Work during the next vacation. Can I work on vacation? Can an employee on vacation work under a contract

Vacation is a time of rest. But there are situations when the employee continues to perform his duties further.

The justification for such labor diligence is the material background, when the employee is paid for his work, which is actually produced in non-working hours. This may cause some criticism from the labor inspectorate, as it indicates a violation of human rights to rest.

Therefore, the employer must know how to properly draw up such an attraction in order to comply with the legislative norms and perform the required amount of work.

Labor law establishes clear proportions of the ratio of work and rest. It is the responsibility of the employer not only to provide employees with a safe workplace, but also to ensure that he rests in a timely manner and in the right amount. Rest allows the worker to restore the functions of his body. Every working person must be provided, which is paid and allows employees to rest without prejudice to their own budget.

Regulates not only the obligation to grant holidays and their minimum duration, but also the possibility of replacing this period monetary compensation. Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that it is possible to compensate for vacation time only in certain amounts, namely, only those days that exceed mandatory minimum- 28 days. It should be borne in mind that it is also prohibited to compensate for additional holidays that are issued for harmful and dangerous working conditions.

If the rest for the last year was not taken off, but was postponed to this year due to production needs, then the employee has the right to take 28 days from each part, and receive cash payments for the rest. But such transfers can be made only when absolutely necessary and must be justified.

Exit to workplace during his vacation, the employee cannot, because according to the documents he is resting, which means that he is absent in the report card and the employer is not responsible for him in this period of time. On the other hand, every citizen has freedom of choice and can earn extra money in his spare time. can be formalized by concluding a civil law agreement with another employer. If you carry out the same manipulations with your direct employer, then the inspection authorities may have questions about whether the person was really hired to perform some kind of assignment or this agreement simply masked the illegal refusal of rest.

What to do if the need for an employee really exists, and he is sent on another vacation? You can resort to another way to attract an employee to work during his official vacation period - to recall him.

Vacation recall is a legal mechanism that allows you to involve the vacationer in their direct work duties during the holidays. The employer cannot force the vacationer to work, but can describe the current situation to him and, if the employee voluntarily agrees, involve him in work.

You cannot recall an employee for a part-time job. Part-time jobs are issued only to those who perform their duties part-time, and not to the main employees.

If the rest is interrupted due to production necessity, the employee must:

  1. Proceed to your duties in full, which are spelled out in.
  2. Refund previously paid compensation amounts.

According to the law, three days before the start of the vacation period, the vacationer is credited with material compensation for the days taken, which is paid to him in cash or by bank transfer. When recalling from vacation, the employer is obliged to recalculate the payments already made, because a person cannot receive two parallel accruals and compensation at once, and wages. Previously paid amounts that do not correspond to the time off will have to be returned to the employer. This can be done in cash at the cash desk of the organization or by deduction from future accruals. And unfinished days of rest must be given to the recalled employee at a different time or transferred to the next year.

Who cannot be recalled

An employee may be recalled only with his consent, which must be given in writing. But there are special categories of employees who cannot be involved in work during this period, even if they have such a desire.

Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides a list of persons who cannot interrupt their rest time under any circumstances:

  1. Employees who have not reached the age of eighteen.
  2. Women who are pregnant and in.
  3. Employees who work in workplaces with a classification of harmful and / or dangerous working conditions.

The presence of special difficulties in the work of the enterprise, the need for an urgent replacement of another employee or other force majeure circumstances cannot contribute to the involvement of these categories in extracurricular work.

Even the written request of the vacationer himself about the desire to go to the workplace earlier than expected should be rejected.

Registration procedure

To file a review, the employer must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare a written notice of the need for an urgent exit of the employee to the workplace. It describes not only the reasons for the withdrawal, but also stipulates a specific release date. Notice is sent by mail or delivered in person.
  2. Obtain written consent from the vacationer. Note that it is impossible to immediately force an employee, he has the right to refuse the proposal of management. But with the consent of the vacationer is obliged to state in writing his desire to interrupt the vacation. You can do this at the bottom of the notification or on a separate sheet of paper in any form.
  3. Having received consent, the employer issues a recall order. The order specifies the date of release of the employee.

The issued order will become the basis for the accountant to recalculate preliminary payments, personnel officers will make adjustments to, and the head structural unit will be able to set work shifts in the time sheet.

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Vacation is a time to take a break from work duties and gain strength for their further implementation.

But the vacation period is not always drawn up for this very purpose, in some cases it is simply taken as a forced measure, when the annual vacation period has already come up and there is no reason to postpone it.

Wishing to raise their material level, some workers prefer to work even on days of legal paid leave. This also plays into the hands of employers, but questions arise as to how legitimate it is to involve an employee to work on his legal days off. It is also not always clear how to properly draw up documentation, reflecting both vacation days and working days in it.

Neither the employer nor the working citizen himself can arbitrarily set the framework for working hours and hours of rest. Establishing the right ratio is assigned to government bodies who carefully calibrate the balance of work and leisure and regulate it by law. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are established rules for the ratio of the number of working hours and rest, which allow maintaining a high level of working capacity throughout the entire working period. The stipulated ratios establish the maximum number of working hours per week, and also regulate the amount of mandatory leave.

The Labor Code in chapter 19 prescribes that every working person must be provided with an annual regular leave of at least 28 days. For some workers, according to the assessment of working conditions, additional vacation days are assigned. In addition, the employer himself in his local documentation can set rest time in excess of the prescribed.

Everything that is prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the LNPA of the organization must be strictly observed. So, every year the employer must provide each of his employees with vacation days due to him. In rare cases, if it is impossible to select days in this year, it can be transferred to the next calendar period. The transfer must be justified and can take place no more than once every two years.

Compensation for the required vacation period is allowed only if:

  1. Leave increased by the employer. Anything over the 28 minimum nights may be eligible for cash assistance.
  2. It's not about additional holidays, which are assigned in view of special conditions labor.

Since the provision of rest is the obligation of the employer, and it is forbidden to compensate for the required minimum, the logical conclusion is that it is impossible to combine vacation with work.

Work under a civil law contract

When working in an organization under an indefinite employment contract, both the employee and the employer must adhere to legislative norms and strictly observe them. On the other hand, no one forbids a person in his free time to work elsewhere, having formalized his relationship under a civil law contract. An employee, having gone on vacation, can easily conclude an agreement with any employer to perform a certain amount of work.

When concluding a civil law contract, some nuances should be taken into account. In particular, that the period of vacation is limited, which means that a citizen will be able to fulfill his duties within a strictly established period, as well as the fact that the conditions for such cooperation must be strictly verified.

Basic conditions

Civil law contracts are concluded with hired persons mainly for contract work or for the provision of some services. The terms of the contracts of this order are prescribed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. They are divided into basic and additional.

The main ones should be spelled out in without fail, and here are additional ones at the discretion of the parties to cooperation. Besides this species relations involves a somewhat more free interpretation of the conditions, therefore, in addition to the two indicated categories, other clauses may be included in the agreement that are not provided for by law, but are important for the customer and the contractor. The main thing is that they do not conflict with existing laws.

The main conditions, which are indispensable when concluding an agreement, must contain the following information:

  1. The subject of the contract is what exactly the contractor is obliged to perform, and the customer to pay.
  2. Responsibilities of both parties.
  3. Deadlines for the completion of work.
  4. end result cost.
  5. Conditions for acceptance of completed volumes.

In addition, it is additionally prescribed what is considered a marriage and under what conditions the parties can terminate the agreement.

The term of the agreement is one of the fundamental in civil law relations. Unlike employment contracts, they cannot be open-ended, they must have a clear duration and deadlines for acceptance written on paper. The deadline for the performance of a particular work or provision of services is not just a starting point for payment, but in case of non-compliance with it, it can become a reason for a complete denial of monetary compensation.

Terms of agreements can be:

  1. Absolute, that is, expressed by a specific date.
  2. Relatively certain, that is, focus on the end result, without reference to the calendar.
  3. Indefinite, that is, do not have a specification for the performance of work, but simply express a certain number of months.

The beginning of the countdown of cooperation is the date of bilateral signing of the document by the customer and the contractor.

Can a part-time worker work during vacation from the main job

Work on vacation at the main place of work cannot be done due to the fact that such an approach is considered a violation of labor laws.

It would seem that the law does not prohibit the registration of a vacationer for the duration of a vacation under a civil law contract, but it should be borne in mind that the very fact of concluding such an agreement has some peculiarities.

Civil law relations may be concluded to fulfill specific tasks, which are measurable in terms of volume or time. And this means that the employer cannot take a vacationer to his own permanent position under such an agreement. After all permanent place work implies the execution of an open-ended employment contract, and the establishment of a different type legal relations will be considered a direct infringement of the rights of workers. Therefore, it is impossible to issue a vacationer to his own workplace with the performance of his usual work functions. But no one forbids involving him to perform other work, which will be clearly regulated in terms of time and / or volume.

It is not forbidden to work on maternity leave, unlike the next one. At the same time, the woman on maternity leave can work both at her main place of work and part-time. the only essential condition such work is the establishment of part-time work. This procedure allows you to save the right to receive benefits for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years.

A maternity leaver has the right to vary her employment herself and choose an employer and employment conditions. So most often women on maternity leave are involved in:

  1. Home labor.
  2. Remote work.
  3. Partial work schedule.

An employee may at any time interrupt her work activity and continue your legal parental leave. Until the baby is three years old, she has the right to go to work or return again to complete rest.

What to do if forced to work on vacation

It is illegal to force an employee to work on vacation. Employees must know their rights and protect them. The norms of the legislation do not make it possible to simultaneously pay vacation allowance and accrue compensation for the work done, which means that the employee will perform his labor duties for free.

The employer does not have the right to force an employee to work during his legal vacation period, but if this happens, the employee himself has the right to apply for protection of rights to the Labor Inspectorate or court.

Unauthorized absence from work during a vacation cannot be counted as absenteeism either, so it makes sense to simply not comply with the unlawful requirements of the employer.

You will be interested

There are several options for working while on vacation: vacation recall; work during and civil work during holidays.

Review from vacation

The Labor Code provides for the possibility to recall an employee from vacation however, the following conditions must be met:
  1. The employee must agree with such feedback;
  2. The unused part of the vacation is subsequently provided at a time that is convenient for the employee;
  3. The employee should not belong to groups of persons whose recall from vacation is impossible by law (pregnant women, people who are under 18 years old, employees whose working conditions are dangerous or harmful).
  4. The review must be issued in the form of an order from the employer, and not be a verbal request from the authorities to return to work.

Work on vacation (maternity leave)

Working while on parental leave is also possible, but there is one caveat: work must be done on a part-time basis. The law does not establish exactly how many hours a day an employee must work, the main thing is that it be less than the usual working day in this organization.

It should be noted that if a person works during maternity leave part-time, then the monthly allowance paid up to 1 year 6 months is preserved, that is, the employee receives benefits and wages, the amount of which depends on how much time is actually worked.

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AT this case the application must contain the following wording: “I ask you to allow me to work from (date) during the period of leave to care for my son (daughter), setting a part-time job equal to 4 hours ...”. Of course, another wording with a similar meaning can be used.

Work under a civil law contract

We will immediately make a reservation that it is possible to work under a civil law contract (as a rule, it is concluded) both with your employer and in another organization.

If work on vacation is carried out under a contract, it must be borne in mind that there are significant differences between the data and, for example, the first one will not be performed.

If a citizen wants to work for his employer during vacation, and he is not satisfied with the contract, then the way out of this situation is a recall from vacation. Working without registration at all is not a serious matter, you may not be paid anything at all.

A few words about part-time work

Work during the holidays, if a person is not possible. This conclusion can be reached by analyzing the rules regarding provisions for part-time work.

Naturally, the concept of “free time from the main job” fits very well with the vacation period, however, leave for the main and additional jobs is provided at the same time, which is why part-time work cannot be carried out.

If you have any questions about this topic, you can contact. Experts will always give you a reasonable answer and offer options for solving your problem.

Performers and contractors themselves determine the procedure for fulfilling the obligations assigned to them by the contract and do it at their own expense, unless otherwise provided by the contract (Article 704, Article 783 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must follow the established rules of internal work schedule, incl. comply with working hours. In addition, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with everything necessary to perform job duties(Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), pay compensation for the use by an employee of his property in work (Article 188 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and reimburse other personnel expenses incurred in the interests of the employer (Article 164 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). 4. Performers and contractors are obliged to fully compensate for the losses caused by them (Article 723, Article 783 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Under the employment contract, the employee bears the full liability only in the cases provided for in Art. 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 5.

Employment contract and work contract, vacation

Consequently, the employer has the right to conclude a civil law contract with an employee of his organization who is on annual paid leave. However, it is important to remember that civil contract in any case, it should not imply an employment relationship, since, according to the fourth part of Art.
11 The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in cases where the court has established that a civil law contract actually regulates labor relations between an employee and an employer, the provisions of labor legislation and other acts containing norms are applied to such relations. labor law. A civil law contract has fundamental differences from an employment contract.
The main differences are as follows. one.

Contract with an employee on vacation


Employment contract and work contract The performance of work as an employee or contractor has a number of serious differences in its essence and concerns, first of all, the status of the worker, his rights and security. The main difference is that a worker is hired to perform a certain category of work for, as a rule, an indefinite time, and the services of a contractor are necessary for a specific purpose:

  • The employee is subject to a certain schedule when fulfilling his obligations, while the contractor independently determines the time of work,
  • The employee is subordinate to the employer.

The contractor and the customer are on an equal footing,
  • The employee has a certain minimum income that the contractor does not have.
  • Can an employee work while on vacation?

    Payment terms are also guaranteed.

    • The duration of relations with employees is made as long as possible, the services of the contractor can be refused at any time,
    • The liability of the employee in case of damage is reduced in contrast to the contractor,
    • The employee has a number of social guarantees, the contractor is more vulnerable in this respect.

    An employment contract and a work contract may not differ much, due to the fact that the law can mix all these requirements. This practice leads to the fact that the customer becomes an employer.


    There is an obligation to pay taxes, contributions to special funds. The contractor, who has become an employee, will also be entitled to demand that he be compensated for moral damage.

    Recognition of the contract as labor occurs through the court. The tax service can also provide recognition of this fact. However, the necessary surcharges can only be achieved through the courts.

    Thus, the type of contract that should be concluded with the employee depends on the nature of the relationship you want to settle with them. It should be noted that the conclusion of a civil law contract with staff member associated with certain tax risks.

    So, in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 26, 2007 N 03-04-06-02 / 11 and dated January 19, 2007 N 03-04-06-02 / 3, it is indicated that only payments under such civil contracts can be taken into account as expenses. of a legal nature, which do not provide for payment for works identical to those performed staff members firms in an employment relationship. Only under this condition, according to the Russian Ministry of Finance, payments under civil law contracts can be considered economically justified (Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    Can an employee on vacation work under a contract

    Employees are also at risk if contracts are mixed. Their activities can also be recognized as entrepreneurship, which entails negative consequences.
    Contract agreement, vacation Vacation is the time that is necessarily given to the employee for rest. Such rest is not less than 28 calendar days in a year.


    Vacation is divided into several types: basic, additional and preferential. The duration of the vacation depends on the category of employees, their length of service.

    A work contract is valid for the performance of a certain, specific work or for the achievement of a certain goal. There may be a time frame for achieving this goal.
    Within these terms, the contractor can plan his activities. Vacation means a break in work. Therefore, it cannot be argued that by entering into a purely contract-related relationship, one can obtain the right to leave.

    Tell me, please, the Employee works in an organization under an employment contract and leaves for another annual leave for 52 days. Is it possible to accept this employee in our organization for the period of vacation under a service agreement? Answer Let's find out. Labor legislation does not contain a ban on employment during vacation. If you decide to conclude a work contract, keep in mind that this is a civil law contract for specific work or the provision of specific services for a certain fee and the conditions for its implementation and payment are negotiated directly in a contract (art.

    Can a person on vacation work under a contract

    And Ilya stopped coming to the office as if to work, so as not to create the appearance of obeying the rules of the internal labor schedule. Are there other ways? Other legal ways part-time work during vacation, except for a civil law contract, is not provided.

    Sometimes employers enter into a fictitious urgent labor contract with another worker. And the task is performed by the same vacationer. Such a system is illegal, and one can only hope that it will not open during the inspection of the State Labor Inspectorate.

    Keep in mind that inspectors often not only inspect documents, but also communicate with staff, revealing the real state of affairs. The question often arises, is it possible to arrange a part-time job for an employee during a vacation? The Labor Code gives an unequivocal answer to it: it is impossible.

    Part-time workers are granted annual paid leave simultaneously with leave at their main place of work (art.
    In practice, they are often hired, concluding a work contract, allegedly replacing probation. But this is a way to reduce the tax burden, it gives at any time the opportunity to get rid of a person who may no longer be suitable. As soon as the period for which the contract is signed expires, the contractor, in fact former employee, may remain out of work. It's not easy to fire an employee. Supervisory authorities react sharply to violations of workers' rights, and courts are more inclined to decide cases in favor of workers.

    Vacation gives not only the opportunity to relax, but also gives the right to additional payments. The contractor, at the end of the work, receives only the agreed remuneration in accordance with the agreement.

    You are on vacation and are rightfully enjoying a well-deserved and long-awaited vacation ... And suddenly phone call from the boss: they offer you to urgently go to work, because without you colleagues cannot cope with current problems. How to be in such a situation? And in what cases does management have the right to recall employees from vacation?

    It is clear that a force majeure situation can always arise. For example, a colleague who replaced you fell ill. Or clients want to deal only with a specific specialist. And if you occupy a key position in the company, then work becomes more of a way of life, and even during official holidays you have to keep your finger on the pulse and control the situation.

    The matter, of course, is yours: if this is not too burdensome for you, then you can go towards the authorities. But it would be useful to study the relevant provisions of the legislation. So, work during the vacation period is regulated by article 125 Labor Code Russian Federation. It states that if during the vacation the presence of an employee at the workplace is necessary, then an official recall from vacation should be issued, and only with the consent of the employee himself. No one has the right to forcibly recall you from vacation.

    Although, of course, the refusal to "cover the embrasure with your chest" may be fraught with a bad attitude on the part of the management, a scolding, deprivation of bonuses and even dismissal in the future. It's no secret to anyone that commercial organizations usually “the law is not written to the authorities”, and if you do not show loyalty to the company, you, in turn, cannot count on its loyalty to your person.

    But let's consider the option in which you are recalled from vacation. At the same time, the part of the vacation that you did not “walk out” is subject to compensation. You can take days off in the current working year or add them to the next paid vacation next year.

    There is, according to the law, a category of employees who are prohibited from being recalled from vacation. It includes adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant women, as well as employees whose professional activity associated with harmful or hazardous conditions labor.

    Is it possible to formalize a vacation and, having received vacation pay, at the same time stay to work and receive a salary? The law forbids it. The only thing is that vacation can be replaced by monetary compensation. However, Article 126 of the Labor Code introduces certain restrictions in this area. Thus, the annual basic paid leave, the duration of which is 28 days, cannot be replaced by monetary compensation. Only that part of the vacation that exceeds this period can be compensated (different categories of employees may have different vacation durations).

    Again, it is impossible to replace vacation with monetary compensation for persons under the age of 18, pregnant women and those who are employed in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

    Of course, there are also workarounds. If both the employee and the employer are interested in the person working during the vacation, he can formalize the vacation, and conclude an agreement with the management for the provision of services or a contract. But it's not always legal. Thus, the legislation stipulates that during the period of vacation, the employee should not be on the territory of the enterprise. Therefore, if it suddenly comes with a check Labour Inspectorate, then both you and the employer may have serious problems.

    And what about part-time work? Let's say, can you take a vacation at one place of work, and continue at another labor activity? Article 268 of the Labor Code states that you must be granted leave at part-time work simultaneously with leave at your main job. Therefore, this option will not work. Unless at your second job you are not formally formalized ...

    However, if you are a freelancer, then the issue of vacation may not be relevant for you at all. You rest when it suits you. Having a main job and at the same time earning money in other places, you can take a vacation at your main place of work, and spend the freed up time on other “hacks”. Or for the period of vacation to get somewhere under the contract. And if you really feel like taking a break, then just warn all employers that from such and such to such and such date you are "offline" ...

    In a word, there is always the opportunity to deal with the vacation in a way that is beneficial for both you and your superiors. It's only a pity if your interests do not match: let's say your vacation simply does not fit into the plans of the employer.