The meaning of color in a business wardrobe. "the meaning of color in business communication" The meaning of color in business communication

You have most likely heard about the dress code, as well as the saying that people are greeted by their clothes. No one needs to be convinced of the importance of a competent selection of clothes and accessories. However, it usually refers to their style. But it turns out that the color of clothes and accessories is no less, if not more important, element of business communication technique. How does the color of your clothes affect your professional and personal effectiveness? How to "read" the personality of the interlocutor by the color of his clothes? What messages do colors send to our subconscious?
It is no coincidence that since ancient times there is a saying "Meet by clothes ...". We can understand a lot about a person by his clothes, consciously looking at his outfit and accessories. The way a person dresses reflects his character, property status, level of education, and possibly profession. The analysis of clothes and accessories is taught at trainings as part of the study of business communication techniques, in particular, when studying personality typology.veta in business communication

In a survey about the meaning of color comes to the fore when drawing up exactly business wardrobe. Indeed, in this area appearance a person is subject to the most critical assessment by others. Often, a person’s career, self-realization, and a sense of being in demand and self-respect depend on this.

Each of us chooses clothes of those shades that we like. The process of color perception by a person is unconscious. In addition to the natural reaction of our body, color plays an important role in the perception of color. life experience. Considering personal color preferences, you can almost unmistakably say a lot about personality and character. That is why people who want to develop the missing necessary character traits and somewhat smooth out its negative sides are advised by psychologists to act "on the contrary": to acquire clothes of those shades that correspond to the necessary qualities.

Due to certain requirements, a business wardrobe leaves little room for imagination and experimentation. But different areas activities have different requirements. And here there are secrets. A person who, on duty, spends a lot of time in direct communication with different people and speaking in public, should dress as neutrally as possible, but at the same time inspire confidence. A large crowd of people implies a wide range of views and tastes, and one must please everyone. Here it is worth choosing those colors that evoke strong emotions least of all.

A palette of gray tones in a business wardrobe

It is to such neutral colors that the palette of gray tones belongs. At the same time, it is also important to know that dark gray shades somewhat fence off from the outside world, while light gray shades more than dark ones contribute to communication and mutual understanding.

Pastel colors in a business wardrobe

But if you want to get into the top ten and be sure that everyone around you was satisfied with your appearance, then opt for muted warm pastel colors. This image calms, relieves stress and disposes to pleasant communication.

Basic colors in a business wardrobe

Clothing for the office largely depends on the rules adopted at a particular enterprise. But in the classic version, the main colors for suits, jackets, skirts and trousers are dark shades of red, blue, green, brown, as well as gray and black. I would like to note that all dark shades are less positive in perception than light ones. Therefore, do not forget to paint the outfits in bright colors with the help of blouses and accessories where appropriate.

The outfits of creative natures in the respective professions are a separate issue. There are no special laws here, because these people can afford any, even the brightest, colors. In addition, often their color preferences are very dependent on the current fashion.

White and black colors, as well as shades of gray, are the basis of a modern business wardrobe. They are an excellent background for most other tones, significantly increasing their intensity. You can always dilute two chromatic shades with one achromatic one. But do not get carried away with black in large quantities: its overabundance is depressing.

The meaning of gray and blue

If you want to create your image in dark colors, you can consider a dark blue palette and a graphite shade of gray. Such tones leave an impression of stability, respectability and sophistication, do not evoke strong emotions.

The variety of shades of green in a business suit for women expresses conservatism and professionalism. They calm and balance. In managerial positions, a suit of green tone, suitable for the color type of appearance, is indispensable in the wardrobe.

Dark red tones are a symbol of respectability, self-confidence. Lighter shades of red are not accepted in business attire, but they are great for various additions and accessories.

Be careful with dark tones of brown in large quantities. Although this is the color of stability, earthiness and traditionality in views, but with an overabundance, it depresses in the same way as black. Light shades of brown - sand, beige, etc. - are perfect for a warm season. They are unobtrusive and very conducive to communication and trust. But when choosing the color of a blouse, beige tones can give the impression of stale clothes. Such blouses should be tried on for a specific suit in front of a mirror in order to evaluate the final result.

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by discipline: Business communication
topic: "The meaning of color in business communication"

Moscow 2013

You have probably heard about the dress code, as well as the saying that people are greeted by clothes. No one needs to be convinced of the importance of choosing the right clothes and accessories. However, style is usually implied. But it turns out that the color of clothes and accessories is no less, if not more important, element of business communication technique. How does the color of your clothes affect your professional and personal activity? How to "read" the personality of the interlocutors by the color of his clothes? What messages do colors send to your subconscious?
It is no coincidence that since ancient times there is a saying "Meet by clothes ...". We can understand a lot about a person by his clothes, consciously looking at his outfit and accessories. The way a person dresses reflects his character, property status, level of education, and possibly his profession. The analysis of clothes and accessories is presented at trainings as part of the study of business communication techniques, in particular, in the study of personality typology.
But it turns out very important information gets our subconscious. It, regardless of our conscious efforts, reacts to the appearance of the interlocutor. Color plays a key role in this subconscious reaction.
The color scheme of the interlocutor's clothes affects our subconscious, forming a certain attitude towards this person. Numerous scientific studies testify to this.
How is the subconscious attitude of people to different colors formed? Scientists believe that this attitude is formed by collective cultural traditions, biological associations. For example, red is associated with aggression because many people's faces turn red when they are angry. Also, red is associated with danger, because it has historically developed in nature - red insects signal: "Do not touch me - I am dangerous." Therefore, people began to paint the alarm buttons and stop valves red.
Interestingly, people subconsciously choose the color of clothing that matches their character or state of mind at the moment. A young man in black, most likely, will not be sociable and talkative. He subconsciously celebrates that black is the color of protection and solitude. It is no coincidence that the monks wear black vestments. However, the color scheme of your clothes can be used consciously in order to position yourself in communication with other people as you need. This is a very effective business communication technique. From the first second of communication with a stranger or acquaintance, you can send the signal you need to his subconscious.
Please note that there are active and neutral colors. Neutral colors convey the least amount of information to the subconscious. These include: beige, black and white. Beige is "no" color. It can be used if you don't want to draw attention to yourself at all. Black, as mentioned earlier, is the color of protection. Its neutrality is associated with secrecy. White color carries only social associations (marriage in the West, funerals in the East), in nature it is just a fusion of all the colors of the rainbow, purity with emptiness.
Another important point. The meaning of colors can vary somewhat for different nationalities. The list below was developed for Western European culture. So, below is a detailed table of color values.

Color | Causes associations: | Use to... |
Red | Love, danger, aggression, lightning speed, courage, determination | Show who is in charge, dominate, provoke a conflict or a direct showdown, seduce. |
Orange | Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, creativity, positive pressure | Bring revival, emphasize the creativity of the approach to issues. |
Yellow | Leadership, Attention Capture, Energy | Lead, take the initiative. |
Green | Reliability, devotion, calmness, optimism | Show that you are a reliable performer, a devoted subordinate. |
Blue |...

You have most likely heard about the dress code, as well as the saying that people are greeted by their clothes. No one needs to be convinced of the importance of a competent selection of clothes and accessories. However, it usually refers to their style. But it turns out that the color of clothes and accessories is no less, if not more important, element of business communication technique. How does the color of your clothes affect your professional and personal effectiveness? How to "read" the personality of the interlocutor by the color of his clothes? What messages do colors send to our subconscious?

Many years ago I read an article on this topic and used its advice successfully for many years. Today I decided to dig deeper and see what other materials I can find on the English-speaking Internet. The results of my "excavations" are collected in this article.

It is no coincidence that since ancient times there is a saying "Meet by clothes ...". We can understand a lot about a person by his clothes, consciously looking at his outfit and accessories. The way a person dresses reflects his character, property status, level of education, and possibly profession. The analysis of clothes and accessories is taught at trainings as part of the study of business communication techniques, in particular, in the study of personality typology.

But it turns out that our subconscious also receives very important information. It, regardless of our conscious efforts, reacts to the appearance of the interlocutor. And color plays a key role in this subconscious reaction.

The color scheme of the interlocutor's clothes affects our subconscious, forming a certain attitude towards this person. Numerous scientific studies testify to this.
How is the subconscious attitude of people to different colors formed? Scientists believe that such an attitude is formed by collective cultural traditions, biological associations. For example, red is associated with aggression because many people's faces turn red when they are angry. Also, red is associated with danger, because it has historically developed in nature - red insects signal: "Do not touch me - I am dangerous." Therefore, people began to paint the alarm buttons and stop valves red.
It is interesting that people subconsciously choose the color of clothing that matches their character or state of mind on this moment. A young man in black, most likely, will not be very sociable and talkative. He subconsciously feels that black is the color of protection and solitude. It is no coincidence that the monks wear black vestments.
However, the color scheme of your clothes can also be used consciously in order to position yourself in communication with other people in the way you need. This is a very effective business communication technique. From the first second of communication with a stranger or acquaintance, you can send the signal you need to his subconscious.
For example, when I was in sales as a young man and was quite attractive to the male sex, I wore lilac-purple clothes to negotiations with men whose pestering began to annoy me. And it worked every time - my interlocutors calmed down, switched to a business wave, we could conduct constructive negotiations. If a lady, on the contrary, needs to excite a man, she intuitively puts on a red dress. The Lady in Red is a classic of the genre!

By the way, young girls and women, do not wear pale lilac and purple clothes, no matter how fashionable they may be, in the presence of your beloved men! Or don't be surprised that you have problems in the sexual area.
Another example is the yellow jersey. Yellow is subconsciously associated with leadership. I have had experience with this color. When I came to work as a boss in an established team of energetic young men, I needed to establish myself and gain informal leadership. Then a few yellow blouses and scarves appeared in my wardrobe. I made sure to wear something yellow to meetings with my subordinates.
Two remarks before we move on to a detailed study of the effect of color on the subconscious.

  • Please note that there are active and neutral colors. Neutral colors convey the least amount of information to the subconscious. These include: beige, black and white. Beige is the "no" color. It can be used if you don't want to draw attention to yourself at all. Black, as we said, is the color of protection. Its neutrality is associated with secrecy. White color carries only social associations (marriage in the West, funerals in the East), in nature it is just a fusion of all the colors of the rainbow, purity with emptiness.
  • Another important point. The meaning of colors may vary somewhat for different nationalities. The list below was developed for Western European culture.
    So, below is a detailed table of color values. Use it to increase your personal effectiveness!
COLOR Causes associations: Use to…
red love, danger, aggression, lightning speed, courage, determination show who is in charge, dominate, provoke a conflict or a direct showdown, seduce.
Orange enthusiasm, cheerfulness, creativity, positive pressure bring revival, emphasize the creativity of the approach to issues.
yellow leadership, attention capture, energy take the lead, take the initiative.
green reliability, devotion, calmness, optimism show that you are a reliable performer, a devoted subordinate.
blue balance, professionalism, stability show that you are a professional in your field, an expert, ready to negotiate on serious topics.
violet detachment, coldness, self-confidence show that you know your worth, keep your distance, set up in an analytical way.
grey conservatism, intellectuality, seriousness show your neutrality, restraint and good taste.
brown reliability, trust, informal, friendly attitude show that you can be trusted, that you are not eager to become leaders, that you are ready to play by the rules.
black formality, force, seclusion hide your “I” and your attitude to the issue as much as possible, get away from familiarity.
white purity, peace, innocence show their openness and sincerity, present themselves as a naive idealist.

The color of clothes and accessories as a technique of business communication is used quite rarely, however, marketers very widely use the features of the influence of colors on the human subconscious. In marketing, colors are often used to attract customers in the following ways:

  • Red- a symbol of urgency, stimulates impulsive purchases.
  • Orange- a symbol of energy, also stimulates impulsive purchases.
  • Blue, cyan- used in banking to convince of its reliability.
  • Green– to reassure clients (for example, in medical institutions).
  • Pink- to create a romantic mood (goods for girls and women).
  • Yellow– to attract attention (color of displays and advertising).
  • Black- a symbol of strength, for the sale of luxurious expensive goods.

The color scheme is simple and useful tool personal efficiency. Take a look inside your wardrobe right now and look at its contents as a powerful tool for influencing and achieving success!

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