I want to help people in need: our good deeds. I want to help people, but I don't know anything about charity and I'm afraid of being deceived. Where to begin? What can be done to help people

First, think about how you can specifically help. There are many different ways.

Material aid

You can always help with money - for example, transfer a certain amount for the treatment of a sick person or donate to funds that help the homeless. Exist two types of donations- single and monthly. One-time means one payment of any selected amount. Monthly is a subscription like an auto payment in a bank - every 30 days, the amount of money that you specify will be debited from your account.

The oldest St. Petersburg organization, Nochlezhka, helps homeless people return to their former lives. Every person who finds himself in a difficult situation, turning to this fund, can count on free consultation, shelter, social assistance, food and laundry. It is very easy to help the foundation - just go to the official website and make a donation.

The Alyosha Charitable Foundation for Seriously Ill Children has been in existence since 2008. The name of the organization was chosen for a reason, because in translation from ancient Greek Alexei is a “protector” and “God's man”. Donate to medical care children can be through a bank (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank), by sending an SMS or using a card through the official website.

Food Fund "Rus" is engaged in the supply of food to socially unprotected categories of the population. Anyone can help the organization financially through the site.

Help with things

The NN Compassionate Animal Welfare Foundation helps homeless animals find a new family, as well as provide them with shelter, veterinary services and food. It will not be difficult to help the fund - it is enough to give animals food, bowls, leashes or medicines.


This format of charity is suitable for those who are ready to donate part of their time to those in need. Elderly people are helped by "Old Age in Joy". The employees of the organization will be grateful to all those who know how to take pictures and can take beautiful memorable photos for grandparents. The foundation will also welcome hairdressers and stylists - "beauty days" are periodically held in nursing homes. They are also waiting for those who are ready to just come to visit the elderly and spend some time with them, because they lack communication.

Volunteers of the Vera Hospice Fund help people with incurable diseases. They care for patients, communicate with them, organize creative events.

Teachers of creative directions, dancers and choreographers will be interested in the experience of volunteering at the Spiritualization Center. The main task of volunteers is to teach people with disabilities to dance.

The Civic Assistance Committee accepts volunteers who are ready to work with migrants and refugees. You have to (optionally) teach Russian to foreigners, accompany them to state administrative institutions, work with documents, translate brochures and news into foreign languages monitor court hearings.

Other ways to help

Children and adults in distress often require blood transfusions. If you do not have hemophobia (fear of blood), are physically healthy and want to help those in need for free, donation is just what you need. The Podari Zhizn Foundation is constantly looking for donors. You can get acquainted with their nearest blood transfusion stations on the map on the official website of the organization.

To help charitable organization Helping children with World Vita is as simple as placing a fund sticker on your car. You can apply for a sticker on the website.

The Foundation for the Deaf and Blind "Connection" came up with "a way to help without doing anything." It is enough to order Prostoye Dobro water with the Connection logo on the prostoedobro.ru website, and the brand will send the money for it to the organization.

Basic rules of charity

  • List cash exclusively verified charitable foundations to the official accounts of organizations.
  • Be careful when choosing a fund. Pay attention to the official website, reviews and spending reports in recent years.
  • Be careful with social media requests for help. Before sending money to someone, make sure that the person is really not a scammer.
  • Check all the information several times.

Today, the topics of volunteering and charity do not leave the pages and screens: new information constantly appears about how and who of successful and famous people helps the needy and the sick. It is not surprising that more and more young and energetic guys are becoming interested in volunteer movements. However, not everything goes like clockwork for everyone. Someone is lucky and he on a whim finds his calling, feels happiness from helping people. Someone, and there are many such people, on the contrary, already after the first day turns around and runs away from the pain and problems that he encounters. And, unfortunately, they are unlikely to return to charity. It’s a pity, because giving themselves a little more time, understanding the essence of charity and the purpose of volunteering, as a result, they could get big changes in own life: from fears and phobias to love and joy.

What is the essence and meaning of charity and volunteering?
What to do and where to go to start helping people? How to start your journey as a volunteer?
Who are the people who enjoy being volunteers, doing charity work?
What will it give me if I become a volunteer and help people?

"I want to help people! Where do I start?" - people often turn to Google and Yandex with this question. Search engines quickly rustle and throw out in response a list of volunteer centers and charitable foundations, where any help will always be welcome. Today, there are so many types and formats of how to help people that it seems that each of us will be able to choose a business to his liking.

However, having begun to understand the issue, to find out what exactly is required from a volunteer, many people are sincerely frightened. And this is not surprising: it is difficult for a person who is not morally prepared to take care of a terminally ill old woman or a child, to see the suffering of an innocent person. We dislike the smells that usually come from old, infirm people. Often, even the very thought of being near a person with terminal cancer or cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, or blindness terrifies us. It seems like I can't take it.

It is not surprising that often the inner message to help people, which arose from the best intentions, quickly goes out. And the first experience ends with disappointment with volunteering or charity, the very essence of which is leveled by an unpleasant, painful feeling.

But if everything really would be so bad, then would there really be people who would be happy to do this?

So what is the mystery of volunteering and charity? Why does helping other people become the key to feeling joy for some, but not for others? Why can't everyone experience the joy of volunteering?

Why do people volunteer?

The psychological reasons for the emergence of volunteering and charity lie in the "visual measure", which makes a person compassionate, able to feel someone else's grief as his own.

Approximately 5% of people have a visual vector - it is they who own the ideas of humanism, love for one's neighbor, free help the needy and the sick. Developed and realized, such people are able by their example, their dedication to attract the whole society, one way or another to participate in charity.

Another common mistake people make is the misconception about the direct benefit of charity. It seems to us that by helping people, we can get a "reward" from nature for this, as a "plus to karma." Many take it as literally as possible. For example, young women who cannot get pregnant volunteer to help sick or abandoned children in the hope that they will be able to conceive a child of their own. Some philanthropists who share their worn things with the poor feel it as an investment - they expect a return a hundredfold, which will suddenly fall on them from heaven in gratitude for what they have done. As a result of such intentions, as a rule, everything ends sadly - no benefits come to life. People get frustrated and quickly abandon charity and volunteering as something that, in their mind, does not work.

This, of course, is not about volunteering. It's just that actions performed for direct benefit are not at all volunteering or charity, but only an act of selfishness. Giving to others what I don't need, or what I want to be rewarded for, is not charity.

Real help to people is a disinterested action. Such charity always gives its return, in the feeling of happiness, joy, love of life. This feeling is either born in us or not - and it directly depends on only one thing - on our intention with which we come to volunteering and charity.

I want to help people! Where to begin?

Today common man hard to find what you like. We do not know ourselves, we do not understand our reactions to external factors. Of course, a visual person is encouraged to volunteer in any of today's possible activities.

In order to help people correctly, and your help has benefited, you need to know how to do it so that help reaches people and is useful.


A large number of people need financial assistance, as a rule, such a need appears in case of any diseases, the treatment of which costs money, or other difficult life situations, when circumstances are such that a person cannot help himself. AT this case can help people financial terms, both directly to a specific person, if you know him, and through charitable foundations who accumulate the received funds and distribute them among the needy people. We recommend that you read

If you do not have sufficient finances, or you do not want to help financially by any means, then you can help people physically. To do this, you need to contact a volunteer organization that will tell you who needs your help. The help itself may be that you will care for the elderly, help in hospitals, visit children in shelters and do some other work for free.

If you have clothes that you don’t need, suitable for wearing, then you can donate them to those in need and thereby help people in their difficult life path. Clothes are usually collected by various charitable foundations. It is very common to collect children's clothes from children who have already grown up, and the clothes have become small for them, but in quality they are wearable. Such children's clothes are distributed either to poor children or to orphanages in boarding schools.

Another way to help people is to donate their blood to medical institutions. Where you can donate blood in the nearest medical department for you, you will find on the Internet. Perhaps it is your blood that will help someone recover and save a life.

If you know a poor family or lonely old people who need help, then take them into care. Help the elderly clean the house, go to the store and, if possible, provide financial assistance. Help such people with everything you can, this will greatly decorate their difficult and not simple life. We recommend that you read

If you have any life experience in something, for example, in your profession, then do not leave it aside, help people with these skills. For example, if you know jurisprudence well and want to help people, help them in their illiterate legal life, if you, for example, are a psychologist, then help people with free competent advice.

Today we will talk about how to help people. Many, having seen the topic of our article, raise their eyebrows in surprise, because everyone seems to have long known how to help a person - just do what he asks. However, in reality, everything is much more complicated: sometimes helping your neighbor turns into unpredictable consequences. Someone, having done a good deed for a friend, is disappointed when a friend does not do the same for him in return.

Is it dangerous to help people?

Or a friend is suddenly seriously offended by the “assistant” for no reason. After all, it’s not just that such sayings as “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, “good never goes unpunished” or “do not do good - you will not get evil” are born for a reason.

Therefore, today we will take a closer look at the issue of mutual assistance: in which cases it is worth helping, and in which it is not worth it, how exactly one should help, and what should not be done in any case.

What is the right way to borrow money?

Firstly, I want to convey to every reader that you need to help people only to the best of your ability and always disinterestedly. Let's say a friend asks you to borrow money, and you don't have much. Many people think that in this case it is worth giving money to a friend, because he asks! As they say, for the sake of a friend, I will tear my last shirt.

All this, of course, sounds strong and romantic, but is it worth giving to a friend what you really need right now? Can you give him your last and never ask for a similar service in return? After all, if you give your last money to a friend, you yourself will have nothing to eat, and perhaps you have a family that needs to be fed.

Therefore, when lending money, you should be guided by the principle - "give what you do not mind losing." Otherwise, in the end, you will suffer and toil, wait for a friend to be able to repay your debt, shrink and explain to your family why this is happening.

Perhaps your friend will also feel the tension coming from you, and even feel guilty! Every time he meets you, he will see in your eyes a silent question: “When will you give me the money?” And you can’t ask this question directly, because you don’t want to seem tactless.

Why do relationships deteriorate when borrowing money?

As a result, meetings will cease to bring pleasure to both of you, a distance will arise between you and the relationship may well come to naught, even if a friend eventually returns the debt to you. That is why often after borrowing money

If in this moment If you cannot help a friend, then in order to maintain friendship, it is better to politely refuse, explain that you cannot do what you are asked, because it is too difficult or even impossible for you.

You can offer something else, such as a smaller amount of money or a smaller service that you can afford, but in no case should you sacrifice anything, because to do this is disinterested and even more so without expecting a refund in in the near future, not everyone will be able to.

Only selfless help

Therefore, if you are going to help a person, and even more so a friend, it’s right, then it’s better to give him less money, but not in debt, but free of charge - you should not wait until he returns this money. Or instead of doing some work for him completely, give advice on how he himself can do it easier and at less cost. Then you will not feel deprived, and your friend will not feel like a debtor.

For people there is nothing worse than a sense of duty and guilt. Therefore, it is better to do a friend a smaller service, but completely disinterested. After all, as people say - “If you want to lose a friend, lend him a lot of money”. By the way, this way you can really get rid of annoying friends. So keep this in mind the next time you lend money, it's either disinterested or there can be sad consequences.

Also, in no case should you impose your help on another person, even if you see that he is very mistaken. Imposing help and giving unsolicited advice is another way of destroying even the most solid and long-term friendship.

You can voice your opinion, say how you would do it yourself if you were your friend, but you should never stand over a person’s soul, saying: “You are wrong, you are doing everything wrong, come on, I will show you how to do it.” It will only annoy.

Allow your friends and loved ones to make mistakes, this will allow them to learn from their own experience. Let your friend do something wrong, but then he himself will understand what his mistake was, and will try to prevent it.

It is also worth considering that all people are different, everyone's life is individual, therefore, what will be a mistake for you can be a good chance for success for your friend. If you didn’t succeed, it’s not a fact that others won’t succeed either. Let your loved ones follow their own path and stop controlling their every step, no matter how dear they are to you.

"I told you!"

And you certainly should not scold a friend if he did not follow your advice and because of this he made a mistake. You don’t need to tell him: “I told you, but you didn’t listen!” There is nothing more annoying than such words! After all, a person is already so bad because he failed, and instead of supporting you, you trample him into the mud even more.

Would you like someone to behave the same towards you? Therefore, if you want to provide real help to a person close to you, forget the phrase “I told you so” once and for all.

It is worth mentioning separately that your advice can easily turn out to be wrong. Imagine the situation: you persuaded a friend to follow your advice for a long time, he agreed and because of this made a huge mistake, destroyed some part of his life.

How will you feel after this? After all, a friend will most likely tell you: “It's all your fault! If I didn’t listen to you, but did it my own way, everything would be fine!”

Therefore, never, I repeat, never impose your help or advice on anyone. Let the person do what he wants, take responsibility for the choice, otherwise it is possible that you will have to deal with the most unpleasant consequences of your “help”.

Should you help a friend without asking permission?

We also advise you to be very careful about helping your friend behind his back. Let's say you want to set a loved one on the right path, and for this you set up some events, collect "advice" among your environment, start discussing what to do to make him feel better ... This is always a double-edged sword.

If you are going to give a pleasant surprise, a gift that can fulfill your friend's dream, most likely he will be pleased. But with a surprise, you can easily not guess. Another example: you want to tailor events so that a friend achieves something. Perhaps he will like it, or maybe he will be offended by you, because he wanted to achieve everything solely on his own.

At the very least, before you do something behind your friend's back for his own good, try to carefully find out how he feels about it, and whether it is even worth starting such adventures.

How should people be helped?

So, let's sum up. How is it right to help people?
  1. Help people selflessly without asking for anything in return.. Never lend a helping hand. Imagine a situation in which the person you are about to help will definitely never help you back. Do you still want to help him? If yes, then your help is disinterested. If not, then it’s better not to help - perhaps this will only ruin your relationship. This is even written in the Bible, so helping with the expectation of something in return can be considered unreasonable, and even sinful deeds.
  2. Don't jump over your head. Help only to the best of your ability. In part, this refers to the first point - to disinterested help. Give to a friend what you are able to give disinterestedly and forever and never remember it for him.
  3. Help only when asked to.. As a last resort, you can simply express your opinion if you think that a friend is making a mistake. But remember: the final decision is still up to him. Each of us is responsible for our own life. You should not shift it onto other people's shoulders, and also you should not take it on yourself where you are not asked to do so.
  4. If a friend did not follow your advice and therefore made a mistake, never blame his. Don't be an executioner for him. Otherwise, your relationship may deteriorate greatly. After all, as one wise Swedish proverb says - "Love and support me when I least deserve it, because at this moment - this is what I desperately need."
  5. Be wary of helping someone behind their back. Try to find out in advance whether the person is able to accept help from you, if he did not ask for it. Remember: many people can be offended by any actions that concern them, but are not coordinated with them.

On this I prefer to end the article on how to properly help people. We hope that our materials will be useful to you and save you from many mistakes. Our self-development portal sincerely wishes you happiness and mutual understanding with family and friends! Stay with us and wait for new interesting articles! Find out with us about

Being helpful to others is the simplest and best solution. It will turn any situation into a positive one. So when you feel lost, frustrated, or unproductive, do something for others. In this way, you will not only help others, but also yourself.

Getting angry and lashing out at others will not benefit anyone. Being helpful is much easier than it looks. There are many ways to help others in some way. Here are three of them.

Share knowledge

Pass on what you know. It's never too early to learn. There is always someone who will need your advice or life hacks.

Solve a small problem

Help someone deal with difficulties. Even if it's not global problem but something small. Maybe your colleagues need help? Think about the difficulties they have. If your knowledge and experience can solve them in 15-30 minutes, do it. Don't expect rewards or reciprocal favors. Just genuinely help the other person.

Of course, this is hard to decide. Some people, having received help once, wait for it all the time. But it’s better to immediately find out who from your environment behaves this way, and.

Do something even if it's not your responsibility

It is always a pleasure to work with people who can handle any situation. It's just important to keep a balance. Do not be afraid to perform tasks outside of your duties, but do not dig into the little things. Most importantly, don't be the one who identified the problem but didn't even try to solve it, because that's not his job.

It's one thing to just do what's assigned, and another thing to make an effort to be helpful. This is a highly underrated skill.

People who want to be helpful ask the right questions, not just wait for an answer. They create something of value for others.

This does not require specific . If you can't help with something highly specialized, bring your colleagues coffee and donuts. They will surely rejoice. If you work in an office, clean your office, water the flowers, or hang a picture. Even small things like this are helpful to others.

Think about what you can do to help. Let it be at least a little help if you have a lot of things to do. But you will sleep peacefully, knowing that the day was not in vain.