How to distinguish good from evil? What will help with this? How to distinguish good advice from bad


Dear Rav!

I think that in life one should strive for good and move away from evil. Go to your goals by the path of good, not evil. But in the whirlwind of daily actions, deeds and decisions, there is often not enough time or understanding to evaluate what your action will be - good or evil.

Is there any simple and fast way or an algorithm to assess the situation in a few minutes and understand how this case go the path of goodness. How can you quickly distinguish good from evil?


Our world is like the night

The sages in the treatise Bava Metzia (83) interpret the verse in the book Teilim (104, 20) as follows: “You spread darkness - and night comes” - “this is our world, which is like a night.”

Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto) in his famous book Mesilat Yesharim (part 3) writes: “And realize how wonderful this saying is for one who understands it deeply. After all, the darkness of the night deceives the human eye in two ways: either it overshadows it so that it does not see at all what is in front of it, or it deceives it so that the pillar seems to him a man, and the man - a pillar. Likewise, the materiality and materiality of this world is night darkness for the gaze of the mind, which deceives it in two ways: firstly, it does not allow it to see obstacles on the paths of this world, and there are fools who step confidently, and fall, and perish without having time to to be frightened ... And secondly - and the second deception is more terrible than the first - it distorts vision in such a way that evil appears as good, and good as evil, and because of this, people are strengthened in their bad deeds and do not leave them. [In the first case] they simply do not see evil, [in the second] they “see” strong evidence of the “fidelity” of their false views and conclusions, and this is a great evil that envelops them and leads to death.”

Because the yetzer ha-ra blinds a person, thinking about where the right path is, and where the wrong one, on the one hand, is very important work On the other hand, it is very difficult. It is practically impossible for a person at the moment of performing an action to understand whether this action is good or bad - because at this moment he has neither the time nor the peace of mind necessary for such reflections.

How to avoid mistakes?

Anyone who wants to protect himself from mistakes should follow the advice of Ramchal (ibid.), who writes: “A person needs - at any time and in a specially allotted time of solitude - to think about which path is true according to the Law of the Torah, which path he needs to go. And then reflect on your actions - whether they correspond to this path or not. By doing so, he can easily be cleansed of all evil and straighten his ways.

Of course, this advice is not easy to follow. But this the only way for someone who wants to follow the direct path, there is not, and cannot be, any simple algorithm.

Some indication

Although there is no simple formula by which one could, being in a given situation, to determine exactly what actions are worth doing and which are not, it still gives us some kind of “indication”.

In the commentary on the book of Ruth, he writes (1, 18): “He who has the opportunity to perform the commandment, and he wants to recognize whether this does not come from a bad desire, let him check how the organs of his body behave during the performance of the commandment. If at this time they move quickly and "playfully", apparently, the matter is taking place on the advice of a bad desire. Because how can it be that the organs of the body - heavy, created from dust, whose nature is to follow their bodily desires, sink as low as possible, as dust should - begin to act willingly? This is nothing more than the advice of a bad aspiration who wants to take power over them later. And if a person’s inner desire is to get closer to his Creator by performing mitzvot, the organs of his body will be heavy and lazy. Then it is clear that this is in accordance with nature: an evil desire affects the organs of the body, wanting to keep them from performing the commandment.

Good is a concept of morality, meaning a deliberate desire for disinterested help to one's neighbor, as well as to a stranger, an animal, and even a plant. In the worldly sense, this term refers to everything that receives from people a positive evaluation, or is associated with happiness and joy.

Good and evil, like twin brothers, cannot exist one without the other. If there were no evil, man would never know what good is, and vice versa. Good and evil is the measure by which one measures human life. They say about one person - he is a kind person. And about the other - he is evil. We begin to get acquainted with the concept of good and evil from early childhood when we listen to fairy tales. Good in them always conquers evil, no matter how cunning and insidious evil is. Thus, for the first time, we learn that it is bad to be evil, that only good deeds are rewarded. And evil deeds are always punishable. Good always returns to a person in return good. Evil, as a rule, brings reciprocal evil to those who created it. We must understand where good and evil are, and so that the intentions are pure and good, then there will be less evil. And then, indeed, good will conquer evil, not only in fairy tales. You need to do good, from which there will be benefits.

We meet with you every day, One is good, kind, and the other is bad and evil. And every day we face a choice How can we unite to become one? We are different, like night and day, like light and darkness, We are not alike, like summer and winter, In one, joy quietly shines, and laughter sparkles, In the other, rage boils up, turning into sin. And we can't become whole, even though we're one As the waves top and muddy bottom don't become whole And sometimes we standing in front of each other Quietly whispering - I'm you, and you're me.

Proverbs about good and evil In a crooked eye and a straight one is crooked. Took with a heart, and eat with pepper. To live in evil - to walk around the world. Anger is human, and rancor is diabolical. A good deed does not melt in water A good memory is good. A good man will do better than an angry one. Evil does not believe that there is kind people. A kind word seduces many.

You don't have to be a magician to work miracles. Simple human good deeds will turn out to be a real miracle for someone. By helping others, we not only make them happier, but we also do well for ourselves, gaining the true meaning of life. The realization that we have given someone a particle of warmth warms the heart and fills the soul with pride. Every good deed brings positive energy into this world, which sooner or later returns to us like a boomerang.

Only good alone is immortal, Evil does not live long! (Shota Rustaveli) Rules of kindness 1. Be responsive and attentive to people. 2. Help others yourself, and do not wait to be asked about it. 3. Love people familiar and unfamiliar. 4. Encourage others to have good relationships. 5. Do good for people. 6. Don't be jealous. 7. Don't be rude. 8. Don't be mean.

The theme of the struggle between good and evil has not lost its sharpness for many centuries. Not a single more or less interesting plot of a book or film can do without this idea.

However, in addition to exciting stories on the screen and in our imagination, the confrontation between good and evil takes place in life every day. At home and on the street, in the news and in our choice of what to do.

What is good and evil? Why do they fight each other and how to distinguish good from evil?

Vinaigrette of good and evil

The concepts of good and evil are absorbed by us at a tender age. And, most often, fairy tales are a source of knowledge of the realities of life (of course, in addition to my mother's "possible" and "impossible" in addition to a belt).

Suppose everything is clear with fairy tales: the beautiful princess personifies goodness, and the sorceress-stepmother personifies evil. As you know, good must win, otherwise it will be a horror story.

When we grow up, we suddenly discover that the world is not so simple. There is no clear division between good and bad. On the contrary, everything seems to be mixed into one "vinaigrette".

It can be difficult for a child to understand what is good and evil. Mom spanked for some misconduct - it hurts us, therefore, mom is bad. An uncle on the street gave a candy and called to look at the kitten - he is good. Everything is logical!

Fortunately, almost all normal children are afraid of strangers and love their mother, which greatly simplifies problem solving. But the fact remains that not all that glitters is gold. And where is there, in the vinaigrette of life, gold - it's still worth thinking about. But first things first.

Where did good and evil come from?

The ancient Christian tradition claims that God has always existed in heaven, who lovingly created the worlds, angels and living beings. One of His close associates, the beautiful cherub Lucifer, once envied God and decided to raise a rebellion in heaven.

For a long time he persuaded other angels to support him, sowing doubts in them about the justice of God's government and the correctness of His laws. He succeeded in converting a third of God's servants to his side.

In the end, the rebellion happened, but it ended in the defeat of Lucifer. Now he could no longer be in the residence of God, and he had to seek refuge at the end of the universe.

The earth just got in his way, although recently appeared people lived there. God's adversary, or the Devil, as he was now called, had only to win them over to his side. It was then that he appeared to Eve with an offer to taste the forbidden fruit, because the commands of God, according to him, are not reasonable and do not make any sense.

Eve, seduced by his speeches and still not knowing how to distinguish good from evil, ate the fruit, thereby announcing to the entire Universe that she had gone over to the side of Evil.

God, on the other hand, was very saddened by what happened, because He knew where human willfulness would lead. But He still decided to fight for the people in order to save them.

It is believed that this is how our land became a testing ground for the struggle between good and evil. Now each person chooses good and evil for himself, together with the choice of his place on the side of God or the Devil.

How, in such confusion, to understand what is good and evil?

Ways to separate good from evil

Don't bother

There are people who, apparently, having eaten the "vinaigrette" of life, say that good and evil do not exist. These are just subjective concepts. How to determine for yourself what is good and what is bad. What is good for me may be bad for you.

I can have fat and fat, because I am an athlete, and it will harm you, since you are obese. Killing a respectable citizen is evil, but destroying a militant is good! Lying is bad, but not telling your mother the truth, taking care of her health, is good.

Everything in the world is relative and can only be evaluated in terms of efficiency. That is good that brings results.

Listen to them, yes they are right!

I wonder what such people will say if you steal a wallet from them, “lie” to them in three boxes, or even substitute a gun to your temple? Agree - very fast and effective methods of solving problems. However, it is unlikely that these people will think that something good has happened to them! In the same way, few people think that, for example, the illness or even death of a loved one is something good.

In difficult moments of our lives, we think about the concepts of good and evil, their origin and the eternal struggle between good and evil.


The first thing we turn our attention to when we stand at a crossroads thinking about the right way is our conscience. It is she who tells us what is good and what is bad. I wanted to deceive the authorities, but somewhere in the depths of my soul the worm moves: you can’t lie! And it even spoils the mood! Where does ours come from?

Perhaps we are well educated, or perhaps it is inherent in us by nature. But deep down, all of us, even those who were not lucky with their upbringing, know that stealing, killing, lying is bad. And what we do with the opposition of good and evil in our souls is another question. The inner worm can always be planted in a dark corner of the soul and put a gag in his mouth.

Agree, there are people for whom, for example, the concept of lies and truth does not exist at all. They say whatever they want, and nothing moves inside them. So conscience is not an absolutely reliable source of understanding good or evil.

The wisdom of the ages and the rule of law

We would not know what to do with such a life confusion if the wisdom of our ancestors had not come to our aid. Socrates, Cicero, Tolstoy, our grandmother in addition - we got in the understanding of good or evil.

True, modern youth, taking over from their parents, often does not put the opinion of their ancestors in anything. But how - it is much more interesting to study on own mistakes and reinvent the wheel, deciding what is good and what is bad! In this case, conscience, maybe, will tell you something, or maybe it will prudently keep silent.

Just for these people legal systems they did their best: next to the laws and rules of life, they immediately put the threat of punishment, so that we, inadvertently, did not confuse anything.

Whatever you say, this can be a fairly effective method of knowing good and evil, although the rules of law do not reveal the deep essence and consequences of our choice, in contrast to the next paragraph of our article.

God's commandments

Many Christians believe that God is at the source of everything, and since He created our world, it is He who knows what is good and evil in our lives. In addition, by His laws He ordered all the structures of the Universe: the movement of stars and planets, the laws of attraction, the change of seasons, day and night. Our life is also subject to these laws of nature. Why should we not also follow the moral precepts, the echo of which is fixed in our conscience?

In the Bible in the book of Exodus 20, which God gave many centuries ago: they reflect right attitude people to God Himself
  • God is only One
  • You can't make pictures of him
  • You can't take His name in vain
  • It is necessary to honor the 7th day of the week Saturday.

The commandments also regulate the relationship of people with each other: you need to respect your parents, you can’t kill, change, lie, envy and desire someone else’s.

Many of these principles are known to us, and we understand that they are true, and with their help we can determine what is good and what is bad in our lives. The only thing left to do is to do what we are commanded to do. Of course, this is very difficult, but otherwise there would be no confrontation between good and evil.

What will happen to us if we choose evil?

Man himself chooses good and evil for himself. At first glance, nothing terrible will happen if we become a little worse, and this is how they live on earth. However, it is not in vain that God warns us against evil ways - evil has not yet made anyone happy, including the Evil Genius himself - the Devil.

That is why he wants to deceive and destroy as many people as possible. between good and evil. The Bible says he goes to steal, kill and destroy. Not too much good prospect for us, right?

Regardless, the Bible and Christian tradition teach that evil will be destroyed eventually. Together with him, all those who made evil a part of their lives will disappear.

What is our way out? Only to believe that good will always overcome evil, and to beware of evil ourselves and do good in our lives.

How to distinguish good from evil?

  • Listen to your heart, but do not forget that you can easily deceive yourself;
  • Be attentive to the advice of wise and experienced people, perhaps they are right;
  • Proceed from the position of the highest and long-term good: if your act will bring maximum benefit to everyone around you in the future, it is good, but if it helps only here and now, or - only you - for sure, this is evil;
  • Remember that according to the cycle of matter in nature, everything will return to you as a boomerang;
  • Love those around you and think of them as well as yourself - this will prevent many bad deeds;
  • Believe that God sends into your life what you need, ask Him for the wisdom of understanding good and evil;
  • Learn to live according to God's laws of nature and morality;
  • Believe that good always triumphs over evil.

We wish you happiness and prosperity in your life. In the choice between good and evil, always stand on the bright side, and make no mistake distinguishing good from evil.

Every day, thousands of thoughts run through our heads, we perform hundreds of actions based on our ideas of peace, happiness and love, and often remain disappointed with where life takes us.

What is the reason for our disappointment?

Why do we spend so much energy making incredible efforts for our happiness, but so often achieve completely opposite results?

One of the reasons for our failures lies in the fact that we often make efforts where we cannot change anything, and we ignore those areas of our life that require our prompt intervention.

Because we do not rely on knowledge.

Because our mind is weak or asleep.

Because we tend to go where we are familiar, although not very comfortable, and we are afraid to plunge into those areas where we have never been before, where we feel like newbies, and therefore we are afraid to fail.

Therefore, we stand with outstretched hands at the parental home, expecting lost love from them, angry that we do not receive it, but not even making an attempt to look around and look for those who are ready to give us love just like that.

Therefore, we remain in a relationship that has long outlived its usefulness, preferring to firmly hold the exhausted titmouse in our hands than to take risks and follow the crane in the sky.

That's why…

May be enough?

Maybe it's time to stop and think - why all this? Where am I going? Why do I live? And who am I anyway?

It's not easy.

It's not fast.

But only by clearing our space of the old, getting rid of the unnecessary, we give place to new shoots that can lead us to happiness.

How to separate the wheat from the chaff?

How not to pour out the baby along with water, throwing out of your head not only what destroys us, but also what we really need?

A very urgent question that has worried many wise men for a long time - where is the line that allows you to separate the good from the bad, the grain from the chaff, the useful from the destructive, where is the border separating the scheme that lives in our mind and has long been outdated, and live participation in the situation?

In order to answer this question, in order to see its essence, its roots in each situation, we will not do without MIND.

A strong mind can separate the wheat from the chaff.

A strong mind is able to determine how to act competently in each situation.

A strong mind relies on true knowledge, and not your own speculation about how the world works and where happiness is.

There is a wonderful prayer that reflects the importance of developing the mind in our lives, I really like it - “Lord, give me patience to accept what I cannot change, give me the strength to change what is possible, and give me the mind to learn to distinguish the first from the second.

If you think deeply about these words, you will realize that we are not getting the desired result:

- if we make a lot of effort where we need to endure;

- if we do not pay attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that we can change.

I constantly come across a situation in constellations when an adult is already dissatisfied with his parents, when he expects support, love, care from them - everything that they did not give him, from his point of view, and what he needed for development and feeling yourself happy.

It is normal for a child to want, wait, and even demand love.

Because he is unable to see reality.

Because he needs love.

Because his mind is not developed.

But this is not normal for an adult who simply remains in the position of a child out of habit, not seeing the obvious - PARENTS DO NOT HAVE WHAT WE WANT FROM THEM FOR MANY YEARS.

Not! Because no one gave them love.

Very often, wives make incredible efforts to change their husband. They read relationship books to understand what to do with their husband and his bad habits, give him advice, make claims, look for ways to convey information about how he should be so that she is happy. They are so immersed in the life of their husband, wanting to put things in order there, that they completely forget that their female sphere is left without attention at this time.

So, they are unwilling to tolerate what cannot be changed. They do not want to know the law of the universe that every person is a sacred land, and no one else has the right to make any changes or improvements there.

Because if they learn this law, they will have to pay attention to what they can change - to themselves, their ability to be feminine, give love, inspire, trust, open their heart.

It hurts to look inside yourself and not see there that confident person who just yesterday read to her husband his duties in full knowledge of how he needs to live.

It's scary to suddenly discover your complete failure in what is most important for every woman, for example, the inability to build relationships with her husband.

And yet, only by doing this, we get a chance to turn to where we can still change something.

Another example that is familiar to many mothers is that we do not perceive a child as a person separate from us, with our own habits, tastes, character, with our accumulated centuries-old experience.

And then we begin to make incredible efforts to impose, plant in any way what WE CONSIDER RIGHT FOR HIM.

We break what bloomed in it.

And we are trying to plant on this soil something that will never take root there.

Because apricots should not bloom beyond the Arctic Circle.

Because the nature of a child can be very different from the nature of his parents, and it is not they who decide here and determine which way he should move.

What do we see here?

Parents do not want to understand, recognize, accept and tolerate the nature of the child, they want to enjoy him, taking control of his life completely into their own hands.

They make a bad engineer out of a good artist, considering any manifestations of a child's creativity a whim, instilling in him the idea that you can’t feed on art.

They make a bad business woman out of a great wife and mother, paying all attention to the education of the girl, and not giving her any knowledge on how to create and maintain a family.

They turn a creative person into a dreary, drinking porter, obsessing over the mess in his room and trying to instill neatness in him at all costs.

They break and build a living person to their liking, but then they reap the fruits of their bullying and ignorance, watching how the life of their child flies to hell, how a child does not succeed where he should receive mountains of gold according to his parents, and being afraid to go there, where he was drawn all his life, but where he was even forbidden to look.

It's scary to see how your child dies, how his happiness, built on your wrong ideas, crumbles before our eyes.

It hurts to understand that your actions only led to the fact that he hated you and rushed to leave at the first opportunity.

But only this understanding, understanding that the nature of the child is unchanging, and the task of parents is to STUDY IT in order to know what the child needs and give him the support he needs. This is the area that is subject to parents, but how many move into this area? After all, it is more habitual to repeat with the child the scenario of their parents or directly opposite to it, instead of finding knowledge on how to act with their child.

Such examples can be given endlessly, and they certainly exist in our lives, because our parents did not have the knowledge of how to be happy, we have to learn this from scratch ourselves from those people who have dedicated their lives to the development of the mind.

Now let's look at the other side of the coin - when we endure what is in our power to change, hoping that it will somehow change itself and thereby causing suffering to ourselves.

A few examples.

You probably know cases when a woman lives with an alcoholic husband, gives birth to children from him and endures humiliation and bullying from him sometimes all her life, when a man and a woman keep the family "for the sake of the child", mocking not only each other, but also mentally presenting him a bill for his sacrifice, then demanding that he lay down his life on the altar of parental desires.

Why do we endure something that should have ended long ago?

Why does a woman stay with a husband who raises his hand against her?

The answers are the same - because it's scary. Because here, in this horror, she is more accustomed and calmer (no matter how terrible it sounds) than alone and with children.

Because her self-esteem is so low that she does not consider herself worthy of happiness, because she does not believe that other relationships are possible for her, and therefore remains in those that destroy her.

In some cases, it is divorce that is the best solution for the whole family, because only in this way a man, woman and children get a chance for happiness - we must run away from communication that destroys us, because every day spent in it destroys our femininity.

Another situation is when a person works at an unloved job, convincing himself that it is impossible to find a job he likes, that now there is a crisis, no one needs his specialty, and gradually losing the meaning in life, especially for men. When we follow someone else's path, when we take someone else's place, even if we perform someone else's duties well, we lose the opportunity to be happy, because happiness awaits us only on our way. A great artist can be an average engineer, but then he will not create canvases that heal people, he will not fulfill his mission and will not be happy.

We do all this because we do not have knowledge about the world, about life, about the family, about the nature of man and woman, about the nature of children. And we need to seriously work to fill the gaps in our education.

How to distinguish between good and evil?

It is often difficult for us to admit that we were going the wrong way, to see that most of our lives have been spent chasing mirages, which has deprived us of strength, but did not allow us to achieve what we wanted.

It's hard for us not to kill ourselves for what we've done with our lives.

We are very annoyed that we did not know much before.

And yet, if we want to turn onto the road to happiness, we need to stop one day. And to admit that we have been going the wrong way for many years.

What to do if you find out that this is about you?

RECOGNIZE THE FACTS by telling yourself the truth about yourself, and experiencing all the negative feelings associated with it.

It is very important to HONESTLY tell yourself everything that you think about yourself, preferably if you write it on paper, and keep writing until you feel that you no longer have the desire to kill yourself, or me, or God for that. that happiness didn’t happen to you before, and that now you have to work hard to not only turn in the right direction, but also go there, overcoming difficulties.

It is important to go through all the feelings associated with the fact that you found a huge hole inside yourself, which you filled with the wrong thing, and not when you needed it - anger - pain - fear - shame, only then can you feel that you are not everything is lost in your life, and continue the letter with words of gratitude and support.

“My dear girl, I understand you, it’s not easy for you now, and I am grateful to you for what you tried, and that now you have the courage to change your life.

You couldn't live differently, because you didn't have the knowledge, you didn't have an example before your eyes, you didn't have anything to start living differently, and the fact that you lived, even in these conditions, that you acted like skillful, already deserves respect!

I believe that you will succeed, that you will meet people who will help you on your new path to happiness.

I love you even so weak and helpless!”


Our minds cannot develop in a vacuum. Our mind is not able to develop in an environment of unreasonable people. That's the way man is.

Therefore, it is so important to stop judging your close circle, to wait for enlightenment from him, to teach him to live if you do not like it.

You need to turn around and go where there is REASON, where there is WISDOM, where people already LIVE HAPPYLY!

You can't learn how to play volleyball if no one shows you how it's done.

You can't grow a tomato if you don't know what a tomato seed looks like.

You cannot come to happiness if you have not breathed its air, if you have not communicated with those who live in it, if you have not been infected with love from those who have a lot of it.

You need a person who will take you by the hand and lead you to where there is HAPPINESS, and you will follow him and believe him because you will see everything with your own eyes.


You are well aware that we become and go where we think. If we have a lot of bright positive images in our head, we will be happy.

If we constantly scroll through problems in our heads, worry, fear, do not believe in ourselves and judge other people, our life will turn into a swamp.

Without controlling our thoughts, without directing them in a good direction, we automatically fall into the second scenario.

That is why it is so important to give our mind positive attitude. Tune in to the good, thinking about it, we begin to adopt best qualities understand the world order.

LISTEN TO KNOWLEDGE from the lips of a realized person.

Our mind develops if we listen to the instructions of a person realized in the area where we would like to be realized.

That is, if you want to start a family, you need to listen to knowledge from a person realized in a family, who has a husband (wife) and children, and from whom the energy of happiness and peace comes.

If you want to create a business, you need to go to the one who created the business, and not to the one who knows everything about it in theory.

If you want to raise children, you need to seek knowledge from someone whose children have grown up, are happy, love their parents and have their children.

We learn by imitation.

Therefore, happy parents naturally raise happy children.

Therefore, graduates do not work for university teachers in their specialty (because teachers are often not realized themselves in what they teach).

Therefore, you cannot teach another person anything if the knowledge you have heard has not become your experience, because he has nothing to imitate, because he sees a person in front of him who wants to give what he does not have, and this is always annoying.

When an unhappy mother teaches her daughter how to be happy and what is important in life, how often does the daughter listen to her?

When a wife teaches her husband what kind of husband he should be, instead of showing him what a wife should be and inspiring him to change by her example, how does she make her husband feel? Is it really a frenzied enthusiasm to run away and fulfill all your duties at once?

When parents focus all their attention on the child's studies, not realizing that she does not make him happy and successful, as she did not make them, instead of helping him show his best qualities and find mentors in what he does instead of spend your life on everything that will never come in handy, does a child start wearing only fives from school?

Look for mentors, look for people who will lend you a helping hand and give you knowledge about where happiness really lives.

For me, such people were Oleg Torsunov, Ruslan Narushevich, Marina Targakova, Rami Blekt, Valery Sinelnikov, Vladimir Megre.

You can find your mentors who will inspire you to walk the path of knowledge to Happiness.

I went through this path from feeling a complete failure of my whole life, feeling my own insignificance, from feeling fruitlessly past years, I went through bitterness and resentment towards my parents who did not give me this knowledge, I healed my soul for several years from the scars that they left in me the efforts of other people who want to work on me, I continue to comprehend knowledge in order to improve my life further, and I know that I will never stop, because I already know the taste of happiness. Be a wife. Be a mom. To be realized in society as a woman.

Therefore, I know that each of you is capable of walking this path. If he wants. If you are not afraid to look into yourself and admit that you are going the wrong way.

It's not a crime not to know.

It's not a crime not to know how.

It is not a crime to be in the first grade of the school of life if you are forty or sixty years old.

It's a crime not to give yourself this chance for happiness!

Tatiana Plotnikova

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In its negative form Golden Rule establishes the minimum low bar or limit of a person's moral attitude towards other people,forbid doing evil .

In its positive form, it sets the highest standard for a person's moral attitude towards other people,encourages good , good deed.

Thus, the golden rule covers the entire range of moral actions and serves as the basis forto distinguish and define the moral categories of good and evil .

The difference between the moral concepts of good and evil and the general concepts of good and evil

Good and evil are the most general concepts used to denote the positive or negative value of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Good is a positively evaluated phenomenon, a positive value (what benefits people). Evil is a negatively evaluated phenomenon, a negative value (that which harms people).

A person interacts with other people and with nature, therefore, not only the actions of people, but also natural phenomena, things (including elements of the second nature created by human labor) have a positive or negative significance for him. It happens that the same natural phenomena in some cases are good for people, and in other cases they are evil. For example, rain: at the time of the ascent of the seeds is good, and at the time of harvesting it is evil.

How absolute/relative is the difference between good and evil? Can good be evil and evil be good? One and the same phenomenon-action can be good in one respect, and evil in another. However, if we have valued something as good, then as good this something cannot be evil, and vice versa, if we have valued something as evil, then as such this something cannot be good. In this sense, the distinction between good and evil is absolute. Good is everything that "serves the preservation and development of life." Evil is everything that destroys life and impedes its development. (By life here we mean, first of all, the life of man and humanity, and, further, life as such, in particular, life on Earth.)

Moral good and evil are good and evil in relations between people; These are the actions of some people that have a positive or negative significance for others. If the subject-bearer of natural good or evil is one or another natural phenomenon, then the subject-bearer of moral good or evil is always a person as a rational, consciously acting, choosing being.

A person's attitude to nature, to certain natural phenomena can be assessed as moral or immoral if this attitude indirectly affects the interests of other people, society as a whole.