Bird flu: an overview of the disease from A to Z. Bird flu is back in the suburbs Causes of bird flu

The elimination of the disease causes significant financial damage. In addition to mass mortality, costly sanitary and quarantine measures are required, as well as the cost of destroying infected birds. This article is adapted for beginner farmers. It will acquaint livestock breeders with methods of recognition, protection against diseases of people and birds.

Danger to people

Humans are susceptible to some races of the causative agent of avian influenza. Agricultural birds become the source of infection. People are infected by the oral or respiratory route. The risk group includes specialists and service staff. Cases of infection with avian influenza from other people have not been established.

The disease is accompanied by high mortality and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Hyperthermia.
  • Chills.
  • Head and muscle pains.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nasal hemorrhages.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Pain in the chest.

If pneumonia develops, there is a high chance of pulmonary edema and death. The diagnosis is established by radiography, virological tests, ELISA, PCR. Diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of symptoms of avian and human influenza.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Apply antiviral drugs, painkillers (except Analgin), antipyretics. Antimicrobial agents are prescribed at the discretion of the physician. Aspirin, its analogues, anti-influenza drugs are harmful. Vaccinations against human influenza make it easier to get sick. Prevention will be discussed below.


Pathogens are divided into serotypes A, B, C. For humans, the threat is avian influenza type A. Classification according to antigenic attributes identifies types H and N. The threat to humans is the H5N1 virus.

According to the degree of contagiousness of avian influenza pathogens, they are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • Highly pathogenic.
  • Medium contagiousness.
  • Weakly virulent.
  • Apathogenic.

However, viruses are constantly mutating, increasing their pathogenicity all the time.

The resistance of the causative agent of avian influenza to environmental factors is not the same for different types. But all of them perfectly tolerate freezing, as well as drying, and quickly die when heated and exposed to standard disinfectants.


Several serotypes of avian influenza viruses circulate among turkeys and chickens. Migratory birds are considered the main source of infection. They infect a productive bird, then the contagion inseminates feed, inventory, equipment, containers. The outbreak begins with the disease of young animals and weakened adults in unacceptable conditions of detention with inadequate feeding. Stressful situations - transportation, transplantation to another building, crowding - lead to a weakening of the protective systems, and the bird becomes ill. Passing through many organisms, contagium increases virulence and acquires the ability to infect individuals with strained immunity.

An outbreak of avian influenza continues in potentially susceptible birds for 4–6 weeks. Recovered patients remain virus carriers for another 60 days. This fact contributes to the emergence of a stationary focus, hatched chicks and newly arriving birds become infected from clinically healthy virus carriers. The disease temporarily stops, then resumes.

The virus spreads mainly by alimentary or respiratory means. Excreted in feces and eggs. The transfer of the virus is facilitated by rodents, cats, sparrows, other wild animals, and attendants. The incidence of birds reaches 80-100%. Lethality depends on the parameters of the content, the type of contagion and ranges from 10–90%.

In unreliable poultry houses, influenza is complicated by associated infections caused by pathogens of laryngotracheitis, colibacillosis, and mycoplasmosis. Ill laying hens are characterized by low egg production for 60 days after recovery. The bird loses its immune defense against pseudo-plague and other infectious diseases.


A combination of various factors leads to the development of a general or respiratory form of avian influenza. The most virulent types cause a generalization of the process. Once in a favorable environment, the contagium actively multiplies. The respiratory form is limited by the accumulation of pathogens in the lungs. With a common type of influenza, viremia develops, in which parenchymal organs are seeded. The whole process takes 4-12 hours.

In the stage of septicemia, the virus is found in the peripheral blood. At this time, antibodies begin to form, which destroy the virions. The latter release toxic metabolites that cause toxicosis and death of the bird.


The waiting period after infection is limited to 3-5 days. There are the following forms of the course of the disease:

  • Lightning.
  • Manifesto.
  • Subacid.
  • Permanent.

lightning form

After the first symptoms appear, a day passes before the death of the bird. This form is characterized by almost total mortality. It is called classic bird plague. Characteristic features is a sudden cessation of nutrition, cyanosis of the crest, stop laying, swelling of the head.

manifest form

The acute form of bird flu is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Anorexia.
  • Ruffled plumage.
  • Eyes are closed.
  • The head goes down.
  • The oviposition stops.
  • Diarrhea develops.
  • Mucous edematous.
  • The beak is ajar, a mucus-like mass flows out of it.
  • Nostrils clogged with drying exudate.
  • The comb and earrings swell, acquire a violet color.
  • Breathing becomes difficult, becomes hoarse.
  • Observe pyretic hyperthermia (44 ° C), which before death is replaced by hypothermia (30 degrees).

Subacid form

The disease lasts 10-25 days. Its outcome depends on the state of the bird's immune system. It is characterized by a respiratory form, complicated by indigestion. The litter acquires a green color, which indicates putrefactive fermentation.

With a protracted illness, additional symptoms develop:

  • Loss of coordination of movements.
  • Spinner.
  • Necrotic lesions of skin formations.
  • Cramps in the muscles of the wings, neck.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Decreased oviposition rate.

The mortality of chickens ranges from 5–20%.

Ducks suffer from bird flu mainly in the respiratory form. Pathology is characterized by sneezing, conjunctivitis, turning into keratitis. The eyelids stick together with exudate. The disease is complicated by secondary microflora. In this case, mortality among ducklings reaches 60%.

permanent form

The chronic course is caused by weakly pathogenic strains of the virus. Expressed clinical signs are not observed. The disease is detected by serological studies.

Pathological changes

Hemorrhagic diathesis is considered the most characteristic of bird flu. Under the skin, on the neck, paws, pectoral muscle, a gelatin-like exudate is found. Hemorrhages are observed in the muscles, in the parenchyma, under the skin. In laying hens, hemorrhages are found in the oviduct and ovariums. The characteristic signs of avian influenza are pulmonary edema, inflammation of the alimentary tract, pericarditis, congestion of venous blood in the organs, and hemorrhagic meningitis.


On the basis of clinical signs, epizootological information, as well as the pathological anatomical picture, a presumptive diagnosis is made. To confirm it, virological studies are carried out. The most suitable pathological material is the spleen of a bird slaughtered in a state of agony. Sampling for analysis is carried out according to regulatory documents Rosselkhoznadzor.

The diagnosis is considered final in the following cases:

  • The H5 or H7 virus has been isolated and recognized.
  • An RNA corresponding to a highly pathogenic type of influenza pathogen has been found.
  • Antibodies to H5 or H7 are found.
  • Antibodies to hemagglutinins H5 and H7 were detected if the bird was not vaccinated

The general form of bird flu must be distinguished from pseudo-plague. The respiratory variety is differentiated from infectious bronchitis. It is required to distinguish bird flu from mycoplasmosis.


A recovered bird develops non-sterile immunity, the antibody titer remains satisfactory for up to six months. The use of live vaccines against avian influenza is dangerous, therefore, inactivated ones are used. Immunizing drugs are available in dry or liquid form. The vaccines are intended for intramuscular administration with duplication after 14 days. Vaccinations are given to healthy ducks, turkeys and chickens at the risk of infection. Laying hens are able to transmit antibodies transovarially, so chicks up to eight weeks of age are protected from infection with Brunswick disease.

Control measures

By order of the regional authorities, quarantine and restrictions are imposed on an unreliable farm or settlement. A sick bird, as well as a bird suspected of infection, is slaughtered in a way that excludes the shedding of blood, and destroyed. Clinically healthy people are handed over to the sanitary slaughterhouse. The room is disinfected. Create a commission to eliminate avian influenza. Develop measures to destroy disease vectors. They establish the terms of disinfection, as well as the acquisition of the farm with imported poultry. People are vaccinated against human influenza. Immunization does not guarantee complete protection against infection, but if it occurs, the disease is mild.

Quarantine is canceled no earlier than three weeks from the moment of the extermination of the entire poultry population, the completion of the processing of conditionally healthy birds, the removal of stored slaughter products, the disinfection of equipment, as well as premises and inventory.

After the quarantine is lifted, the sale of live poultry and breeding material outside the farm is limited during the quarter. All birds in the village are vaccinated. Serological diagnosis is carried out. Poultry immunization is discontinued after negative responses to diagnostic tests.


Disease prevention is conscientious performance poultry owners of veterinary prescriptions for its maintenance on farms of an accessible type. Other rules have been developed for the management of protected poultry enterprises.

Rules for Accessible Farms

It is necessary to organize backyard keeping of birds in areas where there are reservoirs suitable for nesting migratory birds. Ducks, geese and chickens in threatened areas should be vaccinated against influenza.

Rules for protected farms

For poultry farms, the following rules for the prevention of exudative typhus have been developed:

  • Vehicles move through the barriers.
  • The staff passes through the sanitary checkpoint. Clothes and shoes are replaced with special ones.
  • Workers take a shower, wash their hair.
  • A permanent team is formed from among the past vocational training and medical examination of persons.
  • Persons who visited other poultry enterprises less than 14 days ago are not allowed to enter the production area.
  • The hulls are completed with a coeval bird.
  • For release of eggs use a disposable container.
  • Before each planting of a bird, a technological break is provided, during which the production building is washed and disinfected.
  • Water from open sources is not used for drinking.
  • Poultry is fed with thermally processed factory feed.
  • Pets are not allowed on the territory of poultry farms.


Persons engaged in the elimination of avian influenza undergo daily medical examinations. It is necessary to work with infected livestock in overalls, rubber gloves, a hat, a respirator. The overalls after the end of the manipulations are disinfected, low-value items are destroyed. Wash hands and face with soap. Minors, pregnant women, persons over 65 years of age, and those who have not been vaccinated against influenza are not allowed to work.


Bird flu- a dangerous disease. The treatment of birds is ineffective, therefore, preventive measures consist in conscientious implementation of the rules developed for such cases. Humans are susceptible to bird flu. This is a dangerous disease that threatens human health and life itself. Therefore, he is obliged to protect the bird, himself and others from infection.

Avian influenza (Grippus avium; highly pathogenic avian influenza, classical avian plague, chicken influenza A, exudative typhus, Dutch fowl fever) is a highly contagious, acute viral disease that affects agricultural, synanthropic and wild birds, affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.

Avian influenza can occur in the form of epizootics, causing massive coverage of livestock and having a wide distribution - district, region, country.

History reference. The disease was first described in Italy in 1880. Perronchito, who differentiated it from cholera of birds and called it exudative typhus of chickens. The most severe epizootic occurred in 1925. in the north of the country, during which 200,000 chickens died. Subsequently, the disease spread to Austria, Germany, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Romania. The disease was found in Asia, South and North America, Africa. Influenza was first brought to Russia in 1902. The viral nature of the virus was established by the Italian scientist Gentania in 1902.

At present, avian influenza in the form of classical plague caused by subtypes of the virus with low virulence is rare, in the form of periodic epizootic outbreaks. Since the beginning of the 21st century, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza have begun to be recorded in many countries of the world as a result of the spread of influenza by migratory birds from countries South-East Asia. A highly pathogenic strain of the H5N1 virus was brought to Russia by wild migratory and waterfowl in 2005, when outbreaks of bird flu among domestic and wild animals were observed in Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk regions and Altai Territory. Then the "bird" flu reached Kalmykia, the Tula region, Turkey and Romania.

Economic damage from avian influenza is extremely high and is associated with the mass death of diseased birds, the costs of strict quarantine and veterinary and sanitary measures, including the destruction of sick birds. For example, the panzootic of bird flu in the world in 2005 caused material damage, which is estimated at 4 billion. Euro.

The causative agent of the disease– The RNA-containing virus belongs to the orthomyxovirus family, which is divided into three serological types: A, B and C. Type A viruses cause disease in animals and humans. The size of viral particles is 80-120nµ. Influenza viruses, based on typing for the main antigens (surface proteins) - hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N), are classified into 15 and 7 subtypes, respectively. All of them have a certain relationship, but different types Animal diseases are caused by different serotypes. For birds, the most pathogenic viruses are the H5 and H7 subtypes, which have the molecular biological characteristics of highly pathogenic viruses. The H5N1 virus is of greatest concern due to its possible danger to humans.
In birds, the virus induces the production of virus-neutralizing and complement-fixing antibodies.

The persistence of the virus external environment varies by serotype. The virus is sensitive to ether, chloroform, heat and acid (pH 3.0). At a temperature of 55°C, it is inactivated within one hour, at 60°C in 10 minutes, at 65-70°C in 2-5 minutes. When deep frozen (temperature -70°C) in meat, the virus remains virulent for more than 300 days. Drying the substrate containing the virus preserves it.

Common disinfectants: bleach, sodium hydroxide, phenol, hydrochloric acid, carbolic acid, and others quickly inactivate the virus.

epizootology. Influenza is recorded in many species of domestic and wild birds. The pathogenicity of the virus is not limited to the bird species from which it was isolated. The Aj subtype virus has been isolated from chickens, turkeys, pigeons, ducks, and geese, while being pathogenic for rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, and humans, who develop atypical pneumonia in the event of complications.
Among wild and domestic birds, several antigenic varieties of the virus, characteristic of humans, birds and domestic animals, can simultaneously circulate. Stress reactions that occur in birds during their long flights and changing climatic conditions lead to an exacerbation of the infection.

In industrial-type farms, the introduction of the pathogen with feed, equipment, inventory plays a certain role in the appearance of the disease, while non-disinfected meat and egg containers are of particular danger.

The first cases of the disease, as a rule, are recorded in chickens and adult weakened birds against the background of their inadequate feeding, transportation, and overcrowding. The passage of the virus through the weakened body of chickens increases its virulence and contributes to the subsequent disease of the bird, which is kept under normal conditions.

All susceptible birds on the farm will usually recover from influenza within 30-40 days. This is due to the high contagiousness of the virus and the high concentration of birds in poultry houses.

The source of the causative agent of infection is a sick bird (within 2 months). Influenza virus causes disease in birds by respiratory, oral, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous and intramuscular infection. AT industrial enterprises with the cellular system of poultry keeping, the aerogenic route, as well as the alimentary one (transmission from drinking water). From the body of a sick bird, the virus is excreted with excrement, secretions, droppings, hatching eggs. Influenza virus transmission within poultry farms can be carried out by rodents, cats, and especially free-living wild birds entering or nesting in poultry houses.

The presence of virus-carrying chickens maintains an epizootic focus in the farm during the reproduction of a new population of susceptible birds, which, during rearing, falls ill and maintains stationary trouble. The incidence of poultry varies from 80 to 100%, mortality from 10 to 90%, depending on the virulence of the virus and the conditions of the birds. In dysfunctional farms, influenza in chickens and hens is often complicated by pathogens of respiratory mycoplasmosis, infectious laryngotracheitis, and colisepticemia. An adult bird loses its egg productivity by 40-60% within 2 months after a disease. After a flu, the bird partially or completely loses its immunity against,.

Pathogenesis. Depending on the virulence, tropism of the virus, the natural resistance of the bird, a generalized or respiratory form of the disease develops.

As a result of the virus entering the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, it begins to actively multiply and penetrates into the circulatory system. All this happens within 4-12 hours. The virus is found in large quantities in the blood serum, as well as in erythrocytes. In the development of the disease, it is customary to distinguish four phases: active reproduction of the virus and its accumulation in parenchymal organs, viremia - the virus in this phase can be detected in the blood, then the process of synthesizing antibodies begins, which indicates the cessation of further reproduction of the virus. The last stage is accompanied by the active formation of antibodies and the formation of immunity in the bird.

Based on the fact that the virus releases toxic products in the course of its life activity, intoxication and death of the bird occur in the bird in the stage of viremia. This usually occurs in the acute course of the disease.

All highly virulent strains of the virus, regardless of belonging to a particular subtype, cause a generalized form of infection in birds. With avian influenza caused by subtype A, hypoplasia of lymphoid organs, lymphocytopenia and suppression of protective mechanisms occur, which contributes to viremia and virus replication in the cells of various organs and tissues. Due to the violation of the porosity of the walls of blood vessels and the violation of hemodynamics in a sick bird, the phenomena of hemorrhagic diathesis are noted.

Clinical picture. Incubation period is 3-5 days. Influenza can occur acutely, subacutely and chronically.
In an acute course - the bird refuses to feed (anorexia), the plumage becomes disheveled, the eyes are closed, the head is lowered, the chickens lose their egg production. Visible mucous membranes are hyperemic and edematous, in a separate sick bird a viscous mucous exudate flows out of a slightly ajar beak, the nasal openings are sealed with inflammatory exudate.

In some sick chickens, swelling of the front part of the earrings is noted due to congestion and intoxication of the body. The comb and earrings are dark purple. Breathing becomes rapid and hoarse, body temperature rises to 44 ° C, and before the case drops to 30 ° C. If the disease in chickens is caused by highly pathogenic influenza viruses, then as a rule 100% of chickens die.

Subacute and chronic influenza lasts from 10 to 25 days; while the outcome of the disease depends on the resistance of the diseased bird. Mortality reaches 5-20%. With this form of flu, a sick bird, along with respiratory symptoms, develops diarrhea, the litter becomes liquid, colored brown-green. In addition to the above signs, the sick bird has ataxia, convulsions, necrosis, arena movements, tonic-clonic convulsions of the muscles of the neck and wings in the preagonal stage.

In cases of infection with low-pathogenic strains, cases of a chronic course of the disease without pronounced clinical signs are possible.

Pathological changes. Depending on the course of the disease, pathological changes vary widely. The most typical sign of influenza is a picture of hemorrhagic diathesis, accompanied by subcutaneous edema in the pharynx, larynx, neck, chest, legs, which contain gelatinous exudate. These edema in birds occur as a result of dysfunction of the circulatory organs. There are both massive and single hemorrhages under the skin, in muscles, in parenchymal organs and mucous membranes; in laying hens - hemorrhages in the ovary and oviduct.
Permanent pathological signs of influenza are gastroenteritis, bronchitis, pericarditis, peritonitis, aerosaculitis, pulmonary edema, congestion in the internal organs.

Pathological changes in the brain are especially characteristic of influenza: hemorrhagic meningitis, diffuse hemorrhages, foci of edema in the softening of the medulla.

Histological examination of birds that died on the 3-4th day of the disease, along with stasis and hemorrhages, we find degenerative changes in neurons and multiple areactive necrobiotic foci in the gray and white matter of the brain.

Diagnosis. Based on the epizootic features of the course of the disease, characteristic acute clinical signs of respiratory disease and pathological changes, a presumptive diagnosis can be made. To make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a complex of laboratory virological studies.

Pathological material (liver, lungs, brain, etc.) from birds that have died in the acute stage of the disease is sent to the laboratory. The pathological material must be fresh, it can be frozen to -60°C in order to preserve the virus or stored in a 50% glycerol solution. For serological studies, paired blood sera are taken from chickens at different periods of the disease.

In the laboratory, methods for infecting chicken embryos are used to isolate the virus, and RHA, RTGA and RSK are used to identify the isolated virus. A biological sample is placed on chickens 60-120 days old.
For retrospective diagnosis, RTGA, RDP, ELISA and PCR are used.

The diagnosis of avian influenza is confirmed if:

  • a highly pathogenic virus has been isolated and identified;
  • isolated and identified any virus subtype H5 or H7;
  • the presence of ribonucleic acid (RNA) specific for a highly pathogenic virus of any subtype or RNA of viruses of subtypes H5 or H7, any level of pathogenicity in samples of pathological material was established;
  • antibodies to hemagglutinins of the H5 and H7 subtypes have been detected when it is reliably known that they are not associated with vaccination.

Differential Diagnosis. The generalized septicemic form of influenza is differentiable from . Respiratory form - from, and other respiratory diseases of birds.

Avian influenza, unlike Newcastle disease, affects all types of birds at any age and causes pronounced edema, catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis. The respiratory form of influenza is characterized by a predominant lesion of the upper respiratory tract, all types of birds fall ill, and with infectious bronchitis, only birds of the chicken order. Respiratory mycoplasmosis of chickens and infectious sinusitis of turkeys are characterized by a chronic course of the disease, the absence of acute inflammatory processes and the development of fibrinous-diphtheritic aerosaculitis.

Immunity and specific prophylaxis. An ill bird acquires non-sterile immunity, which lasts up to 6 months. For the prevention of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Russia, inactivated vaccines are used as the most epidemiologically safe. For specific prophylaxis, inactivated aluminum hydroxide hydroxylamine embryonic type A vaccine, liquid and dry inactivated vaccines against avian influenza are used. Vaccines are administered intramuscularly, inactivated - twice with an interval of 14 days. For preventive purposes, only clinically healthy birds (chickens, ducks, turkeys) are vaccinated in threatened farms. 14-21 days after vaccination, the bird acquires intense immunity lasting up to 6 months.

Prevention. Owners of personal subsidiary farms must strictly comply with the "Veterinary rules for keeping birds in private courtyards of citizens and open-type poultry farms" approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2006 No. 103 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 04.27.2006 No. 7759. Owners of closed-type poultry farms (poultry farms ) must comply with the veterinary rules for keeping birds in poultry farms in accordance with the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated April 3, 2006. No. 104, including the basic veterinary rules for keeping poultry:

  • Do not allow entry to the territory of the organization of transport that is not related to the service of the organization.
  • Vehicle entry is allowed only through permanent disinfection barriers and disinfection blocks. All other entrances to the organization's work areas must be kept closed at all times.
  • Entrance for service personnel to the territory industrial premises organizations. where the bird is kept, is carried out through a pass with a change of clothes and shoes to a special one (designed for the implementation of the relevant production operations), passing a hygienic shower, washing the head. special clothing and shoes.
  • For maintenance, a permanent attendant is assigned to the bird, who has undergone a medical examination and zootechnical and veterinary training.
  • When visiting production facilities that contain poultry, it is recommended to instruct unauthorized persons on the rules of conduct at the enterprise, process them at the checkpoint, and provide overalls and shoes. It is not recommended to visit production facilities where birds are kept by persons who have visited other poultry organizations within 2 weeks before.
  • Visitors to the organization are advised to avoid contact with poultry and prepared feed (feed additives) for poultry.
  • It is recommended to recruit livestock from sources (specialized poultry enterprises, organizations, farms, incubator and poultry stations) that are veterinarily safe, by acquiring daily or grown young animals.
  • Poultry houses (halls) are equipped with birds of the same age. When completing the livestock of multi-storey and interlocked poultry houses, the maximum difference in the age of the birds in the halls should not exceed 7 days for young birds, and 15 days for adult birds.
  • When fattening broilers at production sites that function as independent production units in compliance with the “everything is busy - everything is empty” principle for the site as a whole, the maximum difference in the age of birds within the site should not exceed 7 days.
  • AT breeding farms for packaging and sale of hatching eggs, it is prohibited to use used containers that cannot be disinfected.
  • Before placing the next batch of birds, it is planned to conduct in due course complete disinfection of premises with cleaning and cleaning of premises (including removal of bedding) or minimal inter-cycle preventive breaks:
    • with floor maintenance of all types of adult birds and young replacements - 4 weeks;
    • with the cellular content of adult birds and replacement young animals - 3 weeks;
    • with floor (on bedding, mesh floors) and cellular rearing for the meat of young animals of all types of poultry - 2 weeks and one additional break per year after the last cycle - at least 2 weeks;
    • in the hatchery between the last hatching of the young and the first laying of eggs after the break - at least 6 days a year. In the hatching hall (box) for at least 3 days between successive batches of young animals hatched.
  • In organizations engaged in the cultivation or breeding of poultry, they organize control over the state of feed, water and air.
  • Drinking water is subjected to microbiological analysis at least once a month. The use of water for watering birds from open water without prior disinfection is not allowed.
  • Feeding of birds should be carried out with complete factory-made compound feeds that have passed heat treatment at a temperature that ensures the destruction of viruses that cause diseases of birds. In the case of preparing the feed mixture directly at the enterprise, such heat treatment should be carried out on site.
  • Organizations cull sick and infected birds, which are killed and treated separately from healthy ones.
  • transportation of poultry meat and finished products carried out in a clean, pre-disinfected container, specially designed for this purpose transport.
  • Avoid contact with birds and hatching eggs of persons with fever or symptoms that may occur with contagious diseases.
  • It is not recommended to keep cats and dogs on the territory of the organization, except for watchdogs, which are on a leash near the security premises or along the perimeter of the fence.
  • Avoid contact of feed (feed components) with synanthropic and migratory birds.

For the prevention of influenza, it is necessary to ensure, before the departure of migratory waterfowl, exclusively household keeping of birds in private household plots of citizens, where contact with wild waterfowl is not excluded during walking.

Vaccination of birds kept in private household plots living in settlements near which nesting reservoirs for wild waterfowl and semiaquatic birds are located.

Carrying out measures to create unfavorable nesting conditions for waterfowl in water bodies near settlements.
The purpose of these measures is to scare birds away from nesting sites. For this purpose, technical interference can be used - the installation of sound and light fences and devices, the shelter of local nesting sites with nets, mowing, as well as the shooting of waterfowl, near-water and synanthropic birds in nesting reservoirs.

The period of events is from the moment the birds arrive until the end of the nesting period (April-June), as well as from the moment the departure begins until its completion (September-November).

Control measures. When a disease of avian influenza is established on the farm in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2011 No. No. 476 "On approval of the list of contagious, including especially dangerous, animal diseases, for which restrictive measures (quarantine) can be established." By order of the Governor of the region, quarantine is established on the farm. Measures are being taken in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2006 No. 60 (as amended on July 6, 2006) “On Approval of the Rules for Combating Avian Influenza” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 27, 2006 No. 7756). In a dysfunctional poultry house, a sick and suspicious bird is culled, killed in a bloodless way and disposed of. Conditionally healthy livestock is killed for meat. Conduct a thorough disinfection of the premises.

In the event of the appearance in poultry farms (on farms) of a bird flu disease caused by highly pathogenic viruses, a special commission is approved to combat bird flu, which introduces a strict sanitary regime for the operation of the farm; develops a set of measures aimed at eliminating and preventing the spread of the disease, which includes the destruction of vectors (migratory and waterfowl); the issue of carrying out vaccination in threatened points and zones is being resolved; establishes the terms for the rehabilitation and acquisition of such farms with poultry, based on the specific conditions of the farm; addresses the issues of possible protection of people from infection and their vaccination against human influenza.

Quarantine in a disadvantaged point can be canceled no earlier than 21 days from the date of destruction (utilization) of all susceptible livestock or slaughter and processing of apparently healthy birds that were in a disadvantaged point and final disinfection.
Quarantine in an organization in which a bird suspected of being infected with avian influenza was slaughtered or processed and stored products and raw materials from such a bird is canceled no earlier than 21 days after the end of the processing of poultry meat and the final disinfection of the premises of the organization, its territory, inventory, production equipment.

After the quarantine is lifted within 3 months for all bird owners, the export of hatching eggs and live birds of all types and ages to other farms should be limited.

Vaccination of the poultry population against avian influenza after the quarantine has been lifted should be carried out on the territory of the unfavorable point during the period of time until the results of laboratory monitoring confirm the absence of virus circulation among the vaccinated population.

Personnel protection measures.

It is recommended that all persons involved in carrying out special measures to eliminate the disease of birds with influenza undergo a daily medical examination.

To work with sick birds, specialists should be provided with overalls (gowns or overalls, towels, hats), replaceable shoes, rubber gloves, respirators, soap and other personal protective equipment, as well as necessary tools and crockery. At the end of work, clothes and shoes are disinfected or destroyed. After clinical examination of animals or sampling of pathological material, it is necessary to wash and wash hands with soap and water.

For the personal disinfection of workers, tools and utensils, the means and methods prescribed for the disinfection of various objects infected with pathogenic microorganisms are used.

Persons who have had serious illnesses, have diseases of the respiratory system, persons aged 65 and under 18 years of age, pregnant women should not be allowed to work with sick birds.

More than 100 million poultry have died or been destroyed during the outbreak of avian influenza. In March 2004, the situation seemed to have stabilized. However, already in June, new foci of bird flu were discovered in Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, China, Thailand and Vietnam. In 2005, foci of diseases among poultry appeared in Russia, Turkey, Romania, the virus struck people in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

According to the World Health Organization (World Health Organization), as of October 20, 2005, there were 118 cases of avian influenza infection in the world (mostly in Hong Kong, Vietnam and Thailand), and only two cases of infection occurred from person to person rather than from bird to human. However, avian influenza is distinguished by its terrible lethal force - every second infected person (61 people) died from this disease. Other sources indicate other numbers, for example, medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine reports 132 infections and 64 deaths. The reason for the high lethality of the disease is the lack of human immunity to this virus. The worldwide spread of the avian influenza pathogen potentially increases the risk of its mutations and makes the possibility of a global pandemic very likely.

What is bird (chicken) flu?

Type A influenza viruses can infect not only humans, but also some species of animals and birds, including chickens, ducks, pigs, horses, ferrets, seals, and whales. Influenza viruses that infect birds are called "avian (chicken) flu" viruses. All types of birds can get avian flu, although some species are less susceptible than others. Avian influenza does not cause epidemics in wild birds and is asymptomatic, but in poultry it can cause severe illness and death.

Distribution of avian influenza viruses in nature

Birds play a special role in the spread of influenza, as the hemagglutinin (H1, H2 and H3) and neuraminidase (N1 and N2) subtypes that circulate widely in humans have been found in wild birds. It is believed that the primary reservoir of influenza A viruses are various migratory birds belonging to the orders Anseriformes (wild ducks and geese), and Charadriiformes (herons, plovers and terns). The most common 24 combinations of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are found in them: - H9N2 - H9N8 - H10N7 - H11N9. The most pathogenic for birds are subtypes H5 and H7.

Studying the pedigrees of influenza viruses in various types birds showed that avian influenza viruses in Eurasia and America evolved independently. Thus, migration between these two continents (latitudinal migration) plays little to no role in the spread of the influenza virus, while birds migrating along the longitude appear to make a decisive contribution to the ongoing process of influenza virus evolution. The Central Asian-Indian and East Asian-Australian bird migration routes are of greatest importance to Russia, as they include flights from Siberia via Kyrgyzstan to Malaysia via Hong Kong and to China via Western Siberia. Less significant are the East African-Eurasian and West Pacific migration routes.

Waterfowl carry the virus in their intestines and shed it into the environment in saliva, respiratory and fecal material. The most common route of spread of the virus is fecal-oral transmission. In wild ducks, the influenza virus multiplies mainly in the cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, while the virus does not cause any visible signs of disease in the birds themselves and in high concentrations released into the environment. Asymptomatic influenza in ducks and wading birds may be the result of adaptation to a given host over several hundred years. Thus, a reservoir is created that provides biological "immortality" to influenza viruses.

Avian influenza in humans

Avian influenza viruses generally do not infect humans, but human cases of illness and even death have been reported during the 1997-1999 and 2003-2004 outbreaks. In this case, a person is most likely the final link in the transmission of the influenza virus (you can get sick by contact with a live infected bird or by eating raw infected meat), because. So far, no cases of reliable transmission of this virus from person to person have been recorded.

So in 1997, the avian influenza virus (H5N1) was isolated in Hong Kong, which infected both chickens and humans. This was the first time that an avian influenza virus could be directly transmitted from birds to humans. During this outbreak, 18 people (9 children and 9 adults) were hospitalized and 6 of them (1 child and 5 adults) died. Scientists determined that the virus spread directly from birds to humans.

1999 - In Hong Kong, the avian influenza virus (H9N2) infected two children. Both children recovered and no other cases were reported. Studies have shown that the source of infection was poultry, from which the virus was directly transmitted to humans. In addition, several human infections with avian (H9N2) virus were reported in mainland China in 1998-1999.

2003 Two cases of avian influenza (H5N1) infection in a Hong Kong family from China. One person died, another recovered. Where and how the infection of this family occurred has not been established. Another member of this family died from a respiratory disease in China, but this case has not been tested. No other cases have been reported. In addition, at the same time, one child was infected with the virus (H9N2) in Hong Kong. The child was hospitalized and recovered.

Also in 2003, avian influenza viruses (H7N7) and (H5N1) were detected in the Netherlands in 86 people caring for infected birds and in three members of their families. The disease was asymptomatic or mild. Most often, the manifestations of the disease were limited to infection of the eyes with some signs of respiratory diseases, but one patient died. AT this case There have been several suspected cases of human-to-human transmission of the virus.

2004 - the most widespread outbreak of avian influenza (H5N1) among humans. Main distinctive features the 2004 influenza virus can be summarized as follows:

· The virus has become more contagious, indicating that the virus has mutated.

· The virus has crossed the species barrier from birds to humans, but so far there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted directly from humans to humans (all sick people had direct contact with an infected bird).

The virus infects and kills mostly children.

The source of infection and the ways of spread of the virus have not been determined,

which makes the situation with the spread of the virus practically uncontrollable. Measures to prevent the spread - the complete destruction of the entire poultry population.

Treatment of avian influenza in humans

Studies to date confirm that prescribing drugs developed for human influenza strains will also be effective in human avian influenza infections, but it is possible that influenza strains may become resistant to such drugs and these drugs become ineffective. . The isolated virus was found to be sensitive to amantadine and rimantadine, which inhibit the reproduction of the influenza A virus and are used in the treatment of human influenza.

The Rosselkhoznadzor of Primorye spoke about the aggravation of the situation with bird flu in the world, RIA VladNews reports with reference to the press service of the department. Thus, to date, cases of highly pathogenic influenza have been registered in the world among domestic and wild birds, caused by the influenza virus type A subtypes H5N1; H5N2; H5N5, H5N6; H5N8; H5N9; H7N8; H7N3; H7N7, H7N1, in addition, cases of low pathogenic avian influenza subtypes H5 and H7 are recorded.

In Russia, highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza has been registered in four constituent entities of the federation - in Tyva (H5N8, wild birds during spring migration), Kalmykia (H5N8, poultry, household plots), Astrakhan region (H5N8, Kharabalinskaya poultry farm) and in the Krasnodar Territory (H5N8, poultry, household plots).

In Europe, Asia and Africa, cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N8 continue to be recorded in both domestic and wild bird populations. Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N8 have occurred in 22 countries. If earlier the main case from infection with influenza virus of this subtype was associated with wild avifauna, now there is a tendency to increase the number of outbreaks in poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese) both in small farms and on commercial farms. The duck and goose poultry industry in Hungary has been particularly hard hit, with more than 100 outbreaks reported. Also, the recent detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 virus in Nigeria in poultry against the backdrop of a previously formed stable cluster of countries in West Africa that are not affected by highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 causes serious concern. The species composition of dead birds is very diverse and is represented by birds from the family of gulls (Laridae), guinea fowls (Numididae), corvids (Corvidae), ducks (Anatidae), shepherds (Rallidae) and birds of prey. This year, for the first time, a previously undetectable subtype of avian influenza virus, H5N5, was detected in the Netherlands in dead tufted duck (Aythya fuligula).

Migratory processes in wild birds are one of the key factors the spread of the virus. Despite the fact that the seasonal autumn migration has ended this year, the virus could have survived in any region of the country where wild birds carrying the virus stopped. At low temperatures, 4ºС and below, the virus remains in environment at least 50 days. The maximum threat of new cases of the disease remains in the Southern and North Caucasian federal districts. Managers and veterinary specialists of closed enterprises need to tighten the veterinary and sanitary regime on farms and conduct explanatory work with staff about the risks and consequences of introducing the virus into enterprises.

Owners of birds in private backyards are advised to ensure strict compliance with the rules for keeping birds in private household plots in order to exclude all kinds of contacts of poultry with wild migratory birds and their waste products and organize free-range keeping of birds in private backyards.

At the first signs of illness or death of poultry, it is necessary to contact the veterinary service to find out the causes and promptly stop the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza.

It is worth noting that avian influenza types H5N1, H7N9 and H5N6, if mutated, can be transmitted to humans from sick birds. This only happens if a person has frequent contact with poultry, or is engaged in hunting, or studying wild waterfowl. The virus is not transmitted from person to person.

In case of infection, the disease is more severe than the usual seasonal flu, complications often develop with it, and the probability of death is very high (about 60%).

Experts point out that this moment the bird flu epidemic does not threaten any country in the world. It is possible in the case when, with random recombination of genes, the bird flu virus acquires the ability to easily and quickly be transmitted from person to person. In this case, the same number of people will become infected with it, which today suffers from a regular, seasonal flu, but such an epidemic will lead to a huge number of deaths. Thus, the outbreak of the "Spanish flu" (about 50 million dead) in 1818-1819 was caused by the H1N1 influenza strain, presumably mutated with recombination with one of the avian influenza strains. Similarly, the Hong Kong flu epidemic (1968-1969, more than 30,000 dead) was caused by the H3N2 virus (swine flu), which, presumably, acquired some bird-like properties.

WHO considers this danger one of the most significant epidemiological risks on the planet. Therefore, for the early production of a vaccine against avian influenza, large-scale research is already being carried out today.

The media reported on the infection of a resident of China with bird flu ... In Hong Kong, a case of human infection with the virus avian influenza H5N6, the case was a 22-year-old man from Guangzhou city. About... deliveries from Russia due to avian influenza In March, Rospotrebnadzor reported that strains of avian influenza H7N9 and H5N7. In September, scientists from NPO Microgen developed a new "live" vaccine against the H7N9 virus. Avian flu- acute viral...

Society, 04 Sep 2018, 08:55

Scientists develop new bird flu vaccine ... Specialists from NPO Microgen have developed a new vaccine against the virus avian influenza H7N9. This is stated in the message of the organization received by RBC. ... a "live" vaccine was conducted jointly with the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Research Institute influenza them. A.A. Smorodintsev with the support World Organization healthcare. Tests... temporarily limited the supply of poultry meat from Russia due to the spread avian influenza in the country. Armenia has imposed a ban on the import of pork and poultry from Russia ... to prevent African swine fever from entering Armenia and avian influenza. This was reported by the press service public service security food products... cases of African swine fever and avian influenza. Veterinarians of Tatarstan are unable to contain bird flu at the gates of the republic ... Avian flu covered the regions of the Volga region, including Chuvashia, from where chickens are brought to breed. Given that the incubation period influenza almost a month, the veterinarians of the Republic of Tatarstan ... explained that avian influenza a fairly long incubation period, during which it is very difficult to detect the disease. "The incubation period for influenza 21 days and... . As Bulat Nurislamov, veterinarian of the Kazan veterinary association, specified, the stricken avian influenza products have already entered Tatarstan and are currently being withdrawn ... Rosselkhoznadzor will discuss with the EU restrictions on the supply of poultry meat ... European colleagues documents with detailed information on the epizootic situation with avian influenza in a country where zones “clean” from the disease have been allocated, and ready ... and poultry products from all enterprises in Russia due to the spread avian influenza. The ban applies to poultry meat, semi-finished products from it, not passed .... “The documents contain materials on the ongoing regionalization in Russia on flu birds, which implies the allocation of “clean” zones of the country from the disease. Respectively... The prosecutor's office began checking due to bird flu in the Penza region ... Penza region organized an inspection after the detection of virus foci in the region avian influenza. She suspects a violation of compliance with veterinary legislation, a senior told RIA Novosti ... that the virus is highly pathogenic influenza birds are localized. On Thursday, June 21, outbreaks were detected at two poultry farms in the region at once. avian influenza. First, Damate... Poultry producer announces outbreak of bird flu for the second day ... the Vasilyevskaya poultry farm, which is part of the Cherkizovo group, found a highly pathogenic avian flu. Quarantine for 21 days was introduced in the focus of the disease, according to ... the company's block in the Kolyshleysky district of the Penza region due to the threat avian influenza. The total losses of the company amounted to about 400 million rubles, the...

Society, 02 Mar 2018, 15:52

Rospotrebnadzor warned of a second wave of bird flu around the world ... and H5N1 in parts of Asia and Africa. Also flashes avian influenza On January 25, it was recorded in Afghanistan, Israel, Iran, Ireland, Holland ... that the first case of human infection with the virus was detected in China avian influenza H7N4. A 68-year-old woman who lives in the province turned out to be sick ... at the end of December 2017, Rospotrebnadzor warned Russian citizens about the outbreak avian influenza in Europe in wild waterfowl. The department noted that the dangerous ...

Society, February 15, 2018, 09:16

First human case of H7N4 avian influenza reported ... In China, the first case of human infection with the virus avian influenza H7N4, according to the South China Morning Post newspaper, citing... avian influenza in Europe. According to the department, there have been cases influenza H5N6 in wild waterfowl. Virus... Rospotrebnadzor warned of a new outbreak of bird flu in Europe ... which marked the emergence of a new outbreak avian influenza in Europe. The ministry said in a statement that several cases have been reported. influenza H5N6 in wild waterfowl... . outbreak in October avian influenza was noted in the south of Russia, in the Rostov region. The village of Chertkovskaya was declared an epizootic focus avian influenza. Export of poultry from... An outbreak of bird flu was recorded in the Rostov region ... In the Rostov region, cases were recorded avian influenza. This was reported on the website of the regional government. As noted in ... in a private courtyard in the village of Chertkovskaya, Morozovsky district. Besides, avian flu was detected in three sparrows, which scientists caught in 300 ... dangerous and contagious animal diseases declared the village of Chertkovskaya an epizootic focus avian influenza and decided to destroy the bird in the village. In addition, there was... Laishevsky factory refuses to destroy food after bird flu ... through the court of destruction of feed in the warehouses of the Laishevsky poultry farm that survived the outbreak avian influenza. Doctors fear that the food could lead to a new spread of the infection... there was not,” Shigapov said. Avian disease outbreak caused by a highly pathogenic virus avian influenza, was detected at the Laishevsky poultry farm in early May 2017... Bird flu outbreak in northern France ... France, in the department of Nord, specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture of the country recorded an outbreak of a highly pathogenic avian influenza. Quarantine has been declared in the infection zone, the message on the website says. Belgium has 11 confirmed cases since early June avian influenza, four more cases were recorded in neighboring Luxembourg. Most of those infected... Nizhnekamskshina to burn 300 tons of infected turkey ... Nizhnekamskshina's workshops started burning turkey meat contaminated with avian influenza A/H5. Hazardous products were imported into Tatarstan from the Rostov region, - ... a large amount of products contaminated with influenza birds from LLC "Evrodon" of the city. Rostov. The remainder of this product is more... . At the end of April, an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H5. Pavel Sychev Minnikhanov lifted bird flu quarantine ... and destroyed by burning 60 thousand heads of sick birds. source avian influenza in Tatarstan, after appropriate research, they named the wild fauna. Outbreaks of infection ... the Republic of the epidemic avian influenza recorded for the first time in history. As a result, this year Tatarstan entered the list of disadvantaged regions according to flu birds. "Highly pathogenic... The source of bird flu in Tatarstan was named wild fauna ... years in Russia, according to Gatin, only isolated cases were recorded avian influenza. Now the virus has become more active - today there is ... an epidemic avian influenza recorded for the first time in history. As a result, this year the republic entered the list of disadvantaged regions according to flu birds. Presumably highly pathogenic avian influenza ... In the suburbs found a focus of bird flu ... In the Moscow region in the Noginsk district, a focus was discovered avian influenza. This was reported on the website of the Rosselkhoznadzor. As noted in the message ... they were analyzed, which showed the presence of the pathogen avian influenza. On Friday, April 21, Rosselkhoznadzor discovered avian flu at the enterprise of the largest turkey producer in Russia ... that a strain dangerous to humans may appear in the Far East avian influenza. According to him, the virus "was born in Southeast Asia." Vlasov...

Business, 31 Mar 2017, 14:31

The authorities warned about the possible emergence of a dangerous strain of influenza in Russia ... , avian farms and markets in countries where outbreaks of infection have been recorded,” the company added. In December 2016, reports of human infections avian influenza... health care organizations, travelers to countries with known outbreaks avian influenza, it is not recommended to visit poultry farms, contact with animals in the markets ...

Business, 09 Mar 2017, 12:00

Belarus banned the import of poultry from the Moscow region due to bird flu ... Rosselkhoznadzor reported on March 7 that the outbreak avian influenza was recorded at the enterprise JSC "Orlovskoe". Besides, avian flu was discovered in New Technologies LLC. Agreements are underway,” Yereza said. Earlier, he explained that the cause of the outbreak avian influenza at the Smena enterprise, there could be violations of sanitary standards and human ...

Business, 07 Mar 2017, 00:02

Will the outbreak of bird flu in the Moscow region lead to a shortage of chicken ... an outbreak was recorded at the Smena poultry farm in the Sergiev Posad district avian influenza, became known on the morning of March 6. A little bit later official representative Rosselkhoznadzor ... prohibited. The representative of the Rosselkhoznadzor stressed that the service does not exclude the further spread avian influenza and all businesses in the region have been warned to take appropriate action...

Business, 06 Mar 2017, 18:58

The authorities called the second outbreak of bird flu in the suburbs ... Officially Flash avian influenza Today, they are recorded in two districts of the Moscow region, the head told RBC ... two enterprises - Smena and Orlovskoye, ”said Maxim Yereza. outbreak fact avian influenza at OAO Orlovskoye, a source of RBC in the administration of Schelkovskoye also confirmed ..., SNT Vorya-1 and Vorya, ”the interlocutor of RBC said. About flash avian influenza announced on Monday, March 6th. The outbreak has already been confirmed...

Business, 06 Mar 2017, 17:18

The chief veterinarian called possible reasons bird flu in the Moscow region ... the cause of the outbreak avian influenza at the Smena enterprise in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, it could become ..., without this, in any way. There was unprocessed transport,” Yereza said. Likely source influenza- litter hit wild bird, which is a carrier of the virus, into the feed ... will be considered in detail. About the fact that on "Change" was recorded avian flu, became known on the morning of March 6. A little later, the official representative of the Rosselkhoznadzor ...

Business, 06 Mar 2017, 16:34

The chief veterinarian of the Moscow region asked the prosecutor's office to check the poultry farms ... the Smena enterprise in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region recorded an outbreak avian influenza. A little later, the official representative of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Yulia Melano, told RBC that ... the H5N8 virus is not fatal to humans, but “it can cause flu with a severe course in personnel working at the poultry farm. According to...

Business, 06 Mar 2017, 13:11

The enterprise of the Moscow region will destroy the entire livestock due to bird flu ... - 250 thousand birds of the enterprise in the Moscow region, where the outbreak was recorded avian influenza, will be destroyed. Currently, the Rosselkhoznadzor is conducting inspections of all poultry ... enterprises "Smena" in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, where an outbreak has been recorded avian influenza, the destruction of the bird began. In total, 250 thousand heads will be destroyed, said ... areas where there is no threat of disease influenza birds. Checking livestock samples at OAO Orlovskoye for the virus avian influenza not yet completed, RBC said ...

Mar 06, 2017, 11:05

Rospotrebnadzor recorded an outbreak of bird flu in Tatarstan ... In the regions of Russia, the number of cases of human infection with the virus continues to grow influenza A(H7N9). Experts also note the further geographical spread of the Tatarstan virus ... poultry from European countries, which have a high incidence rate avian influenza. It was supposed to limit deliveries in addition to Romania, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Croatia also ...

Society, 06 Mar 2017, 08:43

Rospotrebnadzor confirmed the outbreak of bird flu in the Moscow region ... confirmed that a outbreak was recorded at a poultry farm in the Moscow region avian influenza, according to the official website of the department. Where specifically the infection of birds was detected ... after the discovery of the infection, 14 people are under the supervision of specialists. Flash avian influenza at the Smena enterprise in the Sergiev Posad district, local authorities confirmed ...

Society, 06 Mar 2017, 00:16

The media reported an outbreak of bird flu in the suburbs ... clinical signs of SARS,” the agency source added. Information about cases of infection avian influenza at the Smena poultry enterprise in the Sergiev Posad district, locals confirmed ... poultry mortality began. Experts have determined that part of the livestock is infected with the virus avian influenza", - stated in a message published on the website of the district administration. As reported...

14 Feb 2017, 14:42

Rosselkhoznadzor banned sending Kuban poultry meat for export ... in 2016 destroyed 4.6 thousand birds in outbreaks avian influenza. In addition, there are 67 thousand 278 birds in the threatened zones ... since December 2016. to mid-January 2017 in the Krasnodar Territory avian flu found in 4 districts. In particular, in personal subsidiary farms ... to combat avian influenza. The main reason for the spread of infection is the flight of wild birds, which spread the virus by landing on water bodies. Avian flu, or the classic plague ...

Society, 05 Feb 2017, 20:26

New outbreaks of bird flu in the Czech Republic ... Distribution continues in the Czech Republic avian influenza. The country's State Veterinary Administration has warned of the emergence of five new outbreaks of... poultry meat from a number of European countries where outbreaks have been recorded avian influenza. The list of countries on which restrictions will be imposed includes Austria ...

Society, 05 Feb 2017, 08:35

About 70,000 chickens to be slaughtered in Japan due to bird flu cases ... 69 thousand chickens due to a new case of detection of a highly pathogenic virus avian influenza type H5 at one of the poultry farms. It is reported by the TV channel... they showed the presence of a virus avian influenza. In this regard, within a radius of 1 km from the poultry farm where the virus was detected avian influenza all will be destroyed... Due to bird flu, Voronezh poultry farms will switch to closed mode ... the Voronezh region will switch to a "closed" mode of operation from the January outbreak avian influenza in the regional center. About this, the department of the federal service for veterinary... avian influenza limited the movement of personnel at the factory of Poultry Industry Bobrovsky LLC. Employees who do not work directly with birds were forbidden to enter the poultry houses. Flash avian influenza ... ... by regulatory authorities. Zelenska also emphasized that, as such avian flu(virus influenza And birds of the subtype H5 - approx. ed.) is not dangerous for ... with birds destroyed in the company "Eurodon" due to an outbreak of the virus avian influenza. The virus was detected at the enterprise at the end of December last year ... and all over the world, experts will find out, ”the press service noted. Avian flu or classical plague of birds - an acute infectious viral disease birds. Natural... Veterinarians to check Voronezh poultry farms for "bird flu" ... for prevention avian influenza. Flashes avian influenza during the last two weeks have also been registered in the South of Russia. So, on December 30, the virus genome avian influenza discovered ... Krasnodar Territory revealed avian flu among wild swans in the Apsheron and Temryuk regions. The birds were destroyed. An outbreak in the Voronezh Zoo avian influenza signed up at the start... Veterinarians recorded an outbreak of "bird flu" in Voronezh ... RIA "Voronezh". The Voronezh regional prosecutor's office began its own verification of the circumstances of the death of birds. Avian flu or classical plague of birds - an acute infectious viral disease of birds. Some... poultry farms in the Voronezh region have tightened the quarantine regime due to a confirmed outbreak avian influenza. At the poultry farm OOO Ptitseprom Bobrovsky (one of the largest egg producers... Eurodon to destroy 160,000 turkeys due to bird flu ... a major producer of turkey meat, the Eurodon company, due to the avian influenza. This was announced by the deputy head of the veterinary department for the Rostov region Vitaly ... an outbreak influenza birds in the Rostov region Rosselkhoznadzor reported earlier on December 30. The Federal Center for Animal Health, which is subordinate to Rosselkhoznadzor, has identified the genome avian influenza ... EU bans import of poultry from Ukraine due to bird flu ... about preventing the suspension of the export of poultry products, Interfax-Ukraine reports. Happening avian influenza was recorded in the village of Novoaleksandrovka, Kalanchaksky district, in November, it was reported ... the village of Novoaleksandrovka is located near the Russian-Ukrainian border in Crimea. Avian flu, also known as classical bird plague, is an acute infectious viral disease ... Iowa governor declares state of emergency over bird flu epidemic ... declared a state of emergency on Friday due to the outbreak avian influenza, according to Reuters. The State Agricultural Inspectorate previously identified the presence of the virus ... the third state to declare a state of emergency due to the epidemic avian influenza, which could cost the US the loss of 12 million chickens and turkeys ... from US poultry meat, as well as poultry imports due to avian influenza, which began to spread in the country in December. In the US, the flu epidemic could cover 20 million birds ... Iowa up to 5.5 million birds infected with highly pathogenic strain avian influenza H5N8. This is evidenced by inspections carried out at five large poultry farms... Reuters. The current outbreak could be the largest epidemic ever avian influenza in US history. Avian flu was discovered at a poultry farm in Buena Vista County, workers... avian flu confirmed on 12 poultry farms. Five more poultry farms are being tested. Epidemics caused by two strains have been identified in the United States this year avian influenza ...