In chickens, a white liquid flows from the cloaca. Cloacitis in chickens: treatment. Viruses that cause cloacitis

The appearance of blood in the anus in chickens can be associated with a number of factors, which, in addition to the inflammatory process in the cloaca, include a violation of the conditions for feeding chickens, the release of an egg that has an irregular shape, injuries caused by laying neighbors. In addition to these reasons, the causative agents of the pathology leading to the appearance of blood from the cloaca can be infection with bacteria contained in the litter or inflammation resulting from the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the oviduct area of ​​the bird.

Why does a chicken have blood from the anus: causes and possible diseases

Inflammatory processes as a factor provoking the appearance of a disorder occupy a fairly high percentage of the total number of cases of bleeding from the cloaca in chickens. Among the most common pathologies associated with inflammation of the cloaca and oviduct in birds, experts call salpingitis and cloacitis. Both of these pathologies can be caused by contact with the source of infection, be the cause of mechanical damage to the organs of the reproductive system of the chicken, and occur as a result of a violation of the conditions of detention. However, despite the cause that caused the appearance of the disease, the absence of treatment for the pathology carries a high risk of infection of the entire herd of laying hens.


Cloacitis in chickens is an inflammatory disease that damages the mucous surface of the cloaca, which is an important part of the chicken digestive system. According to statistics and observations of farmers, young laying hens are most susceptible to this disease.

Video: cloacite in laying hens

Note! This may be due to the inability of the organism to lay eggs, the weak immune system of the bird, or adaptation to the conditions of feeding and keeping in the chicken coop.

Among the causes that provoke the onset of the disease, experts call:

  • A long-term violation of the stool, for example, after which feather contamination forms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe excretory canal in a bird. Over time, the formed masses are seized by a crust, which damages the mucous surface and the skin of the cloaca, as a result of which lesions form on its surface, from which blood oozes.
  • Another cause of the disease may be a prolonged course of constipation in birds associated with prolonged use of poorly digestible roughage.
  • Among the factors that cause cloacitis, inflammation of the oviduct is also called, associated with a mechanical effect on it, which occurs, for example, in case of difficulties with laying eggs.

Important! Among the symptoms that determine the course of the pathology, experts distinguish such signs as hyperemia and swelling in the anus in a chicken, the presence of ulcers and fallen feathers in the area of ​​damage, lethargy and immobility of the bird, an increase in the time required to hatch an egg, a decrease or complete loss of egg production .


The inflammatory process in the oviduct area most often appears in the middle of the oviposition process as a result of exposure to the organs of the bird's reproductive system of bacteria in the litter.

  1. In general The infection process is as follows: when the egg enters the cloaca from the oviduct, and then into the nest, the organs of the reproductive system of the chicken come into contact with pathogenic microorganisms that inhabit the litter of the chicken coop. The result of the course of this type of disease, in the absence of timely treatment, is highly likely to be the prolapse of the oviduct through the area of ​​​​the cloaca in a bird.

Video: prolapse of the oviduct in chickens

By the way! In the future, the course of the disease with a prolapsed or partially protruding oviduct can be aggravated by pecking of the damaged area by other chickens.

  1. Another cause of the pathology may be damage to the oviduct and inflammation caused by the destruction of the egg during its passage and pushing out. In this case, the sharp parts of the shell can injure the walls of the oviduct and lead to the appearance of blood from the anus in the chicken.
  2. Traumatism of the organs of the reproductive system may be associated with falling chickens from a great height, as a result of which the integrity of the structure of the oviduct is violated, which, with further formation and advancement of the egg along it, causes an inflammatory process.

Important! Experts identify several forms of salpingitis associated with metabolic disorders and the deposition of excess fat in the body. Pathological processes in this case are associated with a change in the concentration of choline and cholesterol in the bird's body, which first lead to rapid weight gain, then to dysfunction of some organs and culminate in the death of the bird.

  1. Inflammation resulting from secondary infection, when the pathogenic microflora present in the body of the bird enters the area of ​​​​the cloaca and oviduct.

To the signs indicators by which a breeder can diagnose salpingitis include a decrease in appetite, a decrease in the number of eggs in a clutch, an increase in body temperature of the bird, a depressed appearance, a blue scallop. Experienced farmers can determine the presence of an inflammatory process by probing the belly of a bird, in which an increase in the organ is observed. The inspection gives the chicken unpleasant pain.

Note! In critical cases, the development of an inflammatory process leads to difficulty in the process of hatching an egg, when, after a long stay on the nest, the chicken does not lay eggs, since the process of their movement along the oviduct causes severe pain. With such a course of the disease, with an untimely start of treatment, there is a high risk of death of the bird.

Irregular egg shape

One of the reasons causing the appearance of blood from the cloaca area in chickens is the formation of eggs that have an oval surface that is not characteristic of eggs, but an unevenly convex surface shape on one side. Damage to the structure and the appearance of blood associated with it occurs when an attempt is made to move a deformed egg through the organs of the reproductive system, resulting in damage to the mucous surfaces of the oviduct and the formation of bleeding wounds.

Important! This violation may be due to insufficient amounts of nutrients such as calcium and magnesium in the diet of chickens, and a lack of vitamins in food.


Damage to the surface near the anus in chickens may be associated with the molting process that occurs in the spring and autumn period of time. At this time, the skin on the back and in the area of ​​​​the cloaca of the molting individual is exposed, which attracts the attention of laying neighbors and provokes them to peck at these places, which causes bleeding on them.

How to cure a chicken: various methods and medicines

What to do if you notice blood from the anus in a chicken? The procedure for alleviating the condition of the bird is determined by the nature of the cause that caused the appearance of the pathology. However, experts are unanimous in their opinion that the first action of a farmer when blood is found in the anus in a chicken should be to separate it from the main herd. Further measures of therapy and treatment, depending on the type of disease, may include:

  • Treatment of the anus area manually. Cleaning the cloaca of a chicken from feces used in case of prolonged constipation. To facilitate this procedure, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​​​the anus of the bird with a swab moistened with warm water with potassium permanganate or urine. After that, the entire period until the injury area heals, it is necessary to treat the injury site with a 3% solution of water mummy.

Important! To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to add Shilajit to poultry feed for several weeks at the rate of 0.04 mg/kg. Such procedures should be carried out in the morning 0.5 hours before feeding.

  • Another measure used to eliminate the symptoms of cloacitis , is chicken diet modification, reducing the amount of coarse, low-digestible foods, the inclusion of grass and mash with a balanced mineral composition of the components in the diet.
  • In order to stop the inflammatory process, it is recommended to ensure the passage course of treatment with antibiotics and medicines of the sulfonamide group. However, to choose the best drug that does not harm the beneficial microflora in the bird's body, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian. Among the drugs most used by farmers in this group, it should be noted such drugs as methionine, hepatrombin, lysine, choline chloride.

  • Reduce symptoms and completely eliminate signs of inflammation allows performing intramuscular injections using the drug pituitrin, with a concentration of the active substance 50,000 IU. Therapy is carried out for 4 days, with a two-time procedure during the day.
  • Addressing the symptoms of inflammation in safer ways includes adding decoctions based on yarrow, calendula, string and chamomile to the drink and feed of the bird.
  • By changing the diet, adding products containing the necessary vitamins and mineral components, the symptoms of laying eggs with an irregular structure are eliminated, and the rehabilitation process is accelerated after the removal of inflammation in the oviduct.

Note! Among the potential sources of the minerals necessary for the bird, experts name sand, small shells, wood ash and eggshells.


In addition to actions aimed at eliminating the manifestations of pathology, in order to prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to take a number of preventive measures, including:

  • determination of the most aggressive individuals in the livestock and their separation from the main herd;
  • beak trimming in birds, the so-called debeaking procedure, which is carried out using a special tool or nippers and is a safe procedure for the herd that will eliminate at least one factor in the possible occurrence of pathology;
  • for the prevention of cloacitis, the practice of adding food antibiotics to food is widespread, among which are called flamovicin, biovit, bioschrot, kormogryzin.
  • in order to prevent chicken depletion, it is recommended to control the light regime of the day, by proper organization artificial lighting in the chicken coop so that the bird has enough time to rest;
  • as a measure to prevent the occurrence of salpingitis, it is recommended to add potassium iodide to the chicken diet at the rate of 3 mg / individual;
  • the use of a balanced diet, the addition of products containing vitamins E and A, necessary to prevent diseases of the cloaca.

To facilitate the removal of large eggs during a severe course of the inflammatory process, lubrication of the inner surface of the chicken cloaca with petroleum jelly can be used to prevent injury to the mucous surfaces.

The lack of a timely reaction of the farmer to the first signs of a violation can lead to the transmission of the infection to the entire livestock, with a subsequent risk of a decrease or complete loss of egg production and even death. First of all, the breeder needs to deal with the reasons that caused the appearance of blood from the anus of the chicken, check the conditions in the chicken coop and inspect the entire herd for similar symptoms. After that, it is necessary to separate the sick bird for keeping in quarantine conditions for the duration of treatment. If there is any doubt about the cause that caused the appearance of the pathology, it is recommended to resort to the help of a qualified veterinarian.

In contact with


Inflammation of the cloaca is observed in young chickens that begin to rush, as well as on final stages oviposition. In backyard chicken coops, the disease occurs mainly in the spring, after the winter unproductive period. The disease is characterized by mass character, high lethality, causing great damage to egg poultry farming. This article informs the owners of chickens about the causes of the disease, its treatment, and ways to prevent it.

The reasons

In industrial poultry farming, the occurrence of cloacitis provokes an enterovirus, which activates the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the anus, causing chronic inflammation. In backyard poultry houses, the inflammation process is triggered for a different reason. To stimulate egg production, the owner enriches the diet with protein feed, forgetting that chickens need calories. As a result, the energy-protein proportion is violated.

Some of the proteins are not digested, turning into uric acid. The excretion, which is poorly soluble in water, crystallizes, scratches the cloaca, microtrauma occurs, seeded with secondary microflora, producing an inflammatory process. The situation exacerbates the imbalance of vitamins. Erosions form on the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube, preventing the release of the egg. The use of vegetable oil contributes to the oversaturation of the diet with linoleic acid, which is accompanied by an increase in egg weight. Traumatization of the reproductive organ occurs, which leads to the occurrence of salpingitis or cloacitis.

In some cases, the inflammatory process triggers trauma to the fallopian tube with too large eggs, which is typical for the start of laying.


The disease develops in two stages. At the initial stage, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Appetite disappears.
  • The bird loses weight, becomes light.
  • Featherless areas are formed on the abdomen and around the cloaca.

The second phase is represented by the following pathological symptoms:

  • The cloaca turns out.
  • The perisphincteric skin is hyperemic.
  • The glands in the fallopian tube become inflamed.
  • As it exits, the egg sticks to the walls of the fallopian tube.
  • When the passage of the fetus through the fallopian tube becomes impossible, the egg is thrown back, crushed, and yolk peritonitis occurs.

If the disease is not treated, it leads to the death of the laying hen.


The concept of treatment of cloacitis is the use of external antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs and dietary correction.

External means

Before using medications, the affected surface is cleaned of pus and films. Since the use of feed antibiotics for laying hens is prohibited, they practice external treatment of the inflamed cloaca with antiseptics with antiphlogistic properties until complete recovery. The following drugs are in demand:

  • Ointments:
  1. Levomekol. Ointment containing levomycetin and auxiliary ingredients.
  2. Furacilin.
  3. Streptocid.
  4. Zinc.
  • ASD-3.
  • Iodoform.

Diet correction

It is required to bring the ratio of energy / protein to the recommended level. The ideal option is factory compound feed, which contains all the necessary nutritional components in the required ratios. You can prepare a balanced feed mixture from grain turf and BVMK. In this case, the calorie content of the mixture will be provided by the digestive enzymes contained in the supplement. There will be no need for additional inclusion of vitamin preparations, as well as salts of microelements. If the poultry farmer insists on the use of natural feeds, if cloacitis occurs, he should reduce the percentage of protein in the diet. The use of folk remedies should be considered as an addition to medication, if the veterinarian does not mind.


The appearance of cloacite in the backyard chicken coop is primarily associated with food factors. If the poultry farmer does not want to use factory feed or BVMK, he will have to learn how to make a complete diet from those components that are available on the farm.

In the prevention of cloacitis, the main thing is to ensure a smooth transition from the feed mixture of replacement young animals, which is characterized by low calorie content and low protein content, to nutrition for laying hens. To get an egg, you need to provide the bird with energy by enriching the feed mixture with fats, and not only low, but also high lipid levels are harmful.

It is required to dress the birds apart different ages, as well as species. The inflammatory process leading to the development of cloacitis can occur due to chronic infections, for example, Mycoplasmosis. Therefore, preventive rehabilitation of the body with antibiotics should be carried out a month before the start of oviposition.


Cloacitis most often develops in young hens starting to lay. Mass disease indicates problems with feeding and keeping poultry. Treatment of cloacitis with external means is possible only in the conditions of a backyard chicken coop with a small number of livestock. It is tedious and often ineffective. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of recommendations for the maintenance and feeding of replacement pullets, as well as laying hens at the beginning of laying.

Every farmer appreciates all poultry, especially chickens. Indeed, the eggs all year round, tasty meat without any additives, everything is environmentally friendly. And for this, each owner tries to create all the conditions for this bird and provide a balanced diet. But there are times when people begin to notice blood from the anus in a chicken, and this, of course, can be frightening. In this article, we will try to figure out why this may occur and how to deal with it.

Why does blood appear?

There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of blood from the anus of a chicken. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully understand this issue and find out why this happens and how it can be treated. One point should be noted right away - all these diseases are not contagious, but if the causes of occurrence themselves are not corrected, then they may also appear in other birds.


This is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the cloaca. It all starts with an upset stomach. The bird has diarrhea. As a result, the feathers around the anus become contaminated, a crust forms, which begins to tighten the skin and mucous membrane of the cloaca. Wounds appear, from which blood begins to ooze.

The main cause of cloacitis is not proper nutrition. Chickens of any age can get sick with it. If the bird is given poorly digestible roughage for a long time, then cloacitis will most likely occur.


The second name for this disease is inflammation of the oviduct. Laying hens are most susceptible to this disease, especially when they are in the process of laying eggs. In dirty sheds and nests where birds lay their eggs, a bird can pick up salpingitis. This happens when the hen pushes the egg from the oviduct into the cloaca and into the nest, and the germs that are on the dirty bedding get inside.

The consequence will be an inflammatory process that provokes the prolapse of the oviduct through the anus. The bird will behave restlessly, constantly sit in the nest, but after a long sitting there will still not be an egg there, the chicken cannot push the egg through, which causes great torment. With untimely human intervention, the bird may die.

With this disease, blood in a chicken may appear when the oviduct is injured. The egg that is about to come out cannot withstand the pressure and bursts, as a result, the shell injures the delicate walls of the oviduct. Also, chickens that live in the same pen with a sick bird can be the cause of the appearance of blood. Seeing the convex part of the oviduct sticking out of the anus, they simply begin to peck at it, thereby injuring.

Irregular egg shape

Sometimes it occurs that with a lack of specific vitamins and calcium, the shell is not formed correctly and the eggs acquire a not quite correct oval shape. Because of this, it is quite difficult for the laying hen to push the egg, and there are cases when the walls of the oviduct burst, blood begins to ooze from the wounds, which subsequently begins to flow out of the anus.

Pecking by neighbor chickens

In spring and autumn, hens begin to molt. Each bird molts differently. Therefore, quite often bare parts of the skin appear on the body of a bird, which attract other birds, which begin to peck at them. Since they go bald in the first part of the back and the place around the cloaca, it is they who suffer. As a rule, such pecking ends with the appearance of blood.

How to help the chicken?

When signs of bleeding appear, the first thing to do is to separate the sick bird from the healthy ones so that they do not peck it to death. With cloacitis, it is necessary to review the entire diet of the bird. Give mash, grass, reduce coarse and poorly digestible feed.

To relieve inflammation, the chicken can be drunk with medicinal decoctions of calendula, chamomile, succession or yarrow. This will make it possible to wash all the intestines and remove the inflammatory process. It is desirable to process the anus of the bird, soak the weight of the feces and treat the mucous with potassium permanganate. It is also necessary to consult a veterinarian and give the bird antibiotics to drink to get rid of the cloacitis completely.

In case of inflammation of the oviduct and the irregular shape of the eggs, the nutrition of the bird should be reviewed and the necessary trace elements and vitamins, including calcium, should be included in the feed. Its source can be small shells, eggshells, ash or even sand. With such a diet, the manifestation of these diseases can be avoided.

When pecking, it is also necessary good food, a weakened bird should be planted from its neighbors, but before that it is necessary to observe them and understand who first started pecking. You can try to do the following - to put off the instigator for a while. If her actions are repeated after a few days, then it is best to kill such a chicken.

Video "Possible diseases in birds"

In this video, you can find out what diseases can occur among chickens and how to deal with them. » Aviculture » Chickens » Treatment of oviduct prolapse in chickens

Those farmers who keep a chicken farm need to be prepared to counter various diseases of their livestock, one of which is prolapse of the oviduct.

One of the most common diseases of birds is the prolapse of the oviduct in chickens. Laying hens are the most susceptible to the disease, bringing farmers a large income from the eggs they receive.

The ability to lay eggs is a very important and complex physiological process; it can often be disturbed due to the development of oviduct pathologies.

Prolapsed oviduct in chickens

Most often, this breed is affected by salpingitis. This is the name of the inflammation of the oviduct, due to which it eventually falls out.

Such ailments can affect the overall health of birds, including the ability to lay eggs.

If there is inflammation of the cloaca and oviduct in chickens, this process will decrease in proportion to the development of the disease, if the oviduct has fallen out, then something needs to be done, otherwise the possibility of obtaining eggs will disappear.

What is salpingitis

To date, there are no specific sources that give an idea of ​​the origin of such a disease in birds, but there is an opinion that the disease appeared during the domestication of chickens. The reasons include the environment of the animal, as well as the action of the most dangerous microorganism - staphylococcus, which is very common in the places where chickens live.

Salpingitis is considered dangerous disease, which can bring enormous losses to the economy. The productivity of the chicken in terms of egg production depends on this disease.

In especially neglected forms, without treatment by a veterinarian, the disease can cause the death of all chickens, which contributes to increased losses for the farmer, since the meat of a deceased chicken is considered unfit for consumption.

You can see in more detail what salpingitis looks like in chickens in the photo.

Reasons for the development of the disease

When there is a prolapse of the oviduct in chickens, consider the causes of the disease. There are several factors that increase the risk of organ damage by inflammatory processes. These include:

  • Poor nutrition of laying hens. With a lack of the necessary dose of calcium, useful vitamins and choline in the feed, the laying hen is more likely to get sick with this disease.
  • Quite often, inflammation of the oviduct can develop as a result of a blow, falls from a height, or due to a broken integrity of the canal. In young laying hens, a gap can occur due to eggs that are too large in size, which are simply not able to pass painlessly through the channel. Such a large egg can remain inside the oviduct for a long time, which causes ruptures and inflammation of the organ.
  • Salpingitis may be caused by a completely different disease than inflammation of the oviduct. The presence of another infection is highly likely to lead to inflammation of the organ. Inflammation of the cloaca, for example, often develops into salpingitis.
  • Complications in case of prolapsed oviduct. This problem is widespread and massive in laying hens. This can happen due to deficiencies of vitamins such as D and E in the laying hen's body, which causes disturbances in the microflora of the affected organ. When the oviduct falls out, it will have to be in external environment, where you can find a lot of pathogenic microscopic organisms that begin to occupy the organ, causing further inflammation.

Signs of illness

The most obvious symptom indicating such a disease of the oviduct is rapid fat deposition. This process can be called unambiguous evidence that the bird does not lay eggs due to salpingitis. The first stage implies the pathology of fat metabolism.

On clinical examination, the bird is found to have elevated levels of compounds such as cholesterol and choline. Over time, these elements begin to accumulate in the body of the chicken, which causes rapid weight gain.

Treatment is best started at this stage.

The second stage of inflammation of the oviduct canal is accompanied by a violation of the metabolic process, as well as a violation of the functioning of the internal organs of the laying hen.

At this stage, the chickens' appetite worsens, defecation is difficult, the pet takes on a tired look. The final stage often ends badly. When an autopsy of the body of a diseased individual reveals problems with the liver.

Such changes occur due to metabolic disorders.

Diagnosis of the disease in poultry

Diagnosis of the disease is possible by observing the birds, analyzing how the egg is laid and according to the results of the tests obtained. The disease tends to occur in two forms: acute and chronic.

In a smaller number of cases, the disease proceeds without pronounced symptoms, which is why certain deviations in condition and behavior must be checked through a laboratory blood test.

Mostly this can occur in the case of a chronic course of the disease.

In the case of acute forms of the disease in birds, the number of eggs produced per day decreases. Treatment in this case should be carried out immediately upon detection of at least one sign.

It happens that the egg is stuck and no loss is observed, or the hens have a channel where the egg comes out. At the same time, the laying hen stops eating normally and looks depressed.

After some time, the temperature of the bird rises by 1 or 2 ° C, and a little earlier you can notice a change in the color of the scallop: it will become bluish.

It is necessary to determine the disease as accurately as possible, for this it is recommended to carefully examine the bird.

On examination, you can pay attention to the inflammation of the exit of the oviduct, an enlarged abdomen, due to which the laying hen moves very poorly, and over time, the ability to walk completely disappears. If you do not take appropriate measures, the disease will progress. You can see the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease in more detail in the photo.

Methods of treatment

Chickens should be treated immediately after the diagnosis was made, otherwise the diseased individuals may die in the next day.

If the disease is in the first stage and the prolapse of the oviduct does not threaten, therapeutic measures involve providing the sick bird with good nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Nutrition should be balanced and contain all the necessary for this moment vitamins.

The proteins needed to provide energy to a bird are no exception and should be part of the treatment. They will help the bird to overcome this disease. If the prolapse is confirmed, then the use of drug therapy is necessary. First of all, petroleum jelly is injected into the cloaca of a diseased animal in order to prevent explosive actions in the event of a delay of especially large eggs.

Laying hens should be treated as follows:

  • Solution of sinestrol intramuscular type (1 mg);
  • Pituitrin (50 thousand units of action, 2 times a day, for 4 days).

If the cause of the disease in laying hens is the activity of microscopic organisms, in this case, the treatment of birds is carried out with the help of sulfonamides and antibiotics that act directly on pathogenic microscopic organisms. After antibiotic therapy, it is imperative to resort to prebiotics, which help restore the microflora of the bird to a normal level.

Diseases of chickens - prolapse of the oviduct

Diseases of birds. Prolapsed oviduct in birds

LAYER HENS: the oviduct of a laying hen and the secrets of egg production (part 2)

Preventive measures

The basis of prevention in order to avoid inflammation of the oviduct is the full and proper nutrition of the affected laying hen. In particular, it is necessary to carefully select food in the process of laying eggs. This is carried out at the end of puberty and after the end of the winter break.

At such a time, birds are most vulnerable to illness and they are threatened with prolapse of the oviduct. For greater effect, vitamins and supplements with a high calcium content can be added to the feed. However, it is important to take into account the individual productivity of the chicken.

It is also necessary to ensure a sufficient rest period by controlling the lighting regime in the chicken coop.

Some of the farmers resort to the following prevention methods: they add iodine and potassium with feed, with the calculation of 3 mg for each individual. Someone even gives 40 mg of chloride-chloran for 20 days. Thus, the immunity of the chicken body to the effects of infectious diseases is increased.


Prolapsed oviduct in chickens

Inflammation of the oviduct with its subsequent prolapse leads to the termination of laying, the death of laying hens or premature culling.

Pathology occurs among young chickens, due to the inflammatory process of the oviduct - salpingitis. Industrial laying hens, with cellular content, suffer more often than poultry.

This article tells poultry farmers what to do if the oviduct has fallen out of the chicken, how to prevent it from falling out.

The reasons

The mechanism that triggers the inflammatory process, culminating in the prolapse of the oviduct in chickens, is an unbalanced diet, and not scarce, but too plentiful.

It is caused by the desire of the farmer to accelerate the start of laying in order to reach its peak faster. The inflammatory process is caused by conditionally pathogenic coccal microflora.

It is preceded by a weakening of the body under the influence of the following factors:

  • Protein overfeeding. An excessive concentration of nitrogenous components increases the need for biological catalysts - choline, as well as vitamins D and E.
  • Unreasonably high calorie content. Intensive egg laying requires saturation of the compound feed with energy, which is achieved by adding fats. However, this combination is justified at the peak of oviposition. A premature and abrupt transition from the diet of pullets to the diet of laying hens undermines the unprepared organism, starting the inflammatory process.
  • Calcium deficiency resulting from insufficient intake with food, or impaired absorption in conditions of hypovitaminosis D.
  • Injuries. Most often they occur during rough handling during the transfer of pullets to the layer shop. In addition, the start of laying is characterized by a relatively high percentage of oversized, two-yolk eggs that rupture the unprepared fallopian tube.
  • Joint maintenance of chickens and reared chickens. When a cloacite occurs, the young can peck at the inflamed organ, and the oviduct will come out.
  • Incorrectly adjusted duration and brightness of lighting affects the rate of ovulation. In nature, birds lay their eggs in the spring, with the lengthening of the day. Chickens retained the instinct to rush more often in order to have time to produce offspring and grow them before the onset of cold weather.
  • Features of the cellular content. Chickens are limited in movement. After the transfer, the birds are mixed. New communities are emerging. There is a clarification of the relationship between individuals, leading to trauma.
  • Secondary infection in the presence of the underlying disease.


Salpingitis at the beginning of the disease develops without prolapse of the egg-forming organ. The disease occurs with the following symptoms:

  • Decrease in masonry intensity.
  • Shellless or deformed eggs appear.
  • Cloacitis with yellowish-whitish discharge.
  • The bird is oppressed, the plumage is disheveled.
  • Diarrhea. The feathers surrounding the cloaca are contaminated.
  • The prolapse of the oviduct is preceded by its blockage.

Experts distinguish the following stages of the development of the disease:

  • Obesity.
  • Loss of appetite, lethargy.
  • Great oppression, emaciation, prolapse of the oviduct. The pathology is complicated by yolk peritonitis and the death of the laying hen.


The cause of the disease is determined by clinical signs. The fallopian tube or part of it protrudes from the cloaca.

Obese laying hens are prone to salpingitis


AT working conditions it is not advisable to treat inflammation of the oviduct. If the percentage of diseased individuals is high, the diet is corrected, the ill bird is culled. At home, for treatment, the following procedures are used:

  • Diet therapy. The diet is corrected by replacing it with professional compound feed or preparing a balanced mixture using BVMK and shells.
  • A chicken with a prolapsed oviduct is planted.
  • The fallen organ is washed with water, an astringent and set with a finger smeared with antiseptic ointment.
  • After successful manipulation, the chicken is soldered with an antimicrobial drug, for example, Baytril.
  • If the fallopian tube falls out again, the chicken is culled.

Eggs that are too large can rupture the oviduct


To prevent prolapse of the oviduct, perches and nests should be designed to minimize the risk of injury. You do not need to keep more than one rooster for 10 hens, it is better to do without males at all.

Feeding a diet rich in fat is not a threat to the household, but protein overfeeding combined with a calcium deficiency is quite likely.

The use of professional compound feed or a mixture of BVMK with grain scum can eliminate the problem. In this case, one should not forget about the source of calcium.

The crushed shell, which can be poured into a special feeder, is best suited.

Individual vitamin and mineral supplements recommended by poultry farmers are inconvenient and may cause comorbidities. Therefore, it is much more preferable and safer to use BVMK or premixes. Greens can be fed ad libitum if the consumption of concentrated feed is at least 100 g per layer.

Lighting should not be too bright. Duration daylight hours should not exceed 12-14 hours.

Shell fodder


Salpingitis, accompanied by prolapse of the oviduct, affects young, laying hens. The occurrence of a mass disease indicates uncomfortable conditions and an unbalanced diet. Treatment of chickens is troublesome and not always effective. Therefore, you should focus on meeting zoohygienic requirements and feeding chickens.


What to do if the oviduct fell out of the chicken

Laying eggs for laying hensthe main physical process, without which no normal chicken can exist.

If a bird has a disease and her general condition has worsened, this is reflected in the laying of eggs. A dangerous condition is inflammation and prolapse of the oviduct. The body of the chicken is depleted and can lead to death.

How to determine the disease and why this happens, let's try to figure it out.

The cessation of the process of laying eggs is prolapse and inflammation of the oviduct. Usually if it falls out, it is visible to the naked eye. When interacting with environment in laying hens, the risk of disease and penetration of pathogenic microbes into the oviduct increases.

You can determine the disease by the crest of a bird, it turns blue and the body temperature can rise by 2 degrees. To clarify the disease, you need to examine the chicken well.

Prolapse of the oviduct (salpingitis) increases mortality in birds. More often the disease manifests itself at a younger age. This is especially true of egg breeds, in which the main goal is laying eggs.

The disease can be identified by observing how eggs are laid, as well as the results of additional studies. The disease proceeds in an acute and protracted form. Sometimes prolapse of the oviduct occurs without specific symptoms, often this occurs in the chronic course of the disease.

Eggs may get stuck during laying, and there is no fallout itself, or the channel has fallen out of the bird, from where the egg comes out. The chicken doesn't eat well and doesn't look healthy.

If the chicken:

  • inflamed oviduct opening;
  • enlarged belly;
  • does not walk well, this indicates the development of the disease.

If timely action is not taken, the disease will progress.

Symptoms and signs

Oviduct prolapse is accompanied by a number of diseases, namely:

  • Ovarite;
  • Salpingitis;
  • Yolk peritonitis.

Yolk peritonitis is seen in different breed laying hens. If ovaritis develops, the main factor here is the cessation of the egg-laying process, followed by atrophy of the ovary.

Salpingitis develops quickly and is more of a protracted nature of the disease. This disease occurs when improper care and maintenance of poultry in poor conditions. Egg-laying in laying hens disappears or lasts with long interruptions. Sick birds lay eggs that are not good, often deformed or without shell, small in size.

small eggs- this is a pathology of oviposition, which says that the chicken's oviduct is infected and narrowed. This product does not weigh more than 35 grams. Often there is such a masonry in young animals, in spring or summer.

A chicken can lay eggs without a yolk or with a poorly developed yolk (blood, fibrin, yolk particles are observed in the protein), they are round in shape, the protein is dense inside. It happens that with increased work of the oviduct, the yolk does not have time to be covered with protein and the shell immediately forms. As a result, there is practically no protein in such eggs or it is contained in small quantities.

Inflammatory diseases of the oviduct disrupt the normal formation of eggs and lead to a sharp decrease in egg production.

When sick, chickens carry soft eggs or without shells. This indicates a lack of vitamin D and minerals in the diet of laying hens.

There are birds that constantly lay eggs with soft shells. This is not connected with salpingitis, it’s just that they have a disrupted process of calcium formation in the body, and the anomaly is transmitted from generation to generation.

The structure of the shell is affected by increased body temperature (reduces the formation of calcium in laying hens by one third).

Inflammatory processes in the oviduct and its prolapse to the outside are associated with the laying of eggs of a large size (two yolk) or a deformed shape. The phenomenon is aggravated by diarrhea and constipation. When the tube is set back, it falls back, even if everything is done correctly.

In a protracted case, egg laying may stop, anemia develops in the chicken, and severe weight loss is observed. There is no longer any benefit from such birds and they are rejected.


The terms etiology and pathogenesis are close in meaning. In medicine, on the basis of them, the word "etiopathogenesis" (aetiopathogenesis, from etio - cause) arose - a set of ideas about the cause and speed of the development of diseases.

In agricultural poultry farming, the root cause of diseases of the reproductive organs is associated with an error:

  • in bird feeding,
  • while drinking water,
  • violation of the rules for keeping and caring for birds
  • microclimate disturbance,
  • chicken stress
  • the presence of various infections.

The manifestation of these factors on the reproductive organs is different and depends on the time of laying eggs (before laying, the age of egg breeds is 14-16 weeks, the initial stage is 17-18, the height of oviposition is 19-38, the final is 39-54 weeks). At the final stage of egg production, there is an increase in productivity and a fall.

Cloacitis (prolapse of the oviduct) leads to complications if not diagnosed and treated in time. Occur due to a lack of minerals and nutrients, vitamins D and E. In the reproductive organ, the flora is disturbed and bacteria and microbes enter, causing infection.

In the etiopathogenesis of diseases of the reproductive organs, the initial preparation for laying eggs plays a large part.

If the chicken is young she has not formed organs for laying eggs, so the lengthening of the daytime light regime and a sharp transition to the main diet leads to difficulty in laying eggs.

The hens have severe pain in the area of ​​the cloaca, the body is overstressed, which leads to a part of the oviduct falling out, there is a strong swelling of the organ, bleeding and the development of infections. An inflamed cloaca causes inflammation of the oviduct. A stenosis is formed inside, and as a result of contractions, unformed eggs fall into the belly. This is fraught with the development of yolk peritonitis.

The bird looks sick, refuses to feed, drinks a lot. The temperature rises to 42 degrees. Belly feels hot and drooping chicken paws widely spaced. With internal inflammation of the oviduct, the follicles directly enter the abdominal cavity. The chicken moves little and eats poorly. At autopsy, the carcass often reveals peritonitis, salpingitis or ovariosalpingitis.

Prolapse of the oviduct occurs due to falls from a height or damage to the cloaca. In young animals, this happens because they carry large eggs and the laying hen experiences pain when laying products. There is also a rupture of the oviduct inside if a large egg gets stuck there.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis can be made with constant monitoring and analysis of the process of intercourse of eggs.. It is necessary to undergo additional laboratory studies, since often the inflammatory process develops without pronounced symptoms.

Usually occurs in the chronic course of the disease. On examination, the main attention should be paid to the exit of the oviduct and to feel the stomach, which is significantly enlarged due to which the chicken does not move well.

If the bird is not treated in time, the disease can lead to the death of poultry.


The nature of the disease: shedding occurs in one laying hen or occurs in large numbers.

It is not always possible to save a bird, but it is still worth trying to cure.

Do not rush to kill a sick hen. With timely diagnosis, the chicken can be saved by choosing the optimal treatment.

Treatment should be started as soon as the disease is diagnosed., otherwise it threatens death for the bird. Therapy at the initial degree:

  1. In the first stage of the disease a proper, balanced diet with vitamins and microelements should be provided for the laying hen.
  2. Be sure to include protein in your diet helps you recover faster. If prolapse is observed, the chicken should be given medication. But first, petroleum jelly is injected into the oviduct to avoid rupture due to poor yield of large eggs.
  3. For the treatment use sinestrol, injected intramuscularly and pituitrin (up to twice a day for 4 days).

The second stage involves the penetration of pathogenic organisms into the oviduct. If this is the cause, the bird is treated with antibacterial and sulfa drugs.

After treatment, it is necessary to give the bird prebiotics, since antibiotics disrupt the microflora of the digestive tract.

An effective treatment, which was used by farmers in their farmstead, is washing the cloaca with a special solution. Method of preparation and use:

  1. Take a glass of warm water and dissolve 2-4 teaspoons of regular table salt.
  2. The resulting solution is washed with the fallen oviduct for three days., starting from the 4th day one time. The duration of therapy is up to 10 days.
  3. Douching is carried out with a solution, before the introduction of an enema, the cloaca is lubricated with petroleum jelly and a solution is injected. Also give the chicken half a tablet of metronidazole and 1/6 of sulfadimezin.

It is possible that the oviduct will fall into place, but if this does not happen, it is better to contact the veterinarian for help. You can try to sew up the fallen part, but if a person is poorly versed in the anatomy and structure of chicken organs, it is better not to do this.

Hydrogen peroxide solution can be used instead of saline solution. After a while, the egg production is restored in the chicken.

For the duration of treatment, domestic chickens should be protected from healthy birds (so that it is in plain sight, and it is difficult for relatives to get to it).


To avoid recurrence of the disease, it is important to keep the layers clean and feed them with the right foods.. Since the main purpose of laying hens is to lay good eggs, vitamins should be present in the daily menu:

  • ferric sulfate,
  • manganese,
  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • cobalt chloride,
  • potassium iodide

To achieve a good result, vitamins and supplements with a high calcium content are added to the feed. The main thing is not to overdo it and take as a basis the individual productivity indicators of each individual. It is necessary to ventilate the room (chicken coop) more often, provide laying hens with constant lighting.

It is important to consider that the ailments of these poultry occur under unsatisfactory conditions of keeping and feeding.

Microelements are used in the production of feed for domesticated birds. Plant and animal foods will not be able to fully provide chickens with the necessary nutrients. Farmers can purchase premixes: "Ryabushka" - for brood hens, "Solnyshko" - for chickens.

List of foods that chickens eat willingly:

  • grass alfalfa, clover, green onion feather, beet tops;
  • red carrots, sugar beets, cabbage leaves, yellow pumpkin pulp, boiled potatoes.
  • kitchen waste.
  • In winter, they eat dry nettles, hay of legumes, coniferous and legume flour.

Birds respond well if their daily diet lacks vitamins. For full development and resistance to diseases, they need to eat more calcium and phosphorus. Edible salt should also be present.

As a preventive measure, poultry farmers feed chickens with iodine and potassium, 3 mg per head. You can use chlorin-chloran, 40 mg for 20 days. Carrying out these measures increases resistance to the emergence of infectious diseases, immunity is strengthened, and the body is able to attack foreign microorganisms.

Oviduct prolapse is a disease from which all poultry can die. Compliance with prevention will save chickens from complications and consequences, and minimize the financial costs of treatment.

This video shows how to deal with a prolapsed oviduct.


  1. The process of laying eggs directly depends on the physiological state of the chicken.
  2. Prolapse of the oviduct is associated with improper care and lack of trace elements in the daily diet.
  3. If symptoms occur and suspicion further investigations are needed for infection.
  4. Remedial measures include washing the external entrance, microclysters, watering birds with pills.
  5. Prevention to prevent the disease is associated in proper and proper care, compliance with all recommendations for feeding birds, especially during the period of productivity and in the cold season.
  6. Sick birds are usually culled, but with timely treatment, this can be avoided.


Non-communicable diseases of poultry

Non-communicable diseases are not transmitted from bird to bird, but in a farm setting they can take
mass character with prolonged violations of veterinary requirements, conditions of detention and feeding regime, which can lead to significant damage.

Reduced viability of young animals

The cause of this disease may be the low quality of the selected young, which is the result of the inferiority of hatching eggs. With unbalanced feeding of the parent flock, eggs are obtained with an insufficient content of vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients.

Poor quality of young animals is possible with long-term storage of hatching eggs before laying, especially in conditions of high temperature and humidity. The viability of chickens is also reduced if the temperature, humidity, and ventilation conditions of incubation are violated. Such chickens look weak, lethargic and sleepy, they eat food poorly.

They should be selected in a separate section, cage and create better conditions for them.

and feeding.

Clogged goiter, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

These diseases are most common in chickens fed improperly prepared feed mixtures containing films of grain crops such as barley oats, as well as when feeding poorly chopped and coarse grass.

With complete blockage of the goiter, its swelling is also possible, which leads to overstretching of its walls and to paralysis of the goiter muscles. The bird loses its appetite, it becomes lethargic.

In the goiter, dense fodder

masses, shortness of breath appears.

Inflammation of the stomach and intestines occurs after feeding poor-quality food, which leads to disruption of the digestive tract.

Food rich in fiber can worsen the situation, which, due to low digestibility, accumulate in the muscular stomach, forming a ball, which leads to blockage of the stomach, damage to the liver and kidneys, and intestinal catarrh.

The main symptom of gastroenteritis

is a disorder with secretions of liquid droppings.

For preventive purposes, chickens and turkey poults up to the age of one month should receive grain feed mixtures freed from films and awns. General content fiber in the diet of young animals should not exceed 4-5%. The feeding regimen should be observed, avoiding long breaks between feedings, otherwise the young will start

peck bedding material - sawdust, straw, etc.


Gastrointestinal disease associated with lesion
its inner shell. The disease occurs as a result of metabolic disorders due to a lack of vitamins A and E in the diet, as well as gravel.

Signs of the disease: indigestion, weakness, disheveled plumage, litter is colored dark
color, young growth is stunted.

In chickens, at autopsy, superficial cracks are found in the cuticle, sometimes penetrating through its entire thickness. The final diagnosis of the disease is made on the basis of an autopsy and a study of the state of the cuticle.

At the same time, similar signs can be detected from damage to the cuticle by potent substances (alkalis, acids). From such lesions, there are injuries not only in the stomach, but also in the goiter.

Prevention of the disease should be aimed at

complete feeding.


This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca. The main cause of the disease are errors in feeding and maintenance. Cloacitis affects all types of birds of different ages. Feeding disturbances can be different, but most often long-term feeding of indigestible roughage causes irritation of the mucous membranes.

cloacal membranes.

In chickens, cloacitis can be caused by grain membranes left in the grain meal mixture. Some experts believe that the cause of cloacitis in geese is a lack of vitamins A, E, D, and mineral feed in the diet.

In young females, the disease may occur due to
the beginning of oviposition and during the period of egg production. The disease does not last long - up to four weeks.

Signs of the disease.

In the initial stage of the disease, the disease is manifested by intestinal upset with the release of uric acid salts, which pollute the pen around the anus. Inflammation spreads deep into the rectum by 2-3 cm. Sometimes the disease can lead to the appearance of yolk peritonitis, which leads to emaciation of the bird, a decrease or cessation of egg production.

Treatment and prevention.

The mucous membrane of the cloaca is cleaned of possible suppuration, films, lubricated with 5-10% tincture of iodine, then zinc or other bactericidal ointment. For prophylactic purposes, juicy fruits are introduced into the diet.

vitamin feed - carrots, greens. Waterfowl are provided with water walks.


This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. It is the result of a violation of the conditions of detention - the presence in the premises of a large concentration of ammonia and other harmful gases. May be accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Chickens and turkeys aged 20-90 days are more susceptible to the disease. Signs of the disease: swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation. The foamy mass released from the corner of the eye glues the eyelids,

pollutes the plumage and skin around the eyes, narrows the eye lumen.

Chickens often sit with eyes closed, puffed up, lag behind in growth and development.

Prevention of the disease consists in constant monitoring of air exchange and cleaning of litter in the room, humidity and stocking density of the bird, as well as in the constant provision of the bird with vitamin feed. If necessary, the eyes of a sick bird can be washed with a solution of boric acid (per 100 ml of clean boiled water

3 g boric acid)


More often this disease occurs in farms where birds are not provided with mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins. The disease develops for a long time and
runs chronically.

Signs of the disease: at first, redness of the oral mucosa develops, a slight swelling and soreness, the secretion of saliva and mucus increases.

All this makes it difficult to feed and leads to a decrease in live weight.
Sick geese on farms are not treated, but slaughtered.

Prevention of the disease consists in full feeding and a balanced diet, especially in

mineral and vitamin substances.

Yolk peritonitis

metabolic disorders in the body. Yolk peritonitis can occur alone or simultaneously with inflammation of the oviduct and ovary.

The appearance of yolk peritonitis is facilitated by a lack of calcium, choline, riboflavin, peridoxine and excess phosphorus and protein in the diet.

Clinical signs.

In the acute course of the disease, the litter is colored gray-green, egg production is sharply reduced, the eggs are covered with calcareous overlays.

In subacute course, the abdomen is enlarged, around the cloacae plumage is contaminated with feces. Birds often adopt a penguin-like posture. Skin in the abdomen

without plumage, bluish color.

When dead chickens are opened, inflammatory products mixed with protein and yolk are found in the oviduct. A rupture of the oviduct wall and the release of masses into the abdominal cavity are possible. The mucous membrane of the oviduct is inflamed. Liver

and spleen are enlarged.

Prevention measures are aimed at the usefulness of feeding, so that the diet is balanced in terms of the mineral and vitamin parts.

Sometimes various preparations are used - calcium chloride at a dose of 100-300 g per 10 liters of drinking water for 1000 chickens for one day. The solution is evaporated within 7-10 days.

During the period of intensive oviposition, the content of vitamins A, C, D, E in the diet is increased by 40-60%

compared to the accepted norm.

Salpingitis (inflammation of the oviduct)

It occurs quite often, especially in good laying hens. This disease often occurs simultaneously with vitelline peritonitis.

On its own, the disease can be caused if hens lay very large eggs or begin intensive egg-laying before reaching normal overall development.

The disease can also occur as a result of the introduction of various microbes from the cloaca into the oviduct during

Symptoms of the disease appear in mild cases in
difficult laying of eggs and the release of large masses of yolk, protein and mucus. The lower part of the oviduct descends and protrudes into the cloaca. Chickens often sit in nests.

In severe cases, solid curdled masses are formed in the oviduct, often mixed with lime, grayish-white or yellow, filling the oviduct in the form of plugs. Inflammation of the oviduct leads to a decrease in egg production, and then to its complete cessation or to laying eggs with

irregular shape of the shell or without it at all.

Prevention and treatment of salpingitis consist in normalized feeding and good maintenance of laying hens. At the same time, attention is paid to the full security of their

vitamins A, D, E and vitamin groups B by feeding grass flour, fresh herbs, table carrots, yeast, etc.

Anomalies of oviposition

This is the laying of eggs with all kinds of deviations from the norm: small or large, irregular in shape, with or without a thin shell, the presence of blood in the protein or near the yolk, etc.

Anomalies may be caused by infectious diseases, violations of mineral metabolism (calcium and phosphorus), damage to the organs of egg formation.

The appearance of blood spots in the egg may be associated with a violation

light regime (long daylight hours).

The laying of two-yolk eggs is mostly a hereditary phenomenon, but it can also be the result of two eggs (yolks) falling into the funnel of the oviduct for a short period of time, as a result of which they jointly move along the oviduct and are enveloped in one protein and shell.

Eggs of dwarf size are laid, as a rule, without yolk. This is not due to the loss of an egg (yolk) into the oviduct. They are classified as so-called fatty eggs, which are formed due to the accumulation of a small amount of protein in the oviduct, which is enveloped in a shell at the exit.

For the same reason, longitudinally sharp and large eggs appear. Abnormal eggs are unsuitable for incubation.

Cloacitis in chickens is a fairly common disease, which in most cases turns into the death of a bird.

In order to protect your farm, you need to have a better understanding of what kind of disease it is and how you can deal with it.

So, cloacitis, or inflammation of the cloaca, occurs in many birds, but it is in chickens that it is most difficult.

It is important to remember that cloacitis is a disease that usually affects the entire population of the poultry house. So, having noticed symptoms in at least one bird, it is necessary to treat the entire chicken coop and carefully monitor the chickens.

Disease symptoms and effects on birds

You can recognize the manifestation of cloacitis by the following symptoms:

  • initial symptoms - the bird's appetite decreases, it drinks a lot and does not show interest in the actions taking place around. If you take a chicken in your arms, you can feel the consequences of emaciation in the form of ribs that have come through. In addition, areas of skin without a feather begin to form on the body of chickens, usually these include the abdominal part and the anus;
  • progression of the disease - in the course of the progression of the disease, the cloaca, as it were, turns outward. The skin around the sphincter looks inflamed and red, develops stenosis and swelling of the exit through which the hen lays eggs.

During the progression of cloacitis, not only visible changes occur, but the structure of the oviduct also changes. The cuticular glands become inflamed and, instead of facilitating the release of the eggs, they stick it to the walls, as it were.

The bird dies from multiple changes in internal organs and intoxication.

Since the laying of the egg becomes almost impossible, it is released into the abdominal cavity. In addition, changes in the liver are observed in birds, but mainly the rectum, uterus and cloaca suffer from the disease. It is worth noting that without timely treatment, cloacitis almost always results in the death of a bird.

Reasons for the appearance

Most often, this disease affects laying hens, but it can also be found among broiler breeds. The cause of cloacitis is a metabolic disorder of the bird and a lack of vitamins. Vitamins and minerals must be supplied to the body of chickens daily.

And do not forget that during winter and autumn, as well as during the molting period, the need for nutrients increases. For the normal functioning of the cloaca, vitamins such as A and E play a huge role.

In addition, frequent constipation can cause cloacitis. Naturally, the reason for their occurrence also lies in malnutrition. If you do not know how to choose a diet for chickens, it is best to consult with experienced breeders or veterinarians.

Treatment Methods

For the treatment of cloacitis, both traditional drugs and folk methods are used. Usually veterinarians advise resorting to complex therapy. The fact is that in order to treat a bird, it is necessary not only to revise its diet completely, but also to fight inflammation.

In the process of caring for a sick bird, it is important to strictly follow the instructions of a veterinarian. Do not forget that this is a very serious disease with a high risk of death.

How to treat cloacitis with traditional drugs

For treatment, various ointments and solutions are used, which help to alleviate the condition of the bird and reduce the recovery time.

Terramycin ointment

To prepare the ointment, take 1 gram of terramycin and anestezin, mix them with 200 grams of petroleum jelly or any animal fat (preferably pork). With this mixture, it is necessary to lubricate the cloaca, after washing it.

Shilajit solution

Shilajit allows you to normalize the metabolism of chicken and enriches the bird's body with essential vitamins and minerals. It is buried in the bird's beak in the morning, about half an hour before the intended feeding. The dosage is calculated as follows: 0.04 g of the product is needed per 100 grams of bird weight. Shilajit is given for about 14 days.

Choline chloride 60%

This product is a dietary supplement with a high content of B vitamins. It is added to feed for both young birds and adult laying hens. It is worth noting that this product is more of a preventive value, but its regular use by birds contributes to a faster recovery.


Levomekol is an antibacterial ointment that is successfully used to treat purulent and complex wounds.

The fact is that the development of purulent processes in cloacitis is not uncommon, especially in advanced stages.

Levomekol is applied to the inflamed cloaca after the pus is removed and the surrounding feathers are washed. Treatment with ointment is continued until the moment of recovery or visible relief.


This is another feed additive that plays a huge role in the recovery process of the bird. It contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, having a positive effect on the digestive system and strengthening the bird's immunity. The course of treatment with Chiktonik is a week. The solution is added to drinking chickens at the rate of 1-2 ml per liter of clean drinking water.

Treatment with folk methods

In order for traditional treatment to have a greater effect, it is necessary to combine it with folk methods. Usually folk methods consist in washing the cloaca. To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin.

It is worth remembering that the washed chicken should not be released into the chicken coop immediately. It is best to blot it with a clean, dry cloth, as dirt can stick to a wet feather, which is an even greater source of infection.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to give the sick bird fresh herbs and vegetables daily. Perfect for zucchini and cucumbers.

Consequences of the disease

In the event that the disease was detected at an early stage, then due to timely treatment, it is possible to fully restore the health and functioning of the important organs of the bird. In more advanced situations, irreversible changes are observed, which ultimately lead to the death of the bird.

In simple terms, the consequences of cloacitis can be either complete recovery or death. The transferred disease does not affect the quality and quantity of eggs after recovery!

In order to avoid the development of cloacitis, it is important to monitor the diet of the bird and the cleanliness of the chicken coop. The fact is that it is necessary to take care of the nutrition of chickens starting from the very early age. Cloacitis is a disease of both young chickens and old birds.


Cloacite in birds (parrots, chickens)

Inflammatory disease of the mucous lining of the cloaca of the plates is called cloacitis. It can complicate an infectious disease, but is more often associated with feeding errors. Young adult birds get sick more often. In females, the disease is more common, which is associated with the load on the cloaca during the laying of eggs.

Causes of the disease

Factors contributing to the development of this pathology in birds are:

  • feeding pets indigestible or indigestible food;
  • decrease in intestinal peristaltic activity in obesity;
  • constipation for any reason;
  • mechanical compression of the intestine by tumors of the abdominal organs of the bird;
  • neoplasm growth directly in the cloaca;
  • delay in the process of egg formation;
  • blockage of the cloaca by a foreign object;
  • ingestion of sand or fine gravel in excessive amounts or lack of this additive;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to treatment with certain medications.

The inflammatory process occurs as a reaction of the mucous membrane of the pet's cloaca to mechanical or chemical irritation, excessive effort.

Signs of pathology

A bird that feeds on grain, as well as parrots, defecate in small dense lumps that have a white center and a dark green edging.

With cloacite, the litter changes its qualitative characteristics, it becomes:

  • liquid;
  • green/brown/yellow;
  • has an admixture of blood.

The bird is weakened, exhaustion develops over time, it refuses to feed, but instead drinks a huge amount of water. The bird suffers from shortness of breath and diarrhea. The feathers around the cloaca become dirty, stuck together, small particles of wood or paper, sand stick to them. Then there are bare patches of skin around the anus. The skin is inflamed, hyperemic.

If assistance is not provided to birds:

  • the upper sphincter of the cloaca can turn out;
  • the area around the anus swells;
  • sometimes observes stenosis of the anus;
  • exudate is released, sometimes purulent.

If at this point the bird should have laid the egg, there may be difficulties, because the exudate acts as a glue and makes it difficult for the egg to come out. Stenosis and inflammatory processes, narrowing the outlet, worsen the situation.


Diagnosis is based on symptoms. Appropriate tests are carried out to establish the absence/presence of a viral or bacterial infection.


If a bacterial infection is suspected, antibiotics may be given to the bird.

In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe an ointment with a local anesthetic and petroleum jelly to relieve the feathered condition.

It is desirable to eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process, to balance the nutrition of the winged pet.

Cloacite in a laying hen


A fascinating and profitable occupation is breeding and keeping domestic chickens. But they may develop pathologies and diseases for which prevention can be carried out. If they did appear disease symptoms, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis and engage in surgical treatment.

Could be a symptom of a viral infection(contagious rhinitis, tuberculosis, colds, infectious bronchitis, mycoplasmosis).

Treatment of symptoms is carried out by warming chicken coops, drinking birds with a decoction of nettles, and conducting inhalations.

Infectious chicken bronchitis is eliminated with disinfectants (aluminum iodide, Glutek aerosol, Lugol's solution, chlorturpentine). Antibiotics are also used.

Chicken disease


In addition to bronchitis, coughing may indicate other pathologies. Often cough appears when new individuals arrive that are infected. Treatment Methods - nettle decoction or inhalation with drugs.

Assign tetracycline, furazalidon, which are added to drinking water.


Rattling is uncharacteristic of the breathing of healthy chickens.. Often they appear in colds and bronchial diseases (bronchopneumonia, infectious bronchitis), colibacillosis. The chicken breathes heavily, wet and dry rales appear in the sternum.

diarrhea in birds

It can manifest itself as a result of a cold, poor-quality food, gastritis, stress, pullosis, worms, coccidiosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, bird flu.

In laying hens, a nervous breakdown is possible with fright, a change in the environment, and can pass in a day. If the bird began to cough with colds due to hypothermia, it is transferred to a warm room. Poor quality food is excluded.

To treat discomfort it is necessary to accurately determine the diagnosis, you can not prescribe self-medication.

Runny nose

Birds runny nose may appear as a result of damage by pathogenic fungi, bacteria, worms, coccidiosis and other serious pathologies (infectious bronchitis, smallpox, feed diphtheria). Cause of pathology there may be a lack of vitamin A, a change in diet, a change temperature regime, poor ventilation.

Leg diseases in chickens: growths on the paws, lameness and more

There are many causes of leg disease in chickens..

If they are improperly maintained, there is a lack of space, mobility decreases, which causes the musculoskeletal system to be disturbed and the chickens begin to limp.

Pathologies of the legs include gout, curvature of the fingers, joint diseases (tendovanginitis, arthritis and arthrosis), knemidokoptosis. Also, a symptom may be a sign of salmonellosis.

Why can chickens go blind?

The bird can go blind as a result of damage by sinusitis, panophthalmitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva. To eliminate this symptom, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

Many bird diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. Why can chickens get sick? It is recommended to create appropriate conditions for chickens with optimal care. They are provided with the correct temperature and light conditions, timely nutrition, and chicken coop hygiene.

But even in excellent conditions of detention there is no one hundred percent protection against the appearance of pathologies. Most infections develop as a result of stress, lack of movement, metabolic disorders and daily routine. The health of chickens is also subject to change under the changing climate zone.

To maintain health and prevent infections, the chicken coop must be kept clean, monitor your own hygiene. It is important to correctly identify the symptoms of diseases for the correct treatment of infections..


Pathology manifests itself in adults and young birds, manifested by a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria, causative agents of infection, are transmitted by airborne droplets from affected eggs and sick individuals.

Manifested profuse diarrhea, intense thirst, lack of appetite, general weakness and rapid breathing. Pullor antigen is used to determine the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed when the causative agent is accurately identified.(neomycin, biomycin) and isolation from healthy individuals.



It manifests itself in young and adult individuals in the form of fever, thirst and lethargy. Respiratory tract infection, resulting in wheezing, which will increase with movement. But the pathology is not always detected by wheezing, the help of a specialist may be required. The causative agent is Escherichia coli affecting internal organs.

After the diagnosis is determined, treatment is prescribed- penicillin, biomycin or terramycin is introduced, multivitamins are added to the feed, only nutritious and fresh grain is recommended.

Chicken vaccination


Pathology manifests itself in wild and domestic birds. The causative agent can be in food, water, manure for a long time, it is transmitted to healthy individuals from infected ones. Prevention- Do regular cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house.

The symptom of pathology is blue comb and wattles, lethargy, lack of appetite, intense thirst, digestive disorders, high fever and mucus in the nose. With an acute form of pathology there may be swelling or curvature of the joints of the paws.

pasteurellosis in chickens

Treatment is based on the use of sulfa drugs and their addition to feed, water. Also, birds are given vitamins E, B, A and fresh herbs. If left untreated, the livestock will die.


Mostly appears in young individuals in the form of conjunctivitis, lameness, shortness of breath, high lacrimation. With an advanced form of the disease chickens fall on their side and die. Antibiotic treatment (sulfanilamide, chlortetracycline, chloramphenicol) should not be delayed by adding small doses to feed for about 2 weeks.

Pathology is characterized by acute dysfunction nervous system, digestive organs. Transmitted from birds and animals that were previously sick, through their water, feed and droppings, is not treatable. After the defeat of the birds, their death is observed, which can destroy all individuals.

chicken pox

chicken pox

Most often affects young birds manifested by outgrowths-pockmarks on the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cloaca or head. At first they have a yellow tint, but gradually darken. If left untreated, the growths may coalesce and grow in size. They begin to bleed, harden and wither.

To prevent pockmarks from hardening, the affected areas should be treated with glycerin or fat. A beak with pockmarks is treated with a 1% solution of iodine or washed with a decoction of chamomile.

The main symptoms of pathology include weakness, indigestion, lack of appetite and severe weight loss. Treatment of helminths similar to the use of preventive measures.

At the same time, they clean the house, choose high-quality and fresh food, and special preparations.

Sometimes poultry can be exposed to diseases that are not inherently contagious. But from them there is no less harm than with the defeat of infections. They do not have a specific pathogen and are mainly associated with inappropriate care for chickens, the wrong choice of feed, mechanical damage, and injuries.

Atony goiter in laying hens

Pathology manifests itself only in laying hens, the cause of which is an irregular or unbalanced diet, the poor quality of the compounds that can accumulate in the goiter, forming an obstruction.

The disease is easily determined by palpation of the goiter, which sags for a long time and is dense.

In the absence of immediate assistance, the chicken dies instantly and abruptly., since the goiter blocks the jugular vein and the airways.

Atony goiter in chickens

One of the methods of treatment is the use of a probe, into which a couple of milliliters of vegetable oil are dripped, a hard goiter is massaged and the bird is turned upside down, gradually removing the contents. After the procedure, it is desirable to pour a solution of potassium permanganate into the goiter.

Gastroenteritis (intestinal flu)

Manifested as a result of eating poor-quality feed, untimely feeding. When pathology appears, weakness, indigestion and loss of appetite appear in birds. For the prevention and treatment of the disease, the causes are eliminated, quickly digestible feeds, laxatives and antibiotics are introduced into the diet.


This is a simple indigestion that appears in young individuals that are 21 days old. The reason for the violation is the use of coarse and poorly digested food, poor-quality and polluted water.

It can be acute or chronic, characterized by high fever, anorexia, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea. Eliminate pathology with a diet with products that do not lead to decay and fermentation.


The disease manifests itself in individuals that eat food with a lack of vitamins and mineral salts. The provocateur of the development of pathology is the inappropriate keeping of birds.

Laying hens often suffer from cloacitis, which suffer from a decrease in weight, the number of eggs, and intestinal upset.

In the treatment of laying hens, they should be separated from the herd, washed with inflamed areas of the cloaca with a solution of rivanol, lubricating with a special composition.

Bronchopneumonia or pneumonia

Appears in violation of the care of chickens. Pathology manifests itself in young individuals under the age of 20 weeks with hypothermia. The symptoms are low mobility, severe wheezing and loss of appetite. For treatment, antibiotics are used in individual dosages.

Keratoconjunctivitis - an eye disease, how to cure

The disease affects birds kept in barns, where there is no timely cleaning of litter and cleaning.

Fresh litter is a source of ammonia, the vapors of which penetrate the bronchial tract and cause inflammation of the eyes. Pathology can be identified by wet, dirty plumage, watery eyes, yellow accumulations on the eyelids.

When the pathogen is eliminated, the sheds are cleaned of litter and the eyes are treated with a decoction of chamomile.

Keratoconjunctivitis in chickens


Often the disease manifests itself in laying hens kept in cages, for which mixtures are used to feed. Vitamin deficiency symptoms are lack of weight, conjunctivitis, loss of feathers, weakness.

Diseases of chickens caused by insects

If you do not want to lose chickens, then you should periodically take preventive measures, separating sick individuals from healthy ones, destroying those who cannot be cured. Once every 30 days, the poultry house should be treated with disinfectants. Birds need to be provided proper care, balanced diet.