How to identify a problem in an article. Your opinion and arguments in an essay on the Russian language. Problems from the lyrics

Let's start with the definition of this concept: in short, a problem is a question that the author asks.
The surest way to identify the problem in the text is to find the position of the author. If there is an author's position, there must certainly be a problem on which this position is expressed. It is best to take the main problem of the text, but indirect checkers, as a rule, are loyal.

In an effort to make the reader his ally, the author claims that ...

In an effort to make the reader think about the problem, the author ...

In an effort to show the topicality of the topic he is considering, the author ...

Trying to understand why....

It's interesting to write about old problems...

Inviting to talk about the difficult problems of our life, the author ...

Ironically (sarcastically, indignantly) narrating about the heroes and events, the author...

It's troubling to say that...

Trying to explain why...

Encourage, seek the truth...

To give new life old problems...








not indifferent,



For entry:

1. Everyone knows that ... Thousands of books have been written about this and hundreds of films have been shot, both inexperienced teenagers and experienced people talk about it ... Probably, this topic interests each of us, therefore the text ... is also dedicated to ...

2. About the need ... everyone knows. Teachers at school talk about it, writers in their books. Problems ... - these are the problems that confront a person constantly. It would seem that everything should have been decided long ago. But how often everything remains only at the level of formal knowledge.

3. (Rhetorical questions). These questions have always troubled mankind. Oh… reflects in his article….

4. (Rhetorical questions). These questions seem simple at first glance. For some people, they are, as it were, not questions, they do not stand before them. The answers to them seem to them for granted.

Some people think that…. Others emphasize ... . But the meaning of this article is somewhat broader than it seems at first glance. The problem that the author poses concerns not only the chosen people, it concerns any of us. …. Why does it happen? The answer to this question can be found in the article ...

5. Start with a quote that contains the main idea text. (Reception "Thread") "(Statement)," - this is how the article begins .... Already in the first sentence, the main theme of the text is clearly expressed. Oh… a lot of talking and writing. The importance of this topic can hardly be overestimated: not all people understand ... (Define the problem in the form of a question).

6. One of the most exciting mysteries that have always troubled human thought was the question related to .... (Rhetorical questions).

7. (Rhetorical question). This question arises before each new generation, because a person does not want to be content with the old answers and seeks to find his own truth.

8. Reception "Keyword". a) Determine the topic of the text. b) Highlight the key concept. c) Explain the meaning of this concept.

9. Reception "Allegory". It is necessary to illustrate the importance of the problem posed by some specific example.

10. Reception "Quote". "...," - wrote the famous .... These words sound... Really, …

11. (Questions). These questions are in the article .... The author raises a problem, the relevance of which no one doubts.

12. People often think about what ... . (The fact that ..., people thought both in ancient times and in times of modern history).

13. What do we know about ...? (every one of us sometime...). Most often, our knowledge about ... is limited to the most general ideas: …

14. (Questions). These questions are very important because they make us think about the essence of … . Some people think that…. Somebody … .

15. "...," - in these words, it seems to me, the main idea of ​​the text is expressed ....

Let's think about the meaning of this supposedly "textbook" and understandable phrase? (Questions. Then you need to reveal the complexity of the questions posed). If you ask any of us ..., then probably we will answer this question in the affirmative. We know that…

1. To formulate the topic (problem) of the source text:

1) In the text proposed for analysis (indicate the author) raises (affects) problem...

3) This text is dedicated to topic (problem) ...

4) The text presents a point of view (indicate the author) to the problem...

5) In the text proposed for analysis (indicate the author) concerns the following issues ... (stops on the following issues ...)

9) The problem that concerns us all ... raises (indicate the author).

10) Problem, lifted (set) (indicate the author), - this is...

11) The problem ... cannot but excite modern man. thought about it and (indicate the author).

12) What...? (What is...? What role does... play in a person's life?) This important issue is raised (indicate the author).

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The first stage of work on the preparation of an essay in the Russian language lessons in grade 11 involves the analysis of the source text in order to determine its prolematics and the position of the author. My presentation will help graduates to cope with this difficult task.



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Master class Preparing for the Unified State Examination “Learning to identify the problem of the text” The work of Glotova L.V., teacher of the Russian language MKOU Ozerskaya secondary school named after Sergei Anikin, Buturlinovsky district, Voronezh region, 2014

Algorithm for identifying the problem (problems) of a journalistic text Read the text, highlighting keywords and the most important statements, statements of the author. Determine what the text is about. Think about what the author wanted to say. What is the main idea of ​​the text (i.e. the position of the author)?

Examples of working with text For example: The main idea of ​​the author Nature is the source of man's spiritual powers. Question to define the problem What is nature for man? The main problem (wording options are possible) 1. The problem of the meaning of nature for man. 2. The problem of the relationship between nature and man. 3. What is nature for man?

Algorithm for identifying the problem of a literary text Analyze the entire figurative structure and plot of the text. Pay attention to the actions, attitudes of the characters, their speech. Determine what positive and negative human qualities are defined in them. On whose side is the author's sympathy?

Think about what the author wanted to say? What is its main idea? Formulate the position of the author in the form of a complete sentence. Determine what question this sentence answers. Write down this question, which is the problem of the text. (Remember that there can be several such questions, like problems).

References Zagorovskaya O.V. Russian language. Unified State Exam. Part C. - Voronezh, 2012. Naumova O.N. How to work with part S. -Voronezh, 2008.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This development contains a presentation and methodological recommendation to the lesson on the repetition of vocabulary and orthoepy. Will help the teacher in preparing for the exam on assignments A2, A11, A30 ....

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When preparing for the USE in mathematics, assignments B8 cause significant difficulty for graduates. This, first of all, is dictated by the inability of students to carefully "read" the text of the task ...

People face challenges in their personal, professional and social lives. Any of them can be unsettling, but trying to formulate the essence often helps to find a solution. First, collect information about the problem. Next, try to put the essence of the problem into words. Finally, analyze the wording to find possible solutions.


Part 1

How to collect information about the problem
  1. Ask yourself “why?' to get to the point. The question "Why?" will help you to understand the essence of the problem. Keep asking this question until there is nothing more to add. This approach works in group discussions, but single " brainstorm” should also bring results.

    • For example, if you are looking for a new apartment, you should start by asking, “Why do I need a new apartment? The reason is that my neighbor is moving away, I can't find a new roommate, and I can't afford such an apartment on my own."
    • To search for information about malnourished children, you can follow this train of thought: “Why are children malnourished? The reason is that by the end of the month, parents run out of money. Why are they running out of money? Because they get their small salary at the beginning of the month.”
  2. Determine what you already know about the problem. Write down all available information. If you are working in a group, then everyone should complete this step. You can write your plan as a short list or in full sentences.

    • For example, if you need a new apartment, then write down specific details like check-in time, maximum allowable monthly payment, and suitable area.
    • If you are trying to outline the problem of child hunger in your city, you can make a list with an approximate number of children, list the areas where they live and the schools that such children go to.
  3. Determine other required information. Make a list of known facts and think about what you don't know yet. it important aspect which will help to comprehensively formulate the essence of the problem and find a solution. If you are working in a group, then discuss the missing information with the group members.

    • For example, if you are looking for a new apartment, the missing information could be the price you can afford to rent, local rental offers, cost utilities without a roommate.
    • If you are trying to outline the problem of child hunger in your area, then it would be helpful to know how much food is missing for families, what social programs are available, and what other sources of food are available to children.
  4. Do your research to fill in the gaps. Try to find the necessary information on the Internet. If the search is unsuccessful, then you need to phone calls or conduct surveys and talk to experts on the subject.

    • For example, if you want to find an apartment in a particular area and price range, you can look at ads on the Internet or newspapers, or call a real estate company.
    • In the case of child hunger, you can talk to school staff or create a survey form for parents.

    Part 2

    How to put the problem into words
    1. Describe the problem in your own words. Try to describe the problem in your own words. It is important to go into details and be as specific as possible.

      • For example, if you need to find a new apartment because your neighbor is moving out, then write: “I need to find a new apartment because I can’t afford to rent a two-room apartment and I can’t find a new neighbor.”
      • Another example: "Some children in our area often go hungry towards the end of the month."
    2. Supplement the original wording with new details. Try to expand the description of the problem with the information gathered. Use as much detail as possible in such a description.

      • For example, if you are looking for a new apartment, you might say, “I need to find a new apartment by the end of the month because I can no longer afford my current apartment. We need a one-room apartment or a studio in the same area that costs no more than 30,000 rubles a month.”
      • The wording of the problem of child hunger might look like this: "Some children in our area often go hungry towards the end of the month, as parents run out of money and do not know about social programs."
    3. Consider improving the wording. Group discussion of the problem statement will allow you to understand what you missed. Have an open discussion. Strive to improve this wording and state the problem more clearly.

      • Ask the group members the following questions: “What is missing from the wording? What aspects can be improved? Try to find the missing parts together.
    4. Determine key concepts wording. If you need to present your statement to a group of people, please include definitions of key terms. This must be done even if the wording seems clear to you.

      • For example, you need to clarify what is meant by " social programs” in describing the problem of child hunger in your area.

    Part 3

    How to find a solution
    1. Look for patterns in other people's descriptions of the problem. Talk to the people affected by the problem. Read articles and opinions about the problem. All this will help you better understand the cause and find a possible solution.

      • For example, if the reason for looking for an apartment was the price of rent, then you will probably notice that this problem has affected many people. Observation will help you understand that the root of the problem is the high cost of renting housing in the area.
      • If you are trying to establish the causes of child hunger, then read articles and opinions on the topic. It may turn out that the main problem is insufficient information of the population about social programs.
    2. Check for possible causes of the problem. The causes of problems are not always on the surface. Take the time to look for answers. There may be several reasons. It is important to know about this before you start looking for a solution.

      • For example, if the high cost of rent is due to the location of the area and sufficiently developed infrastructure, then such aspects may justify additional expenses. So, you can try to reduce the cost of entertainment and other aspects in order to be able to rent an apartment in such an area.
      • If you are trying to formulate the problem of child hunger, then possible cause may be high food prices and low wages.
    3. Determine possible consequences Problems. The reluctance to look for a solution to the problem can lead to an increase in the scale of problems in the future. Think about all the possible consequences of such a problem. Make a list of arguments for and against finding a solution to the problem in order to avoid negative consequences. Sometimes trying to solve a problem can lead to more dangerous consequences than observing.

      • For example, if you try to live in an apartment that is too expensive, then over time you risk finding yourself in an even more difficult financial situation.
      • If the problem of child hunger is not addressed, then children may suffer from malnutrition and suffer psychological trauma, which will be reflected in their entire later life.
    4. Identify aspects that can be changed. Sometimes it is not possible to solve the whole problem if some of the nuances are beyond your control. What aspects of the problem can you really influence?

      • For example, if you do not have enough money to rent an apartment, then you cannot control the price. At the same time, it is in your power to spend money wisely or find a part-time job.
      • If you are trying to solve the problem of child hunger in your area, then you are not able to influence families, but you are able to convey information about various social programs.


Read the text carefully. Think about what the author is talking about, what worries him. Remember that at the heart of the problem is always a contradiction, a conflict. In fact, a problem is a subject of discussion, a certain difficulty, a subject of dispute, controversy. The problem is often hidden behind the actions and speech of heroes, biography facts, historical ones, which are, as it were, an illustration of the problem.

There are several types of problems. Determine what type your text is. Philosophical: the development of society, the place of man in the world of people, the search for the meaning of life.
Social: the structure and life of society, the creation, observance of human rights.
Political: activities state power, the laws of civil society, the horrors of terrorism, nationalism and chauvinism, the causes of international conflicts and wars.
Moral: spiritual, human relationships (selfishness and humanism, kindness and cruelty, honor and dishonor, friendship and betrayal, intelligence and rudeness,).
Ecological: the relationship between man and nature, consumer attitude to culture, ecology of culture, ecology of language.
Aesthetic: the perception of art, the cultivation of artistic taste, the role of a person's book, the influence of the Internet and television on teenagers.

Choose a way to formulate the problem. First, you can formulate it in your own words: "The author makes you think about topical issue choice life path". For this purpose, you can use the sentences: "What influences the formation of a person's personality? What is the problem that the author is thinking about?". Secondly, you can use quotation: "What should television be in our life?" - L. Zhukhovitsky is trying to find an answer to such a question. "Thirdly, you can indicate the numbers of sentences from text if the problem has already been formulated by the author.

Select standard designs. - In the text proposed for analysis, the focus (of whom?) is (what?) Problem (of what?).
- In the text proposed for analysis (who?) concerns (what?) Problems (what?).
- The text proposed for analysis (of whom?) is devoted to the problem (of what?).

Use hint words. The problem (what?) Is complex, sore, topical, scientific, international, insoluble, painfully familiar. what is he doing?) painfully reflects, touches, analyzes, expounds, puts forward, in detail. The author makes the reader (what to do?) think deeply, take seriously ..., take a different look at ..., evaluate his own position, bitterly understand.

Now insert the clue words into the typical constructions.


Don't forget that you must have:

The word "problem" ("question", "task");
- what's the problem? what?;
- surname of the author.

Useful advice


The problem (of what?) of the meaning of life.

The question (about what?) about the meaning of life.

Very soon, graduates will face a serious test - passing exams. The USE in the Russian language is mandatory for everyone.

The need to formulate the problem of the text arises at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language when working on an essay. The problem in its everyday sense should not be confused with the problem of an artistic or journalistic text. Also, high school students often do not distinguish between the concepts of "topic", "idea", "problem". The result is an inaccurate or incomplete formulation of the problem, which makes it difficult to identify the author's position, leads to a vague commentary, unconvincing argumentation, and, alas, a low score for an essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. To exclude the possibility of substitution of concepts, one should be well versed in terminology.

  1. THEME is a broader, general concept: the subject of an image, conversation, description. For example, the theme of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is love, human relations, the topic of the research work is the study of the role of the motive of water in the works of Russian writers, the topic of the lesson is the spelling of adverbs.
  2. IDEA - this is, in fact, the main idea of ​​the work, that, for the sake of which, in fact, the author raises this or that problem. The idea and position of the author are very close, because in both cases it is about what excites the author, what is important for him, about which he cannot but tell his reader.
  3. PROBLEM - a question that worries the author within the framework of a particular topic.

A writer who has turned, for example, to the topic of love, may be concerned about various issues. Unrequited love - is it trouble or happiness? Is there everlasting love? Is it possible to fall in love at 14? etc. Each of these questions can cause disputes, discrepancies. The presence of different points of view on the same issue indicates the existence of a problem.

There can be several such questions - problems in the text, and for each the author has his own answer, his own opinion, his own author's position. If a different author had written the love story, perhaps the questions would have been different.

Thus, THEME is what the work is about. IDEA - why it was written. PROBLEM - a question that worries the author.

To correctly identify the problem, there are a few important points to remember:

  • There may be several problems in the text. It is necessary to choose only one of the problems, the one on which you are guaranteed to give arguments.
  • If the problematic of the text is clear (for example, a text about a war), the student often begins to write everything that he knows in general. Such an essay, even if it is competent, emotional and generally good, will not receive points, since it is not written according to the criteria.
  • If you see 2-3 problems in the text, you understand the author’s attitude to these problems well, you know how to prove your point of view (and it usually coincides with the author’s), make sure not to “leave the corridor”.

What does it mean? Formulated a problem (it may not be the main one in the text), find the position of the author EXACTLY on this problem (even if the position is expressed in one word), select arguments confirming your attitude to THIS position of the author.

How to work with text? When starting to compose, do not forget that the problems can be: content- environmental, social, moral, philosophical, political, etc., in importance - relevant, eternal, global, vital, etc.

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Determine what is being discussed in the text.
  3. Find and write down all the statements of the author.
  4. Present these statements in the form of a complete sentence.
  • The author believes that without trust and respect it is impossible to create a strong family.
  • The author claims that indeed strong people distinguished by generosity.
  • The author is sure that a genius must be born, because genius is a gift from God.

5. Think and write down what questions these author's statements answer.

  • Without what it is impossible to create a strong family? What family do we call strong?
  • What kind of people do we call strong? What is (manifested) strength?
  • Is it possible to cultivate a genius in yourself? What is the nature of genius?

The resulting question is the formulation of the problem.

Avoid sentences with multiple nouns in the genitive case, for example: rises in the text the problem of conveying meaning public speeches to the listeners.

In such cases, the noun should be replaced by a verb: How convey meaning of public speaking to listeners?

At the same time, many students naively believe that with the help of a limited set of ready-made speech formulas, one can write a good essay. Remember that in any essay you should go from the text, from the logic of the author's thought, and not adjust the author's text to the template phrases you know.

So, the use of typical constructions requires the author of the composition to have certain skills. Let's try to give some advice.

1. Choose from the list of proposed constructions those that most accurately convey your idea or the idea of ​​the author of the source text.

2. Correctly include information from the source text in ready-made speech formulas, change them if necessary (not forgetting the requirements of grammar and speech culture).

3. Think through logical transitions from one thought to another. Each paragraph of the essay should represent a relatively complete whole.