The sequence and methodology of the company commander in the course of decision-making. The decision of the battalion commander to attack from direct contact with the enemy Contents of the decision of the company commander to attack

clarification of the received task;

assessment of the situation;

· decision-making;

· carrying out reconnaissance;

Issuing a combat order

organization of interaction, combat support and control;

organization of training of personnel, weapons and equipment for combat;

Checking the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission;

report to the company commander on the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission.

Understanding the received task, the platoon leader must:

understand the task of the company and platoon;

What objects (targets) in the direction of the platoon's actions are affected by the means of senior commanders;

tasks of neighboring units and the order of interaction with them;

The time it takes to complete a task.

Based on the understanding of the task, the platoon leader usually determines:

place and role of the platoon in the task performed by the company; what objects (targets) need to be hit by means of a platoon;

at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighboring units it is necessary to maintain the closest interaction;

How to build a battle order;

How much time is available to organize the battle and how best to distribute it.

When assessing the situation, the platoon leader examines:

the composition, position and possible nature of the enemy's actions, the location of his fire weapons;

condition, security and capabilities of the platoon, attached units;

composition, position, nature of actions of neighbors and conditions of interaction with them;

the nature of the terrain, its protective and masking properties, advantageous approaches, barriers and obstacles, conditions for observation and firing;

time of year, day and weather conditions.

As a result of assessing the situation, the platoon leader determines:

what strength the enemy is expected to face in front of the platoon's front, his strengths and weak sides, the possible balance of forces and means;

platoon combat order, combat missions for squads (tanks), distribution of forces and means;

at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighbors to maintain the closest interaction;

The procedure for masking and using the protective properties of the terrain.

Clarification of the received task and assessment of the situation are the stages of the platoon commander's thought process in making a decision. The result of this process is the choice of the most appropriate solution for the fight. In the decision, the platoon leader usually determines:

Methods for accomplishing the task received (which enemy, where and by what means to defeat; the measures used to deceive him);

tasks for squads (tanks), attached units and firepower;

management organization.

Determining the method of accomplishing the task received, the platoon leader must take into account that he expresses the main idea of ​​the solution, being, as it were, his plan for the battle. Therefore, it should reflect the sequence of destroying the enemy, the order of defeating him with regular and attached fire, and the formation of battle formation.
Combat missions for squads (tanks) are determined strictly in accordance with the order in which the task assigned to the platoon is performed. Thus, in defense, the task of the detachment is to firmly hold the indicated position and prevent the penetration of enemy tanks and infantry through it in depth. In the offensive, the combat mission of the squad is to destroy the manpower and firepower of the enemy in the direction of his offensive.
Determining the organization of control, the platoon commander outlines the procedure for using radio and signal communications, the procedure for actions on warning, control and interaction signals; place of your KNP. An important milestone The work of the platoon commander is reconnaissance, which is carried out in order to clarify the decision made on the ground. Not only squad (tank) commanders can be involved in it, but in some cases also driver-mechanics (drivers).
When carrying out reconnaissance, the platoon commander on the ground indicates landmarks, the position of the enemy (the direction of his actions, the location of his fire weapons), clarifies the tasks of the squads (tanks) and indicates the positions of squads, firing positions of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks and other fire weapons ( places for dismounting motorized rifle units, the route of advance, etc.).
The adoption by the platoon commander of an expedient decision to fight does not in itself ensure the successful fulfillment of the combat mission received. The decision becomes the basis for the management of squads (tanks) and the law for subordinates only when each of them receives a specific combat mission. Therefore, timely communication to the executors of combat missions is one of the most important duties of a platoon commander.
When organizing a battle, combat missions are brought to the attention of subordinates, as a rule, in the form of a combat order. The platoon leader must state it briefly, clearly and in such a way that subordinates clearly understand their task.
In the combat order, the platoon leader states:


the composition, position and nature of the enemy's actions, the location of his fire weapons;

task of the company and platoon;

objects and targets in the direction of the platoon's actions, hit by the means of senior commanders, as well as the tasks of neighbors;

Combat missions for squads (tanks), attached subunits and firepower, and the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, in addition, to a sniper and an orderly gunner and others;

the time it takes to complete the task;

Your position and substitute.

After setting combat missions, the platoon commander gives instructions on interaction, which are the specification of the order of interaction determined by him in the decision. the combat mission and methods of accomplishing it, as well as indicate the signals of notification, control, interaction and the procedure for actions on them.
Along with instructions on interaction, the platoon commander also organizes combat support. Depending on the prevailing situation and the nature of the upcoming battle, the platoon commander gives instructions on the implementation of the necessary combat support measures, and above all on the organization of reconnaissance, protection against weapons of mass destruction, incendiary weapons and high-precision weapons, engineering equipment of positions, camouflage and security. The organization of combat support is carried out in the form of issuing individual instructions as necessary.
When organizing control, the platoon commander specifies (brings) to the commanders of squads (tanks) radio data and the procedure for using radio and signal communications. During the actions of a motorized rifle platoon on foot, as well as in cases where work on radio stations is prohibited, the platoon commander must provide for a control option using communications and signals.
The management of a subunit in combat is based on the commander's firm conviction that his subordinates are capable of successfully completing the assigned task. Such confidence comes from the level of training, initiative and creativity of each soldier, sergeant individually and their high personal responsibility for the performance of a combat mission.
Trusting his subordinates, the platoon commander, at the same time, possessing great knowledge and experience, constantly monitors the course of preparation of subunits for combat and, if necessary, must provide them with assistance at any time. The purpose of control on the part of the platoon commander is reduced to checking the readiness of subordinates for combat by simultaneously providing them with practical assistance. As a rule, the platoon commander exercises control by listening to the reports of his subordinates, as well as by checking the progress of the preparatory measures for the battle. At the same time, he draws attention to the technical condition of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers, tanks), refueling them with fuel, lubricants and replenishment of ammunition, preparing weapons for firing and bringing ammunition to the final equipped form, knowledge by subordinates of their combat missions, and also warning signals, management, interaction and procedures for them.
The platoon commander reports to the company commander on readiness for combat at the appointed time.

24. Paragraphs of the combat order of the platoon commander for the organization of the battle.

Statement of combat missions subordinate and supporting subunits (fire weapons, personnel) are issued combat orders and instructions on the types of comprehensive support personally by the commander orally and via technical means of communication. Assignment of tasks, as a rule, is carried out on the ground.

In combat order platoon (squad, tank) commander indicates:

in the first paragraph - landmarks;

in the second paragraph - brief conclusions from the assessment of the enemy;

in the third paragraph - the combat composition, tasks of the senior commander and platoon (squad, tank) with specification of the number of missiles and ammunition allocated for the battle;

in the fourth paragraph - the tasks performed in the interests of the unit by the forces and means of the senior commander;

in the fifth paragraph - the tasks of neighbors and interacting units;

in the sixth paragraph after the word "I order"- combat missions for elements of the battle order (subunits, fire weapons, personnel) with clarification of their combat strength;

in the seventh paragraph - the timing of the implementation of measures to prepare for the battle (implementation

the received task) and the time of readiness;

in the eighth paragraph - his place and deputy.

Management must be: - sustainable; - continuous; - operational; - hidden.

Control of subunits (fire weapons, personnel) is organized and carried out on the basis of the decision of the commander.

The commander's decision is the basis of command.

To control subunits and fire, the senior commander establishes uniform control signals.

The platoon (squad) commander controls units (personnel, crews) by radio, voice commands, signal means, and personal example. Inside the combat vehicle, the commander controls the actions of subordinates by commands given through the intercom by voice or by set signals.

To transmit pre-established signals, signaling means are used: signal flares, flags, electric lights, searchlights of military vehicles, tracer bullets (shells) and various sound means (electric and pneumatic signals, whistles, etc.). Signals can be given with weapons, headgear and hands.

Units should only follow the signals of their immediate commander and circular warning signals.

When controlling subunits with signals, it must be remembered that signal means unmask the location of the commander.

Fire control is the most important duty of the platoon (squad, tank) commander. It includes: reconnaissance of ground and air targets, assessment of their importance and determination of the order of destruction; choice of the type of weapon and ammunition, type and method of firing (shooting); target designation; issuing commands to open fire or setting fire missions; monitoring the results of the fire and its correction; ammunition control.

The basics of the commander's work in preparing the battle

Fight preparation includes: its organization; platoon training (squad personnel, crew, weapons and military equipment) to the battle (completion of the received task); practical work of the commander in the units (work to control the fulfillment of assigned tasks and provide assistance) and other activities.

As a rule, the commander conducts the work of organizing the battle on the ground, and when the situation does not allow going to the ground, this work is carried out on the map, on the layout of the terrain. However, even in this case, the commander must find a way to clarify tasks for subunits and organize interaction on the ground.

The order of work of the unit commander in organizing combat depends on the specific situation, the task received and the availability of time. As a rule, he begins work on organizing a battle with the receipt of a combat order (combat order) or a preliminary combat order.

The basis of control is the decision of the commander.

The platoon commander, having received a combat mission, must:

1. Understand the combat mission. 5. Give a combat order.

2. Assess the situation. 6. Check the training of personnel, weapons and equipment.

3. Make a decision. 7. Organize interaction, comprehensive support.

4. Conduct reconnaissance. 8. Report to the company commander about the readiness of the platoon for

combat operations.

The decision to fight is made by the commander of a platoon (squad, tank) solely on the basis of an understanding of the task and an assessment of the situation.

Clarifying the problem, the commander must understand: the purpose of the upcoming actions; tasks of the company and platoon (platoon and squad, tank); the idea of ​​a senior leader; landmarks assigned to them; what objects (targets) in the direction of action of the platoon (squad, tank) are affected by the means of senior commanders; tasks of neighbors, conditions of interaction with them; control signals, interactions and alerts, as well as the time to be ready to complete the task.

Assessment of the situation includes: assessment of the opponent; assessment of subordinate units (fire weapons) and neighbors; terrain assessment, weather conditions, time of year, day and other factors affecting the performance of the received task.

In the decision the commander of a platoon (squad, tank) determines: the plan of the battle; tasks for elements of the battle formation (subdivisions, fire weapons, personnel); the main issues of interaction, comprehensive support and management. The basis of the decision is the idea.

When developing a plan, the commander must, by stages of accomplishing the task received, determine: the sequence and methods of action, indicating the order of destruction, destruction of the enemy by fire of subunits, standard and attached fire weapons; distribution of forces and means; ensuring secrecy in the preparation and execution of the received task.

Reconnaissance consists in a visual study of the enemy and the terrain in order to clarify the decision made. It is carried out by the platoon commander with the involvement of subordinate commanders, and in some cases, drivers and gunners of combat vehicles. When conducting reconnaissance, the platoon leader on the ground indicates the landmarks, the position of the enemy and the most probable nature of his actions; clarifies the tasks of squads and other issues related to the use of terrain in battle - the positions of squads, firing positions of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, anti-tank and other fire weapons, barriers and passages in them, the route of advancement of a platoon to the places of dismounting of motorized rifle squads.

In the combat order, the platoon leader states:


The composition, position and nature of the enemy's actions, the location of his firing

Tasks of the company and platoon;

Objects and targets in the direction of the platoon, hit by means of senior

commanders, as well as the tasks of neighbors;

Combat tasks for squads, attached units and firepower, tasks

directly subordinate personnel (sniper, shooter-orderly and others);

Ready time to complete the task;

His place and the place of the deputy in battle.

The combat order should be stated briefly and very clearly.

Interaction It is organized according to the stages of the implementation of the received task, directions of action, milestones and time. When organizing interaction, the platoon commander must coordinate the efforts of regular and attached firepower, in order to successfully complete the task, achieve a correct and common understanding by all squad leaders of the combat mission and methods for its implementation, as well as indicate warning signals, control, interaction, and the procedure for actions on them. , as well as identification signals and methods of target designation and fire correction.

organizing management, the platoon (squad, tank) commander updates (specifies) the radio data and the procedure for using communications equipment, determines the procedure for monitoring the signals of the senior commander.

Preparation of a platoon (personnel, weapons and military equipment) to perform the assigned task includes: additional staffing, weapons and military equipment; replenishment of the stock of missiles, ammunition and other materiel up to the established norms; refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant; Maintenance and preparation for the use of weapons and military equipment; preparation of initial data for shooting and other activities.

  • clarification of the received task;
  • assessment of the situation;
  • decision-making;
  • reconnaissance;
  • issuance of a combat order;
  • organization of interaction, combat support and control;
  • organizing the training of personnel, weapons and equipment for combat;
  • checking the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission;
  • report to the company commander on the readiness of the platoon to perform a combat mission.

Understanding the received task, the platoon leader must:

  • understand the task of the company and platoon;
  • what objects (targets) in the direction of the platoon's actions are affected by the means of senior commanders;
  • tasks of neighboring units and the order of interaction with them;
  • task readiness time.

Based on the understanding of the task, the platoon leader usually determines:

  • the place and role of the platoon in the task performed by the company; what objects (targets) need to be hit by means of a platoon;
  • at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighboring units it is necessary to maintain the closest interaction;
  • how to build a battle order;
  • how much time is available to organize the battle and how best to distribute it.

When assessing the situation, the platoon leader examines:

  • the composition, position and possible nature of the enemy's actions, the location of his fire weapons;
  • condition, security and capabilities of the platoon, attached units;
  • composition, position, nature of actions of neighbors and conditions of interaction with them;
  • the nature of the terrain, its protective and masking properties, advantageous approaches, barriers and obstacles, conditions for observation and firing;
  • time of year, days and weather conditions.

As a result of assessing the situation, the platoon leader determines:

  • what strength the enemy is expected to face in front of the front of the platoon, his strengths and weaknesses, the possible balance of forces and means;
  • platoon combat order, combat missions for squads (tanks), distribution of forces and means;
  • at what stage of the battle and with which of the neighbors to maintain the closest interaction;
  • the procedure for masking and using the protective properties of the terrain.

Clarification of the received task and assessment of the situation are the stages of the platoon commander's thought process in making a decision. The result of this process is the choice of the most appropriate solution for the fight. In the decision, the platoon leader usually determines:

  • ways of accomplishing the task received (which enemy, where and by what means to defeat; the measures used to deceive him);
  • tasks for squads (tanks), attached subunits and fire weapons;
  • management organization.

Determining the method of accomplishing the task received, the platoon leader must take into account that he expresses the main idea of ​​the solution, being, as it were, his plan for the battle. Therefore, it should reflect the sequence of destroying the enemy, the order of defeating him with regular and attached fire, and the formation of battle formation.
Combat missions for squads (tanks) are determined strictly in accordance with the order in which the task assigned to the platoon is performed. Thus, in defense, the task of the detachment is to firmly hold the indicated position and prevent the penetration of enemy tanks and infantry through it in depth. In the offensive, the combat mission of the squad is to destroy the manpower and firepower of the enemy in the direction of his offensive.
Determining the organization of control, the platoon commander outlines the procedure for using radio and signal communications, the procedure for actions on warning, control and interaction signals; place of your KNP. An important stage in the work of the platoon commander is reconnaissance, which is carried out in order to clarify the decision made on the ground. Not only squad (tank) commanders can be involved in it, but in some cases also driver-mechanics (drivers).
When carrying out reconnaissance, the platoon commander on the ground indicates landmarks, the position of the enemy (the direction of his actions, the location of his fire weapons), clarifies the tasks of the squads (tanks) and indicates the positions of squads, firing positions of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks and other fire weapons ( places for dismounting motorized rifle units, the route of advance, etc.).
The adoption by the platoon commander of an expedient decision to fight does not in itself ensure the successful fulfillment of the combat mission received. The decision becomes the basis for the management of squads (tanks) and the law for subordinates only when each of them receives a specific combat mission. Therefore, timely communication to the executors of combat missions is one of the most important duties of a platoon commander.
When organizing a battle, combat missions are brought to the attention of subordinates, as a rule, in the form of a combat order. The platoon leader must state it briefly, clearly and in such a way that subordinates clearly understand their task.
In the combat order, the platoon leader states:

  • landmarks;
  • the composition, position and nature of the enemy's actions, the location of his fire weapons;
  • task of the company and platoon;
  • objects and targets in the direction of the platoon's actions, hit by the means of senior commanders, as well as the tasks of neighbors;
  • combat missions to squads (tanks), attached to subunits and firepower, and the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, in addition, to a sniper and an orderly shooter and others;
  • task readiness time;
  • his place and substitute.

After setting combat missions, the platoon commander gives instructions on interaction, which are the specification of the order of interaction determined by him in the decision. the combat mission and methods of accomplishing it, as well as indicate the signals of notification, control, interaction and the procedure for actions on them.
Along with instructions on interaction, the platoon commander also organizes combat support. Depending on the prevailing situation and the nature of the upcoming battle, the platoon commander gives instructions on the implementation of the necessary combat support measures, and above all on the organization of reconnaissance, protection against weapons of mass destruction, incendiary weapons and high-precision weapons, engineering equipment of positions, camouflage and security. The organization of combat support is carried out in the form of issuing individual instructions as necessary.
When organizing control, the platoon commander specifies (brings) to the commanders of squads (tanks) radio data and the procedure for using radio and signal communications. During the actions of a motorized rifle platoon on foot, as well as in cases where work on radio stations is prohibited, the platoon commander must provide for a control option using communications and signals.
The management of a subunit in combat is based on the commander's firm conviction that his subordinates are capable of successfully completing the assigned task. Such confidence comes from the level of training, initiative and creativity of each soldier, sergeant individually and their high personal responsibility for the performance of a combat mission.
Trusting his subordinates, the platoon commander, at the same time, possessing great knowledge and experience, constantly monitors the course of preparation of subunits for combat and, if necessary, must provide them with assistance at any time. The purpose of control on the part of the platoon commander is reduced to checking the readiness of subordinates for combat by simultaneously providing them with practical assistance. As a rule, the platoon commander exercises control by listening to the reports of his subordinates, as well as by checking the progress of the preparatory measures for the battle. At the same time, he draws attention to the technical condition of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers, tanks), refueling them with fuel, lubricants and replenishment of ammunition, preparing weapons for firing and bringing ammunition to the final equipped form, knowledge by subordinates of their combat missions, and also warning signals, management, interaction and procedures for them.
The platoon commander reports to the company commander on readiness for combat at the appointed time.

24. Paragraphs of the combat order of the platoon commander for the organization of the battle.

Statement of combat missions subordinate and supporting subunits (fire weapons, personnel) are issued combat orders and instructions on the types of comprehensive support personally by the commander orally and via technical means of communication. Assignment of tasks, as a rule, is carried out on the ground.

In combat order platoon (squad, tank) commander indicates:

in the first paragraph - landmarks;

in the second paragraph - brief conclusions from the assessment of the enemy;

in the third paragraph - the combat composition, tasks of the senior commander and platoon (squad, tank) with specification of the number of missiles and ammunition allocated for the battle;

in the fourth paragraph - the tasks performed in the interests of the unit by the forces and means of the senior commander;

in the fifth paragraph - the tasks of neighbors and interacting units;

in the sixth paragraph after the word "I order"- combat missions for elements of the battle order (subunits, fire weapons, personnel) with clarification of their combat strength;

in the seventh paragraph - the timing of the implementation of measures to prepare for the battle (implementation

the received task) and the time of readiness;

in the eighth paragraph - his place and deputy.

AT modern conditions the volume of tasks that the commander must solve when organizing a battle has significantly increased, and the time allotted for this has been significantly reduced. At the same time, in order to make an informed decision, it is necessary to evaluate an increasing number of elements of the combat situation. Therefore, the commander must have deep theoretical knowledge and possess high professional skill be able to quickly navigate in a complex and rapidly changing environment.

In modern warfare, the basis of skillful management is a scientific approach to the issues of armed confrontation and accurate calculations. The right decision- this is the result of the commander's painstaking mental analytical work to study the conditions of the situation, his knowledge of military affairs, the laws of armed struggle and the principles of military art to perfection.

The main requirements for the work of the commander (headquarters) are firm and continuous management of subunits, timely decision-making and strict control over the preparation for battle (fulfillment of the assigned task) of subordinate commanders, the full and high-quality implementation of the necessary measures. In all cases, it is especially important to clearly coordinate the activities of command and control bodies and commanders at all levels, to provide subunits with as much time as possible for direct preparation for the performance of tasks.

Preparation of a battle (performing a task) in a battalion (company) includes: its organization (decision-making, reconnaissance, setting tasks, planning, organizing fire, interaction, comprehensive support, control); preparation of the command, battalion headquarters and subunits for combat (implementation of the assigned task); practical work in subdivisions (monitoring the fulfillment of assigned tasks and providing assistance) and other activities.

Fight organization is a fundamental element of the battle preparation process. The degree of compliance with the requirements of the situation of all other measures for preparing for the performance of the task depends on its content.

In any situation, the commander of a battalion (company), when organizing a battle, should strive to develop a plan as soon as possible, make an informed decision and plan the battle (fulfillment of the assigned task). In this case, the preparation of units can be carried out simultaneously with planning.

With a strict time limit, the commander and headquarters of the battalion (company commander) must concentrate all efforts on solving only the main tasks, giving subordinates more initiative in solving other tasks. In all cases, the work of the commander and staff in organizing the battle must be carried out in a clearly defined order.

Work on the organization of combat (performance of the assigned task) usually begins with the receipt of a combat order or a combat (preliminary combat) order. On its basis, the commander and headquarters of the battalion (company commander) begin to prepare the battle (complete the assigned task).

The work on organizing the battle may have the following order. First, the task received is studied and clarified, time is calculated, and subunit commanders and deputy commanders are oriented about the task received and the measures that must be taken immediately.

Then the situation is assessed with hearing the proposals of the deputy commanders and the plan of the battle (completion of the assigned task) is determined, which is reported to the senior commander for his approval, after which he is announced to the deputies in the part that concerns them, and instructions are given on further work on making a decision.

Prior combat orders are brought to subordinate subunits if the combat mission was received in the form of a preliminary combat order, and the plans of subordinate commanders are considered (with approval). The plans of the deputy commanders (head of communications of the battalion) for the use of subordinate subunits and for the comprehensive support of combat (the fulfillment of the assigned task) are also considered and approved.

Following this, the decision is completed (the definition of combat missions for the elements of the combat (marching) order of the subunits, the main issues of interaction, comprehensive support and control), which is reported for approval to the senior commander.

The battalion (company) commander announces the approved decision to the deputies, conducts (if necessary) reconnaissance, and then sets tasks.

The tasks of subordinate subunits (elements of the combat order) are communicated by combat orders, combat (preliminary combat) orders. After setting the tasks, instructions are given on the types of comprehensive support and specific preparation for combat. In parallel, battle planning is carried out, necessary calculations, maps and other documents are drawn up.

Then the commander reviews and approves the decisions of the deputies and commanders of units on the use of units, planning documents, organizes interaction and gives instructions on comprehensive support and control. In essence, at the same time, practical work is being carried out to prepare subordinate commanders and subunits for the fulfillment of assigned tasks, control of execution and assistance are carried out.

At the appointed time, the commander personally or through headquarters reports to the senior commander on readiness to carry out the assigned task.

Depending on the situation and the availability of time, the sequence of work of the battalion (company) commander may be different.

The most important element of the organization of the fight is the decision to fight. It is understood as the finally chosen variant of actions to accomplish the assigned task, which determines the procedure for using the available forces and means in the upcoming battle.

The decision of the commander of the battalion (company) is made solely on the basis of understanding the received task and assessing the situation. The decision defines: the plan of the battle (the fulfillment of the received task); tasks for elements of battle order (subdivisions); the main issues of interaction, comprehensive support and management.

As a rule, the commander of a battalion (company) conducts the work of organizing combat on the ground. In those cases when the situation does not allow to go to the area (little time to organize the battle, open area), this work is carried out according to the map (on the layout) of the area. However, even in such a situation, the battalion (company) commander must find time to travel to the area in order to clarify the tasks of the subunits and organize interaction.

Most of the time available for preparation for the performance of tasks should be given to subordinate units for their direct preparation for the performance of the task.

The beginning of the work of the battalion (company) commander in making a decision is the clarification of the task, which has the goal of studying the initial data for organizing the battle. In the course of clarifying the task, the commander must understand: the purpose of the forthcoming actions and the plan of the senior commander (especially the methods of defeating the enemy); the place and role of the battalion (company) in the plan of the senior commander and his task; the tasks of the neighbors, the conditions for interaction with them, with units of other types and branches of the Armed Forces, other troops, as well as the period of readiness of the battalion (company) to complete the task.

To correctly understand the senior commander's plan means to understand which enemy, where and in what sequence it is planned to defeat, where the main blow is delivered (the main efforts are concentrated), how the results of strikes with nuclear, high-precision weapons delivered by decision of the senior commander are used, and also how conventional fire weapons, especially in the area of ​​operations of the battalion (company), what kind of grouping of forces and means the senior commander creates, and what kind of maneuver he plans to carry out during the battle.

The place and role of a battalion (company) is determined by the nature and extent of its participation in the fulfillment of the task entrusted to the troops of the senior commander, the place in the formation of the battle formation of these troops (regiment, battalion) and the significance of the enemy grouping to be repulsed or defeated.

As a rule, the battalion commander conducts the clarification of the mission together with the chief of staff, his deputy, and the assistant battalion commander for artillery. At the same time, the deputy chief of staff maps the task of the battalion, the tasks of the interacting units and the demarcation lines with them (zones of responsibility), the tasks solved by the forces and means of the senior commander, and other data.

After the task is clarified, time is calculated and the unit commanders and deputies (assistant) are oriented about the task received and the measures that must be taken immediately.

The battalion (company) commander usually calculates the time for preparing the battle (performing the assigned task) himself or together with the chief of staff. The initial data for calculating the time to organize a battle are: the time the combat mission was received and the battalion (company) was ready to carry it out; the time of the report of the idea and decision to the senior boss; the timing of the participation of the battalion commander in the activities carried out by the senior commander for organizing combat on the ground. The form of calculation can be arbitrary. As an option, when calculating the time, you can first determine the total time available for the preparation of the battle, and the duration of daylight hours in it. Then, taking into account the position and condition of the units, determine how much time (including light time) to give subordinate commanders to organize the battle and how much time is needed to make their decision, to set combat missions, reconnaissance, clarify the decision, issue a combat order and other actions to fight organization.

Based on the clarification of the task, the battalion commander (chief of staff), using one of the prepared maps, orients the unit commanders and deputy commanders about the content of the task received and the measures that need to be taken immediately, for example, preparing equipment, personnel, replenishing supplies of material resources, evacuating the wounded and sick , on organizing reconnaissance, preparing data for decision-making, on the time and procedure for working on the ground, etc.

After carrying out this work, the commander, with the involvement of the necessary officials proceeds to assess the situation, during which he develops a plan for the battle (fulfillment of the received task).

Assessment of the situation during the preparation, during and after the execution of the task received is to study and comprehensive analysis factors and conditions affecting its implementation. It includes: an assessment of the combat strength and the opening of the plan of the enemy's actions; assessment of their troops; assessment of the terrain, climatic and weather conditions, time of year, day and other factors affecting the performance of the task. It is carried out taking into account the forecast of its development in the preparation and in the course of performing the task.

The elements of situation assessment listed above affect decision making in different ways. In this regard, the conclusions to which the commander comes are not only different, but sometimes contradictory, since in one case the state or position of the enemy’s troops will have the greatest influence on the decision, and in the other, the state and position of one’s own troops or, for example, , features of the combat area, time of year, day, etc. However, of all the elements of assessing the situation, the correct assessment of the enemy is most often the most important.

When evaluating an opponent it must be taken into account that the content of the combat mission of a battalion (company) is to defeat the opposing enemy. Both on the defensive and on the offensive, the battalion commander studies the enemy to the depth of his brigade's battle formation. The company commander evaluates the enemy at the depth of the battle formation of the enemy battalion.

Information about the enemy, as a rule, almost always turns out to be insufficient, and some of them may be contradictory, outdated, and even false. However, a battalion (company) commander must be able to compare available information, take into account the tactics and possible nature of enemy actions, and, on the basis of this, draw conclusions about the expediency (necessity) of certain actions of his subunits.

Evaluation of the enemy is recommended in the following order. First, you need to determine the general nature of the actions, the position, composition, condition and security of the enemy grouping in the offensive direction, and in defense - in front of the front of the defense area (strong point) of the battalion (company) and in front of neighboring subunits (battalions, companies). Then determine that part of the enemy grouping, from the defeat of which the combat capability of the enemy will be sharply reduced. Based on knowledge of the enemy's tactics, one should identify his strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities, and on this basis reveal the probable nature (concept) of his actions.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the composition and probable nature of the enemy's actions, the battalion (company) commander draws conclusions about what enemy forces are (or may be) in front of the battalion (company), and about their possible actions; where the main forces of his grouping are located, the defeat of which will significantly reduce the combat capabilities of the enemy; when and within what time limits certain actions of one's own forces and means are expedient for inflicting the most tangible losses on the enemy and minimizing the losses of one's subunits. These conclusions will enable the battalion (company) commander to determine: the direction of concentration of the main efforts (sections of the terrain, on the retention of which the stability of the defense depends); what enemy, in what way and in what sequence to defeat; the expedient procedure for engaging the enemy with regular and attached fire; favorable battle order of the battalion (company) and combat missions for subunits; the main issues of interaction, comprehensive support and management. Based on the assessment of the enemy, the commander also determines which objects and by what time to complete reconnaissance, at what time to carry out preparatory measures for battle.

When evaluating your units the main goal is to establish their real combat capabilities for effective confrontation with the enemy, taking into account the conclusions about his likely nature of actions.

Assessing his troops, the battalion (company) commander takes into account: the position of the subunits in relation to the enemy and the nature of their actions; the removal of subunits from the planned line of transition to defense or attack and the time required to advance; location, condition, capabilities and time of arrival of attached units; the state of stocks of material resources and the timing of their replenishment, as well as the capabilities of departments technical support and rear.

When evaluating his subunits, the battalion (company) commander also determines their capabilities for hitting tanks and other objects (targets), for fighting an air enemy, and when evaluating artillery subunits, their capabilities for hitting enemy targets from indirect fire positions and direct fire.

The conclusions obtained from the evaluation of friendly troops should be compared with the conclusions about the probable actions of the enemy and it should be established to what extent the capabilities of the battalion (company) correspond to achieving success in battle. On this basis, conclusions are drawn about the expedient actions of their subunits before and during the battle. In particular, the battalion (company) commander determines the need for a regrouping of forces and means, one or another of their distribution in battle order, methods of action, support, and the nature of interaction. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the actions of neighbors, as well as terrain and weather conditions.

When evaluating neighbors, its main goal is to determine the impact of their actions on the fulfillment of the assigned task by the battalion (company) and the procedure for joint actions with them. The battalion (company) commander studies the composition, position, nature of the actions of the neighbors and the conditions for interaction with them, determines what measures should be taken to secure the flanks.

When assessing the terrain the battalion (company) commander determines to what extent it can help or hinder the enemy in his actions, and also to what extent it will favor or hinder the actions of the battalion (company).

In military practice, the following methodology for studying the terrain has been developed. First, the terrain at the location of the enemy is assessed, then at the location of friendly troops, while determining the conditions for observation, shelling, camouflage and location, the terrain's passability and its protective properties. Important local objects are identified, advantageous lines for the defense or the transition of the enemy and its subunits to the offensive (attack), places for installing barriers, advantageous areas for the location of elements of the battle order, command posts and rear units.

Attention is drawn to the presence and condition of roads, routes of maneuver, supply and evacuation, to possible changes that may occur in the event of the use of weapons of mass destruction and incendiaries, the destruction of dams, fires, heavy rains and heavy snowfalls.

As a result of the assessment of the terrain, the battalion (company) commander determines: how its elements can affect the actions of the enemy, his troops and neighbors; where, based on this, it is advisable to concentrate the main efforts; how to use favorable terrain conditions to solve the tasks of subunits in battle; how to build a battle order; what actions to take to eliminate negative impact those elements of the situation that can reduce the effectiveness of the actions of subunits in the course of the upcoming battle.

The essence of the work of the battalion (company) commander at the decision-making stage is to compare the conclusions made on individual elements (issues) of the decision in the process of understanding the task, assessing the situation and preparing tactical calculations in order to finally determine the constituent elements of the decision and formulate them. At the same time, the decision must correspond to the real situation and contain elements of creativity, activity, reasonable risk, the use of methods of action unknown to the enemy, that is, everything that ensures his defeat with minimal losses in his subunits.

In the decision, the commander determines: the plan of the battle (the accomplishment of the assigned task); tasks for elements of battle order (subdivisions); the main issues of interaction, comprehensive support and management.

The battalion (company) commander usually begins the adoption and formulation of a decision with a definition battle plan.

The idea is the basis of the decision and is developed, as a rule, simultaneously with the assessment of the situation. In the course of its development, the commander must consistently determine, by stages of the task, the following directions for concentrating the main efforts; forms and methods of action; distribution of forces and means (building a combat (marching) order); measures to ensure secrecy in the preparation and execution of the task. It is especially important that the commander defines the idea of ​​deceiving the enemy, which then should be brought only to a limited circle of people. Moreover, measures to deceive the enemy should be provided for during preparation, during and after the completion of the assigned task.

As the decision is made, the map displays: known information about the enemy, and sometimes his probable actions; directions of concentration of the main efforts of the battalion (company) (in the defense, in addition, areas of terrain, on the retention of which the stability of the defense depends); tasks of the battalion (company) and neighbors, dividing lines with them; tasks of fire weapons performed by the forces and means of senior commanders; tasks of subordinate units, methods and terms of their implementation; locations of the KNP of the battalion and companies and the direction of their movement; the main issues of interaction, support and management. In addition to the graphic part, the working map also contains tables reflecting the composition of the reinforcements, the distribution of forces and means, the balance of forces and means, etc.

Thus, by the time the decision-making work is completed, the commander will have a battalion (company) action plan that has finally taken shape in his mind and graphically displayed on the map. After that, the commander can report the decision to the senior commander for approval and proceed to the definition of tasks for the elements of the combat (marching) order (subunits).

In tasks for elements of combat (marching) order (units) usually their combat composition, means of reinforcement and the order of their reassignment are determined; zones (sections, areas, directions) of actions, designated areas (positions, lines) and demarcation lines; allocated number of missiles and ammunition; terms of readiness to perform the task and other issues.

In the main issues of interaction usually the order of interaction of elements of the battle order (subunits) with each other, with the forces and means of the senior commander performing tasks in the interests of the battalion (company) in the performance of the main tactical tasks, as well as with neighbors is usually determined. The responsibility of commanders for the joints and gaps between the elements of the battle order (subunits) is especially determined.

In the main issues of comprehensive provision usually the main (basic) measures are determined for combat, moral-psychological, technical and logistic support carried out during the preparation and during the battle. At the same time, the areas (directions) for concentrating the main efforts, the main tasks, the sequence and timing of their implementation, the forces and means involved, and the procedure for managing them are determined.

In the main issues of management the following are usually determined (specified): the places and time of deployment of the command and observation post (the place of the command vehicle in combat order), the directions and procedure for its movement; the procedure for transferring control in the event of failure of the KNP; measures to ensure secrecy, stability, continuity of control and control over the fulfillment of assigned tasks.

Once a decision has been made, if there is time, the battalion (company) commander can conduct reconnaissance, which consists in a visual study of the enemy and the terrain in order to clarify the decision made on the map. It is carried out personally by the battalion (company) commander with the involvement of deputies, assistant battalion commander for artillery, commanders of subordinate and interacting units.

The assignment of combat missions to subordinate and support units is carried out by communicating combat orders, combat (preliminary combat) orders and instructions on the types of comprehensive support. Tasks are set by the commander personally or at his direction by the chief of staff orally and by technical means of communication.

The combat order of the battalion (company) indicates: in the first paragraph - brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation; in the second - the combat composition and tasks of the battalion (company);

in the third - tasks performed in the interests of the battalion (company) by the forces and means of the senior commander;

in the fourth - the tasks of neighbors and interacting units; in the fifth - after the word "decided" the plan of the battle (fulfillment of the received task) is brought;

in the sixth - after the word “I order”, combat missions are set for units of the first and second echelons (combined arms reserve), artillery units and fire weapons remaining directly subordinate to the battalion (company) commander, with clarification of their combat strength, forces and means of reinforcement, their order reassignment of the allocated number of missiles and ammunition;

in the seventh - places and time of deployment of control points and the procedure for transferring control;

in the eighth - the time of readiness for battle (completion of the task).

The combat order of the subunit shall indicate: brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation;

the combat composition and task of the subunit, specifying the means of reinforcement and the procedure for their reassignment;

tasks performed in the interests of units by the forces and means of the senior commander;

tasks of neighbors and dividing lines with them (if they are assigned);

main issues of interaction;

the main issues of comprehensive support;

basic management issues;

time and place of the decision report.

The preliminary combat order usually indicates:

information about the enemy;

combat composition of the unit;

tentative combat mission of the subunit;

neighbors and dividing lines with them;

time of readiness for action and other data.

All orders, instructions, instructions of the battalion (company) commander, orders (instructions) of the senior commander are recorded by the chief of staff (deputy company commander) in the log of received and given orders.

Based on the decision of the commander of the battalion headquarters (deputy company commanders), the commanders of the attached units, together with the officers of the supporting (interacting) units, plan the battle (completion of the assigned task).

The essence of planning lies in the production of tactical calculations and the detailed development of the decision made by the commander, drawing it up on the map with details: when attacking - two steps lower; in defense - three steps lower. At the same time, the battalion (company) develops: timing, combat order, combat (preliminary combat) orders for subunits, work card of the battalion (company) commander. When solving the most complex problems, an interaction scheme can be developed.

On the working map the commander of the battalion (company) displays all the elements of the decision set out in the content of the points of the combat order and combat (preliminary combat) orders.

On the interaction diagram displayed: tactical tasks performed by units; the forces and means involved for the solution of these tasks; control and interaction signals; the order of actions of subordinate and attached units (forces and means) in the performance of each task (by stages of its implementation), indicating the time, control signals and interaction.

At all stages of the organization of the battle Special attention devoted to the organization of fire. So, when clarifying the task, it is necessary to study the landmarks and signals assigned by the senior commander, as well as the objects (targets) hit in the interests of the battalion (company), assess the influence of the terrain, weather, time of day on the performance of fire missions and determine the measures that need to be taken to prepare weapons to combat use.

When developing a plan and making a decision, it is necessary to disclose the order of fire engagement of the enemy with an indication of tasks, types of weapons and methods of firing, distribute artillery (weapons of destruction) according to the directions of action and stages of the task, determine the areas of firing positions and the time of their occupation. Fire missions to elements of the combat formation (subunits) are reflected in combat orders and orders, and can be communicated by orders, commands and signals.

When organizing interaction, the battalion (company) commander coordinates the efforts of regular and attached fire weapons in order of performing fire missions and destroying the most important targets.

It is especially important to determine the issues of ensuring fire control. To do this, it is necessary to assign uniform landmarks, encode topographic maps and local objects, communicate radio data and signals to subordinates, apply identification marks and conditional numbers to weapons and military equipment. The selected landmarks must be clearly visible day and night, resistant to destruction. Landmarks are numbered from right to left and along the lines from oneself towards the enemy. One of the landmarks is designated as the main one. It is forbidden to change the numbers of landmarks and signals assigned by the senior commander.

The procedure for calling and adjusting artillery fire, calling for air strikes, signals (commands) for opening, transferring and ceasefire should also be determined. Issues of fire destruction of the enemy are displayed on the working maps.

One of the most important conditions for achieving success in combat is the careful organization of interaction. It is personally organized by the battalion (company) commander with the participation of deputies, assistant artillery, as well as commanders of subordinate and interacting units. At the same time, the battalion (company) commander usually determines the tactical tasks (stages of accomplishing the task received), according to which interaction will be organized, the officials involved, the time and place for organizing interaction. After setting combat missions and planning a battle, interaction is organized by sequentially working out the order and methods of action of units (forces and means) by tasks, directions, time and boundaries in the interests of the actions of combined arms units. The basics of interaction are determined by the decision of the commander.

The commander of a battalion (company) organizes interaction, as a rule, on the ground to the depth of visibility, and on the layout of the terrain or on the map - to the entire depth of the received combat mission. The organization of interaction, depending on the availability of time and the specific conditions of the situation, can be carried out: by listening to reports from the commanders of subordinate and interacting units and issuing instructions with the definition of measures to ensure their coordinated actions; detailed development of the order and methods of action of units for each of the tasks they sequentially perform on the basis of the decisions made; draw of the main tactical episodes on options actions, as well as their combination.

When organizing interaction, the battalion (company) commander is obliged to bring warning, control, interaction, mutual identification and target designation signals.

In instructions for comprehensive support, the battalion (company) commander coordinates the necessary measures for its types in the interests of fulfilling the assigned tasks at the place, time, forces and means involved.

In instructions for command and control, the battalion (company) commander usually announces: the time and place of deployment of command and observation posts of subunits, the direction and procedure for their movement in the course of performing the assigned task; the procedure for maintaining communication and radio exchange; application procedure automated system management, technical means communications, covert control and restoration of broken control.

After the completion of this work, the battalion (company) commander takes measures to prepare units for the performance of the assigned tasks. It consists in maintaining the subunits in high combat readiness and combat readiness, resupplying them with personnel, armaments and military equipment, and providing them with the necessary materiel. Training of subunits also includes training of commanders, staff and personnel for the task, and of weapons and military equipment for use (combat use), combat coordination, tactical (tactical-special, tactical-combat) exercises (classes) and training in relation to the nature upcoming actions, combat support measures.

Practical work on the preparation of subordinate commanders and subunits for the fulfillment of assigned tasks (control and assistance) is carried out by the battalion (company) commander, his deputies (battalion headquarters officers) by direct work in divisions. At the same time, control and assistance are carried out sequentially "from the bottom up": soldier - squad (crew, crew) - platoon - company.

During practical work the correctness of the understanding of the combat mission, security, decisions made, the reality of the tasks assigned to subordinates, the quality of the implementation of measures for organizing fire, interaction, comprehensive support, control, and also coherence in subunits are checked.

In the course of fulfilling the assigned task, the commander and headquarters of the battalion (company commander) direct their work towards the implementation of the decision made, collect data on the stop and evaluate it, timely clarify the decision, tasks, issues of interaction and comprehensive support. Noticed deficiencies are immediately eliminated. It is especially important to clarify in a timely manner the procedure for action in case of sudden changes in the situation. The necessary orders should be as brief and specific as possible and reflect who, where, at what time (terms), and sometimes how to carry out certain actions.

In the course of a battle, an extremely important role is played by the timely communication by the commander of subordinate subunits of new data about the enemy, information about changes in the tasks and procedures of their neighbors, and about strikes with fire weapons from the senior commander.

If a task is performed by a battalion (company) together with units of other troops, the battalion (company) commander explains with whom, how, at what stage and in what way joint efforts should be coordinated, and what issues to be prepared for.

Using the results of artillery fire, the fire of combat vehicles and small arms, destroy the enemy's manpower and firepower in a strong point on high. "Flat" and master it, in cooperation with tanks 112, 113 and neighbors attack With move on foot to complete the destruction of the motorized infantry squad, ATGM, machine gun and tank in the trench, further develop the offensive in the direction of spruce, barn.

Battle formation - a chain, having 1 MSO in the center, 2 MSO on the right, 3 MSO on the left flank; the machine-gun compartment is calculated to be given to the departments, for 2 mso.

MSO with the calculation of the machine gun in cooperation with the tank 112 attack on the move on foot destroys ATGMs, then advances in the direction of stones, spruce.

MSO with the calculation of the machine gun attack on the move on foot destroys the infantry group, the machine gun, then advances in the direction of the bush, the ruins.

MSO with the calculation of the machine gun in cooperation with the tank 113 attack on the move on foot destroys the infantry group and the tank, then advances. In the direction of the hillock, dry tree; go during the attack suppresses an infantry group and anti-tank missiles at high. "Flat" (direction of fire - stones), then advances in the direction of high. "Flat", barn.

The platoon in combat formation goes to the line of transition to the attack, dismounts stones and birch at the line under the cover of artillery and tank fire.

During the attack, 1 MSO destroys an infantry group and an enemy near a bush, 2 MSO - an infantry group and a machine gun, GO - ATGM, in the pit area - 2.7, 3 MSO - an infantry group in a trench and a tank on the slopes. "Flat".

The mine-explosive barriers of the enemy are overcome along passage 3 in a column of two. Infantry fighting vehicles, moving behind the chain of their squads, support them with fire.

The enemy's flanking fire weapons are destroyed by the fire of the flanking squads and the armament of the infantry fighting vehicles. The counterattacking enemy is hit by fire from all means, and then the attack completes his destruction.

The platoon commander conducts reconnaissance with the commanders of squads, attached units, and sometimes involves mechanics-drivers (drivers).

During the reconnaissance, the platoon leader examines the area, indicates landmarks and clarifies:

the outline of the front line of the enemy's defense and the location of his fire weapons, especially anti-tank ones, the location and nature of the obstacles, as well as the targets hit by the senior commander's weapons;

combat missions of squads and attached weapons;

places of passages in barriers and crossings through obstacles and their designation, places of equipping tanks with roller mine sweeps;

advance route, deployment lines, transition to the attack, dismounting and safe removal.

Success in modern combat will always be on the side of the commander who, along with the strict fulfillment of other requirements in organizing combat, will do everything to conduct a thorough and high-quality reconnaissance. Qualified and timely reconnaissance helps the commander deeply and objectively assess the current situation, make appropriate decisions, and achieve success with less forces. We must be firmly guided by the rule that, if time permits, a reconnaissance of the area must be carried out without fail. In cases where there is no time for this, it is necessary to study the area on a large-scale map, while not forgetting to pay attention to the year of its publication. If the map is old, then before the attack it is necessary to conduct at least a cursory examination of the area to compare it with the map.

The study and assessment of the terrain in the course of reconnaissance are two organically interconnected sides of a single process.

The terrain must be assessed not only "for oneself", but also "for the enemy", in order to provide for the possible locations of his observation posts, defensive structures, firing positions, obstacles, as well as the probable methods of his actions.

Combat order of the platoon commander to attack enenie

1. The enemy occupies
prepared defense with a leading edge along the pit line -
1.5 sec. house, shrub, mound, otd. tree, height with elev. 169.0.
The stronghold of the platoon is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdep. house, road bend, bush.

His fire weapons were found: otd. house, left 30 - machine gun, near the stones - ATGM, at high. "Flat" - a tank in a trench, near a hillock - an anti-tank grenade launcher.

In front of the leading edge - anti-tank and anti-personnel minefields.

2. 1 measures from the guards from the border corner of the forest "Square", ledge le-
sa "Narrow" in cooperation with 1 tv 1 tr attack on the move on foot
order destroys the enemy in the platoon’s stronghold on
high "Flat" and takes possession of the boundary of the mound, the forest "Small", in
further advances in the direction of the shed, the roof.

1 MSV from the 1st, a pool in cooperation with 2 MSV and 3 MSV and tanks 112, 113 from the fir tree, stone line, attack on the move on foot, destroys an infantry group, a machine gun, an ATGM, a tank in a trench in a strong point on high. "Flat", further advances in the direction of spruce, barn, dismounting line - stones, birch.

3. During the period of fire preparation of the attack, artillery and mines
mets suppress the enemy's manpower and firepower on
front edge and in the nearest depth; direct fire
artillery destroys tanks in the trenches.

From the right, the 2nd MSV advances from the go and, in cooperation with the 1st MSV and tank 111 from the line, the corner of the Kvadratny forest, a spruce, destroys an infantry group, a machine gun and a tank in a trench with an attack on the move, a machine gun and a tank in a trench, then advances in the direction of stones, high. with elev. 105.3.

From the left, the 3rd MSV is advancing from the GO and in cooperation with the 1st MSV and Tank 114 from the south. high slopes with elev. 169.0, ledge of the forest "Narrow", with an attack on the move on foot, destroys an infantry group and a tank in a trench, then advances in the direction of the detachment. house, height "Sandy".

4. 2 MSO with the calculation of the machine gun in cooperation with the tank 112
attack on the move from the line spruce, stone, destroy a group of infantry
and a machine gun, further advance in the direction of the bush,

1-mso with the crew of a machine gun attack on the move from the line of spruce, stone, destroy ATGMs, then advance in the direction of stones, spruce.

3 MSO with the crew of a machine gun in cooperation with the tank 113 attack on the move from the line of a spruce, a stone, destroy an infantry group, a tank in a trench, then advance in the direction of a hillock, a dry tree.

1st to suppress a group of infantry and anti-tank missiles at high. "Flat"; shooting direction - stones, otd. house; direction of attack - high. "Flat", barn.

The sniper is to destroy the control group on the KNP 50 m to the right of a wide bush, open fire independently, advance on the left flank 1 mso.

Arrow-orderly to advance to the left of me in readiness to render medical care wounded.

5. Readiness for the offensive - 1.00 16.9.

6. I am for 1 mso. Deputies - full-time and co-
mandir 1 mso.

After issuing a combat order, the platoon commander organizes interaction with attached units.

When organizing interaction, the platoon leader must:

Indicate the procedure for advancing to the line of transition to the attack, deploying into battle formation, firing from small arms, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and tanks, moving to the attack, making passages in obstacles and obstacles and overcoming them, as well as security measures when delivering nuclear weapons attacks on the enemy;

When attacking from a position of direct contact with the enemy, indicate the procedure for occupying the starting position for the offensive, passing tanks through the battle formations of their subunits, and the tank platoon commander - the procedure for passing tanks through the positions of motorized rifle subunits and firing when moving on the attack;

Specify the order of firing at air targets;

Coordinate the actions of squads (tanks) among themselves and with attached firepower and neighbors;

Communicate alerts, controls, interactions and procedures for them.

When attacking on foot, in addition, it indicates the order of dismounting of the personnel and the actions after that of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers).

When organizing combat support, the platoon commander indicates the order of observation and actions of personnel when the enemy uses nuclear, chemical, incendiary and high-precision weapons in the initial area, when advancing to the line of transition to the attack and during the offensive, as well as the order of engineering equipment of the initial area for the offensive, its camouflage, the procedure for camouflage during the advance, the place of passage in the enemy minefield, its designation and the procedure for overcoming it, and when attacking on foot, the procedure for overcoming minefields along tank tracks.

When organizing command and control, the platoon commander specifies (updates) the radio data and the procedure for using radio equipment in the initial area during the advance and with the start of the offensive.

Currently, the systems of high-precision weapons (HW) developed by the enemy make it possible to deliver an effective strike. So, for example, one Patriot missile can disable one tank (motorized rifle) company (10-12 armored units).

To protect against the WTO, a set of measures should be applied to minimize the effectiveness of the impact of the WTO and maintain combat capability. To this end, it is necessary to skillfully use the protective properties of the terrain, implement engineering equipment for areas of location, create false areas, positions, camouflage weapons and military equipment, timely notify and warn of the danger of the enemy using the WTO, use thermal simulators, and smoke advance routes. With this in mind, the platoon leader must take dispersal and camouflage measures.

Conducting an offensive on the move. At the time set by the company commander or upon receipt of a signal (order) to advance, the platoon commander gives the command to start moving. Team “Platoon, to the cars. In places ”is given by the established signal or voice. After its execution, the platoon leader commands "Forward", observing the actions of subordinates. The start of the movement of the lead combat vehicle (armored personnel carrier, tank) should not be abrupt, so that the vehicles following it can gain the necessary speed and distance before approaching the starting point.

During the nomination important role the high discipline of the march, the observance by the crews of the order of movement, speeds, distances and requirements for light and radio camouflage established for the given conditions of the situation, plays a role. No one has the right to violate the established discipline of the march. All radio facilities are in the “Receive” mode before the start of the offensive and are used only to alert personnel about an enemy air attack, about an imminent threat and the beginning of the enemy’s use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as about radioactive, chemical and biological contamination. All personnel must know the warning signals. The platoon commander determines the order of actions on these signals in advance.

When advancing along roads in swampy areas, several vehicles, especially tanks, should not be allowed to move along one track. When overcoming a swampy area along a columned path, it is recommended to move evenly, not to tear off the top soil cover, and not to change the engine speed sharply; it is better to increase the speed in such a section gradually, without jerks.

Great attention is required when driving at night. Under these conditions, the use of headlights is prohibited in order to avoid unmasking. To illuminate the road with limited light, blackout devices can be used, but not on all cars, but it is advisable on one car from a platoon.

Night vision devices can also be used to view the road at night. However, it must be borne in mind that vehicles with night vision devices turned on are easily detected by the enemy. Therefore, before overcoming open areas of terrain, the platoon commander gives a signal to turn off night vision devices. With the approach to the line of deployment in company columns, night vision devices and blackout devices are turned off, and on sharply rugged, closed terrain and in inclement weather, they can be turned off closer to the front edge, depending on how the attack will be carried out - with illumination of the terrain and the enemy or not.

If the company commander assigns a deployment point to platoon columns, then the platoons, after passing through it, independently move to their directions with the maximum allowable speed. As they approach the line of transition to the attack, the platoons, at the command of the company commander, deploy in battle formation and, destroying the enemy with fire on the move, continue to move towards the front line of the enemy’s defense. A platoon is deployed from a column to a battle line at the command (signal) "Platoon, in the direction of such and such an object (to such and such a line) - to battle" or "Platoon, follow me - to battle." The platoon commander's vehicle continues to move in the indicated direction, the second vehicle moves to the right, the third to the left, and, maintaining alignment with the platoon commander's vehicle, continues to move with an interval of up to 100 m between the vehicles. At the same time, a motorized rifle platoon follows the tanks and destroys enemy fire weapons, primarily anti-tank ones, without giving the enemy the opportunity to cut off the platoon from the tanks.

As subunits go over to the attack, platoon commanders clarify the position of the enemy, and, if necessary, the combat missions of the squads and the procedure for overcoming barriers.

Combat vehicles equipped with mine sweeps overcome the enemy's minefield in battle order in their directions, and combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers) without mine sweeps - along the aisles in the order established by the commander. The personnel of a motorized rifle platoon, when attacking on foot, overcomes the minefield following the tanks along their tracks or along the passage made.

A motorized rifle platoon overcomes obstacles and obstacles in front of the front line of enemy defenses under the cover of artillery fire, grenade launcher and machine gun (anti-tank-machine gun) platoons, as well as with mutual fire support from tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and small arms.

When attacking on infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), a motorized rifle platoon, having overcome a minefield, following the tanks at a precisely set time (“H”), rapidly breaks into the front line of the enemy’s defense, destroys his fire weapons, primarily anti-tank and armored ones, and, using the results of fire damage, it quickly and unceasingly advances into the depths.

When attacking a motorized rifle platoon on foot, to dismount the personnel, the platoon commanders give, and the squad commanders duplicate the command "Platoon (squad), prepare to dismount."

Rice. 16. Attack of a motorized rifle platoon on foot

On this command, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) catch up with the tanks, the personnel put the weapon on the safety lock, take it out of the loopholes and prepare to dismount.

When the platoon reaches the dismounting line at the command of the platoon commander “Platoon, to the vehicles”, the drivers (drivers) reduce the speed of the vehicles or, using the available shelters, make a short stop. At the command of their commanders “To the car”, the squads quickly jump out of the vehicles, and at the command “Squad, for such and such an object, for battle, forward”, they deploy in a chain and, conducting intense fire on the move, at an accelerated pace or run continue to move to the front edge. In this case, the platoon leader dismounts and moves behind the platoon line at a distance of up to 50 m in a place where it is more convenient to observe and control the platoon's actions.

Infantry fighting vehicles (APCs), as a rule, provide a platoon attack and overcome mine-explosive barriers with fire from a place from behind shelters.

The platoon commander exercises fire and movement control of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) through his deputy by radio, and personnel - by commands given by voice and signals.

Upon detection of fire weapons (interfering with the advance of the platoon), which must be destroyed by combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers), the platoon commander commands: “Falcon-10, I-Falcon-11, op. 2, right 30, at the bush ATGM on an armored personnel carrier - destroy, I am Sokol-11, over."

If other fire weapons are found, the platoon commander can voice the fire task "To the first and third squads on the left at a height, by a separate tree - destroy the machine gun."

With the approach of the personnel to the minefields, at the command of the platoon commander, “Platoon, in the direction of such and such an object, in a column of two (three), directing - the first squad, in the aisle, run-march” squads are reorganized on the move in the previously established order into a column and rush into the passage. In front of the squads, machine gunners fire on the move.

After overcoming minefields at the command of the platoon commander "Platoon, in the direction of such and such an object (to such and such a line), directing - such and such a squad - to battle, forward" or "Platoon, follow me - to battle, forward "Squads run in the established order to their directions and deploy in a chain, open fire and continue to approach the enemy. At the command “Platoon, grenades - fire”, the personnel throw grenades at the enemy and at the exact time (“H”) with a shout of “hurray” after the tanks breaks into the front line of defense, destroys the enemy with point-blank fire and continuously continues the attack in the indicated direction .

Infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), having overcome the minefield along the aisles, catch up with their units, occupy shelters and support the squads with fire, moving behind the chain in jumps from shelter to shelter, and sometimes directly in the chain.

The flamethrowers assigned to the platoon, advancing in the platoon's order of battle, destroy the enemy in trenches, communication passages and other fortifications.

During the offensive, the platoon commander conducts, observes, specifies tasks for squads and infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), as well as attached fire weapons to destroy (suppress) the enemy, and indicates to the tanks the targets that impede the advancement of personnel.

When organizing an offensive, it is necessary to remember the words of V. I. Lenin: “We must win the first success and go from success to success, without stopping the attack on the enemy, taking advantage of his confusion.”

Each battle must be brought to a victorious end, each attack must be developed non-stop at a high pace (Fig. 17), breaking through the enemy's defenses to the full depth is the basic law of offensive combat.

To stop at this moment, when the front line of the enemy's defense has been broken, means to lose time, to give the enemy the opportunity to bring up forces in the threatened direction.

To delay the advance after the destruction of the object of attack means to lag behind the neighbors, expose their flanks and create favorable conditions for the enemy to counterattack. Each, not caused by the situation, reduction in the rate of advance in the depths of the enemy's defenses can lead to the disruption of the commander's plan, to nullify all the benefits achieved by the platoon with the start of the offensive.

It goes without saying that the continuous development of the attack should not be replaced by indiscriminate advance, the pursuit of the pace of the offensive for the sake of pace. Alignment only along the advanced units is the law of any offensive battle. Every commander, every soldier must adhere to it.

A strong point in which the enemy offers resistance, the platoon bypasses and attacks him in the flank or in the rear. Terrain folds, gaps in battle formations or open enemy flanks are used for maneuver, while smoke and aerosols can be used for camouflage. A change in the direction of the front of the platoon's battle line is carried out at the command (signal) of the platoon commander "Platoon, to the right (left, around), in the direction of such and such an object (to such and such a line) - MARCH."

When changing the direction of movement to the right (left), the platoon commander’s vehicle changes the direction of movement to the specified object, the left-flank (right-flank) vehicle with increased, and the right-flank (left-flank) vehicle at a reduced speed, observing the intervals, advance to a new direction and continue to move in the battle line.

A change in the direction of advance of a platoon operating on foot is carried out at the command (signal) "Platoon, to the right (left, around), in the direction of such and such an object (to such and such a line), directing - such and such a squad - MARCH." The guide compartment changes direction to the specified object, the remaining compartments move to a new direction and continue to move, maintaining alignment with the guide compartment.

If necessary, a change in the direction of attack is carried out at the command (signal) "Attention, do what I do." In this case, the platoon leader indicates the new direction of movement of the platoon by the movement of his vehicle, and when acting on foot, by the established signal.

If it is impossible to bypass the enemy stronghold, the platoon leader concentrates the platoon's fire on targets that prevent

Rice. 17. Attack of a motorized rifle platoon in the depths of defense

advance, and a decisive attack from the front completes its destruction. As the enemy resistance weakens, the motorized rifle platoon advancing on foot, at the command (signal) of the senior commander, boards the vehicles. To do this, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), at the command of the platoon commander, catch up with their squads, slow down or make a short stop. The personnel, on the command of the commanders of the departments “To the car”, run forward to their infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), put the weapon on the fuse, then, on the command “To the places”, quickly land and make ready for firing on the move. Gunners-operators of infantry fighting vehicles (gunners of machine guns of armored personnel carriers) during the landing of personnel observe the enemy and destroy the detected targets. Acting on infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), and sometimes landing on tanks, the platoon continues to carry out the task.

Combat in the depths of the enemy's defenses is characterized by the uneven advancement of subunits and develops in a complex and rapidly changing situation. Successful promotion the platoon commander immediately uses at least one squad or neighbors to develop success.

Rice. 18. Pursuit of the enemy by landing on a tank

Marshal Soviet Union M. N. Tukhachevsky. - Wherever success is found, it must be developed with all available forces and means. It is possible to take an accidental and perhaps little-tested success, which has a purely local significance, for one that may require a specific change in the original plan. Such a change is the result of insufficient restraint on the part of the senior commander, in fact, it can lead to the disruption of the entire offensive.

Having discovered the means of nuclear, chemical attack, artillery positions, the platoon, skillfully using hidden approaches, rapidly reaches these means, with a decisive attack destroys the enemy’s manpower and disables installations (guns, mortars).

Obstacles and obstacles encountered in the depth of the enemy's defense, the platoon bypasses or overcomes along the pass. Making a passage by an engineer-sapper unit is covered by platoon fire.

Actions in the zone of radioactive contamination place increased demands on the psychological hardening of soldiers. Radiation is a danger without sound, color or smell. This creates the prerequisites for an incorrect assessment of the danger, its exaggeration. In addition, when performing a combat mission in personal protective equipment, soldiers feel an increase in the load, while breathing, observation, movement become more difficult, and the effectiveness of fire decreases. Therefore, a soldier, acting in an infected area, should not allow fussiness, careless movements, unnecessarily touch foreign objects, as well as eat food, quench thirst without special permission from the platoon commander. You should also avoid moving on tall grass, bushes, if possible, do not raise dust, remember that radioactive substances can enter the body.

Special processing of a platoon consists in carrying out degassing, decontamination and disinfection of weapons, military and other equipment, ammunition and other material means when they are contaminated with toxic, radioactive substances and bacterial (biological) means, and, if necessary, in the sanitization of personnel. It can be partial or complete. Partial special processing is carried out, as a rule, without stopping the performance of a combat mission, full - after it has been completed.

On hard-to-reach terrain, a motorized rifle platoon, when advancing on foot, overtakes tanks and advances under the cover of their fire and the fire of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers). As these sections are overcome, the tanks again come forward, and the platoon continues to advance behind them.

Particular attention during the offensive is drawn to the readiness of the platoon to repel enemy counterattacks.

When repulsing enemy counterattacks, it is important to skillfully choose the method of repelling it, depending on the composition and direction of enemy operations, the position of the platoon, and the nature of the terrain. When repelling counterattacks, it is necessary to cut off the infantry from the tanks and subsequently destroy it in parts. First of all, it is necessary to destroy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers). Their defeat will reduce the offensive impulse of the next. It must be borne in mind that the counterattack is an important manifestation of activity in defense. Therefore, the enemy's refusal to continue the counterattack, stopping, withdrawal of his units means the loss of the initiative and is an advantageous moment for the immediate transition to the offensive of units that repel the enemy counterattack.

A platoon destroys a counterattacking enemy in cooperation with other subunits with a swift attack or, at the direction of the company commander, first strikes the enemy with fire from an advantageous line. At the same time, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) take up firing positions behind the nearest shelters, and the personnel of a motorized rifle platoon dismount and take advantageous positions, as a rule, in front of them. The platoon then attacks to complete its destruction.

A platoon that has not been subjected to a counterattack accelerates its advance in order to reach the flank and rear of the counterattacking enemy.

Having discovered the enemy's withdrawal, the platoon commander reports this to the company commander and immediately proceeds to pursue, not giving the enemy the opportunity to break away and gain a foothold on an advantageous line.

When pursuing, the platoon, skillfully using the folds of the terrain and other camouflage properties, on infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) or landing on tanks along parallel routes, enters the path of the enemy’s withdrawal, fetters his actions and defeats him with a decisive attack and moves unceasingly in the indicated direction.

A motorized rifle platoon, which constitutes the battalion reserve, advances behind the advancing subunits at a distance indicated by the battalion commander, in readiness to develop the offensive, destroy the enemy remaining in the rear of the advancing units, or to perform other tasks.

Having received the task of engaging in combat, the commander of a motorized rifle platoon on the move sets tasks for the squads, while he indicates on the ground the position of the enemy and the location of his firepower, the line for entering the battle, the object of attack and the direction of further offensive. When approaching the indicated line, the platoon deploys into battle formation and rapidly attacks the enemy.

When attacked from a position of direct contact with the enemy, the motorized rifle platoon advances covertly at the specified time and occupies the starting position for the offensive. The personnel of a motorized rifle platoon is usually located in a trench, and infantry fighting vehicles you(armored personnel carriers) occupy firing positions next to their squads or behind them at a distance of up to 50 m. The platoon is in constant readiness to repel a possible enemy attack.

At the set time, on the command (signal) of the senior commander, the tank platoon, occupying a waiting position, begins advancing to the line of transition to the attack. As it approaches this line, it deploys into a battle line and continues to move at the maximum allowable speed, destroying the enemy with fire on the move.

As the tanks approach their starting position, the motorized rifle platoon commander gives a signal (command) to designate passages for tanks through our front line.

When attacking on infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), the landing of personnel of a motorized rifle platoon into them is carried out during the fire preparation of the attack in starting position for attack. Infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), at the command (signal) of the platoon commander, leave the trenches, covertly approach their squads, using terrain folds, and make a stop. According to the commands of the platoon commander “Platoon, to the vehicles”, “In places”, the personnel quickly board the vehicles and are prepared for firing on the move.

The motorized rifle platoon, with the exit of tanks to their initial position, following the tanks, goes on the attack.

When attacking on foot with the approach of tanks to the initial position for the offensive, the platoon commander gives the command "Prepare to attack." At this command, weapons are reloaded, bayonets-knives are attached to the machine guns, fuses are screwed into grenades. After the tanks have passed the initial position, the platoon commander gives the command "Platoon, attack - forward", according to which the personnel jump out of the trench (trench) and attack the enemy with an accelerated step or run after the tanks.

A motorized rifle platoon carries out overcoming obstacles, attacking the front line of the enemy's defenses and developing an offensive in depth in the same order as when attacking on the move.


A tank platoon can attack together with motorized rifle company or as part of a tank company. The combat formation of a tank platoon consists of a battle line of tanks with intervals of up to 100 m between them and reinforcements operating in the battle line or behind it.

The offensive front of a tank platoon depends on its role in solving the company's combat mission, its place in the battle formation, its combat capabilities, the strength of the enemy's resistance, and the conditions of the terrain.

When attacking with the use of nuclear weapons or in another direction using only conventional weapons, 2 times

Rice. 19. The offensive of a tank platoon as part of a company

and greater superiority over the enemy, therefore, under these conditions, the platoon is able to successfully advance on the defense front up to two motorized infantry squads, which will be 300 m.

The offensive of tanks with an interval of up to 100 m ensures the destruction of the enemy by fire, the convenience of observation and control of the fire of a platoon, as well as the safety of firing in the intervals between tanks by the combat vehicles advancing behind them. At the same time, they get the opportunity to maneuver on the battlefield during the attack.

A tank platoon advancing together with a motorized rifle company attacks at the front of the supported company (platoon).

The commander of a tank platoon controls the platoon by radio, commands given by voice and signals.

The commander of a tank platoon is in the platoon's battle formation in a place from where the best observation of the enemy, the actions of his subordinates, neighbors and the terrain, as well as continuous control of the platoon, is ensured.

Prior to the start of an offensive on the move, a tank platoon is secretly located in the initial area as part of a company.

The offensive of a tank platoon from a position of direct contact with the enemy, occupying a waiting position, begins by advancing to the line of transition to the attack on the command (signal) of the senior commander. On approaching this line, it deploys into a battle line and continues to move at the maximum allowable speed, destroying the enemy with fire on the move (Fig. 20).

If a tank platoon is on the defensive, then it goes on the offensive from a defensive position.

Before moving out of the initial area, the platoon leader checks the readiness of the platoon for the offensive. At the same time, he pays special attention to checking weapons, means of communication, the provision of ammunition and refueling.

Under conditions when the enemy has created a support zone in front of the front line of defense, the advancing tank platoon will be forced to destroy covering units in it and bypass various obstacles or overcome them along the pass.

Rice. 20. Deploying a tank platoon into battle formation

When advancing on the move, a tank platoon may indicate the area for hanging roller trawls. He is assigned in the area of ​​​​the line of deployment in company columns. Knife trawls (KMT-6) are hung in the initial area for the offensive.

Sometimes, when there is not enough artillery to destroy anti-tank and armored targets on the front line of the enemy's defense, a tank platoon can be involved for direct fire at the rate of 2-3 tanks per target. To carry out these tasks, as a rule, tanks from the second echelon (reserve) are involved. They covertly occupy prepared firing positions on the night before the offensive, and when this is not possible, with the beginning of fire preparations.

Tanks allocated for direct fire from the second echelon (reserve), when approaching the line occupied by them of the attacking subunits, continue to destroy the firepower and manpower of the enemy, and tanks from the attacking subunits of the first echelon, involved in direct fire, continue to fire , go on the attack with them.

The removal of tanks advancing ahead of motorized rifle subunits depends on the method of attack of these subunits and must ensure the safety of motorized rifle subunits from exploding shells of their own artillery and the destruction of anti-tank weapons of the enemy in close combat by motorized rifles with small arms fire. The optimal distance can be 100-200 m. The distance provides safety from bursts of their shells and mutual support for the fire of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and small arms.

Fire on the move - the main method of firing during the attack and counterattack. In this case, firing from tanks is carried out at the possible permissible speed. The crews, using the conditions of the terrain, approach the target at a range of actual fire and destroy it.

Fire from short stops is carried out during the offensive, when fire on the move is ineffective. In this case, the preparation of firing is carried out on the move. The target is hit from one or more stops. At each short stop, one shot from a cannon and 1-2 bursts from a machine gun are fired. The movement of the tank between short stops is made at the maximum possible speed. The duration of a short stop is determined by the time required to refine the pickup and produce