Job description of the HR inspector. Job description of the inspector of the personnel department: functional duties and rights. Responsibilities of the Human Resources Inspector

1. General Provisions

1.Department: frames.

2.Subdivision: group of statistics and personnel records

3.Full job title: inspector

4. Appointment and removal from office is carried out by the General Director.

5. The executor of this position reports directly to the deputy of the personnel department for administrative work.

6. The executor of this position for the period of absence is replaced by the secretary of the personnel department.

7. In his activities, the employee is guided by the following legal acts and normative documents:

GOST 6/30-97.

Charter LLC "Kolpino" .

Rules of the internal work schedule.

Orders (directives) direct management.

Regulations on the personnel department.

Other normative documents of personnel service.

1.Qualification requirements:

Work in this position requires the employee to have the following qualifications:

Higher, n / higher professional education

At least 1 year of experience in HR administration.

1.The executor of this position must know:

Labor law.

The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects.

personnel policy and enterprise strategy.

The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise.

Organization of payroll.

Methods for accounting for the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting.

Fundamentals of psychology and organization of labor.

Means of computer technology and communication.

Rules and norms of labor protection.

Work culture and work ethics.


The following functions are assigned to the performer of this position:

Managing personnel records.

Maintaining personnel records.

1.Job Responsibilities

The Human Resources Inspector is responsible for:

1. Timely arrange receptions, transfers, dismissals of employees in accordance with labor law, regulations, instructions and orders CEO.

2. Keep personal files of employees, make changes to them in a timely manner and ensure their storage.

3. Keep records of personnel, maintain the "Personnel" program and make timely changes to it in terms of personnel.

4. Maintain work books of employees, make changes to them in a timely manner and ensure their storage.

5. Timely issue vacations, sick leaves of employees.

6. Timely check the data on the accounting of hours worked (data of the SKD program transmitted from the divisions of the time sheet).

7. Timely issue, at the request of employees, certificates, copies work books.

8. To treat other employees objectively, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the Company's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of their personal relationship.

9. Observe the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions.

10. To provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in the results of activities.

11. Continuously improve your professional level.

IV. Rights

The Human Resources Inspector has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the department and the head of the organization in the direction of activity.

2. To attend meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the direction of activity.

3. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the personnel service.

4. Submit proposals for the consideration of the HR Director and the Head of the Human Resources Department on improving the activities of the department and the Firm and improving working methods; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the company's activities.

5. To carry out interaction with employees of all structural divisions.

6. Request personally or on behalf of the management from other structural units information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

7.Sign and endorse documents within their competence

8. Require from the HR director and the head of the OK assistance in the performance of official duties, and in the exercise of the rights provided for in this job description.

9. Act on behalf of the personnel department and represent its interests in relations with other structural divisions of the organization within its competence.


The Human Resources Inspector is responsible for:

1. Unclear and untimely performance of their official duties - penalty within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation

3. Causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Violation labor discipline and non-compliance with internal rules labor activity- within the limits determined by the internal regulatory documents of the company.

5. Incorrect attitude towards the employees of the company - within the limits determined by the director of personnel and the head of the personnel department.

1. Relationships

6. The performer of this position in the process of work interacts in the direction of activity with employees of all structural divisions.

2. Criteria for the effectiveness and evaluation of the work of the inspector of the personnel department

1. Implementation of the functions of the personnel service, indicated in this job description.

2. Absence labor disputes between employees and the Firm due to improper performance by the inspector of the functions prescribed in the job description.

3. Clear, complete and timely provision of information requested in the direction of activity from other departments.


Head of the personnel department __________________ V.L. Pavlov

Head of the Legal Department __________________ А.Т. Mikhnev

HR Director __________________ E.R. Bondarchuk

Acquainted with instructions :

_________________ “____” ______________ 2001

At present, probably, no profession has such a range of names as the profession of a personnel officer. In One qualification handbook you can find seventeen positions that are somehow related to personnel work. This circumstance makes us think about the differences between these positions from each other, about the functional load of each of them. Especially relevant and acute today is the question of what an ordinary personnel inspector should prescribe for himself in the job description. We will try to consider the duties of this employee in as much detail as possible.

The Importance of Human Resources

Many heads of organizations still believe that the appointment of the personnel department is narrowly focused, related only to office work. However, today our country, following the West, has embarked on the transformation of the personnel service into a division dealing with management labor resources because it is the personnel officer who is the most important link between the employee and the employer.

Currently, a human resources specialist is primarily a manager, the same can be said about such a position as a human resources inspector, whose duties today often include not only the processing and maintenance of documentation. This is especially true for small companies, where the HR inspector may be responsible for recruiting, training, and many other functions.

Number of personnel employees

The names and number of divisions of the personnel management service depend on the size of the enterprise, its traditions and the specifics of its activities. This should take into account the size of the organization, the direction of business, strategic goals enterprises, the stage of its development, the number of employees and priority tasks in working with personnel.

In large organizations, the HR department may include several departments. For example, department wages, department of employment, department of training and development, department of office work and accounting. In small organizations, all the functions of the personnel service can be performed by only one specialist - the personnel inspector, whose duties should actually include a minimum list of functions: personnel office work and recruitment.

Service Specialists

At the head of departments or services of personnel is usually a middle manager: the head of the service, department, which reports to the director of personnel. Departments can be broken down into smaller units - groups or sectors, headed by managers who report to the heads of services.

At medium-sized enterprises (the number of employees is 100-1000 people), the organization of the personnel service most often involves the presence of such employees:

  • office work specialist;
  • labor law specialist;
  • recruitment specialist;
  • development and training manager
  • trainer or training manager;
  • benefits and compensation manager;
  • corporate event manager.

In smaller organizations (number of employees up to 100 people), almost all the functions of these employees are the duties of a personnel inspector.

HR requirements

Of course, all of the above positions are not able to combine one single specialist - the inspector of the personnel department. The duties of this employee are primarily related to personnel records management. Therefore, when applying for a job, a potential candidate for this position has relatively low professional requirements.

The qualification guide informs that the HR inspector is required to have a secondary specialized education (while his work experience does not matter) or secondary education (this requires special training and professional experience of at least three years).

Human Resources Inspector: Responsibilities

So the functions this specialist the following:

  • keeping records of the personnel of the enterprise;
  • registration of various personnel operations (recruitment, transfer, dismissal);
  • registration and maintenance of personal files of employees, making changes to them;
  • accounting, storage and filling of work books;
  • record of seniority;
  • registration of certificates of labor activity of employees (past and present);
  • registration of pension insurance cards and other documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees and their families, compensations and benefits;
  • accounting for the provision of vacations, monitoring how vacation schedules are drawn up and observed.


The duties of the HR inspector often include the selection of personnel for vacant positions. This work is related to the placement of information in various sources about the available vacancy, including cooperation on this issue with the employment service, the appointment and conduct of interviews to explain to the applicant the nature of the vacancy, working conditions and wages, determining the general level of the applicant for vacant position, his experience and degree of professionalism.

Often, the duties of an inspector of the personnel department involve competitive selection among specialists applying for free place. The personnel officer develops recruitment measures and monitors the passage of tests by future employees established at the conclusion of an employment contract with them.

Additional functional duties of the HR inspector

There are some additional features that are most often referred to as personnel work. What other tasks should be performed by the HR inspector? Duties may include:

  • preparation of necessary materials for attestation, qualification, competitive commissions, presentation of employees for awards and incentives;
  • study of the reasons why staff turnover occurs, development and implementation of measures to reduce it;
  • preparing documents for archiving;
  • control over labor discipline;
  • organization of advanced training and professional retraining;
  • organization of qualification examinations;
  • development of a system for assessing personal and business qualities employees, their motivation for promotion;
  • registration of service certificates and their issuance;
  • formation and effective use of personnel reserve.

military registration

Many employers believe that functional responsibilities personnel department inspectors include military registration of employees of the enterprise. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 dated November 27, 2006 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration”, the number of employees engaged in this activity should be directly proportional to the number of employees to be registered.

In particular, at an enterprise where less than five hundred citizens are registered with the military, the records are kept by one employee who performs these functions part-time. Thus, a personnel inspector in an organization where the number of military registered does not exceed five hundred people can be engaged in military registration, but only on condition internal combination. And with a larger number of people to be recorded, a separate staff unit should be allocated for these purposes.

The work of personnel officers in a crisis

In the last year, the management of enterprises faced the sad circumstances of the financial crisis, when they had to reduce the volume of production of goods and services, reduce their own costs, including by reducing the number of staff. Against this background, there is a growing need for cadre workers to possess the qualities of full-time psychologists who are forced to manage the emotional background in the team and find words of consolation, for example, by handing notices of dismissal to colleagues.

The role of the personnel service increases as the value increases human resources for the organization to achieve financial success. In this regard, the traditional duties of personnel officers do not disappear. Administered personnel services the issues of personnel records management, remuneration, hiring and training of specialists remain. However, at the same time, the personnel department is an integral element of competent enterprise management. Good luck in job!

Maintaining the company's HR records is the main job responsibility Human Resources Inspector (or Human Resources Inspector), but in small organization he may also be involved in solving other tasks of personnel management. Most of the points in the proposed sample job description for an inspector of the personnel department are devoted to the maintenance, accounting and storage of work books, which is not surprising, because they still remain the main “labor” document of employees.

Job description of the inspector of the personnel department
(Job description of the personnel inspector)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The HR inspector belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The inspector of the personnel department is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director on the proposal of the head of the personnel department.
1.3. The Human Resources Inspector reports directly to the Head of Human Resources.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of inspector of the personnel department: higher professional, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.
1.5. During the absence of the inspector of the personnel department, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.6. The Human Resources Inspector must know:
- legislative and regulatory acts relating to the organization of office work in the organization and accounting of the movement of personnel, registration of pension files, maintenance and storage of work books and personal files of employees of the organization, preparation of files for archiving;
- labor legislation;
- structure and staff of the company;
- personnel records management, the procedure for accounting for the movement of personnel and reporting;
- the procedure for establishing the names of the professions of workers and positions of employees, the general and continuous length of service of a certain work, benefits and compensations, the registration of pensions for employees;
- the procedure for maintaining a data bank on the company's personnel.
1.7. The Human Resources Inspector is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Regulations on the personnel department, the Charter of the organization, the Internal Labor Regulations, others regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Responsibilities of the HR Inspector

The Human Resources Inspector has the following responsibilities:
2.1. Controls the timely execution of instructions, orders and instructions of the head of the personnel department.
2.2. Keeps records of the personnel of the company, its divisions in accordance with unified forms primary documentation.
2.3. Draws up the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the head of the company, as well as other established documentation on personnel.
2.4. When hiring, he introduces the provisions on discipline in the organization, on working time and rest time, keeps records and issues service certificates.
2.5. Directs to briefing on safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection, rules and regulations of labor protection.
2.6. Forms and maintains personal files of employees, makes changes in them related to labor activity.
2.7. Prepares the necessary materials for qualification, attestation, competitive commissions and presentations to employees for incentives and awards.
2.8. Fills, takes into account and stores work books, calculates the length of service.
2.9. Makes entries in work books about incentives and rewards for employees.
2.10. Issues certificates on the present and past labor activity of employees for submission to other institutions.
2.11. Maintains strict records of work books and inserts, registers the receipt and issuance of work books and inserts to them.
2.12. Enters information about the quantitative, qualitative composition of employees and their movement into the company's personnel data bank, monitors its timely updating and replenishment.
2.13. Keeps records of the provision of vacations to employees, monitors the preparation and compliance with the schedules of regular vacations.
2.14. Draws up pension insurance cards and other documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, establishing benefits and compensations.
2.15. She studies the movement and causes of staff turnover, participates in the development of measures to reduce it.
2.16. Prepares documents after the expiration of the established terms of the current storage for depositing in the archive.
2.17. Carries out control over the state of labor discipline in the divisions of the enterprise and compliance with the rules of internal and labor regulations by employees.
2.18. Keeps records of violations of labor discipline and controls the timeliness of acceptance by the administration, public organizations and labor collectives of appropriate measures.
2.19. Performs other official assignments of the head of the personnel department.

3. Rights of the Human Resources Inspector

The Human Resources Inspector has the right to:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
3.2. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the Human Resources Inspector

The Human Resources Inspector is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for conservation trade secret and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

The profession of an HR inspector involves active work with documents and communication with the entire staff of the company. The inspector recruits employees, draws up Required documents, issues certificates, advises on emerging issues. Such work requires perseverance and care.

Places of work

The position of HR inspector exists in almost all medium and large organizations. Also, such specialists may be required in companies for outsourcing or audit of personnel services.

History of the profession

It is known from the history of Russia that in Kyiv there was a special school, where only the children of the boyars were accepted. After graduation educational institution applicants for the positions of scribes, clerks, judicial secretaries were selected. They were engaged in record keeping of large feudal lords and princes. Currently, office work is handled by human resources inspectors, department secretaries or clerks.

Responsibilities of the Human Resources Inspector

The responsibilities of the Human Resources Inspector include:

  • conducting personnel records management;
  • scheduling vacations, timesheets;
  • registration of certificates and documents (pension insurance, income, business trips, disability, vacations, etc.);
  • consulting employees on various personnel issues;
  • database management in the 1C program.
  • recruitment, transfer, dismissal of employees;
  • maintaining personal files and work books;
  • participation in the development of job descriptions;

The functions of the HR inspector may also include archiving documents, interviewing candidates, participating in the organization of corporate events.

Requirements for a Human Resources Inspector

The main requirements for the HR inspector are as follows:

  • work experience more than 1 year;
  • knowledge of labor legislation, personnel records management;
  • higher or secondary specialized education;
  • PC knowledge (MS Office, 1C).

HR inspector resume template

How to become a Human Resources Inspector

To become a Human Resources Inspector, you must have higher education preferably in the legal or economic field. You can also get the necessary skills and knowledge at seminars or courses on HR administration.

HR inspector salary

The salary of a personnel inspector depends on work experience and ranges from 18 to 40 thousand rubles per month. average salary personnel inspector is 30 thousand rubles a month.

I. General provisions

1. The personnel inspector belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person who has secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education, special training according to the established program and work experience in the profile of at least 3 years, including at this enterprise at least 1 year, is appointed to the position of HR inspector .

3. Appointment to the position of a personnel inspector and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head (personnel department; structural unit that is part of the personnel department)

4. The HR inspector must know:

4.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on maintaining documentation on accounting and movement of personnel.

4.2. Labor law.

4.3. Forms and methods of control over execution of documents.

4.4. The structure and staff of the enterprise.

4.5. Registration, maintenance and storage of work books and personal files of employees of the enterprise.

4.6. The procedure for establishing the names of the professions of workers and positions of employees, the general and continuous length of service of a certain work, benefits and compensations, and the registration of pensions for employees.

4.7. The procedure for accounting for the movement of personnel and reporting.

4.8. The procedure for maintaining a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise.

4.9. Fundamentals of office work.

4.10. Means of computer technology, communications and communications.

4.12. Internal labor regulations.

4.13. Rules and norms of labor protection.

5. The personnel inspector in his work is guided by:

5.1. Regulations on the personnel department (a structural unit that is part of the personnel department).

5.2. This job description.

6. The personnel inspector reports directly to the head (of the personnel department; a structural unit that is part of the personnel department)

7. During the absence of the HR inspector (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who is responsible for their proper performance.

II. Job Responsibilities

HR Inspector:

1. Monitors the timely execution of instructions, orders and instructions of the head of the personnel department.

2. Keeps records of the personnel of the enterprise, its divisions in accordance with unified forms of primary documentation.

3. Draws up the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the head of the enterprise, as well as other established documentation on personnel.

4. When hiring, introduces the provisions on discipline in the organization, on working time and rest time, keeps records and issues service certificates.

5. Directs for instruction in safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection, rules and regulations of labor protection.

6. Forms and maintains personal files of employees, makes changes in them related to labor activity.

7. Prepares the necessary materials for qualification, attestation, competitive commissions and presentations to employees for incentives and awards.

8. Fills out, takes into account and stores work books, calculates the length of service.

9. Makes entries in work books about incentives and awards for employees.

10. Issues certificates on the present and past labor activity of employees, certificates of temporary disability for submission to other institutions.

11. Maintains strict records of work books and inserts.

12. Registers the acceptance and issuance of work books and inserts to them.

13. Enters information on the quantitative, qualitative composition of employees and their movement into the data bank on the personnel of the enterprise, monitors its timely updating and replenishment.

15. Keeps records of the provision of holidays to employees, monitors the preparation and observance of the schedules of regular holidays.

16. Draws up pension insurance cards, other documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, establishing benefits and compensations.

17. Studying the movement and causes of staff turnover, participates in the development of measures to reduce it.

18. Prepares documents after the expiration of the established terms of the current storage for depositing in the archive.

19. Monitors the state of labor discipline in the divisions of the enterprise and compliance with the rules of internal and labor regulations by employees.

20. Keeps records of violations of labor discipline and controls the timeliness of the adoption by the administration, public organizations and labor collectives of appropriate measures.

21. Perform one-time official assignments of the head of the personnel department (the corresponding division of the personnel department).

III. Rights

The Human Resources Inspector has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

2. On issues within its competence, submit proposals for the consideration of the management of the enterprise on improving the activities of the enterprise and improving the working methods of employees; comments on the activities of employees of the enterprise; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise.

3. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the departments information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

4. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions if not, then with the permission of the head).

5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

IV. A responsibility

The Human Resources Inspector is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.