Advertising department of the newspaper. Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Functions and structure of the advertising department

When considering advertising, we cannot ignore the process of interaction between the advertiser or the advertising agency representing him and the advertising distribution channels. The advertiser and the agency buy the attention of the audience. Accordingly, the ropes offer this attention for sale, i.e. the basic product is the audience - its volume, demographic and socio-economic characteristics. There are several main ways to sell ads in channels:

  • o the sale is carried out by its own sales department;
  • o an external organization is hired to sell advertising - a seller;
  • o The sale of advertising is entrusted to several sellers who act on their own behalf, receiving a commission from the owners of the channels.

Through its own departments, advertising is sold in print media, on radio and on the Internet. Only a small number of such channels work according to the scheme of selling with one external organization. A number of these channels also use a network of agencies that sell their advertising opportunities. Television was characterized exclusively by sales through sellers, but due to legislative changes it is now changing and becoming mixed, which we will discuss in this chapter. And finally, for outdoor advertising the third method is most typical, when the owners - media operators - conclude a sufficiently large number of contracts with advertising agencies, which provide the opportunity to place them on the market.

Since each of the presented methods is most attached to certain channels, we will consider the features of advertising sales using the example of print media, television and outdoor advertising.

Organization of advertising sales in print media

As we have already noted, the organization of advertising sales in print media - newspapers and magazines - in most cases is carried out through its own advertising department. Only a small percentage of Russian publications have completely given over the sale of their advertising opportunities to an external seller. A number of publications work with advertising agencies, but sell only part of their advertising space through them.

Functions and structure of the advertising department

The advertising department is one of the divisions of the publication. The other two are the editors themselves, which prepare the publication, and the distribution service, which brings this publication to the reader through sale, subscription, own delivery, or delivery by external distributors. It is clear that all departments work to create and implement a single product, and the work of each of them is interconnected.

The main goal of the advertising department in a newspaper or magazine is to attract a sufficient number of advertising orders to ensure financial stability and independence of the publication. From this goal, the functional tasks facing the advertising department follow:

  • o knowledge of the advertising market and the ability to analyze its strengths and weaknesses;
  • o creation operating bases data about real and potential advertisers;
  • o organization of advertising sales of newspaper space on its own, with the help of partner advertising agencies or attracted advertising agents;
  • o maintaining all documentation;
  • o if necessary, designing advertising for the customer and placing it in the publication;
  • o formation commercial offers to intensify work with the advertiser and increase the volume of advertising sales;
  • o creation of working price lists;
  • o Creation of presentation materials to ensure effective advertising sales.

Based on these tasks, the work of the advertising department in a newspaper or magazine is built, including its structure, the number of employees working in it and their responsibilities. Different publications with different volumes and different tasks imply different staffing tables advertising department. In addition, the number of people employed depends on the realities of the market, financial condition publications and, most importantly, the level of management. You can assemble a huge department, but not cope with the management, then the result will be far from expected. Therefore, speaking about the structure of the department, we do not mean the number of employees working in it, but the necessary positions, without which it is impossible to organize effective activities.

Rice. 8.1.

Several more components can be added to this scheme: for example, a market research bureau, or a bureau for working with corporate clients, or advertising reception bureau, development bureau, etc. Depending on the volume of the publication, its position in the market, financial stability and other important reasons, the structure of the department can change and be as close as possible to the tasks being solved, the projected changes in ambitions in the end.

The sales office has subdivisions dealing with: 1 - acceptance of announcements in the editorial office or special reception points; 2 - active sale advertising directly to advertisers; 3 - interaction with advertising agencies.

In the bureau of design and placement, there are: / - designers; 2 - text writers; 3 - managers-coordinators who control the placement of advertising in the room (sometimes they assist in the development of advertising).

  • 1. Advertising space must be sold. This will provide the necessary financial income.
  • 2. Sold areas must be well designed. This is a necessary condition. Poorly designed advertising annoys both the reader and the advertiser to the same extent, which can lead to a decrease in circulation and an outflow of money for advertising.

Rice. 8.2.

All other functions that we have already talked about and that may one way or another arise in the course of activity can be distributed within the framework of the above two areas, or a separate division can be singled out, for example, engaged in market research, forecasts of its development, the formation of new databases, etc. .d. For a major publication, perhaps this will be necessary. But often these responsibilities are assumed by the director himself, delegating part necessary work other employees of the department or temporarily attracting external structures for individual orders.

The director of the print media advertising department organizes and manages all the activities of the division entrusted to him, reporting directly to the general (in some cases, commercial) director. Within the structure defined above, the director of advertising, in addition to the current management, performs the following.

  • 1. Analyzes the received data on the structure of the readership and prepares the necessary presentation materials based on this data (it is assumed that such data can be bought from research firms that exist in many regions of Russia, plus such studies are carried out at the national level and cover regional markets).
  • 2. Orders an analysis of the advertising market from third-party firms. If this is not possible, organizes the collection of data on the advertising market with the help of department employees and, based on independent analysis, determines the strategic tasks for organizing advertising sales.
  • 3. Organizes and controls the work to maintain the databases of advertisers, determining the strategic points associated with their structuring.
  • 4. Together with the head of the sales bureau, he plans the volume of space for sale in general and develops new commercial proposals.
  • 5. Together with the head of the advertising design and placement bureau, he develops a system for submitting advertising in the publication.
  • 6. Organizes a training system for department employees.
  • 7. Coordinates the system of remuneration of employees of the department.

In addition, the director of the department sometimes has to understand conflict situations between employees of the department, monitor the implementation of the plan, represent the department at editorial planning meetings and meetings with the management, bring editorial plans to the team, and jointly develop their own based on them.

Sales managers form the basis of the sales bureau. As a rule, this staff members department. In some publications, each manager oversees one or more areas of the advertising market. Some work with advertisers involved in the production and sale of food products, others specialize in real estate, and others communicate with advertisers representing the service sector.

These include:

  • o working with databases of advertisers not only as a reference tool, but also as a mobile tool that needs to be improved from time to time: add new data, correct outdated ones, enter information about specific steps in working with an advertiser;
  • o contacts directly with advertisers, finding out the features and details of the approach to advertising, its needs; if necessary, the manager advises, consults. As a rule, small and medium-sized businesses that do not have advertising specialists and often do not use the services of advertising agencies need advice. Therefore, an advertising manager from a newspaper or magazine can become an assistant adviser for them;
  • o work with graphic designers: the manager explains the customer's requirements, offers his options and compares the prepared layout with the customer;
  • o design necessary documentation(contracts, invoices, acts of acceptance of works);
  • o participation in the development of new commercial proposals for the advertising policy of the publication, taking into account the wishes of advertisers, the situation on the market in order to increase the volume of advertising sales.

Here are the main areas of work of an advertising manager. Moreover, the functional duties of the manager itself and the advertising seller, who is sometimes also called an advertising agent, are combined. True, advertising agents in many editorial offices work outside the state, their earnings are an agreed percentage of the income brought. The main task of advertising agencies is to sell advertising, since most of the work on maintaining an order still falls on managers.

In some editions, a separate person is responsible for working with advertising agents. Some call him a coordinator, others - a dispatcher. The coordinator-dispatcher receives all advertising orders from agents, makes sure that advertising agents do not intersect with each other in the market space, provides agents with presentation materials of the department, informs them about new directions in the advertising policy of the publication, controls the passage of advertising orders brought by agents. He also monitors the schedule for the release of materials in the issue in accordance with the media plan or the wishes of the customer.

Another direction that occupies a significant place in the sales office is building relationships with advertising agencies. After all, the print media is just a drop in the distribution of advertising, and it would be nice if they only dealt with distribution. However, according to a survey of more than 50 newspapers published in the regions of Russia, only 15-20% of the total amount of advertising placed in them comes from advertising agencies. The rest of the sales are carried out by the advertising department on its own. Nevertheless, working with advertising agencies seems to be quite a promising business. In the survey of regional publications mentioned above, reasons were identified that prevent many regional publications from using the services of agencies. The most common reasons given were:

  • o underdevelopment of the regional market of advertising agencies;
  • o insufficient work of the publications themselves with out-of-town advertising agencies, which could lead to a significant increase in advertising orders from other cities

Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities with a million inhabitants;

  • o underdevelopment of the information base: it is not always possible to obtain information about the activities of agencies that are specialized in advertising in the media;
  • o an undeveloped system of relations between the media and advertising agencies: many do not agree to the terms of the editorial office regarding prices and volumes of placement.

It is known that many editorial offices consider it inappropriate to create a division within the advertising department that would deal with the design and placement of advertising. In major publishing houses, advertisers and advertising agencies are required to accept only ready-made layouts for placement. But in small regional publications, this requirement is often impossible, especially if the newspaper or magazine sells advertising opportunities not through an agency, but on its own. Companies representing medium and small businesses, the main advertisers of such publications, do not always have people in their staff who are able to embody their advertising wishes in the layout. And yet, until now, to the design division of advertising in printed publications are treated with distrust, considering this division in the structure of the publication as a whole and the advertising department in particular, simply superfluous. When it becomes necessary to draw up the original layout, they entrust this to the layout designer of the newspaper. If there is a need to write a text, they turn to journalists. How to "place an advertisement" in a room is the responsibility of the responsible secretary. With proofreading, again, it's simple: the number is read - the advertisement is read.

However, in recent times the situation has changed for the better. The need to separate the functions of the editorial office, which produces a newspaper, and the advertising department, which sells advertisements to this newspaper, became obvious. Today, the owners of the publication understand that saving on a designer or copywriter, replacing them with editorial staff can lead to high costs in the future.

It has already been mentioned earlier that many regional newspapers sell advertising space directly to the advertiser and always face the problem of designing original layouts and writing texts. But even if the newspaper were only a channel for the distribution of advertising, then in this case the department for the design of advertising, which is now being discussed, would still be necessary to have. For even when placing ready-made layouts, at least one person will be required who "wisely" will fit them into the existing model of the publication.

What functions will the registration and accommodation bureau take on?

  • 1. Building an advertising model in the publication. Each issue of the publication should have a clearly defined place for advertising. Taking into account the general model of publication advertising specialists should create their own model, in which there will be sections, headings, blocks created not at random, but taking into account the structure of advertisers, the main types of advertising. Building a model, regularly maintaining it in a normal state, as well as some modification in the event of a changing situation, can be done by one person.
  • 2. Development of original layouts for specific orders of advertisers. Taking into account that the advertiser has his own goals and objectives, many of the customer's wishes have to be thought out, invented, fantasized. For a newspaper layout designer, this approach is simply impossible due to lack of time. Yes, and in general, the design of advertising has its own specifics.
  • 3. Writing texts for advertising messages, and text advertising (articles) - on the orders of advertisers. There is a clear advantage to text advertising in newspaper advertising today.
  • 4. Creative proposals for the advertiser's long-term projects. Often, the advertiser does not just want to place a module, line or article, but to make a series advertising materials that can significantly help his business. In this case, he needs some conceptual and creative study of the campaign.
  • 5. Proofreading of promotional materials. Unfortunately, frankly illiterate advertising texts are quite common today.

The range of responsibilities is quite extensive. This is exactly what scares many media executives. However, sometimes there may be some combination of responsibilities within the advertising department.

Conditions for effective sales. There are several basic conditions that serve as the basis for successful advertising sales. The level of competition, the development of the market are objective indicators, and we cannot always influence them. But there are many other conditions, without which it will be difficult to sell advertising. Here are some of them:

  • o precise positioning of the publication;
  • o knowing your audience and producing a publication that meets the needs of this audience;
  • o identification of a potential circle of advertisers whose clients match the segments of readers;
  • o understanding the features of the advertising process and the challenges facing the advertiser;
  • o creation of a full-fledged advertising department with a clear structure;
  • o the concept of advertising in the publication that meets the needs of the advertiser and the reader.

Knowing the market and your advertiser allows you to seriously talk about the technology of advertising sales. Then we will inevitably come to the need for planning. Without an advertising sales plan, it will be very difficult to maintain the graphic integrity of the publication, build advertising blocks and a competent newspaper economy, manage and stimulate employees. The plan is based on two target areas:

  • o volume of the area of ​​the edition which should be sold;
  • o cash to be earned through sales.

It is clear why volumes and funds are separately allocated. Often, advertising in different places of the room costs differently. In addition, some types of advertising, such as classified ads, come at a lower cost than modular and text advertising. Volume planning is important in order to maintain the graphic "face" of the publication. Fund planning - economic task, without the solution of which the existence of the publication will be in a difficult situation.

The basis of any planning is the analysis of the situation. In order to plan advertising sales, you must:

  • 1) know the history of sales by months for the last two years;
  • 2) hold comparative analysis seasonal fluctuations in sales with the allocation of specific groups of advertisers at times of decline and rise;
  • 3) research the development of the market, including its capacity;
  • 4) evaluate the level of competition, including a thorough analysis of the situation and the dynamics of development of the main competing publications.

The timing of sales planning for different publications may be different. In accordance with the development plan of a newspaper or magazine, it would be logical to plan for a year with a further breakdown of this plan into shorter segments. It is customary to single out a monthly advertising sales plan from the annual sales plan, breaking it down by numbers, taking into account the model and generated advertising blocks. As part of general plan sales is a further breakdown of the sales plan for each individual advertising seller. In fact, this is a particularly important position, since planning allows you to introduce a reasonable framework for remuneration of employees. Some publications, given the rigid publication model, are also making a plan for various kinds advertising.

To develop an effective selling price list, both the volume of the publication's audience and the placement of advertising in the issue are important. Often a higher coefficient is set for advertising that will appear on the front page of a newspaper. For magazines, increased prices are set for the first few spreads, as well as for advertising strips next to the headings "Editor's Word", "Letters from Readers" and the content of the issue. Taking into account the increased attention of readers to these bands, the price increase is justified. But it would be nice not to use the words "surcharge" or "surcharge" in the price list itself. In any sales, these are words that are negatively perceived by the consumer. Advertising sales are no exception. It is much better if the price list contains specific prices for specific places in the publication in its specific issues. At the same time, it is necessary to know how much the bands and numbers rated as "expensive" are in demand.

With a well-designed advertising structure, the distribution of thematic blocks of advertising by pages and specific outlets, it will be very easy for a publication in the price list to give absolute cost figures, rather than basic figures with percentage markups. In addition to the convenience for advertisers, it is also a convenience for the advertising sellers themselves. The prices shown in the price list in in absolute terms, - this is also the way to the transparency of the chain policy of advertising sales.

Discounts on advertising, if not well thought out, can also affect the effectiveness of sales. For example, vague wording is often found in price lists: "Discounts for regular advertisers" or "Discounts for advertisers who have advertised at least three times." With such formulations, many questions arise. For example, who counts as a regular advertiser?

The concept of a discount came to advertising from commerce, where it stands for the amount by which the price of a product or service is reduced. In advertising, a discount is a reduction or decrease in the base rate set by the advertising medium or the cost of an individual offer. Naturally, a discount is not a loss of profit. Establishing discounts is part of the publisher's pricing policy, which adjusts prices (tariffs) taking into account market conditions and the terms of the contract with the advertiser. The main discounts that are widely used today in the Russian market are for the volume and frequency of publications. Many publishers use other types of discounts today. These include:

  • o per annum for an order for advertising placement during the year;
  • o bonus (premium) provided to permanent advertisers, if they known time acquire a specified amount of space for their advertising;
  • o for the purchase of a large amount of advertising space, a volume discount;
  • o for the total amount of advertising space used;
  • o for urgent payment;
  • o for the frequency of publications made in a certain time;
  • o for the increase in advertising space compared to the previous period;
  • o for a large order volume;
  • o a discount given to an advertising agency that consistently places advertising orders for a certain amount;
  • o seasonal for placing ads at certain times of the year;
  • o for serial advertising;
  • o for exceeding the advertising space agreed in a long-term contract with an advertiser or agency;
  • o A discount given to large or VIP clients whose advertising in the publication can attract other clients.

All possible types of discounts are deliberately listed here. There is hardly any need to encourage newspaper advertising services to use them all at the same time. Rather, each publication, depending on its market position, will apply its own set of discounts.

And the last thing I would like to say about the price list: its design. Many advertisers find it difficult to perceive the size of the module, indicated in square centimeters, spatial dimensions or part of the strip. It is better if these modules are also shown graphically in the price list so that the advertiser understands how much space he has acquired will occupy. Sometimes it can be just shaded squares or rectangles, and sometimes it can be a specific advertisement of a certain size.

A price list is one of the advertising sales tools used by advertising sellers. In addition, the price list is presented to the advertiser and can tell a lot about the level of the publication itself. Therefore, its development seems to be an extremely important and serious matter.

Technologically built and well-structured advertising in the publication, planned segments of advertisers, correctly calculated and designed price list - all this is the basis for advertising sales. But the one who sells a lot and successfully never rests on his laurels, but is looking for new tricks to increase sales, attract a new advertiser and keep him.

One can imagine several techniques for attracting an advertiser that have already been successfully implemented by the print media.

Topic Plus. This technique implies close cooperation between the advertising department and the editorial office, a good knowledge of editorial plans. This does not mean at all that the editorial office mixes journalistic and advertising activities. We are talking about the fact that the advertising department, knowing the editorial plans, can offer the advertiser a profitable option for advertising. For example, an article about the possibilities of the Internet is planned in the editorial office. It is quite reasonable that firms - sellers of computers or providers want to place their advertisements nearby. A reader interested in the Internet will involuntarily perceive more carefully the ads placed nearby. Advertising is placed to the topic, which is most effectively perceived by the consumer. The use of this technique suggests that the editors have a clear schedule for the release of market reviews or some other kind of "nail" material. And next to these materials, part of the page is assigned in advance to the advertising department and included in the graphic field of the publication.

Thematic stripes. This technique is a clear relative of the one indicated earlier. Only we are no longer talking about a separate material, but about a whole thematic block of one or more pages. As a rule, a separate topic is chosen, which will be developed in detail, and advertising designed for the corresponding audience segment will be introduced into it. Many major publications issue such strips as additional inserts to the main publication. The topics of the pages can be planned for a long period and announced to the advertiser in advance in the publication itself, or the manager of the advertising department will inform the advertiser about the schedule for the release of the pages, after consulting with him about the possibility and benefits of placing advertisements on certain thematic pages.

For example, in the thematic strip "Car" there may be information about new developments in the automotive industry, about customs rules that those who purchase a car abroad need to know, about changes adopted by the local administration regarding the placement of temporary garages and parking lots, much more. This information is easily sold to readers by advertising companies interested in the segment of motorists. These can be salons selling cars and auto accessories, firms involved in customs clearance, driving schools, garage cooperatives, car service. Of course, all these advertisers can advertise in the regular issue as well. But they are well aware that specialized thematic issues are more attentively read by the audience that is interested in this topic. Often these bands are also preserved, the information presented there becomes not instantaneous.

Thematic strips and even tabs are the most common today in large metropolitan publications. Regional publications rarely go to them due to the small market capacity of individual segments.

Section sponsor. This technique is good to "seduce" advertisers who need not so much the promotion of goods and services as image advertising. They can be offered sponsorship of various headings - from car market news to weather forecasts, crossword puzzles and horoscopes. It is important that sponsorship is consistent with the goals and objectives of the advertiser and does not contradict the philosophy of the publication. Sometimes advertisers themselves initiate sponsorship.

Action Sponsor. The publication often holds various competitions with its readers, thus trying to increase its own importance in the market. Advertisers may be involved in holding contests, especially when it comes to awarding prizes to winners. For example, the editors announce a competition for the best new year story from the reader and promises the winner a prize in the form of a personal computer. The sponsoring company, which, in fact, allocates this prize to the winner, appears from issue to issue at each reminder of the competition or summing up the preliminary results. Many publications consider the reception "sponsor of the action" as an element associated with the promotion of the publication. However, it also works as a beautiful offer in the context of promotional sales. Sometimes it can be used to advertise several products or firms that do not compete with each other, but work for the same consumer segment.

Efficiency promotional activities is largely determined by the organization of the relevant division of the publishing house. It should be functional, specialized and integrated into the overall work. At almost every stage of their activity, employees of the advertising service work closely with employees of other departments, such as the marketing service, the financial service, the editorial office, the distribution service, and the printing house. The advertising service is a full-fledged division of the publishing company, and cannot be considered apart from links with other services.

Advertising service structure

The organization of the activities of the advertising service of the publishing house itself is determined by the tasks facing it. The main ones are the provision of services and their sale. Accordingly, these two activities predetermine the functional division of the advertising service: into a structure that fulfills customer orders, and a structure that sells services.

In service fulfillment orders, functional division is carried out according to the types of services provided: modular advertising, classified, electronic, etc.

In service sales- by sales channels (directly to advertisers, through advertising agencies, advertising agents) and by the distribution of customers between sales managers / agents (geographically, by type of business, etc.).

Depending on the size of the publishing house, the scale of its activities, the advertising service may have a different number of specialists. In general, the number of advertising employees is comparable to the number of editorial employees. Large publishing houses may employ dozens of advertising specialists.

Depending on the size of the publishing house and the organizational approaches chosen, departments such as research and promotion may be part of either the advertising sales department or the marketing department, or report directly to the senior manager of the publishing house.

Advertising model of the publication

Effective advertising activity is ensured both by the general organization of the service and by the organization technological processes. Creating services requires a thoughtful, organized approach. So, to provide the most popular service - placement of modular and classified ads, the advertising service, together with the editors, is developing model advertising space of publications. The location, type and volume of advertising within the publication, on special advertising tabs, etc. are determined.

The advertising model is developed on the basis of the general model of a particular publication, from its basic elements: the structure and composition of the publication. The features of the informational presentation of advertising, the peculiarities of its perception by readers (relevance, volume), compatibility with editorial information and its design are taken into account.

Advertising service documentation

For a clear performance of services, to avoid complaints, refusals of further cooperation, as well as penalties on the part of customers, the advertising service develops schedules for the implementation of orders. With their help, advertising is provided in a certain form, in right time and at the specified location.

The effective organization of the internal processes of the advertising service is also achieved through the use of special documentation– order forms, plans, schedules, reports, job descriptions etc.

The organization of the advertising service is the cornerstone of its effectiveness. If it is poorly organized, then Publishing House will incur financial losses in all areas related to advertising - in services, prices, sales, etc. Only effectively organized advertising activity allows you to control the situation both inside the publishing house and on the market itself - to fully meet its requirements.

The advertising support department is responsible for the image and reputation of the publication in the market: in the eyes of the public and representatives of all types of authorities, in the eyes of readers and advertisers. A good reputation certainly affects the overall financial affairs of the entire publication and the success of its services and departments, including advertising. In this regard, the support department, representing the publication, actively participates in the public life of its region. Organizes presentations of projects and events of the publication, to which representatives are invited public organizations, funds mass media, business partners.

The department conducts its own or jointly with other organizations charitable events. Places free advertising in certain volumes charitable foundations, social institutions, acts as their sponsor. Takes patronage over charitable, social, religious, educational, law enforcement, health care institutions, employment societies. Establishes awards, prizes, scholarships for the publication of the best representatives of these institutions.

It is clear that this activity is aimed at maintaining and increasing circulation. The publication needs to invest in a subscriber not only to profit from sales, but also for profitable advertising work with the advertiser. After all, the connection is obvious: for example, the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper writes: “MK has increased by 54,092 subscribers since March 1. To all our new readers, thank you! Advertisers can draw conclusions."

The work of the support department goes in two directions: work with readers and work with advertisers. This predetermines its structure:

All activities of the reader sector are determined by the tasks facing it, which are influenced by the main characteristics of the publication itself. So for publications that have been on the market for some time, it is important:

  • retain the existing traditional reader.
  • "beat off" your reader from other media (both from newspapers and magazines, and from radio and television that do not directly compete).
  • to attract a reader not covered by other media.

The new editions face almost the same tasks, only in a slightly different order:

  • "beat off",
  • attract,
  • and only then try to keep your readership (in case of luck, enter the category of “old” publications with your traditional readership).

Any publication is a specific product - information, and in the struggle for the reader (consumer of this product), the main argument will be the correspondence of supply to demand, the quality of the product and its cost.

Demand is determined by the possible finite number of buyers, i.e. quantity potential consumers, to whom you can offer a product - they make up the literate population of a certain region. However, the entire mass of potential consumers is divided into political, economic and social opportunities, which significantly reduces the circle of potential readers. The demand of this real circle of consumers is higher than the existing supply of one publication due to the fact that one part of the consumer was not informed of the offer, while the other part uses the offer of a competitor - a really better and cheaper product or only having the image of such.

Improving the quality of goods is the prerogative of the journalistic team of the publication. The development of a direction for improving the quality of a product, determining its exact location among similar products is the prerogative of the marketing service. Bringing information to the consumer about the benefits of the product (quality and price), persuading to do right choice- the prerogative of the advertising service, the department of advertising support, the sector of readers.

The reader sector is actively working with real and potential readers in two directions: sales promotion directly to readers and through the distribution system (agencies, agents, postmen, kioskers).

Directly to readers. The publication publishes or invests subscription coupons, placing stimulating notes next to them with announcements of publications, with subscriber reviews, indications of the benefits of a subscription over a retail purchase, etc.

So, for example, "Arguments and Facts", on two collages they compare the cost of a bone and a newspaper subscription - "Make the Right Choice". Moskovsky Komsomolets encourages its readers to believe that they are reading the most popular newspaper: “The subscription that began almost two weeks ago, as shown by a telephone survey of a dozen post offices conducted by MK, is not yet very active. In the first place in terms of popularity among subscribers was "MK" / about 20 percent of already issued sufficient cards /, followed by "Vecherka", "Moskovskaya Pravda" and "Izvestia".

The publication is held contests, lotteries, games for all readers (subscribers) or for a certain category of them: for children, youth, students, housewives, etc.

"Political lottery" MOSCOW NEWS "

The theme of the game, which will last from January to May, is the presidential election.

Members. Anyone who has cut out a coupon from the MN number can become one (photocopied coupons are not considered).

Essence. Coupon questions change every month. The first question is semantic, political. The second is intuition.

Winners. Each correct answer is one point. In case of equal points, the advantage will be given to the MN subscriber, which is why we ask you to indicate in the coupon, in addition to brief information about yourself, the number of the subscription receipt for MN and the date of its issuance.

Awards. First prize to choose from: a car or a double cabin on a Mediterranean cruise. The second is that the winner did not choose. Third - a video camera, And a whole set of incentive prizes. We establish the title of "Prophet in our Fatherland" of the first, second and third degree with the awarding of the "Star of the Prophet".

Send your answers to:...

February questions:

1. Name the names of all candidates registered for the ballots for the President of the Russian Federation

Not really ___

Last name and first name

If you are an MN subscriber, then indicate the number of the subscription receipt ____ and the date it was filled out _______


And along with it, the contest "Subscriber Lottery". But that's not all.


Competition them. Vasily Terkin for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

War is a harsh, serious, terrible thing. You, our dear veterans, know this better than we do. You know from your own experience that even at the front there was a place for jokes, practical jokes, and there were also funny cases.

Today we are announcing an express competition to them. Vasily Terkin for veterans and look forward to receiving your letters with short stories about funny and curious incidents that really took place. Please clearly indicate your first name, middle name, last name and home address. Everyone whose letters marked "Vasily Terkin" will be received by May 4 will become participants in the competition.

Our prizes for the winners of the veterans' competition: a video recorder, a camera, a radio.


From now on, every reader of Izvestia gets such a chance.

Lottery conditions "Izvestia" - MIBS. In total, until the end of this year and every Friday, ten coupons will be printed, each with its own number. The reader who has collected coupons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 puts them in an envelope and sends them to Moscow at the address below. Here they will be entered into a computer with the obligatory indication of the surname, name and patronymic of the sender and his home address.

On January, your coupons will take part in the draw in the Lotto Million TV show. Ten winners will receive vouchers for a trip to Cyprus by Cyprus Airways with seafront accommodation in three-, four- and five-star hotels in Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos with two meals a day.

The winner can choose a convenient time to travel to Cyprus within five months after ... January. You can notify MIBS about the specific time of your trip by telegram, fax or telephone...

AT next year- a new stage of the Izvestia lottery - MIBS. From the very first issue of the newspaper in January and every day we will print a new series of cut-out coupons. There will already be 25 of them, each also with its own serial number. The one who collects all 25 coupons and wins a trip to Cyprus in the lottery will receive a room in a five-star hotel. The one who sends 20 coupons is in a four-star. Gained 15 coupons - in a three-star.

This new series of coupons will also be drawn in front of you on the Lotto Million TV show ... February. This time, the winners can determine the dates of their trip themselves - within five months after ... February.

Attention! All participants of the two stages (November-December and January-February) can win a super prize: a seven-day vacation in a five-star hotel in Cyprus plus a cruise to Israel. To do this, you need to collect all 35 coupons: 10 coupons that you sent for the first draw, but did not bring you luck (they are stored in the memory of MNBS computers), plus 25 coupons of a new series - and you have the opportunity to win a super prize.

Required condition. To participate in the ... January lottery, your envelope with coupons must arrive at MIBS no later than January. To participate in the lottery ... February, the company must receive coupons no later than ... February.

Address: Moscow, ..., firm MIBS

Phones: ...

The current readers of Izvestia receive 10 tickets to Cyprus. But even more chances are for those who have already subscribed to Izvestia for next year or will have time to subscribe in the coming days - at the second stage, 24 trips to Cyprus are already being raffled off.

So, having paid only the cost of a subscription to Izvestia, you get great opportunity combine useful and interesting with very pleasant - every day, without interruption, read the newspaper and have a wonderful rest on the island, where you will be generously endowed by the sun and the sea.

Don't waste time - the subscription campaign is running out..."

Readers' clubs are organized, which not only attract new readers to the newspaper, but also allow the research department to monitor the audience of their publications, and the sales department to offer advertisers a new service.

Thus, the Club of the Polish newspaper ZZECHPOSPOLITA has 37,000 members. Any adult regular reader of the Rzeczpospolita newspaper can become a member of the Club, who sends an application form to the editor:


We invite you to join your Club for free!

All those interested are requested to fill out a personalized application and send it to the following address: Rzeczpospolita Readers' Club, Warsaw...

A grain of snobbery, a little fun and you are in the circle of the initiated!

When subscribing by enterprises, the number of applications does not depend on the number of copies on which the subscription is issued.

We are waiting for applications from everyone who reads Rzeczpospolita

ORDER FORM for modular ad


The Club Member receives a personal identification card with a cover letter:

“Dear (s) ____________________________

We are pleased to send you a member certificate of the Rzeczpospolita Club.

At the same time, let me remind you that the founders of the Club are always ready to carefully consider your opinions and suggestions sent to the Club. We are waiting for your comments regarding our activities, proposals for changes in our work.

Thanks to some modification of the Club section of the newspaper, we were able to get more space that we can offer companies for advertising. We invite you to cooperate. The Club section is always printed on Tuesdays, as well as in the Saturday and Sunday editions of the newspaper.

We are very interested in keeping the database of the Rzeczpospolita Newspaper Club always up-to-date, so we ask you to: in case of a change in your address, place of work or position, fill out the attached questionnaire and send it to the Club.

We also inform you that the Prespublica Society, the publisher of the Rzeczpospolita newspaper, reserves the right to use the database concerning the members of our Club for the provision of postal services.

The certificate entitles the Club member to:

  • - participate in the periodically organized “Breakfasts in the Rzeczpospolita newspaper”, to which representatives of public life are invited;
  • - enjoy discounts, benefits and special offers companies that are members of the Club (hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, shops, etc.), a list of which is published under the heading of the Club in the issues of the newspaper on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

An example of an unsuccessful Club is the Club of the newspaper "Extra M" "Extra Club". Its participants receive a kind of symbiosis of club and discount cards. Members of this Club become only by paying a certain fee, which immediately deprives the Club of attractiveness.

"Waiting for you bargain, if in your pocket you have a card of "Extra Club", the most popular and affordable for all domestic discount program.


Attention companies and individuals!

We invite you to become participants in a mutually beneficial undertaking.

"Extra Club" presents you a new type of business in Russia - discount services (from the English. Discount - give a discount), a promising form of saving money for the development of your business for everyone: the consumer gets the opportunity to buy cheaply, and the company is a member of the Club network, to attract customers and increase your turnover. Any citizen of Russia (any Russian company) can become a member (participant) of the Extra Club. In a short time (only one year), our Club managed to unite about 500 companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg within the framework of the program. The owner of our cards gets the opportunity to save up to 50% of their money when shopping or using various services!

How to become a member of the Extra Club program.

The only condition for a company that has joined the Club is to provide discounts or benefits to the bearer of the club card. The company determines the type of benefit or the amount of the discount at its own discretion, as well as the form of interaction with Club members - with its potential clients: to place information in the catalog of participants, in the club heading of the newspaper "Extra M", other newspapers, information systems, use other services of the Club, the number of which is constantly growing. The company receives three personalized cards as a gift for declared employees, which make it possible to use discounts and benefits provided by other participants. The owner of the club card can only be individual, even if it is from a company.

The owner of the club card gets the opportunity to use discounts and benefits. An elementary calculation proves that in the case of medium and large purchases, the card pays for itself very quickly. As a privileged visitor, you will be able to take advantage of the many offers in shops, gourmet restaurants, bars, sports and art clubs. The cost of a club card for 6 months. 70,000 rubles, for 1 year 125,000 rubles.

Organized free subscription for charities, VIPs, and non-competing media outlets.

Organized public events.

such as hockey tournament "Izvestia Prize", auto racing magazine "Behind the wheel" , musical show « Soundtrack» Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Held Publication days.

For example, annual Days of Moskovsky Komsomolets in Luzhniki.

Reasonable Use spontaneous situations.

There was a big uproar in Poland when one of the opponents of the Polish newspaper Net filed a lawsuit against it for distributing pornography. The newspaper, in response, deliberately fanned the scandal, hired the best lawyers and won the case. But this was not the main thing - during the course of the process, the circulation of the newspaper doubled - from 300,000 to 600,000 copies.

Used to the extent possible all types of direct advertising(publication of self-promotion on the pages of other people's publications, placement of own advertising on radio and television, billboards, direct mail, etc.)

Through the distribution system all possible measures are also used to stimulate the work of agencies, agents, postmen, kioskers. Agencies are provided with the most favorable conditions in comparison with competing publications, postmen are encouraged with bonuses.

This sector is working with advertisers and advertising agencies. Its goal is to increase the number of partners of the publication: advertisers and advertising agencies, to stimulate sales of space and services of the publication through events that promote the newspaper on the market, attract real and potential customers to advertise in a particular publication.

These events are carried out by the advertiser sector with the involvement (if necessary) of employees of other departments, using mainly marketing and presentation materials already available to the publication. The breadth of coverage of the audience of events depends only on the financial condition of the publication and the creative approach of the performers.

First of all, it should be noted: Polls - personal and telephone interviews, written surveys of advertisers, advertising agencies and agents. On the one hand, they allow you to find out the opinion of advertising partners about the publication (which is very important in itself), on the other hand, they acquaint those who were not yet familiar with it and develop a positive attitude among those who were familiar. By listening to a specific participant in the advertising process, the publication shows how highly the opinion of this person and the company he represents is highly valued. There are always plenty of reasons and topics for polls:

The survey can be combined with a small lottery, where souvenirs with the symbols of the publication, a short-term subscription to the newspaper are played.

Obviously, survey participants will be interested in the results, which are in fact very important information in the conduct of advertising activities. Therefore, they will be grateful to the publication for providing both these data themselves and any other relevant to their business.

Therefore, it is worth adopting provision of marketing materials, of course, only those that are not confidential (or disadvantageous) to the publication itself. And of course, they should contain the symbols of the publication, so that the recipient always remembers who needs to be thanked for informational assistance.

The materials can be very different: comparative prices of various advertising media, ratings of advertising agencies and advertising media, calculations of the effectiveness of advertising media, etc.

For example, the American newspaper Providence Journal Bulletin provides the advertiser, in addition to data about its audience, with the study "Local Market" (free of charge). This book tells about the region in which the advertiser does business: social, demographic, economic, geographic and other data. The number and size of factories, shops, houses, the dynamics of price growth, employment and welfare of the population, a particular share of consumer spending, and much more. Separate chapters are devoted to the main market segments: retail sales, grocery stores, financial services, leisure and tourism, real estate.

The last chapter is about... the Providence Journal Bulletin. So, reading a book about the market, the advertiser begins to think how to reach it. At the end of the book, he finds an unobtrusive way to solve this problem...

The Providence Journal Bulletin has also initiated an initiative with the State Chamber of Commerce to publish a directory of local businesses that will be used by both local businesses and those from other regions of the country. The newspaper carried out the publication and distribution of this catalog also free of charge, of course, not forgetting to place profitable information about itself in the catalog. As a result, the income from advertising of the users of the catalog repeatedly blocked the costs of publishing and distributing.

Another American newspaper, the Ledger Star, decided to make life easier for its real estate advertisers. Especially for them, the brochure "How to write an effective real estate advertisement" was prepared and distributed free of charge. The brochure tells in detail what words, images should be used in the ad in order to stand out from competitors and sell more. And of course, the chances of getting real estate ads from these advertisers after the distribution of the pamphlet from the newspaper increased significantly.

It is very important to “go out” to meet with advertisers, agencies and agents, i.e. take part in exhibitions. Necessarily - in thematic types "Advertising", "Press", "Information", and preferably - in any business: "Computers", "Builder", etc.

By visiting exhibitions own initiative, the client is most predisposed to trade negotiations. As a rule, those who made an advertising order directly at the stand receive an additional discount.

You should also invite participants in the advertising process to your place. So the Seminars (Discussions and Round Tables) of advertisers, advertising agents and agencies under the auspices of the publication (both separate and joint) are very fruitful. The publication conducts free seminars for partners with the involvement of local and national advertising authorities. The topics of seminars and discussions can be very diverse:

etc. etc.

In memory of participation in the event, participants will be happy to receive small souvenirs with the company's logo. They can also purchase new literature, manuals with a wholesale discount that the newspaper received when buying.

The invitees will be grateful for the increase in their knowledge, for the opportunity to exchange opinions with colleagues, for the opportunity to speak out and just for attention, and over time, of course, they will thank you for buying advertising space.

In addition to various business events, you can also hold Holidays with the participation of advertisers, advertising agencies, agents and their families. After all, a little holiday never hurt anyone. It is worth inviting valuable and promising representatives of advertisers, advertising agencies and agents to the "Birthday of the publication", "Day open doors newspaper", their wives on "Cooking Page Day", "Fashion Page Day", their children on "Comic Page Day" or "Christmas Tree", etc. etc.

Of course, during the holidays, souvenirs with the publication's logo are also distributed, mini-lotteries are organized, in which a free subscription can be a prize.

For example, the Providence Journal Bulletin hosts a free annual spring children's clowning party in its conference room, which in most cases is attended by parents from interesting circles with their children. Both of them are satisfied.

It is also important not to forget Congratulations (on national and local holidays, on personal and business holidays of employees of the advertiser's advertising services, advertising agencies and advertising agents). Getting a greeting card in the mail is a trifle, but everyone is pleased ...

It can be said that the most direct and most effective tool incentives are Contests among advertisers, advertising agencies and representatives, according to the results of which, along with prizes, the main winners are provided with discounts for advertising in a publication for a certain period or a certain amount (or other benefits). This, firstly, encourages the winners to take advantage of the discounts won (i.e., place ads in the publication), secondly, it encourages other advertisers to participate in the next contest (i.e., again, advertise in the publication), and thirdly, What company and what person would not like to say about themselves "Winner or prize-winner of the competition."

In addition to discount prizes, participants can receive souvenirs with the company logo of the publication, valuable gifts, certificates and pennants confirming the honorary title, etc.

etc. etc.

For example, in Russia, Finansovye Izvestia holds an annual competition of advertisements published in this newspaper and executed with the greatest artistic taste. The next first place was taken by Hewlett-Packard, its advertising representative was awarded a prize - a set of porcelain chess "Verbilok Porcelain".

In principle, everything that has been said about the competition for advertisers can also be attributed to the competitions of advertising agencies. Agencies are also rewarded with certificates, prizes, discounts and promotional benefits. Pretty much the same topics:

For example, the Providence Journal Bulletin holds a prestigious annual competition among advertising agencies, the Providence Journal Bulletin Award for Best Graphics. Not only local agencies, but also applicants from other states strive to take part in this competition - after all, this award will allow them to successfully search for clients. And the more agencies that compete, the more they will collaborate to sell advertising space for the Providence Journal Bulletin...

Contests are best done annually (for a whole year they will prepare for it, work for it). After summing up and awarding the lists of winners and certified advertisers, agencies and representatives are published in the newspaper, entered in the Contest Diary.

All these events bring novelty to the relationship between the participants in the advertising process, help the publication, advertiser, advertising agency and representative to better understand each other, use information and mutual experience more efficiently. They are based on the positive emotions of a person and form a favorable image of the publication in the eyes of the advertiser, advertising agency and representative through their own impression, through employees, colleagues, family members. Not directly, but tangibly, they increase sales of advertising space, profits from the publication of a newspaper. What advertiser refuses to buy advertising space in an interesting newspaper that has a reputation as an effective advertising medium, and, moreover, which may not be read, but his wife and children know and love.