A simple business plan program. Survey of programs for drawing up business plans. Consider business expenses

Every entrepreneur and novice businessman should be aware that an important part of working in the market segment is to follow the business plan correctly, which you can write yourself by downloading a special free program designed for this. It is to this important and significant issue for most businessmen that I would like to devote the lines of my short review article. The main purpose of the announced application, as you understand from the title of this article, is to help home-grown businessmen who want to enter the market and occupy a free niche there without any barriers and restrictions. But to achieve this, you see, is extremely difficult, if not problematic and difficult!

So, the business plan program that we are talking about is a surprisingly convenient application that allows completely free download without restrictions and the need for registration, and this, you see, is a rather significant advantage. An important advantage of this application, which, by the way, has a small weight in megabytes, is the ability to use it in almost any direction. entrepreneurial activity. The main thing is to have an idea in your head about the principles of drawing up a business plan, so that it really helps to achieve your goal easily and naturally.

Download business plan program for free on a personal computer

In the business plan program recommended by me, after free downloading to a personal computer, you will be able to use two models, namely: text and financial, which have corresponding differences from each other. In the text version, it is possible to compose the document in question in a narrative style. The second module provides exclusively for the settlement part, that is, the preparation of financial documentation for printing and future use. Agree, with such a wide functionality, it is easy to achieve the goal, no matter how exacting and demanding it is.
Among other things, the business plan program, which these lines are devoted to, is distinguished by an excellent set of navigation options that guarantee easy setup and the simplest execution of the most complex tasks, which requires only a free download of the application distribution kit on a computer and a simple installation. The main thing is not to deviate from following your principles and under no circumstances follow the principle of saving time.

I think you will get to know the rest of the advantages, as well as minor shortcomings that lie in the nuances of the described product, by installing the application after downloading it on your computer or laptop that is in your personal use.

The target audience

An example of a successful description of a potential buyer.
Potential buyers of our berries are:
— 5 factories for the production of non-alcoholic juice-containing drinks in Poland, Germany and Slovakia, with which preliminary negotiations were held and initial cooperation agreements were created! Direction "Purchase of berries as raw materials"
— 12 distribution companies specializing in the sale of semi-finished products and frozen berries in Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic. Negotiations have been held in 50%, cooperation agreements have been created. Direction "Purchase as a finished product"
— 5 largest networks in Europe, three of which have already received a preliminary agreement to cooperate. Direction "Purchase as a finished packaged product under our TM".
You can read an article on the correct packaging of a business idea.

Analysis of offers on the market

An example of a successful description of the analysis of offers in the market.
Analysis of proposals in the field of production of raspberries and currants on the territory of Ukraine:
— 3 farms with an area of ​​cultivated land from 10 to 40 hectares. and a yield of 90 to 360 tons of berries per year.
— 10 farms with cultivated land from 5 to 10 hectares. and a yield of 45 to 90 tons of berries per year.
— 23 farms with an area of ​​cultivated land up to 5 hectares. and a yield of up to 45 tons of berries per year.
Analysis of proposals in the field of export of raspberries and currants to the countries of Western Europe:
— 1 farm with an area of ​​cultivated land from 10 to 40 hectares. and a yield of 90 to 360 tons of berries per year.
— 3 farms with cultivated land from 5 to 10 hectares. and a yield of 45 to 90 tons of berries per year.
— 2 farms with an area of ​​cultivated land up to 5 hectares. and a yield of up to 45 tons of berries per year.
The level of competition is low!
How to analyze offers on the market and where to get an analysis of your market can be found

1. Plan for future income

Before you start writing a business plan, think about how much revenue you expect.

Let's say you want to open a business selling cookies at a kiosk. You estimated the earnings of competitors, approximately calculated how much income you can receive from sales per day. For example, 6000 rubles a day. That is, your annual revenue should be approximately 6 * 360 = 2160 thousand rubles.

2. What you need to purchase to start a business

Now you can run free business plan constructor online and think about what you need to start a business from scratch. Fill in the table with investment objects, after knowing the approximate cost of real estate, inventory, equipment.

3. Anticipate the costs associated with starting a business

You need to take into account the fact that before starting the activity it is necessary to allocate an amount for the registration of the enterprise, the purchase of assets and stocks. The premises may need renovation. Predict necessary sums and enter them into the original data business plan calculator.

4. Consider who will work for you

Even if it's a one-man business, you have to pay yourself a salary. It could be minimum wage or higher. In the case of the development of the enterprise, consider the growth in the number of personnel and their wages. Enter the data into the calculator.

5. Consider business expenses

This is the cost of renting premises or equipment, advertising, delivery, etc.

6. Material consumption of products

This important indicator makes it possible to predict your future expenses. The material intensity of production is the percentage of the cost of goods or raw materials in the total cost of production. For example, for trading, this percentage is main part cost - from 70%. For the provision of services, materials and raw materials may be almost not required, in such cases, you can safely put 3-5%.

7. Indicate the availability of own funds

The calculator will calculate the investment and indicate how much you need to borrow. Consider the loan rate and the loan period.

8. Compare expected performance with actual

Compare calculated minimum income with the planned one, which you considered before starting the calculations. If the calculated minimum income is significantly higher than expected, you need to consider how to cut costs. If less, feel free to increase the amount of investment to obtain the necessary income.

9. Save your calculations

After saving the calculations, you will see the forecast of income, costs, the payback period of the project. This is a short announcement. financial plan which can be obtained from different templates: financial report, exchange rate, thesis, articles for the site.

10. Top up your balance and get a ready-made business plan

The balance can be replenished through the Interkassa system or paid for the purchase of a ready-made report with a coupon. Free Coupon Codes online programs to develop a business plan are regularly published on the social pages of our website.

Attention! A report with calculations, conclusions and graphs is published in one document that can be copied to WORD. Graphs are saved separately as pictures that can be inserted into the document.

The process of building a financial model investment project or the entire activity of the enterprise is the most time-consuming and requires preparatory work to collect and analyze the initial data. With the Project Expert system, you do not need any deep knowledge of mathematics or programming skills - you only need to know the described business well.

The Project Expert system allows you to develop in a short time financial model companies. To describe the project and the company, you will need to enter the following initial data: the start date and duration of the project, the list of products and services planned for release, the multi-level structure of the company down to each division and product.

Sales plan

The sales strategy of the company implementing the project should be worked out in detail at the planning stage.

To model it in Project Expert, you'll need to enter a list of products, prices for each product, and estimated sales volume. The system allows you to take into account additional information about the impact of seasonality on the price, set the scheme by which the price of a particular product will be formed throughout the project. In the process of developing a sales strategy in Project Expert, time factors are taken into account, such as: the time the product (service) is sold, the delay in payment after the delivery of the product, as well as the terms of payment for the product or consumer service (in fact, prepaid or on credit).

When modeling sales, you take into account the amount of inventory finished products and the terms of their storage, the percentage of losses in the sale of products, etc. The system also allows you to reflect the costs of advertising and promoting products on the market.

You can evaluate the benefits of each marketing scheme by analyzing the selected marketing conditions.

Creating mathematical dependences of product sales on other factors, such as the size of demand, using the "Formula" mechanism allows you to automate the calculation of sales volumes and describe an individual strategy for selling products and services.

Production activity plan

When modeling in Project Expert production activities enterprise, you just need to enter into the system data on products, production volumes, on the quantity and cost of raw materials and materials, on personnel costs in accordance with existing structure production, about total costs- costs of production, management, marketing, etc.

The system allows you to describe the production schedule and different kinds costs by linking the selected parameters of the financial model of an enterprise with a complex mathematical relationship, for example, when modeling the volume of production of a product, based on the capabilities of the enterprise and the predicted market capacity.

The production plan can be generated automatically by the system depending on the planned sales volumes. Project Expert allows you to establish the dependence of the production plan on other factors, for example, on the capacities of the production equipment used.

Project investment plan

Planned operating activities involve capital investments aimed at replacing assets or creating new ones.

The pre-investment and investment phases of any project require a careful study of the work schedule, the amount of necessary investments. To do this, Project Expert forms an initial capital investment plan and preparatory work- GANTT chart.

The system is quite flexible in its approach to the presentation of project data, allowing either to link all stages of the investment and further operating activities, or describe these stages of the project independently. The section interface is familiar to those who have already worked with project management systems such as MS Project or Primavera SureTrack. In the Project Expert system, the description of the temporal characteristics of the project is not inferior to the listed systems network planning. In this case, it is precisely the financial aspects that are evaluated. investment plan project - the cost of preparatory work, the resources used, the assets created and the features of investment accounting. Example calendar plan shown in Fig.11.

The program helps to determine the stages of work and establish the relationship between them, indicate the resources used to complete these stages, the procedure for their payment, and capitalize the investments made.

If the pre-production stages are related to the construction of buildings, the acquisition of equipment, land or other fixed assets, Project Expert allows you to choose the methods and terms of their depreciation: by production, linearly, by residual value, by scheme. The system provides for accounting for the revaluation of assets, their sale, as well as additional investments.

Description of the economic environment

In the course of financial modeling of the activities of an enterprise and an investment project, it is necessary to take into account the influence of factors external environment: tax environment, inflation, currency fluctuations used by the enterprise for cash settlements.

With the Project Expert analytical system, you can easily describe the financial and economic environment in which the project is planned to be implemented, as well as predict changes in the economic environment.

Often, when creating a project, the task is to take into account the movement Money not only in national currency, but also in foreign, for example, when making import-export transactions. To do this, the system provides the ability to select the main and additional project currencies. You set the exchange rate at the beginning of the project and the forecast of its dynamics. The system automatically converts the results of the project's calculations in rubles into an equivalent in a more stable currency, which makes it possible to take into account the instability of the national currency exchange rate in the analysis. The presence of the second currency of the project is necessary condition correct calculation of investment efficiency indicators. The system can describe a complex scheme of exchange rate inflation by linking the change in the rates of the main and additional project currencies with different bases using formulas.

The system gives you the opportunity to form an inflation picture of the investment project. You only set individual inflation indicators and trends in their change in the form of annual and monthly indicators characterizing a certain group (cost item), as well as certain types products and services.

Project Expert helps you reflect the features of the tax system. The system provides a list of the main types of taxes established by Russian legislation, taking into account the current payment rates for the proposed taxes, and also allows you to choose the taxable base from the proposed list, and independently determine it for any tax using the formula. For example, for sales tax, the base "tax included in the price" is selected, and a custom description of the tax environment allows you to enter new types of taxes, the conditions for their calculation and payment, up to individual taxes for each item of income and expenses, including the "tax holiday" mode.

To model a company with a project, you will need to take into account its financial condition at the start of the project - a detailed description of its assets and liabilities in the aggregated balance sheet.

Today, there are many types of small, big business. And it is worth considering how many reports will need to be kept. In this article, I will try to help entrepreneurs who would like to automate the process of writing a business plan. I will tell you about a program that will help you draw up a business plan correctly and reduce time and labor costs.

Why keep a business plan? Even small businesses require a well-written business plan. Business plan - economic dictionary, containing answers to many questions, solving many business problems. Don't start without such a plan. commercial activity, otherwise the chance of burnout increases several times.

Such a program is specially developed for entrepreneurs, operating companies who want to launch new projects, programs allow you to simulate behavior in the market.

On the Internet today there are many special programs that are specially designed for compiling a business plan. Each program has its pros and cons, but it is Project Expert that has features that its closest competitors do not have. This program is recommended for people who do not have extensive business knowledge and for reporting on existing ongoing projects.

This is a program that allows you to develop a business plan and even evaluate a future investment project. Most often in small business for such purposes, 1C company programs are used, but they are too expensive and programmers will have to be hired to work with such software. The very version of the Project Expert program, which allows you to write a business plan, is free, but you have to pay to get the function of evaluating investment projects. This program is distributed in all countries, translated into many languages, which will greatly simplify the work in it. The program will help you provide various forms of reporting for future investors, creditors, give them the opportunity to understand and evaluate your business.

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Who is this program for?

Destination utility for small and large businesses. It can apply a financial model, develop your business plans, and it is also able to provide services in various areas of business, which makes it a great assistant in business.

Options when using this program

  1. The program will help you build a financial model for a future project, taking into account current, projected accounting reports.
  2. Determine the amount of required capital investment or working capital that is needed to finance the project.
  3. Develop a growth strategy for your company.
  4. Lung design study, the program will be able to evaluate your project with a risk assessment, track the future change in the price of a business in different situations.
  5. Lay a business plan for free, help to make a descriptive component, including different drawings reports and even graphs.
  6. It will help to make adjustments to the initial settings of the project, think over its development and even predict the results of a possible sale.

Business plan and its development

Modeling your firm's business plan, evaluating how your organization can improve, assessing the prospects for moving into another market - all this is necessary to create a financial plan.

Project Expert will facilitate the procedure for compiling business planning, reduce your time. The program will allow you to use your initial data on future activities to convert into:
  1. Financial reporting: data on the waste of assets, find out the balance sheet, profit or loss statement.
  2. Make a table with predicted financial indicators.
  3. The total cost of your business plan.

Financial statements

How to plan right financial indicators companies? The simulation results are reflected in the financial statements: income statement, cash injection forecast, final balance sheet.

Based on the financial model, the program itself generates reports that will necessarily comply with the recognized international standard financial reporting. What will make your calculation results more accurate and real, they will certainly be of interest to investors, shareholders and creditors.

Even accounting reports are able to demonstrate the development model of your company's activities, you can automatically get indicators in the program. Process of creation financial procedures, the development of reporting documents on accounting will be carried out taking into account the above international indicator.

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Development of a competent business plan

The program has an extension "Text description", it will help to recreate a structured business plan, the option itself uses a smart engine of hints and comments. The utility provided for the introduction or creation of a database, which will later be used in the design. A textual description is also included in the report, which can be easily supplemented with calculation indicators from completely different program extensions.

The program has a constant update of the totals that have been transferred to the MS Word program, which speeds up hard work to remake the report again, even after changing the project settings. A report that has been designed in MS Word will retain formatting options when the results need to be updated. To change project settings, you just need to apply one function and the updated information will immediately appear in the final report.

All constructed graphs and diagrams are edited in Word as MS Graph graphic objects.

Without the use of a program, this is very difficult to implement; small businesses simply need to simulate a model of behavior in the market. But this product will take on all the hard work, and, as a result, present a competent business plan.

Financial model of the project or company

The process that deals with the creation of a financial model of a future investment project is time-consuming, requires knowledge in generalizing and researching the initial data. If you are determined to use this program, then you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of programming, mathematics. The main thing is to understand what you want to get as a result.

The utility will easily allow you to create a financial model for your company. To describe the project you will need good knowledge initial project data: a list of products and services produced, the structure of your company's device.