International passenger transportation by buses. international bus

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International buses

On the site, you can order bus tickets to anywhere in Europe at the best rates. The most comfortable international buses are intended for trips to the Czech Republic, Greece, Holland, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, France, Moldova, Spain, Portugal, the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) and other European countries. Few European cities have a direct flight on an international route, so when traveling with transfers, you can even save a little on the fare.

Passenger transportation on international class buses is carried out in all directions of Europe in accordance with all existing standards, and the transport itself has all the necessary equipment and amenities in the form of a mini-kitchen, air conditioning, toilet and video system. The client must be sure that he will always arrive at his destination with comfort, on time, and with good service.

Currently, free reservation of tickets is offered for trips to European countries and neighboring countries, across the territory of Russia and Ukraine, to Belarus and the Baltic states.

You can always count on the prompt support of online ticket sales services, from which you can find out all the information you need about a trip or transfer from the Airport.

Creation information portal(website) and services that combine offers of international passenger bus routes - a logical step in the development of the international passenger transportation sales market.

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Video clip: instructions visually showing the process of choosing a flight, choosing a seat on the bus, booking a ticket and a payment page.

Market prospects bus transportation Europe is undeniable. Bus passenger transport is still the most economical way get to European countries: the cost of a ticket for a bus flight is usually 30-50% lower than air tickets for a similar direction. In addition, it is simply impossible to get to a number of European cities from Russia without transferring to another mode of transport.

A modern person living in a metropolis cannot imagine his life without the use of transport. Passenger transport rental services have become a familiar part of our lives. Many companies provide this kind of service. This allows the customer to choose an acceptable option.

International flights to Europe:

Buses to the Czech Republic

Bus tickets to Belarus

As in other neighboring countries, Belarus can be reached quite inexpensively from Russia. Tickets are quite cheap not only because of the territorial proximity of the countries, but also due to close cultural and historical ties. You can get to Minsk not only quickly, but also quite budget. People go to Gomel not only for the sake of visiting, but also to continue their journey to Minsk, Moscow, Kyiv or St. Petersburg, since this is one of the largest transport hubs in the country and tickets are bought here more often than to the capital.

Bus tickets to Moldova

The price of tickets to Moldova from Kyiv is one of the cheapest for international flights. There is a visa-free regime between Ukraine and Moldova, so buses run quite often from Kyiv to Chisinau. This is the cheapest mode of transport in this direction and one of the fastest, considering the time of boarding and transfers.

Bus tickets to the Baltics

Bus tickets to the Baltics, and more specifically to Lithuania, as well as to Latvia or Estonia can also be found on the site. These countries are quite popular to visit. Bus flights to the Baltic States pass through the territories of neighboring countries: Russia, Poland and Belarus. All three countries have access to the Baltic Sea, and moreover, Riga (Latvia) and Tallinn (Estonia) can be reached not only by bus, but also by ferry from the Norman countries of Gdansk, St. Petersburg and other Baltic countries. The most convenient way to get to Vilnius (Lithuania) is from Minsk. Also passes through Vilnius Railway between Moscow and Kaliningrad. In Estonia, in Tallinn, for example, it is enough just to get from St. Petersburg. Riga itself is a major regional hub, thanks to its busy international airport. From it, by bus, you can get to all cities of Latvia and even to neighboring countries.

Bus to Germany

A bus to Germany can pass through the country both in transit with the possibility of cabotage transportation, and be the destination and end of the route. Some flights pass through Polish territory first to Berlin, and then to other cities in Germany, such as Dortmund. In order to reach Denmark by land and then to Sweden, buses must also pass through Germany, and most often through Hamburg. Also, bus routes from Eastern Europe to Belgium, France and Holland pass Hannover, or a little lower - Cologne and Dusseldorf. Some stop at Germany's largest transportation hub, Frankfurt. Tellingly, some routes from Germany to Paris run through Luxembourg, where you can also find tickets.

Buses to Italy

People travel to Italy no less often, although the country is quite far away. This is primarily due to labor migration, because many of our compatriots work in Italy. Most people travel to Rome, and neighboring Naples, as well as to France, Romania and Bulgaria. And if his path lies in Barcelona, ​​then on the enchanting views of Italy. In some cases, you should look for tickets to Madrid, especially if the final destination of the trip is Portugal.

Ukrainians have an additional opportunity to travel to Bulgaria thanks to a regular bus service to Odessa. All summer, several times a day, a bus from the Privoz bus station runs along the Black Sea coast to Varna and Burgas. In some cases, there is the possibility of disembarkation in the Romanian port of Constanta.

Also on the site, tickets for domestic European flights are available for sale: Warsaw-Vienna, Bratislava-Naples, Berlin-Paris, Prague-Rome and others.

Modes of work and rest for drivers of international bus services

The work and rest regimes of drivers in international bus traffic are established in accordance with the European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), of which Russia is a party. International bus drivers must be at least 21 years of age. A driver carrying passengers on international routes within a radius of more than 50 km from the place of permanent storage of the bus must have more than 1 year of work experience on vehicles with a permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons, or transporting passengers on international routes with a distance of up to 50 km from the place of permanent storage of these vehicles.

The duration of bus driving between any two daily rest periods or daily and weekly rest periods (daily driving time) must not exceed 9 hours. This can be increased twice within one week up to 10 hours. The total driving time for any two consecutive weeks should not exceed 90 hours. After driving the bus continuously for 4.5 hours, the driver must take a break of at least 45 minutes (if there is no rest period), or during the same time take two or three breaks of at least 15 minutes each . During these breaks, the driver must not perform any other work. Such breaks cannot be considered as daily rest.

During every 24 hours, the driver must be provided with an uninterrupted daily rest of at least 11 hours. This rest can be reduced to 9 hours no more than 3 times in one week, provided that the driver is given an appropriate rest as compensation by the end of the next week. On days when the rest is not reduced, it may be divided into two or three separate periods within 24 hours, one of which must be at least 8 hours in a row. In this case, the total duration of rest is increased to at least 12 hours. If at least 2 drivers have driven the bus every 30 hours, each of them must have a rest period of at least 8 consecutive hours. Daily rest on the bus is possible only during parking and if there is a sleeping place on the bus.

During each working week(from Monday 00.00 to Sunday 24.00) the driver is provided with a weekly rest of at least 45 consecutive hours. This time may be reduced to 36 hours if the rest is used at the permanent storage of the bus or the driver's residence, or to 24 hours if the rest is used elsewhere.

In order not to jeopardize road safety and to reach a convenient parking space, the driver may deviate from the provisions of the AETR to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of the persons on the bus. The driver must indicate the nature and reason for the departure from these provisions on the record of the control device. Such, for example, may be required after the elimination of a bus malfunction that has arisen on the line. In addition to the Basic Requirements considered, the AETR contains a number of other restrictions on the mode of work and rest of drivers.

For the implementation of commercial transportation in a foreign territory, it is required to obtain a permit issued by the KOU by the patent authority of the relevant state.

The main difficulties faced by international road carriers include: long delays at border crossings, bureaucracy in issuing permits, insufficient development of the infrastructure of Russian roads.

International passenger bus transportation

International passenger bus transportation is divided into regular and irregular. Regular transportation is carried out on stable routes using timetables. Irregular transportation is carried out on demand, in particular, a significant proportion of such transportation is associated with serving groups of tourists. Another type of irregular transportation is the delivery of work shifts working on a rotational basis at production facilities located on the territory of a neighboring state. An example of such transportation is the delivery of shifts of Finnish workers to a number of enterprises in the border areas of Russia.

Normalization of speeds in international flights is carried out in the same way as it is done for intercity bus service. At the same time, the speed limits established on the roads of various states are taken into account. Reference information can be obtained from the Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP), which is an authorized Russian organization in the field of international road communications and providing carriers with a range of information and legal services, including assistance in preparing the necessary documentation.

In many European countries, it is beneficial for carriers to use toll motorways. Fares are charged according to distance and type vehicle. At the entrance to the toll road, the driver receives a ticket, which will determine the amount of the fee at the exit from the toll road. Credit cards are accepted. On toll roads provided high speed movement and safe conditions travel. Every 5...10 km there are roadside terminals where a stop can be made for a short rest, bus refueling and minor track repairs.

The terminals operate around the clock: a restaurant, buffets, toilets, showers, shops (food, essentials, other everyday goods, automotive spare parts and accessories), gas stations (diesel, gasoline, gas), car repair posts; there is a telephone, parking places for buses, cars and trucks; information and reference services are provided; currency exchange, etc.

The organization of international bus transportation is carried out similarly to intercity communications, taking into account the specific requirements of international and national transport legislation of various countries and the significant duration of the bus trip, reaching several days (especially for tourist traffic).

Bus timetable or timetable and driver schedules

Based on the results of flight duration rationing and allowable regimes the work of drivers, a timetable or schedule for the movement of the bus and schedules for the work of drivers are developed. Tourist international bus routes are the most diverse, the turnover points of which may exist in an explicit or implicit form. The usual route is most typical for regular passenger traffic.

In case of irregular transportation, such a route is organized in two cases:

  • The bus is used only for the delivery of tourists to the country of visit and back, and excursion services for tourists in the host country are provided by internal transport. The tourist bus returns to the starting point of the route with the tourists of the previous group, which ensures high performance of the bus;
  • Departures from the return point are not provided, which takes place mainly on tours to places of recreation (beach, swimming, outdoor recreation, etc.). In this case, the bus is idle during the rest of the tourists, which worsens the performance of its use. The bus can be used for field trips at the request of vacationers for a fee.

The route with a loop on the side of the return point is typical for sightseeing tours, possibly in combination with rest in resort areas. In this case, the linear part of the route is used to deliver tourists to the host country. The loop part of the route is developed for the purpose of successive arrivals at various points where there are sights or places of rest.

A feature of the circular route is the non-coincidence of the route in the directions "there" and "back", which provides an expansion of the cognitive opportunities provided by the travel agency to its customers. Ring routes are most typical for tours in which there is a check-in to several European countries.

Finally, the route with sightseeing trips involves the delivery of tourists to their permanent base, followed by one-day bus excursions. Such tours are the most popular, because the countries of Europe are quite compact and have many closely located cities and places of interest. In this case, the place of permanent basing (bus turnover point) is selected according to the criterion of the minimum payment for accommodation.

In specific cases, the route may contain elements inherent in each of the four basic configurations considered, for example, the middle part of the route may pass through different roads in both directions of movement.

The development of timetables and work schedules begins with the systematization of initial data, which are generalized for various countries, taking into account possible speeds and predicted delays along the way.

Baggage transportation

In intercity bus service, passenger by car baggage transportation is also carried out. For the transportation of ordinary luggage, intercity buses have special luggage compartments under the floor of the passenger room, which exclude the transport of heavy objects in the cabin, which increases traffic safety (the center of gravity of the bus decreases and in case of an accident, luggage does not injure passengers). The classification of passengers' belongings as hand luggage or baggage, as well as the requirements for baggage allowed for transportation, are established by the rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by road.

If it is necessary to transport a large volume or mass of luggage, flights of luggage cars following the same schedule with buses are organized. For such baggage transportation use trucks with a van body. The organization of the movement of cars performing baggage flights is carried out similarly to the organization of the movement of buses.

Baggage transportation in international bus traffic

In the international bus service, luggage transportation is regulated international conventions, intergovernmental agreements and transportation rules. Convention on International road transport of Passengers and Baggage (CMAPP) of the CIS member states, it was established that the free carry-on baggage of a passenger includes items weighing no more than 20 kg with dimensions no more than 600x400x200 mm. The rest of the things on regular international bus routes are transported as luggage for a fee. When crossing the state border, the passenger's baggage is subject to customs inspection and registration in accordance with the rules of the host country.

When traveling internationally, customers ask various questions. Therefore, we have prepared a list of FAQs especially for you.

1. How much does it cost?

Renting a bus abroad costs in euros depending on the number of days of the trip: from 300 to 400 euros / day.

2. What documents are needed to rent a bus abroad and who should provide them?

    international admission

    card for international admission to the bus

    permits obtained from ASMAP (either transit or basic)

    drivers with foreign passports

    AETR tachograph and driver cards

    international passenger insurance and green card insurance

    passenger list

    charter agreement.

    All documents for your order will be prepared by Traveler LLC, but you need to pay for them to the customer, for example:

    green card for 14 days costs 150 euros

    permits in ASMAP cost 1000 rubles each. Specify the amount.

3. What is the mode of work and rest for drivers?

The mode of work and rest of drivers is strictly regulated - no more than 8 hours of work for each driver and every 4 hours there is a 30-minute delay and a change of driver. The fines are gigantic, and we will not violate these rules, so the logistics of the trip provide for the so-called. "sucks" after 16 hours of travel. You can put the 3rd driver, and then you will spend +8 hours on the road, but then it will suck for at least 8 hours.

4. What else does the client pay?

The client pays for the fuel - the bus rental includes 300 liters of fuel, and the rest is filled by the client. Usually the price is from 1 to 1.6 euros per 1 liter. The bus spends 35-40 liters per 100 kilometers.

Toll roads are paid by the client. In Belarus, all roads are toll, you need to buy a transporter. In Poland and Germany, roads are free, you have to pay an environmental fee; In France, the roads are tolled, but you don't need a tarnsporder.

5. Do drivers need a visa?

If necessary, visas for drivers are made by the client.

6. Who feeds and provides accommodation for drivers?

The client provides accommodation and meals for drivers; if there is no food, then an additional fee of 25 euros per driver per day must be paid.

7. How far in advance of an international trip should I order a bus?

Since there are a lot of documents, you need to order a bus at least 3 months before the start of the trip.

P.S. In some European cities, buses with the EURO-5 environmental standard can enter (for example, London, Helsinki). We have such buses, these are all MANs with euro 5, but it will cost more. Check the phone number listed on the site.

Features of the organization of international bus transportation

Modes of work and rest for drivers of international bus services

The work and rest regimes of drivers in international bus traffic are established in accordance with the European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), of which Russia is a party. International bus drivers must be at least 21 years of age. A driver carrying passengers on international routes within a radius of more than 50 km from the place of permanent storage of the bus must have more than 1 year of work experience on vehicles with a permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons, or transporting passengers on international routes with a distance of up to 50 km from the place of permanent storage of these vehicles.

The duration of bus driving between any two daily rest periods or daily and weekly rest periods (daily driving time) must not exceed 9 hours. This can be increased twice within one week up to 10 hours. The total driving time for any two consecutive weeks should not exceed 90 hours. After driving the bus continuously for 4.5 hours, the driver must take a break of at least 45 minutes (if there is no rest period), or during the same time take two or three breaks of at least 15 minutes each . During these breaks, the driver must not perform any other work. Such breaks cannot be considered as daily rest.

During every 24 hours, the driver must be provided with an uninterrupted daily rest of at least 11 hours. This rest can be reduced to 9 hours no more than 3 times in one week, provided that the driver is given an appropriate rest as compensation by the end of the next week. On days when the rest is not reduced, it may be divided into two or three separate periods within 24 hours, one of which must be at least 8 hours in a row. In this case, the total duration of rest is increased to at least 12 hours. If at least 2 drivers have driven the bus every 30 hours, each of them must have a rest period of at least 8 consecutive hours. Daily rest on the bus is possible only during parking and if there is a sleeping place on the bus.

During each working week (from Monday 00.00 to Sunday 24.00), the driver is provided with a weekly rest of at least 45 consecutive hours. This time may be reduced to 36 hours if the rest is used at the permanent storage of the bus or the driver's residence, or to 24 hours if the rest is used elsewhere.

In order not to jeopardize road safety and to reach a convenient parking space, the driver may deviate from the provisions of the AETR to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of the persons on the bus. The driver must indicate the nature and reason for the departure from these provisions on the record of the control device. Such, for example, may be required after the elimination of a bus malfunction that has arisen on the line. In addition to the Basic Requirements considered, the AETR contains a number of other restrictions on the mode of work and rest of drivers.

For the implementation of commercial transportation in a foreign territory, it is required to obtain a permit issued by the KOU by the patent authority of the relevant state.

The main difficulties faced by international road carriers include: long delays at border crossings, bureaucracy in issuing permits, insufficient development of the infrastructure of Russian roads.

International passenger bus transportation

International passenger bus transportation is divided into regular and irregular.

Regular transportation is carried out on stable routes using timetables. Irregular transportation is carried out on demand, in particular, a significant proportion of such transportation is associated with serving groups of tourists. Another type of irregular transportation is the delivery of work shifts working on a rotational basis at production facilities located on the territory of a neighboring state. An example of such transportation is the delivery of shifts of Finnish workers to a number of enterprises in the border areas of Russia.

Normalization of speeds in international flights is carried out in the same way as it is done for intercity bus service. At the same time, the speed limits established on the roads of various states are taken into account. Reference information can be obtained from the Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP), which is an authorized Russian organization in the field of international road transport and provides carriers with a range of information and legal services, including assistance in completing the necessary documentation.

In many European countries, it is beneficial for carriers to use toll motorways. Tolls are charged according to the distance and type of vehicle. At the entrance to the toll road, the driver receives a ticket, which will determine the amount of the fee at the exit from the toll road. Credit cards are accepted. On toll roads, high speed and safe driving conditions are ensured. Every 5...10 km there are roadside terminals where a stop can be made for a short rest, bus refueling and minor track repairs.

The terminals operate around the clock: a restaurant, buffets, toilets, showers, shops (food, essentials, other everyday goods, automotive spare parts and accessories), gas stations (diesel, gasoline, gas), car repair posts; there is a telephone, parking places for buses, cars and trucks; information and reference services are provided; currency exchange, etc.

The organization of international bus transportation is carried out similarly to intercity communications, taking into account the specific requirements of international and national transport legislation of various countries and the significant duration of the bus trip, reaching several days (especially for tourist traffic).

Bus timetable or timetable and driver schedules

Based on the results of rationing the duration of the flight and the permissible modes of work of drivers, a schedule or schedule for the bus and schedules for drivers are developed. Tourist international bus routes are the most diverse, the turnover points of which may exist in an explicit or implicit form. The usual route is most typical for regular passenger traffic.

In case of irregular transportation, such a route is organized in two cases:

The bus is used only for the delivery of tourists to the country of visit and back, and excursion services for tourists in the host country are provided by internal transport. The tourist bus returns to the starting point of the route with the tourists of the previous group, which ensures high performance of the bus;

Departures from the return point are not provided, which takes place mainly on tours to places of recreation (beach, swimming, outdoor recreation, etc.). In this case, the bus is idle during the rest of the tourists, which worsens the performance of its use. The bus can be used for field trips at the request of vacationers for a fee.

The route with a loop on the side of the return point is typical for sightseeing tours, possibly in combination with rest in resort areas. In this case, the linear part of the route is used to deliver tourists to the host country. The loop part of the route is developed for the purpose of successive arrivals at various points where there are sights or places of rest.

A feature of the circular route is the non-coincidence of the route in the directions "there" and "back", which provides an expansion of the cognitive opportunities provided by the travel agency to its customers. Ring routes are most typical for tours in which there is a check-in to several European countries.

Finally, the route with sightseeing trips involves the delivery of tourists to their permanent base, followed by one-day bus excursions. Such tours are the most popular, because the countries of Europe are quite compact and have many closely located cities and places of interest. In this case, the place of permanent basing (bus turnover point) is selected according to the criterion of the minimum payment for accommodation.

In specific cases, the route may contain elements inherent in each of the four basic configurations considered, for example, the middle part of the route may pass through different roads in both directions of movement.

The development of timetables and work schedules begins with the systematization of initial data, which are generalized for various countries, taking into account possible speeds and predicted delays along the way.

Baggage transportation

In the intercity bus service, luggage transportation is also carried out by passenger road transport. For the transportation of ordinary luggage, intercity buses have special luggage compartments under the floor of the passenger room, which exclude the transport of heavy objects in the cabin, which increases traffic safety (the center of gravity of the bus decreases and in case of an accident, luggage does not injure passengers). The classification of passengers' belongings as hand luggage or baggage, as well as the requirements for baggage allowed for transportation, are established by the rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by road.

If it is necessary to transport a large volume or mass of luggage, flights of luggage cars following the same schedule with buses are organized. For such baggage transportation, trucks with a van-type body are used. The organization of the movement of cars performing baggage flights is carried out similarly to the organization of the movement of buses.

Baggage transportation in international bus traffic

In international bus traffic, luggage transportation is regulated by international conventions, intergovernmental agreements and transportation rules. The Convention on the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road (CMAPP) of the CIS member states establishes that free hand luggage of a passenger includes items weighing no more than 20 kg with dimensions no more than 600x400x200 mm. The rest of the things on regular international bus routes are transported as luggage for a fee. When crossing the state border, the passenger's baggage is subject to customs inspection and registration in accordance with the rules of the host country.