Conducting an independent assessment. Evaluation by an independent appraiser. If the organization provides for certification


Clients: Sberbank, VTB, Raiffeisen, SvyazBank, Uralsib, Vozrozhdeniye, Dom.RF, Ross.Capital, Bank of Russia, Transcapital, RSH, Unicredit, Akbars, Promsvyazbank:

Collective assessment:

Individual assessment:

Delta Credit, Otkritie, Absolut, RosEvrobank, Zenith, Metallinvest: +10...28%

For JSC Gazprombank clients:

Collective assessment: from 2300(including discount) +

Individual assessment: 4500 (including discount) +

When refinancing:

If you have already ordered an assessment from us, and no more than 3 months have passed, then recalculation based on photographs is 3000 rubles. (with discount)

When contacting the bank

The current list of banks operating in this moment under the CashBack program can be found in, in the "Refinancing" section.

It's easier with the app!

1-3 days from the moment of inspection, submission of documents and payment
Apartment on secondary market in NOVOSTROYKA

4500 rub.

Delta Credit, Opening, Absolute: 5500 rubles.

Gazprombank: 4950 rubles. (including discount when ordering through the website)

4500-7000 rub.


Gazprombank: RUB 5400* (including discount when ordering through the website)

1-3 days With the moment of inspection, submission of documents and payment

Inspection - today or tomorrow

Apartment on the secondary market NOT IN NEW BUILDING

5000 rub. 5500 rub. 2-3 days Room from 7000 rub. from 7000 rub. 2-3 days

Conclusion: 3500 rub.**

Evaluation report: 5000 rub.

Conclusion: 3500 rub.**

If two apartments, then 6000 rubles. for two conclusions.

Assessment report: 5500 rubles.

1-2 days
Urgent appraisal of an apartment, room, share

+ 50% from the value of the appraisal

+ 50% from the value of the appraisal 7 o'clock after inspection, payment and submission of all documents

Extract from the USRN in in electronic format

500 rub.

500 rub.

from 2 hours Land plot

from 7000 rub.

3-5 days House, cottage, townhouse with land

Conclusion on the cost (mandatory preliminary assessment) - 5000 rubles. (included in the cost of the future report)

Assessment report - from 15,000 rubles.

The price depends on the size of the house and other parameters

Additional registered buildings on the site - 5000 rubles. (per building)

Discounts available

5-7 days Townhouse (no plot) from 7000 rub. 3-5 days House, cottage, townhouse with a plot, without inspection (when there is no possibility of inspection) from 9000 rub. 3-5 days Transfer the report to the "Bank appraiser" system 1000 rub. 1 hour Transfer the report to the "Bank appraiser" system and print 1500 rub. 1 hour

* When the object of assessment is located far outside the Moscow Ring Road, the price may be slightly higher. The manager has the right to increase the cost of the inspection by notifying the Customer in advance (up to 2000 rubles)

** An opinion on the market value of an apartment or a room is submitted to the embassy, ​​notary, to some government bodies as well as "for myself". It can be done in both paper and electronic form. The calculation is made in accordance with all standards, but is not attached to the conclusion. This type of report is not intended for mortgage banks.

The cost of inspecting the appraised object without an independent appraisal is from 1000 rubles, depending on the remoteness of the appraised object (compliance with clause 11 of the Public Offer).

The cost of assessing offices, retail premises and buildings:


object of evaluation

Finding an object / cost Work completion time, days
Office, warehouse up to 300 sq.m. 5-7 days
Office, warehouse area from 300 to 1000 sq.m. Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 45 thousand rubles * Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report +55 thousand rubles *. 7-12 days
Examination of the report in SRO 10 days
15 000 rub. 15 000 rub. -
20 000 rub. 20 000 rub. 3-7 days

*Depending on the complexity of the object (detached building, individual project, OKN), the price may increase, check with the manager.

The cost of real estate appraisal for:


object of evaluation

Finding Work completion time, days
Moscow, New Moscow, MO Other regions
Land, area up to 1 ha Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 35 thousand rubles * Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 45 thousand rubles * 5-10 days
Land, area from 1 to 10 hectares Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 45 thousand rubles * Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report +75 thousand rubles * 7-12 days
Land, area over 1 ha by agreement by agreement -
Building up to 1,000 sq.m Preliminary estimate - 20 thousand rubles, full report +55 thousand rubles * by agreement 15-20 days
Building with an area of ​​1,000 sq.m. Preliminary estimate - 30 thousand rubles, full report + from 75 thousand rubles * by agreement 15-20 days
Examination of the report in SRO According to ROO tariffs ( 10 days
Selection and purchase from the archive of analogues during a retrospective assessment 20 000 rub. 20 000 rub. 3-7 days
Accompanying the report during the passage of a cost examination in the SRO 15 000 rub. 15 000 rub. -

*Depending on the complexity of the object (a region with a small number of analogues, features of use, ...) the price may increase, check with the manager.

The cost of assessing the rental rate (including for filing with Rosreestr, DGI):

Finding Work completion time

Rent estimate for 1 sq.m indoors up to 300 sq.m

(per day, week, month, year)

10-30 thousand rubles 5-10 days

Estimated rental of 1 sq.m in a room from 301 to 1000 sq.m

(per day, week, month, year)

30-50 thousand rubles 5-10 days
Rent estimate for the past date. + 20 thousand rubles. from 10 days

Other types of evaluation:

Characteristics of the object of assessment Finding Deadline, days
Moscow Moscow region and other regions
Construction Cost Estimation from 25 thousand rubles from 25 thousand rubles 5-10 days
Passenger car valuation 5000 6500* 1 day
Truck valuation 6000 7000* 1 day
Assessment of special equipment 6000 7000* 1 day
Evaluation of serial industrial equipment 2-3 days
Process line evaluation 1000 rub. for one position. The minimum order value is 10,000 rubles.* 2-3 days
Appraisal of furniture, interior items, … 500 rub. for one position. The minimum order value is 10,000 rubles.* 2-3 days
Inventory valuation from 50 rub. for one position. The minimum order value is 10,000 rubles.* 2-3 days
Assessment of damage from the bay, fire from 8 000 rub. 3-4 days

Valuation Consulting - IS FREE.

The presence of our appraiser in court - 10,000 rubles.

The presence of our lawyer in court is by agreement.

An additional copy of the report at the time of delivery of work: 500 rubles, after a month - 1000 rubles.

Making corrections / additions to the report that arose NOT BY OUR FAULT, as well as the cost of the actual costs incurred by the company upon return Money - PRICE LIST for changes to the report and actual costs incurred

To order an assessment:

To order an assessment, call us by phone in Moscow: +7 495 698-60-37

Urgent evaluation:

The service is provided only on weekdays, in agreement with the manager.


  • 1 working day after inspection, payment and delivery complete package documents + 1000 rub.
  • 7 hours after inspection, payment and submission of a full package of documents + 50% of the cost of the appraisal

How is an independent assessment carried out? Why is an independent quality assessment carried out? educational activities? What are the features of an independent assessment of the qualifications of employees?

Greetings readers of the site "Heather Beaver"! Maria Darovskaya is with you.

You have inherited land, a house or other property and have decided to sell the property. But you have no idea how much it costs. There are two options to find out the price - to study the market and find out average cost similar objects or order an appraisal from a professional company.

The first method is cheaper, but the second is more reliable. It is an independent appraisal that will help to find out the adequate market value of assets and profitably sell them. You can evaluate not only real estate, but also any other property - shares, transport, business, antiques.

We will talk about how and by whom an independent assessment is carried out.

So, let's begin!

1. What is an independent evaluation and who conducts it?

First, let's define terminology.

A set of measures to objectively determine the value of an object as a commodity. It is carried out at a certain time and in a certain place, by a disinterested person.

Need for independent evaluation occurs when:

  • make sure the price is fair;
  • understand the market price of the object;
  • make sure that the qualifications of the employees are sufficient;
  • get a damage estimate.

You can evaluate:

  • transport;
  • earth;
  • real estate;
  • the documents;
  • property;
  • qualifications of employees;
  • quality of services;
  • intellectual property;
  • business;
  • damage.

The concept of independent evaluation is very similar to the concept of independent expertise. But these are not twin brothers: there is no need to confuse them.

The differences between an independent assessment and an independent examination are clearly presented in the table:

Comparison criteria Grade Expertise
Target Estimate costIdentify damage, establish the causes of the incident
Appraiser (expert) Individual, member of SROCertified individual who has undergone professional training in expertise
What is regulated International treaties, laws on valuation activities, regulatory legal norms.Decree on conducting an independent examination
Result Written reportExpert opinion
Powers The evaluator cannot establish a connection between what happened and its consequences.The expert can establish a connection between what happened and its consequences
Probative force Has less evidenceHas a lot of evidence

Another difference between an independent assessment and an independent examination: the first allows you to evaluate the qualifications of employees for compliance with legal requirements. In fact, this is a professional examination procedure.


The trucking company, according to the order of the Ministry of Transport, must hire only people with the appropriate qualifications as drivers of off-road vehicles. To do this, the company has the right to seek help from an appraisal company that will help determine the level of preparation of candidates.

The involvement of an appraisal company is not the obligation of the employer. An enterprise can check qualifications by self-assessment of an employee.

By law, an independent assessment is required when:

  • mortgage lending;
  • nationalization of property;
  • drawing up a marriage contract;
  • tax disputes;
  • conducting bankruptcy proceedings;
  • enforcement proceedings;
  • redemption of shares at the request of a shareholder;
  • increase in the size of the authorized capital by making a cash contribution.

Also, at least once a year, according to federal law, an independent assessment of the quality of education at a school, university is required - an assessment of the quality of work educational institutions and student preparation.

See short video on the topic of the article.

An independent assessment of the quality of educational institutions and the effectiveness of the activities of cultural institutions is carried out by the city operator with the participation of the local Department of Education. This structure prepares the terms of reference for evaluating the activities of an educational organization.

2. What determines the cost of an independent assessment - an overview of the TOP-4 main factors

The cost of an independent appraisal depends on a number of factors. We will look at each and see how exactly it affects the procedure.

Factor 1. Type of evaluation

There are a lot of types of assessments, their set depends on the object under study.


If the task is to evaluate a business, then the types of its valuation will be as follows: equilibrium market, economic, balance, insurance, investment, current and others (read more in the article ""). If you have to evaluate housing, property during a divorce, or the quality of medical services, the views will change dramatically.

But there are only 3 approaches to assessment, and therefore 3 main types of it:

  1. Cost - the cost of manufacturing.
  2. Income - a set of future income from the object.
  3. Market - analysis of prices for purchase and sale in the primary and secondary markets.

From each of the above species, hundreds more branches into various subspecies can be schematically represented. But fundamentally there are only three approaches.

Factor 2. The amount of physical evidence

Depending on the type of assessment and the tasks set, the amount of materials required for analysis varies. The more materials the appraiser needs to examine and the more difficult it is to do this, the more expensive the cost of services and the longer the procedure.

Factor 3. Research methods used

Research methods will vary greatly depending on the type of assessment chosen.

There are 3 main approaches to research methods:

  • cost approach;
  • comparative (market);
  • profitable.

Factor 4. The volume of questions put to the expert

The more tasks an expert faces and the more difficult the research to solve them, the more expensive the expertise will cost. The cost will also be affected by the duration of the assessment and the conditions required for it.

But the cost of the object of assessment, according to the law, should not affect the size of the fee. That is, payment as a percentage of the assessed value is unacceptable.

The amount of remuneration for the valuation service is negotiated in advance and fixed in the contract.

3. How to conduct an independent assessment - 7 easy steps

To conduct an independent assessment, you need to take a number of actions, taking into account the laws of the Russian Federation.

Step 1. Choose an appraisal company

When choosing a company, pay attention to whether it has a license.

Experts of the company must have documents on education in the field of valuation, the required level of qualification and experience. The appraiser's professional liability must be insured. He must be a member of a professional organization.

Be sure to collect information about the company - the year of foundation, experience, reviews, how difficult it was to evaluate. You should have all this information and none of the evaluation criteria should cause you doubts. If so, then you made the right choice.

Step 2. We conclude an agreement

The contract concluded between the valuation company and its client is the official basis for the valuation procedure. Since the conclusion of the contract, the process is regulated by the Civil Code.

The contract must state:

  • exact description of the object, its appearance;
  • type of value;
  • the appraiser has a license;
  • the level of professionalism of the company;
  • appraiser's fee.

Step 3. We agree on the place and time of the assessment

This stage certainly follows after agreeing on the cost of the appraiser's services and drawing up a contract. Now that all the formalities have been met, it's time to start inspecting the object. The place and time must be coordinated so that all participants can attend.

If we are talking about the valuation of property (for example, a car or an apartment), market prices are specified precisely by the date of valuation.


The meaning of clarification market price to the date of valuation in relation to real estate - seasonal price changes. Moreover, the difference is very significant, even if the time interval is small.

This approach is relevant when comparing prices with the prices of comparable transactions.

Step 4. Invite third parties to the upcoming inspection (if necessary)

If you are unable to attend the evaluation procedure, you can send a representative. He will sign the act of inspection of the appraiser instead of you.

If there is a second party in the case, for example, a neighbor who flooded your apartment, then notify her by telegram of the date and place of the inspection.

The telegram is sent with acknowledgment of receipt. And you must have documents confirming its sending.

Step 5. We prepare the object of assessment

First, an object is identified. To do this, indicate the type of object, its name, location, characteristics and inventory number.

After that, the subject of the assessment is revealed, that is, what exactly will be assessed. The preliminary inspection is carried out together with the representative of the customer. If the object has an administration, it is necessary to introduce the appraiser to it, give him the opportunity to ask questions.

When inspecting an object, the appraiser needs access to the object necessary for a full inspection. If the size of the object is large, it is worth involving a group of experts.

Step 6. We provide documents for the object

It is necessary to prepare an assessment task and calendar plan works. This should be done by the appraiser after signing the contract with the customer and discussing the details of the work.

  • property title;
  • registration data;
  • physical characteristics;
  • data on the relationship of the object with the infrastructure;
  • economic factors of the object.

Depending on the type of assessment, the set of documents may differ.

Step 7. We receive a report on the work done

Receipt of the report is the final stage.

The report must contain:

  • the scope of the assessed rights;
  • the purpose of the assessment;
  • type of determined value;
  • description of the object;
  • cost calculation;
  • agreement on the results of the report;
  • date of assessment;
  • date of the report;
  • methodology;
  • cost justification;
  • certificate-evidence of objectivity, confirming the assessment by a specific appraiser;
  • various appendices to the report.

The report is signed by the appraiser, it is sealed with the seal of the appraisal company.

The best help at any stage of the assessment will be the help of a qualified lawyer. You can use the consultation online, it is convenient to do it on the website, because to get advice, you just need to dial a phone number or go to the site.

Only qualified lawyers with work experience consult at Pravovede. In the directory of lawyers and advocates, you can find a lawyer of any specialization. And the system of answering user questions reduces the risk of error to zero: answers are given by several specialized specialists, that is, instead of the opinion of one lawyer, you get a collegial opinion.

See the website directly for details.

More information on legal aspects there estimates - in the article "".

4. Professional assistance in conducting an independent appraisal - an overview of the TOP-5 appraisal companies

To make it easier for our readers to make the difficult choice of an appraisal company, our experts have selected five the best firms in this domain. All organizations listed in the section are the most reliable, professional and employ only qualified personnel.

The Opinion company is engaged in the assessment of property, business, securities, damage, equipment, Vehicle, real estate. Geography of activity - Moscow and the Moscow region. The client of the company can become both an individual and a legal entity.

For the convenience of users, the site has a price list for the company's services. You can also request a call back on the site.

"Opinion" will conduct a free audit of the issue before concluding an agreement and works according to the standards of the FSO.

Veta evaluates real estate and business, shares, equipment, transport and machinery, intangible assets, easement, lost value. The company is included in the TOP-100 appraisal companies in Russia, has representative offices in Moscow, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod.

Also, the specialists of OK "Veta" work with residents of the Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma regions, Chuvash Republic, Mari El Republic.

OK "Vega" assesses real estate, transport and damage, conducts examinations. The company's office is located in Moscow. All appraisers of the company have extensive experience and approvals from SRO appraisers.

The company owns the material and technical base for prompt and high-quality examinations. In addition to full-time appraisers, the company has at its disposal freelancers working under a civil contract.

The civil liability of appraisers is insured for an average amount of three million rubles.

4) One Window

One Window provides valuation services throughout Moscow. You can apply for services directly on the site by filling out the form. If there is no desire to fill out the form, you can call or order a call back from the company.

The appraiser will draw up a contract right during the inspection, and the courier will bring the report at any convenient time. The appraisers of the company are insured professional activity. The company also has an insurance policy.

"One Stop Shop" provides legal guarantees and reporting on the work performed.

"Independent Evaluation Center" evaluates different types property, including apartments, houses, land plots, securities, transport, business, intellectual property items.

Specialists have certificates of vocational training. Appraisers in their work adhere to federal legislation. Providing a personal manager for each client speeds up and simplifies the assessment.

5. How to choose a reliable appraisal company - 5 useful tips

To choose a reliable appraisal company, you should use a few tips.

Tip 1. Listen to the opinion of friends and acquaintances

If someone close to you has already used valuation services, be sure to ask them for their opinions about the companies whose services they used. Perhaps someone has some kind of negative or, conversely, positive experience and it will be useful for you to know it.

The advice of friends and acquaintances will help to take into account the nuances of cooperation and the characteristics of companies. Do not forget that experience is one of the most valuable resources in a person's life. But getting it sometimes costs a lot of effort and loss. Where possible, take advantage of the experiences of others.

The company's website says a lot about the company itself, whether it has licenses, features of the provision of services, approach to customers, work experience. If the company does not have a website, this is a good reason to find another company.

An independent real estate appraisal in Moscow is becoming an increasingly popular type of service provided to the non-expert market.

An independent valuation of real estate objects is an operation to determine the value of an object or certain rights to it (for example, the cost of individual rights is established - use, lease, etc.).

In the process of research, an assessment can be given according to various types value: market, liquidation, cadastral or investment.

Most often, the market value of real estate is assessed.

When does it become necessary to conduct an independent property appraisal? There are many such cases at the current pace of business development and technological progress. The valuation procedure is associated with any operations with real estate objects:

  • when carrying out transactions for the purchase and sale of property;
  • when obtaining a loan, where the collateral is real estate;
  • in the event of litigation on the real estate object;
  • when registering notarial transactions;
  • if you intend to insure property;
  • to calculate rental rates.

An independent real estate appraisal helps to protect the property rights of citizens, and a value report can be submitted to various state authorities.

The cost of real estate appraisal

Property valuation Premises from 7000 rubles
from 10000 rubles
Apartments from 4000 rubles
Construction in progress from 6500 rubles
Land plot from 5000 rubles
Houses from 4000 rubles
Setting rent from 1000 rubles
Agricultural land valuation from 7000 rubles
Land valuation of settlements from 10000 rubles
Challenging the cadastral value from 15000 rubles
Challenging the cadastral value with submission to the commission from 20000 rubles

What are the objects of assessment

An independent appraisal of real estate is carried out to analyze the market value of apartments, houses, rooms, industrial buildings, social and cultural buildings and structures, industrial associations. Properties in this case includes all objects for which a change in their location entails huge losses.

Also, independent valuation of real estate extends to determining the cost of offices, warehouses, industrial premises for various purposes.

An independent assessment of real estate in Moscow depends on various parameters. The most important of them is the level of prices for these objects in the market and their competitiveness. An important role is played by the location of the object, and what profit is expected when using it.

Land plots are also subject to evaluation as a real estate object. Knowledge of the market value of landed property is necessary in case of a change of its owner, future investments or transfer of land as inheritance, etc. On cost land plots the type of soil (fertile or non-chernozem), the presence of water resources(rivers, lakes), the presence of any deposits on the site, the presence of vegetation and much more.

Methods Used

To calculate the value of real estate, the following methodological methods are used: comparative, costly and profitable.

When using the comparative method of evaluation, an analytical comparison of several objects of the same type, identical to the one under study, is carried out. The comparison is made on the basis of reliable data on the value of transactions for these objects.

In an independent real estate valuation using the cost method, the emphasis in valuation is on calculating the cost of the costs that will be required to renew the object, while taking into account the degree of its deterioration.

The yield method involves estimating the profit that you intend to receive as a result of the operation of this object.

Where to find appraisers

An independent real estate appraisal in Moscow is carried out by the Interregional Center for Expertise and Appraisal.