Creating a presentation in adobe flash application. Play an Adobe Macromedia Flash animation in a presentation. Scripting a Frame

Many marketers use desktop applications such as PowerPoint to create videos and presentations. However, they do not like to experiment with animation and prefer to do everything the old fashioned way.

Perhaps this is due to the likelihood of technical problems. However, animated presentations are much more fun than classic presentations, and they make it easier to convey complex concepts. Another plus is that they are better remembered.

To create animated videos and presentations, it is not necessary to own professional programs such as 3D Studio Max, Maya or Adobe After Effects. It is much easier to use clear online services.

The presentations created in them are easy to share online, they can also be downloaded as a video file that can be played without problems on any computers and mobile devices.

We talk about how to make a video presentation exciting and effective in the article ““.

Below, we will share the top 5 online services for creating animated presentations.


It doesn't matter if you use your computer confidently or are still lost at the sight of the Windows navigation menu. If you know how to use a mouse and keyboard, then you can easily create a professional animated presentation in GoAnimate.

This service allows you to create videos using ready-made templates, background music and animated characters.

GoAnimate is similar to PowerPoint in many ways. The tool can be used to create short videos, marketing demos, YouTube channel videos and of course animated presentations with interesting characters and branding elements.

Ready-made projects can be downloaded, uploaded to YouTube or another program for preparing presentations. To use GoAnimate, you need to subscribe to a paid subscription for at least a month. A free demo version for 14 days is also available.


A bit of history Flash presentations began to spread with the advent of the flash player and flash products in general. Flash software, which allows you to develop interactive multimedia applications. The scope of Flash is different, it can be games, websites, CD presentations, banners and just cartoons. When creating a product, you can use media, sound and graphic files, you can create interactive interfaces and full-fledged web applications using PHP and XML. gamescartoonsPHPgamescartoonsPHP Flash Player is a player for files created in Flash format.

Flash Presentations is a hybrid between Web Show and Video File. Presentations in this format are designed to be viewed on a web page, but are based on video. Unlike the limitations of regular video files, Flash presentations support menus and multiple presentations. Flash presentations, however, do not support color profiles. The quality of a Flash presentation is noticeably lower than a Web Show because video requires a much larger amount of data to pass through. It limits overall quality presentations. The real advantage of Flash presentations is high compatibility. Most Internet users there is a Flash plugin already installed for their browser and it is very easy to play a presentation made with Flash.

Types of FLASH-presentations: Advertising colorful story in a favorable light about any product; Gift edition - a video created for partners, visitors, bosses, etc. and talking about the activities of the company. It is usually created for some kind of anniversary - as a clear, concentrated display of success and achievements. Catalog of goods and services - multimedia, colorful display of goods and services of the company with the necessary comments, placement of accents, etc. It has a much stronger effect than showing a standard printed product catalog. Used by staff when working with clients. The exhibition catalog is a multimedia display of exhibits and the benefits of their use, a story about manufacturing companies, etc. Electronic report Flash video about any event, report on the work of the company, etc. Can be used as an accompaniment to the report, and independently. An electronic business card is in many ways similar to a gift edition about a company. Represents multimedia presentation firms.

Use in advertising Presentation – very effective tool promotion of the company, goods and services. Unlike short advertising messages, a presentation allows you to convey a large amount of information to your audience in a form that is easy to understand. Until recently, MS Power Point presentations were considered the standard. However, flash-technologies make it possible to turn ordinary graphics, diagrams, photographs and text blocks into an interactive film with animation elements and precisely matched sound design. Interactive tools (for example, games) can be built into a flash presentation, it can contain several sections, from which the user will choose only those that are of interest to him. Such a video makes an incomparably greater impression on the viewer, at the same time providing him with detailed information and influencing emotions. the latest technology to develop your business

Spheres of use of flash-presentations - a story about the company, significant events in the development of your business - a description of the benefits of a new product or service - informing about the event special promotion- illustration commercial offer, report - appeal to customers, partners, colleagues - demonstration in sales offices, on exhibition stands, presentations - recording presentation CDs that can be - used for distribution to the company's audience and as attachments to magazines or media kits

Basic principles for creating a presentation * Must have a solid, finished look. Thoughtful structure and sequence of slides that accurately complement your speech. * After creating the structure, work on the development of common design elements for all slide pages of the presentation. * Then proceed to content filling. * Special attention devote to testing. Do not forget that you are not dealing with debugged templates, but with the live result of your creative activity. Here are a few more tips that will help keep viewers interested in your presentation * Avoid a dense text content of the page you are not reading a lesson, but a presentation, so instead of words it is better to place an illustration or a visual diagram or diagram. * You should not completely abandon the text explaining the pictures, because you can also quickly get tired of an excessive number of complex diagrams and graphs. * Do not overload the work with a large number of spectacular effects, everything should be done with taste, with a sense of proportion and in line with the main idea of ​​the presentation. Excessive variegation is annoying.

When it comes to generating visually appealing content, not many platforms can match the effect that flash can have on an audience. Whether you're creating a website in Flash, or creating a presentation in Flash, you can easily make eye-catching images using as little as a well-arranged photo or video. Whether you're looking for an easy way to create amazing Flash presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint, or want to create standalone presentations in Flash, then here are four easy methods to help you create visually appealing Flash presentations without the need for complicated knowledge about using complex Flash animation tools.

It is likely that you will have several photos or videos to present. If most of the content in the presentation consists of videos or photos, then you can use the software iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory create complete flash presentations simply by adding your desired videos and photos in sequence. It can help you create presentations in a Flash application that can be saved as SWF files, in various well-known video formats, in HTML 5 format, and as an executable (EXE) file. This software not only allows you to easily add images, menus, and videos to create presentations, but also provides ready-made flash templates. For instructions on using this software, see this link: How to create Flash presentations using iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory.

Use Readymade Flash Presentation Templates

To get started with a flash-based presentation, you can download ready-made flash templates. In previous posts, we have provided you with an overview of A4Flash and Flashmo which offer pre-made templates in Flash. While it can be difficult to manage .Fla data files for free Flash templates by Flashmo, you can get an easier way to use templates (and also FLA files if you like) from A4Flash. Thus, with the help of ready-made templates Flash you can easily create your Flash presentations.

Display Flash Animation in PowerPoint

While you can easily convert your photos and videos to flash animations using the iPixSoft Flash Gallery software, however you may still be interested in displaying it using PowerPoint. This may be the case as a flash animation sequence may not be enough to develop a theme and it may be handy to create a PowerPoint presentation and use the animation in one of your slides. If you want to display Flash animations in PowerPoint, then you can do so using the SlideDynamic add-in. Detailed Instructions see this post: How to add swf files to PowerPoint Creation Flash presentations.

Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Flash Presentations

Whether you have a complex Flash animation embedded in PowerPoint or want to export your entire presentation in Flash format, you can easily convert PPT to SWF with Wondershare PPT2Flash Professional. The tool is very easy to use and just requires a few small configurations to convert PowerPoint to Flash. For more detailed information see our Wondershare PPT2Flash Professional review.

Creation flash presentations at a price of 30 000 r, like any other advertising campaign, ultimately created to inform their potential clients about the services provided by the company and for profit. It is directly related to costs. Traditional advertising is a very expensive and costly pleasure without a guarantee of effectiveness, so today in traditional marketing more and more significant place occupied by electronic or computer visualizations.

Inexpensive multimedia development produces the most effective results. Compared to the traditional one, posted on information platforms, it is a very democratic way to promote your product on the market, as it is available to almost everyone. This is a very advantageous and convenient form; and at the same time, professionally executed work - for example, the design of a slide show - can be a decisive argument in the competition for leading place on the market. She works on the image of the company and the promotion of its brand. This happens when successful designs become calling card organization or project, as well as when it enhances the customer's participation in exhibitions, giving additional opportunities to convince customers.

This is a fascinating creative process, in which, as noted above, the client himself can actively participate, but in order for its production to end with the birth of a successful product, the help of a professional is needed. To convince you of this, we invite you to take a look at our portfolio, which will allow you to view examples developed by our team members.

Multimedia 3D visualizations and slideshows

Creating an Interactive Flash Presentation - Complicated technological process, but the good thing about computer technology is that at a relatively low cost they give great opportunities for slide show. Previously, the production of albums for advertising was an expensive pleasure with very limited abilities. In recent years, 3d visualization has become a serious help.

The main arguments in its favor:

  • This is an important and crucial moment in promoting your product or service on the market.
  • A slideshow promoting your company, product, or service brings you closer to your potential partner or customer.
  • Allows you to be modern and progressive.
  • You can make it one day, and then transform it into a chronicle of the company, on which its history will be based.

See our Portfolio for examples of work completed by our studio.