Presentation on the topic "religious extremism". Presentation "Religious extremism. Protection and prevention" Religious extremism and migration presentation

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CONTENTS Purpose, tasks of the work………………………………………slide 3 Conceptual apparatus………………………………………..slide 4 Relevance………………… …………………………….slide 8 Statistics………………………………………………….slide 9 Directions of extremist activity………...slide 12 Types of extremism ………………..………………………slide 13 Types of religious extremism………………………slide 14 Causes of religious extremism…………………slide 15 Consequences of religious extremism…… ………..slide 21 Prevention of religious extremism……..…..slide 24 Measures to protect against religious extremism………..slide 28 Legal protection from extremism………………………slide 30 Conclusion………………………………………………………..slide 31 Characteristic features sects…………………………..slide 32 General methods of involvement in a sect…………………….slide 34 Signs of infringement of destructive cults on the interests of the individual………………………………… ……………………slide 35 Representatives of destructive religious organizations……………………………………………….slide 36 List of sources used…………………..slide 37 Final slide…………………………………..slide 38

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Purpose: determination of measures for prevention and protection against religious extremism; Tasks: Consider the basic concepts and classification of religious extremism; Consider the main causes and consequences of religious extremism; Suggest preventive measures and protection against religious extremism.

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RELIGION (from lat. religare - to connect, connect) - a certain system of views, due to belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, religious actions and the unification of people in organizations. RELIGION - a solidary system of beliefs and practices related to things sacred, isolated, forbidden, beliefs and practices that unite into one moral community called the church, all who accept them (Emile Durkheim). CONCEPT APPARATUS

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RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM - religiously motivated or religiously camouflaged activity aimed at forcibly changing the state system or forcibly seizing power, violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, at inciting religious enmity and hatred for these purposes. CONCEPTUAL APPARATUS EXTREMISM (from Latin extremus - extreme) - adherence to extreme views and measures (usually in politics). As a rule, it is expressed in the use of force, aggression, banditry, terrorism, inciting hatred, etc.

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CONCEPT APPARATUS DESTRUCTIVE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION - a kind of religious organization that is destructive in relation to the natural harmonious state of the individual (spiritual, mental, physical), as well as to the creative traditions and norms of the social structures of a given society, culture and law and order. SECT (derived from the words cut, cut off, separate) - a group of people who have separated from the traditional religion.

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EXTREMIIST ORGANIZATION - a public or religious association or other organization in respect of which, on the grounds provided for by this Federal Law, a court has adopted a final decision to liquidate or ban activities in connection with the implementation of extremist activities (FZ No. 114). EXTREMISM MATERIALS - documents intended for publication or information on other media, calling for the implementation of extremist activities or substantiating or justifying the need for such activities (FZ No. 114).

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Relevance. AT modern society religious extremism, coupled with political extremism, is trying to change the state system or seize power by force, violate the territorial integrity of the state. The predominance of forceful methods of struggle to achieve their goals distinguishes modern religious-based extremism, which highlights its religious postulates and slogans. In connection with the foregoing, the protection and prevention of increasing cases of religious extremism becomes an important task of the state to ensure the national security of the country.

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Violent change in the foundations of the constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the country; - Creation of illegal armed formations; - carrying out terrorist activities; - inciting racial, national or religious hatred associated with violence or calls for violence; - humiliation of national dignity; - carrying out mass riots, hooligan actions and acts of vandalism; - propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation; - propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia, etc. Extremist activity is aimed at:

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Types of extremism Nationalist Political Ecological Spiritual Economic Youth Religious

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Types of religious extremism Anti-systemic Anti-modernization Anti-confessional Sectarian Special extremism

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Causes of religious extremism Political Economic Social Spiritual Intellectual

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Political reasons Exacerbation of national, regional, religious and other conflicts around the world, which entails the formation of long-term centers of social tension, the deepening of the influence of ethno-clan groups and religious orthodox movements, seeking to use extremist ideas and actions for selfish interests to divide property and seize power.

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Economic reasons for the conflicting needs of various disparate groups of humanity (peoples, nationalities, classes, groups, strata), which can give rise to religious extremism as a phenomenon of public life. Various conditions of existence of people and their individual characteristics inevitably lead to the division of all mankind into separate groups according to various characteristics (religious, social, national, etc.).

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Social Causes The social causes of religious extremism can be nationalistic in nature. Despite the difference in goals and belonging to different religious movements, all extremists are united by a clear vision of the image of the enemy. A natural continuation of nationalistic and religious ideas about the chosen people of God is "xenophobia" - a sharply negative attitude towards "strangers" - they are to blame for all the troubles and misfortunes of a people or a religious group.

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Spiritual Causes Among the spiritual causes are metaphysical and cultural. G. Dzhemal believes that the spiritual corporation (i.e. priests) distorts the messages of the prophets and takes all measures to create the so-called "historical" Judaism, Christianity, which have nothing in common with either the goals or the project that was introduced into the world as messengers of God. The German thinker B. Huebner believes that if earlier people waged wars in the name of God, killed non-Christians, built cathedrals, sacrificed themselves, then, starting from the Enlightenment, a person moves to autonomy, from the MEANING given from the outside, to an independently established meaning, from the passive hope of expectation to the active hope of action.

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Intellectual causes Illiteracy of the population, lack of education, lack of knowledge of other cultures and religions, which leads to the inability of the majority of the population, and especially young people, to resist manipulative influence stakeholders. Lack of understanding of goals and internal system religion leads to shortcomings of religious education and flawed morality, contributes to the manifestation of negative qualities of character: irritability, aggressiveness, slander, arrogance, suspicion, hatred.

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Dangers, consequences of religious extremism For the state, society For the individual

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Dangers of religious extremism at the level of the state, society Threat to stability and development. Destabilization of the situation in the country. Destruction of the existing political system. Seizure of power. Security threat, military action. Genocide, public explosions of local residents, hostage taking, etc. Terrorism, nationalism, fascism, racism.

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The dangers of religious extremism for the individual Distortion of worldview. Mental disorders. Criminal liability for these crimes from the age of 16 (imprisonment, a fine of 100 thousand rubles). Deprivation of life.

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The main groups of measures to prevent religious extremism Political Socio-economic Legal Information and propaganda. Cultural and educational.

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Political measures to prevent religious extremism Measures to normalize the socio-political situation, resolve social conflicts, reducing the level of socio-political tension, the implementation of international cooperation in the field of countering terrorism. Socio-economic measures for the prevention of religious extremism Measures to improve the socio-economic situation in certain regions and equalize the level of development of regions, social protection population.

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Legal measures to prevent religious extremism Administrative, criminal, organizational and other measures aimed at the inevitability of punishment for acts of a terrorist nature, improving the mechanism of responsibility for monitoring the requirements of anti-terrorist legislation. Information and propaganda, cultural and educational measures to prevent religious extremism Measures to conceal the essence and explain the danger of terrorism, to influence citizens (groups of citizens) in order to educate them against the ideology of violence and attract them to participate in countering terrorism. Measures for the formation of socially significant values ​​in society and the education of tolerance.

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Prevention of religious extremism among the youth Formation of tolerance, peacefulness, religious tolerance among the youth; Carrying out activities aimed at preventing the spread of extremist ideas; Contacts with religious organizations, cultural and national associations in the social and charitable sphere;

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Measures to protect against religious extremism Suppression of funding; Strengthening control over the movement of extremists across national borders; Preventing weapons from falling into the hands of extremists; Opposition to the use of funds mass media; Using the media to warn the public; Intelligence, counter-intelligence, operational-search, investigative, military and special activities aimed at solving the problems of suppressing and solving crimes of an extremist nature; Penetration into extremist structures.

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Measures to protect youth from religious extremism Joining the Orthodox Church; Awakening critical thinking; Self-improvement in real life; Switching attention to another interesting activity.

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Legal protection against extremism the federal law dated July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ "On counteracting extremist activity"; Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ, Article 282 “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”; The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains a ban on propaganda or agitation that incites social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity (Article 13); Decree of the President Russian Federation dated March 23, 1995 No. 310 "On measures to ensure coordinated actions of bodies state power in the fight against manifestations of fascism and other forms of political extremism in the Russian Federation”; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2000 No. 1643-r "on the approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Program of the Commonwealth Member States Independent States on combating international terrorism and other manifestations of extremism for the period up to 2003. Decree of January 10, 2000 No. 24 "On the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, in which much attention is paid to neutralizing the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of political and religious extremism.

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Extreme zm (from French extremisme, from Latin extremus - extreme) - adherence to extreme views and, in particular, measures (usually in politics). Among such measures are the provocation of unrest, terrorist acts, methods of guerrilla warfare.

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The most radical extremists often deny in principle any compromises, negotiations or agreements. The growth of extremism is usually facilitated by: socio-economic crises, a sharp drop in the living standards of the bulk of the population, a totalitarian political regime with the suppression of the opposition by the authorities, the persecution of dissent

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AT different countries and at different times many different legal and scientific definitions of the concept of "extremism" have been given. There is no single definition today.

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Extremism is indeed a complex phenomenon, even though its complexity is often difficult to see and understand. It is easiest to define it as an activity (as well as beliefs, attitude towards something or someone, feelings, actions, strategies) of a person, far from the usual generally accepted ones.

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In a situation of conflict - a demonstration of a rigid form of conflict resolution. However, labeling activities, people and groups as "extremist" and defining what should be considered "usual" or "common" is always a subjective and political matter. Thus, we assume that any discussion of extremism touches on the following: Generally, some extremist acts are seen as just and virtuous by some people (e.g., the pro-social “fight for freedom”), while other extremist acts are seen as unjust and immoral (anti-social "terrorism").

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It depends on the values, political beliefs, moral constraints of the evaluator, as well as on his relationship with the agent. In addition, one and the same person's moral assessment of the same extremist action may vary depending on the conditions - leadership, the opinion of the world community, crises, "settlement of historical accounts" and so on.

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Differences in power also matter in defining extremism. During conflict, the actions of members of a weaker group often appear more extreme than those of members of a stronger group defending their status quo. In addition, extreme measures are more likely to be taken by marginalized individuals and groups who view more normative forms of conflict resolution as unavailable to them or view them with prejudice.

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Extremist activities are often associated with violence, although extremist groups may differ in their preference for violent or non-violent tactics, the level of violence they tolerate, and their preferred targets for their violent activities.

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Religious extremism is evil against humanity Goals: formation of tolerance and prevention of extremism among the youth. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan is the only place in a world where Muslims, Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Jews live in harmony. It's the only place where they can get together and talk about all their problems." A "sect" is an authoritarian religious organization of any orientation, which is inherently destructive to the spiritual, psychological and physical state of the individual, expressed in illegal control over the consciousness, behavior and life of other individuals without their voluntary consent. Brainstorm : Question: How do you guys think, how and under what circumstances do people get into sects? Training exercise "Lemon" "Now imagine that you are sitting at the festive table. They bring you a ripe, juicy, bright yellow lemon. In one hand you take a lemon, in the other - a knife to cut it into small slices. You cut one slice until the juice comes out.But then you cut the next slice, and on the surface of the cut part of the lemon there are many small droplets of sour juice.It is at this point that you begin to taste the sour taste in your mouth.After that you cut another slice of lemon, taking with her hand, put it in your mouth. The sour taste in your mouth increases." Raise your hand, who tasted the sour taste of lemon? - Persons in whom a profuse salivation and an acid sensation in the mouth have been induced in this way are more suggestible than those in whom this cannot be induced. Sect - a wolf in sheep's clothing - extremist organizations that seek to involve followers of various youth subcultures in their ranks, many religious sects are created and operate. This can only be countered by spiritual and moral education Extremism - Causing harm to a person on national, religious, political or social grounds, ultimately aimed at changing the state system, destroying state integrity, separating any people, nation or population group - extremism in any form - captures society gradually. - carrying out mass riots, hooligan actions and acts of vandalism based on ideological, political, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity - propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation; Terrorism is a crime against humanity that targets innocent civilians. The purpose of terror is to sow fear in society by killing and maiming people, to use horror and panic as a mechanism to achieve their inhuman political goals. The essence of terrorism is violence for the purpose of intimidation Terrorist and extremist organizations whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1. Al-Qaeda2. "Islamic Movement of East Turkestan"3. "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan"4. "Kurdish People's Congress" ("Kongra-Gel") 5 "Asbat al-Ansar" 6. "Muslim Brotherhood" 7. Taliban 8. "Boz Gurd" 9. "Jamaat Mujahideen of Central Asia"10. "Lashkar-e-Taiba" 11. "Society for Social Reforms" 12. "Organization for the Liberation of East Turkestan" 13. "Islamic Party of Turkestan" Religious extremism and terrorism in the modern world In today's globalizing world, unfortunately, religious extremism is gaining more and more activity and terrorism, the foundations of which come primarily from the religious illiteracy of a certain part of society. Extremist ideas through the use of the canon of the Islamic creed. To date, the ISIS terrorist organization is the most active and dangerous terrorist organization for the entire world community, which, in essence, is engaged in large-scale criminal activities, cynically hiding behind the canons of the Islamic creed. ISIS is recruiting soldiers around the world ISIS is active on the Internet, thanks to which it can recruit new members. In 2015, ISIS has 20,000 members from all over the world, including women and men from the US and Europe. ISIS destroys human history Dozens of historical monuments have been seized and destroyed by ISIS because they believe that people should not worship idols, their religion forbids it. These ancient monuments have been recognized as idols by ISIS leaders and each member feels it is their duty to destroy everything. Media at the service of terrorists The ISIS organization is actively engaged in propaganda in social networks and in the media, strengthening its position on the world stage. ISIS Controls Vast Territory Thanks to the Syrian Civil War, ISIS controls territory in northern Iraq and Syria as far as the Turkish border. ISIS makes millions of dollars every day Media participation and military campaigns require a lot of money, soldiers want to eat, weapons and uniforms are required. The organization has developed several ways to make money and has established entire streams. For example, $425 million was stolen from a bank in Mosul, other money comes from criminals and the black market. If ISIS succeeds in taking over all of Iraq and all of Syria, then the organization will have great energy capabilities. Today it is the richest terrorist organization in the world Harbingers of the Apocalypse ISIS supporters believe that they are the "scourge of Allah" and want to destroy the world in order to create a universal caliphate with leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Islamic laws of the Middle Ages. They believe that 12 caliphs will rule the world, Jerusalem will be a Muslim city, and Jesus will lead the Islamic army and lead it to victory. ISLAM AGAINST TERRORISM NAZARBAYEV AT I, II, III, IV, V CONGRESSES OF LEADERS OF THE WORLD AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS. Tolerance - tolerance, respect, benevolence, indulgence, recognition of equal opportunities for different people. Tolerance - cooperation, spirit of partnership, refusal to dominate, harm anyone, tolerance for other people's opinions, recognition of one's equality with others exercise "Flower of Tolerance" To have enough strength and warmth to maintain peace and friendship throughout the planet. Friendship, peace and harmony are the guarantee of peace on earth. Thank you for attention.

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Round table "Extremism" Shalya, 2011 Municipal educational institution additional education children House of children's creativity

“If I don’t look like you in some way, I don’t insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I bestow.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Extremism (from fr. extremisme, from lat. extremus - extreme) - adherence to extreme views and, in particular, measures (usually in politics).

Spheres of manifestation of extremism: political economic social religious

Causes of youth extremism: propaganda of xenophobia in the media; lack of awareness of other cultures; lack of a clear state policy; cultural differences; family problems and poverty; loss of a system of values ​​and ideals.

Xenophobia (from the Greek ξένος, "alien" and φόβος, "fear") - intolerance towards someone or something alien, unfamiliar, unusual. The perception of someone else as incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and therefore dangerous and hostile.

Xenophobia, elevated to the rank of worldview, can cause enmity based on the principle of national, religious or social division.

Kyriophobia - (from the Greek κύριος, "lord", "master" and φόβος, "fear") - a type of xenophobia, consisting in the hostile attitude of guests towards their hosts.

According to the sociologist Lev Gudkov, in Russia the probability of crossing different xenophobic attitudes is 75-80%.

Criminal liability for the commission of extremist crimes: Crimes of an extremist orientation are crimes committed motivated by political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or motivated by hatred or enmity against any social group provided for by the relevant articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code and paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code.

Article 280 Article 282 Article 282.1. Organization of an extremist community. Article 282.2. Organization of activities of an extremist organization.

Administrative responsibility for offenses: Article 20.3. Propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols. Article 20.28. Organization of the activities of a public or religious association in respect of which a decision has been made to suspend its activities. Article 20.29. Production and distribution of extremist materials.


Tolerance is a value and social norm civil society, manifested in the right of all citizens to be different; - is to ensure stable harmony between different confessions, political, ethnic and other social groups;

Tolerance is respect for the diversity of different world cultures, civilizations and peoples; - this is a willingness to understand and cooperate with people who differ in appearance, language, beliefs, customs and beliefs.

Spheres of manifestation of tolerance: political scientific pedagogical administrative cultural

Fundamental principles of tolerance: the diversity of people beautifies and enriches life; conflict is a normal process that must be resolved constructively; essential for democracy Social responsibility and the ability of each individual to meaningfully apply moral standards when making personal and social decisions.

Features of a tolerant personality: disposition towards others; condescension; patience; sense of humor; sensitivity; confidence; altruism; tolerance for differences; self-control; goodwill; the ability not to judge others; humanism; the ability to listen; curiosity; the ability to empathize.

Rules of tolerant behavior: Treat others with respect. Never think that your opinion more important than the other person's opinion. Don't judge the values ​​of others based on your own. 4. Don't impose your opinion on others. 5. Never think that your religion is somehow superior to another. 6. Remember that everyone is free to choose their image and style, their habits and preferences. 7. Be able to see the value and originality of the culture of each nation.