some of the options just need to be improved or some modification, after which it will be possible to talk about their profitability.

Leaving a few of the most promising ideas uncrossed out, dwell on the one that best fits your available resources. And most importantly - do not forget about the presence or absence of demand. Do people need what you have in mind?

Your business in a crisis

There is an opinion that in a crisis, opening any business is an unprofitable and pointless exercise. But this is far from true. Many entrepreneurs "rose" precisely in difficult times, having correctly oriented themselves in the situation. Here are options for when your products or services will help people get through a difficult period.

1. Alternative lending. The lack of money during a crisis makes people look for additional sources of financing. If you cannot or do not want to engage in express loans, you can organize a resource with the provision of an actual service - the so-called trust loan. It looks like an Internet platform that brings together borrowers who are ready to lend money at interest on credit. The income of the resource is from the commission that they pay.

2. Second hand clothing store. Buying new things now is not affordable for everyone. And there are almost no prejudices in society against worn clothes. You can purchase goods at wholesale warehouses; there are special Internet sites to search for them. Second-hand clothing costs quite inexpensively, and such a business does not require very serious investments. It is only important to understand the topic and be able to look for good things of decent quality.

3. You can organize the sale of used phones. A new smartphone is operated on average for a year and a half, after which the owner, as a rule, begins to select a model that is more recent and prestigious. But many fellow citizens who are constrained in their means will be happy to buy at an attractive price. Statistics show steady demand in this market segment.

4. Quite an unusual business idea - sale finished houses. The real estate market is in crisis. In difficult times, a good solution with rapidly falling demand may be a sale in the form of a "package" solution - a fully prepared house with a design worked out to the smallest detail, right down to the landscape of the backyard plot and the furniture layout of the rooms. This direction is being developed by home staging specialists, and, oddly enough, their services are always in demand.

5. Shared Taxi. This service is growing in popularity. Arranging trips to the right direction with fellow travelers, you will save money and be able to have fun and useful time on the road.

6. Enough is enough unusual ideas for business with minimum investment include a special site dedicated to the sale of goods at discount prices. The opportunity to save money in difficult times is especially important for any buyer. That is why the resource that introduces the visitor to all the interesting offers in the field of discounts and sales will always enjoy stable popularity. The main income of such a site will be brought by advertising.

7. Services in a remote format. During a crisis, some companies reduce their own staff, and hire outsourcing specialists to solve planned tasks. If you are able to provide such services, you can implement them in the remote work format.

8. You can make money on computer games. Some of them are designed so that users can receive money for their own actions. The project mainly implies a platform on which the participants themselves create games, having received the tools necessary for this at their own disposal. The author's income is also due to advertising, which will accompany the game process. This is not a bad business for students who understand the topic.

9. Trade in a mass product. Most often in crisis time exclusive innovative solutions remain unclaimed. Massive (most necessary) household and family goods are in high demand. In order to save money, many people prefer to buy in bulk. That is why it makes sense to single out the most popular positions in the world of consumer goods and organize their sale in large packages.

10. Organization of own collection agency. Debts are an eternal problem, in a crisis it is especially relevant. You can help people with their return or advise consumers on the legal intricacies of this process.

What good are troubled times

Let us clarify once again the benefits of opening your own business in times of crisis.

1. Relatively affordable property price.

2. The theoretical possibility of redistributing the market.

3. Decrease (sometimes quite sharp) of competition.

4. Compliance of suppliers and their willingness to meet your requirements.

5. Opportunity to purchase materials and equipment inexpensively at one of the many sales.

So, which of the creative business ideas deserve the reader's attention?

1. Recycle old tires

Every year in Moscow alone, at least 70,000 tons of old tires go to landfill. There are plenty of them in other cities too. No more than a fifth of the total volume is recycled. The rest go to waste or are burned. Nowadays, there are technologies for their disposal and processing with the production of special crumbs that can be used in construction industry- make concrete, lay roads, etc.

The purchase of a set of equipment will cost about 7 million rubles. Of course, for a novice entrepreneur, such a price may seem prohibitively high. But at first, you can start processing the source material, for example, split the tires in half, getting a semi-finished product on a special machine that costs about half a million rubles. Next, the blanks go through the abrasion procedure. In case of successful conclusion of the supply agreement crumb rubber in wholesale quantities for road builders and repairmen, the business will pay off in full and bring a good profit.

2. Stationary photo printing kiosk

Pictures taken with modern gadgets and posted on Instagram can be printed on high-speed Japanese printer on premium quality paper and immediately offered to the client. To organize such a business, you should conclude an agreement with a company supplying such kiosks. Such a turnkey point will cost about 370,000 rubles. Do not forget to add the cost of renting a place in the shopping center and take care of consumables, that is, packages of high-quality photo paper. Each of the packs, designed for 2.8 thousand photographs, will bring in revenue of at least 70,000 rubles. If you sell prints for 25 rubles. per piece, net profit will be at least 60,000 rubles.

3. Taxi machines

What it is? These are permanently installed innovative terminals. Such "boxes" allow you to choose among a variety of services. By pressing the right button, you can call a taxi for free, order pizza or flowers, tow truck, courier services, book a hotel room and so on. Profits will be brought to you by those organizations that place their contacts in your taxi machine. The apparatus is usually designed for 25 cells.

What is the asking price? To purchase and set up 5 terminals, you need about 175,000 rubles. A certain amount will need to be invested in advertising in order to attract customers. It will cost you 17-20 thousand rubles. About 10,000 more will be required to rent a place where taxis will be located. Add the costs of communication and electricity and the salary of the employee who will serve them.

You can evaluate each of the client agreements for one advertising space within a month at 3,000 rubles. Thus, from five of your devices, you can make a profit of about 370,000 rubles. monthly.

4. Luminous balls for the holiday

What it is? A battery-powered LED is inserted into a standard balloon. These balloons are made of latex, which is quite dense compared to the usual one. After all, the luminous ball is experiencing a large overload. The cost of each LED is about 15 rubles, the same is the price of a standard ball. By purchasing in bulk, you can further reduce your costs. 50 balls will cost you 500 rubles, selling them for 100 rubles. per unit, you can count on earnings from 5000 rubles. for one holiday for which the customer buys at least 50 pieces of your products. And, as you know, we have holidays on a regular basis.

5. Brick "Lego"

Outwardly, such bricks resemble a children's designer. In each of them - a pair of holes and a top protruding above the surface. As a result, the bricks are inserted one into one and held together not with cement mortar, but with special glue. To establish their production, you will need to open your own mini-factory. For starters, a room of 50 square meters will suffice. The purchase of equipment will have to spend about 600,000 rubles. With a unit cost of about 15 rubles. and the release of about 2,500 bricks during each shift, it is possible to receive for each month (22 working days) revenues of over 800,000 rubles. The payback period for such an enterprise is about two months.

6. Bar of healthy drinks

Today, a variety of healthy natural drinks are also an alternative to regular ice cream - from protein shakes to a variety of desserts and varieties of coffee. You can place such a bar on an area of ​​​​6 square meters. Of the equipment, you will need to buy a milling cutter to get frozen yogurt - the issue price is about 180,000 rubles. It will be necessary to equip the point with a bar counter, chairs, a trash can. You will need to issue and buy raw materials, initially investing at least 250-300 thousand rubles. The amount required as an initial investment will be approximately 600,000 rubles, and the expected profit, provided that a yogurt bar is installed on the territory of a large shopping center, will be at least 120,000 rubles. monthly.

7. Zoological hotel

For the province, this is a rather unusual business idea. Plenty of families keep dogs and cats, not to mention hamsters, guinea pigs and more exotic pets. Sometimes the owners go on business trips or on vacation, and there is a problem with the device of a pet. A hotel for animals will be very useful for such an owner. The offer can be expanded with the services of a veterinarian, a driver, a dog groomer and other professionals providing a full range of services for your target audience. For rent suitable premises and the salary of employees should be provided for a start of about 100,000 rubles. This activity does not require a license.

If we estimate the cost of the service per day in an amount equal to 300 rubles (depending on the type and content of the animal), then each of the clients will bring you from 1000 rubles. The payback period for this business is one and a half to two months, such services are especially in demand during the summer holidays.

8. Breeding crayfish

This is one of the unusual production business ideas. You can grow crayfish in a pool or pond. The main thing is to organize the supply of females with live eggs to the breeding site. At a purchase price of 100 rubles. per kilogram to get about 80 kilos of goods at the output, you will need an initial investment of about 8,000 rubles. Renting a pool will cost 50,000 rubles, a reservoir - about 180,000. The payback of this business is very, very high. After all, a kilogram of crayfish costs at least 400 rubles on the market. The weight of one adult crayfish is about 300 g. By purchasing 500 females that will bear offspring, you can make a profit (after deducting all expenses) in the region of one and a half million rubles.

9. Earn on traffic arbitrage

This is one of the most relevant ways to earn income online. It works like a regular store - we buy cheaper, we sell more expensive. Goods in this case traffic acts, and a promoted blog, website or forum acts as a store platform. Traffic is acquired on specific resources, then redirected to your site, where, for example, contextual advertising is placed. Some of the visitors follow the ads, providing the owner of the resource with a rather tangible profit.

The most unusual business ideas in the world

Many business ideas can be gleaned from reading about what is happening abroad. In Germany, a successful businessman hires paid dancers to sparsely populated discos. There is such a service as meditation on a farm with cows. It is offered to relax and calmly resolve complex issues for office workers and businessmen. The category of psychological services includes a separation service, where for a fee you will be relieved of stress by informing you of a breakup with an unwanted partner with the help of a specially hired person.

There are services for long-term storage of letters on demand. In Japan, you can order your letter to be sent to the addressee after 7 years. And yet, in modern Russian reality, most of these business ideas for unusual services are rather exotic. Few people dare to organize something like this in our country in the conditions of crisis survival.

What is closer to the Russians

Ideas implemented by many enterprising compatriots may turn out to be much more in demand - business for students, schoolchildren and housewives, not to mention serious entrepreneurs. We are talking about the development of turnkey websites, the organization of tanning studios, the production of building foam blocks at home, hair design, the organization of private cleaning companies, training in procurement on a tender basis, private schools and kindergartens, interior design services.

Entrepreneurs offer wholesale of any goods, even the most exotic, weddings in unusual conditions (including abroad). By individual project they will build a cottage for you, make jewel or an author's toy, organize a sea or river cruise, offer a lot of fun and useful things like cookies with future predictions. Someone breeds and someone organizes courses foreign language, including online (via Skype). Many are engaged wholesale trade anything - from building materials to fruit.

Very common business in the field passenger traffic or the production of useful health products such as pregnancy pillows. Such niches as the sale of cars that already have mileage, the production of all kinds of souvenirs and handmade products are not empty either. There is a huge choice in our days of all types of repair work, organization and organization of festive events and the opening of sports clubs equipped with the most modern simulators. Internet advertising agencies are opening everywhere, services are offered for accounting, maintenance and treatment of animals, landscaping of loggias and balconies, garden plots, and the production of artificial Christmas trees for the New Year holidays.

Everything is made to order - from wooden furniture to author's educational toys. Curtains of the most exquisite design are offered for tailoring. If necessary, you can find any lessons - vocals, painting, dance skills. The services of special equipment, rental of construction change houses are in great demand. Smart and entrepreneurial people open legal agencies or engage in outdoor advertising. Someone can organize an entire tourist network or produce promotional videos. Master artists produce wonderful Jewelry or art forgings.

Anything can be rented - mopeds, large-sized children's toys, household appliances. You can easily find services for the production of 3D models or 3D advertising on asphalt. Event agencies specializing in the organization of holidays and any events are very popular. People make money online contextual advertising and organizing their own online stores. Those who are not too friendly with modern technologies, sew to order, provide services of nurses and look after children.

In a word, business ideas (both unusual and not too, but well-proven) these days are a dime a dozen. The main thing is not to sit still, turn on the creativity and persevere in achieving the goal.