How to choose your own business: useful tips and examples of successful people. How to choose your own business How to understand what you need in life

Is income important in modern life? Undoubtedly yes! People who have good financial situation everyone can afford: favorable conditions for living, branded clothes, quality food, a foreign car, annual trips and much more.

Unfortunately, the average worker cannot afford such pleasures. This requires you to open your own business. It is not always possible to achieve success in this area. The risk may not justify the means. How to choose your business? What can be done to make it bring the desired income? Is it really that easy to be successful?

Own ambition

How to choose your business and not miscalculate? For a business to be successful, a person must do what he sincerely enjoys. It is necessary that he not only work, but be in love with this type of activity.

A girl should not take on the opening of an auto parts store because it is fashionable and stylish if there is absolutely no interest in vehicles in her soul. It is better to pay attention to what will interest her. Perhaps it is needlework, soft toys, fashion clothes, accessories. self made etc.

Skills are also important. The future entrepreneur should understand at least a little what he plans to “give away” to the masses. If a man does not know what sugaring, manicure and pedicure are, then he should not take on the opening of a beauty salon. Of course, he can find a person who organizes the provision of the entire range of services for him, but he is unlikely to have finances for such an employee at the beginning of his business development.

Thus, the first and main condition in the question of how to choose your own business or business is the satisfaction of your own ambitions.


A person who has several million rubles, and perhaps even dollars, in the bank, open new business easy enough. And how to choose a business for a person who does not have start-up capital?

The first thing to do is evaluate your own capabilities. You need to calculate your total capital and assume what it will be enough for. It is not at all necessary to immediately open a large shopping mall or multifunctional Entertainment Center. You can start building your career as an entrepreneur with a small flower shop or a mini-organization engaged in tailoring or shoe repair.

If there is no capital at all, then you should think about what you can build a business on. Do you have a license and a car? Why not take up trucking? Spacious apartment gives you the opportunity to open a private kindergarten or a small beauty salon. A limited range of services can be provided here. Big land plot will make it possible to organize a small firm which will release natural products. To create a business, you need to choose any business that matches the capabilities of the future entrepreneur.


Currently, there are 1112 cities in Russia. Each of them is inhabited by people with their own needs. Decided to become an entrepreneur, but do not know how to choose your business in life, which will lead to success? Take a look around! Imagine that all the people around you are yours. potential clients. Think about what is missing in the city, and what could be of interest to this category of citizens. For example, in small towns there are often not enough entertainment complexes where people could spend their evenings.

When opening any enterprise, one should remember the law that is obvious to everyone - the fewer customers, the better. You can get rich noticeably by creating a small shop that sells unusual handmade souvenirs. A person who wants to surprise his friend will definitely be interested in such goods.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney is a world famous animator, producer, film director and screenwriter. He never faced the question of how to choose his own business. The Chicago-born man always knew exactly what field would bring him spiritual pleasure.

For a short time he worked in the then-famous Kansas City Star newspaper. Chief Editor fired him for lack of good ideas.

An unfinished career did not stop a young and ambitious man. Despite the failure, he remained completely faithful to his chosen business - the creation of animations. His main project of life was the Walt Disney studio. She brought her creator great fame and financial security. Today, the films of this legendary company are known to everyone, but few people know that the animator was denied its foundation more than 300 times.

Soichiro Honda

Soichiro Honda was born in November 1906. This is exactly the man who managed to impress his compatriots. All his childhood and youth he lived in the countryside. For a long time he worked as a locksmith. The life of a young guy could not be called happy. He was illiterate and was constantly mocked by those around him.

In the soul of a young boy, there was always a desire to repair cars. At the age of 15, he left his parental home in order to fulfill his dream. He managed to get a job as a mechanic in the Tokyo company.

In the early 1940s, he began to actively research bicycles. It seemed to him that this vehicle can move without the expenditure of human energy. He spent several years perfecting this model. Many people thought this idea was crazy. They did not understand how an illiterate man could invent something.

Nevertheless, in 1948, the famous Honda Motor Corporation appeared, which still exists today. Its main purpose is the production of motorcycles and engines. Now it is so popular that hardly anyone could call its president an illiterate loser.

Joanne Rowling

The famous writer Joanna Rowling had no problems with how to choose her own business. Fate did not spare her. At 26, she divorced and was left to survive with a small child on a meager allowance. But even in this situation, the lady always tried to find positive side. She succeeded.

For many years, the girl went crazy from depression. She couldn't sleep well at night. Only a favorite pastime - writing books - could briefly heal a spiritual wound.

Her labors were not in vain. In 1997, the first author's work "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was released. This edition was instantly bought from her by American directors. To date, a series of stories about an unusual boy is very popular.

Fans repeatedly watch movies and re-read books. And JK Rowling became a cult author and achieved incredible success.

Sylvester Stallone

I wonder if there is such a person who would not watch films with the participation of Sylvester Stallone? Most likely, his appearance is not familiar only to young children. This is not just an actor, this is a real world legend.

Now this daring and sexy man lives in a big way. And once he worked as a salesman in a grocery store and tried to feed his entire family on a small wage. He realized that it was time to think about how to choose his own business when he was forced to sell his beloved dog and his wife's jewelry in order to have money to live on. This situation broke him so much that he decided to radically change his fate.

The first successful project with his participation was the film "Rocky", which glorified the actor forever.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was considered from childhood retarded child. He began to speak and read much later than his peers. For this, he was even expelled from school.

Imagine the surprise of the leaders, who underestimated the student, when they learned about his discoveries. Today, Albert Einstein is known throughout the world as the most outstanding scientist. Perhaps, at the moment when everyone doubted him, a plan was already “born” in his head, how can one choose his own business?


Five lucky destinies. Five successful people in which even the closest people once did not believe. Five people who were not broken by barriers. Five legends who, in spite of everything, always remained true to their cause. And what would happen to them now if they had once listened to those around them and doubted their abilities. Would anyone know of their existence today?

How to choose your business? It is impossible to give a short answer to this question. Work must not only be created, it must be loved and believed in. Even if there are obstacles on the way, you should not betray your idea. On the contrary, you need to muster up the courage and prove to everyone around you how wrong they were when they doubted your abilities.

Determine the meaning of the concepts of leisure, recreation, free time, cultural leisure. Find common features and differences. 2. How people spent their leisure time in ancient times, how

it is carried out in the modern world? what do you see the general differences?


1. Choose an extra answer: the orientation of the personality is A) business b) public c) optimistic d) group
2. A set of stable personality traits that determine the typical way of behavior and relationships for a person A) character b) orientation c) will d) abilities
3. A worldview filled with despondency, hopelessness, disbelief in a better future, a tendency to see the bad in everything. A) pessimism b) altruism c) selfishness d) maximalism
4. Movement, development, internal energy A) dynamism b) intellect c) maximalism d) selfishness
5. A person's assessment of himself, his actions and deeds A) conceit b) self-esteem c) pride
6. Individual personality traits that allow you to achieve success in any activity. A) temperament b) character c) abilities d) orientation
7. A self-made person A) a leader b) an egoist c) an outstanding personality d) an optimist
8. Behavior, character traits characteristic of more early age A) maximalism b) infantilism c) pessimism d) optimism
9. Excessive extreme in views and demands. A) optimism b) dynamism c) maximalism d) pessimism
10. A longer emotional reaction that occurs not only to past events, but also to past and future events. A) stress b) emotions c) affect d) feelings

Life itself led me to write this letter. The idea that it is important to write about the well-being of people and their withdrawal from the state of survival has long been mature. And today, a reader wrote me a heartfelt letter, which caused a response to start covering this topic.

In short, down with the thinking of survival, long live Prosperity!

Which business to choose?

From the very beginning of my adult life, I was worried about this question. Which business is better? In which business will I be more successful? Where can I succeed?

Even when I was employed, this question always interested me.

I propose to consider the nuances business choice.

How can a spiritual person find a job or a business?

Or what to do if you are not like everyone else.

I faced such a question from the very beginning of my adult life, when I realized that I understand life somehow differently than those who work from 8 to 17 all their lives without asking themselves the question: why? I must, I must! You have to live on something. Earn for bread.

All standard motivations like salary, bonuses, fines, vacations did not work for me. Well, they're not motivated. The heroic silushka does not wake up, at least scold me. Even with a whip me, even with a gingerbread.

If you are not doing your own thing, then there is always not enough money. Firstly, because there is no satisfaction from work, and our mind tries to “hang” frustration on the surrounding people and circumstances.

What does it look like?

  • If I had more money, I'd be happy!
  • If I worked as a boss, I would be happy!
  • If I hadn't been taken...

If you dig deeper, then there is not enough money in the business where we do not want to develop deeper, we get stuck at a certain stage. How to define it? You can ask yourself the question “do I want to study further in this business, study everything to the smallest detail, reach a new level, become the first in my field?”. In "not our business" we are met with internal resistance. Conscious or unconscious.

Somehow I thought, why are some people satisfied with their lives, while others are constantly in search or even in frustration?

When I talk about happy people, I immediately get the image of my wife's friend, her name is Olya. When you communicate with her, you understand that she goes her own way, lives her own life. Her eyes are burning, there is confidence in her voice, she clearly knows what she wants, she is not very interested in someone else's opinion. She just flies to work.

Works in large IT company head of the documentation department (added on 07/08/2018: two departments, now works 80% remotely, out of the office). Even while on maternity leave, he speaks of work with love and joy, and speaks of his superiors only with respect. She has definitely found herself! To be honest, I rarely meet such people. Which makes me sad. (Added: recent times much more often! 😉)

My Business #2: Joint IT Firm

Improve yourself or be yourself? The question is ambiguous.

Everyone has their own experience. In fact, we always come to the question of making the right decisions for ourselves in conditions of uncertainty.

One day, a businessman stood on a pier in a small village and watched a fisherman sitting in a flimsy boat as he caught a huge tuna. The businessman congratulated the fisherman on his luck and asked how long it takes to catch such a fish.

A couple of hours, no more, - the fisherman answered.
- Why didn't you stay at sea longer and catch a few more of these fish? - the businessman was surprised.
“One fish is enough for my family to live tomorrow,” he replied.

But what do you do the rest of the day? - the businessman did not let up.

Many of us often think about what a fixed wage limits our potential. And this is absolutely true, because creativity should be paid depending on the amount of work done. That is why many people want to open their own business, which would allow them to realize all their ideas and receive real income. But few people know how to choose your business, which will not get bored in a few years, or even months.

What needs to be planned and calculated first

Before starting your own business, you will need to write a business plan. You probably won't be able to do it professionally, but don't worry, the key is to put the essence of your business into it. To ensure that success is not slow to appear, you need to plan everything correctly and conduct an analysis. An important element is financial plan. It is necessary to calculate what minimum finance you will spend on doing business: taxes, rent of premises, salary, payment for electricity, and so on. Based on the resulting amount, you will understand what minimum you must earn in order for the business to function at zero. The amount in excess of this indicator will already be your profit. Next, you need to analyze the demand for your future services and study the offers of competitors. Why is your offer unique and why should people buy from you? By answering these questions, you can offer more competitive terms.

It is also necessary to clearly describe where you are going to purchase expendable materials and to whom specifically to sell the goods. The target audience your services or products is a very important part of the plan. If you understand who you are targeting, it will be easier for you to answer the question: why people will bring their money to me. And in this part of the analysis, it is important to be as objective as possible, without exaggerating or underestimating your talents and features.

The first steps in business: how to start your own business

A person has many hobbies in his life. A hobby can be just a break from work, or it can start to bring real income. If you have a desire to try your hand at something new, then you will have to face the fact that you know almost nothing about your business. But if you turn your hobby into your life's work, then success will not keep you waiting. The whole point of a small business is to do what you love and get real profits for it. And it doesn't really matter what you plan to do. If this is a creative profession, then it will be somewhat more difficult, because finding a buyer in this direction can be quite difficult. But if you offer consulting, technical or repair services, then the demand in these areas exceeds the supply from competing firms.

A very important nuance is the fact that you need to constantly think about your reputation and do your job perfectly so that all customers leave satisfied. Naturally, you will not be able to please absolutely everyone, but minimize the number of dissatisfied customers is your direct responsibility. Otherwise, people will simply stop contacting you for goods or services. whole idea own business in realizing one's own potential, therefore, it will not be possible to be lazy in any case. You will need rest, without which you will not be able to fully work, but be individual entrepreneur This is, first of all, a great responsibility. After all, no one will perform your duties for you.

Ways to choose the right business

Polls are a great choice. Ask your family and friends about what you do best. Perhaps this is precisely the business that will bring income. It doesn't matter which area it comes from. By the way, very often people do not even think about the fact that they have some talents. If several of your acquaintances honestly say that you write or draw beautifully, perhaps you cook or combine flavors - most likely, this the best choice to do business. But even here you can get creative. If friends think that you make amazing cakes, it is not at all necessary to become a pastry chef, especially since this requires at least a basic education. But to start making marmalade or sweets is quite real. There are a hundred more options only in the direction of confectionery office work. Homemade sweets are also in high demand, so why not add a touch of creativity to your calling?

By choosing your hobby as a business and a way to make a profit, you can enjoy the process of earning and not depend on the whims of your superiors. People understood this principle in ancient times, because even Confucius said that you need to do what you love and then you won’t have to work a day in your life.

It is impossible to succeed by doing a job you don't like, no matter how prestigious and profitable it may be. Only a person who minds his own business wins the "lottery" of life. He is accompanied by financial success, he receives inner satisfaction and is respected by others. How to find your calling among the variety of opportunities? What to do if there is no occupation to which you would like to devote your whole life?

How to choose your business? First stage

Before embarking on an active search, you should relax and rest for a while. This time should be devoted to analyzing the current situation:

  • What do you not like about the current lesson?
  • Is it possible to combine the current job and the search for a new business?
  • how many people are kept?
  • is there a stash in case of "downtime"? etc.

It is necessary to realistically assess your capabilities: it is much easier for a bachelor with his own apartment than for a single mother with rented housing. No matter how difficult the situation, you can find a way out of it. But in the second case, you will have to act more carefully and balanced than in the first.

You should also learn a few laws:

  1. It's never too late to take on something new (you can change your life with equal success at 20 and at 50).
  2. Any business can bring decent money (love of history easily develops into tutoring, jewelry sells well on the Internet, and skill in making homemade cakes is an excellent basis for creating a small pastry shop).
  3. It makes no sense to listen to the advice of others, especially if they themselves are unhappy with life.
  4. Nothing lasts: money is earned new job is located, acquaintances appear. There is no need to be afraid to leave the usual harbor - sooner or later the "native" port will be met.

A little sad. Most of the dying regret that all their lives they were engaged in an unloved thing. It is worth remembering this as soon as your hands drop and you want to return to the boring swamp again.

How to find your business? Basic tricks

A person takes the first step by deciding to change his life. The rest is a matter of technique. Anyone can find something they like, it just takes a little effort. There are several ways to determine what kind of work you will like:

  1. Recall childhood aspirations. Very many, being small, had a whole view of the world and wanted very specific things. If your heart still aches at the thought of the old dream of becoming a fashion designer, maybe you should try to realize yourself in this direction?
  2. Think about your current dreams. It often happens that children's desires are morally obsolete and do not cause any enthusiasm. In such a situation, you should remember - what do you want now? What thoughts come before sleep? What are all those dreams that stand before your eyes while doing disgusting work?
  3. "Run" on a hobby. If a person is ready to devote the weekend to wood carving or clay modeling, then he clearly likes this activity. It remains to figure out how to monetize it in order to forget about boring work forever.
  4. Get a diploma. The will of fate brought many into areas that have nothing to do with the education they once received. Maybe you should go back to basics? After all, it was not in vain that this educational institution was once chosen.
  5. Make a visualization board. This method is good not only as a powerful motivator - it also helps to determine your own priorities. It is necessary to stick the pictures you like from magazines or the Internet on whatman paper, and then evaluate which topics prevail. What are the people doing in the pictures? What items dominate? What can be said about common theme boards?

Finding your own business is almost 100% introspection. Having “collected together” all your advantages, disadvantages, hobbies, dreams and aspirations, you can decide what is better to do.

How to recognize your business? Ten sure signs

The best thing for a person is what he was born for. This largely banal statement has solid grounds, which is invariably confirmed in practice. How do you know your "mission"? If the chosen business is really a life calling, the following rules will be relevant:

  1. I want to do work even in my free time.
  2. The lack of money does not prevent you from doing what you love and does not affect the deterioration of motivation.
  3. It is pleasant to share the results of your work, there is no feeling of greed ("I worked so much, and they - for everything ready").
  4. There is a desire to improve skills (reading special literature, attending seminars, communicating with professionals).
  5. Most of the thoughts are devoted to work, the implementation of new projects, the improvement of the existing situation.
  6. The lion's share of the funds earned is automatically set aside on a subconscious level for the "needs" of the business - and this never seems like a waste of money.
  7. In conversations with others, the topic of work pops up by itself and drags on until the interlocutor tactfully changes the subject of the conversation.
  8. There is a strong feeling that no problems can prevent you from fulfilling your plan.
  9. Every day brings joy, because you can do what you love.
  10. In the soul, the feeling of “attachedness” prevails, there is no fear of the future.

Ideally, the above "symptoms" should be specific to each person. Dissatisfaction with life, lack of money, a feeling of doom in the morning - this is by no means the norm, but a serious pathology that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Having found a job to your liking, you can be surprised to notice that the sun shines somehow especially brightly, and the grass suddenly becomes greener ...