A lot of problems in life what to do. What to do if everything in life is bad? What would you do if you won a million

How nice it is to open your eyes, stretch in a warm bed, look out the window at the sun-drenched sky, greenery and courtyard, drink delicious aromatic tea and start a wonderful day. And then everything works out. Then the Soul itself rejoices and already problems are just tasks, insults are not noteworthy little things, and loved ones are the most wonderful people. And here it is happiness - there is joy inside, things are arguing, and everything around is developing in the best way.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. I think many people have come across a special condition that pushes the joy of life out of reach. This condition is often called a stone on the heart. It is burdensome and it seems that the world is shrinking to those problems from which it is impossible to escape. And then an unpleasant dream leaves a residue for the whole coming day, any little thing irritates and develops into nervous tension, and maybe a scandal. At such moments, even the most beloved food loses its taste, and loved ones seem so distant and alien that it still shrinks inside. This state is especially susceptible to people who perceive the world through emotions, sensations and internal states. It is difficult for them to switch and get the wave of unpleasant emotions out of their heads. It is also difficult because it is necessary to throw it out not from the head, but from the body and heart.

I am writing about this with knowledge of the matter, tk. herself like that. Yes, increased sensitivity has not only pluses, but also minuses. I will write to you how I cope with such conditions. Perhaps some of the above will be useful to you.

Walk. If inside there is a desire to curl up in a ball and lie for such a long, long time, try to pull yourself together and go outside. Go where your feet will go. This will help switch your body from one state to another. Thus, you yourself will be a little distracted. Especially if you listen to or hum a song at the same time. This works best if you walk in a safe area and during daylight hours. If you have the opportunity, it is best to take a walk in nature. No need to wind up kilometers. You can just walk for 15 minutes aimlessly in one direction, then turn around and go home.

Music. Sometimes you need to enjoy the state to the fullest in order to let it go. And if only sad songs come to your mind, I would not be in a hurry to drive them away. But there is always a golden mean. Therefore, after sadness and sadness in songs, switch to dynamic and lighter compositions. This will be what you need. Especially if you switch to music that will make your body dance. Dance, movement, relaxation and muscle contraction is another chance to release tension in the body through movement and switch the internal state. You can give preference to mantras, classical or instrumental music. Here for your taste. In any case, I recommend experimenting in this direction. Regarding songs, music and mantras, look at what resonates in you, what is close to you in this moment. In no case do not force yourself. The important thing here is to enjoy the process.

Smells. You can, of course, smoke a person out of his depressive state with the help of something smelly. But it's so drastic, and it might not work. I would recommend aromatherapy techniques, when with the help of this or that smell they switch the state of a person. For example, orange oil gives joy, verbena- tones up, mint - soothes. You can wear an aroma pendant, you can soak cotton wool and put it on a pillow, you can add a couple of drops to a humidifier or an aroma lamp.

Here are a few recipes that help you switch to a harmonious emotional state:

Calm harmonious state:

  • Valerian - 4 drops.
  • Ylang-ylang - 3 drops.
  • Lavender - 3 drops.

The joy of life:

  • Verbena - 3 drops.
  • Ylang-ylang - 6 drops.

Relaxation and tranquility:

  • Sandalwood - 4 drops.
  • Bergamot - 3 drops.

Burning herbs, pieces of trees and resins. Thyme, sage, oregano, juniper are considered sacred in many magical traditions. They help to stop the internal dialogue and calm emotions, thereby switching the emotional state. Take any of the listed plants in a dry form. Take an iron tray or iron plate at least 15 cm in diameter. Light the dry plant gently. Sit nearby, inhaling the smoke. If the herbs came to you in a crushed form, then you can light them with the help of coal for incense, these can be bought at the church shop. You can also buy there myrrh and frankincense. Ideal if you take natural resins without additives. Their smoke also cleanses and pacifies the body and Soul.

Drink. To calm down and throw out the shackling state from thoughts, heart and body, it is well suited druid tea. He is Phu. You will need: valerian root and a pinch (to taste) of lemon balm or mint. Wash the valerian root, put it in a teapot and fill half with boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Add lemon balm, add boiling water to the kettle to the top. Let it brew for another 10-15 minutes.

To cheer up and awaken your inner fire, brew yourself ginger tea . Grate a spoonful of fresh ginger, add a slice of orange and a few sprigs of mint, pour boiling water over everything. Ingredients can be increased or decreased according to your taste.

Creation. When such a person is not around, you can write everything down on paper, or on canvas. Clay, plasticine and other similar materials take emotions very well. If you have the opportunity to engage in planting something for fun, do not limit yourself to this. I'm going to cook do not recommend, because then your whole family will eat your unpleasant state. But it can be made from wood or any other material subject to you (even on cardboard) scattering spiral(twisting counterclockwise). It can be worn around the neck or in a pocket. Ideally, if it will be in contact with the body. So your unpleasant state will dissipate.

Stones. Make friends from the world of minerals. They are not windy and are quite constant in their choice. Therefore, if a stone chooses you, this is a fruitful union for many years. Here are a few stone options that will help you unburden your Soul and take a deep breath:

Turquoise- in the old days it was considered an exclusively male stone. It is a symbol of good luck, prosperity and victory. Turquoise is a good amulet for brave people, whose life is often interspersed with dangers.

Jet- protection from dark forces. It absorbs pain, negative emotions and fears of a person wearing jet. It also absorbs the evil thoughts of ill-wishers. The jet put under the pillow protects from nightmares.

kyanite- has a general tonic effect on the body, helps to better circulate energy through energy centers. They have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Malachite- removes energy blocks in the body, if applied to them. Improves energy flow throughout the body. Relieves emotional stress. Creates physical and emotional harmony, absorbs negative energy.

Obsidian- saves a person from rash and dangerous actions. Helps to face life changes with courage. This stone is able to cleanse from negativity.

Tourmaline- removes fears and anxieties. Helps to believe in one's own strength, gives a sense of security and helps to believe in one's own strength.

Unakite- helps to achieve harmony between body and spirit, mind and emotions. Helps to live in the present, cheers up, removes sadness.

You can choose for yourself one of the listed stones. But, if you trust your own intuition, then my favorite way to choose a stone will also suit you. When leaving the house, think about the goal - I want to buy a stone that will help me ... And here there may be options for what it will help, for example, get out of a depressive state, strengthen the will, achieve the goal, etc. With this thought, come to a place where stones are sold. Mentally ask the question: "Which stone will help me in ...". Now go ahead and choose. Look, take it in your hands, feel it. Trust your feelings. The stone that you like, the one that becomes warm in your hands or somehow resonates with you internally - it is the stone that you are looking for. On this journey behind the stone, you may need information on how to negotiate with the Spirit of the place. And when you have a suitable stone, you can negotiate with the Spirit of the stone (read how to do this in the article "My stone is a talisman" on the Wizard portal). Of course, the stone will give energy anyway, but by agreeing with the Spirit of the stone, the result will be stronger.

As for how to wear stones, it is good to wear them in beads, a rosary (if you are in the habit of wearing a rosary in your hands), in a pendant, a bracelet. Those. so that the stone is in contact with the body. So the connection will be stronger and the effect of wearing the stone too. Unfortunately, often the stone in a modern ring or earrings does not touch the skin. Therefore, the connection will not be so strong. If you take one big Stone, then you can carry it in your pocket and pick it up when you feel the need for it. As for the stone on the keychain, if you constantly carry it with you on a bag or keys, it can hit and deteriorate, which means your relationship will deteriorate, and its beneficial effect on your life will decrease.

All of these techniques will switch your state to one in which it will be much easier to cope with the task before you. Remember what stronger man, the more difficult the tasks set before him by Heaven. And you are able to cope with what has been sent down to you. May Heaven help you in this, directing you on the Path of Truth, Order, Justice and Peace. Let there be more pleasant moments, bright colors and happy days in your life.

If now, in your opinion, everything is bad in your life, listen to one story that happened to me a few years ago and which turned my life upside down.
For a long time, I thought that my life was already programmed in advance for a certain share of success and failure, and the second component in it is much more. And there is nothing you can do about it, except to accept and learn how to survive - I did not see any other way out.

One day I met my old friend, whom I had not seen for many years. Despite a series of tragic circumstances in her life, she looked young and happy, led an active lifestyle, and was full of optimism.
I was curious to know the secret of her happy life. It turned out to be very simple, but difficult to perform - every morning to thank the Universe for everything that you have in life and sincerely believe that every day all your affairs are going better and better. At that moment, her secret of a "happy life" seemed strange to me. Especially if problems constantly arise at work, with health, chronically lack of money, relationships do not go well, and in general - this is not the life I dreamed of. But I decided to try and signed up for a coaching group for training.
Thus began my new revival to a completely different life - meaningful and filled with wonderful transformations and surprises, surrounded by positive and successful people.

What to do if everything in life is bad?

Now I can say with full confidence that the black streak, which is often present in life, is actually a runway. And in order to take off, you need to properly accelerate along it, and dial the necessary for takeoff high speed. And always set your sails so that they catch a fair wind.
And this means that it is necessary to take responsibility for everything that happens in life into your own hands.
And you need to start with the control of your thoughts - the energy that materializes in the real world. What we think about is what we get.
There is an excellent exercise for this - "Candle". Every evening for 10 minutes just look at the candle without thinking about anything. This is how the habit of controlling thoughts and the ability to concentrate on the main thing is developed.

Secondly, every morning start with . This is a huge flow of life-giving energy, which in an amazing way transforms all problems, failures and failures into new ways of solving, new opportunities and new achievements.
And a miracle happens - everything around begins to change for the better.

Thirdly, constantly fill your life with love, kindness and positive. Dismiss whiners, negatives and pessimists from it, and surround yourself with positive, bright, kind and successful people. They will support and give additional incentive move forward.

B - fourth, be sure to believe that everything that is conceived will definitely work out. And do not let even a shadow of doubt into your heart. If you repeat many times: "God is good. Good is God," confidence appears, and new ways of solving vital tasks open up.

And always remember that at any moment you can change your life, but in order for it to change, you need to want it and start changing it. Start doing it meaningfully by asking yourself the right questions: "Why am I doing this?" Not everything turns out right away, but with a certain diligence, perseverance and perseverance, the result will not be long in coming. And it will exceed all expectations, I know for sure, because it has been tested by life.

Obstacles and difficulties are an integral part of life. It's bad when life itself turns into one continuous nuisance. Some people compare this state of affairs with a fun computer game. Others say that if everything were different, then our existence would be boring and uninteresting.

True, sometimes, raising your head for a second from under a pile of problems and looking around, it seems: without all these troubles, life would not be more boring, but simpler and calmer. When trouble knocks at the door, the person will least of all perceive it as fun. Usually the first thing we have to deal with in our reality is who is to blame and what to do. If in life, a person is more likely to dream of boring and "uninteresting" days in which there is no place for problems.

Of course, for one, certain events will be perceived as more complex and difficult; for others, it will seem like a trifle. But for no one, life on earth is not easy - all due to the fact that in the depths of everyone's soul hidden desires are lurking, rushing out and craving for realization.

And, as is usually the case, the more we want something, the more disappointing it is to fail. Perhaps this is one of the forms of torture - to desire something with all the fibers of the soul and constantly get rejected.

They say that it is at such moments that human willpower is tested. But even if you decide to test the strength of almost all life events, we suggest considering the following ways to cope with these tests. Let's look at what those people do whose willpower gets an A in the life test.

After all, even among the powerful of this world, circumstances sometimes develop contrary to their desires. Their dreams fly into hell no less often than those of a simple layman. Sometimes this happens due to the fault of accidental circumstances, sometimes the cause is competitors, neighbors, work colleagues, family members, after all. Do you think that strong personalities tear and toss at the same time? Maybe in the first five minutes. So, how can you follow their example if everything in life is against you?

  • Take a break. Most people who experience adversity in their lives are more likely to do the exact opposite - they will think about the problem, trying to carefully consider its aspects from all possible angles. They will become more and more entangled in this endless tangle of thoughts and reasoning. At the same time, every second they are usually haunted by a feeling: a little more, just a little more, it is worth thinking about this question, and the decision will come ... Alas. From such a grinding of the same issue, problems are almost never solved. It only brings headaches.

    The hard truth is that it is very difficult to get an accurate picture of what is happening, being in the thick of things. Therefore, in order to understand what is really happening, you need to take a step aside. The most important decisions require a lot of attention - but attention to the core of the problem. The difficulty lies in the fact that, being too involved in what is happening, we may not notice most of the important points. We fail to pay attention to Possible Solution our problems. This is why distraction is so important.

    Sometimes people forget that any life situation can be put on pause, stop thinking about it, and thereby expend their precious mental energy. After all, everyone knows about the wise words that were written on reverse side rings of Solomon: "Everything will pass, this too will pass."

  • Pay attention to what is within the possibilities. When a person is overwhelmed by problems from all sides, it can be a huge relief to solve at least some of them.

    But it is not so easy in a difficult situation to deal with those difficulties that seem secondary. People who ask themselves and others, “What to do when everything in life is bad?” Are more likely to act in obedience to their momentary impulses. So dictates the instinct of self-preservation, which requires immediate action. But often, to solve many life difficulties, a completely different approach is needed: sometimes, on the contrary, you need to play for time; sometimes switch attention to other issues; and sometimes let go altogether.

    To life difficulties did not turn into an avalanche, it is worth considering: what is now in my power? What can be done to at least part of the trouble was neutralized? Sometimes we tend to underestimate issues that are not in the foreground at the moment. However, regardless of our attitude, the algorithm for the development of troubles has one general pattern: they are easier to destroy when they are still in their infancy. Let an example from family life.

    Let's imagine a woman who, for some reason, is completely absorbed in such an event as parting with her spouse. Of course, such a life restructuring takes away almost all of her emotional strength, and against the background of this event, everything else seems insignificant. Suppose that she has not been able to divorce for a long time, and this sluggish separation has long exhausted her entire limit of strength.

    However, no matter how cruel life may seem, if this woman does not change her tactics and stop focusing solely on one problem, her situation may become even worse. Let us suppose that our imaginary heroine has another difficulty which does not yet seem so important to her. For example, she may have a teenage daughter who is experiencing certain psychological problems.

    If you do not give her due attention now, her daughter may drop out of university, begin to abuse alcohol, or even turn into a young single mother. As we can see, the results of ignoring the so-called "minor" problems can be quite far-reaching.

  • Bring to shine other areas of life (at least one). This recommendation is similar to the previous one, but carries a more positive basis. In this case, your actions should not be about solving problems - major or minor - but about improving a certain area. In order to stay afloat during the storms of life, it is necessary that at least one area of ​​​​your activity is in perfect condition.

    In other words, having an uncluttered area of ​​your life will allow you to confront negative thoughts and emotions about the other area. To create such a “refuge” for yourself, you need to determine the plane that can be least affected by your pressing problems, and start working on it tirelessly. It can be health, your physical form, hobbies, spiritual life, and so on.

    When you see the fruits of your actions, the mind will finally question the idea that life is completely unfortunate. This will help you feel like a much stronger person.

  • Get rid of the position of a victim of circumstances. When things are bad, this attitude towards the situation will lead to nothing but worsening it. Sometimes healthy cynicism is needed, sometimes a sense of superiority over people and events, but the role of the victim and the behavior that accompanies it will only lead to an aggravation of the situation. No matter how it develops, we always have a choice - not to recognize this means to take the position of a victim.

    If you constantly attract the same people and circumstances to yourself, you must eventually stop implementing this type of behavior. For starters, you can try to find role models. This will serve as a good workout. Spend time with people for whom a situation like yours is not worth a damn. Study their behavior and start following their lead.

As you can see, the first reaction to difficulties, which seems natural, does not always help to get rid of them. What seems obvious can only cause more harm, and their solution may be in a completely different area.

The idea for this article was created over the years thanks to my pessimistic friend, who, when asked: “How are you?”, Always answered: “Everything is bad.” And so, I will tell you, every day for several years, almost from the moment of the meeting. Maybe, of course, he does not like being asked this question, but one way or another, after the answer, a short story followed about the reasons why everything is bad. It can happen to anyone, although not every day. Especially when there is eternal rain outside the window, and you are not a particular fan of autumn.

What to do when everything is bad?

There are many reasons to think that everything sucks, and get depressed, it's your choice. Do you just need it? In any incomprehensible situation, try not to make it a big unsolvable problem. You just need to put everything on the shelves and act, and not drink cocoa with marshmallows, admiring the rain. I'm not inventing anything, just experimenting on cats.

1. General cleaning of thoughts

Everything again depends on you, if you think that everything is bad, then everything will be bad. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wrap yourself in a blanket. You need to do a general cleaning of your thoughts, down with bad news and depressive friends. Thoughts, no matter how you believe in it, but they are material. Just watch the chain reaction around you. It's easy to ruin your own mood! But, will you do better for yourself?

ZY: Do not only think, but also talk about the good.

2. Go in for sports

If thoughts are pumping and haunting on a beautiful sunny evening, it's time to get distracted and get out of the four walls. Choose to your taste what makes you relax - yoga or swimming in the pool or hard training. All in all, do something, don't be a lazy booty.

3. Speak up!

Stop storing emotions and thoughts in yourself, share them with people around you. It's something called "scattering troubled thoughts", what is it for? Yes, just understand that you are not the only one who experienced this, there are many of us and we need to share our experience.

4. Find a new hobby

Again, depending on your interests, it could be horseback riding or a series of new experiences every day. I was reassured by Postcrossing - sending postcards to strangers and waiting anxiously in the mailbox.

5. Psychologist to help

Laughter with laughter, it’s not customary with us, and in general we are not Americans to walk around psychologists. But if you have real problem, a little conversation can help you. One conversation was enough for me, where the psychologist just listened and asked a question that I could not answer. But after thinking it over, I realized that I knew the answer and changed something.

On the day of the glorification of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” Metropolitan Mitrofan of Horlovsky and Slavonic, concelebrated by the clergy of the diocese, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the St. Nicholas Church of Konstantinovka. At the end of the liturgy, Vladyka addressed the audience with an archpastoral word.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Your Reverences, all-honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you on the feast day in honor of the Mother of God and Her icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”! She very often comes to our aid when we can no longer expect help from anyone else, we do not rely on anyone else.

The icon with this name was painted and was located in Moscow, in the temple on Ordynka, and became miraculous after the sister of Patriarch Joachim was healed after praying in front of it.

Sorrows and illnesses are what accompanies the life of every person, both believers and unbelievers. Some people say: you need to pray, believe in God, read akathists, go to services, take communion - and then there will be no sorrows. It is not true. We know from the example own life, and from the story that sorrows also happen in the life of Christians. Moreover, when we open the Gospel, we suddenly see that the Savior warns the disciples: “In the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33).

How can this be correlated with the fact that many people, crossing the threshold of the church, think that now I will start doing something like this, and then all the sorrows from my life will go away? Following Christ, a person acquires even more of these sorrows in life. Most of them are the result of our own mistakes and sins: pride, selfishness, greed, stupidity, cowardice, meanness - but they also happen for other reasons.

The Lord Jesus Christ grieved on the Cross. He grieved not only because of the physical pain that the crucifixion caused Him. He grieved from the betrayal he experienced on the part of the disciples, and from the fact that he was abandoned by His Heavenly Father. “My God, My God, why did You leave Me?” He prayed on the Cross, because it was hard for Him.

If we explain sorrows only by human sins, then how can we explain why the righteous Job grieved, who did not sin before God in anything? How then to answer the question, why did the Mother of God mourn, Who was a pure Virgin, had no sins, but whose heart was pierced by a weapon? Sorrow is one of the manifestations of the imperfection of our life after sin entered it.

The worst thing that can happen is when grief leads a person to despondency and despair. A person is, as it were, crushed by a heavy stone from the inside and does not see the light of God, everything around him is seen in black tones, and there is no gap.

When some kind of trouble happens to us or it’s hard for us, we look for a person who can share this grief with us. For some, these are parents, spouse, brother or sister, children, friends or acquaintances. We say: “This happened to me, it’s so hard for me, I feel so bad.” When a person listens to us, if he still sympathizes with us and gives good advice, grief does not disappear, but it becomes easier for us. Thank God if there is such a person or several in our life.

Christians have had another experience as well. They learned that when you share your sorrow with the Mother of God, when you stand in front of Her image, your sorrow, as it were, disappears, ceases to exist. Light, hope and joy appear in the soul and heart. In gratitude for the fact that, praying to the Mother of God, instead of sorrow, people find joy, hope, an image and called "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

There are times when there is no one around or people cannot help us. It happens that we tell, but they don’t understand us, they don’t hear us, they don’t answer at all what really hurts us, and I don’t want to tell at all a second time. We then pray to God. We pray to the Mother of God, because She will certainly hear and understand us. In the way that the Lord and the Mother of God can console, no one can console close friend. Anyone who has this experience, who has tried it himself, understands this and has no doubts.

I have no answer to the question of what needs to be done so that there are no sorrows in life, no one betrays, deceives, does not act unfairly so as not to fall ill with any disease. Sorrows are sure to meet, the Lord sends them on our life path at certain times, but it is always easier for a Christian. He has "Joy of All Who Sorrow". He has a foundation on which he can rely: the opportunity to pray and hear the answer to his prayer, to strengthen his soul and heart at a time when grief seems especially strong. This is our great advantage. It is harder for us to fall into despair.

It happens that we pray - and nothing changes, and it seems to us that no one hears us, but this is also not the case. At the moment when grief becomes especially strong, and the Lord becomes especially close human heart. This has been noticed by different people in different circumstances. The deeper the sorrow, the closer God is.

We cannot avoid the sorrows that happen to us, but we must learn to deal with them correctly, in a Christian way. We must understand that in sorrow there is no need to grumble, blame circumstances, people, and, especially, God.

Sometimes things don't go our way. Who is guilty? "The Lord allowed it." This is our pride. For some reason, it seems to us that God owes us all the time. He must solve all our problems, do as we want. Once they wanted it this way - it means that it should be so, another time - in a different way. Someone asks for rain, someone does not need rain, and God is to blame for both. Never murmur against God.

We need to pray to God, remember some of our shortcomings, which, perhaps, this grief helps us correct. The Christian attitude to grief can make it not a tool that kills joy and the desire to live, kills a person, but even a bitter, but useful and necessary medicine, from which a person changes, becomes different. We know that this also happens: a person who has undergone grief very often already has a completely different attitude towards his life and what happens in it.

If we learn to treat sorrows in a Christian way, accept them with gratitude to God, draw some conclusion for ourselves and help other people, they will not kill us. They will help us grow spiritually and become better. May God grant that we learn to treat them this way. Then they will be able to bring us spiritual benefit.

To whom to turn when grief, we know. Who will help us, send a ray of light into our heart and fill it with joy, we understand. We thank the Mother of God for the fact that She is with us, that we can pray to Her even in sorrow, which She transforms into joy. We ask that She not leave us today and all the next days of our life, which the Lord will give us.

I congratulate you all on the holiday! May the protection of the Mother of God and the blessing from Her image be with you all!