Russian culture in the 19th century. Russian culture of the first half of the 19th century Presentation to the Russian - Byzantine style

Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century. The beginning of the 19th century is the time of the cultural and spiritual upsurge of Russia. In the first half of the 19th century, seven universities were formed in Russia. In addition to the functioning Moscow, Derpt, Vilna, Kazan, Kharkov, St. Petersburg and Kyiv universities were established. The book publishing and magazine and newspaper business continued to develop. The beginning of the 19th century is the time of the cultural and spiritual upsurge of Russia. In the first half of the 19th century, seven universities were formed in Russia. In addition to the functioning Moscow, Derpt, Vilna, Kazan, Kharkov, St. Petersburg and Kyiv universities were established. The book publishing and magazine and newspaper business continued to develop. In 1813 there were 55 state printing houses in the country. Public libraries and museums played a positive role in the cultural life of the country. First public library was opened in St. Petersburg in 1814 (now the State National Library). In 1813 there were 55 state printing houses in the country. Public libraries and museums played a positive role in the cultural life of the country. The first public library was opened in St. Petersburg in 1814 (now the State National Library).

The first third of the 19th The first third of the 19th The first third of the 19th is called the "golden age" of Russian culture. Its beginning coincided with the era of classicism in Russian literature and art. Buildings built in the style of classicism are distinguished by a clear and calm rhythm. St. Petersburg classicism is not the architecture of individual buildings, but of entire ensembles that amaze with their unity and harmony. The first third of the 19th century is called the "golden age" of Russian culture. Its beginning coincided with the era of classicism in Russian literature and art. Buildings built in the style of classicism are distinguished by a clear and calm rhythm. St. Petersburg classicism is not the architecture of individual buildings, but of entire ensembles that amaze with their unity and harmony. The work began with the erection of the Admiralty building according to the project of Zakharov A. D. Nevsky Prospekt, the main thoroughfare of St. Petersburg, acquired the form of a single ensemble with the construction of the Kazan Cathedral. For forty years, starting from 1818, St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg was built - the largest building erected in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The work began with the erection of the Admiralty building according to the project of Zakharov A. D. Nevsky Prospekt, the main thoroughfare of St. Petersburg, acquired the form of a single ensemble with the construction of the Kazan Cathedral. For forty years, starting from 1818, St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg was built - the largest building erected in Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

The first third of the 19th The first third of the 19th Classicism brought its bright colors into the palette of Moscow's diversity. After the fire of 1812, the Bolshoi Theater, the Manege, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky were erected in Moscow, and the Grand Kremlin Palace was built under the guidance of the architect Ton. Classicism brought its bright colors to the palette of Moscow's diversity. After the fire of 1812, the Bolshoi Theater, the Manege, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky were erected in Moscow, and the Grand Kremlin Palace was built under the guidance of the architect Ton. In 1839, on the banks of the Moskva River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was laid in memory of the deliverance of Russia from the Napoleonic invasion. In 1839, on the banks of the Moskva River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was laid in memory of the deliverance of Russia from the Napoleonic invasion. In 1852, a remarkable event took place in the cultural life of Russia. The Hermitage opened its doors, where the artistic treasures of the imperial family were collected. The first public art museum appeared in Russia. In 1852, a remarkable event took place in the cultural life of Russia. The Hermitage opened its doors, where the artistic treasures of the imperial family were collected. The first public art museum appeared in Russia.

Theatrical life Theatrical life Foreign troupes and serf theaters played an important role in the theatrical life of Russia. A great event in the theatrical life of Russia was the premiere of Gogol's The Inspector General, where Shchepkin played the role of the mayor. In the same years, Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar was staged at the Bolshoi Theater. Some scenes in the opera are striking in their penetration into the very depths of folk art. Foreign troupes and serf theaters played an important role in the theatrical life of Russia. A great event in the theatrical life of Russia was the premiere of Gogol's The Inspector General, where Shchepkin played the role of the mayor. In the same years, Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar was staged at the Bolshoi Theater. Some scenes in the opera are striking in their penetration into the very depths of folk art.

Literature Literature A. S. Pushkin became a symbol of his era, when there was a rapid rise in the cultural development of Russia. Pushkin's time is called the "Golden Age" of Russian culture. In the first decades of the century, poetry was the leading genre in Russian literature. In the poems of the Decembrist poets Ryleev, Odoevsky, Kuchelbeker, the pathos of high citizenship sounds, the themes of the motherland and service to society were raised. A. S. Pushkin became a symbol of his era, when there was a rapid rise in the cultural development of Russia. Pushkin's time is called the "Golden Age" of Russian culture. In the first decades of the century, poetry was the leading genre in Russian literature. In the poems of the Decembrist poets Ryleev, Odoevsky, Kuchelbeker, the pathos of high citizenship sounds, the themes of the motherland and service to society were raised.

Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century The development of Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century was ultimately determined by the economic and socio-political processes that took place in the life of the country. In addition, in the middle of the 19th century, the growing global significance of Russian culture was increasingly recognized. The development of Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century was ultimately determined by the economic and socio-political processes that took place in the life of the country. In addition, in the middle of the 19th century, the growing global significance of Russian culture was increasingly recognized.

Russian culture of the second half of the XIX century. development conditions. 1. Bourgeois-liberal reforms of the 1990s 2. The abolition of serfdom. 3. The enormous impact of democratic and social ideas on culture. 4. The turbulent process of capitalization of the Russian economy in the 80s. 1. Bourgeois-liberal reforms of the 1990s 2. The abolition of serfdom. 3. The enormous impact of democratic and social ideas on culture. 4. The turbulent process of capitalization of the Russian economy in the 80s.

Enlightenment Enlightenment The level of literacy of the population is rising, all kinds of educational institutions are opening: Sunday schools for adults, free peasant schools, zemstvo schools, classical gymnasiums, higher courses for women. The printing industry is increasing output. The number of libraries is growing. Second half of the 19th century - a period of outstanding achievements in science and technology. Chemistry (Mendeleev, Zinin, Butlerov), physics (Yablochkov, Stoletov, Popov, Mozhaisky, Zhukovsky), astronautics (Tsiolkovsky), biology (Sechenov, Pavlov, Mechnikov, Kovalevsky, Dokuchaev), geography (Miklukho-Maklay, Przhevalsky) are developing. The literacy rate of the population is rising, all kinds of educational institutions are opening: Sunday schools for adults, free peasant schools, zemstvo schools, classical gymnasiums, higher courses for women. The printing industry is increasing output. The number of libraries is growing. Second half of the 19th century - a period of outstanding achievements in science and technology. Chemistry (Mendeleev, Zinin, Butlerov), physics (Yablochkov, Stoletov, Popov, Mozhaisky, Zhukovsky), astronautics (Tsiolkovsky), biology (Sechenov, Pavlov, Mechnikov, Kovalevsky, Dokuchaev), geography (Miklukho-Maklay, Przhevalsky) are developing.

Fine art Fine art At the end of the 50s. marked the turn of Russian fine arts towards critical realism. The landscapes of Kuindzhi ("Ukrainian Night", "Night on the Dnieper"), Shishkin ("Rye", "Morning in a Pine Forest"), Levitan ("Evening on the Volga", "Golden Autumn", "March") were distinguished by a romantic character. Also famous are the portrait painter Repin, the painter Surikov ("Morning of the Streltsy Execution", "Boyar Morozova"), Serov ("Girl with Peaches"). At the end of the 50s. marked the turn of Russian fine arts towards critical realism. The landscapes of Kuindzhi ("Ukrainian Night", "Night on the Dnieper"), Shishkin ("Rye", "Morning in a Pine Forest"), Levitan ("Evening on the Volga", "Golden Autumn", "March") were distinguished by a romantic character. Also famous are the portrait painter Repin, the painter Surikov ("Morning of the Streltsy Execution", "Boyar Morozova"), Serov ("Girl with Peaches").

Theater and Music Theater and Music The development of music is inextricably linked with the development of literature. End of the 19th century - the period of achievements of Russian culture associated with the names of Tchaikovsky ("The Nutcracker", "Swan Lake"), Mussorgsky ("Boris Godunov"), Rimsky-Korsakov ("The Snow Maiden", "Sadko"), Rachmaninov ("Aleko", "Cliff" ), Stravinsky ("Firebird", "Petrushka"). The development of music is inextricably linked with the development of literature. End of the 19th century - the period of achievements of Russian culture associated with the names of Tchaikovsky ("The Nutcracker", "Swan Lake"), Mussorgsky ("Boris Godunov"), Rimsky-Korsakov ("The Snow Maiden", "Sadko"), Rachmaninov ("Aleko", "Cliff" ), Stravinsky ("Firebird", "Petrushka").

Russian culture of the 19th century Russian culture of the 19th century The fact that the rise of Russian national culture coincided with the beginning of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia was also of great importance. An important factor that contributed to the intensive development of Russian culture was its close communication and interaction with other cultures. The world revolutionary process and advanced Western European social thought had a strong influence on the culture of Russia. This was the heyday of German classical philosophy and French utopian socialism, the ideas of which were widely popular in Russia. Of great importance was the fact that the rise of Russian national culture coincided with the beginning of the revolutionary liberation movement in Russia. An important factor that contributed to the intensive development of Russian culture was its close communication and interaction with other cultures. The world revolutionary process and advanced Western European social thought had a strong influence on the culture of Russia. This was the heyday of German classical philosophy and French utopian socialism, the ideas of which were widely popular in Russia.

Russian culture of the 19th century In the 19th century. literature becomes the leading area of ​​Russian culture, which was facilitated primarily by its close connection with the progressive liberation ideology. Pushkin's ode "Liberty", his "Message to Siberia" to the Decembrists and "Response" to this message of the Decembrist Odoevsky, Ryleev's satire "To the temporary worker" (Arakcheev), Lermontov's poem "On the death of the poet", Belinsky's letter to Gogol were, in fact, , political pamphlets, militant, revolutionary appeals that inspired the progressive youth. The spirit of opposition and struggle inherent in the works of progressive Russian writers made Russian literature of that time one of the active social forces. In the 19th century literature becomes the leading area of ​​Russian culture, which was facilitated primarily by its close connection with the progressive liberation ideology. Pushkin's ode "Liberty", his "Message to Siberia" to the Decembrists and "Response" to this message of the Decembrist Odoevsky, Ryleev's satire "To the temporary worker" (Arakcheev), Lermontov's poem "On the death of the poet", Belinsky's letter to Gogol were, in fact, , political pamphlets, militant, revolutionary appeals that inspired the progressive youth. The spirit of opposition and struggle inherent in the works of progressive Russian writers made Russian literature of that time one of the active social forces.

Russian culture of the 19th century special attention deserves the work of the brilliant L. Tolstoy, which marked new stage in the development of Russian and world realism, threw a bridge between the traditions of the classical novel of the 19th century. and literature of the 20th century. The novelty and power of Tolstoy's realism is directly related to the democratic roots of his art, his worldview and his moral searches; Tolstoy's realism is characterized by a special truthfulness, frankness of tone, directness and, as a result, crushing power and sharpness in exposing social contradictions. The work of the genius L. Tolstoy deserves special attention, which marked a new stage in the development of Russian and world realism, threw a bridge between the traditions of the classical novel of the 19th century. and literature of the 20th century. The novelty and power of Tolstoy's realism is directly related to the democratic roots of his art, his worldview and his moral searches; Tolstoy's realism is characterized by a special truthfulness, frankness of tone, directness and, as a result, crushing power and sharpness in exposing social contradictions.

Russian culture of the 19th century A special phenomenon in Russian and world literature is the novel "War and Peace"; in this unique phenomenon of art, Tolstoy combined the form of a psychological novel with the scope and many-figures of an epic fresco. More than a hundred years have passed since the first part of the novel appeared in print, many generations of readers have changed during this time. And invariably "War and Peace" is read by people of all ages, from young men to the elderly. Called this novel the eternal companion of mankind contemporary writer Yu. Nagibin, for "War and Peace", dedicated to one of the most disastrous wars of the 19th century, affirms the moral idea of ​​the triumph of life over death, peace over war, which acquired tremendous significance at the end of the 20th century. A special phenomenon in Russian and world literature is the novel "War and Peace"; in this unique phenomenon of art, Tolstoy combined the form of a psychological novel with the scope and many-figures of an epic fresco. More than a hundred years have passed since the first part of the novel appeared in print, many generations of readers have changed during this time. And invariably "War and Peace" is read by people of all ages, from young men to the elderly. The modern writer Y. Nagibin called this novel an eternal companion of mankind, for "War and Peace", dedicated to one of the most disastrous wars of the 19th century, affirms the moral idea of ​​the triumph of life over death, peace over war, which acquired tremendous significance at the end of the 20th century.

Russian culture of the 19th century Another great Russian writer, Dostoevsky, who, unlike Tolstoy, does not give an analysis of epic proportions, is also striking in the truly titanic nature of moral quest. He does not describe what is happening, he makes us "go underground" in order to see what is really happening, he makes us see ourselves in ourselves. Thanks to his amazing ability to penetrate into the very human soul, Dostoevsky was one of the first, if not the very first, to give a description of modern nihilism. His characterization of this state of mind is indelible, and it still captivates the reader with depth and inexplicable precision. Ancient nihilism was associated with skepticism and epicureanism, its ideal was noble serenity, the achievement of peace of mind in the face of the vicissitudes of fortune. The truly titanic nature of moral quests is also striking in another great Russian writer, Dostoevsky, who, unlike Tolstoy, does not provide an analysis of epic proportions. He does not describe what is happening, he makes us "go underground" in order to see what is really happening, he makes us see ourselves in ourselves. Thanks to his amazing ability to penetrate into the very human soul, Dostoevsky was one of the first, if not the very first, to give a description of modern nihilism. His characterization of this state of mind is indelible, and it still captivates the reader with depth and inexplicable precision. Ancient nihilism was associated with skepticism and epicureanism, its ideal was noble serenity, the achievement of peace of mind in the face of the vicissitudes of fortune.

Russian culture of the 19th century In Dostoevsky's notebooks there is the most powerful thought, which now everything rests on, from which everything emanates: “Being exists only when it is threatened by non-being. Being only then begins to be when non-being threatens it. The world is threatened with destruction, the world may have to! to be saved by beauty, the beauty of spiritual and moral feat is how Dostoevsky is read today, that is how the very reality of our time forces us to read it. In Dostoevsky's notebooks there is the most powerful thought, against which everything now rests, from which everything emanates: “Being exists only when it is threatened by non-being. Being only then begins to be when non-being threatens it. The world is threatened with destruction, the world may have to! to be saved by beauty, the beauty of spiritual and moral feat is how Dostoevsky is read today, that is how the very reality of our time forces us to read it.

The Development of Musical Culture The Development of Musical Culture A significant influence on the development of the musical culture of Russia in the last century was exerted by Gogol's work, which is inextricably linked with the problem of nationality. Gogol's plots formed the basis of the operas "May Night" and "The Night Before Christmas" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, "Sorochinsky Fair" by M. Mussorgsky, "Blacksmith Vakula" ("Cherevichki") by P. Tchaikovsky, etc. Rimsky-Korsakov created a whole "fabulous" world of operas: from "May Night" and "The Snow Maiden" to "Sadko", for which a certain ideal world in its harmony is common. The plot of "Sadko" is built on various versions of the Novgorod epic stories about the miraculous enrichment of the guslar, his wanderings and adventures. Rimsky-Korsakov defines The Snow Maiden as an opera-fairy tale, calling it “a picture from the Beginningless and Endless Chronicle of the Berendeev kingdom.” Gogol's work, which is inextricably linked with the problem of nationality, had a significant impact on the development of the musical culture of Russia in the last century. Gogol's plots formed the basis of the operas "May Night" and "The Night Before Christmas" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, "Sorochinsky Fair" by M. Mussorgsky, "Blacksmith Vakula" ("Cherevichki") by P. Tchaikovsky, etc. Rimsky-Korsakov created a whole "fabulous" world of operas: from "May Night" and "The Snow Maiden" to "Sadko", for which a certain ideal world in its harmony is common. The plot of "Sadko" is built on various versions of the Novgorod epic stories about the miraculous enrichment of the guslar, his wanderings and adventures. Rimsky-Korsakov defines The Snow Maiden as an opera-fairy tale, calling it “a picture from the Beginningless and Endless Chronicle of the Berendeev kingdom.”

The development of musical culture The flourishing of Russian musical culture was facilitated by the work of P. Tchaikovsky, who wrote many excellent works and introduced something new into this area. Thus, his opera "Eugene Onegin" was experimental in nature, which he called not an opera, but "lyrical scenes". The innovative essence of the opera was that it reflected the trends of the new progressive literature. For the "laboratory" of Tchaikovsky's searches, it is characteristic that he uses traditional forms in the opera, introducing musical performance necessary "dose" of entertainment. The flourishing of Russian musical culture was facilitated by the work of P. Tchaikovsky, who wrote many excellent works and brought something new to this area. Thus, his opera "Eugene Onegin" was experimental in nature, which he called not an opera, but "lyrical scenes". The innovative essence of the opera was that it reflected the trends of the new progressive literature. For Tchaikovsky's "laboratory" of searches, it is characteristic that he uses traditional forms in the opera, introducing the necessary "dose" of entertainment into the musical performance.

Russian culture of the 19th century Russian culture of the 19th century In general, it should be noted that at the turn of the century in the work of composers there was a certain revision of musical traditions, a departure from social problems and an increase in interest in the inner world of man, in philosophical and ethical problems. The "sign" of the times was the strengthening of the lyrical beginning in musical culture. In general, it should be noted that at the turn of the century, there was a certain revision of musical traditions in the work of composers, a departure from social issues and an increase in interest in the inner world of a person, in philosophical and ethical problems. The "sign" of the times was the strengthening of the lyrical beginning in musical culture. N. Rimsky-Korsakov, who then acted as the main keeper of the creative ideas of the famous "mighty bunch" (it included M. Balakirev, M. Mussorgsky, P. Cui, A. Borodin, N. Rimsky-Korsakov), created the opera Tsarskaya bride". N. Rimsky-Korsakov, who then acted as the main keeper of the creative ideas of the famous "mighty bunch" (it included M. Balakirev, M. Mussorgsky, P. Cui, A. Borodin, N. Rimsky-Korsakov), created the opera Tsarskaya bride". New features of Russian music at the beginning of the 20th century. found the greatest expression in the work of S. Rachmaninov and A. Scriabin. Their work reflected the ideological atmosphere of the pre-revolutionary era, their music expressed romantic pathos, calling for struggle, the desire to rise above the "ordinary life". New features of Russian music at the beginning of the 20th century. found the greatest expression in the work of S. Rachmaninov and A. Scriabin. Their work reflected the ideological atmosphere of the pre-revolutionary era, their music expressed romantic pathos, calling for struggle, the desire to rise above the "ordinary life".

Russian culture of the 19th century Russian culture of the 19th century In the history of Russian culture, the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. was named " silver age"of Russian culture, which begins with the World of Art and ends with acmeism. "World of Art" is an organization that arose in 1898 and united the masters of the highest artistic culture, the artistic elite of Russia of those times. Almost all famous artists A. Benois, K. Somov, L. Bakst, E. Lansere, A. Golovin, M. Dobuzhinsky, M. Vrubel, V. Serov, K. Korovin, I. Levitan, M. Nesterov, N. Roerich, B. Kustodiev, K. Petrov-Vodkin, F. Malyavin, M. Larionov, N. Goncharova and others. was called the "silver age" of Russian culture, which begins with the "World of Art" and ends with acmeism. "World of Art" is an organization that emerged in 1898 and united the masters of the highest artistic culture, the artistic elite of Russia of those times. Almost all famous artists A. Benois, K. Somov, L. Bakst, E. Lansere, A. Golovin, M. Dobuzhinsky, M. Vrubel, V. Serov, K. Korovin, I. Levitan, M. Nesterov, N. Roerich, B. Kustodiev, K. Petrov-Vodkin, F. Malyavin, M. Larionov, N. Goncharova and others. subsequently the impresario of tours of Russian ballet and opera abroad, the so-called "Russian Seasons". Of great importance for the formation of the "World of Arts" was the personality of S. Diaghilev, a patron and organizer of exhibitions, and later the impresario of the Russian ballet and opera tours abroad, the so-called "Russian Seasons".

Russian culture of the 19th century Russian culture of the 19th century Due to the activities of Diaghilev, Russian art is gaining wide international recognition. The "Russian Seasons" organized by him in Paris are among the milestone events in the history of Russian music, painting, opera and ballet art. In 1906, the exhibition "Two Centuries of Russian Painting and Sculpture" was presented to the Parisians, which was then exhibited in Berlin and Venice. This was the first act of all European recognition of the "World of Art", as well as the discovery of Russian painting of the 18th and early 20th centuries. in general for Western criticism and a real triumph of Russian art. Thanks to the activities of Diaghilev, Russian art is gaining wide international recognition. The "Russian Seasons" organized by him in Paris are among the milestone events in the history of Russian music, painting, opera and ballet art. In 1906, the exhibition "Two Centuries of Russian Painting and Sculpture" was presented to the Parisians, which was then exhibited in Berlin and Venice. This was the first act of all European recognition of the "World of Art", as well as the discovery of Russian painting of the 18th and early 20th centuries. in general for Western criticism and a real triumph of Russian art.

Russian culture of the 19th century Russian culture of the 19th century The flowering of creativity of many figures in the field of music, painting and dance is associated with the "Russian Seasons". One of the greatest innovators of Russian ballet at the beginning of the 20th century. was M. Fokin, who affirmed dramaturgy as the ideological basis of a ballet performance and strove through the “commonwealth of dance, music and painting” to create a psychologically meaningful and truthful image. In many ways, Fokine's views are close to the aesthetics of Soviet ballet. The choreographic sketch "The Dying Swan" to the music of the French composer Saint-Saens, created by him for Anna Pavlova, captured in the drawing by V. Serov, has become a symbol of Russian classical ballet. The flowering of creativity of many figures in the field of music, painting and dance is associated with the "Russian Seasons". One of the greatest innovators of Russian ballet at the beginning of the 20th century. was M. Fokin, who affirmed dramaturgy as the ideological basis of a ballet performance and strove through the “commonwealth of dance, music and painting” to create a psychologically meaningful and truthful image. In many ways, Fokine's views are close to the aesthetics of Soviet ballet. The choreographic sketch "The Dying Swan" to the music of the French composer Saint-Saens, created by him for Anna Pavlova, captured in the drawing by V. Serov, has become a symbol of Russian classical ballet.

Russian culture of the 19th century Russian culture of the 19th century Symbolism expanded and enriched the poetic possibilities of the verse, which was caused by the desire of poets to convey the unusualness of their worldview "with one sound, one image, one rhyme" (Bryusov). The contribution of Symbolist poetry to the development of Russian versification is indisputable. K. Balmont, with his characteristic manner of “surprising” the reader, nevertheless had reason to write: Symbolism expanded, enriched the poetic possibilities of the verse, which was caused by the desire of poets to convey the unusualness of their worldview “with one sound, one image, one rhyme” (Bryusov). The contribution of Symbolist poetry to the development of Russian versification is indisputable. K. Balmont, with his characteristic manner of “surprising” the reader, nevertheless had reason to write: “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech, Before me are other forerunner poets, For the first time I discovered deviations in this speech, Repetitive, angry, gentle ringing.” “I am the refinement of Russian slow speech, Before me are other poets of the forerunner, For the first time I discovered deviations in this speech, Repetitive, angry, tender ringing.”

Russian culture of the 19th century Symbolists considered beauty as a key to the secrets of nature, the idea of ​​goodness and the whole universe, making it possible to penetrate into the realm of the beyond, as a sign of otherness, decipherable in art. Hence the idea of ​​the artist as a demiurge, creator and ruler. Poetry, on the other hand, was given the role of religion, initiation to which allows one to see with “invisible eyes” the irrational world, metaphysically acting as “obvious beauty”. Beauty was considered by the symbolists as a key to the secrets of nature, the idea of ​​goodness and the whole universe, which makes it possible to penetrate into the realm of the beyond, as a sign of otherness, decipherable in art. Hence the idea of ​​the artist as a demiurge, creator and ruler. Poetry, on the other hand, was given the role of religion, initiation to which allows one to see with “invisible eyes” the irrational world, metaphysically acting as “obvious beauty”. By the end of the tenth years of XX century. symbolism internally exhausted itself as a holistic trend, leaving a deep mark in various spheres of Russian culture. symbolism internally exhausted itself as a holistic trend, leaving a deep mark in various areas of Russian culture

Russian culture of the 19th century Late 19th early 20th century is the Russian philosophical Renaissance, the "golden age" of Russian philosophy. It is significant to note that the philosophical thought of the Silver Age of Russian culture, which is a golden nugget, itself came into being as a successor and continuer of the traditions of Russian classical literature. According to R.A. Galtseva, "... in Russian culture there is something like a literary and philosophical relay race, and even wider than the relay race of art and philosophy, from the sphere of artistic contemplation, the gained power is transferred here to the field of philosophical reflection and vice versa." This is how the relationship between Russian classics and the philosophical revival of the end of the century, which is represented by the names of Vl. Solovyov, V. Rozanova, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, L. Shestova, G. Fedotova, S. Frank and others. Late XIX - early XX century. is the Russian philosophical Renaissance, the "golden age" of Russian philosophy. It is significant to note that the philosophical thought of the Silver Age of Russian culture, which is a golden nugget, itself came into being as a successor and continuer of the traditions of Russian classical literature. According to R.A. Galtseva, "... in Russian culture there is something like a literary and philosophical relay race, and even wider than the relay race of art and philosophy, from the sphere of artistic contemplation, the gained power is transferred here to the field of philosophical reflection and vice versa." This is how the relationship between Russian classics and the philosophical revival of the end of the century, which is represented by the names of Vl. Solovyov, V. Rozanova, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, L. Shestova, G. Fedotova, S. Frank and others.

Russian culture of the 19th century It turns out that non-Russian literature of the “Silver Age” is the main heir to classical literature; for this, it is morally ambiguous, subject to Dionysian temptations (temptations of sensuality). It is philosophical thought that turns out to be the successor of Russian literature; it inherits the spiritual precepts of the “golden age” of the classics and therefore is itself experiencing a “golden age”. It turns out that it is not Russian literature of the “Silver Age” that is the main heir to classical literature; for this, it is morally ambiguous, subject to Dionysian temptations (temptations of sensuality). It is philosophical thought that turns out to be the successor of Russian literature; it inherits the spiritual precepts of the “golden age” of the classics and therefore is itself experiencing a “golden age”.

Russian culture of the 19th century And in this sense, the Russian intelligentsia was the keeper of the cultural museum of mankind, and Russia was the Rome of decline, the Russian intelligentsia did not live, but contemplated all the most refined that was in life, they were not afraid of any words, they were cynical in the spirit and unchaste, sluggish and inactive in life. In a certain sense, the Russian intelligentsia made a revolution in the minds of people before the revolution in society, the soil of the old tradition was so deeply, mercilessly and disastrously dug up, such bold projects for the future were outlined. And the revolution broke out, having an ambiguous impact on the wonderful Russian culture. And in this sense, the Russian intelligentsia was the guardian of the cultural museum of mankind, and Russia was the Rome of decline, the Russian intelligentsia did not live, but contemplated all the most refined that was in life, they were not afraid of any words, they were cynical and unchaste in the spirit, in life sluggish and inactive. In a certain sense, the Russian intelligentsia made a revolution in the minds of people before the revolution in society, the soil of the old tradition was so deeply, mercilessly and disastrously dug up, such bold projects for the future were outlined. And the revolution broke out, having an ambiguous impact on the wonderful Russian culture.

Conclusion In conclusion, it should be noted that in the pre-revolutionary years, cultural, literary, thinking Russia was completely ready for war and revolution. During this period, everything was mixed up: apathy, despondency, decadence and the expectation of new disasters. The bearers of Russian culture of the Silver Age, who criticized bourgeois civilization and advocated the democratic development of mankind (N. Berdyaev, Vl. Soloviev, and others), lived in a vast country as if on a desert island. Russia did not know literacy among the intelligentsia, the whole world culture was concentrated: here they quoted the Greeks by heart, were fond of French symbolists, considered Scandinavian literature their own, knew philosophy and theology, poetry and the history of the whole world. In conclusion, it should be noted that in the pre-revolutionary years, cultural, literary, thinking Russia was completely ready for war and revolution. During this period, everything was mixed up: apathy, despondency, decadence and the expectation of new disasters. The bearers of Russian culture of the Silver Age, who criticized bourgeois civilization and advocated the democratic development of mankind (N. Berdyaev, Vl. Soloviev, and others), lived in a vast country as if on a desert island. Russia did not know literacy among the intelligentsia, the whole world culture was concentrated: here they quoted the Greeks by heart, were fond of French symbolists, considered Scandinavian literature their own, knew philosophy and theology, poetry and the history of the whole world.

The results of the development of culture of the XIX century. one). The phenomenon of the rise of Russian spiritual culture allows us to call the XIX century. golden age of Russian culture. one). The phenomenon of the rise of Russian spiritual culture allows us to call the XIX century. golden age of Russian culture. 2). The anti-serfdom, democratic orientation of Russian art and faith in the creative forces of the people determined its most important feature throughout the 19th century. 2). The anti-serfdom, democratic orientation of Russian art and faith in the creative forces of the people determined its most important feature throughout the 19th century. 3). The development of the natural sciences, the wide ties between Russian scientists and Western scientists testified to a sufficient place in Russia in the world community. 3). The development of the natural sciences, the wide ties between Russian scientists and Western scientists testified to a sufficient place in Russia in the world community. four). Russian culture of the XIX century. made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture. four). Russian culture of the XIX century. made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture. 5). In the 19th century the process of the formation of the Russian literary language and the formation of a national culture is being completed. 5). In the 19th century the process of the formation of the Russian literary language and the formation of a national culture is being completed.

The work was done by students of class 10 "A": The work was done by students of class 10 "A": Onegina Anastasia Evgenievna Onegina Anastasia Evgenievna Sheiko Alexander Alexandrovich Sheiko Alexander Alexandrovich Volkova Ekaterina Andreevna Volkova Ekaterina Andreevna Zhiltsov Alexander Sergeevich Zhiltsov Alexander Sergeevich Platonov Alexei Evgenievich Platonov Alexei Evgenievich Here and all =)) ^^ That's all =)) ^^

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Russian culture of the 19th century

I. Features of the development of culture in the 19th century XIX century. became for the culture of Russia a period of its unprecedented rise. Patriotic War of 1812, stirring up all life Russian society accelerated the formation of national identity. On the one hand, it once again brought Russia closer to the West, and on the other hand, it accelerated the formation of Russian culture as one of the European cultures closely connected with Western European currents of social thought. The cultural development of Russia in the first half of the century was determined by the active participation of the country in European politics; the emergence of oppositional and revolutionary currents of social thought; the weakening of such a centuries-old foundation of Russian life as serfdom.

Western philosophical and political teachings were assimilated by Russian society in relation to Russian reality. The memory of the French Revolution was still fresh. Revolutionary romanticism, brought to Russian soil, caused close attention to the problems of the state and social structure, the issue of serfdom, and so on. A key role in the ideological disputes of the XIX century. played the question of the historical path of Russia and its relationship with Europe and Western European culture.

Westerners perceived Russia as part of European society and advocated the development of the country along the European path, for liberal reforms in the social and political structure. Slavophiles emphasized the original path of development of Russia, different from the Western one, pointed to the national character of culture, fought against an uncritical attitude towards foreign influences.

All these phenomena in the social thought of the country largely determined the development of the artistic culture of Russia in the 19th century, and above all, its close attention to social problems, publicism. Ordinary people with their traditions, customs, values ​​and demands become a central theme in culture and art. And the 19th century is rightly called the "golden age", the era when Russian culture and literature not only acquire originality, but, in turn, have a serious impact on world culture.

II. Education and enlightenment. The level of education of society is one of the indicators of the cultural state of the country. In Russia in the late 18th - early 19th century, it was extremely low. The government of Alexander I created a system of state education without estates: a one-year parish school, three-year county schools and seven-year gymnasiums. Nicholas I establishes a closed class nature of education: parish schools for peasants, county schools for the children of merchants, artisans, gymnasiums, cadet corps for children of nobles and officials. Only gymnasium education or the end of special noble educational institutions gave them the right to enter universities.

Since 1811, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has become an exemplary educational institution, the program of which corresponded to the university one. Writers A.S. Pushkin, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Delvig were educated at the Lyceum; diplomats A. Gorchakov and N. Girs; Minister of Education D. Tolstoy and others. The system of home education was widespread, where the main attention was paid to the study of foreign languages, literature, music, painting, and the rules of behavior in society. In the first half of the 19th century, there was no system of women's education in Russia.

Many statesmen were aware of the growing need for educated people, but at the same time they were afraid of the broad enlightenment of the people, since it was among educated people that freethinking and the desire for change spread. “One should not rush too much with enlightenment, so that the people do not become on a level with the monarchs in terms of their concepts and then encroach on the weakening of their power,” A. Benckendorff explained. The 19th century was a time of rapid development of Russian socio-political periodicals. Leading journals, on the pages of which there was a controversy between supporters of various areas of social thought, were evaluated major events and phenomena of the life of the state and society, published works, essays of the largest domestic thinkers, writers, poets, critics - "Bulletin of Europe", "Contemporary", " Domestic notes". Periodicals and literature contributed to the enlightenment of society, the growth of political culture and legal awareness of the inhabitants of the country.

III. Literature. It was the flourishing of literature that made it possible to define the 19th century as the "golden age" of Russian culture. In the literature of the first half of the 19th century, the fundamental principles that determined its further development were formed: * nationality; * high humanistic ideals; * citizenship; * a sense of national identity; * patriotism; * search for social justice

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, classicism gave way to sentimentalism. The heroic events of 1812 contributed to the emergence of romanticism. In the second quarter of the 19th century, realism began to take hold in European literature. In Russia, A.S. Pushkin became the founder of realism. After "Eugene Onegin" this artistic method became dominant.

IV. Theatre. theater, like fiction, in the XIX century. begins to play an increasing role in the public life of the country, taking on partly the role of a public tribune. Since 1803, the Russian stage has been dominated by imperial theaters.

In theaters at the beginning of the 19th century, classicism and sentimentalism dominated, later romantic plays appeared. Romanticism on the Russian stage is associated with the name of P.S. Mochalov, known for his play with the dramas of Schiller, who created the image of a romantic hero. Pavel Stepanovich Mochalov In the 30s and 40s of the 19th century, realistic traditions were established under the influence of Russian literature. A major event in the cultural life of Russia was the staging of N. Gogol's play The Inspector General in 1836. The formation of the realistic school of acting in Russia is associated with the name of M.S. Shchepkin (the roles of Famusov and Gorodnichiy in the Maly Theater) Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin

The end of the 19th century witnessed the "theatrical revolution" of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, who created the Moscow Art Academic Theater in 1898. The essence of the "revolution" was the rejection of the system of the manner of the game, false pathos, recitation, conventions of staging. The Moscow Art Theater organically combined the best traditions of the Russian theater of the 19th century and new ideas that implied the creation of an ensemble of actors, increased requirements for penetrating into the psychology of the characters. The development of the Russian theater in the middle - second half of the 19th century is inextricably linked with the name of A.N. Ostrovsky, whose plays to this day do not leave the stage of the Maly Theater. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky and Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich - Danchenko

V. Music. In the first half of the 19th century, a national musical school was born, which is associated with the name of M.I. Glinka, the founder of all the main genres of classical music: opera, romance, symphony, etudes, choirs, string quartets. He combined the classical canons of European musical culture with Russian folk melodies. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka The work of The Mighty Handful established the genre of musical drama. Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky, Prince Igor by Borodin, The Snow Maiden by Rimsky-Korsakov are the pride of Russian and world art.

A special place in Russian music is occupied by P.I. Tchaikovsky, who embodied in his works the inner drama and attention to the inner world of a person, characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century, to which the composer often turned (the operas Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, Mazepa). Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

A change of styles and trends took place at the beginning of the 19th century in painting as well. Classicism, which was dominated by religious and mythological themes, is supplanted by romanticism, which manifested itself in the canvases of O.A. Kiprensky, V.A. Tropinina, K.P. Bryullov, and then realism, which received special development in the second half of the century. VI. Painting. Orest Adamovich Kiprensky Vasily Andreevich Tropinin Karl Pavlovich Bryullov

The most significant phenomenon in the painting of the 19th century was the Association of Travelers art exhibitions”, which included such Wandering artists as I. Kramskoy, N. Ge, V. Surikov, V. Perov, A. Savrasov, I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Levitan, V. Makovsky. The storyline, which was based on the Russian people, their life, life, traditions, the history of Russia, the problems of modern reality, as well as the manner of depiction, the deep drama and psychologism of the paintings, make the works of these masters masterpieces of world culture. Repin Kramskoy Surikov Levitan Shishkin Perov

Repin “They didn’t wait”, 1884 Surikov “Morning of the Streltsy execution”, 1881 Shishkin “Morning in a pine forest”, 1889 Levitan “Golden autumn”, 1895

VII. Architecture. The architecture of the 19th century is, first of all, the solution of large urban planning problems, where late classicism dominates. In St. Petersburg, the layout of the main squares of the capital is being completed: the Palace and the Senate. The best ensembles of the city are being created, designed to symbolize the greatness and prosperity of the Russian Empire. Petersburg becomes a true masterpiece of world architecture.

After the fire of 1812, Moscow was intensively rebuilt. New types of buildings appear, in the construction of which architects tend to stylize "antique", resulting in the emergence of the so-called "neo-Russian" style. These are buildings Historical Museum, Upper trading rows (GUM), the Moscow City Duma, etc. At the end of the 19th century. Art Nouveau elements begin to penetrate into architecture.

The greatest achievements of Russian culture of the 19th century were caused by the growth of the national self-consciousness of Russian society, education, and scientific and technological progress. The works of many Russian writers, artists, sculptors, architects, composers have forever entered the world fund. The process of the formation of the Russian literary language and, in general, the formation of a national culture was completed. The 19th century was a time of unprecedented rise and prosperity for Russia. If in the 18th century Russia loudly declared its existence to the whole world, then in the 19th century it literally burst into world culture, taking one of the highest and honorable places there.

"Russian culture of the 18th century" - A. Voronikhin; b). Mining Institute. Sculpture. Architecture. "Catherine Palace". Kazan Cathedral. V. L. Borovikovsky. Russian culture of the XVIII century. Features of culture. I. E. Starov. "Winter Palace". Falcone. I.P.Martos. I. P. Argunov. Petrine reforms. I. P. Martos. The golden age of Catherine. A.P. Struiskoy. 3. For the culture of the 18th century, the style was characteristic ... a).

"Culture of Russia in the 18th century" - Pages of the book "Teatrum mahinarum". Novelty of development: XVIII - early. 19th century). Development content. Expected results from implementation: Section 1. Transformations of Peter I in the field of culture (the first quarter of the 18th century). "Russian culture of the 18th century". The purpose of the program: The author's program of the special course. Drawing A.K. Nartova for the construction of the building.

"Life of Russians in the 18th century" - Dwelling. Gallery of the palace in Arkhangelsk. Leisure. Clothing. Life of Russians in the 18th century. Changes in daily life. The nobles participated in endless balls, visited theaters. Head of women. Skiing from the mountains. Food.

"Fashion of the 18th century" - F. Rokotov I. Argunov Portrait of Markina L.A. Portrait of Sheremetyeva V.P. A lace mantle made of silver threads was put on the shoulders. A. Vishnyakov Portrait of Sarah Eleonora Fermor. Changes in the women's costume were fixed by decrees and were immediately reflected in painting. Fashion under Catherine II (1762-1796). Changes in women's fashion under Peter I (1682-1725).

"Culture of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century" - The publication in 1703 of "Arithmetic" was of outstanding importance. The science. Changes in culture and life in the first quarter of the 18th century. Plan. In 1703, the peasant Shilov discovered a deposit of copper ores in the Urals. Education. Changes in life. Music. A new architectural genre for Russia. Target. Introduction. Youth is an honest mirror.

"Education of the 18th century in Russia" - Education and enlightenment. Features of state policy in the field of education. The era of enlightenment in Russia XVIII century. Changes in the system of higher education. graduate School. Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic. Nobles training. School for teaching foreign languages. State policy in the field of education in the Catherine era.

In 1801, the young monarch Alexander ascended the throne of Russia. I .

Into the new 19th century Russian empire entered as a powerful nation.

First half of the 19th century was marked by significant progress in Russian culture, accompanied by the development of education, science, literature and art.

The victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812 played a special role.

The rise of Russian culture was so great that it allows us to call this era the "Golden Age" of Russian culture.

Russia has made a huge contribution to the World Cultural Fund

Features of the development of culture

this period:

Post-reform Russia embarked on the path of rapid

capitalist development.

This development required a lot of

Highly qualified personnel and engineers educated

People in all spheres of society.

The peasantry was included in the sphere of market commodity relations,

Experienced the need for elementary education.

The development of civil society has democratized culture,

made it public

The education system in the first half XIX century

graduate School

Comprehensive school



County schools

For children of merchants, artisans, other urban residents

Parish schools

For children of the "lowest classes"


For children of nobles, merchants, officials

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 1811

Petersburg University 1819

Derpt University 1802

At the beginning XIX in. Russia has a system of higher, secondary

and primary education.

Universities were opened in Dorpat, Kazan, Kharkov, Vilna,

Petersburg and Lyceums in Tsarskoye Selo and Yaroslavl.

Kazan Imperial University 1804

Vilna University 1803

Kharkov University 1805

AT In the first half of the 19th century, there was no system of women's education in Russia. Only for noblewomen were opened several closed institutes (secondary educational institutions), created on the model of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens

The program was designed for 7-8 years of study and included arithmetic, literature, history, foreign languages, music, dancing, housekeeping. However, the majority of women were deprived of the opportunity to receive even primary education.

The 19th century is one of the most brilliant periods in the history of Russian literature. At this time, the greatest works of Russian classical literature were created, which received worldwide recognition.

And their greatness was determined not only by artistic perfection, but also by the light of liberating ideas, humanism, and the tireless search for social justice.

The star of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the founder of new Russian literature, the creator of the modern Russian language, has risen in the literary horizon. The poet became a symbol of the era.

Russian poetry of that time was closely connected with

social and political life of the country. In works

destination. The poet in Russia was considered a conductor

divine truth, a prophet .

"Never has the study of Russian history taken on such a serious character as it took in recent times, - wrote V. G. Belinsky. “We question and interrogate the past so that it explains our present to us and hints to us about our future.”

KARAMZIN Nikolai Mikhailovich- writer, historian

An event not only in historical science, but also in the social and cultural life of Russia as a whole, were the first eight volumes of N.M. Karamzin's History of the Russian State, which were published in 1818.

Architecture and sculpture.

The end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century is the era classicism in Russian architecture, which left a bright imprint on the architectural appearance of both capitals and other cities.

Buildings in style classicism different clarity, balance, clear and calm rhythm, proportions. The main laws of architectural composition were symmetry, emphasizing the center, the general harmony of parts and the whole.

Work on streamlining the center of St. Petersburg began with the construction of the Admiralty building, designed by A.D. Zakharov.

Kazansky the cathedral

(Voronikhin A.N.)

1801-1811 .

From 1818-1858 St. Isaac's Cathedral was under construction in St. Petersburg - the largest building in Russia in the first half XIX century. Inside the cathedral can be 13 thousand people. The project was designed by the French architect O. Montferrand

Osip Bove became the creator of Moscow. His hand belongs to the reconstruction of Red Square, Arc de Triomphe, Theater Square .

Triumphal gates in Moscow

(1827-1834) O. Bove

Ivan Petrovich Martos


Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. Following the traditions of classicism, the sculptor dressed his heroes in antique clothes.

Monument to Alexander I (Taganrog)

Monument to Lomonosov M.V.


Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Konstantin Ton worked in the "Russian-Byzantine" style. He created majestic buildings: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Armory, the Nikolaev (Leningrad) railway station.


(1844-1851 )

Nikolaevsky railway station


Grand Kremlin Palace


Painting of this period became the heyday of realism, a clear manifestation of which was an outstanding artist Karl Bryullov .

He possessed a powerful imagination, a keen eye and a faithful hand - and he produced living creations, consistent with the canons of academism. Truly with Pushkin's grace, he was able to capture on canvas both the beauty of a naked human body and the trembling sunbeam on a green leaf.

Russian painting

"Horsewoman" 1832

"Italian noon" 1831

Academic painting reached its peak in creativity Alexander Andreevich Ivanov

For 20 years he worked on his fundamental work "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

In the first half of the 19th century, everyday subjects entered Russian painting. One of the first to contact him

A.G. Venetsianov.

"Nurse with a child" 1831

"Humno" 1821

"In the harvest. Summer" 1825

"Peter the Great. Foundation of St. Petersburg" 1838

"On arable land. Spring" 1822

Fedotov's paintings revealed the life and everyday colors of the Russian people. In his paintings, he aptly shows major social problems.

Creativity clearly did not fit into the framework of academicism

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov

"Fresh Cavalier".

It was a daring mockery not only of stupid, self-satisfied bureaucracy, but also of academic traditions.

"The Picky Bride" 1847

Fedotov's paintings revealed the life and everyday colors of the Russian people. In his paintings, he aptly shows major social problems.

"Portrait of Pushkin" 1827

"Portrait of a son" 1818


In his work, the classical canons of European musical culture were skillfully intertwined with Russian folk melodies, which was a hallmark of the composer's creative approach. His opera "Life for the Tsar" based on the libretto by N.V. Kukolnik, "Ruslan and Lyudmila" based on the poem by A.S. Pushkin laid the foundations and largely determined the further development of Russian opera music for many decades to come. In addition to operas, M.I. Glinka wrote romances, etudes, choirs and string quartets.

The era gave rise to a galaxy of remarkable actors whose work was distinguished by emotionality, truthfulness, and deep inner content: P. S. Mochalov, M. S. Shchepkin, A. E. Martynov, V. A. Karatygin. These and other talented artists laid the foundations of the Russian theater school.

P. S. Mochalov

M. S. Shchepkin

A. E. Martynov

V.A. Karatygin

M.S. Shchepkin became famous by playing in the Maly Theater, which professed realistic traditions, the roles of Famusov ("Woe from Wit") and the Governor ("Inspector")

A.I. Istomin

Under his leadership, A.S. Novitskaya, A.I. Istomina, A.A. Likhutin.

Russian culture of the first half of the 19th century. Presentation for the lesson of the history of Russia in the 10th grade. Prepared by the history teacher of the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region Esaulova Vera Vladimirovna

Plan. Features of cultural development. The main directions of Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century. Enlightenment and education: - education systems; - the nature and characteristics of education. Science and technology: - scientists and inventors; - major discoveries and achievements.

Plan. Literature: - main genres and trends; - poets, writers and their work. Theater: - types of theaters; - the largest Russian theaters; - outstanding actors and reformers of the Russian theater.

Plan. Painting: - main genres; - outstanding artists and their work. Architecture and sculpture: - main styles and directions; - character traits; - the largest architectural structures. Music - features of musical development in the first half of the 19th century; - leading composers and their work.

Features of cultural development. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Quick change of directions and styles. Rise after Patriotic War 1812. Increased interest in performances, musical evenings, collecting books and paintings. Identity and retreat from European influence. The close relationship of literature, painting, music, architecture.

Sentimentalism Sentimental idealization of reality; Sensitivity; Attention to the personality of a person, his inner world, emotional experiences. Classicism The idea of ​​serving the sovereign and the Fatherland; Appeal to the images of ancient literature and art; Interest in Russian chronicle history Romanticism opposition of a romantic, ideal image of real life Interest in national identity, traditions of national history; Interest in the assertion of a strong, liberated personality Realism A true reflection of the real life of various social strata; True, not ostentatious nationality; Broad statement of social and moral problems;

Enlightenment and Education In Russia, a closed class system of education and education took shape. Schooling was not provided for the serfs. For state peasants, parochial schools were provided (1 year). The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum became an exemplary institution. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig)

Education systems. The system of home education was widespread. There was no female education, only a few closed institutes. Government policy was dominated by conservative tendencies towards primary and secondary education. However, new universities were opened (in St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kazan). But the universities had no autonomy and had high fees. Universities became the main centers that promoted modern scientific achievements and formed national identity. A stratum of the Russian intelligentsia was taking shape. (poet Koltsov, publicist Polevoy.)

Science and technology. scientists and inventors. The mathematician N. I. Lobachevsky created the theory of "non-Euclidean geometry". Physicist B. S. Jacobi in 1834 designed electric motors. Academician VV Petrov laid the foundation for the practical application of electricity. Father and son Cherepanovs built a steam engine and the first steam-powered railway in the Urals. Great success in medicine was achieved by the surgeon N. I. Pirogov: for the first time he began to perform operations under ether anesthesia.

Science and technology. The humanities emerged as a separate branch and developed successfully. In 1818, the first 8 volumes of "The History of the Russian State" by N. M. Karamzin were published. At the end of the 40s. Historian S. M. Solovyov began his research, creating a 29-volume "History of Russia from ancient times." A number of scientific societies are founded - Russian geographical society, Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, etc. Navigators I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky made the first Russian round-the-world trip (1803 - 1806), and F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Antarctica.

Literature It was the flourishing of literature that made it possible to define the first half of the 19 as the "Golden Age" of Russian culture. The dissemination of knowledge was facilitated by the publication of books, magazines, and newspapers. The first Russian socio-political journal was Vestnik Evropy, founded by N. M. Karamzin. In 1814, the first public library appeared in St. Petersburg.

Main genres and directions. At the beginning of the XIX century. classicism gave way to sentimentalism, which was characterized by an interest in the inner world of man. The main representative of Russian sentimentalism was the writer and historian N. M. Karamzin. Sentimentalism did not last long. The heroic events of the war of 1812 contributed to the emergence of romanticism, in which there were two directions. In the work of V. A. Zhukovsky, “salon” romanticism manifested itself: the re-creation of the world of beliefs, chivalric legends. Another trend was represented by the Decembrist poets K. F. Ryleev, V. K. Kuchelbeker, earlier the work of A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov. They called for the struggle for freedom and service to the Motherland. In the second quarter of the XIX century. in Russian literature, realism is affirmed - the desire to truthfully reflect reality. The founder of realism was A. S. Pushkin (the novel "Eugene Onegin"). In the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev, the features of realism were clearly manifested.


Theater Types of theaters: - serfs; -state; -private; -ballet. The largest Russian theaters in the first half of the 19th century: In St. Petersburg - the palace theater in the Hermitage, the Bolshoi, Maly Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky theaters. In Moscow, the Maly Theater opened in 1806, and in 1825 the construction of the Bolshoi Theater was completed

The outstanding actor Mikhail Shchepkin was a prominent representative of the acting path. Each of his new roles was an event in the life of Moscow.

Painting Main genres Since the beginning of the XIX century. in Russian fine arts develops such a direction as sentimentalism. The features of sentimentalism were most fully embodied in the works of the remarkable artist A. G. Venetsianov, who lovingly painted Central Russian rural landscapes and portraits of peasants.

Painting The main genres The romantic direction of painting was embodied in the work of K. P. Bryullov, perhaps the most famous Russian artist of the first half of the 19th century.

Painting The main genres of the 30-40s of the XIX century. became the time of the birth in Russian painting of a new direction - realism. One of its founders was P. A. Fedotov. The characters of P. A. Fedotov were not the heroes of antiquity, but simple people. He became the first artist to raise the theme of the "little man", which later became traditional for Russian art.

Fedotov's paintings revealed the life and way of life of the Russian people. In his paintings, he aptly reveals major social problems.

Painting Main genres A significant phenomenon in the artistic life of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. was the work of A. A. Ivanov, the outstanding marine painter I. K. Aivazovsky. A. A. Ivanov devoted many years to work on the gigantic canvas "The Appearance of Christ to the People", putting into it a deep philosophical and ethical content.

Architecture and sculpture First half of the 19th century. in architecture was the heyday of classicism. Feature- the creation of large ensembles.

The architecture was dominated by the EMPIRE style, which means imperial. Its prominent representative was the architect Andrey Zakharov, the author of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg.

The symbol of the era in music was the outstanding composer Mikhail Glinka. His works "Life for the Tsar" (Ivan Susanin) became a manifestation of the courage, steadfastness and greatness of the Russian people.

Music Composers did not seek to borrow from the German, French and Italian schools. centuries old folk art created the basis for the development of the national music school. The combination of folk motifs with romanticism led to the emergence of a special genre - the Russian romance (A. A. Alyabyev, A. E. Varlamov, A. Gurilev). A. S. Dargomyzhsky was a prominent representative of realism (the operas Rusalka and The Stone Guest).

Results The first half entered the history of Russia as the beginning of the "Golden Age" of artistic culture. She was distinguished by a change in styles and trends. Identity and retreat from European influence. The close relationship of literature, painting, music, architecture.