Su 33 carrier-based fighter

Good day, dear colleagues!

Dmitry Ignatychev is back in touch - your guide in the world of large-scale modeling!

I continue to publish materials on preparations for the creation of a scale model of the Russian carrier-based Su-33 fighter. This stage is extremely important. After all, if we are as well prepared as possible, we will be able to make a model of a high degree of copying. And for this we need: a good basic set of plastic, a clear and precise diagram coloring machine, appropriately selected paints, sufficient decal in terms of fullness. If you want to create a layout that is as close to the original as possible, you will have to think over the installation of conversion kits in advance.

In the previous article, which you can find, we found out with you which kits are suitable for creating a scale model of the Su-33 carrier-based fighter. I hope you decide for yourself which one you prefer to purchase.

Now it's time to move on to the next stage of preparation.


I divide the coloring process into 2 parts. The first is to collect as much photographic material as possible. You must find photo albums for this aircraft, search Yandex and Google. Downloading all available photos from there. It is advisable to find books and websites dedicated to the history of prototyping. Put it all in one folder on your computer. It would be even better to transfer this folder to your e-book or tablet computer. If, of course, you have it. Personally, that's what I do. Greatly facilitates quick access to photographic materials. All this wealth you can create in your imagination a full-fledged image of the future model, as well as constantly adjust the coloring of the model and the application of various effects in the process.

Then it's time for the second part of the process of finding out the paint scheme. This is finding the official paint scheme from the Army/Navy funds, the paint scheme from the existing model sets, as well as the paint scheme from the extended decals. Often they provide the most complete and realistic coloring model. This is what we're going to do now.


Palette No. 1

Palette No. 2

Palette No. 3

Su-33 (Su-27K) 1st squadron of the 279th North Sea KIAP
Board number 64
Severomorsk. Serial deck sample. One of the first aircraft of this type, which landed on the deck of the aircraft-carrying cruiser TAKR, Admiral Kuznetsov in 1996.
Source: Russian power

Palette No. 4

Palette No. 5

Palette No. 6

The 6 palettes presented above, I think, fully reflect all the variety of shades of the paint scheme of our carrier-based fighters. Although the color scheme is the same, its components still differ depending on the units and fleets.

At the moment, this is the best worked out coloring scheme on the Runet. Its author is Igor Dvornikov. Its distinguishing feature is the development of the most famous and common color schemes of the Su-33 in 3 projections. This is according to AKAN paint (for me it is the best paint for Russian aviation), FEDERAL STANDART paints ( international system model inks), and RGB (an additive color model, usually describing how color is synthesized for color reproduction). All of it on this topic you can find yourself on the Internet. I will show you 2 options.

Su-33 Late variant of painting View 1

Belonging to the part of this machine, I will not say yet. It’s clear that the tail number is 81

Su-33 Late variant of painting Type 2

And the second version of the color scheme.

Now I think you have all the information on the painting scheme of the Russian Su-33 carrier-based fighter. And you can build a great scale model from this base.

And that's all for today. Good luck and beautiful models to you.

In this article, I have not touched on another excellent source of painting schemes for the Su-33. These are decals from Begemot. Along with the decal itself, it gives the history of the most famous Su 33 prototypes and their paint scheme. So, using Begemot's work, you can greatly facilitate your work. If you want to build a real prototype, and not fly by with paint options, buy Behemoth decals first. And deal with the color later. I, in turn, will analyze the painting options from Behemoth in more detail in subsequent materials.

Countries villages fighter Shenyang J-15. By the end of November, the Chinese had already reported five successful landings. It seems that such successes have turned their heads and the other day an even more interesting message came regarding China's aircraft carrier program. An article appeared in the People’s China Online online publication comparing the new Chinese J-15 with the Russian Su-33 and the comparison is by no means in favor of our aircraft. The representative of the Chinese Ministry of Defense, Geng Yansheng, mentioned modern on-board electronics, design perfection, the ability to strike ground targets, etc. as evidence of the superiority of his fighter. In the light of some data on the creation of the J-15 fighter, all these statements look at least ambiguous. Let's try to figure out whether Comrade Geng's words are true.

First you need to remember the history of the development of the J-15 aircraft. According to reports, back in the late nineties, China tried to buy fifty Su-33 carrier-based fighters from Russia. During the negotiations for a possible contract, the number of desired aircraft was constantly reduced and eventually reduced to two units. It is easy to guess that even one aircraft carrier cannot be armed with two fighters, but they can be used for reverse engineering with subsequent deployment own production copies. Despite the difficult economic situation and the need for new contracts, Russian aircraft manufacturers refused to China and did not sell a single Su-33. A little later, China agreed with Ukraine on the sale of one of the prototypes of the Su-33 - T-10K - and some documentation on it. Around the middle of the 2000s, a Ukrainian plane set off for China. In the summer of 2010, the first flight of a carrier-based J-15 fighter of "independent" development was reported. It is worth noting that already at that time the Chinese called the J-15 a development of the previous J-11 (first a licensed and then a counterfeit copy of the Russian Su-27SK), and not a copy of the T-10K / Su-33. In this case, it turns out that for some unknown reason, the development of the J-11 project went exactly the same way as it was with the Su-27K, which later became the Su-33.

The available photos show that the Chinese J-15 has almost no noticeable external differences from the Russian Su-33. It is possible that some details have a different appearance, but their detection requires a careful and detailed examination of the two aircraft. Thus, the design differences between the airframes of the two carrier-based fighters most likely have only a technological “nature”. The Chinese themselves are talking about some newer and more advanced materials. Most likely, some parts of the airframe are made either from other alloys or from composite materials. One way or another, such design changes may entail some lightening of the aircraft and lightening Maintenance. However, no weight gain was achieved. An empty J-15 weighs the same as a Su-33. Other mass indicators also differ slightly. In terms of aerodynamics or flight performance, the J-15 can hardly win in this respect only due to a change in airframe design.

A much more important element of an aircraft in terms of performance is its engines. Like the T-10K purchased from Ukraine, the J-15 is equipped with two bypass turbojet engines. According to reports, Shenyang WS-10A engines with an afterburner thrust of about 13,500 kgf are installed on the J-15. The WS-10A deliver almost a ton more thrust than the Russian AL-31F. Thanks to this, the Chinese fighter has top speed at M=2.4, which is about 200 km/h higher than that of the Su-33. In general, the declared flight data of the Chinese J-15 fighter is at least not lower, but in a number of indicators even higher than the characteristics of the Russian Su-33. At the same time, it is worth noting such an important issue as engine manufacturing technologies and their resource. Since the WS-10 engine family is most directly related to the Russian AL-31 line, several versions appear at once. For example, the Chinese could copy not only the design of Russian engines, but also the technology for manufacturing their parts. It is the technological part of modern aircraft engine building that is one of the most difficult tasks. It looks like a full copy did not succeed. The latest modifications of the WS-10 engines, according to open sources, have a resource of only 200 hours. For AL-31F, this parameter is five times larger. Recently, the Chinese announced that they had found a way to increase the life of the purchased AL-31F up to one and a half thousand hours, but their technology implies the refinement of motors after purchase. Perhaps they will be able to introduce such technologies into the production of WS-10, but at present the resource of these engines leaves much to be desired and Chinese aircraft manufacturers have to massively buy engines from Russia. In general, the WS-10A engine is not a very good compromise between high performance and survivability.

The Chinese press, as an advantage of their aircraft, points to the ability to attack ground targets. The range of weapons of the Su-33 includes unguided bombs of up to 500 kilograms caliber and various types of unguided rockets. During the tests, attempts were made to use the X-41 Moskit anti-ship missiles, but serial aircraft no longer have such an opportunity. As a matter of fact, in the concept of the domestic carrier-based fighter, paramount importance was attached to protecting ships from air attacks, and attacking ground targets was just an additional opportunity. As for the range of weapons of the Chinese J-15 aircraft, there is still no exact information, and therefore there is every reason to believe that its ground strike capabilities are also limited. If China decides to develop its carrier fleet in accordance with American views on this issue, then it is quite possible that some guided weapons will appear in the J-15 arsenal. At the moment, there is no exact information about this and, in fact, all data is limited only to the words of Geng Yansheng.

In the case of the onboard electronics of the J-15, there is not much more information. It is alleged that the fighter's computer system has much better characteristics compared to the Su-33 avionics, for example, the speed of the main computer is many times higher. Of course, at first glance, such statements look promising. However, for a full analysis of the combat capabilities of electronic equipment, including the on-board computer, other information is also needed, up to specific tasks and characteristics of one or another element of the computing complex. In addition, even a super-powerful computer will not provide the expected capabilities if the avionics do not have other equipment with the appropriate characteristics. For example, a bad airborne radar is unable to help unlock the full potential of a powerful computer. Interestingly, there is still no specific information regarding the radar of the J-15 fighter. It is claimed to be carrying an active phased array station, but there is reason to doubt this. One way or another, the fighter's on-board electronics must be "balanced", otherwise achieving high performance is, by definition, impossible. It should also be noted that most recent aircraft have advanced on-board electronics, including for interaction with the latest guided weapons. At the moment, only the possibility of using only air-to-air guided weapons by the J-15 fighter is known. Guided weapons for strikes against ground targets, which require a complex set of on-board equipment, are still in question.

And yet, it must be admitted that the avionics of the J-15 fighter, namely the computer complex, most likely really has higher characteristics than the Su-33 equipment. The reason for this lag Russian aircraft simple and obvious. This August marked the 25th anniversary of the first flight of the T-10K prototype. J-15, in turn, took to the air just a couple of years ago. The difference of twenty years could not but affect the composition and capabilities of onboard equipment. So the very comparison of the Su-33 and J-15, undertaken by the Chinese, is doomed to failure. Given the large difference in the age of the aircraft, as well as in light of the obsolescence of technology, such a comparison is in some ways unfortunate for a Chinese fighter. Even if the J-15 is really ahead of the Su-33 in all respects - which, I must say, is not observed - this only indicates that China, in terms of technology, was able to catch up not with Russia, but also with the Soviet Union of the second half of the eighties. Such a “winning the race” would be honorable for a developing country, but for a five-minute superpower, as China positions itself, this already looks rather doubtful.

It is quite clear that the Su-33 was chosen as a "rival" in comparison only because the J-15 was made, at least, using the documentation for it. Therefore, a newer aircraft may look better in some nuances. However, for greater fairness, one should compare not the old aircraft with the new one, but two new ones. In this case, the “rival” of the J-15 could be the updated MiG-29K or its training version, the MiG-29KUB. The latest version of the MiG-29K is actually a development of the late eighties - early nineties, significantly improved in recent years, which is a bit like the J-15. Of course, the MiG-29K and J-15 are already seriously different even at the level of weight and size parameters: the maximum take-off weight of the Chinese fighter is almost one and a half times more than the similar parameter of the Russian one. At the same time, the MiG-29K has modern avionics, high thrust-to-weight ratio (more than one at normal takeoff weight) and the ability to use air-to-surface guided weapons. Thus, the Russian development already has all the advantages that the Chinese boast about when comparing their new aircraft with our old one.

When comparing really new carrier-based aircraft, one can also remember about the dates for the start of service. According to current statements by Chinese officials, the J-15 will enter service in 2014-15. Early this year Russian ministry defense ordered RAC "MiG" two dozen fighters MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB. The deadline for the order is 2015. Thus, the MiG-29K and J-15 will go into service almost simultaneously. It is also necessary to recall that the Su-33, which was initially compared with the Chinese fighter, is planned to be put out of action by the same time due to the exhaustion of the resource. New MiG-29Ks will take their place. As a result, the J-15 is guaranteed to be able to compete with Russian carrier-based fighters only in numbers. However, in this case, a serious limiting factor for both aircraft will be the number of available aircraft carriers, which will have to be taken into account when calculating the required number of fighters. Russia over the next few years will have only one aircraft carrier, and the construction of new ones is still only planned. It is unlikely that new ships with aircraft on board will enter service before 2020. China, in turn, also owning one aircraft carrier, is going to build new ones, although in its case it is too early to talk about the number and timing.

As you can see, the statements of the Chinese military about the superiority of the Shenyang J-15 fighter over the Su-33, if true, are only partly true. For example, higher flight data is “compensated” by a small engine resource, and all the advantages in electronic equipment are easily explained by novelty alone. And yet the main problem of comparing these aircraft lies in the age of the machines. It is this aspect that not only offsets all the advantages Chinese car, but also puts some Chinese citizens in a not very good light, because in comparison with the newer Russian car, the J-15 no longer looks modern, unique and invincible.

According to the websites:

The Su-33 is a carrier-based fighter developed in the late 1980s specifically for the Navy, and is in service with the Russian army. Belongs to the 4th generation of jet fighters.

Photo Su-33 in good quality.

The history of the creation of the Su-33

The aircraft was originally created in the Sukhoi Design Bureau (under the guidance of designer Simonov) on the instructions and for the needs of the USSR Navy. Work on its design began in 1984, based on the Su-27 multirole fighter. The developers were faced with the task of creating an aircraft capable of effectively attacking enemy ships, operating from the deck of an aircraft-carrying cruiser.

In 1987-88, experimental flights of the first two prototypes of the machine were carried out. At the end of 1989, the Su-33 was tested on the Tbilisi aircraft-carrying cruiser with landing and take-off training. AT next year the fighter went into mass production.

After 2000, the Sukhoi Design Bureau carried out modernization (Su-33M) of 19 manufactured aircraft, as a result of which the Su-33 received new engines with an increased resource, were equipped with a satellite navigation system and high-precision aiming systems. A number of additional improvements were made to increase the strike capabilities of the aircraft, but their exact details were not disclosed.

Photo Su-33: bottom view.

Features of the Su-33

The Su-33 is adapted for operations from the deck of an aircraft carrier and, in comparison with its prototype Su-27, has the following design features:

  • folding wings for the compactness of the machine and the possibility of placing on board a larger number of aircraft;
  • the wing design has been improved to improve flight performance;
  • the structural solution with the front horizontal tail increases the lift and stability of the aircraft;
  • to increase the combat radius of the vehicle and the flight time, an in-flight refueling bar is provided;
  • equipped with special navigation systems designed for landing maneuvers on deck;
  • Reinforced landing gear increase deck maneuverability;
  • a special anti-corrosion protection of the machine structure elements was applied in order to increase the service life;
  • able to take a large number of air-to-air missiles in one sortie.

In addition, the Su-33 is equipped with a special container that allows it to refuel other aircraft in flight.

Su-33 carrier-based fighter in flight.

Su-33 carrier-based fighter, photo from the MAKS-2005 air show.

Su-33 develops speed up to 2300 km/h, has a ceiling of 17 km, and its flight range reaches 3000 km.

Armament Su-33

The weapon control system (SUV-23K) is designed for operations against air, sea and ground targets in any weather conditions.

Combat load aircraft is up to 6.5 tons, weapons hardpoints - 10. In different options for loading weapons, it can carry:

  • medium-range (R-27) and short-range (R-73) air-to-air missiles, 4-6 of each type;
  • unguided rockets of various types, designed to destroy ground targets and ships, are placed in blocks of 4, 20 and 80 pieces;
  • unguided bombs (including cluster bombs) 500, 250 and 100 kg, 8, 28 and 32 pcs. respectively.

The aircraft is also armed with a standard 30 mm GSH-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition.

Prototypes of the Su-33 also provided for the possibility of suspension of guided air-to-surface missiles of the Moskit type.

Carrier-based fighter Su-33 (Su-27K), photograph from the MAKS-2005 air show.

Su-33 (Su-27K), photo from the MAKS-2005 air show.

Su-33 production and service

Since 1990, 26 Su-33 aircraft have been built, but 4 aircraft have been lost in various accidents during this time. To date, the Russian Armed Forces operate 18 of these fighters, and 4 more are in storage and conservation.

Su-33s are used to train carrier-based pilots at the NITKA special training ground located in the Crimea.

For 2016, 14 aircraft are part of the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR aviation group, the rest of the Su-33s remain at the base in Severomorsk.

Su-33 (Su-27K), photo from the MAKS-2005 air show.

Su-33, photo from the MAKS-2003 air show.

The Su-33, Su-27K, T-10K, NATO coded Flanker-D, is a fourth-generation Russian and Soviet carrier-based fighter aircraft produced for the Navy at the Sukhoi Design Bureau.

For the first time, the Su-27K took to the air in 1987, and two years later, for the first time in the USSR, it took off and landed on the TAKR "". From the time it was taken into service in 1998, it has taken the place of the main carrier-based aircraft of the Russian Navy.

1. Photos

2. Video

3. History of creation

3.1 Fighter requirements

The Su-33 was required to retain all the design and layout solutions and advantages of the Su-27, as well as to effectively eliminate surface targets. In 1985, after a preliminary design meeting these conditions was provided, it was approved by the commanders-in-chief of the Navy and the Air Force.

3.2 Prototypes

In 1987, the Sukhoi Design Bureau assembled the first prototype, which received the designation T-10K-1, which did not have a horizontal tail and a folding wing. Then he was tested in the sky. In its production, some of the parts were taken from the "ordinary" ones from the Su-27. At the end of 1987, the T-10K-2 prototype took off, which was already equipped with horizontal tail and a folding wing. The following year, the T-10K-1 was also equipped with these features.

3.3 Series production

The fighter began to be mass-produced in 1989 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, after its copy appeared to perform static tests. The first serial aircraft, T-10K-3, appeared in 1990. By the end of this year, six aircraft were built, which in 1991 passed flight tests.

Due to the crisis of the 90s, the rate of production of the Su-33 dropped significantly. The total number of existing fighters is twenty-six, twenty of which are deployed on the aircraft cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov."

4. Construction

When creating the Su-33, a normal aerodynamic scheme with an integrated layout was used. The air intakes are under the center section. The trapezoidal wing has developed influxes, thanks to which it smoothly mates with the fuselage and forms a single supporting body with it. Turbojet bypass engines equipped with afterburners are located in spaced engine nacelles, this reduces their mutual influence.

4.1 Air intakes

The air intakes in the Su-33 are adjustable, due to which it can fly at a speed exceeding, more than twice, sound. They are located above the influx of the wing and are equipped with protective grilles, which prevents foreign objects from entering the engine during takeoffs and landings. The guards are raised when the chassis is extended and lowered when the chassis is retracted.

4.2 Features

The Su-33 fighter has all the advantages of the Su-27, however, it has the following features:

  • Capable of effectively hitting surface targets.
  • Can interact with electronic ship systems.
  • The systems and construction are protected against corrosion to ensure a long service life in maritime climates.
  • When landing on the deck, flight and navigation equipment is used.
  • In order to increase compactness, in order to increase the total number on the deck and in the hangars of aircraft carriers, the horizontal tail and wing consoles can be folded.
  • Thanks to mechanization, increased area and PGO, there was an improvement in the bearing properties of the wings during takeoffs and landings.
  • In order to be able to carry out landings at vertical speeds and high g-forces, the installation of the landing hook and landing gear was strengthened.
  • In order to be able to make a second circle during landing and a short takeoff from the deck due to non-engagement with the arrester, the thrust-to-weight ratio has become greater.
  • There is a retractable boom so that you can refuel in the sky, it is possible to install the UPAZ-1K suspension in order to refuel another aircraft, as well as to have more patrol time and combat radius.
  • The total number of air-to-air missiles suspended at the same time has increased in order to increase the combat potential in one sortie.

During the working design, some important changes were made to the design of the aircraft, the main of which was the front horizontal tail, which was necessary for the static longitudinal instability of the fighter. The fact is that he could lose it due to a shift in the center of mass and during an increase in the mass of the radar station by almost two hundred kilograms. When the T-10-24 with front horizontal tail was being tested, it turned out that thanks to it, the lifting force of the airframe increased. As a result, it began to be used in all modifications of the Su-27.

5. Projects and modifications

5.1 Projects in the 70s

  • Su-27K - a carrier-based fighter based on the Su-27, for aircraft carriers of project 1160. Added brake hook, reinforced landing gear and folding wing panels.
  • The Su-28K is a two-seat deck attack aircraft for Project 1160 aircraft carriers. A modified Su-27K equipped with a weapon control system that makes it possible to use such classes of weapons as air-to-ground, air-to-ship and air-to-radar. It is the base for the RLDN aircraft and other modifications.
  • Su-28KRTS - carrier-based target designation and reconnaissance aircraft for Project 1160 aircraft carriers. Modified Su-28K.
  • Su-29K is a carrier-based fighter-interceptor for Project 1160 aircraft carriers. An improved weapon control system that makes it possible to use K-33 missiles with a longer air-to-air range. Modified Su-27K.
  • The Su-27KI is a carrier-based fighter based on the Su-27 for Project 1153 aircraft carriers, and then for the preliminary version of Project 1143.5 aircraft carriers.
  • The Su-27KSh is a carrier-based attack aircraft based on the Su-27 for Project 1153 aircraft carriers, and then for the preliminary version of Project 1143.5 aircraft carriers.

5.2 Later projects

  • The Su-27K is a carrier-based fighter based on the Su-27 for Project 1143.5 aircraft carriers.
  • Su-27KU is a two-seat carrier-based training aircraft.
  • Su-27KRTS - carrier-based double target designation and reconnaissance aircraft.
  • Su-27KPP is a carrier-based two-seat jamming aircraft.
  • Su-27KTZ / Su-27KT - carrier-based double tanker aircraft.
  • Su-33UB / Su-27KUB is a two-seat carrier-based combat training aircraft based on developments in the Su-27KT and Su-27KU. A flight sample was made in the amount of one unit. The project is currently closed.
  • Su-33 - the designation of the Su-27K fighters, from the time they were put into service. The aircraft are part of the aviation group of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov.

6. Flight performance

6.1 Technical data

  • Crew. people: 1
  • Length, cm: 2118
  • Wingspan, cm: 1470; with suspended rockets on the tips - 1494.8; folded wing: 740
  • Span of the rear horizontal tail, cm: 990; with folded stabilizers - 740
  • Height, cm: 572
  • Wing area, m²: 67.84
  • Wing profile: P44M
  • Wing taper ratio: 3.76
  • Wing aspect ratio: 3.48
  • Sweep angle along the leading edge, degree: 42.5
  • Chassis base, cm: 587
  • Chassis track, cm: 444
  • Empty weight, t: 19.6
  • Curb weight, t: 20.44 - two R-73 and two R-27E
  • Normal takeoff weight: with full fuel, t: 29.940; with partial - 26
  • Take-off weight, t: 33
  • Mass of fuel, t: 9.4; main refueling option - 5.35
  • Volume of fuel tanks, l: 12100
  • Landing normal weight, t: 22.4
  • Landing weight limit, t: 26
  • Engine: type - bypass turbojet with afterburner. Model - AL-31F series 3. Weight, t - 1.52. Thrust, kgf: afterburner: 2 × 12500 (122.6 kN), maximum: 2 × 7670 (74.5 kN), emergency mode: 2 × 12800 (125.5 kN). Bypass ratio: 0.571.

6.2 Flight performance

  • Maximum speed, km/h: near the ground: 1300 (M=1.09), at altitude: 2300 (M=2.17)
  • Landing speed, km/h: 235-250
  • Flight range, km: near the ground: 1000, at altitude: 3000
  • Duration of patrol at a distance of 250 km, min: 120
  • Practical ceiling, km: 17
  • Wing load, kg / m²: at normal takeoff weight: with full refueling - 441, with partial - 383. At maximum takeoff weight - 486
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio in afterburner: at normal takeoff weight: with full refueling - 0.84, with partial - 0.96. At maximum takeoff weight: 0.76
  • Run length, m: 90, when using an arrester
  • Takeoff run, m: 105, when using a springboard
  • Maximum operating overload: 8 or 8.5 g.

6.3 Armament

  • Cannon: GSh-30-1 cannon, caliber 30 mm, 150 rounds
  • Combat load, t: option B-B: 3.2 - six R-73 missiles or eight R-27E, maximum: 6.5
  • Armament hardpoints: 10. Bombs - bomb cassettes, free-falling for various purposes: eight 500 kg each - RBC-500, FAB-500, ZB-500 or twenty-eight 250 kg each - RBC-250, FAB-250 and so on, or thirty-two 100 kg. Air-to-air missiles: two R-73, two R-27T/ET, four to six R-27R/ER. Unguided rockets: four 266 mm S-25-OFM-PU or twenty (4 × 5) 122 mm S-13T in blocks B-13L or eighty (4 × 20) 80 mm S-8KOM / S-8BM in blocks B-8M1.

6.4 Avionics

  • Radar station: RLPK-27K. Antenna - type: H001K, diameter: 1075 mm. Total number simultaneously tracked targets - ten. The detection range of an air target with an effective scattering area is 3 m²: in pursuit - 40 km, towards - 100 km. View area, degree: in azimuth: ±60, in height — ±50.
  • ECO: OEPS-27K. Type - OLS-27K (46Sh). Field of view, degree - 120 × 75. View area, degree: in azimuth — ±60, in height — -15°/+60. Viewing angle, degree: 3×3, 20×5, 60×10. The range of measured ranges, km - 6. The range of tracking an air heat-contrast target, km: in pursuit - 100, towards - 40.
  • Helmet-mounted target designation system: Shchel-3UM-1.

7. Test pilots

  • Alexander Mikhailovich Raevsky, Air Force
  • Viktor Georgievich Pugachev, Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau
  • Vyacheslav Yurievich Averyanov, Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau
  • Nikolai Fedorovich Diorditsa, Air Force
  • Nikolai Fedorovich Sadovnikov, Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau
  • Sergei Nikolaevich Melnikov, Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau
  • Yuri Semkin, Air Force.

In our September publication concerning the issues of lagging behind the 279th Fighter Aviation Regiment, based on a heavy aircraft carrier missile cruiser"Admiral Kuznetsov", from the French and American carrier-based aviation, we examined in detail all the strong and weak sides of this wing: the strong ones are in the excellent design performance characteristics of the Su-33 and MiG-29K carrier-based fighters, which are head and shoulders above the Western Super Hornets and Rafali due to the capabilities of super-maneuverable combat, the weak ones are a significant lag in the field of avionics of combat data (on the Drying "The obsolete radar with a Cassegrain antenna array is still installed, the detection range of a fighter-type target with an EPR of 3 m 2 is 110 km, on the MiG-29K - Zhuk-M radar with a similar detection range).

But the radar of the MiG-29K fighter has an advantage over the N001 Su-33 - it has an air-to-ground-to-ship mode, and therefore the MiG-29K is a multi-purpose fighter capable of suppressing air defense and anti-ship operations, the range of tasks of the Su-33 is limited to conquering air superiority at a great distance, and in long-range air combat, it is at the technical level of the Su-27 interceptor fighter. Deliveries of this machine to the 279th IAP are also being delayed, not to mention the more modern MiG-29KUB. The Naval Aviation Command of the Russian Navy took a very long time to determine the future composition of the air regiment, it seemed that the Su-33 would be completely written off, but on March 20, 2015, RIA Novosti reported joyful information.

Naval Aviation Commander Igor Kozhin announced the start of a Su-33 modernization program, after which they will be transferred to the 279th IAP and will continue to serve on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier until 2025. It was also noted that the Su-33 will form the long-range air defense AUG of the Navy, and the MiG-29K - the middle one, while the near one will be provided by ship-based air defense systems (Dagger, Osa-MA, Kortik).

The Su-33 is a combat vehicle of the glorious Su-27 family, and therefore its modernization reserve is practically unlimited. At the Sukhoi Design Bureau and aircraft corporation Irkut has extensive experience in improving this family of fighters. One example is the Chinese project of the deck-based J-15S. This is a two-seat modification of the Su-33, developed on the basis of Soviet drawings and documents, as well as the T-10K airframe, which were purchased in Ukraine in 2001, the first single-seat modification of the J-15 was brought to the readiness level only after 9 years "For a long time they mastered the mechanization of the folding wing. At this stage, the J-15S has a promising airborne electronic equipment, a modern radar, and due to the introduction of a systems operator into the crew and the integration of tactical communications from the Su-30MKK, carrier-based fighterJ-15 Sreceived the capabilities of a mini-DRLO and an air command post.

Our modernization capabilities are one step ahead of the Chinese

From the performance characteristics of the Su-33, it is known that when refueling fuel tanks by 70% (6500 kg of fuel), as well as with lightweight equipment of suspensions with air-to-air weapons (as an interceptor, and this is about 1 ton: 2 missiles R -27ER and 2 x R-73), takeoff weight is 26940 kg. The thrust of two turbofan engines AL-31F of the 3rd series is 12800 kgf in emergency mode, which means that the aircraft's thrust-to-weight ratio will be 0.95, which may not be enough for a highly maneuverable close combat.

To increase the thrust-to-weight ratio, we have a "trump card" in the form of more advanced and powerful engines designed for the Su-35S and T-50 PAK-FA. One of the engines is the modification AL-31F-M1, the thrust of each is 13500 kgf, the total thrust is 27000 kgf, when equipped with this engine, the thrust-to-weight ratio increases to 1.0. On the page of the developer of the AL-31F series engines, FSUE MMPP Salyut, they already posted a photo of the engine installed in the power unit of the Su-33 tail, i.e. significant work is being done in this area.

Also exists technical possibility installation on the Su-33 of more powerful engines AL-31F-M2 / M3, as well as AL-41F1(“Product 117C”), the total thrust of such “duets” will be 28200, 30600 and 28000 kgf, respectively, i.e. . thrust-to-weight ratio will be within 1.04 - 1.13. These options for power plants will allow the marine "Sushka" to become one step closer to the 4 ++ generation. AL-31F-M3, equipped with a 3-stage low-pressure compressor with wider blades and a pressure ratio of 4.2, has been developed by Salyut since 2002, the engine thrust can be increased to 15300 kgf, which practically corresponds to 15876 kgf of the American Pratt turbofans & Whitney F119-PW-100 mounted on the F-22A "Raptor".

The Chinese cannot yet come close to creating an engine of similar power, which also has a normal operating life, their engines wear out faster due to the poor quality of casting turbine blades using the directional crystallization (NC) method. Engine options are equipped with a deflectable thrust vector, so the Su-33 will get all the super-maneuverability capabilities that are inherent in the Su-30SM and MiG-29OVT.

The second important innovation in the modernization of the Su-33 is the update of the radar complex and avionics of the cockpit and detection and warning systems, including the electronic warfare system.

Carrier-based fighter-interceptors use the outdated RLPK-27 radar sighting system based on the N001 Sword radar, this complex cannot boast of high noise immunity, the detection range of modern 4 ++ - 5th generation fighters at a distance of more than 50-70 km, also without improvements of this complex to the version of RLPK-27VE (radar N001VE), the Su-33 is not capable of using missiles with ARGSN R-77 and more modern air-to-air weapons.

Like the entire Flankers line, the Su-33 Flanker-D nose radome has a diameter suitable for various modifications of Tikhomirovskiye radars with an antenna array diameter of 1076 mm, so the KUV can be improved by installing the most modern H011M airborne radar " Bars "(antenna array 980 mm) and H035" Irbis-E "(AR 900 mm), a paradox, but not a single printed or electronic publication found information about possible application these complexes as part of the Su-33.

After the introduction of such innovations, the once outdated Su-33 will not only be able to compare with the overseas carrier-based F / A-18E / F fighters, but also significantly surpass them in the field of long-range air combat, interception, as well as strikes against ground and sea targets. The Irbis-E radar can also partially eliminate the need for a carrier-based AWACS aircraft of the Yak-44 type, which the “gourmets” of military analytical forums so often argued about, because the detection range of the station is 400 km (enemy fighters) and 150-220 km ( cruise missiles). Considering that now the fleet has only one aircraft carrier, the combat potential of the squadron of 12-14 Su-33s should be at the level of the Su-35S multi-role fighters, and therefore a very important part of the plans announced by the Naval Aviation Command should be the refinement of the passive location systems of the aircraft, as well as equipment for the pilot's instrument panel.

Now the cockpit is represented by one small monochrome MFI, a standard HUD, and a helmet-mounted target designation system synchronized with the OLS-27K. The optical-location station has characteristics sufficient for air combat (detection range in ZPS - 50, in PPS-15), but it is also possible to replace it with a more modern OLS-35 with twice the performance. The poor indicator equipment of the cockpit should be replaced following the example of the Su-35S cockpit, where the pilot has at his disposal two huge large-format color LCD MFIs, which display all the necessary navigation and tactical information, and there is also a small MFI under the ILS block and on the upper right part of the panel ( the latter displays the artificial horizon, the first one displays navigation information), it should be noted that the Su-35S cockpit excludes the presence of mechanical instruments and is rated as the most “digitized”, like the cockpits of the MiG-35 and Yak-130.

Since the carrier-based air wing provides for combat operations at a great distance from air bases and any assistance from the continent, the safety of the pilot and the survivability of the combat vehicle must be on top, i.e. aircraft must be equipped with the most the best systems alerts. These products have been known to us since 2007. They are installed on the MiG-35 multi-purpose front-line fighters, these are: SOAR - a station for detecting attacking missiles in the optical range, detects attacking missiles in a smoke trail rocket engine and silhouette, two SOAR cameras are installed - NS-OAR and VS-OAR (lower and upper hemisphere), the system is distinguished by high-resolution matrices capable of detecting any threat, from MANPADS to Patriot missiles and air-to-air missiles.

The second system - SOLO - a laser irradiation detection station, necessary for direction finding of irradiation by laser rangefinders of enemy fighters and air defense systems, naturally, the improved Su-33 defense complex should include a more advanced SPO, which will signal the irradiation of the enemy radar, determine its type and mode work (review, maintenance, or capture). The SPO-15LM Bereza currently installed on the Su-33 is only capable of identifying the conditional direction of exposure, the degree of threat and the class, but is not able to accurately determine the type of irradiating radar, the exact direction and relative distance, which even the outdated American TEWS software installed for most modifications of the F-15 fighter.

In the image, the indicator panel of the SPO "Birch", the lamp indicator panel is unable to provide the pilot with a full range of information about threats to the aircraft
The monochrome round MFI of the American TEWS software has much more informative capabilities for alerting the pilot about threats

As is known, the US AUGs are armed with and are increasing the fleet of F / A-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft, which can cause serious problems in air combat with NATO aircraft, especially at long range, we have similar developments for Kuznetsov aviation so far was not implemented, but the possibility of equipping the updated Su-33 with the Khibiny REP systems is quite feasible, this complex includes one large group container electronic warfare as part of a flight / squadron, suspended on the ventral (central pylons), as well as 2 containers of an individual electronic warhead (for single strike operations). The radio countermeasure capabilities of this system are high and do not allow the enemy radar to select the number of fighters in a tightly flying link at a great distance.

The article described the most effective, in my opinion, method for improving the Su-33 carrier-based fighter-interceptors, but in fact there are a number of other opportunities for increasing the potential of this aircraft, which you can talk about and write about endlessly.

This aircraft could not be withdrawn from the Russian Navy, not only because of its perfect tactical capabilities, including a combat radius at an altitude of up to 1450 km, but also because of the relative youth of combat vehicles: the oldest board was produced in 1993, the newest - in 1998. And no matter how much there were rumors about the conservation and complete replacement of the Su-33 with the MiG series, history has proven that the naval "Flanker" remains on guard of the far frontier of the Russian Navy.

/Evgeny Damantsev/