The HSE engineer is biased towards the employee. Job description of an engineer for labor protection, job duties of an engineer for labor protection, sample job description for an engineer for labor protection. Requirements for a safety engineer

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occupational health and safety engineer
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I. General provisions

  1. An occupational health and safety engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. For the position:
    • an engineer for labor protection and safety is appointed a person who has a higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience in the position of a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions replaced by specialists with secondary professional (technical) education, at least 5 years;
    • engineer for labor protection and safety of the II category - a person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the position of an engineer for labor protection or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education, for at least 3 years;
    • Category I labor protection and safety engineer - a person who has a higher professional (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a category II labor protection engineer.
  3. Appointment to the position of an engineer for labor protection and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the labor protection department.
  4. The safety engineer must know:
    1. 4.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on labor protection issues.
    2. 4.2. The main technological processes for the production of the enterprise's products.
    3. 4.3. Methods for studying working conditions in the workplace.
    4. 4.4. Organization of work on labor protection.
    5. 4.5. The system of labor safety standards.
    6. 4.6. Psychophysiological requirements for workers, based on the category of severity of work, restrictions on the use of labor by women, adolescents and other workers transferred to light work.
    7. 4.7. Features of operation of the equipment used at the enterprise.
    8. 4.8. Rules and means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of equipment with the requirements for safe work.
    9. 4.9. Advanced domestic and overseas experience on labor protection.
    10. 4.10. Methods and forms of propaganda and information on labor protection.
    11. 4.11. The procedure and terms for compiling reports on the implementation of labor protection measures.
    12. 4.12. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management.
    13. 4.13. Basics labor law.
    14. 4.14. Internal labor regulations.
  5. The labor protection engineer reports directly to the head of the labor protection department.
  6. During the absence of an engineer for labor protection (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Labor protection engineer:

  1. Carries out control over compliance at the enterprise and its subdivisions with legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, over the provision of established benefits and compensations to employees in accordance with working conditions.
  2. He studies working conditions at workplaces, prepares and makes proposals for the development and implementation of more advanced designs of protective equipment, safety and blocking devices, and other means of protection against the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors.
  3. Participates:
    1. 3.1. In carrying out inspections, surveys of the technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, the efficiency of ventilation systems, the state of sanitary devices, sanitary facilities, means of collective and personal protection workers.
    2. 3.2. In determining their compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection and in identifying violations that pose a threat to the life and health of workers or may lead to an accident, takes measures to stop the operation of machines, equipment and the production of work in workshops, sites, workplaces.
  4. Together with other divisions of the enterprise, it carries out work on attestation and certification of workplaces and production equipment for compliance with labor protection requirements.
  5. Participates in the development of measures to prevent occupational diseases and accidents at work, to improve working conditions and bring them to the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, and also provides organizational assistance in the implementation of the developed measures.
  6. Controls the timeliness of the necessary tests and technical examinations of the condition of equipment, machines and mechanisms by the relevant services, compliance with the measurement schedules for the parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, compliance with the instructions of state supervision bodies and control over compliance with current norms, rules and instructions on labor protection, labor safety standards in the production process, as well as in the projects of new and reconstructed production facilities, participates in their acceptance into operation.
  7. Participates in the consideration of issues of compensation by the employer for harm caused to employees by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with their performance job duties.
  8. Provides methodological assistance to the departments of the enterprise:
    1. 8.1. In compiling lists of professions and positions in accordance with which employees must undergo mandatory medical examinations, as well as lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which, on the basis of the current legislation, employees are provided with compensation and benefits for severe, harmful or dangerous conditions labor.
    2. 8.2. When developing and revising instructions on labor protection, standards of the enterprise, the system of labor safety standards.
    3. 8.3. On the organization of briefing, training and testing the knowledge of employees on labor protection.
  9. Conducts introductory briefings on labor protection with all newly hired, seconded, pupils and students who have arrived for industrial training or practice.
  10. Participates in the preparation of the section "Labor protection" of the collective agreement, in the investigation of the case of industrial injuries, occupational and production-related diseases, studies their causes, analyzes the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent them.
  11. Carries out control over the organization of storage, issuance, washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal, degreasing and repair of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, the condition of safety devices and protective devices, as well as the correct expenditure of funds allocated for the implementation of labor protection measures to the enterprise's divisions.
  12. Prepares reports on labor protection in accordance with established forms and within the appropriate time frame.
  13. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

III. Rights

The labor protection engineer has the right to:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities.
  2. On issues within its competence, submit proposals for the consideration of the management of the enterprise and the head of the labor protection department on improving the activities of the enterprise and improving the forms and methods of work of employees; comments on the activities of employees of the enterprise; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise.
  3. Request personally or on behalf of the head of the labor protection department from the heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  4. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions if not, then with the permission of the management).
  5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

The Safety Engineer is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job responsibilities of a safety engineer often overlap with the position of an occupational safety engineer. We will learn more about the features of the profession and much more.

The main feature of the position is that it is a very responsible work. Work on manufacturing enterprises associated with the operation of a variety of equipment. If a person does not follow the rules for handling production equipment, then this can provoke accidents.

An accident at work is a stain on the reputation of the employer, not to mention the fact that these are large cash payments to the injured employee, legal liability and other troubles.

In view of these reasons, the position of safety engineer has existed for a long time. Nowadays, it often overlaps with the position of an occupational safety engineer. Many business leaders believe that this is one and the same position. In principle, they are right, since safety is a narrower range of measures taken than labor protection.

The Variety of Responsibilities of a Safety Engineer

However, there are employers who separate these responsibilities into occupational health and safety. Therefore, the position of safety engineer remains in demand and relevant. Only a specialist, when hiring, should be prepared for the fact that he will have to combine duties, since the optimization of the number of employees leads to a reduction in unnecessary, according to employers, positions.

The duties of a security engineer are manifold. He must keep the management of the enterprise up to date with all existing safety standards in order to make changes to the existing order of ongoing technological operations, if necessary.

He needs to develop a package of documents of internal safety standards and rules, taking into account the specifics of the production technology. In accordance with the developed safety rules, the engineer must organize work at the enterprise to bring technological processes in proper shape. Interestingly, at the same time, he gives mandatory instructions for execution, to which the management has no right to object.

As part of the guidelines in official duties A safety engineer's job includes a written opinion on changes to the existing operation of the equipment, up to and including its replacement. He keeps this conclusion not only for the purpose of notifying the management, but also for presentation to the regulatory authorities in the event of an investigation of accidents.

Responsibilities of the Safety Engineer in Personnel Training

The duties of a safety engineer include conducting mandatory briefings with employees who are transferred to work on new equipment or to other areas, as well as with new hires.

Periodically, he conducts safety classes with the management and other personnel of the enterprise to refresh their knowledge. At the same time, he keeps a log book, in which the persons who have been instructed sign as a sign that the information was brought to them.

He is obliged to organize events for inspections, testing of equipment, examinations, including accompanying representatives of supervisory authorities. After the inspection, the engineer ensures that the instructions of the supervisory authorities are complied with.

What does a safety engineer do?

The specialist does:

  • analysis of the degree of risk of the current situation;
  • development of a set of measures for preventive intervention in the situation;
  • coordinates the implementation of the developed activities.

Suspension request production operations in the event of a threat to the life of personnel - this is what the safety engineer does, despite the business policy of the enterprise management.

What should a safety engineer know?

The main thing that a safety engineer should know is all the possible violations that exist in the enterprise in order to be able to prevent an accident.

If, despite all the measures taken, an accident still occurs, the safety engineer is obliged to immediately carry out the following actions:

  • call ambulance for the victim and try to organize first aid for him;
  • inform management about the accident;
  • prevent an aggravation of the emergency in order to avoid further injury to other employees;
  • ensure the safety of the scene so that the relevant authorities can investigate.

During further investigation, the safety engineer must be present and take an active part in the work of the commission. He can conduct surveys among employees, draw up incident diagrams, take the necessary measurements, and also show extracts from the log in which the injured employee signed for the briefing.

In court, the duties of a safety engineer are reduced to representing the interests of the employer, giving explanations for the accident, so he often has to choose between the truth and the beneficial truth.

In order not to have to choose, you need to understand for yourself that the duties of a safety engineer can really be performed without consequences, but this is only possible if the specialist is responsible and ready for difficult work.

In enterprises whose activities are associated with hazardous production, there must be a person responsible for safety in the performance of work. This person is a safety and labor protection engineer (hereinafter referred to as the HSE engineer). This position may be included in staffing and other organizations - internal control over the implementation of labor protection standards should be carried out in any production.

Labor functions of an HSE engineer

The job description of this employee includes the following responsibilities:

  • control over compliance at the enterprise with regulatory legal and local acts that contain labor protection rules;
  • conducting training, examinations and briefings on labor protection;
  • assistance to department heads in the development of labor protection instructions for all positions, rules and safety precautions;
  • investigation of industrial accidents and analysis of occupational morbidity;
  • control over the state of production equipment, electrical equipment;
  • examination of workplaces and study of working conditions of employees in order to improve the labor protection system;
  • search and implementation of safer production technologies;
  • participation in the compilation of a list of benefits and compensations due to workers in hazardous and hazardous industries, and lists of employees who should receive these benefits and compensations and who are required to undergo medical examinations, etc.

Requirements for an HSE engineer

Given the responsibilities of a safety engineer, the employer should carefully and seriously select a candidate for this position. From professionalism this specialist the safety of production, as well as the life and health of workers employed in this production.

Qualification characteristics(Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2012 N 559n)
Job title Category Education Work experience in the field of labor protection
Labor protection specialist I
Specialist of the second category for at least two years
II Specialist for at least one year
Uncategorized Without experience
Secondary professional and additional in the field of labor protection At least five years
Head of labor protection service Higher professional (direction "Technosphere safety" or corresponding to it)
or higher and additional in the field of labor protection
At least five years

In addition to qualifications, the candidate has other requirements:

  • knowledge of normative documentation in the field of labor protection;
  • experience in conducting safety audits;
  • experience in conducting safety training;
  • confident use of a computer;
  • experience in conducting safety training, etc.

To perform the functions of an HSE engineer, it is important not only and not so much professional education how much practical skills and abilities. The labor protection specialist must respond in a timely manner in cases of non-compliance with safety regulations by employees and be able to make quick decisions in emergency situations. The HSE engineer is directly responsible for violations of labor protection requirements in the organization, which means that he must have the appropriate professional personal qualities: attentiveness, discipline, responsibility, and organizational skills.

To control the strict implementation of safety requirements, an additional unit is introduced into the staffing table - “engineer for labor protection and safety”. Reviews of people already working in this specialty are similar. Everyone argues that a person who is comprehensively developed, who understands the work of the enterprise and individual processes in particular, is suitable for this job.

General information

Occupational health and safety engineer whose education plays important role when applying for a job, can have three categories. A specialist who meets the requirements for this position can be appointed to the position, namely: higher education, while the length of service is not taken into account; secondary specialized education with work experience as an engineer (mechanic) of 3 years.

The requirements may vary depending on the category that the occupational health and safety engineer will have. The salary from this, respectively, will also change. Average wage ranges from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

A frequent question among those wishing to receive the coveted record in work book"Engineer for labor protection and safety": where does the future specialist study? There is simply no answer to this question. An employee with the qualification of "engineer" can become a specialist in this area. AT educational institutions in the specialty "engineer for labor protection and safety" training is not provided. The candidate can only attend courses on labor protection, which are taught in all technical universities.

Key points of the instruction

The occupational health and safety engineer uses the following regulatory documents in his work:

  • legislative acts and other documents related to labor protection;
  • orders (instructions) of the head of the company, higher organizations;
  • labor regulations established by the company;
  • job description.

The HSE Engineer must know:

  • reliability and safety requirements for production processes;
  • ways to determine the working conditions in which employees work at the enterprise;
  • system of organization and principles of work in the field of labor protection;
  • psychophysical requirements for the categories of severity of work, the use of the services of workers who have been transferred to lighter work, as well as women and minor children;
  • features of functioning of devices and equipment;
  • ways to disseminate information in the field of OT.


The Occupational Health and Safety Engineer performs the following activities:

  • Organizes work on OT.
  • Controls the execution of legal acts and other documents related to labor protection.
  • Develops and implements new measures to prevent occupational diseases and accidents in the company, to modernize the quality of working conditions.

  • Provides documentary assistance in case of questions on OT.
  • Collaborates with the employer in the field of creating a safe and healthy climate at the enterprise.
  • Submits the necessary reporting regarding its activities.


The Occupational Health and Safety Engineer is responsible for:

  • Carry out the organization of all processes for labor protection, as well as the relationship between units for compliance with safety standards in the quality and working conditions, implements the state policy in the field of protecting the activities of employees within its powers.

  • Analyze the working conditions of employees, the degree of injury and the level of occupational diseases. Develop a set of measures to modernize working conditions, prevent occupational diseases and prevent injuries.
  • Implement the world's best practices in occupational health and safety, develop and implement modern and improved elements of safety and blocking devices that protect workers from hazardous and harmful production factors.
  • Conduct primary (introductory) training on OT with new employees, business travelers, as well as schoolchildren and students who have arrived for work experience.
  • Conduct training for management employees in the assigned area, be a member of the commission for testing the knowledge of employees in the field of health and safety.
  • Participate in accident investigations at work.
  • Ensure fire safety and fire prevention at the enterprise.
  • Ensure the implementation of the measures and recommendations prescribed by the state fire supervision authorities in a quality and timely manner.
  • Organize high-quality training of employees in the principles of fire safety and ensure their participation in the prevention and elimination of fires, do not allow employees who have not been instructed in fire safety to work.


The occupational health and safety engineer has the right to:

  • To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the heads of the enterprise, directly related to its field of activity.
  • Conduct an audit of compliance with the requirements for the protection of the activities of employees at any time during the operation of the enterprise.
  • Require and receive from the production departments the necessary data and documents to control the correctness of their reflection of the OT requirements.
  • Offer to the employer rational sentences on the modernization of working conditions at the enterprise, the protection of the production rights of workers.

  • Require the heads of departments to strictly comply with the requirements of the state supervision bodies, as well as the measures that have been developed at the enterprise, in full and on time.
  • Suspend the orders of the heads of departments, if they contradict legislative acts, as well as documents adopted in the department, report this to the head.
  • Suspend the operation of any equipment and tools if they reveal violations of labor protection standards.
  • Offer management ways to modernize working conditions within this job description.

Health and Safety Engineer: Responsibility

Bears personal responsibility (within the limits of the current legislation):

  • For poor performance or complete failure to perform their duties, incorrect or complete non-use of the rights granted in full.
  • For violations legal regulations committed in the course of the performance of official duties.
  • For violation of the legislation on labor protection, as well as TB.
  • For the reliability of information provided to state statistics bodies.

As you know, every employee in any enterprise should have their own job description. The labor protection specialist is no exception to this rule. He, like other employees, has a number of duties and functions, no doubt requiring a detailed presentation on paper. Let's look at what specific features distinguish this position, what should be taken into account when compiling job descriptions for managers, specialists working in the field of ensuring the safety of the organization's employees.

Who is an HSE engineer?

Whatever the company does, the legislation of our country requires its owners to take care of ensuring the safety of workers for the benefit of its employees. It is understood that when the number of personnel exceeds 50 people, a special unit is introduced into the staffing table, most often called an occupational safety engineer, for which individual person or which is combined by someone from the people already accepted into the company with the main job. The larger the number of employees and workers in the enterprise, the larger the service responsible for labor safety becomes.

A safety engineer (labor protection) is a specialist in the technical field who is engaged in debugging and monitoring the operation of the labor protection system at an enterprise and preventing accidents at work. Most often, he reports directly to the head of the department, chief engineer or director of the organization (depending on its structure and size).

Job applicant requirements

What do you need to know?

As the standard job description of an occupational safety engineer, a sample of which we are considering, shows, this specialist is expected to have the following knowledge:

  • legislation in the field of labor protection;
  • methods of organizing activities for health and safety, a system of labor protection standards;
  • ways to get acquainted with the working conditions in the workplace;
  • psychophysiological indicators of a person's condition, acceptable when hiring him, depending on the severity of work;
  • the main provisions of labor legislation;
  • the timing and procedure for reporting on OSH activities;
  • means and rules for monitoring the compliance of the state of machinery and equipment used at the enterprise with safety standards;
  • features of the operation of equipment operating at the enterprise, and processes carried out in the course of its activities.

Main functionality

A typical job description for a labor safety specialist includes a section called "functions". Typically, the purpose this employee is reduced to the implementation of supervision over compliance with the legislation at the enterprise, as well as other regulatory legal acts on labor protection and safety, including internal local ones.

In addition, the functionality of a specialist includes the development, preparation and implementation of measures related to the prevention and prevention of occupational diseases and possible accidents that occur in the process of work. The HSE engineer must draw up reports on his activities and submit them within the allotted time, provide employees with a methodological basis for the possibility of ensuring their safety.

The main duties of a labor protection specialist

To carry out his functions, the engineer performs certain duties. Namely:

  • identifies harmful and dangerous;
  • analyzes the causes of accidents and injuries at work, diseases of workers;
  • when carrying out certification of workplaces, assessing the safety of equipment, certification of premises, takes an active part and assists the specialists who organized these events;
  • informs the team on behalf of the management about the existing working conditions, measures taken to protect employees from dangerous impact harmful factors in the field.

The main responsibilities of an HSE engineer also include:

  • taking part in the preparation of collective agreements and contracts on labor protection;
  • development and implementation of measures to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, eliminate violations of safety regulations, together with the heads of departments;
  • formation of lists for periodic medical examination workers;
  • compiling a list of professions that are entitled to the provision of benefits and compensation for working in difficult, dangerous and harmful conditions;
  • training and conducting for newly hired employees;
  • preparation and presentation of reports on labor protection in the required forms and terms.

The instruction usually supplements a wide range of duties that a labor protection specialist performs by accepting applications, complaints and letters that come from employees and touch on safety and labor protection issues, writing proposals to the administration to eliminate them and forming responses to applicants.

Exercising control

But the work of this engineer is not limited to this. Most of it consists in carrying out measures for comprehensive control in the field of security of the enterprise, as the standard job description tells us. The labor protection specialist is obliged to control the following points:

  • to what extent are the measures for labor protection prescribed in collective agreements, agreements on labor protection, and others aimed at creating safe and healthy working conditions;
  • whether safety instructions are available in each unit;
  • whether tests and technical examinations of production equipment were carried out on time;
  • whether aspiration and ventilation systems, safety and protective devices of mechanisms function effectively;
  • Are there annual scheduled inspections grounding of electrical installations, insulation of electrical wiring;
  • whether employees are provided with the required overalls and footwear, what condition it is in, whether it is cleaned, washed and repaired in a timely manner.

Availability of rights

What other items should the job description contain? A labor protection specialist, in addition to duties, has certain rights. These include familiarization with the draft orders of the leadership relating to its work. He can submit proposals for the improvement of the labor protection and safety system functioning at the enterprise for consideration by his manager.

The rights of a labor protection engineer include receiving information and documents from departments that consider issues within his competence, engaging specialists from any departments and departments to solve the tasks assigned to him (with the permission of the head, or if this moment provided internal regulations structural divisions).

A responsibility

What is the responsibility of an occupational safety specialist? The instruction of the standard sample provides that he must be liable to the fullest extent for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements specified in the job description, within the limits of the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Also, the HSE engineer is responsible for offenses committed by him in the course of his work, for material damage caused to the enterprise or third parties, for providing false information regarding the performance of his functions, and for failure to take measures to eliminate identified safety violations.

Documents for work

To carry out their duties, a labor protection specialist requires the following documents:

  • the regulation governing the operation of the labor protection system at the enterprise;
  • fire safety rules;
  • safety and labor protection instructions;
  • magazines, posters, stands, safety and labor protection signs;
  • instructions for working in high-risk production;
  • technological and other documents.

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise's activities, this list may be supplemented by a number of other administrative and regulatory acts.

Job description structure

Based on the foregoing, it is obvious that a typical job description for a labor safety specialist includes the following sections:

1. General provisions(characteristics of the position; requirements for the employee being hired; an indication of who he directly reports to; documents that the employee is guided by in the course of his activities; knowledge that a specialist should have).

2. Functions of an occupational health and safety specialist.

3. His official duties, including control functions.

4. Inalienable rights of the employee.

5. Cases of occurrence of his responsibility.

If desired, the employer can break the existing sections into additional ones, add the missing items to the structure of the job description. In other words, edit as needed and characteristic features organization's activities.