Compound feed extruded. Description of extruded feed. Effective feed for cattle - extrudate

Technology for the production of extruded feed

Extrusion (from late Latin extrusio - pushing out) is a technology for producing products by forcing a material melt through a forming hole.
One of effective ways impact on the biochemical parameters of grain components is processing in extruders, in which the product is subjected to high pressure and temperature. The extrusion process takes less than 30 seconds. During this time, the raw material has time to go through several stages of processing: thermal, sterilization and disinfection, grinding and mixing, partial (up to 50% of the original) dehydration, stabilization, texturization, expansion and profiling.
Extrusion is based on three processes: heat treatment of the feed product under pressure; mechanochemical deformation of the product: "explosion" of the product in the impact front After heat treatment, the palatability of feed products improves, since various aromatic substances are formed, etc., the activity of enzymes in the digestibility of feed increases significantly, as well as the neutralization of some toxins and the death of their producers.
The grain is processed in a press extruder at a pressure of up to 100 atmospheres and a temperature of up to 120 degrees C. As a result, even spore microflora and possible populations of bacteria and fungi are destroyed. After that, an expanded, porous product comes out of the extruder in the form of a bundle (strands) with a diameter of 20-80 mm, with a bulk density of 100-250 kg per m3, and a moisture content of 6-8%. Along with heat treatment, there are profound changes in nutrients. So starch is broken down to dextrins and sugars, proteins are denatured and the digestibility of feed is greatly increased. As a result of such complex processing, an extrudate with a pleasant bready taste and smell is obtained. As is clear from the above, with such a unique processing, the nutritional value of the feed is almost doubled.
Feeding animals with regular food can be compared to feeding animals with candy in a lead shell - the animal absorbs only half, since almost all the energy is spent on digesting the "wrapper". As a result, the vital activity of animals is simply supported and scanty gains and milk yields are obtained. During the extrusion processing of grain and grain waste, half of the work of the animal's stomach is performed by the extruder and therefore the energy of the feed is entirely used to build the animal's body.
The main source of carbohydrates in animal feed rations is grain feed. Most often, grain of cereal crops is used: barley, wheat, corn, oats, etc. A large percentage of fodder grain supplied to farms has high humidity. In such grain, the number of mold fungi and aerobic bacteria rapidly increases, so it becomes dangerous for animals. Freshly harvested grain, even at low humidity, contains great amount microorganisms. The development of molds and bacteria contained in the grain leads to the formation of toxins either during storage of feed or in the body of the animal. The presence of toxins is noted even in dried grain with a moisture content of 14%.
big practical value has a method of disinfection and preparation of grain for feeding by its extrusion. As a result of the barothermal effect that occurs during the extrusion process, the grain is sterilized and the toxic substances in it are inactivated. Extruded food is practically sterile after 3-4 months of storage under normal storage conditions. Even meat and bone meal, which is the most prone to germinating, does not change its properties during storage (introduced into the extrudant).
From the above, it follows that extruded feed is indispensable for fattening young animals: pigs, horses, cattle, rabbits, etc. The use of an extrudant is no less productive when obtaining increased milk yields, which reach from 18 to 40% in various farms. Good results were obtained after feeding compound feeds, which include 20% extruded wheat and 20% extruded peas, while it is possible to replace up to 50% of feeds of animal origin in the diet of weaned piglets. Based on experiments, it is recommended to use at least 30% of extruded feed.
With a moisture content of compound feed of 12–14%, the natural decomposition of vitamins occurs much more intensively than in strands (7–9%). During extrusion, exposure to high temperatures occurs for a duration of 10–12 seconds; during this period of time, vitamins are not destroyed. The extrudant, moreover, has good absorbent properties, so it can serve as a prophylactic agent for gastrointestinal disorders.
Extruded feed has a number of advantages that are necessary for modern animal husbandry:
- extrudant by weight is needed two times less than compound feed;
- extruded compound feed does not need to be steamed, but simply poured with cold water;
- litter after feeding the strands almost immediately is an excellent organic fertilizer, since it does not contain chaff and weed seeds. It can immediately be applied to the soil, bypassing the storage phase, where the manure must "burn out".
During extrusion under the action of temperature and pressure, a profound transformation of the structure and properties of nutrients occurs, which allows the production of a high-quality product with the following properties:
1. palatability is improved due to the uniformity of the composition, an unpleasant odor is eliminated, the proportion of sugars increases due to the destruction of polysaccharides; under the influence of temperature and pressure, feed is sterilized, thereby improving their sanitary status;
2. the influence of anti-nutritional factors and their negative impact on animals is eliminated or significantly reduced;
3. as a result of extrusion, a more structured feed is obtained, specially adapted and better suited to the needs of animals, the negative effect of processing is minimized (destruction of vitamins, fats and amino acids) due to the speed of the operation, the product passes through the extruder in 30 seconds, and under the influence of maximum temperature is only 5-6 seconds.
The use of extruded feed provides:

  1. decrease in the rate of protein digestion in the pancreas;
  2. increase in the synthesis of microbial protein in the pancreas by 30%;
  3. increasing the digestibility of starch due to its splitting during the extrusion process into sugars and dextrins;
  4. decrease in the rate of starch fermentation in the pancreas;
  5. increasing the energy nutritional value of the diet by 10 - 15%.

Characteristics of extruded feed.

Extruded barley has high palatability and increased up to 12% digestibility of nutrients in the body of piglets.
Extruded wheat becomes a high-value energy feed with a low (1.2%) fiber content. The content of protein and especially lysine (almost 2 times) exceeds corn. Pairs well with high fiber ingredients (bran, sunflower meal, dry pulp, dry stillage, etc.).
Extruded peas are high in protein, good amino acids and readily available carbohydrates. It can be used as the main source of protein in feed for piglets and for fattening. Possesses high palatability and a fragrant smell. Reduces the cost of pig rations (by 20-30%) due to savings in feed of animal origin.

Effect of extrusion on proteins
Extrusion processing increases the digestibility of proteins, makes amino acids more accessible due to the destruction of secondary bonds in protein molecules. Due to the relatively low temperatures and short duration of heat treatment, the amino acids themselves are not destroyed. At the same time, extruders successfully neutralize factors that negatively affect nutritional value raw materials such as trypsin inhibitor, urease and others. Extrusion technology is particularly beneficial for protein supplements for ruminants, as it increases the amount of protein that does not break down in the animal's rumen, in addition, extrusion provides more complete protein digestibility in the small intestine. As a result, livestock productivity is increased and feed costs are reduced.

Effect of extrusion on starch
During the extrusion process, the starch is gelatinized, which increases its digestibility. When exiting the extruder, the temperature and pressure drop sharply, which leads to an increase in the volume of the final product.

Effect of extrusion on fats
There is a rupture of the walls of fat cells, as a result of which the energy value of the product increases. The stability of fats is increased due to the fact that enzymes such as lipase, which cause rancidity of oils, are destroyed during the extrusion process, while lecithin and tocopherols, which are natural stabilizers, retain their full activity. The raw material is exposed to maximum temperatures for only 5-6 seconds, and oxidation requires a much higher temperature and longer heat treatment.

Effect of extrusion on fiber
Fiber in the process of friction and crushing is crushed, which increases its digestibility.

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2019 LLC "FKH GLEBOVSKOE": production of vitamin flour

Transformations in agriculture are moving at a sluggish pace, the main reasons for such conservatism is the mentality. Traditionally, all over the world, farmers, and indeed all residents countryside, starting from villages and ending with provincial towns, were conservatives. This is not a feature of the “Russian soul”, but simply the consequences of a way of life, this is exactly how most people associated with agriculture around the world live and work, from the USA and Europe to China and Japan.

True, there are incentives that can "shake" even the biggest conservatives, and this is money. The possibilities of new ways and the use of intensive technologies clearly prove that agriculture with the use of innovations can bring much more more money than the traditional one. And I can repeat myself, but it is not necessary to use “forbidden” tricks with “chemistry and antibiotics”, it is enough to correctly balance the existing components. In the last article, we talked about the fact that the creation of small mini-feed production not only helps the farmer, but also serves as an excellent opportunity to create own business, with a relatively small investment. Today, let's go a little different and talk about extruded animal feed and its role in the new model of small-scale animal husbandry.

Why is a mini-workshop for the production of extruded feed promising?

The very process of making extruded feed is heat treatment (at high temperatures from 100 degrees) of raw materials under high pressure (from 20 atmospheres). As a result of these processes, physical properties original components. I won’t bore readers with all the features of such processing, the Internet is full of information of this kind, one can say that the equipment allows you to have a small room and minimal infrastructure elements, which makes it possible to organize a mini-workshop. At the output, we get extruded feed, and here a lot of questions arise, and so what's wrong with such feed:

  • - the first and perhaps the saddest, in the course of heat treatment with high pressure, part of the vitamins and minerals is lost;
  • - secondly, the conditional effectiveness of the use of such feeds in comparison with traditional feed has not been proven. Manufacturers themselves talk about 95% digestibility of extruded feed, but the use of such feed does not give more significant results in fattening, this is a fact, but there are other advantages, but about them below.
  • - third, expendable materials when the extruder is quite expensive. For example, a screw for small extruders is designed to produce a couple of tons of finished product, which actually makes it unprofitable to use "home" extruders. The working resource of industrial extruders is several orders of magnitude higher. Plus, the cost of electricity in the manufacture of such feed is quite significant.
But from my point of view, all the disadvantages are completely offset by the advantages of extruded feed production:
  • - first. The use of extruded feed during the growing period increases the profitability of the entire process by as much as 5%. Agree that the total profitability of 25-30%, plus 5, is a real increase in profits by 20%. Such a positive result is caused by only one factor, when preparing such feed, the raw materials are subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which all pathogenic microorganisms die, as a result, the mortality of young animals drops sharply. As a result, we have an increase in profits and the business becomes successful.

It is worth noting that this factor works precisely during the nursery period, with which even the biggest opponents of feed extrusion agree. On fattening, the use of such feed loses its effectiveness in this position.

  • - second. Technological features of feed production make it possible to use production waste or "infected" grain as raw materials. “Infected” or rotten grain cannot be used for the manufacture of compound feed, which is fraught with consequences (death of animals), but after the extrusion process, such feed can be used. Plus, it is possible (even necessary) to introduce chopped straw and hay into the feed formula, which, after processing, acquire an easily digestible form. That is, the raw material base for such a product is low-quality raw materials, respectively, the cost of raw materials is several times lower than in the manufacture of conventional feed. As a result, all the disadvantages in the form of more energy-intensive production are offset by the cost of the feedstock, and at the output we get a product that can compete (and even win) in price with conventional compound feed.

I think that there are two pluses, although they can be given more, but there are still two main ones, they allow you to really create successful business in mini-production. Especially given the competitive price of the finished product.

It is especially worth noting that even today mini-farms, both pig-breeding and cattle breeding, have begun to actively introduce extruded feed into the diet of young animals, which guarantees a many-fold increase in demand in the near future. As a result, the creation of mini-production today will definitely fall into the growing wave of demand.

How to organize a small production of extruded feed?

The organization of such production consists of several stages:

  • - choice of premises. Hangars plus warehouses with a total area of ​​200 square meters are required. Unused premises of livestock complexes are well suited. As a rule, there is no shortage of such premises.
  • - purchase of equipment. It is imperative to buy an extruder, industrial units cost around 200 thousand rubles, plus a chopper for straw and hay. In the best case, the entire kit can be purchased for 300 thousand, including the mixer.
  • - purchase of raw materials. Usually there are no problems with this, it is worth buying at elevators (they usually have a lot of waste and “rejection”), plus buying straw, hay, and waste after cleaning and processing grain directly from farmers. All kinds of workshops for the production of flour, cereals can serve as an additional source.
  • - Establishment of sales structures. Here it is optimal to go directly to farms and selling at wholesale prices, by the way, the feed itself can be further crushed and by adding premixes to get a balanced feed, the cost increases, but the demand for such balanced feed will increase. And of course do not forget about direct sales through the markets.

Communicating with the owner of a small workshop, I found out that at the beginning of the business, up to 80% of the products were sold directly to farmers, and only 20% on the market. A year later, the situation changed and about 60% goes through the market and only 40% goes directly to farmers. People have “tasted” and are happy to take products for feeding the subsidiary farm.

Pig breeding and raising pigs at home is an interesting and profitable undertaking. But the productivity of these animals is greatly influenced by food and conditions of detention. The pig can be called the only animal whose weight growth in the first six months of life is up to seventy percent of the feed consumed.

Proper and balanced feed affects more than just pig growth and weight gain. In order for the animal to have immunity and be able to resist diseases, premixes, minerals and vitamins of groups A, B and D must necessarily be reduced to the composition of its feed. This is especially important during the period when there is an intensive growth of bones.

The correct composition of feed for a pig is very different from what is included in the diet of other animals. The structure of the stomach of a pig is very similar to that of a human, so they must necessarily eat fats and carbohydrates, but the protein component is the basis of the feed. A piglet fed a high fiber diet may not be well absorbed by the body, which means that the animal will lose weight or need more food, which means that feed costs will increase. That is why pigs eat special feed, which includes a lot of protein and a small amount of fiber. In addition, these animals simply need salt, as well as vitamin B, which contributes to better absorption of food.

AT recent times extruded food has become very popular. The technology of its production makes it possible to significantly increase the level of carbohydrates, which five times increases the mass of products that remain in the body of the pig after the breakdown of starch. Thus, the cost of a pig is reduced by thirty percent. On the this moment such feed is the basis for raising a pig, it is easily digestible and completely sterile, while the cost of its purchase or production is relatively low.

Extrusion is a modern method of processing plants, straw and grain crops. The components undergo special filters and heat treatment, and the output is a useful feed product. Thanks to heat treatment, everything that can harm the animal disappears. Such feed is a completely new word in animal husbandry, while the price of the product is quite democratic.

The benefits of food include:

  • product digestibility (almost 90%);
  • sterility after heat treatment;
  • positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the pig;
  • duration of food storage;
  • balanced diet;
  • good palatability.

The products that make up the extruded feed are relatively inexpensive, so the feed itself is also low in price. It contributes to the increase in live weight, while saving money on the purchase of feed. It is important that when feeding extruded feed, animals have constant access to water, especially in summer period.

In principle, the composition of such feed already includes all the components necessary for active growth. At home, such food can be made independently, if available. special apparatus- feed extruder. It is made from grain with the addition of various premixes. Pigs mainly feed on oats, wheat, corn, peas and barley. It is also necessary to add bone meal and yeast.

Feeding a pig should be appropriate for its age characteristics. For novice farmers, a table will come to the rescue, which can be compiled independently or taken as a basis for the observation of experienced livestock breeders. The amount of extruded feed should be no more than 70% of the animal's total daily ration. For example, when compiling a boar's diet, the intensity of weight gain is taken into account. If food remains in the feeder, it is recommended to reduce its amount. Boars are best fed industrial production, because they are completely absorbed by the body and do not affect the taste of fat.

The diet of pregnant queens should be more thoughtful and balanced. They should not consume more than half of their total daily ration of extruded food. During the gestation period, the queens should be fed with juicy feed - grass, vegetables and fresh grain.

The season has a great influence on the construction of the pig's diet. In spring and summer, vegetables and herbs should make up the bulk of the diet, especially if the animals do not have access to free range. But in winter, extruded food becomes the basis of the diet. During this period, one pig, on average, accounts for one and a half kilograms of feed per day. And yet, do not forget about vegetables, pigs should eat beets, potatoes and silage every day.

An approximate table of fattening pigs on extruded feed suggests that piglets weighing up to thirty kilograms eat one and a half kilograms of feed per day, individuals up to fifty kilograms - 1.8 kilograms of feed, and large pigs weighing over fifty - two or more kilograms of feed .

Extruded feeds should be combined with succulent ones, and the ratio depends on the season, the age of the animal and other features.

Feeding small piglets with extruded feed begins in the second week from the start of complementary foods. At the beginning, part of such feed is no more than 10-12% of the total daily weight. Already in the first days, the feed gives its results, you can increase its amount every three days. A month later, the norm of extruded feed reaches the adult level. The amount of such feed should correspond to 10% of the total weight of the pig. It is believed that for greater productivity, the feed should include less corn and more barley and wheat.

For home production of extruded feed, you will need a feed extruder. This is a special device into which any grain is fed, even a little spoiled, and the output is a nutritious and healthy diet. The grain in the extruder is processed under high pressure, which is equal to sixty atmospheres, and at a high temperature, equal to 1600 degrees Celsius. After processing, a product is obtained in the form of a stick, the length of which is approximately two to three centimeters. These devices come in various capacities, it all depends on the size of the farm and the number of pigs.

Many feeds are prepared on their own, you need to steam and boil the grain well. But such production cannot be waste-free, and feed will not be fully assimilated. With the help of an extruder, you can significantly reduce costs.

It happens that the purchase of such a unit is not affordable, and some farmers make them with their own hands. To decide on such an experiment, you must at least know the device and the composition of the extruder.

The feed extruder produces a product that smells like bread. Compared to other combined feeds, it has a high palatability. During the production process, the sticks become integral in their structure, while the starch is split as much as possible and divided into sugar and carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the pig's body. This is very important, because the grain itself is half starch, which is poorly digested. In the production of extruded feed, the output is sweetish-tasting sticks, from 7 to 9% moisture, weighing about 150 grams per square decimeter. The sugar content is influenced by the composition of the feed, for example, the corn base of the feed provides 12% sugar. The low moisture content of the finished product makes it possible to store it for five months.

Features of the feed extruder:

  • processing grain under high pressure;
  • change in chemical composition;
  • water hammer of the final product.

The auger, which comes with the machine, heats up and compresses the grain mixture in two seconds. Record-breaking fast heat treatment makes it possible to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals in cultures. After that, the grain is thrown into the atmosphere and the steam breaks it from the inside, thereby increasing the initial volume several times.

Thus, the grain becomes not only more nutritious. Heat treatment kills all fungi and microorganisms that can harm the pig. The toxins contained in the grain are also neutralized.

The feed extruder is a fairly easy-to-use device, the main thing is to follow all safety precautions. Extruded feed is an environmentally friendly and healthy product for the pig, it is in demand among private pig breeders and large enterprises. Minimum costs, which accompany extruded feed feeding, return a good profit in the form of a healthy pig population.

There are two ways to use the extruded feed machine. Can be produced for own use and fattening their animals, or you can produce it for subsequent sale. Both of these paths are quite profitable.

Most private farmers still prefer to purchase a device in order to feed their livestock. All subsequent sales will also require the cost of packaging materials.

Observations have shown that feeding a pig with extruded feed increases the average daily gain by an average of one and a half to two kilograms. Animals perfectly eat food, thanks to their taste. The composition of the feed includes only natural grain products, the efficiency of which is increased due to the complete assimilation.

The simplest recipe, recommended by experienced farmers, involves mixing two buckets of barley, half a bucket of wheat and grass flour, one third of a bucket of corn and three hundred grams of cake. All components are mixed and processed using an extruder.

You can also take as a basis the recipes of professional combined feeds. Thus, fiber, barley, corn and wheat are mixed in approximately equal amounts - 20-25% of the total mass. Another 5% is sunflower meal. For adults, the amount of barley can be half the total weight of the products.

Before starting the machine, you need to make sure that it is properly connected to the network and that all bolts are tightened. You also need to make sure that the friction units are lubricated, there are oilers on the body, opposite which there are holes. If oil comes out of the holes, then there is enough oil.

Next, it is worth clamping the die to the limit and turn it once in reverse side. The feed extruder can be started. It will take him some time to warm up. Grain should be filled in gradually so as not to overload the unit, while you need to monitor the nozzle from which the finished product will come out. As long as the apparatus is not too hot, the extrudate will come out in a thick bundle, in which unbroken grains can be seen. As the extruder heats up, the tow will become thinner. The die must be clamped until unbroken grains are no longer visible in the extrudate. After that, the device can be opened and the grain supply can be adjusted.

It is important to correctly adjust the proportions of the supplied raw materials, otherwise the machine may stop due to overheating. In this case, the sleeves are often clogged with hot grain. If the extruder is difficult to start, then the inside of it can be sanded. To do this, you can remove the spinneret and slowly pour fine sand into the nozzle, mixed with bran and adding a small amount of sunflower oil.

It is worth noting that pig breeding has been a leader in the livestock market and the production of meat products for many years. This is a profitable and quite interesting event. And the advent of extruded feed has made the process of raising these animals even more cost-effective.

Highly effective feeds produced by BIOENERGIA-OS LLC provide an opportunity for more than just a humane attitude towards beloved pets; (calves, lambs, goats, chickens, fish fry or other animals), feeding with feeds of our production you provide your pets not only with all the necessary protein, vitamins, amino acids, fiber, which are balanced, but also with the necessary love for all living things, with which we create these feeds!!!

With the use of our feed, you open up new horizons and opportunities in the field of animal husbandry and fur farming for yourself and your wards! This is the achievement of all the highest, desired results that ensure quality, health and early maturity.

Our products are the result of many years of work and research by many scientists in the field of feed production, animal husbandry, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

GORSKY STATE AGRO UNIVERSITY of North Ossetia-Alania headed by Gogaev Oleg Kazbekovich Dean of the Faculty of Technology management, chief Chair Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, who makes every effort to improve and develop our feeds and BMVD, which are researched, tested, verified by qualified university professionals.

Scientists from the Urals are also participating in the development, this is Krasilnikov Oleg Yuryevich, a man with many discoveries in fodder production, a designer-inventor, an inspirer worthy of all the highest awards, for his devotion to the nation and humanity!

Our company "BIOENERGIA-OS" Ltd. Produces the full range of feed necessary to achieve the highest results in the field of animal husbandry, poultry farming and fur farming.

All ingredients used in the production of feed are excluded, the product contains all toxins and GMOs.

The digestibility of our products is more than 90%, which seems unreal to many !!?

There is nothing easier than to convince you of this, it is enough for you to want and study, it is easier to just make a control fattening, which will not require extra costs from you. We are not trying to convince! We offer real! With us you will achieve more than your dreams!!!

Our association prepares feed rations that will allow you to get real results for certain areas of animal feeding, which will ensure the longevity of the potential of your animals!

We work with both professionals and specialists. Free seminars are published on our website, which in a simple language for everyone will give necessary information about feeds, balanced feeds, and possible feeds (feed optimization) - your raw materials - we do the calculation - feed recipe with maximum return,"Don't feed just like that!!!" .

Our offer and currently manufactured products:

Corn 90% + soy 10%

corn 90% + barley 10%

corn 90% + oats 10%

corn 50% + straw 50%

corn + sunflower

Our equipment and technologies allow us to process all agricultural crops up to 70% humidity!!!

All feeds of our production are digested from 80% to 96%.

daily input of feed should not exceed 10% of the weight of the animal (for ruminants). + hay or straw, silage.

80% for pigs

85% for poultry

For horses no more than 50% + hay or straw

There is no starch in our feed, because after processing on the extruder it turns into sugar.

For lactating animals we recommend 100% corn extrudate. You can start administering it from the first week by dissolving it in warm +36 degrees water, starting with 50g per liter of water, increasing every day, but not more than 10% of the animal's weight. lead to more efficient absorption of nutrients.

For small bird and fish, young fish, it is necessary to make grits from our feed pellets (we do not do this to increase the shelf life of the feed).

The shelf life of the feed is at least 6 months, which makes it possible to prepare in advance and guarantee the price (seasonal rise in price).

Our firm conducts new developments;

Obtaining carotene from needles 75%.

LMWH with high digestible protein up to 97%.

In the preparation of feed, we do not use chemicals and GMO-containing products.

Our products do not need to be dissolved or boiled, they are finished products. It is advisable to feed them without mixing with roughage.

If you want to increase milk yield, then it is necessary to give a cow or goat 36 degrees water 30 minutes before feeding or cold water an hour before feeding - this will increase milk yield and milk quality. modern methods feeding.

GSAU RNO-Alania produces laboratory tests of agricultural products, feed and milk.

For large companies we offer consulting in the field of feeding, feed preparation, feed optimization, development of feeding rations.

Packing Bags 250kg.-300kg.

Bags 15kg.-17kg


  1. decrease in the rate of protein breakdown in the pancreas
  2. increase in the synthesis of microbial protein in the proventriculus by 30 ° / o
  3. increase in the digestibility of starch; decrease in the rate of starch fermentation in the pancreas
  4. increase in the energy nutritional value of the diet 10 - 15%
  5. Zootechnical effect in the experiment:

Replacing 2 kg of compound feed with 2 kg of extrudate increases the daily milk yield up to 23%, the increase in live weight of growing young animals up to 30%.

One of the main conditions for the successful development of cattle breeding is the organization of a full-fledged balanced feeding. Without strengthening the fodder base, further improving the norms of feeding, compound feed formulations, feed additives, premixes and technologies for their preparation, further progress in animal husbandry is impossible. The relevance of these issues has become more and more obvious in recent years, when further growth in animal productivity is seriously hampered due to a weak forage base, a lack of high-protein and energy feeds, as a result of which serious violations in the composition of rations and compound feeds are allowed. Nutrient sources for ruminants are voluminous feeds and concentrates. Often a sufficient level of production of voluminous feed over a number of years is not always accompanied by an increase in livestock production. The main reason for this situation is the underestimation of the Qualitative side of these Feeds. At present, due to the imperfection of methods for harvesting and storing bulky feed, nutrient losses reach 35%. All this, plus non-compliance with harvesting technologies, leads to the fact that they have a low nutritional value and contain from 8.5 to 9.0% of crude protein and from 8.0 to 8.5 MJ / kg / DM of metabolic energy. For livestock needs in all categories of farms, approximately 37 million tons of Concentrated Feed are spent per year, of which 40% is used for feeding cattle. In the total volume of consumed concentrates specific gravity feed for cattle is 21%. At the same time, compound feeds often include up to 35% bran and up to 25% oil cake and sunflower meal. The main volume of sold sunflower cake and meal contains approximately 30% of crude protein and 16-18% of crude fiber.

As a result, the produced feed has a low energy value (approximately 11.5 MJ/kg/DM of metabolizable energy). The use of concentrated feeds that are not able to balance the diet of animals in terms of nutrients leads to metabolic disorders, a decrease in zootechnical efficiency and profitability of production. Therefore, the average cost of feed per 1 centner of live weight gain in cattle is approximately 14.9 and. feed, unit and milk approximately 1.46 and. bark. units

In the structure of the cost of production, the cost of feed for cattle reaches 60%, despite the fact that they are mainly own production, which indicates their high cost and low productive returns. In recent years, to increase the productivity of animals, attempts have been made to activate the breakdown and absorption of nutrients in the rumen. The methods used to regulate ruminal fermentation are highly specific and partly have an uncontrolled effect on microorganisms and their activity. It is also unclear what action is expected from the use of combinations of different methods. Despite the early progress in the regulation of digestion and absorption of nutrients, consistent work is just beginning here. Of particular interest are substances or groups of substances that increase and stabilize the productivity of animals. Of great interest are veshepva that have the effect of increasing the amount of proteins in the body - on the one hand, they slow down the breakdown of proteins, on the other hand, they increase their synthesis in the cell.

Thus, it is necessary to create a feed product that has the ability to regulate rumen fermentation and has the following properties:

  1. Increase the buffering capacity of the rumen (the optimal pH value of the ruby ​​liquid is 6.0 - 6.8), which helps to increase the palatability of feed, the optimal digestibility of fiber and other nutrients, and ensures the prevention of diseases caused by violations of animal feeding.

2. Optimal ratios of VFAs in the process of ruby ​​fermentation (which ensures a reduction in energy losses with methane and an increase in heat production).

Z. Influence nitrogen metabolism, i.e., minimal breakdown of amino acids and optimal synthesis of microbial protein in the hand.

To date, a formula for a feed product with the properties listed above has been developed. Extrusion technology is used to prepare it. This technology was not chosen by chance. Under the influence of temperature and pressure, a deep transformation of the structure and properties of nutrients occurs, which allows the production of a high-quality product with the following properties:

1. Taste qualities are improved due to the uniformity of the composition, an unpleasant odor is eliminated, the proportion of sugars increases due to the destruction of polysaccharides.

  1. Starch gelatinization occurs, which increases its digestibility.

3. The availability of amino acids increases as a result of the destruction of secondary bonds in protein molecules. Proteins are better protected from fermentation in the cabin. Increased microbial protein synthesis.

4 . Under the conditions of thermodynamic treatment, fat melts evenly distributed throughout the mass and simultaneously combines with starch 1:10, resulting in its high adsorption on the surface of the product, which leads to a slowdown in the rate of starch splitting in the rumen, the formation of methane and the rate of ammonia formation decrease, due to which increases the absorption of energy and protein.

5 . During the extrusion process, enzymes such as linoxidase, which cause rancidity of oils, are destroyed, and leietin and tocopheropes, which are natural stabilizers, retain their full activity, thereby increasing the lability of fats.

  1. Under the influence of temperature and pressure, feed is sterilized, thereby improving their sanitary status.

7. The influence of antinutritional factors and their negative impact on animals is eliminated or significantly reduced.

  1. The extrusion results in a more structured feed, specially adapted and better suited to the needs of the animals. The negative effect of the treatment is minimized (destruction of vitamins, fats and amino acids) due to the speed of the operation. The time of passage of the product through the extruder is 30 seconds, and under the influence of the maximum temperature is only 5-6 seconds. The developed feed contains 13.5-14.0 MJ/kg/DM OE and 25% crude protein. Tests were carried out on the effect of the feed product on the ruby ​​fermentation of valukhs.
  2. Indicators of cicatricial metabolism.

The inclusion of a feed product leads to a decrease in the ammonia content by 33°/o. increase in protein nitrogen by 12.6o/o, microbial protein intake by 36.8o/o, increase in microbial protein synthesis by 40%. At the same time, the level of urea in the blood decreases from 32.4 to 24.8 MG ° / o.

In experiments on young cattle (calves) of cattle, replacing 2.4 kg of compound feed with a similar amount of the developed feed product contributed to an increase in productivity (daily gain in live weight) by 25.5%, a reduction in costs (DM) of dry matter, metabolic energy and concentrates per 1 kg live weight gain by 13.6, 14.6 and 20.5%, respectively.

Replacing 2.0 kg of compound feed with 2.0 kg of extrudate in the diets of cows contributed to an increase in daily milk yield up to 20% and a reduction in the cost of dry matter, metabolic energy, crude protein and compound feed per 1 kg of milk.

AT market relations implementation in production scientific developments determined by their economic feasibility. The long-term use of extrudates in feeding cows makes it possible to speak of them as cost-effective feeds for the diet of animals.

In the field of industrial animal husbandry / poultry farming, the issue of feed quality is being taken very seriously today. First, competition between producers forces them to constantly look for new ways to quickly increase meat gains, milk yields, and the number and size of eggs. Secondly, the steady rise in prices for meat products, as well as products of animal origin, makes us think about reducing their cost. And, thirdly, only high-quality feed protects livestock and poultry from various diseases and deaths.

Until recently, the last word in feed production was granulation. Today, extrusion is making a real revolution in this area.

Technology and equipment

So far, the basis of the Russian feed industry is dominated by the process of granulation of feed from all kinds of waste. Agriculture. The demand for such products is quite high, since it has a number of advantages over loose feed. For example, easier transportation, product storage; fixation of a large number of nutrients in a small granule; increasing the digestibility of feed and, finally, its almost complete (up to 95%) disinfection.

However, with the rapid growth in demand, the industry is beginning to reshape itself in line with market demands. And this process is progressing very quickly, because the technology of extrusion has made it possible to move even further in the field of improving feed for livestock and poultry. So, extruded products, while retaining all the advantages of granulated feed, received many additional, no less important advantages.

In addition to increasing food digestibility by up to 40%, increasing milk production, egg production and egg size, as well as average daily weight gain by an average of 25%, extruded feed also reduces overall food intake by up to 12% and, very importantly, reduces the number of gastrointestinal diseases and death. animals almost twice. And yet, such food is ideal for fattening almost all species: large cattle, pigs, horses, rabbits, birds, fur-bearing animals, etc. This has become possible due to the expansion of the types of raw materials used in production. Now it is not only agricultural waste, but also residual, illiquid products of processing and trade enterprises, as well as confiscated SES.

A big step in the feed industry has also been made in terms of equipment. If the granulation process requires a complex of several installations (grinders, dryers and granulation machines), then in the production of extruded feed, only a granulator is needed, actually combining all the installations. As for technology, there are some differences.

Granulation is preceded by a number of separate steps. In extrusion, they are all combined into a single sequential 30-second (!) process. The raw material, having entered the extruder, is crushed, mixed, dehydrated, sterilized (disinfected). Then, it goes through stabilization, texturing, expanding and profiling. Simply put, crushed and heat-treated waste at temperatures up to 120 ° C and under pressure up to 100 atmospheres are forced through special molds (dies), "exploding" (deforming), resulting in a swollen, porous product called "strand".

Today there are no analogues to such food. Completely sterile, nutritious, with improved palatability and easily digestible food - this is the best thing that could be invented for feeding in livestock and poultry. Experts unanimously assert that animals, eating extruded food, do not just exist, maintaining their vital activity, but live, actively developing, thanks to an absolutely healthy body.

Overview of equipment from different manufacturers

It is now the norm in many parts of the world. Moreover, in a number of states it has very high rates, which, of course, positively characterizes the state of their agriculture, feed industry and livestock / poultry farming in general. For Russia and the CIS, these technologies are still new, but at the same time, domestic machine builders can hardly be blamed for backwardness in this area. Its development is active. Moreover, the developers are trying to bring some of their developments into the extrusion technology.

For example, the specialists of the company (Chelyabinsk) were especially successful in this, offering customers an extruder for the processing of biological waste by dry extrusion. During feed production, only friction is used as the heating process. As practice has shown, obtained with the help of such processing extruded feed gives excellent results when feeding. Moreover, not only livestock and poultry, but also fish!

The extruder only needs electricity to operate. Neither water nor devices for drying waste were needed. At the same time, the production is absolutely environmentally friendly: without harmful emissions and unpleasant odors that occur if waste heat boilers are used. Today, EKORM equipment is widely used at meat processing enterprises and livestock farms in Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Serbia, Armenia and Ukraine.

Extruders of another domestic manufacturer NIMOPL "Rodnik" (Kirov) are also in great demand. under
trademark "Agro-stimulus" are highly effective, first of all, when extruding feed from stale, moldy grain, various grain mixtures and straw. The amount of strand produced, depending on the model, varies from 100 to 600 kg/h. At the request of the customer, additional shredders, raw material mixers and conveyors are also supplied with the extruder to create a high-performance extrusion complex.

The equipment of the Penztekstilmash plant (Penza) also deserves attention. The company produces only two models PE series extruders, but in a large number of modifications for individual orders, which allows you to create machines that fully meet the urgent requirements of customers. The units operate according to traditional technology, but they are economical in terms of energy consumption. Which, by the way, did not affect their productivity at all, the range of which is from 200 to 500 kg / h.