We express gratitude to the employee. When they make a decision. Sample of filling out a work book

The successful development of the company largely depends not only on the actions of the management, but also on how productive the work of employees is. When there is encouragement, people will definitely try. The company can stimulate not only financially, but also morally - to declare gratitude for the work.

What is this document and why is it important

A so-called thank you letter is a non-profit business letter that expresses gratitude to an employee for certain achievements. For example:

  • execution of the order;
  • plan overfulfilment;
  • successful implementation of the project;
  • initiative, etc.

At first glance, it might seem that gratitude for Good work, many years of work or no one needs cooperation. But this is a delusion.

Firstly, the employee will be pleased that the management appreciated all the efforts. There will be recognition and respect among others and colleagues. As a result, you want to work even better.

Secondly, this type of encouragement encourages colleagues to comply labor discipline and successfully fulfill their responsibilities.

Thirdly, the fact of encouragement has a positive effect on the employee's career.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists different types of incentives. Among them is a thank you note. If you do not have the opportunity to give out a bonus or buy a valuable gift, please your employees with at least a letter of gratitude.

When a decision is made

A prerequisite for the execution of the document in question is conscientious performance duties in accordance with:

  • with job description;
  • labor protection requirements;
  • internal regulations;
  • qualification characteristics of works;
  • other documents.

The main reason for declaring gratitude for the work of an employee may be:

  • improvement of labor indicators;
  • participation in a significant event;
  • proposals for improving the work of the organization;
  • significant overfulfillment of the work plan;
  • implementation of a serious project;
  • improvement of enterprise technologies, etc.

Specific merits should be recorded in internal normative documents firms.

What formalities need to be completed

When declaring gratitude for the work, the employee must follow some formalities so that there are no questions from the regulatory authorities. Remember 3 things:

How gratitude is written: a general approach

Many employers are interested in the question of where to get a sample and how to write a thank you for a good job. There are no strict rules, but when composing the text, try to adhere to the official business style and use letterhead. The general structure of the document is something like this:

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

A sample text of thanks for cooperation is presented below. This paper indicates the same details as when writing business letters: FULL NAME. person, job. They also put the signature of the employer, his position, initials and surname.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that they express words of gratitude and hope for the continuation business relations further.

Moral encouragement for conscientious work

When a person works with great dedication to achieve high economic indicators and performs duties efficiently, be sure to reward him with gratitude for conscientious work. Otherwise, over time, the "sparkle" may go out. Especially if there is no opportunity to present an award. Text example:

How to reward employees with many years of experience

Some people work in the organization for more than one year. It would be unfair not to pay attention to this. Reward them with gratitude for years of hard work. Sample text is shown below:

Reward for quality work

If you want to express gratitude to an employee for the work done, the content of the letter may be as follows:

Remember this efficient way encouragement like a thank you letter. It takes a little time to design and compile, but such awards become the key to fruitful cooperation in the future.

05.09.2017, 16:05

It was decided to express gratitude to one of the employees of the organization for success in their work. Urgently need a sample order for declaring gratitude. We will help the personnel officer save time on drafting the document.

Non-financial incentives are effective

Labor legislation provides for various ways to stimulate staff, both material and non-material (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). We list the main ones:

  • gratitude;
  • premium;
  • valuable gift;
  • certificate of honor;
  • presentation to the title of the best in the profession;
  • presentation for a state award (for special services to society and the state).

Compiling a Thank You Order

So one of the options non-financial incentives worker is an announcement of gratitude to him. If the decision to declare gratitude is made by the director (for example, a corresponding resolution is put on the presentation for promotion), an order of gratitude can be issued.

In practice, employers use the unified form of the incentive order No. T-11 (No. T-11a), approved. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. However, it is not forbidden to use a form developed independently.

When filling out an order of gratitude, you need to indicate what the encouragement is connected with (high performance indicators, success in the implementation of a specific project, etc.). Especially for readers, our specialists have prepared a sample order for declaring gratitude.

On the basis of the order, an entry on the declaration of gratitude can be entered in the work book of the employee. This is the so-called gratitude with entry into the work book (clause 4 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69).

Incentives give two good results at once: firstly, a diligent and hardworking employee receives a reward for the time and effort that he spent on production, and at the same time, other employees, having seen a similar example before their eyes, will try to perform their duties better. Anyway, incentives are an excellent measure that allows you to increase productivity in one single organization. For example, a promotion in boosts his confidence on the road.

But what should a hardworking employee who is in good standing with his superiors do if he decides to change his job? How to tell a new leader about your merits? After all, such information will increase the degree of confidence of the new employer and immediately contribute to an increase in wages.

For this, the Labor Code provides for a corresponding norm that allows reflecting in the work book all the merits of an individual employee, if any. Which one - we will consider later in the article.

Regulatory documents

In the field of labor relations between the side of the employee and, accordingly, the employer, there are many regulatory legal acts. So, for example, the most important legislative act on labor, namely, the labor code, in its articles also mentions the possibility of rewarding an employee, as well as entering this fact into a work book. It says in article 66, namely paragraph four.

The instructions on maintaining and storing work books, approved by the government of our country, also mention the possibility of entering this fact into the work form. This is stated in article 1 of the fourth part.

In the instructions for maintaining books for personnel officers, the so-called internal instructions, various paragraphs provide complete information on how to make entries in the document.

Based on all the listed acts, it is very easy to imagine exactly how to make an entry about the promotion in the work book.

What entries does the work book provide in terms of encouraging employees?

Incentives in the organization have different kind. These include:

  • giving any valuable gift;
  • announcement of gratitude to the employee for the organization;
  • awarding an employee a bonus in cash;
  • placement on the organizational board of honor or book of honor, respectively.

If speak about awards that can be awarded to an employee, they may also have different kinds . These include:

  • state awards;
  • certificates of honor, diplomas and signs;
  • incentives in various forms.

Of course, this is not the whole complete list, and the legislator assumes a greater number of various employee awards for merit. Many species are associated with a specific activity that workers perform.

Due to such a wide variety of incentives, entries in the work book cannot be generalized, but are made in different ways depending on their form.

Based on the above types of incentives, depending on the situation, an appropriate entry is made in the labor record. For example: “Awarded with a diploma for many years of conscientious work” or “Awarded with a diploma for contribution to the development information technologies».

As an example, we can cite a record of awarding an order: "Awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 3rd class."

Step-by-step instructions for awards

Each personnel officer should know how to enter such information into a work book. This is written both in the instructions on the storage and maintenance of work books, and in the internal instructions of personnel officers.

In order to repeat long-studied information or learn something new, we will once again remind you how to enter information about the employee’s reward in his labor document, containing information about the experience and places of work.

The main thing in the issue of correct design is the ability to carry out work in stages - this guarantees the correct result on the basis of the entry.

  1. First thing the personnel officer must raise the personal file of the employee.
  2. His work book should be found in it.
  3. An order should be issued to the organization, which would already say that certain worker or employees are announced for a reward.
  4. The order must be handed over for familiarization to the employee or employees assigned to the awards.
  5. Further, the personnel officer opens a section in the work book devoted to information about awards.
  6. In the first column a certain serial number is put, which corresponds to the Arabic numbering.
  7. In the second column information is given on the date in accordance with which the decision on the award was made and, accordingly, an entry was made in the work book.
  8. In the third column information is given about who the employee was awarded. As a rule, this is the name of the relevant organization or division within it, in which the employee operates.
  9. In the same third paragraph a new line gives information about the award, as well as a brief description of the merits that contributed to its issuance. Examples are given in the paragraph above.
  10. finishing touch- setting the number of the order in the fourth column, in accordance with which the entry is made. Both the number of the order and the date of its release are written. Then the seal of the organization and the signature of the head or his deputy are put. On this, the filling of labor can be considered completed.

It must be remembered that recording must be done very carefully. Grammar errors in this case are unacceptable.

You need to fill in the columns only with a black or blue pen and, if possible, in legible handwriting.

If there are disciplinary actions, they are recorded in accordance with the rules described.

Information about awards in the work book - sample:

On what basis?

The basis for making an entry about the award in the work book, in addition to the fact of the award itself, is an order. This document published by the organization in the form locally normative act on behalf of the head or deputy head.

The order must be posted on common place review in order to familiarize employees with its content.

If the employee was issued a certificate, then its text is also necessary for keeping an entry in the work book. The text of the diploma is succinctly retold in the column of information about the award.

Thank you procedure

Gratitude is a verbal “thank you” to an employee for his work. Gratitude can be extolled in the form of a certificate, diploma, letter or memorable gift. As a rule, gratitude is issued on a special form. Such encouragement of an employee is a whole event and must certainly be reflected in the work book.

About, how to make an appropriate entry in the labor, we will explain below.

  1. An employee of the personnel department or the employer must issue an order for the organization to assign gratitude to a specific employee.
  2. Next comes the personal file of the employee, the workbook is retrieved.
  3. In labor we find a reversal dedicated to entering information about employee awards.
  4. Finding the leftmost column and in it we indicate the serial number, taking into account the Arabic numbering. If there are no records, then we put the number one, if there are records, we put the next one in numerical order, after the previous one.
  5. Then, in the second column on the left we put the date indicating the moment of issue thank you letter.
  6. In the third column write the name of the organization, and then write information about the presentation of gratitude. It should look something like this: “OOO Dandelion. Thank you for your help in decorating the annual talent show.”
  7. Now, we write the number of the order in accordance with which the citizen was awarded.
  8. We put the seal of the organization and the signature of the head or deputy.

This completes the design. Show record in labor worker, in order to correct the record in hot pursuit in case of errors.

When correct design we send the labor to the employee's personal file.

An entry about announcing gratitude in a work book - a sample:

An entry about gratitude in the work book is made on the basis of two documents. First, it is, of course, thank you letter, which is signed by the head of the organization and transferred to the employee for his merits.

The second document is order, having its set date and number.

A letter of thanks is given much later than the order is issued.

The order gives a decoding of the merits of the employee, and also describes in detail who this gratitude is assigned to. As a rule, the order should be posted for public viewing, for example, on a stand so that employees can familiarize themselves with it. On the basis of the order, a work book is filled out, as well as the letter or letter itself.

What gives gratitude in labor?

A record of gratitude in labor gives a decisive value. Unfortunately, it does not take into account gratitude, but encouragement, firstly, it enhances employee prestige in the eyes of its leaders. The employee has acquired a good reputation, he will be trusted and other employees will want to match their hardworking colleague.

Secondly, when the device is on new job, the employee will immediately be in good standing. He will no doubt be trusted with difficult tasks, and this will also contribute to rapid career advancement.

That is why, even if the employer did not offer you hard work give gratitude, hint to him that it would be nice to receive it.

How to make other records of employee incentives?

If the employee was rewarded in a different way than gratitude or reward, then this should also be indicated in the work book. Labor practice knows many cases when records of various kinds of awards were interpreted incorrectly in labor practice.

That is why, in order to independently make a new entry in the labor, you need to remember a number of basic rules.

First, we must not forget about the numbering. Anyway put it in the correct order.

Also, do not forget that the promotion information should contain information regarding the name of the organization, the type of award and data on what exactly it was awarded for. Be sure to include the date and order number. Only after you complete all the points of this article, the entry you made in the labor will be considered valid.

Record of promotion in the work book - sample:

Additional information on the video:

The section "information about the award" is over

If an employee is constantly rewarded and, in principle, very hardworking, then surely the page devoted to awards and other incentives can quickly come to an end. What should an HR officer do in such a situation?

The answer to this question is simple.

All you have to do is print a new form.

on awards and incentives and place in the labor, putting on it the seal of the organization and the signature of the head.

After that, you can safely make new entries of various kinds about rewards on newly printed sheets.

A certificate of honor is a type of award, therefore, if there are determining factors, it should be mentioned in the work book. What are these determining factors? The fact is that before entering any data on awards into the work book, an order is issued. If the order was not issued - information about the literacy is not desirable for inclusion in the labor.

Many employers do not consider a certificate of honor to be a reward, therefore, as a result, they do not issue orders.

That is why the question with an honorary diploma is often controversial, but now you know exactly how to answer it correctly.

Entry in the work book on awarding a certificate of honor - sample:

Entry fee

An organization may be fined if:

  • information about the promotion is not true;
  • information was not entered, despite the presence of an order;
  • the information was entered despite the fact that the order was not issued;
  • information entered incorrectly.

As a rule, all these cases are grounds for an administrative fine in relation to the organization as a whole. A fine is imposed in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles.


Incentives in the organization are a great tool for improving performance.

Wise employers systematically reward employees and, as a result, have greater productivity.

Documentation of incentives is a secondary issue rather than a primary one, but it should also be treated very carefully, because the work book is the face of its owner, and most importantly, it shows the professionalism of the personnel department. You can learn how to properly issue an entry when renaming an organization.

How to fill out a sample order for declaring gratitude and making an entry in the work book about gratitude (sample) - about this in the materials of the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to write an order to declare gratitude (sample)

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to the promotion of employees. The employer needs to take into account that incentives of all kinds not only motivate employees and increase labor productivity, but also contribute to the development of loyalty.

Don't miss: the main article of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

Encyclopedia of personnel orders from the Kadra System.

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The announcement of gratitude or the awarding of a certificate of honor does not apply to the material form of incentives, but is regarded by the employee as a high mark, which marks his professionalism and skill.

Find out if you need to make an entry in the work book that , for example, won first place in the competition "Teacher of the Year"

Note! A sample order for declaring gratitude is filled out on the form unified form No.-11, if one employee is nominated for the award. To encourage several employees, an order is issued in the form No. -11a.

Order on the announcement of gratitude (sample) or encouragement

Based on article 191 Labor Code RF provided by itself opportunity to encourage and the types of awards. But the order of the promotion procedure is not defined by the current labor legislation.

When implementing the procedure, a certain sequence must be observed:

in the name of the head of the organization, the immediate supervisor of the employee draws up an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bencouragement. This document indicates an employee who, in the opinion of the immediate supervisor, is worthy of being nominated for an award. List all achievements of the employee in labor activity, name specific types of intended promotion;

reviewed by the head of the organization. The decision is made after reviewing the submission. Next, they publish the corresponding order;

carry out the awarding of an employee who can be issued a certificate of honor, paid cash bonus or a thank you;

the executed sample of the order for declaring gratitude serves as the basis for recording in the work book;

The order of gratitude (sample) contains the following information:

  • merit for which the award is made;
  • what gratitude is expressed in;
  • who is awarded or given gratitude (name, position, title structural unit, job title).

Note! An entry in the work book about gratitude (sample) is made in a special section "Information about the award". The direct procedure for recording awards is established by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, as well as instructions for filling out work books, which was approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69.

If an employee is thanked, the entry in the work book (sample) looks like this:

  • enter the full and abbreviated name of the organization. The entry is made in the form of a heading, as when making such a job entry.
  • in column 1 indicate the serial number of the record.
  • in column 2 - the date of the award. This will coincide with the date of issuance of the incentive order.
  • column 4 contains a direct record of the promotion. For example: “Grateful thanks for the high professional achievements and production figures.
  • in column 5 enter the details of the order on the appropriate type of employee incentive.

Work book (fragment). Registration of the section "Information about the award" for an employee who was awarded a cash bonus
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Recording gratitude in a work book (sample) serves as a high motivator for employees. It confirms professionalism and serves as a definite recommendation in relation to future employers. Most loyal companies use these types of non-material incentives to motivate employees to the greatest extent. Can an organization simultaneously apply immediately to one employee

The employer can express gratitude to the employee for successful work, achievement of certain indicators in work, conscientious performance of duties.

The declaration of gratitude is drawn up by order of the director, you can use the standard form T-11 or draw up an order in free form.

To issue an order, you must have an idea for promotion, usually it is made by the head of the department where the employee to be awarded works. Also, an employee of the personnel service (HR department) can make a presentation. The presentation should contain a motive - for which the employee should be thanked, for what successes and achievements.

Gratitude is one of the types of encouragement that can be applied to employees in order to increase their loyalty to the employer, as well as to recognize the merits of the worker. This is always done by order.

Often a cash bonus () or a material gift is also added to this, which further stimulates the employee to increase the return on his work activity.

These types of incentives significantly improve labor process in the enterprise, reduce employee turnover, increase productivity and quality of work.

Organizations wishing to use incentives to stimulate labor should develop a special Regulation, where it will be fixed for what and how the employee will be rewarded.

The declaration of gratitude usually looks in the form of a letter of thanks or, which are awarded on the basis of an approved order. The law does not establish any strict requirements regarding the form.

How to fill out the T-11 form?

It is recommended to use the unified T-11 form to express gratitude to one employee and T-11a for a group of employees. To apply, you must have an application or a submission for promotion. The head of the organization makes a mark “for execution” on it, after which the personnel department prepares an appropriate order with subsequent approval by the director of the company.

Filling out the T-11 form is discussed in. If an encouragement in the form of gratitude is used, then in the corresponding line of the order, the wording of the form “declare gratitude” should be indicated.

If an additional premium is paid, then its amount is entered in the field below. If the monetary component is not provided for the employee, then the field indicating the amount is not filled.

Be sure to fill in the field "motivation of encouragement", where the wording from the presentation to the announcement of gratitude to the employee is entered - the achievements and successes of the employee.

The provision on encouragement can determine how the employee will be rewarded. For example, it can be a solemn atmosphere, a meeting of workers.

Order T-11 after filling is transferred to the head for approval. Further, the awarded employee gets acquainted with him.

Do I need to make an entry in the work book?

A work book is a document that indicates the work experience of its owner. It contains records of hiring, transfers, dismissals. Including an overlay recording can be made disciplinary action or thanking an employee. However, this is not always done; the decision to record the promotion is made taking into account the opinion of the employee to be awarded.

According to the Rules for maintaining work books (clause 24), making an entry about the promotion in the work book is mandatory.

Entering an entry in the work book is carried out on the basis of an order.

What does such a record give an employee? In fact, the employee does not receive any special privileges from the appearance thank you note in the workbook. However, for future employers, this can serve as a good signal to take such a person to work. Such records speak of a conscientious attitude to the labor process.

An employee can be deprived of a bonus under certain circumstances, while an order is issued to deprive the bonus.