M3 metal. Copper M3 - hard, soft, pressed. Characteristics and application

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Copper M3 - hard, soft, pressed

The MPStar company sells bushings, round bars, strips, sheets, pipes and strips made of M3 copper alloy at the lowest prices in the range. All types of products are manufactured in accordance with the relevant state standards. If necessary, we sell in pieces / blanks. We also provide related services for metalworking, packaging, storage and delivery of goods to various regions of Russia.

We will provide you with a comfortable full cycle service. Flexible system of discounts. Shipment of paid goods within one day. We will deliver to the regions in 2-3 days. Our fleet of vehicles - free shipping to the terminal of the transport company.

Characteristics and chemical composition of the alloy

Copper alloy M3 is produced in accordance with GOST 859-2001. The composition of this material includes 99.5% copper, as well as other substances: iron (0.05%), arsenic (0.01%), nickel (0.2%), sulfur (0.01%), lead ( 0.05%), oxygen (0.08%), bismuth, tin and antimony (0.1% in total). It is a highly ductile material with good corrosion resistance. It is well handled and is part of production process for many other metals. At the same time, the M3 alloy is characterized by a low price tag.

The key alloying elements here are nickel, lead and tin. According to technical parameters, solid and soft copper. This alloy is used mainly in the automotive and aircraft industries, as well as in instrument making.


Brands and chemical composition technical copper

Copper grades and their chemical composition are defined in GOST 859-2001. abbreviated information on copper grades is given below (the minimum content of copper and the maximum content of only two impurities - oxygen and phosphorus are indicated):

Brand Copper About 2 P Production method, main impurities
M00k 99.98 0.01 - Copper cathodes: electrolytic refining product,final stage of processingcopper ore.
M0k 99.97 0.015 0.001
M1k 99.95 0.02 0.002
M2k 99.93 0.03 0.002
M00 99.99 0.001 0.0003 Remelting cathodes in a vacuuminert or reducing atmosphere.Reduces oxygen content.
М0 99.97 0.001 0.002
M1 99.95 0.003 0.002
M00 99.96 0.03 0.0005 Remelting cathodes in a normal atmosphere.Increased oxygen content.No phosphorus
М0 99.93 0.04 -
M1 99.9 0.05 -
M2 99.7 0.07 - Smelter. Increased oxygen content, no phosphorus
M3 99.5 0.08 -
M1f 99.9 - 0.012 - 0.04 Remelting cathodes and copper scrap with phosphorus deoxidation.Decreases the oxygen content, but leads toto higher phosphorus content
M1r 99.9 0.01 0.002 - 0.01
M2r 99.7 0.01 0.005 - 0.06
M3r 99.5 0.01 0.005 - 0.06

The first group of grades refers to cathode copper, the rest reflect the chemical composition of various copper semi-finished products ( copper ingots, wire rod and products from it, rolled products).

Specific Features copper, inherent in different grades, are determined by the absence of copper (differences are no more than 0.5%), but by the content of specific impurities (their amount can vary by 10 - 50 times). The classification of copper grades by oxygen content is often used:

Oxygen-free copper (M00 , M0 and M1 ) with oxygen content up to 0.001%.

Refined copper (M1f, M1r, M2r, M3r) with oxygen content up to 0.01%, but with

high phosphorus content.

High purity copper (M00, M0, M1) with an oxygen content of 0.03-0.05%.

Copper general purpose(M2, M3) with oxygen content up to 0.08%.

Approximate the correspondence of copper grades produced according to different standards is given below:





М0 Cu-PHC, OF-Cu

Cu-OF , Cu-OF1



SE-Cu, E-Cu, E-Cu57, E-Cu58
M1f Cu-DHP, SF-Cu
M1r Cu-DLP, SW-Cu

Different grades of copper have different applications, and differences in the conditions of their production determine significant price differences.

For the production of cable and wire products, cathodes are remelted according to a technology that excludes the saturation of copper with oxygen during the manufacture of products. Therefore, copper in such products corresponds to the grades M00, M0 , M1 .

The requirements of most technical tasks are satisfied by the relatively cheap brands M2 and M3. This determines the mass production of the main types of rolled copper from M2 and M3.

Rolled products from the M1, M1f, M1r, M2r, M3r brands are produced mainly for specific consumers and are much more expensive.

Physical properties of copper

The main property of copper, which determines its predominant use, is a very high electrical conductivity (or low electrical resistivity). Impurities such as phosphorus, iron, arsenic, antimony, tin significantly worsen its electrical conductivity. The value of electrical conductivity is significantly affected by the method of obtaining a semi-finished product and its mechanical state. This is illustrated in the table below:

Electrical resistivity of copper for various semi-finished products of different brands (guaranteed values) at 20 ° C.
µOhm*mbrand Type and condition of the semi-finished product GOST, TU



Ingots (continuous vertical casting)



Wire rod class A (oxygen : 0.02-0.035%)

THAT 1844 010 03292517



Wire rod class B (oxygen: 0.045%)


Wire rod class C (oxygen: 0.05%)


Ingots (horizontal casting)




Annealed bars



Bars semi-hard, hard, pressed

Differences in the resistance of wire rod grades M00, M0 and M1 are due to different amounts of impurities and amount to about 1%. At the same time, differences in resistance due to different mechanical conditions reach 2–3%. The resistivity of products made of copper grade M2 ​​is approximately 0.020 μOhm * m.

The second most important property of copper is its very high thermal conductivity.

Impurities and alloying additives reduce the electrical and thermal conductivity of copper, so copper-based alloys are significantly inferior to copper in these indicators. The values ​​of the parameters of the main physical properties of copper in comparison with other metals are given in the table (data are given in two different systems of units):









L63, BOS



Steel 12X18H10


electrical resistance,

µOhm * m

0.0172 –







Thermal conductivity,

cal/cm * s * deg






W/m *deg

386 - 390

In terms of electrical and thermal conductivity, copper is slightlysecond only to silver.

The influence of impurities and features of the properties of copper of various grades

Differences in the properties of copper of different grades are associated with the influence of impurities on the basic properties of copper. On the effect of impurities on physical properties(thermal and electrical conductivity) was discussed above. Let's consider their influence on other groups of properties.

Effect on mechanical properties .

Iron, oxygen, bismuth, lead, antimony impair plasticity. Impurities poorly soluble in copper (lead, bismuth, oxygen, sulfur) lead to brittleness at high temperatures.

The recrystallization temperature of copper for different grades is 150-240 o C. The more impurities, the higher this temperature.A significant increase in the recrystallization temperature of copper gives silver, zirconium. For example, the introduction of 0.05% Ag increasesrecrystallization temperature twice, which manifests itself in an increase in the softening temperature and a decrease in creep at high temperatures, and without loss of thermal and electrical conductivity.

Impact on technological properties .

Technological properties include 1) the ability to process by pressure at low and high temperatures, 2) solderability and weldability of products.

Impurities, especially fusible, form brittle zones at high temperatures, which makes hot working difficult. However, the level of impurities in grades M1 and M2 provide the necessary technological plasticity.

During cold deformation, the influence of impurities is noticeably manifested in the production of wire. For the same tensile strength (? in = 16 kgf/mm 2) wire rods from M00, M0 and M1 grades have different relative elongation? (38%, 35% and 30% respectively). Therefore, class A wire rod (it corresponds to grade M00) is more technologically advanced in the production of wire, especially of small diameters. The use of oxygen-free copper for the production of current conductors is due not so much to the magnitude of the electrical conductivity as to the technological factor.

The processes of welding and soldering are significantly hampered by an increase in the content of oxygen, as well as lead and bismuth.

Influence of oxygen and hydrogen on operational properties .

At normal conditions The operational properties of copper (primarily the durability of operation) are almost the same for different grades. At the same time, at high temperatures, the harmful effect of oxygen contained in copper can appear. This possibility is usually realized when copper is heated in a medium containing hydrogen.

Oxygen is initially contained in copper grades M0, M1, M2, M3. In addition, if oxygen-free copper is annealed in air at high temperatures, then due to oxygen diffusion, the surface layer of the product will become oxygen-containing. Oxygen in copper is present in the form of cuprous oxide, which is localized along the grain boundaries.

In addition to oxygen, copper may contain hydrogen. Hydrogen enters copper during electrolysis or during annealing in an atmosphere containing water vapor. Water vapor is always present in the air. At high temperature, it decomposes to form hydrogen, which readily diffuses into copper.

In oxygen-free copper, hydrogen atoms are located in the interstices of the crystal lattice and do not particularly affect the properties of the metal.

In oxygen-containing copper at high temperatures, hydrogen interacts with cuprous oxide. In this case, high-pressure water vapor is formed in the thickness of the copper, which leads to swelling, ruptures and cracks. This phenomenon is known as "hydrogen sickness" or "hydrogen embrittlement". It manifests itself during the operation of a copper product at temperatures above200 o C in an atmosphere containing hydrogen or water vapor.

The degree of embrittlement is the stronger, the greater the oxygen content in copper and the higher the operating temperature. At 200 o Cservice life is 1.5 years, at 400 ° C- 70 hours.

It is especially pronounced in products of small thickness (tubes, tapes).

When heated in vacuum, the hydrogen initially contained in copper interacts with cuprous oxide and also leads to embrittlement of the product and deterioration of the vacuum. Therefore, products that are operated at high temperatures are made from oxygen-free (refined) copper grades M1r, M2r, M3r.

Mechanical properties of rolled copper

Most of the copper rolled products available for free sale are produced from the M2 grade. Rolled steel from the M1 brand is produced mainly on order, in addition, it is about 20% more expensive.

Cold rolled steel- these are drawn (rods, wire, pipes) and cold-rolled (sheets, tape, foil) products. It is available in hard, semi-hard and soft (annealed) states. Such rental is marked with the letter "D", and the state of delivery with the letters T, P or M.

Hot rolled steel- the result of pressing (rods, pipes) or hot rolling (sheets, plates) at temperatures above the recrystallization temperature. Such rental is marked with the letter "G". In terms of mechanical properties, hot-rolled steel is close (but not identical) to cold-rolled steel in a soft state.

Parameters at room temp.

Elastic modulus E , kgf /mm 2



Shear modulus G , kgf /mm 2



Yield strength? 0.2 , kgf /mm 2

5 - 10

25 - 34

Tensile strength? in , kgf/mm 2

19 – 27

31 – 42

Relative elongation?

40 – 52

2 - 11

Hardness HB

40 - 45

70 - 110

shear resistance, kgf /mm 2

10 - 15

18 - 21

impact strength,

16 - 18

We are processing. cutting,% to L63-3

fatigue limit? -1 at 100 million cycles

High compressive strength (55 - 65 kgf / mm 2) in combination with high ductility determines the widespread use of copper as gaskets in the seals of fixed joints with operating temperatures up to 250 ° C (pressure 35Kgs \ cm 2 for steam and 100 Kgs \ cm 2 for water).

Copper is widely used in the technology of low temperatures, up to helium. At low temperatures, it retains the strength, ductility and toughness characteristic of room temperature. The most commonly used property of copper in cryogenic engineering is its high thermal conductivity. At cryogenic temperatures, the thermal conductivity of grades M1 and M2 becomes significant, therefore, in cryogenic technology, the use of grade M1 becomes fundamental.

Copper bars are produced pressed (20 - 180 mm) and cold-formed, in solid, semi-solid and soft states (diameter 3 - 50 mm) according to GOST 1535-2006.

flat copper general purpose is produced in the form of foil, tape, sheets and plates in accordance with GOST 1173-2006:

Copper foil - cold rolled: 0.05 - 0.1 mm (only available in solid state)

Copper strips - cold rolled: 0.1 - 6 mm.

Copper sheets - cold rolled: 0.2 - 12 mm

Hot rolled: 3 - 25 mm (mechanical properties are regulated up to 12 mm)

Copper plates - hot rolled: over 25 mm (mechanical properties are not regulated)

Hot-rolled and soft cold-rolled copper sheets and strips pass the bending test around a mandrel with a diameter equal to the thickness of the sheet. With a thickness of up to 5 mm, they withstand bending until the sides touch, and with a thickness of 6 - 12 mm - until the sides are parallel. Cold rolled semi-rigid sheets and strips withstand a 90 degree bend test.

Thus, the permissible bending radius of copper sheets and tapes is equal to the thickness of the sheet (tape).

The depth of extrusion of tapes and sheets by a punch with a radius of 10 mm is at least 7 mm for sheets with a thickness of 0.1-0.14 mm and at least 10 mm for sheets with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm. According to this indicator (squeezing out), copper is inferior to brasses L63 and L68.

Copper pipes general purpose are made cold-formed (in soft, semi-solid and solid states) and pressed (large sections) in accordance with GOST 617-2006.

Copper pipes are used not only for process fluids, but also for drinking water. Copper is inert to chlorine and ozone, which are used to purify water, inhibits the growth of bacteria, and when water freezes, copper pipes deform without breaking. Copper pipes for water are produced in accordance with GOST R 52318-2005, the content of organic substances on the inner surface is limited for them. The minimum bending radii and allowable pressures for soft copper pipes are given below:

Pipe size, mm


pressure, bar

Bending radius, mm

Pipe size


pressure, bar

inches (mm)

1/4” (6.35*0.8)


3/8” (9.52*0.8)


1/2” (12.7*0.8)


90 52



5/8” (15, 87*1)


3/4” (19,05*1)


60 75



7/8” (22.22*1)

Corrosion properties of copper .

At normal temperatures copper stable in the following environments:

dry air

Fresh water (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, chlorides, acids accelerate corrosion)

In sea water at low water velocities

In non-oxidizing acids and salt solutions (in the absence of oxygen)

Alkaline solutions (except ammonia and ammonium salts)

Dry halogen gases

Organic acids, alcohols, phenolic resins

Copper unstable in the following environments:

Ammonia, ammonium chloride

Oxidizing mineral acids and acid salt solutions

The corrosive properties of copper in some environments noticeably worsen with an increase in the amount of impurities.

contact corrosion.

Contact of copper with copper alloys, lead, tin in a humid atmosphere, fresh and sea water is allowed. At the same time, contact with aluminum and zinc is not allowed due to their rapid destruction.

Weldability of copper

The high thermal and electrical conductivity of copper makes its electric welding (spot and roller) difficult. This is especially true for massive products. Thin parts can be welded with tungsten electrodes. Parts with a thickness of more than 2 mm can be welded with a neutral oxy-acetylene flame. A reliable way to connect copper products is soldering with soft and hard solders. For details on copper welding, see www.weldingsite.com.ua

copper alloys

Technical copper has low strength and wear resistance, poor casting and anti-friction properties. Copper-based alloys are deprived of these shortcomings -brass and bronze . True, these improvements are achieved due to the deterioration of thermal and electrical conductivity.

There are special cases when it is necessary to maintain the high electrical or thermal conductivity of copper, but to give it heat resistance or wear resistance.

When copper is heated above the recrystallization temperature, a sharp decrease in the yield strength and hardness occurs. This makes it difficult to use copper in resistance welding electrodes. Therefore, for this purpose, special copper alloys with chromium, zirconium, nickel, cadmium (BrKh, BrKhTsr, BrKN, BrKd) are used. Electrode alloys retain relatively high hardness and satisfactory electrical and thermal conductivity at temperatures of the welding process (about 600C).

Heat resistance is also achieved by alloying with silver. Such alloys (MA) have lower creep at a constant electrical and thermal conductivity.

For use in moving contacts (collector plates, contact wire), copper with a low level of alloying with magnesium or cadmium BrKd, BrMg is used. They have increased wear resistance with high electrical conductivity.

For crystallizers, copper with additions of iron or tin is used. Such alloys have high thermal conductivity with increased wear resistance.

Low-alloy copper grades are essentially bronzes, but they are often referred to the group of rolled copper with the appropriate marking (MS, MK, MF).

Due to their properties, various grades of copper in industrial environment are very popular. This metal is good in that it is flexible and, regardless of the operating environment, with the exception of exposure to sulfur dioxide and ammonia, is resistant to corrosion. The external distinguishing feature of copper is its pink-red color. Depending on the purity, copper is divided into types with the technical designation M1, M2, M3. In production given metal comes in the form of wire, sheets, pipes, rods. This is due different situations applications.

By composition, copper is divided into oxygen-free and deoxidized, the symbol is M0 and M1, respectively. Oxygen-free is used in the manufacture of parts for electrical, electronic, vacuum industrial products. The content of O 2 in oxygen-free grades is not more than 0.001%, and in deoxidized grades - 0.01%.

The decoding of copper grades is presented in the table:

The rods made of this metal differ in shape, they can be round, square, hexagonal. In addition, they are divided into cold-deformed, the so-called "drawn", hot-deformed, or "pressed". Their production takes place in strict compliance with GOST 1535-91, using copper grades such as M1, M1r, M2, M3, M3r in accordance with GOST 859.

The degree of rigidity of the finished bars is: medium, hard and soft. Copper grade M2 ​​is used, as well as M1, M1r, M2r, M3, M3r according to GOST 859, in accordance with the GOST 1173-93 standard.

There is also a division into normal accuracy in thickness and increased in width, normal accuracy in thickness and width, increased accuracy in thickness and optimal accuracy in width.

Copper wire is soft and hard. In the production, copper grade M1, GOST 859, GOST 434-78 is used.

Pipe manufacturing

In order to make high-quality copper pipes suitable for further use, you need to know which brand to use, as well as follow certain technical requirements, which are spelled out in GOST 617-90. Yes, on industrial production the M3 brand is used, as well as M1, M1r, M2, M2r, M3r, GOST 859 and chemical. composition GOST 15527 L96.

Pipes come in the following varieties - pressed and cold-formed, hard, medium hard and soft.

Strip and sheet production

Strips and sheets are made in accordance with GOST 495-92, for this they use copper with the following markings: M1, M1r, M2, M2r, M3, M3r GOST 859.

The technique of normal and increased production accuracy is applied for cold-rolled sheets and strips.

The size of hot-rolled sheets varies from six hundred to three thousand mm in width, and in length - from one thousand to six thousand.

According to the degree of hardness, cold-rolled sheets and strips in industrial scale there are soft, hard, medium.

Variety of copper alloys

The most common alloy in industry is brass. It is a combination of zinc and copper. When the third, fourth, fifth, etc. appears in this composition. element, brass becomes complex, or special. In this case, it receives the prefix aluminum, iron-manganese, manganese-tin-lead.

Such an alloy is well suited for work related to casting, pressure, cutting, since, unlike the usual composition of copper, it is characterized by increased resistance to fracture, elasticity and endurance. These qualities facilitate the process of processing parts.

Brass bars are made in compliance with GOST 2060-90. Manufacturing accuracy is increased, normal and high. Plasticity - hard, medium, and soft.

Brass wire is produced in accordance with GOST 1066-90, brass grades L68, L80, L63, LS59-1 are used. The chemical composition is regulated by GOST 15527.

The tape is manufactured in accordance with GOST 2208-91. Brass L85, L90, L80, L68, L63, LS59-1, LMts58-2 is used, the chemical composition is determined by GOST 15527. Condition: semi-hard, soft, hard, spring-hard and extra-hard. Normal production accuracy is acceptable - in width and thickness, in thickness and increased accuracy in width, increased accuracy in thickness and normal accuracy in width.

Special grades are also produced - for stamping, anti-magnetic, with increased accuracy in crescent shape, with a normalized extrusion depth that withstands bending tests.

You can see all this in the photo.

Brass pipes are produced according to the GOST 494-90 standard. Cold-rolled and drawn pipes - brand L63 and L68, and pressed - L63, L60, LS59-1, LZhMts59-1-1, chemical. composition GOST 15527. Length - 1-6 m.

Special products - pipes of increased accuracy, special curvature, anti-magnetic.

The use of copper

The processing of copper goes deep into history. Initially, people made jewelry and household utensils from a copper sheet. And only then was discovered a technique for the production of bronze by combining an alloy of tin and copper. Thus began the Bronze Age.

The time in which we live and the Bronze Age are separated by millennia, but copper is still widely used today. If you look inside old televisions, receivers, transformers, and other wonders of technological progress of the last century, we will find whole coils of copper wire there.

In modern industry, copper and alloys have a value that is difficult to overestimate, so the price of copper is quite high. But, nevertheless, almost all equipment is made using this metal.

Copper-aluminum wire is also used as electrical wiring. It is a good conductor and does not degrade or corrode over time.

In addition, copper is an excellent thermal conductor. Therefore, it is the number one metal used in the manufacture of air conditioners. And the strength and impermeability of copper pipes allows them to be used for transporting certain types of caustic liquids and gases.

Copper is widely used in industry in various industries, and their list is so large that it is impossible to list everything now.

If you do not touch on the topic of industry, then the wire from this valuable metal is used to create works of art. For example, beaded trees. Small beads are strung on it, and due to the flexibility of this material, ready product takes the desired form for the composition.

Copper grades are widely represented in various industries: this non-ferrous metal, due to its unique characteristics, is one of the most common. All grades of this metal are distinguished by high ductility and corrosion resistance when used in various environments, with the exception of ammonia and sulfur dioxide.

Modern industry produces copper blanks in the form of sheet material, pipes, wire, bars and tires. There are oxygen-free (M0) and deoxidized (M1) copper, products from which are widely used in the electrical, electronic and vacuum industries. In oxygen-free grades, O2 is contained within 0.001%, in deoxidized grades - 0.01%.

There are a lot of grades that are classified according to the purity of the base metal content today: M00, M0, M1, M2 and M3. The M1r, M2r and M3r brands are also common, which are characterized by an oxygen content in the range of 0.01% and phosphorus 0.04%. For example, grades M1, M2 and M3 contain oxygen in the range of 0.05–0.08%.

Copper gradeM00М0M0bM1M1rM2M2rM3M3rM4
Copper content, %99,99 99,95 99,97 99,90 99,90 99,70 99,70 99,50 99,50 99,00

Impurities in copper alloys

Solid solutions forming with copper

Such impurities include aluminum, antimony, nickel, iron, tin, zinc, etc. These additives significantly reduce electrical and thermal conductivity. The grades that are mainly used for the production of conductive elements include M0 and M1. If antimony is contained in the composition of the copper alloy, then its hot working by pressure is much more difficult.

Impurities that do not dissolve in copper

These include lead, bismuth, etc. Not affecting the electrical conductivity of the base metal, such impurities make it difficult to process it with pressure.

Impurities that form brittle chemical compounds with copper

This group includes sulfur and oxygen, which reduces the electrical conductivity and strength of the base metal. The sulfur content of the copper alloy greatly facilitates its machinability by cutting.

Standards for Copper Alloys

State standards stipulate the rules for marking copper and its alloys, the designation of which corresponds to a certain structure.

The fact that we have one of the grades of copper in front of us is evidenced by the letter "M" in its designation. After the initial letter in the marking of copper and its alloys, numbers (from 0 to 3) follow, conditionally indicating the mass fraction of the base metal in their composition (for example, M3 copper). After the numbers, capital letters follow, by which it is possible to determine how this brand of copper was obtained. Of the technological methods, the following are distinguished:

  • cathodic (k);
  • a deoxidation method involving a low content of residual phosphorus (p);
  • a deoxidation method involving a high content of residual phosphorus (p);
  • without the use of deoxidizers - anoxic (b).

Examples of markings of such brands and may look like this: M2r, M1b.

A number of copper grades with unique characteristics are actively used in various industries.

  • M0 - this brand is used for the production of conductive elements and for adding to alloys that are of high purity.
  • M1 - this brand is also used to produce conductive elements, rolled products of various profiles, bronze, parts for cryogenic equipment, electrodes for, wire and rods (used to perform in an inert gas environment), expendable materials for making parts made of copper that do not experience significant loads during operation.
  • M2 - this brand allows you to get products that are well processed by pressure. Copper M2 is also used for parts of cryogenic equipment.
  • MZ - parts from this grade of metal are produced by the rolling method.

GOST 859-2001, which stipulated the requirements and characteristics of copper alloys, was replaced in 2014 by a new state standard (859-2014), which was recorded by the relevant Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. new standard in its main points it is almost identical to GOST 859-2001.

GOST 859-2001 on copper grades

This state standard document applies to cast and deformed copper semi-finished products, as well as to copper made in the form of cathodes.

M3r copper sheet is a thin-sheet product of high-quality non-ferrous metal-roll. It has a rectangular cross section corresponding to its external shape. The main dimensional parameter is its thickness (mm). In our catalog you will be able to choose the products that suit you at the best price.

Manufactured in full compliance with established norms and standards. All are respected necessary requirements and aspects technological process production, regulated by GOST 495-92. To create this type of metal products, it is allowed to use cold and hot rolling technologies.

M3r steel grade is a copper-based alloy. In its composition, in addition to Cu, you will find insignificant amounts of nickel, phosphorus, sulfur, etc. It is worth noting the fact that due to the absence of carbon in the metallic form, this material is well melted and welded.

To convince you to buy copper sheet m3r wholesale and retail, we will give a number of the main positive qualities of this product:

  • Strength;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • Weldability;
  • Resistant to corrosion and associated deformations.


Roofing, manufacturing of more complex parts and components, pipe rental; electrical engineering; electronics

Purchase, delivery

Most fast way placing an order is a direct call to one of our specialists on the number 8-800-500-17-53 or write an application and send it to . If necessary, you will be provided free help in the selection of suitable commodity items, consultation. Moreover, you will find out the availability in warehouses, methods of transportation. Looking forward to our cooperation!