Material m3. Copper sheet M3. Standards for Copper Alloys

Copper grades are widely represented in various industries: this non-ferrous metal, due to its unique characteristics, is one of the most common. All grades of this metal are distinguished by high ductility and corrosion resistance when used in various environments, with the exception of ammonia and sulfur dioxide.

Modern industry produces copper blanks in the form of sheet material, pipes, wire, bars and tires. There are oxygen-free (M0) and deoxidized (M1) copper, products from which are widely used in the electrical, electronic and vacuum industries. In oxygen-free grades, O2 is contained within 0.001%, in deoxidized grades - 0.01%.

There are a lot of grades that are classified according to the purity of the base metal content today: M00, M0, M1, M2 and M3. The M1r, M2r and M3r brands are also common, which are characterized by an oxygen content in the range of 0.01% and phosphorus 0.04%. For example, grades M1, M2 and M3 contain oxygen in the range of 0.05–0.08%.

Copper gradeM00М0M0bM1M1rM2M2rM3M3rM4
Copper content, %99,99 99,95 99,97 99,90 99,90 99,70 99,70 99,50 99,50 99,00

Impurities in copper alloys

Solid solutions forming with copper

Such impurities include aluminum, antimony, nickel, iron, tin, zinc, etc. These additives significantly reduce electrical and thermal conductivity. The grades that are mainly used for the production of conductive elements include M0 and M1. If antimony is contained in the composition of the copper alloy, then its hot working by pressure is much more difficult.

Impurities that do not dissolve in copper

These include lead, bismuth, etc. Not affecting the electrical conductivity of the base metal, such impurities make it difficult to process it with pressure.

Impurities that form brittle chemical compounds with copper

This group includes sulfur and oxygen, which reduces the electrical conductivity and strength of the base metal. The sulfur content of the copper alloy greatly facilitates its machinability by cutting.

Standards for Copper Alloys

State standards stipulate the rules for marking copper and its alloys, the designation of which corresponds to a certain structure.

The fact that we have one of the grades of copper in front of us is evidenced by the letter "M" in its designation. After the initial letter in the marking of copper and its alloys, numbers (from 0 to 3) follow, conditionally indicating the mass fraction of the base metal in their composition (for example, M3 copper). After the numbers, capital letters follow, by which it is possible to determine how this brand of copper was obtained. Of the technological methods, the following are distinguished:

  • cathodic (k);
  • a deoxidation method involving a low content of residual phosphorus (p);
  • a deoxidation method involving a high content of residual phosphorus (p);
  • without the use of deoxidizers - anoxic (b).

Examples of markings of such brands and may look like this: M2r, M1b.

A number of copper grades with unique characteristics are actively used in various industries.

  • M0 - this brand is used for the production of conductive elements and for adding to alloys that are of high purity.
  • M1 - this brand is also used to produce conductive elements, rolled products of various profiles, bronze, parts for cryogenic equipment, electrodes for, wire and rods (used to perform in an inert gas environment), Consumables for making parts made of copper that do not experience significant loads during operation.
  • M2 - this brand allows you to get products that are well processed by pressure. Copper M2 is also used for parts of cryogenic equipment.
  • MZ - parts from this grade of metal are produced by the rolling method.

GOST 859-2001, which stipulated the requirements and characteristics of copper alloys, was replaced in 2014 by a new state standard (859-2014), which was recorded by the relevant Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. new standard in its main points it is almost identical to GOST 859-2001.

GOST 859-2001 on copper grades

This state standard document applies to cast and deformed copper semi-finished products, as well as to copper made in the form of cathodes.

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Made from copper grades M1, M1R, M2, M2R, M3, M3R according to GOST 495-92, chemical composition which corresponds to GOST 859.

Among the huge range of product varieties, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself (copper sheet, reinforcing strands, corners, etc.) for you and buy to be sure of its strength, because it is strength that determines 100% of the quality of any metal.

Specifications of Copper Sheet

Each metal alloy has its own individual characteristics that determine their application and service life. Having decided on the appointment, you feel free to choose the right one for yourself, taking into account all the features. For example, a copper sheet is very convenient to use, but titanium sheets are distinguished by good strength and require a good ability to use it.

copper sheet weight

Almost every product that leaves the factory has a standard weight for easy transportation and packaging. Just imagine what would happen if each metal was produced in an arbitrary size. It would make your life very difficult.

Theoretical weight of copper sheets M1-M3, GOST
495-92, kg.
Thickness Teretichskaya
weight of 1m sheet
Thickness Teretichskaya
weight of 1m sheet
sheet, mm Size
sheet, mm
sheet, mm Size
sheet, mm
1000x1000 600x1500 1000x2000 1000x1000 600x1500 1000x2000
0.4 3,56 3,2 7,12 4,5 40,05 36,06 80,1
0.5 4,45 4,01 8,9 5 44.50 40.05 89.00
0.6 5,34 4,81 10,68 5,5 48,95 44,06 97,9
0,7 6,23 5,61 12,46 6 53,4 48,06 106,8
0,8 7,12 6,41 14,24 6,5 57,85 52.07 115,7
0,9 8,01 7,21 16,02 7 62,3 56,07 124,6
1 8,9 8,01 17,8 7,5 66,75 60,08 133,5
1,1 9,79 8,81 19,58 8 71,2 64,08 142,4
1,2 10,68 9,61 21,36 9 80,1 72,09 160,2
1,3 11,57 10,41 23,14 10 89 80,1 178
1,4 12,02 10,81 24,03 11 97,9 88,11 195,8
1,4 12,4 11,21 24,92 12 106,8 96,12 213,6
1,5 13,35 12,02 26,7 13 115 104,13 231,4
1,6 14,24 12,82 12,82 14 124,6 112,14 249,2
1,7 14,69 13,22 29,37 15 133,5 120,15 267
1,8 16,02 14,42 32,04 16 142,4 128,16 248,8
2 17,8 16,02 35,6 17 151,3 136,17 302,6
2,2 19,58 17,62 39,16 18 160,2 144,18 320,4
2,3 20,03 18,02 40,05 19 169,1 152,19 338,2
2,5 22,25 20,03 44,5 20 178 160,2 356
2,8 24,48 22,03 48,95 21 186,9 168,21 373,8
30 26,7 24,03 53,4 22 195,8 176,22 391,6
3,5 31,15 28,04 62,3 24 213,6 193,24 427,2
4 35,6 32,04 71,2 25 222,5 200,25 445

copper sheet dimensions

Dimensions must also comply with the standard established by certain authorities. Under the order, you can get such goods as a copper sheet with a certain size, specified when ordering.
Hot-rolled sheets are produced: from 600 to 3000 mm wide; length from 1000 to 6000mm.

GOST 495-92

All products of the steel industry are manufactured in accordance with the laws and standards established by the state and comply with all the necessary technologies for the production of high-quality metal.
Steel grade.
The basis for determining the grade of steel is the chemical composition. Each metal has its own unique brand. And even a hard copper sheet and a soft copper sheet contain differences.

Order copper sheet and you can consult on metal rolling by calling the numbers listed at the top and bottom of the site, call!

Attach files

Copper M3 - hard, soft, pressed

The MPStar company sells bushings, round bars, strips, sheets, pipes and strips made of M3 copper alloy at the lowest prices in the range. All types of products are manufactured in accordance with the relevant state standards. If necessary, we sell in pieces / blanks. We also provide related services for metalworking, packaging, storage and delivery of goods to various regions of Russia.

We will provide you with a comfortable full cycle service. Flexible system of discounts. Shipment of paid goods within one day. We will deliver to the regions in 2-3 days. Our fleet of vehicles - free shipping to the terminal of the transport company.

Characteristics and chemical composition of the alloy

Copper alloy M3 is produced in accordance with GOST 859-2001. The composition of this material includes 99.5% copper, as well as other substances: iron (0.05%), arsenic (0.01%), nickel (0.2%), sulfur (0.01%), lead ( 0.05%), oxygen (0.08%), bismuth, tin and antimony (0.1% in total). It is a highly ductile material with good corrosion resistance. It is well handled and is part of production process for many other metals. At the same time, the M3 alloy is characterized by a low price tag.

The key alloying elements here are nickel, lead and tin. According to technical parameters, solid and soft copper. This alloy is used mainly in the automotive and aircraft industries, as well as in instrument making.

Copper sheet to buy at the price of the manufacturer's factory wholesale and retail.

Alloy grades used in production:

Complies with GOST 1173-2006, TS 13-224-2011.
Manufacturing method:

  • hot rolled (hot rolled)
  • cold rolled (cold rolled)

The size of copper sheets - a standard size of 600/1500 mm is used. By special order, it is possible to manufacture any size, check with the site consultant.
Thickness from 0.4 to 25.0 mm.
Material condition:

  • solid
  • soft,
  • semi-solid

To increase the hardness, additional heat treatment(hardening).
If the required brand is in stock released at retail, order for the production of copper sheet from 500 kg.

Properties of copper sheets.

The physical and mechanical properties of the copper sheet depend on the grade of copper, oxygen content, alloying additives and impurities, but the main characteristics can be noted:

  • corrosion resistance
  • resistance to aggressive media and atmospheric factors
  • pliability to all types of mechanical treatments
  • weldability
  • solderability
  • excellent thermal and electrical conductivity
  • presentable appearance
  • tolerance of sudden changes in critical temperatures without deformation

Copper sheets are 99% base material to match the chemical and physical characteristics of the sheet blank, subjected to fire refining, which removes excess constituents and oxygen.

Application of copper sheet.

Due to its unique properties, copper sheet is actively used:

  • in electrical engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • instrument making
  • shipbuilding
  • aircraft industry
  • construction
  • finishing
  • Food Industry
  • medicine

Good machinability makes it possible to create complex structural solutions from a copper sheet, to produce parts for electrical appliances and radio equipment by stamping. Copper sheets have proven themselves as roofing material, roofs made of copper sheets do not require additional coating, anti-corrosion properties increase the service life of such a roof up to 100 years.

In interior and exterior decoration, copper sheets are used to create both flat and voluminous, curvilinear interior solutions. After polishing, the copper sheet will shine with gold and will please the eye for many decades.

Group of enterprises Soyuz copper sheet manufacturer M1, M2, M3 according to GOST 1173-2006. Over decades of production, we have brought technological process to perfection, the alloys used strictly comply with Russian and foreign standards, and the qualified personnel of the plant reduces losses due to marriage to almost zero. The presence of its own raw material base significantly reduces the cost of production, allowing even retail buy copper sheet at a low factory price.
To make a purchase or order for production, contact the website consultant, you can also send an online request or call the office, the manager will provide up-to-date information on the cost and availability of the required size and brand. copper sheet price does not depend on the application method, only on the quantity of the delivery lot.