How to start sewing things to sell. What to sew for sale: do-it-yourself bags. How to Start a Sewing Business

To understand how to make money at home by sewing, it is not necessary to take expensive courses or seminars. Having good tailoring experience own clothes, every woman will be able to organize a small firm and do what you love for the benefit of your pocket. Below we will talk about what things are in special demand, and give instructions on how to make money sewing at home.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make money at home by sewing?

If a person knows how to sew, he will never be left idle. Products self made are in great demand, because they are unique and high quality. People want to dress elegantly and stylishly, but not everyone has the means to purchase branded clothing or accessories. It is for such fashionistas that there are home-based craftsmen who charge a relatively small fee for order fulfillment and customize the new thing clearly according to the client’s figure.

Before you make money by sewing at home, a person will need to clearly think over his plan of action. Organizing a business in your own apartment involves certain features and nuances. It is not always as simple and safe as it is commonly believed. The master must carefully prepare special place and warn all household members that a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe common dwelling from now on becomes a study.

The following instructions will help you better coordinate your activities and equip profitable business. How to make money at home sewing:

  1. If there is a lack of experience, it is worth taking training. This can be done by watching videos or visiting a thematic group. Experts will talk about how to make money at home sewing and give valuable advice to beginners. As a rule, spending on such training is extremely small or non-existent. At the same time, the future master will have to sacrifice more than one hour of his time for training and acquiring additional skills.
  2. Choose a niche and define the direction of your creativity. Depending on your own skills, select a few items that could be made with high quality. Don't take on projects that are too difficult in the beginning creative way. Reputation plays a crucial role, so it is worth evaluating your own professional capabilities in advance. It is better to start with simple products and gradually enrich yourself with them than to take a complex order and spoil the material.
  3. Evaluate your opportunities and draw up a rough plan for making a profit. Compare the time spent with what income you want to receive monthly. If this The only job, you need to think over the budget in detail and, based on the data obtained, determine the work schedule.
  4. Inspect the equipment, check its performance and quality. Buy the missing supplies. You don't need a lot of tools to get started. Simple will suffice sewing machine, a set of needles, black and white threads, a few buttons, zippers and designer embellishments to quickly mend clothes. All other materials are selected according to specific orders.
  5. Calculate the optimal cost of your labor and set the price of prices. To begin with, it is worth setting the average hourly salary of your region, and after the promotion of the company, it will be possible to adjust the cost in accordance with demand. The more clients, the higher the price of the work. The master will gradually gain experience and will be able to attract the customer not only with affordable prices, but also with high-quality things.
  6. Advertise yourself. To do this, it will be useful to place an ad on the city and regional website. Communicate on forums and offer services to friends. Tell your friends about your professional passion, perhaps they will bring new clients or spread the word in their circle of friends. Be sure to bring the group to in social networks. It will not take much time and effort, but good community promotion will significantly increase the number of orders.
  7. Work on the brand, create creative things. To better attract customers, it is recommended to come up with your own brand and create business cards. In some cases, it is acceptable to sew things with small branded insignia. Most often this applies to fashion accessories or decorative items.

This manual gives a clear understanding of how to make money at home by sewing. take advantage step by step instructions can not only beginners, but also experienced craftsmen who have been unemployed for a long time or have been doing other things.

Sewing Business Ideas

Love for your job is very important for the master. Being carried away by the creative process, the seamstress will get real pleasure and will be able to work much harder. It will not be difficult for her to work overtime, and communication with clients will become easy and pleasant. To work with inspiration and pleasure, you need to choose the most attractive industry. Below we describe a number of products that a professional seamstress can create:

  • Manufacture of clothes is in great demand, despite the high competition. Buying fabric and ordering a model is much cheaper than buying things in a branded store. As a rule, masters work with a specific segment of customers. There are seamstresses for the middle class and for VIP clients. The former receive much more orders, but the latter can earn a very large amount from one client.
  • Pet clothing is becoming more and more popular. If earlier stylish suits could be seen only occasionally and exclusively on small dogs, now things are sewn even for large breeds. The manufacture of such products takes relatively little time, and the amount of material can significantly reduce the cost. Due to their narrow specialization, the masters receive a large fee, but clients can only be found in very developed cities.
  • Handbags are required by women and men of all ages, so a good manufacturer will never be left without customers. To create high-quality accessories, you will need special equipment and skills, but in the end, the costs will quickly pay off. Today in fashion magazines you can find great amount attractive models, but it is not so easy to acquire them. At the same time, having placed an order with a private seamstress, a fashionista will be able to receive any model within a few days.
  • Children's clothing at reasonable prices will quickly find its buyer. In chain stores, products for babies and adults are priced almost the same, despite significant material savings. A private specialist will be able to reduce fabric costs and thereby offer customers very affordable prices.
  • Home textiles for adults and children allow you to freely use your creative inclinations and experiment with style. It is known that a skillfully selected curtain or bedspread can completely transform a room and give it a special charm. Make several sets and put them up for sale. Accept individual orders and develop product design taking into account the characteristics of the room.
  • Author's dolls can be made from different materials, including fabrics. After typing a few shreds, the master will create an original toy for children or a stylish design element. If a seamstress has a good sense of taste, she will be able to produce several unique dolls and profitably sell them. After the development of her company, she will receive more and more orders. Most often, such products have a low cost, but are highly valued due to their exceptional design.

Each direction is capable of bringing large profits, because all of them are in demand and adequately paid by customers. Define one or more areas for yourself and start working. You should not expect simple and quick success, tune in to productive work and after a while the small business will expand.

Sewing business ideal for creative people, housewives and women who are in maternity leave. Also, anyone who has skills in needlework and wants to have additional income without leaving their own apartment can achieve success in their sewing business.

What to sew for sale: DIY bags

Do it yourself, the process is not easy, you need to have a lot of patience. Anyone can even make a bag, but it can be done beautifully by a person who should love it. If you have a craving for needlework, then it's never too late to learn. Many women of different ages love exclusive things. But mostly these are young girls, 25-35 years old, who like to look beautiful.

In order to start a business, sewing bags. If you are familiar enough with a sewing machine, then learning, you do not need to. If not, then you will need to pay from 600 to 2000 rubles, it all depends on how much you study.

There are many subtleties for sewing bags, and for this you will need to go to additional courses. It is possible for beginner seamstresses to develop in the professional field. Next, you need to collect information. You will need to go online and look at a few lessons. To begin with, you will need to collect 15 models of different bags. This is enough for you for the first time.

In the future, you will be able to make models of bags yourself, and you will not need courses. You first need to buy a sewing machine, not necessarily very expensive. Buy a sewing and embroidery machine so that it can sew with access to a computer.

With these features on your typewriter, you will be able to make a lot of drawings, which will increase your work in value. The cost of materials is directly dependent on you. Depending on how many you have, there will be so many orders, and never buy a lot at once. Try not to throw anything away. After all, from small pieces of fabric, you can sew a fashionable bag. The income from this business depends on you. Decorating bags, pay as much attention as possible, because appearance bags are the most important. Get ideas from famous designers. It will take you 400-600 rubles to make a bag, depending on what you will make it from. You can sell it for 2000 - 3000 rubles, again depending on which picture is on the bag, then the price can reach up to 6000 - 7000 rubles. Write your plan.

Important! Do not try to offer your bags to branded stores, they will not take it. Try to offer your bags to friends, this is the best option. If you decide to earn a lot, open your website and sell bags through it. You can invite partners and jointly create a website and sell your products on it.

This is very profitable, and a lot of visitors will come to your site. Show your imagination, your business idea will definitely work and you will succeed.

Ethno-themed tailoring is an interesting business idea

The freshness and novelty of this business will be the main advantage. The quick payback of the business will allow you to bring the business to average level with a good profit. Having caught the essence, you can generate interesting ideas design and style.

Clothing with ethnic motifs adapted to modern people always looks very beautiful. And for a seamstress, this is not just a job, but an exciting hobby that brings income. By studying the customs and colors of the peoples of the world, you can create exquisite masterpieces. There are many lovers of this type of clothing today. And your kind of small business will be profitable.

If you decide to develop your sewing business in this direction, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time studying the literature. Look for original stories abroad. You should also think about how you will be marketing finished products. Do not forget that you can open your own branches on the forums for free, tell us about your sewing business. If the business is in demand, you can create your own online store to trade not only in hometown, but also send orders all over the country.

DIY baby slings

Perhaps this is one of the most original, but at the same time simple ideas for making money at home. The whole process of making a sling will take hardly a few hours. You also do not need start-up capital, but free time and a desire to work will not hurt. Having won the trust of customers, start sewing children's things. It is not difficult to organize tailoring for newborn babies. sewing for children will not leave you without selling finished products. A sewing workshop with your own hands allows you to earn good money.

A sling is a piece of fabric with which a mother can take her baby with her during almost any task. At the same time, the woman's hands are free, and the load on the spine is regulated by the way the sling is put on. If you decide to start making such a thing for children, then you will need to get a little theoretical training. On the Internet, there is a lot of information in the public domain on the topic of how to sew slings with your own hands.

The simplest is a sling scarf. This is a fabric, the length of which is from two to six meters, and the width is from half a meter to a meter. The material is used as natural as possible (knitted sling) so that the child and mother do not feel discomfort during use. Popular models for making: sling backpack, sling scarves.

How to make a do-it-yourself sling for newborns

For simple sewing do-it-yourself sling with rings you need:

  • 1. Prepare a fabric rectangle 220 cm long and 80 cm wide.
  • 2. Finish the edges.
  • 3. Thread one edge of the fabric into both rings and sew.

How to sew sling scarf(Fig. 2):

  • 1. Cut out a rectangle of the selected length. Fabric width - 60 cm.
  • 2. Finish the edges.

Slings for newborns, sling photo patterns

If you are planning to open, then this article will help you deal with some of the nuances of this process. We are not talking about extras, not about serial tailoring, but about custom tailoring.

If we are talking about extras, then as a send-off of some orders for enterprises, it’s also quite possible to earn money with this, besides the fact that you will sew on individual orders. Therefore, I believe that the basic building block on which everything should be based, if you decide to do sewing at home, is your professional skills.

If they are not there, then it is clear that you will not be able to sew, you will not be able to earn money by sewing at home.

I bring to your attention a small 5-minute fragment of one of the 33 questions discussed in detail on a seven-hour custom phone

"How to make money by sewing at home or in a small workshop"

There are two internal obstacles that keep many sewing professionals from starting a profitable sewing business.

I wish you happy listening!

Mind map: how to organize a sewing workshop

Perhaps you can arrange some small .

I will also give examples of my clients who, having absolutely no knowledge in the sewing business, organized and organize these small productions. Basically, these are the owners of some businesses or the owners of some retail outlets.

They organize a small workshop for their business, sew clothes that will be sold. If you have such a situation, then you can also earn money from your workshop without having professional skills. How to do this, I will also tell you.

When you have the basis of sewing at home, you have some kind of qualification, then, of course, comes discipline, and customers, orders, sewing machines, desire, incentives, perseverance, increased self-esteem - today we will analyze all this.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that if you have the qualifications and desire, if sewing brings you pleasure, then I’ll tell you in advance, even if you don’t have anything now, not a single client, you didn’t sew a single order even in custom-tailoring products, you already have a big starting advantage.

Because a lot of people start creating a sewing business in order to earn money, and they don’t really like this activity. You already have an advantage over these people. And you have the cards in your hands and it's just a sin not to make money on this. If you like some business, you are passionate about something, something brings pleasure and you don’t turn this business into your business - you just limit yourself.

That's what I wanted to say on this point, who can really start and in his small workshop.
Only some categories of people cannot earn money by sewing at home. There are also people who seem to be doing well: they have qualifications, who can sew, their health is all right, but I would say that these people also cannot earn money for some internal reasons. First of all, people who have a worm of doubt cannot earn. eternally doubting and hesitating: they will earn - they will not. People are optional, people are suspicious in this regard.

That is, the person decided ...

For example, a seamstress gives an ad in the local press or on the Internet on the site. He makes an order, then thinks: “No, that's it. Not mine". People call, she refuses. I have had such cases in practice. After a while, this seamstress still decides, she works somewhere at another enterprise.

I had such a case, with this seamstress. She had three or four days off a week. There was a small download. She was working. Sufficiently qualified seamstress, quite normally did the job, and at home. She had cool equipment, her qualifications were great, but these doubts were killing her. They gave her such a salary. She walked four days a week. She sometimes made attempts to find customers, which, with her qualifications, in principle, was quite possible. The clients were happy. But she exaggerated her fears, and in the end her case was killed by these doubts.

These people also cannot earn money by sewing.

We will talk today about various psychological moments, about the fears that many of the beginner sewers have. If you have such a situation, then you need to initially decide: either you want to earn money by sewing at home, or earn extra money, or still work for your uncle and sew for yourself, for your soul, for your relatives. And just don't waste your time, energy, on some endless attempts to start something.

If we have already decided, then we do it, and if in doubt, then it’s better not to start.

For prices, for quality, for clients, we will talk in great detail on different pages of my site, in mailing letters and in training courses ..
I also believe that people in dark glasses, always negative people in life, cannot earn money by sewing at home. There are people in pink glasses in life - everything seems to them in pink. Even when they fall into the pit, they still don't notice it.

And there are people with other light filters who are dissatisfied with everything in life. They are unhappy with their equipment, unhappy with their customers, unhappy with the situation. If you are one of these people, you do not need to start not only sewing at home, but in general any business that generates income. If you do not like this business, do not try to turn it into a source of income.

A few psychological moments in the sewing business at home or in your own sewing workshop.

This situation often happens, at least in my practice it has happened more than once that a person decides to start sewing at home. A fire burns in his eyes, he is ready to move mountains, he takes something, finds clients, places an order, but something has stalled.

For example, a client comes and says: “Why does your coat cost 2,000 rubles, but on the next street it will be made for a thousand rubles. I won't pay you."

A second client comes - dissatisfied with the quality. The third client is dissatisfied with the timing. And after that, such a person droops, turns sour, and never again sews to order in his life. Everyone becomes guilty in him, as quickly as he caught fire, he quickly went out.

A lot of homemade seamstresses have gone through cooperation with me. And certain percentage there are such people who quickly light up and quickly go out.

If you are one of those people, what should you do?

It is necessary to change the internal settings.

There is such a principle in life. I have a friend who is a water survival instructor. Extreme, agree. profession. He told me one principle of survival: if one person does it, then others can repeat it. Here we have the opposite case - more than one person is engaged in sewing at home, and profitable sewing at home, so you can repeat it too!

The main thing is the mood, the main thing is the systematic work, discipline. D

Even if three clients in a row found your work unsatisfactory in various respects, it is not a fact that the fourth client will not be delighted with you and will not come to you for 10 years later.

How does a home sewing business differ from an indoshiv atelier or serial tailoring (extras)?

Let me give you an example to answer this question. A woman came to me for an interview as a seamstress and told me that she sews, sews for herself and for her family.

But I know that for myself and for the family this is one quality.

And in what conditions is it sewn for oneself and for the family?

On an ordinary household machine, not always with the use of special paws, even for sewing in a hidden zipper. This is not always a high-quality overlock line. Perhaps not even always a high-quality finishing line, the width of the seams.

That is, a person who sews at home does not always know the quality requirements of products that are sewn in an atelier, in tailoring or even in extras.

When do you need flow charts for the sewing business and how to draw them up correctly?

We have already said about technological maps.

And about when technological cards for seamstresses are needed. If you have 1-2 seamstresses, and you sew a small number of products, and this is custom tailoring, then technological cards are not needed at all.

If you know how to sew or have always dreamed of learning how to do it, but lack of free time and motivation did not allow you to do it, then you will probably be interested to know if you can turn your passion into a profitable business.

So, many argue that today it is almost impossible to make big money on tailoring and accessories. New ones open every day shopping centers, which allow you to buy clothes for every taste and color. In addition, for those who like to save money, there are many sites on the Internet that sell extremely cheap low-quality items.

But, despite this, manual work has always been and will be in value. After all, handmade products have their advantages:

  1. Uniqueness

    The things sewn by hand are unique. The customer and the contractor always have the opportunity to independently choose the material for the product, accessories, model, come up with and implement original design solutions.

  2. Quality

    Needless to say, a thing sewn by a master by hand has the highest quality guarantee. The seamstress measures everything by hand, monitors each seam, and can check the product for strength. Not a single mass production can compete with manual work in this indicator.

  3. Exact compliance with requirements

    If you sew a product to order, then you are repeatedly interested in the wishes of the customer, you can sew a product that fits perfectly in size, taking into account the features of the human figure. At the same time, the probability that the buyer will receive as a result what he wanted is very high, in contrast to a simple purchase of an item in a store.

What does it take to make money sewing?

In order to earn money by sewing, first of all, you need sufficient skills in cutting and sewing. But even if you do not feel like a professional in such a complex matter, it is never too late to learn. In this case, at first you should not take difficult orders, but it is better to practice on pajamas, clothes for animals, children's undershirts, etc. In addition, on the Internet you can always find the patterns you need with detailed description work.

Obviously, sewing accessories are also necessary, and most importantly - sewing machine.

Where can I get a sewing machine?

A good sewing machine costs a lot, but who said that you need to buy it? Of course, having your own tool is always an advantage, but if you do not have the financial means to buy it, you can borrow an old sewing machine from friends or relatives. Many sewing machines were inherited from their grandmothers, even if they look dilapidated, they often work properly. Such sewing machines have their drawbacks: large size and weight, lack of automation. But their main advantage is that you are most likely ready to give them for use absolutely free of charge and for a long time. Indeed, for the most part, they only take up space in the apartments of those who do not know how to sew at all.

When you earn your first big profit, then immediately invest it in the purchase of your main tool for making money - a modern sewing machine.

How to organize work?

If you seriously decide to make money on tailoring, then the algorithm of your actions may be as follows:

  1. Find sewing patterns for fashion items on the Internet.

    These can be toys, pillows, clothes (for adults and children), interior accessories, things for animals. Everything that is in demand among network users. There are a lot of communities on social networks that offer product patterns, read the feed and follow the likes of users.

  2. Sew a couple of products and try to sell them.

    These can be small items that do not require a lot of time and effort. Set the optimal price (not too high) and try to sell the product to your friends or by writing an ad on the Internet (for example, on your page on a social network). Evaluate for yourself how well and quickly you managed to sell the product.

  3. Create a group on a social network and accounts on needlework sites.

    In your community, post photos of finished products and be sure to indicate that you accept orders and work individually with each client. Invite friends to your group, let there be few of them, but they will all be really interested in what you have to offer.

    In addition, there are sites on the web where you can sell your products. For example, the Fair of Masters. Be sure to create accounts on such sites and offer your product.

  4. Raise your prices gradually.

    The more people who are interested in your work, the higher your price for it can be. As a rule, a person who receives one good order is more likely to return again. At the same time, agree to any (not exorbitant) price, as long as the work is done with high quality.

  5. Work directly with customers.

    Try to find yourself regular customers. To do this, do your job efficiently, meet the deadline and leave your contacts. Work with regular customers will allow you to gain confidence in your work and receive a stable income.

    Sewing for sale…???

  6. Create your site

    A personal website is your business card. Take its creation extremely seriously, pay attention to accessibility, performance, design. Your own website will not only attract new customers, but also help retain existing ones. In order to make a good website, seek the help of professionals or try your hand by reading our article on creating websites.

  7. Level up your skill.

    Fashion does not stand still, every day there are new models, fabrics, modern technologies. Study fashion magazines, watch TV shows, read forums on the Internet. If you are always in trend, then your work will definitely be in demand. Do not forget to learn new things, master various technologies, read specialized literature.

  8. Open your studio.

    When your financial affairs take off, don't skimp on opening your own atelier. Rent a small room, arrange everything according to your taste, invite familiar needlewomen and your income will increase significantly.

Where to sell handicrafts? Sites for the sale of needlework.

So, on which sites on the Internet you can sell handmade work.

  1. Arts and crafts fair

    Perhaps the most popular site for the sale of handicrafts. You can sell anything here: clothes, souvenirs, accessories, bags, toys, etc. The competition on the site is huge, the choice of goods is very large. But attendance is also good, most buyers come here for handicrafts. At the same time, the site has a system of cash contributions, so carefully read the rules.


    The site is an analogue of the Fair of Masters. Attendance here is somewhat lower, but the conditions are milder. You can put up to 10 works for sale for free, the monthly fee is 100 rubles.

  3. Communities VKontakte

    Various VKontakte groups and communities serve not only to sell your products, but to promote and promote them.

  4. Avito

    On Avito you can always buy and sell something, including handicrafts. The site is developing, reliable, here you can contact the buyer directly.

Read also:

On the eve of summer, you can prepare and set up your own small factory for sewing bustier tops or corsages, which have been in trend for several seasons. Some sewing skills, neatness, and a desire to promote your product can work wonders. We offer you an interesting idea for a business - for those who sew or for those who are ready to learn it, since the process itself is technologically simple.

The relevance of the idea

Before proceeding to the very description of the idea, I would like to focus on its relevance. It is no secret that women of fashion all over the world are guided precisely by world stars, by their style of clothing. Celebrities never tire of delighting us with fashionable outfits, and you can often see our bustier tops or corsages on them. Here is a prime example of this:

Figure 1 Stars in similar tops

It would also be appropriate to consider the demand for such products using the Yandex.Wordstat service. Here it should be borne in mind that the season has not yet arrived, and as it warms up, the number of requests will constantly increase:

Figure 2 Demand for the product

For different requests, both mid-frequency and low-frequency, in the aggregate, you can achieve more than good results by acting on different promotion channels (we will talk about this a little later).

Definition of the target audience

What is good about this idea is the simplicity of determining the target audience. We sew for young girls and women in the age range of 15-35 who are fashion savvy. It is they who are the main "peddlers" of the trend and the bulk, which in the future will place orders with you with good positioning. If you study the Internet, you will find a lot of evidence for these words:

Figure 3 Target customer portrait

Required Resources

In order to start production (and this is precisely a mini-production), you need to have a minimum of tools and materials, and it is also worth considering several important nuances.

Let's start with tools and materials. For objectivity, we will take 1 type of fabric, but of course, you can experiment the way you want. Please note that as part of this experiment, a simplified pattern was used, which is suitable even for beginner dressmakers without using rigilin and other complex sewing nuances. The ideal option for fabric selection is a stretching fiber in the transverse direction.

The most important tool is the sewing machine*. You can use simple household models. This business option, of course, is suitable and will be more promising for those who already have such a tool, since, without knowing how to sew, it makes no sense to buy a car just for the sake of an illusory benefit in the hope of learning. Minerva B29 - I have been using this model of a household sewing machine with 29 sewing operations for more than a year:

Figure 4 Sewing machine model option

*The cost of the sewing machine is not taken into account in the total calculation of the starting capital. It is assumed that the needlewoman already has this tool.

You will also need product templates. At this point, we should dwell in more detail. The thing is that at the very start you should think about how you will deal with the size range. There are several options to choose from:

  • You can sew to order, offering an example of a finished product, and then, based on the measurements of a particular client, work on tailoring.
  • Or initially create different sizes.

Based on practice, we can say that the first option is much more preferable, since you still don’t know how many clients you will have, what sizes they will have, because it’s no secret that most of the fair sex has a non-standard figure. For tailoring, we need only a few measurements, but how the finished product will sit on a person, its attractiveness, and, therefore, your potential reputation directly depend on their correctness:

Figure 5 Necessary measurements for work

Thus, we will carry out the calculations, starting from the first option. The patterns look something like this. When constructing a pattern, I created a corsage of a simple cut:

Figure 6 Approximate view of patterns

If someone has difficulty with building a pattern, you can specify the required size and ask the appropriate question on the forum - I will send you a ready-made version of the pattern in PDF format, built in a special program.

And here you can take a ready-made proven similar pattern, there are size variations.

You also need the fabric itself for sewing. Of course, the more diverse your assortment is, the better, but, in fact, for tailoring samples and beautiful design, several types, or even one, are enough.

What can be produced at home for sale

We will calculate the profitability based on 1 type for convenience. For beginners, I recommend printed denim stretch or knitted cotton (not too stretchy) - it's a pleasure to work with such a fabric!

Finally, it is worth buying some accessories - it can be snakes or buttons to your taste. Speaking from the point of view of the simplicity of processing technology, then a snake (lightning) will be the best option.

Figure 7 Preparing fittings

That, by and large, is all that we need to work.

Start-up capital

As noted above, we do not take into account the cost of a sewing machine in the calculations of start-up capital. For the rest, we will start from the cost of 1 top. At a minimum, this is exactly how much you need to sew in order to present your skills and put the work up for sale, on the same Avito board, for example.

*To sew one top, we need a length equal to the length of the product. This measurement can also be individual, depending on the wishes of the client. My top came out 20 cm long.

From this it follows that we will spend 395: 100x20 = 79 rubles + the cost of lightning 10 rubles for tailoring 1 product - a total of 89 rubles, rounded up to 90 rubles.

It is no exaggeration to say that our start-up capital the minimum does not even reach 100 rubles (taking into account the presence of a sewing machine).

Profitability calculation

As for calculating profitability, everything is simple here: you should analyze the data from online stores selling similar tops and present an approximate income from tailoring.

As we can see, the cost may vary depending on the brand and style, however, if you consider that you will sell your handicrafts (!) At a price of 1,500 rubles for 1 top, then the net profit will be this case will be 1500-90=1410 rubles, i.e. more than 1,500% profitability!!! Agree, is it worth the risk?

Manufacturing technology

Naturally, the manufacturing technology of each master may be different.

But, roughly, it always looks like this:

  1. Preparing fabric for cutting
  2. Laying patterns on fabric
  3. Detail cutting
  4. Sewing, sewing in zippers or buttons (if the fabric is very stretchy, then you can do without a zipper)
  5. Treatment

Figure 8 One of the options for the finished product

Figure 9 Model with a snake in front

I usually make double tops, in which case their cost increases by 2 times and amounts to 180 rubles, but they can be worn on both sides, that is, in fact, it turns out 2 products in one, and if it is interesting to combine fabric, then it becomes excellent competitive advantage.

It remains to decide on the promotion channel (website, social networks, message boards, word of mouth, and so on). The idea is more than viable, moreover, they correctly say that it is necessary to start preparing the sled in the winter, in our case - in the spring.

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If you are interested in sewing, have skills in working with various materials, follow fashion and like to create interesting things with your own hands, you should consider your hobby as a source of income. You can open a small workshop even at home, with a minimum set of equipment. If properly organized, the income from such an enterprise will provide for the maintenance of the whole family. And if part of the money earned is constantly invested in the development of the business, then over time you can build a whole factory and open your own outlets. In this article, we will talk about how to start a sewing business from scratch and look at the most interesting ideas in this area.

The first thing to do when deciding to open your own workshop is to decide on the direction of activity. At home, you can engage in individual tailoring or small-scale production.

Producing various garments in small batches for free sale is a more risky business, but at the same time more promising. Small-scale tailoring is an unlimited space for the realization of any creative and design ideas. In addition, this is an opportunity to work not only with private clients, but also with retail outlets, Internet platforms, etc.

Before you open a sewing business from scratch, you also have to resolve the issue of target audience. You must clearly represent the portrait of your end user. Monitor the garment market, study your potential competitors. Find out what is most often bought, in what price category, what customers lack, what they are satisfied / dissatisfied with. This will allow you not only to present the big picture, but also to understand what can be done to stand out from the competition.

Another important step is the choice of segment. It’s not worth taking on everything at once, try to focus on some narrow specialization, on what is in demand in your city. Consider current ideas sewing business that can be implemented at home.

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Home Sewing Business Ideas

Thinking about what is better to sew, of course, you should take into account the existing skills and experience. But at the same time, don't be afraid to try something new. Take the time to attend all kinds of courses and master classes. At such events, you can not only get interesting ideas and learn how to make beautiful and fashionable things at home, but also learn about the most effective ways to promote products.

Sewing clothes and/or accessories for children

Branded foreign clothing for children, widely represented on the shelves of chain stores, often has an unreasonably high price. Many parents, not wanting to overpay for a label with a promoted trademark, make a choice in favor of cheaper, but no less high-quality options offered by domestic manufacturers. Beginning entrepreneurs have every chance to take their place in the market.

You can start a sewing business for the manufacture of children's things both at home, carrying out a complete assembly of products on your own, and at a factory, giving orders (ready-made sketches, patterns, fabric, accessories) to craftsmen for conveyor production.

  • Baby Clothing;
  • underwear for children of different age groups;
  • pajamas;
  • school uniform;
  • baby bed linen;
  • crib sets (sides, canopies, pillows and blankets for babies);
  • accessories for newborns (discharge envelopes, slings, kangaroo backpacks);
  • carnival costumes.

In any of these areas, you can make good money. According to the opinions of entrepreneurs involved in small scale production children's clothing and accessories, the profitability of such a business is from 120 to 130%. Although in many respects this indicator depends on volumes. The key to success in this business is impeccable quality, attractive appearance and safety of finished products.

Curtains are an integral part of any interior, they are associated with comfort and coziness. The abundance of tulle and curtain fabrics, big choice decorative fittings and variety constructive solutions on the design of curtains allow skilled craftsmen to create real masterpieces.

Important! Tailoring curtains to order involves not only the manufacture of models from the client's materials. In this case, an integrated approach is important.

If you want to occupy your niche in the market and compete with existing salons, then you need to go to objects, take measurements, think through various options and offer sketches to customers, select material, sew and hang finished goods on the windows.

All your work should be photographed and made out in the form of a portfolio. Having completed several successful orders, you will provide yourself with a stream of new customers who will apply already on the recommendations.

The cost of sewing curtains for decorating a standard window is on average from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the design. Additional income can be generated by the sale of fabrics and accessories.

Tailoring of women's clothing at home

One of the most interesting, profitable and promising options for the sewing business is tailoring. women's clothing to order. Bespoke tailoring is always popular with many customers because it has a number of advantages over buying mass-produced ready-made garments. Tailor-made dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers, suits take into account the features of the figure, meet taste preferences, are distinguished by their uniqueness, and in some cases they are cheaper. Therefore, a good seamstress, who also has the skills of modeling clothes, will never be left without orders.

Important! Individual tailoring requires maximum involvement in the process of both the master and the client. Before proceeding directly to sewing, you need to coordinate with the customer every detail: style, style, cut, finish, color, etc.

The cost of services will depend on the complexity of the cut, the quality of the materials and the level of your skill. It is recommended to start with simple and not too expensive models. In the first months of work, such activities usually bring a profit of about 10-12 thousand rubles. The first customers are friends, relatives and acquaintances. Then, gradually, with the help of the so-called word of mouth, the circle of customers expands, and, accordingly, income grows.

Business opening costs

Before you open a sewing machine, you will need to purchase a minimum set of equipment. However, if you are into sewing, chances are you already have everything you need. The kit, with which you can implement all of the above ideas, includes:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • cutting table;
  • ironing board;
  • iron;
  • steam generator;
  • working equipment (scissors, a set of needles, etc.).

The amount you spend on equipment will depend on its functionality and manufacturer. If you follow the rule of the "golden mean", that is, buy the average in quality and price, then you can meet the amount of about 80 thousand rubles.

In addition to equipment and inventory, you will need at least a small supply of materials, fabric samples, and accessories, a mannequin. All this will take another 10 thousand rubles.

If you plan to immediately apply for a status individual entrepreneur in order to transfer your activities to a legal field, you will need to pay a state registration fee of 800 rubles (see).

It is also desirable to set aside part of the money for advertising, transportation costs, training and advanced training. If you take it as a whole, then, having about 100 thousand rubles, you can safely start with a small home sewing workshop.

How to sell products and grow a business

To get your client, you need to declare yourself. Offer your services to friends and acquaintances, make discounts, give away Business Cards with contact details and a list of services. Yes, at first it will be unprofitable, you may not earn anything on such orders. But each of your customers will have their own social circle, each of them will recommend you as a good craftsman to their friends and acquaintances. Gradually, you will be able to develop a client base.

Word of mouth is inexpensive and effective method advertising. But in order to short time to acquire a sufficient number of customers, it alone is not enough. Use internet advertising. Be sure to create accounts focused on your products on all popular social networks. Place photos of the most successful, in your opinion, works in your profile. Don't list prices, but mention discounts. Find information on the Internet on how to properly and effectively promote goods and services on social networks, and take action!

As you develop your clothing business, there will be a need for more active promotion. Then you can think about creating your own online store (see,).

As for development, experts recommend from the very beginning of activity to set aside part of the money earned (about 50% of profits) for business expansion. Each direction will have its own perspectives. So, if you successfully sew curtains, then in the future you will be able to open an interior design studio (see) or a store where you will sell tulle and curtain fabrics, cornices, blinds and ready-made window decoration solutions. If you intend to carry out individual tailoring of women's clothing, then in the future you will be able to create your own modeling agency or a large atelier.

There are many opportunities and ways to develop a clothing business. In any case, home space and one's own strength are no longer enough here. You will need a separate room where you can organize jobs for employees, install additional pieces of equipment. How and when to expand, you will feel it yourself in the process of work.