Top Selling Books. Business bestsellers of all times and peoples as one of the tools for the success of a novice entrepreneur

This book is three in one.
On the one hand, this is a solid textbook on sales technologies. The sales technology, stages, steps are sorted on the shelves, examples show what works and how. Book author, well-known business coach and coach

Elena Samsonova outlined the entire sales process from A to Z so clearly that it is simply impossible not to sell after reading this book.
On the other hand, this is a unique textbook on applied psychology and influence techniques, which not only shows working technologies of persuasion and effective communication, but also a thorough explanation of why you need to do it this way and not otherwise, and how “everything works” from a psychological point of view. The reader will not only be able to apply the technologies presented in the book, but will understand their deep essence.
On the third hand, this is a philosophical book about life, love and the fact that we are engaged in sales always and everywhere, and you need to understand how to do it right so as not to lose those who are dear to you, but on the contrary, make them and yourself happy.
In the book you will find:
– well-known sales techniques, enriched with nuances that make them many times more effective
– techniques and ideas taken from NLP, adapted to work with buyers and clients
- author's techniques and technologies that you will not find in any other book that will make you a unique seller.
The book covers all stages of sales, is written in easy language, contains a lot of tricks and tricks.
The book is suitable for both managers and leaders. Both for ordinary sellers and business owners. It is addressed not only to beginners, but also to advanced “salespeople” (only “experienced fighters” can understand the value of some nuances).
The author of the book has a unique gift for conveying and deciphering information in such a way that everything is very easy to remember and assimilate. Moreover, in this book there is no water, common phrases, it is as informative as possible and contains a lot of invaluable information.
The first 40 pages of the book are occupied by a business novel that helps to understand the integrity of the sales process and shows how the same methods that are described in the theoretical part of the book work in real life.
It's amazing how business literature can be read in one breath.
The Salesman's Dance is a worthy result of the author's twenty years of experience as a management consultant, business coach, coach, NLP trainer and life management consultant, proves just that to us.
Put all other sales books aside. Here is a real encyclopedia of sales techniques and techniques. Read, implement and earn big money.

About the authors: René Mauborgne and Chan Kim, founders of the French Institute of Strategy blue ocean. Chang Kim is one of the advisers to the European Union, one of the top 5 "best thinkers in the world" (according to

About the book: when the question arises: what best business books to read?”, then this one is one of the first. It will help you develop a unique business model free from competition. 6 simple principles and 4 actions will create a Blue Ocean (a market without competition). The authors demonstrate all the principles and actions on simple, but extremely interesting examples from the life of successful and not so successful companies.

Feature of the book: simple, available ways development of a unique business model. Vivid examples of companies using the recommendations of the authors.

Who is it for: for both beginners and professional entrepreneurs. For everyone who wants to create a working profitable mechanism. A must read for all entrepreneurs.

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About the book:"Amazing book, it can change your life" - so said Tom Peters about this edition. The Times ranked it as one of the 25 most influential business books. Over 20 million sales worldwide. It will help you not only understand and shape your life goals, providing everything for this necessary tools but also reach them. 100% guarantee that after reading you will become wiser. Use this masterpiece as a roadmap.

Feature of the book: well structured material, vivid examples, simple recommendations.

Who is it for: for anyone who wants to improve their productivity and life. A must read for those who wish to climb career ladder or create your own successful business.

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About the book: one of the best business books. You are provided with a systematic approach to launching, and most importantly, building up all processes with minimum investment. In fact, this road map, with which you will go all the way to becoming an entrepreneur. It is also valuable because it is based on the experience of the author-entrepreneur himself. After reading, you will change your views and attitudes towards building processes in an organization, whether it be a start-up or a company with a long history.

Feature of the book: A simple and accessible instruction for an entrepreneur in creating his startup.

Who is it for: for startups, established entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to build a successful business or increase the performance of an existing one at minimal cost.

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About the book: a light, small and extremely interesting publication on how to build relationships with your customers in order for your business to flourish. Deservedly included in the list of "best business books". Have you ever thought about how much money you lose because of a bad attitude towards your customers? By using at least some of the 27 recommendations described in vivid examples from the life of the author, you can build the perfect service, increase profits and outperform competitors. Read in one breath.

Who is it for: for entrepreneurs who want to build a strong business based on trusting and long-term relationships with their customers. A must read for fans of excellent service.

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About the book: light, lively and cheerful. provides 9 simple yet valuable lessons on recruiting, training and appraising staff. Using the proposed methods, you can build an almost perfect corporate culture and internal microclimate in the organization. Employees will love coming to work, and customers will adore you. As a result, you will not only increase profits, but also become one of the best employers. Read in one breath.

Who is it for: for HR, company executives. Required reading HR.

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6. “Delivering happiness. From zero to a billion: the story of an outstanding company

About the author: capital entrepreneur, billionaire, CEO American company Zappos (an online store selling shoes, clothing and accessories). At the age of 25, he sold his two-year-old company (LinkExchange) to Microsoft for $240 million.

About the book: Zappos went from zero to a billion in 10 years. During the period of formation from a small online store to an e-commerce giant, Zappos faced completely different obstacles in its path. At the helm of the company has always been and is Tony Shay. He outlined the whole path in an interesting and easy manner, giving valuable recommendations. After the publication of the book, executives began to come to Zappos largest companies world to learn from. Russian companies(largest online stores, banks and others) are no exception.

Feature of the book: the history of the development of one of the largest online stores in the world first-hand. A detailed description of all the steps taken in the development of the company with conclusions and recommendations.

Who is it for: for company executives who want to build a strong, durable and vibrant business. A must read for all internet entrepreneurs.

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About the book: excellent edition, one of the best business books in Russia. What is it like to be a leader? How to behave with subordinates? What traps, obstacles and disappointments lie in wait on the way professional manager? Maxim, relying on his successful and rich experience, gives 45 recommendations for competent work in the company. All material is presented in an easy and extremely entertaining manner. This is a reference book for any professional manager. Read in one breath.

Who is it for: for executives, managers, anyone who strives for success.

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About the author: Verne founded the world entrepreneurial organization. Teaches learning programs"Birth of the Giants" and "Advanced Business" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Founded the Gazelles company (teaching entrepreneurship). One of the Biggest Small Business Thinkers by Fortune Small Business magazine.

About the book: focus, data, rhythm - one of the key differences successful companies from everyone else.

  • focus- strategic goal, short-term goals and values ​​of the company. Strategic goal- achieved within 4-5 years, short-term goals are set for a quarter and a week;
  • data- in order to understand the correctness of the chosen goals, it is necessary to constantly receive feedback from employees, customers and partners. constantly measure key indicators both short term and long term goals.
  • rhythm- for effective and coordinated work, a stable rhythm should be maintained. Hold weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly meetings to coordinate and correct actions.

Verne provides effective tools to implement the planned plans (one-page strategic plan, key points for meetings, quarterly plans, and more).

Feature of the book: no "water", just practice. Recommendations from the "here and now" series can be immediately implemented and used. Sample reports, plans, key issues and indicators.

Who is it for: for beginners and professional entrepreneurs.

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9. Startup Guide. How to start and ... not close your Internet business "

About the authors: 25 successful startups and leading venture market experts, including Paul Graham, Igor Ryabenky (Altair Capital), Alexander Galitsky (Almaz Capital), Dmitry Chikhachev (Runa Capital), Kirill Makharinsky (, Oleg Anisimov (My business) , Sergey Belousov (Runa Capital), Dmitry Kalaev (head of IIDF) and others.

About the book: publication with a telling title will tell beginners and not only entrepreneurs how to build an online business. You will learn about such important things as:

  • check the viability of the idea with minimal investment;
  • quickly make a prototype;
  • the product should look like when it goes to market;
  • monetize the project;
  • make effective use of investments;
  • build the right KPIs;
  • assemble a team and work with it;
  • many other factors that affect the success of a startup.

It is gratifying that all the information is provided by practitioners, and not by theorists. There are some comments on the design of the book and some content of "water" from some authors, but in general, a lot of useful material, it is easy to read.

Feature of the book: a clear structure of the content from idea to scaling. In fact, this is a user manual.

Who is it for: for startups and established entrepreneurs.

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10. "Business in the style of Zh ***: personal experience of an entrepreneur in Russia"

About the author: Russian entrepreneur. First of all, he is known for the Gameland media company (publishes the magazines Svoi Biznes, Fast and Furious, Hacker and others). In the 1990s he worked retail(video games, consoles). A traveler, a constant student, always learning something new. More on Wikipedia.

About the book: completes our top "best business books" edition of Dmitry Agarunov. Russian entrepreneur covers many topics on entrepreneurship. Answers questions such as “How to select employees for the company? What to do in critical situations when your company is "stormed"? What to expect from investors? What exactly should you do financial director and is it needed at all? A host of other pressing issues for entrepreneurs.”

All your life path business from start to finish today Dmitry fit in a small edition with a sparkling title. In addition to commercial issues, the author touches on issues of family, spirituality and relationships with others. It is read in one breath, no "water".

Who is it for: for novice entrepreneurs and professionals.

UPD. In 2018, we compiled a selection of new products and bestsellers that will be useful to sales managers. You will find it at this link.

In 2016, we updated the selection and compiled. They were recommended by the MIF commercial director Dmitry Utrobin. These are the latest and most relevant books. .

1. from Alexander Derevitsky

The new book by Alexander Derevitsky is the most important book on sales, incorporating all the author's proprietary techniques and technologies. However, this book is not only about sales. It is also about the ability to listen, hear and build a conversation, work not with an abstract, but with a specific, flesh-blood-needs client. And aim your offer only at this client.

Yes, it's a long way. But only it will allow you to develop a base of customers who are dedicated to your particular product.

5. from Evgeny Zhigiliya

Cold calling is perhaps the most mythologized topic in sales. When I interview sales candidates, I see sadness in their eyes as soon as it comes up. At the trainings, this topic raises many questions, participants are asked to talk about magical technologies.

This book - faithful assistant, because it contains the rules, algorithms and technologies of calls.

6. by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson

A book that not only made me think about the effectiveness of my sales approach, but also showed me the direction for change. The way we sell has become far more important than that exactly what we are selling. Are you still focused on building relationships with customers? Well, it still affects the final result, but it no longer determines it. There are more effective tools - customer training, offer adaptation and control over the sales process.

7. by David Mattson

At the same time, it is both a guide to action and food for thought. The book contains many different techniques based on the psychological aspects of working in sales. This is a very lively book for thinking salespeople.

8. by Oren Cluff

The book talks about how the brain perceives new ideas. There is an evolutionary flaw in our brains related to the difference in perception of the world around us between the neocortex (the youngest part of our brain) and the “crocodile” brain (the oldest). And thanks to this flaw, there is a break in the connection between our message and its recipient.

It is important to understand that no message sent during a sales presentation to another person's logical center (neocortex) will reach it without first passing through the filters of the "crocodile" brain responsible for survival. When we communicate our idea to someone, we are faced with their primary reaction, due to the "crocodile" brain: we are ignored, focused only on large strokes of our speech.

To interest the client, you need to use these features when preparing a presentation.

The book is based on a map visual history. It is a step-by-step methodology for creating persuasive presentations. Good for situations where you are doing your first (not yet selling) presentation in front of a client.

10. by Dan Rome

What if you're doing your presentation at a coffee table? Or do you want the client not only to watch your drawings appear, but also to engage in a "visual conversation"?

For such situations, the recommendations in this extremely useful book are well suited. Moreover, it is also useful for those who are not used to sketching their ideas: it makes you think about the form and content of the material. Useful for anyone who often convinces someone of something by scratching a pen on a napkin... The book will teach you how to do it right.

Vadim Bugaev

P.S. Do you want to become the best version of yourself, live a life full of meaning and get good discounts on the best MYTH books? Subscribe to our newsletter . Every week we select the most useful excerpts from books, tips and life hacks - and send them to you. The first letter is a gift.

Selling is an art more subtle and complex than it seems at first glance. Each of us has sold something at least once in our lives. Some - their talent and expertise. Others are goods or services. Today in our selection are books that will help you learn the art of selling. And become the best in this field.

If you want to sell easily and naturally, then pay special attention to the selection!

Neil Rackham "SPIN Sales"

The bestselling author is one of the most famous sales consultants in the world. He founded the consulting company Huthwaite Inc. Neil Rackham's clients are leading brands and companies such as Google, Bank of Amerika, MasterCard, IBM, UPS, Johnson&Johnson and others.

The bestseller "SPIN Sales" is based on an analysis of 35,000 successful transactions for the sale of goods and services from 10,000 sellers from 23 countries. A large-scale study of successful work in large and small sales created a real sensation in the business world.

In Neil Rackham's book you will find recommendations on how to conduct effective sales, explanations of how the laws of small sales differ from the laws of large sales, what 116 factors affect the successful closing of a transaction, an unconventional approach to sales and much more!

Quotes from the book:

  • Questions force the buyer to speak. The easiest way to evaluate a meeting with a client is to see who is speaking. According to statistics, in a successful meeting, the buyer should talk more than the seller.
  • Do not trust the words of high-class professionals. There is a huge difference between what successful salespeople say about what they do and what they actually do. If you want to find out how experts make sales, watch them in action, and don't rely on their stories about these events.

  • Kate Ferrazzi and Tal Raz "Never Eat Alone and Other Networking Rules"

    Forbes magazine called Keith Ferracii "one of the most outgoing people in the world." Keith's phone book has more than 5,000 contacts, including phone numbers of presidents different countries, business gurus, rock stars and many other famous personalities.

    Effective communication skill is #1 on every successful salesperson's list. The bestseller Never Eat Alone and Other Networking Rules teaches you how to openly and sincerely communicate with a wide variety of people, building a network of useful contacts.

    On the pages of the book you will find many specific and simple tips how to build business and friendships using real life examples. Recommendations on when and where to meet, what phrases and reasons for dating will work better, and which ones will push you away - will help you become a master of communication. And that means - and a successful seller!

    Quotes from the book:

  • Remember that in most cases the goal phone call is not to finally agree on something, but to set a time for a meeting where everything can be discussed in more detail. My experience shows that profitable deals, like the conclusion of friendship, are carried out only one on one, face to face.
  • Mutual assistance of friends and acquaintances was the most reliable guarantee of success. I realized that poverty is not just a lack of financial resources, but also isolation from a certain circle of people who can help you realize your own abilities.
  • Jim Camp "First Say No"

    Say No First is one of the basic books on negotiation. Revolutionary and controversial. The book describes a unique system for preparing and conducting tough negotiations, with the help of which deals are concluded annually totaling more than 100 billion dollars.

    Jim Camp's book will teach you how to negotiate and win with dignity. Moreover, this technology is applicable to any of the spheres of life. On the pages of the book you will find recommendations on how to properly behave with your opponent, how to get what you need from negotiations and how to act as a negotiator, and not be a follower. Whatever happens at the negotiating table, you must be sure of the strength of your own position.

    Quotes from the book:

  • Many hypocritical negotiators will not compromise themselves, but will demand that you do so. And they smile all the time.
  • Decision after decision, error after error, I learned that I could not directly control the actions and decisions of the enemy. But by acquiring certain habits, I can better manage my evaluation of the opponent. Gradually, such an assessment becomes more and more accurate and adequate. Good decision-making skills allowed me to remain in control of the situation and thus achieve the desired results.
  • Carl Sewell and Paul Brown "Customers for Life"

    The author of the legendary bestseller, Carl Sewell, created one of the best car dealer networks in the world that sells Cadillac, Hummer, Lexus, Infinity and other brands. For 30 years of work, he increased the value of his business by 25 times! In 1998, Karl's company was already valued at $250 million. The secret to such a stunning success is in the right attraction and retention of customers.

    According to Sewell, the simplest rule of customer retention is “Do what you promise and do it the first time.” The book gives practical advice about how to develop a base of loyal and regular customers. The secrets of success of the best client-oriented company are revealed. Karl's system is so thought out and versatile that it is suitable for almost any field of activity.

    Quotes from the book:

  • The best system in the world customer service is also the simplest: do what you promised, and do it the first time.
  • Don't take money for Additional services which are help. If you didn't ask a friend to pay for such help, don't ask the client either.
  • Harry Truman was right when he said, "You don't know anything about things you haven't read about." When you develop your business, look for those people who have already gone through this path. They have the knowledge and skills you need.
  • Yitzhak Pintosevich “Sell! Trader's Way"

    Itzhak Pintosevich is an expert in the systemic development of Personality and Business, the author of 12 best-selling books, one of the most famous personal growth coaches in the CIS countries. His book is a mini-training on how to organize a sales system, even for those who are doing it for the first time.

    Book Sell! The Way of the Merchant contains everything you need to sell effectively. By completing the tasks proposed by Yitzhak, you will get rid of outdated stereotypes and fear of sales. Special techniques developed by the author based on proven business models and own experience will teach you how to effectively sell and receive maximum profit. In the book you will find specific tips and actionable exercises that will help you get on your Way of the trader.

    Quotes from the book:

  • Realize that money is what comes back to you. We need to give people value. The more you give, the more you get back.
  • The buyer must be supported. He did very right choice by buying from you. Tell him about it. Let him know that he is the chosen one. Give it an unexpected WOW effect. A gift, a bonus that wasn't part of your promise. To make him happy and tell EVERYONE about it.

  • Want to learn more about sales? Sign up for the training "Sell! Sales for everyone!" and get super-results!

    Skill and professionalism were valued in every work at all times. Most specialties are taught in institutes, colleges and academies. But they don't teach sales anywhere. Yes, there is marketing training, but this is far from everything that a real person should know. good seller. Books written by real pros in the field of trade and marketing can help to master the art of selling.

    A good seller should be able to find an approach to any client, be able to convince him of the need to buy something from him, perfectly know his product and sales techniques - these are the main principles of successful and profitable trading.

    If you decide to learn how to successfully sell your product and services, then you just need to read the books presented in our review.

    1. The work of one of the best business coaches in Russia will open the top of the most useful books. Sales Personalization, author Alexander Derevitsky. A book for people who are focused solely on effective sales. She will teach you the basics of agency work, the ability to find opportunities to improve your skills, basic knowledge about trade. Productive sales imply a personal approach to each buyer. A seller who thinks only about how to present all the benefits of the product forgets about the needs of the client, which can significantly reduce the efficiency of sales and, accordingly, reduce your income level.
    2. The next book is teamwork two authors - Greg Thain and John Bradley. "Trade Wars: The Battle for Storefront and Online Success". A lot has changed in the market over the past 20-30 years. Previously, manufacturers had a great influence on the market. They set the price, controlled the availability of goods in stores and engaged in promotion. Retail chains had virtually no effect on the situation. Now everything has changed dramatically. According to manufacturers, today 2/3 of the market is controlled by retailers. The book talks about these changes and their causes, about new methods and sales tools, much attention is paid to online trading.
    3. In third place is a book by Brian Tracy. "The Complete Guide for the Sales Manager". The most that neither is a "classic of the genre." Recommended reading for everyone without exception - managers selling by phone, top managers and simple sales consultants. The publication contains many ways of selling, techniques based on the author's personal practice, tips suitable for any situation in the trading process.
    4. Alexey Slobodyanyuk wrote a book Deal Navigator. Practice strategic sales from A to …A.” Sales transactions can be concluded not only between individuals but also between entire companies. Corporate Sales differ in that the decision to purchase goods is made by a group of people, which greatly complicates the task of the seller. In order to successfully conclude a sales contract, you need to act according to a pre-planned plan and be a professional in your field. Alexey Slobodyanyuk's author's technique will reveal to you a universal scheme of working with corporations, which is suitable even for the most unusual situations.
    5. Fifth position goes telephone sales. Book Call master. How to explain, convince, sell over the phone , author Eugene Zhigiliy. This is a comprehensive guide to help you write sales scenarios over the phone. You should not only read the material, but also learn how to professionally apply the acquired knowledge in practice. You will learn how to competently answer calls, work with objections correctly and be able to understand warm and cold calls.
    6. Next is a truly great book "Everything can be negotiated" Gavin Kennedy. The present tutorial according to the rules of negotiations. The knowledge gained after reading will be useful not only to sellers, but also to ordinary people in everyday life. You will learn how to set your price and stick to it, avoid discounts, how to identify strengths and weak sides client, how to defend your position and achieve success and how to resolve controversial issues. The material is especially easy to learn and remember thanks to test tasks from the author.