The procedure for drawing up a schedule plan according to 44 fz. Procurement schedule. Rules and order of change

In some cases, organizations dealing with public procurement need to make changes to the generated schedule. The impetus for this procedure is the corresponding order.


What is the difference between a schedule and a procurement plan

When working with government contracts, customers must prepare two important documents: procurement plan and schedule. These are completely different papers, although they have some common points. According to the developers of the legislative and regulatory framework, a procurement plan is a form that is drawn up at a preliminary stage and is the basis for the formation of a schedule. The information it contains is of a fairly general nature. In particular, they contain information about the needs and requirements of the customer, the dates or periods of their provision, as well as the financial resources allocated to them.

Unlike a procurement plan, a schedule is a detailed document that contains detailed information about planned purchases. It gives a complete picture of the method of meeting the needs of the customer, describes the subtleties and nuances of the procurement procedure and specifies data about its object.

It also sets out the conditions that suppliers must comply with in order to fulfill their tasks and Additional requirements to them.

Both of these documents are without fail must be approved by the head of the customer company or other authorized employee. Also, the papers must be signed by employees who are appointed persons responsible for their execution.

When do you need to edit a document?

Situations in which it is required to make changes to the schedule must have a serious justification, moreover, they are strictly defined by law. These include: an increase in the cost of goods, services or work by more than 10% identified in the process of preparing for the execution of a state order, a change in the previously established delivery time (provision of a service or performance of work), violation by the customer or contractor of the law, as well as cancellation of part of the order.

Information about editing the schedule must be placed in a single information system no later than three (working) days from the day the necessary changes were made.

Document Format

An order to amend the schedule can be formed in any form - there is no unified sample of it, which is mandatory for use, today. However, if the management of the organization has developed and approved an internal template, then it is necessary to use it - this will save in the future from possible claims from the controlling supervisory authorities.

How to make a schedule

The execution of the order, just like its format, is completely at the mercy of the originator. This means that the document can be written by hand, but it is more expedient to print it. For disposal, an ordinary piece of paper or a form with details and the logo of the organization can be taken. The order is made in one original copy, but if there is a need, it can be duplicated, also certifying all copies in a proper way.

What are the changes in the schedule

When forming any order, its compiler must rely on something. AT this case the basis for creating the document is a link to Law No. 44-FZ.

Who must sign

Any order is always issued on behalf of the head of the organization, and, therefore, it must be signed by him in the first place. In addition, the form of the order must contain the autograph of the person appointed responsible for its execution.

It is not necessary to put a seal in the order, but it is necessary if there is a condition on its application in the local regulatory legal acts of the enterprise.

Registration and accounting of the document

All orders issued by the organization are subject to mandatory accounting and registration - this document is no exception here. To do this, a special accounting journal is used - the number and date of the order is entered into it.

The journal is usually run by a lawyer, the head of one of the structural divisions or a secretary. With the help of it, not only the very fact of the formation of the order is recorded, but it also becomes possible, if necessary, to easily find it.

Form retention period

A document drawn up and signed by all authorized persons must be kept for the period established in the legislation or prescribed in the local regulatory documents of the organization. Only after the period of its validity has expired and the order has lost its relevance, it can be destroyed (also subject to the procedure established in by-laws).

If you need to generate an order to make changes to the schedule that you have not dealt with before, look at the example and comments on it - taking them into account, with minimal edits, you will probably be able to create your own order.

  1. First of all, indicate the name of the organization in the order.
  2. Then enter its number, date, place of compilation.
  3. After that, go to the main point. Be sure to include a justification in the document, i.e. put a link to the law, which is directly related to the drafting of the act.
  4. Then, after the word “I order”, enter the actual instruction on the inclusion of the necessary changes.
  5. Also note the need for the publication of the edited schedule in the media (only the Internet can be specified) and also the publication of this order.
  6. If you see fit, you can supplement the document with other important information in your case.
  7. Don't forget to sign at the end.

If the order was not included by the customer in it, then it is prohibited to conduct a tender on it (part 2, 11 of article 21 44-FZ). Therefore, you need to take it seriously and pay attention to the changes that the form has undergone. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to fill out a schedule for 2019.

Rules for filling out the schedule for 2019

The document is filled out on the basis of the previously formed and approved procurement plan within 10 working days after the budgetary obligations are brought to the institution for next year and compiling PFCD on them. The main conditions of each order are determined: its object, price, quantity, method and date of determining the supplier (clauses 2, 4, part 3 of article 21 44-FZ).

The completed and signed schedule is published in the EIS within three working days from the moment it is approved or amended (clause 15, article 23 44-FZ). Only information about those tenders that contain state secrets is not posted.

The requirements for entering information and how to fill out the schedule on the public procurement website are regulated by regulatory legal acts:

  • RF GD dated 05.06.2015 No. 553 - for federal BU, AC;
  • RF GD dated June 5, 2015 No. 554 and territorial normative base- for municipalities.

The schedule forms approved for 2019 look like this. For federal customers:

For municipal customers:

Instructions for filling out the 2019 schedule

First you need to consider the introductory positions of the schedule, how to fill them, we will tell further. At the top of the document, you must specify introductory information about the institution:

  • name of the customer organization and its affiliation by level - state, municipal, budgetary (autonomous), unitary enterprise;
  • OPF of the customer;
  • address;
  • contacts;
  • annual amount of financing for the implementation of procurement activities.

Consider the step-by-step completion of the schedule for 2019.

The first column does not contain data.

An identification code is generated for each line, based on the direction of the procurement object in the procurement plan.

The column "Name" reflects the subject of the draft contract, "Description" - brief characteristics for each order.

Column 5 indicates NMTsK in thousands of rubles.

Column 6 contains the % advance payment based on the data provided in the procurement and contract documentation.

Cell 7 is for adding volume Money for this purchase, 8 - for the total cash volume for the current year, 9 and 10 - for the next two and 11 - for subsequent periods as a single indicator.

Column 12 - OKEI code of purchased goods, works, services; 13 - name of the unit of measurement.

Columns 14 to 18 reflect data on the quantities (volumes) of GWS planned for purchase: 14 - the total volume, 15 - for the current year, 16 and 17 - for the next two and 18 - for subsequent periods.

Column 19 provides a breakdown by terms of delivery of GWS for a quarter or a year.

Column 20 indicates the amount of security for tenders and auctions, which is 0.5-5% of the NMCC. If an auction is held with advantages (Article 28-30 of 44-FZ), then the amount of the application security should not exceed 2%. If the purchase is carried out by request for quotations or request for proposals on the basis of Part 2 of Art. 83 44-FZ or the contract is concluded with sole supplier Column 20 is not completed.

In field 21, the amount of the contract security is entered in the range from 5 to 30% of the NMTsK (Article 44 of the 44-FZ). When applying for loan services or bank guarantee the cell is not filled.

Column 22 contains data on the month and year of publication of the notice, and in column 23 - on the month and year of the execution of the contract.

Column 24 reflects the method of determining the supplier (Article 24 of the 44-FZ).

Field 25 is reserved for the definition of benefits for institutions of the penal system, and 26 for orders from SMPs and SONCOs.

Cell 27 informs about prohibitions (restrictions) on foreign goods based on Art. 14 44-FZ.

Column 28 indicates additional requirements, in accordance with the RF GD No. 99 dated February 4, 2015, for auctions and tenders with limited participation.

In field 29, the provisions of Art. 20 44-FZ on mandatory public discussion.

2. Schedules are formed by customers in accordance with procurement plans.

3. The schedule includes the following information for each purchase:

2) the name and description of the object of procurement, indicating the characteristics of such an object, taking into account the provisions of Article 33 of this Federal Law, the quantity of goods supplied, the amount of work performed, the service provided, the planned terms, the frequency of delivery of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services, the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), justification for the purchase in accordance with Article 18 of this Federal Law, the amount of the advance payment (if the advance payment is provided), stages of payment (if the execution of the contract and its payment are provided for in stages);

3) additional requirements for procurement participants (if such requirements exist) and the rationale for such requirements;

4) the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer) and the rationale for choosing this method;

5) purchase start date;

6) information on the amount of security provided for the relevant application of the procurement participant and security for the performance of the contract;

7) information on the application of the cost criterion specified in Part 3 of Article 32 of this Federal Law life cycle goods or an object created as a result of the performance of work (if the specified criterion is applied) when determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

8) information on banking support of the contract in cases established in accordance with Article 35 of this Federal Law.

4. The procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement schedules to meet federal needs is established by the Government Russian Federation.

5. The procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement schedules to meet the needs of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal needs is established respectively by the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, by the local administration, taking into account the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Requirements for the form of schedules and the procedure for their placement in a single information system are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. Government of the Russian Federation, higher executive bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local administrations have the right to determine the list additional information included in the schedules.

8. Features of inclusion in the schedule of information on centralized procurement, joint tenders and joint auctions, procurement, in the implementation of which closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) are used, as well as on individual procurements provided for in clause 7 of part 2 of article 83, clause 3 of Part 2 of Article 83.1, Part 1 of Article 93 and Article 111 of this Federal Law may be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

9. If the procurement period established taking into account the provisions of the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation exceeds the period for which the schedule is approved, the schedule also includes the total quantity of goods supplied, the amount of work performed, services provided to meet state or municipal needs and the amount required to pay them for the entire period of the contract for the years following financial year for which the schedule has been approved.

10. The schedule is developed annually for one year and approved by the customer within ten working days after he receives the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations or approve the financial and economic activity plan in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Customers carry out purchases in accordance with the information included in the schedules in accordance with part 3 of this article. Purchases that are not provided for by the schedules cannot be carried out.

12. It is not allowed to place in the unified information system notices of procurement, procurement documentation, sending invitations to take part in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) in a closed way, if such notices, documentation, invitations contain information that does not correspond to the information specified in schedules.

13. The schedule is subject to change by the customer in the event of a change in the procurement plan, as well as in the following cases:

1) increase or decrease in the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

2) change before the start of the procurement of the term for the execution of the contract, the procedure for payment or the amount of the advance;

3) changing the date of commencement of the procurement and (or) the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), cancellation by the customer of the procurement provided for by the schedule;

4) implementation of the decision made by the customer following the results of the mandatory public discussion of procurement conducted in accordance with Article 20 of this Federal Law and which does not require changes to the procurement plan;

14. Application according to

How change schedule according to law No. 44-FZ? In what cases does the schedule change and what other documents will need to be amended? Do I need to issue an order with a rationale for changes to the schedule? How to change the electronic version of the schedule and place it in the EIS? How many days after the change in the schedule can the purchase be made?

Cases in which the schedule changes

Submitted to:

  • the schedule included a new purchase or new information about a previously planned purchase, including its cancellation (parts 1, 11, 12, article 21 of Law N 44-FZ);
  • information on procurement in the schedule corresponded to changes in the procurement plan (part 13 of article 21 of Law N 44-FZ).

The grounds due to which the customer decides to change the schedule can be any (clause 8 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/05/2015 N 553 (hereinafter - Rules N 553), clause 10 of the Requirements approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 N 554 (hereinafter - Requirements N 554)).

If changes are not made, the official may be fined, in particular, for the following violations:

  • placement of a notice of a purchase not provided for by the schedule - 30 thousand rubles;
  • placement of a notice that does not correspond to the procurement information in the schedule - 15 thousand rubles.

Documents that need to be changed along with the schedule

When changing the schedule, it is also necessary to correct the information in other documents:

  • in terms of procurement
  • rationale for it
  • justification for the schedule (part 2 of article 21 of Law N 44-FZ, notes to the forms approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015 N 555).

When changing information in one column of the schedule, it is often necessary to make changes in other columns of the same document.

Issuing an order with justification for changes to the schedule

Approved by the customer. Therefore, to change it, you need to obtain the consent of the head of the organization or another person authorized to approve the schedule (part 10 of article 21 of Law N 44-FZ).

There is no statutory form for such approval. You can use, for example, an order or a request. An employee draws up such a document contract service or a contract manager (clause 1, part 4, article 38 of Law N 44-FZ).

Changes are justified in the order or application. For this, the following grounds are used:

  • for federal customers - in clause 8 of Rules N 553;
  • regional and municipal customers - clause 10 of Requirements N 554. Additional grounds can be established by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local administration (clause "h" of clause 10 of Requirements N 554).

Provide information to be included in the schedule and, if necessary, in other procurement planning documents.

Changing the electronic version of the schedule and placing it in the EIS

If you need to include new purchase, then technically this can only be done by first creating the corresponding item in the purchasing plan.

If in the schedule it is necessary to change the information that is simultaneously contained in the procurement plan, the changes are made to the last document. Changed information from the procurement plan, as a rule, is automatically uploaded to the schedule.

The procedure for changing the electronic version of the schedule is described in detail:

  • in the user manual "Subsystem for maintaining schedules", which is available on the official website of the UIS (, section "Documents", subsection "Training materials", "User Guide for 44-FZ");
  • in the user manual "Procurement Planning" of the "Electronic Budget" system, which is available on the official website of the Federal Treasury (, section "GIS", subsection "Electronic budget", "Procurement management"). Instructional videos are also available here.

Changes to the electronic version of the schedule are approved using the EIS functionality or the Electronic Budget system. Thereafter, within three business days, new edition the schedule must be placed in the UIS (part 15 of article 21 of Law N 44-FZ, clause 8 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2015 N 1168).

If the responsible official does not post the new version of the schedule in the EIS in a timely manner, he will face a fine of 5 to 30 thousand rubles, and if he does not post it at all, 50 thousand rubles. (part 4 of article 7.29.3, part 3 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Start of procurement after schedule changes

Start a new purchase, the details of which have changed, or a purchase that was included in the schedule for the first time, within the following dates:

a) not earlier than 10 calendar days after posting new version schedule:

  • place a notice about an auction, a request for quotations, a purchase from a single supplier, a tender, a request for proposals;
  • send an invitation to participate in closed auction, competition;
  • conclude a contract with a single supplier, if the notification or invitation is not required (except as specified below);

b) not earlier than one calendar day later:

Conclude a contract with a single supplier for the purchase of:

  • medicines by decision medical commission on the basis of n. 28 h. 1 Article. 93 of Law N 44-FZ;
  • other goods, works, services for the elimination of emergencies, the provision of emergency or emergency medical care on the basis of paragraph 9 of part 1 of Art. 93 of Law N 44-FZ;

c) on the same day:

Send a request for quotations to eliminate the consequences of an emergency (part 2 of article 82 of Law N 44-FZ).

The indicated deadlines are given in paragraphs 9, 10 of Rules N 553 and paragraphs 11, 12 of Requirements N 554. It is not clear from which date they are counted - from the date of approval or the date of placement of changes in the EIS. It is necessary to count the minimum purchase start date from the date the new version of the schedule is posted in the EIS. This position is contained in the Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of September 21, 2016 N D28i-2477, the Decision of the Chelyabinsk OFAS Russia of July 8, 2016 in case N 508-zh / 2016.

If a notice of procurement is posted or an invitation to participate in the procurement is sent ahead of time, the responsible official threatens a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

1. What is a procurement schedule? A procurement schedule is a type of document that contains a list of activities for the implementation of procurement plans.

This document contains data on future purchases of the Customer.

The requirements for the procurement schedule are established by article number 21 in federal law at number 44.


  • contains a list of purchases for the financial year;
  • is the basis for procurement;
  • formed by the Customer in accordance with the procurement plan;
  • is approved by the Customer within 10 business days after he receives the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations.
From January 1, 2017, purchases that are not provided for by the schedule (abbreviated as PG) cannot be carried out (part 11 of article 21 of 44-FZ). In the future, it is planned to link this norm with the functionality of the UIS so that a notice can be generated only if there is an appropriate connection with the position in the PG.

2. What is the difference between a procurement schedule and a procurement plan?

The procurement schedule is formed for one year, and the procurement plan for a three-year period. Schedule plans are formed by Customers in accordance with procurement plans and contain more detailed information about upcoming purchases.

According to part 2 of article 112 of 44-FZ in 2014-2016. a transitional period of procurement planning is provided using only one document - the schedule.

By studying the information contained in the procurement plans and procurement schedules, suppliers can predict the Customer's needs for goods in advance and prepare for the upcoming auction.

Information is placed in the Unified Information System

3. What information should be included in the procurement schedule?

According to part 3 of article 21 of 44-FZ, the PG includes the following information in relation to each purchase:

1. identification code purchases;

2. name and description of the object of procurement, indicating the characteristics of such an object, taking into account the provisions of Article 33 of 44-FZ, the quantity of goods supplied, the amount of work performed, the service provided, the planned time frame, the frequency of delivery of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services, the initial (maximum) the price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), the rationale for the purchase in accordance with Article 18 of 44-FZ, the amount of the advance payment (if payment of the advance payment is provided), stages of payment (if the execution of the contract and its payment are provided for in stages);

3. additional requirements for procurement participants (if such requirements exist) and justification for such requirements;

4. method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer) and the rationale for choosing this method;

5. start date of the purchase;

6. information on the amount of security provided for the relevant application of the procurement participant and security for the performance of the contract;

7. information on the application of the life cycle cost criterion specified in part 3 of article 32 of 44-FZ or the object created as a result of the work (if the specified criterion is applied) when determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

8. information on banking support of the contract in cases established in accordance with Article 35 of 44-FZ.

If the procurement period established taking into account the provisions of the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation exceeds the period for which the schedule is approved, the PG also includes the total quantity of goods supplied, the volume of work performed, services provided to meet state or municipal needs and the amount required for their payment, for the entire period of execution of the contract for the years following the financial year for which the schedule is approved (part 9 of article 21 of 44-FZ).

The procurement schedule must contain justification attachments for each procurement item.

4. Procurement schedule form

Form of the plan-schedule for 2015-2016. approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Treasury dated December 27, 2011 No. 761 / 20n.

Procurement schedule form approved by order 761/20n in excel format (download sample) (xls, 30 Kb).

And the requirements for filling out the form are determined by the joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Treasury dated March 31, 2015 No. 182/7n.

The procedure for filling in individual GHG fields in the EIS can be found at in the “Documents” tab - “User Guide for 44-FZ” - “User Guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules”.

The form, procedure for the formation, approval, placement of GHGs are established for the Customers of each level of budget financing, respectively:

    for the Customer of the federal level (Government of the Russian Federation);

    for Customers at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

    for municipal customers (local administrations).

The Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local administrations have the right to determine the list of additional information included in the PG (part 7 of article 21 of 44-FZ).

Requirements for the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of GHG in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015 No. 554 “On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of schedules for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as requirements for the form of schedules for the purchase of goods , works, services”.

Procurement schedule form approved by Decree No. 554 in excel format (download sample) (xls, 45 Kb).

The requirements for the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of SGs for Customers financed from the federal budget have been approved.

Procurement schedule form approved by Decree No. 553 in excel format (download sample) (xls, 50 Kb).

5. Amendments to procurement schedules

Customers can make changes to the SG as needed, an unlimited number of times.

At the same time, the grounds for adjustment are provided for in clause 15 of the Notes to the form of schedules approved by order No. 761 / 20n. In the schedule, when making changes, it is necessary to refer specifically to the specific case provided for by order No. 761 / 20n.

According to part 13 of article 21 of 44-FZ, the schedule is subject to change by the Customer in the event of a change in the procurement plan, as well as in the following cases:

  • increase or decrease in the NMTsK, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);
  • change before the start of the procurement of the term for the execution of the contract, the procedure for payment or the amount of the advance;
  • change in the start date of the purchase and (or) the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), cancellation by the Customer of the purchase provided for by the schedule;
  • implementation of the decision made by the Owner following the results of the mandatory public discussion of the procurement and which does not require changes to the procurement plan
  • in other cases, in accordance with the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of schedules, established by Part 4, Part 5 of Article 21 of 44-FZ.
Amendments to the PG for each procurement object can be made no later than 10 days before the date of placement in the EIS of a notice of the implementation of the relevant procurement or sending an invitation to take part in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) in a closed way (part 14 of article 21 44- FZ)

6. Publication of the procurement schedule

The schedule must be prepared and posted in the EIS no later than 1 calendar month after the adoption of the law (decision) on the budget.

So, for example, federal Customers had to place the GHG for 2016 in the EIS no later than 01/04/2016, because The law on the federal budget was adopted by the State Duma on December 4, 2015.

If the Customer does not plan to make purchases in the current year, he must place a “zero” schedule in the EIS, indicating that no purchases are foreseen.

According to Part 15 of Article 21 of 44-FZ, the PG approved by the Customer and the changes made to it are subject to placement in the EIS within 3 working days from the date of approval or change of the PG, with the exception of information constituting a state secret.

The schedule for 2016 should be placed in the EIS only in a structured form. Those. such a plan is formed for each position of the schedule using the functionality of the EIS ( .

7. Video instruction Plan schedule

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