Rospotrebnadzor has prepared new rules for catering in educational institutions. Catering at school Nutrition for children sanpin

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2008 N 45
"On approval of SanPiN"

With changes and additions from:

2. Recognize as invalid:

- paragraphs 2.3.25. , 2.3.26. , 2.12. sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN " Hygiene requirements to the conditions of education in general educational institutions", approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2002 N 44 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5, 2002, registration N 3997);

- points 2.2.5. , 2.7. , applications 4 , , and sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational and production process in primary educational institutions vocational education", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2003, N 2 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 11, 2003, registration N 4204) (as amended).

Information about changes:

The resolution was supplemented by paragraph 4 from April 20, 2019 - Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia dated March 25, 2019 N 6

4. Set the validity period of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education" until 01.10.2023.

G. Onishchenko

Registration N 12085

Uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements are established for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

These requirements must be observed by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing educational institutions with hot meals. Such organizations can be school canteens, pre-cooking organizations Catering on which the preparation of dishes from semi-finished products, buffets, etc. They must have everything necessary equipment for food preparation and distribution.

Arrangement of premises for catering for students can be carried out both in the main building of the educational institution and in the premises attached to it. In the latter case, a heated transition to such a room is necessary. During the construction of premises for food, specially equipped warehouses for storing food, as well as other utility rooms, should be provided. It is also necessary to ensure the organization of waste disposal. In the premises for students to eat, there should be drinking, hot and cold water supply, a sufficient number of seats, sanitary equipment, utensils, etc. To provide students with a healthy diet, it is necessary to develop a diet.

(for parents of students of general educational organizations)

The most important factor in maintaining and strengthening the health of school-age children is rational and adequate nutrition. High-quality food should ensure the intake of substances that form the basis of various organs and tissues, compensate for energy costs, contribute to the normal physiological and neuropsychic development of children, increase efficiency, and create conditions for adequate adaptation to educational activities.

Mandatory requirements and recommendations for catering in general educational organizations established by the state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education" (hereinafter - SanPiN (approved by the decision of the Chief State sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 No. 45, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 7, 2008 Registration No. 12085).

In accordance with the requirements of clause 14.1. SanPiN the head of the educational institution is responsible for the organization and completeness of the coverage of students with hot meals.

To provide healthy nutrition for all students of an educational institution, it is necessary to draw up an approximate menu for a period of at least two weeks (10-14 days), in accordance with the recommended form for compiling an approximate menu (clause 6.4 SanPiN

An exemplary menu is developed taking into account seasonality, the required amount of basic nutrients and the required calorie content of the daily diet, differentiated by age groups of students (7-11 and 12-18 years old) (clause 6.6 SanPiN

For students of educational institutions, it is necessary to organize two hot meals a day (breakfast and lunch). For children attending an extended day group, an additional afternoon snack should be organized. The intervals between meals should not exceed 3.5 - 4 hours (clause 6.8 of SanPiN

Taking into account the age of students in the sample menu, the requirements of these sanitary regulations by the mass of portions of dishes (clause 6.9, Appendix No. 3 to SanPiN

Daily rations of 2-6 meals a day should include meat, milk, butter and vegetable oil, rye and wheat bread (with every meal). Fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products are recommended to be included once every 2-3 days (clause 6.17 of SanPiN

Within two weeks (10-14 days) it is recommended to provide students of general educational institutions with a set of food products in full, provided for in daily sets, at the rate of one day per person for various groups of students (clause 6.30, table No. 1 of Appendix No. 8 to SanPiN

Name of products

The number of products depending on the age of students

in g, ml, gross

in g, ml, net

Rye bread (rye-wheat)

wheat bread

Wheat flour

Cereals, legumes



Fresh vegetables, herbs

Fruits (fruits) fresh

Dry fruits (fruits), incl. rose hip

Fruit and vegetable juices, fortified drinks, incl. instant

Trimmed meat (meat on the bone) 1 cat.

fillet fish


Milk (mass fraction of fat 2.5%, 3.2%)

Dairy products (mass fraction of fat 2.5% 3.2%)

Cottage cheese (mass fraction of fat not more than 9%)

Sour cream (mass fraction of fat not more than 15%)


Vegetable oil

Diet egg


Baker's yeast


* Gross weight is based on a waste rate of 25%.

** Net weight is an average value, which may vary depending on the original type of vegetables and fruits and the season of the year. When forming the menu, it is advisable to ensure the implementation of natural nutritional standards in accordance with the data given in the net column.

*** Including for the preparation of meals and drinks, in the case of using industrial products containing sugar (condensed milk, jelly, etc.), the output of sugar should be reduced depending on its content in the finished product used.

The actual diet should correspond to the approved sample menu. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to replace some products, dishes and culinary products with others, provided that they comply with nutritional value, and in accordance with the food replacement table, which must be confirmed by the necessary calculations (clause 6.22, Appendix No. 6 to SanPiN

Any canteen, no matter where it is located and according to what principle it works, belongs to catering places. For this reason, it is subject to legislation that also applies to restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and coffee shops. There is no separate SanPiN for the dining room for 2018. The main document regulating the work of distributing bistros is SanPiN dated November 8, 2001. These rules cover the work of all food enterprises in all its many aspects. This document was last modified in 2016, so any later version can be considered up to date.

The differences between food establishments are described in detail in the State Standard Classification of Public Catering Establishments. According to this document, the dining room can be public or open only for a certain contingent, for example, for employees of one company, students of one school or guests of one hotel. The dining room from cafes, restaurants and other places may also differ in the following features:

  • Dishes during the week are made in accordance with a specific menu, which necessarily changes from day to day.
  • Payment is made independently by the client at the checkout before he sits down at the table and starts eating
  • You can get a plate with the necessary dish by moving along the display case with food and voicing your choice to the canteen employee in each department
  • Possibility of catering in buffet style
  • Dispensing takes place in a live queue
  • From the cash register to the table, the visitor himself carries food on an individual tray
  • Cutlery and napkins must be taken from the cashier or at the very beginning of the issuing line
  • In some cases, for example, in rest homes, sanatoriums and hotels, waiters can bring dishes and clean dishes.
If the establishment meets most of these criteria, then with a high probability it can be argued that this is a canteen. If from the point of view of the organization of the catering process, it differs from cafes, bars, restaurants and other similar places, then in terms of the legislative basis for the work, the differences are minimal. SanPiN for canteens regulates the following areas in the activities of enterprises of this profile:
  • Where can I build or open a dining room
  • How and where to conduct water supply, sewerage, electricity
  • What rooms you need to have in the dining room, what are they intended for
  • How to equip them
  • Necessary equipment and utensils
  • Rules for working with raw materials and products
  • Rules for the release of ready meals and drinks
  • Rules for the transportation and acceptance of products
  • Requirements for personal hygiene of personnel
  • Production Control Rules
  • Planning and carrying out treatments against rodents, insects and bacteria

SanPiN for school canteens for 2018

Especially for schools, a separate SanPiN has been developed. He does not contradict common document for public catering establishments, but has significant additions due to the narrowness of its profile. SanPiN for school canteens for 2018 has not changed compared to previous editions, so versions from earlier years are also relevant. One of the main requirements for the nutrition of schoolchildren is its benefits for growing organisms. An approximate menu should be developed approximately 10-14 days in advance. This applies not only to full breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks and dinners, but also food that children can buy at own will during the change. If the school is a boarding school, where students are 24 hours a day, then the diet should fully cover the need for nutrients for each age. The exact amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, product names, options for their combinations and replacements are contained in the annexes to SanPiN for 2018 for school canteens. You don't need to specifically look for them. Tables are located at the end of the main text part.

Any catering establishment is sometimes subjected to inspection by Rospotrebnadzor. In the event that the premises, employees or any work processes do not comply with the legal requirements recorded in SanPiN, the organization may receive a fine, an order to correct discrepancies, or in the most critical cases, such as mass poisoning, be closed. In order to avoid any unfavorable outcome, it is enough to conduct our activities on an ongoing basis in full compliance with literally every item of the sanitary and epidemiological regulations. However, it is not at all necessary to take everything on your shoulders. Prepare Required documents can help professional lawyers. Sanitary treatments can be entrusted to SES experts, who will not only carry out all the necessary procedures, but also issue acts that are needed when inspected by the inspection of state supervisory authorities. Knowing the rules of SanPiN for catering and the ability to put them into practice can save you from many problems and make work easy, enjoyable and beneficial to other people, regardless of where exactly your establishment is located and in what mode it operates.

The menu for school meals is developed on the basis of the requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education", section VI. "Requirements for the organization of a healthy diet and the formation of an exemplary menu."

6.1. To provide students with a healthy diet, the components of which are the optimal quantitative and qualitative structure of nutrition, guaranteed safety, physiological technological and culinary processing of products and dishes, a physiologically based diet, a diet should be developed.

6.2. The diet of students provides for the formation of a set of products intended for feeding children during the day or another fixed period of time.

6.3. Based on the formed diet, a menu is developed, including the distribution of a list of dishes, culinary, flour, confectionery and bakery products for individual meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner).

6.4. To ensure healthy nutrition for all students of an educational institution, it is necessary to draw up an approximate menu for a period of at least two weeks (10 - 14 days), in accordance with the recommended form for compiling an approximate menu (Appendix 2 of these sanitary rules), as well as layout menus containing quantitative data about recipes.

6.5. A sample menu is being developed legal entity or individual entrepreneur, providing meals in an educational institution, and is agreed by the heads of the educational institution and the territorial authority executive power authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

6.6. An exemplary menu is developed taking into account seasonality, the required amount of basic nutrients and the required calorie content of the daily diet, differentiated by age groups of students (7 - 11 and 12 - 18 years old).

An exemplary menu, in its practical use, can be adjusted taking into account socio-demographic factors, national, confessional and territorial nutritional characteristics of the population, subject to the requirements for the content and ratio of basic nutrients in the diet.

6.7. When developing an exemplary menu, the following are taken into account: the length of stay of students in a general education institution, the age category and physical activity of students.

6.8. For students of educational institutions, it is necessary to organize two hot meals a day (breakfast and lunch). For children attending an after-school group, an additional afternoon snack should be organized.

With a round-the-clock stay, at least five meals a day must be provided. 1 hour before bedtime, as a second dinner, children are given a glass of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.). The intervals between meals should not exceed 3.5 - 4 hours.

6.9. Taking into account the age of students in the sample menu, the requirements of these sanitary rules for the mass of servings of dishes must be met ( appendix 3 of these sanitary rules), their nutritional and energy value, the daily requirement for basic vitamins and microelements for various groups of students in educational institutions ( annex 4 of these sanitary rules) and institutions of primary and secondary vocational education ( annex 4

6.10. An exemplary menu should contain information on the quantitative composition of dishes, energy and nutritional value, including the content of vitamins and minerals in each dish. References to the recipes of the dishes and culinary products used in accordance with the collections of recipes must be provided. The names of dishes and culinary products indicated in the sample menu must correspond to their names indicated in the recipe books used.

6.11. The production of ready-made meals is carried out in accordance with technological maps, which should reflect the recipe and technology of prepared dishes and culinary products. Technological maps must be drawn up in accordance with the recommendations ( annex 5 of these sanitary rules).

Description technological process cooking, incl. newly developed dishes should contain a recipe and technology that ensures the safety of prepared dishes and their nutritional value.

6.12. When designing menus for student meals, preference should be given to freshly prepared meals that are not recycled. heat treatment including reheating frozen meals.

6.13. In the sample menu, the repetition of the same dishes or culinary products on the same day or in the next 2-3 days is not allowed.

6.14. An exemplary menu should take into account the rational distribution of energy value for individual meals.

With one-, two-, three- and four meals a day, the distribution of caloric content by meals as a percentage should be: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15% (for students on the second shift - up to 20 - 25%) , dinner - 25%.

With a round-the-clock stay of students, with five meals a day: breakfast - 20%, lunch - 30 - 35%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 25%, second dinner - 5 - 10%.

When organizing six meals a day: breakfast - 20%, second breakfast - 10%, lunch - 30%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 20%, second dinner - 5%.

During the day, deviations from the norms of caloric content for individual meals within ± 5% are allowed, provided that the average percentage of nutritional value for the week will meet the above requirements for each meal.

6.15. In the daily diet, the optimal ratio of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4 or as a percentage of calories as 10-15%, 30-32% and 55-60%, respectively, and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus as 1:1.5.

6.16. The nutrition of students must comply with the principles of sparing nutrition, which include the use of certain methods of cooking, such as boiling, steaming, stewing, baking, and excluding foods with irritating properties.

6.17. Daily rations of 2-6 meals a day should include meat, milk, butter and vegetable oil, rye and wheat bread (with each meal). Fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products are recommended to be included 1 time in 2-3 days.

6.18. Breakfast should consist of a snack, a hot dish and a hot drink, it is recommended to include vegetables and fruits.

6.19. Lunch should include an appetizer, a first course, a second course (a main hot dish of meat, fish or poultry) and a sweet dish. As an appetizer, you should use a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, carrots, beets, etc. with fresh herbs. It is allowed to use portioned vegetables as an appetizer (optional garnish). To improve the taste, you can add fresh or dry fruits to the salad: apples, prunes, raisins and nuts.

6.21. Dinner should consist of a vegetable (curd) dish or porridge; the main second course (meat, fish or poultry), a drink (tea, juice, jelly). Additionally, it is recommended to include fruits or sour-milk products and bakery or confectionery products without cream as a second dinner.

6.22. The actual diet should correspond to the approved sample menu. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to replace some products, dishes and culinary products with others, provided that they correspond in nutritional value and in accordance with the food replacement table (Appendix 6 of these sanitary rules), which must be confirmed by the necessary calculations.

6.24. Every day, a menu approved by the head of the educational institution is posted in the dining room, which indicates information about the volume of dishes and the names of culinary products.

Appendix 2

compiling an approximate menu and nutritional value of prepared dishes

Day: _______________ Week: ______________ Season: _________________

Rospotrebnadzor has developed a new SanPiN, which spells out the rules regarding catering in educational institutions. This SanPiN is noteworthy, first of all, in that it covers not only schools and vocational schools (as was the case in the old rules approved in 2008), but also kindergartens, where meals are on this moment regulated by the rules for the arrangement, maintenance and service of preschool educational institutions.

Rospotrebnadzor has developed new SanPiN, which spells out the rules regarding catering in educational institutions. This SanPiN is noteworthy, first of all, in that it covers not only schools and vocational schools (as it was in the old rules approved in 2008), but also kindergartens, food in which is currently regulated by the rules for the device, content and maintenance of preschool educational institutions.

It should be noted that work on the creation of uniform requirements for the organization of nutrition for children began in 2014. Now the document, in the creation of which the leading Russian institutions took part (including the Research Institute baby food and the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), is under discussion and can be put into effect already in the next academic year.

So, how do the new requirements differ from the old SanPiN

Requirements for placement, space-planning and design solutions for food points in educational organizations

From paragraph 2.7, the clarification regarding the number of students in small-scale educational organizations has disappeared. In addition, the new requirements clearly state that a separate room for storing food, serving / eating and washing dishes can not only be allocated, but must be present without fail.

Paragraph 2.12 has also changed, which regulates the location of containers for collecting solid household and food waste. If in SanPiNe Since the requirements are clearly stated not only for the containers themselves, but also for the dimensions of the areas with a hard surface under them (they must exceed the base of the containers by 1 m in all directions), this clarification has been removed in the new requirements. Also in the new document, the distance from the platform with containers to the windows / doors of the dining room and other buildings / structures has been reduced (from 25 meters to 20).

Requirements for the sanitary and technical provision of catering facilities in educational organizations

Paragraph 3.1 of SanPiN provides for the compliance of catering facilities in educational institutions with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements that apply to public catering organizations. The new rules require catering points in educational organizations limited by their compliance with the design/construction standards for residential/public buildings. True, with the proviso that they must provide optimal parameters of the air environment and microclimate.

Clause 3.3 in the new requirements is supplemented with clarifying requirements for faucets on sinks and washing tubs (their design should exclude re-contamination of hands after washing). At the same time, it is clearly stated that the temperature of hot water at the point of analysis should not be lower than 65 degrees.

The new SanPiN has added paragraph (3.4) regarding the construction of the sewerage system, which, in particular, prohibits the laying of sewer risers in dining halls and production / storage facilities, as well as the discharge of untreated sewage into the adjacent territory and into open water bodies. In addition, it is planned to equip toilet bowls and sinks for personnel with devices that protect hands from re-contamination (pedal, elbow drives, etc.).

Requirements for equipment, inventory, containers and utensils

From paragraph 4.2 SanPiNa The 2008 edition removed a clarification regarding the sale of drinks through automatic food dispensers.

Clause 4.3 is supplemented by the requirement for tables for working with dough - they must have a special beech surface.

Clause 4.13 is supplemented by the requirement for the time spent in isothermal containers for ready meals - no more than 2 hours.

Requirements for sanitary condition / maintenance of premises and washing dishes

Clause 5.9 in new edition supplemented by a ban on the operation of the catering unit if the dishwasher is out of order, and the educational organization does not have conditions for hand wash utensils and no disposable utensils.

Paragraph 5.18 clarifies that disinfectants used in general cleaning must have a virucidal effect.

In new requirements for catering for children paragraph 5.24 was excluded, which prohibits the conduct of deratization and pest control by the personnel of the educational organization.

Requirements for the organization of a healthy diet and menu formation

Clause 6.8 of the new SanPiN provides for the coordination of an approximate menu not only with the head of the educational organization, but also with the authorized federal agency executive branch, as well as with federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection.

Clause 6.20 has been added, specifying that dishes must be prepared in accordance with an approved set of technological cards, each of which must have a number, a link to a normative collection, a recipe number according to the collection, cooking technology and dish quality indicators.

Paragraph 6.25 of SanPiN (in the new edition it is paragraph 6.23) is supplemented by a ban on the use finished products the next day.

Paragraph 6.33 (in new version- 6.27) was supplemented with a permit for the sale through automatic dispensing machines of fermented milk products, rennet hard cheeses, nuts, dried fruits, flour confectionery(waffles, cookies, gingerbread, mini-cakes), sugar confectionery (marshmallows, bars, sweets), chocolate.

Organization of hot meals for students

Clause 7.3 is supplemented by the requirement for the uniform of children on duty serving tables - they must be dressed in aprons, hats and comfortable non-slip shoes.

Requirements for the conditions / technology for the manufacture of culinary products

Paragraph 8.8 is supplemented with a clarification that when baby food organizations It is preferable to use chilled meat. If this is not possible, then defrosting and primary processing can be carried out in two ways:

  • slow defrosting in a defroster at a temperature of 0 - +6 degrees;
  • in the meat shop on the production tables.

Do not defrost food in water or near the stove and re-freeze it.

Clause 8.11 is supplemented with a restriction on the storage of defrosted products for 2 hours.

Requirements for personal hygiene, preventive medical examinations and professional hygienic training of personnel

Paragraph 13.15 of SanPiN is expanded with requirements for appearance catering workers: when preparing meals, they should not only cut their nails short and not varnish them, but also refuse to use false and extended nails. Also, employees are prohibited from storing in the workplace medications personal use.

Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations

Clause 14.2 provides for the organization of course hygienic training / retraining of personnel under the hygienic training program at least once a year (as amended in 2008 - at least 1 time in 2 years).