To store or not to store? that is the question. Terms and conditions of tire storage. Does horizontal storage affect their operation Storing tires in a garage is a business

With each seasonal tire change, car owners face the question of where to store the rubber. Well, if you have your own garage, but what about those who live in apartments and no longer have any premises where rubber can be stored? It was this occasion that led to the opening of a separate line of business - the so-called "hotels" for seasonal storage of tires. Wheels are stored in heated and well-ventilated areas where direct Sun rays. The rubber is properly monitored - carefully dried and packaged. Such warehouses are a modern high-tech service, where everything is in its clearly marked places…

What is the article about:

Rubber storage service is one of the types of business

The rubber storage service is exclusively urban and not of Russian origin at all. In Europe, for decades there has been a similar business, which is called the “Tire Hotel” - a hotel for storing tires.

It is better to open your own seasonal tire storage business with a working tire fitting - in fact, the client base has already been formed. This, however, is what most tire shops do, which have free space for this purpose.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Tire Storage Service

If the business opens what is called “from scratch”, then significant investments in advertising will be required. At a minimum, you need to bypass all the nearby tire services and offer them cooperation. Other mandatory marketing tool- your website on the Internet. AT major cities and megacities, people have long learned to find services using the Internet. Therefore, without a website, you can miss the lion's share of customers.

Such a service can be offered not only if the client does not have his own place to store rubber. According to experts, for rubber it is important proper care and must be stored at a certain temperature and humidity. Tires should never be stored upright - they should be hung or placed in a horizontal position, ideally on wooden pallets. Tires that are not mounted in a rim must be stored upright and should be rotated every four weeks to avoid pressure in one place only. They should not be hung and stacked one on top of the other. Deformations, microcracks, loss of strength and elasticity - all these are the consequences of improper storage of tires.

Of course, few car owners follow these rules - often the rubber is thrown somewhere in a dusty corner of the garage and lies there until the next season. Therefore, if you correctly explain to the car owner the benefits of this service, even those who already have a place to store tires can use it. Here is just some confirmation of the increasingly popular tire storage service:

This is an image from the "coupon", which shows that more than 500 people used the service of the Shinohran company.

Premises selection

To organize a business, you need a fairly spacious room. It is logical that the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more rubber can be accommodated, and therefore earn more. The calculation is something like this: a set of tires (4 wheels) takes about 1m2 (depending on the storage method), respectively, 100 sets - 100m2. At the same time, it is not necessary to rent a large warehouse. This amount of rubber can fit in a much smaller area, due to the installation of two or three storey rack systems.

What equipment to choose for tire storage

The arrangement of a warehouse can take from 100 thousand rubles or more, depending on the condition and size of the premises. What can the money be spent on? In order to store rubber, you will need to purchase racks, racks or pallets. To maintain the desired temperature, it is necessary to install an air conditioning and ventilation system. Do not forget about the condition of the walls and ceiling, the repair of which can also take a certain amount (elementary whitewashing). To create the same site for advertising services, you need at least 30,000 rubles.

financial calculation

Now about income. The cost of seasonal storage of one set of tires (4 wheels) averages from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the diameter of the wheels. Or monthly storage of rubber may be offered, for example, 100 rubles / month per wheel. When the rubber is deposited, the car owner is issued a receipt. The return of wheels is carried out only on this paper.

From a room with an area of ​​​​500m2 for six months you can get: 500 sets x 2000 rubles per set = 1,000,000 rubles or 166,000 per month. From the amount received, you will have to subtract:

  • Warehouse rental - 20,000 per month
  • Tax (UTII or STS) - 10,000 per month
  • Salary and insurance contributions (1 employee) - 20,000 per month
  • Consumables (detergents, treatment products, etc.) - 5,000 per month
  • Advertising - 15,000 per month
  • Other expenses - 10,000 per month
  • Total monthly expenses - 80,000 per month.

How much can you earn from a tire storage service

From here, the approximate monthly profit will be: 166,000 - 80,000 \u003d 86,000 rubles. This, of course, subject to the presence of a client base of 500 people (which still needs to be able to develop).

It is extremely difficult to determine the profitability of this business - a lot depends on the abilities of the business organizer. But there are facts that indicate whether or not you should open a seasonal tire storage business. For example, such a “banal” indicator as the number of city residents and their standard of living. Small and medium-sized cities of the Russian hinterland with a population of up to 200 thousand inhabitants are immediately excluded. After all, not every citizen can afford to allocate 2000-3000 rubles for six months, for “some kind of storage of rubber”.

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Businessman, investor.
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It is convenient to have two sets of wheels - you can fasten them at any time. Save time and money on tire fitting. The only question is where to store? Consider the issue of seasonal storage of tires and wheels - what are the conditions and cost of this service.

What conditions

Seasonal storage of tires suggests that they will be in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated place (temperature 10-15 degrees), but not in a draft. Do not leave tires in damp rooms, on greasy surfaces and in direct sunlight. According to the rules tires are stored in vertical position to avoid deformation and for ease of handling. If they can only be stored in a horizontal position, then the wheels of passenger cars are stored in piles no higher than 1 meter, and truck tires - no higher than one and a half meters.

Tires should be deflated to 50% of normal pressure before they are stored. Keep the nipples in place. Before laying tires, you need to make sure that the place is clean, free of dirt and moisture. Tires should not come into contact with oils, fuel, asphalt and be placed on special shelves or stands. The place where the tire comes into contact with oil swells, although it subsequently returns to its normal shape and looks undamaged on the outside. The allowable load on it will be reduced.

Some car enthusiasts treat their tires with silicone grease or rubber black before handing them over. As you know, these tools help restore the structure of rubber products. The rubber will not dry out and retain its original appearance.

Also useful to mark tires where what was on the car. For example, apply with a marker or school chalk on each wheel the designation “PL”, which means “front left”. “ZP” means “rear right”. This is especially true if the tires are directional and it is better not to swap them. In addition, each tire has its own characteristics - wear, tread depth. If the method with a marker or chalk does not work (it is erased), then we tie the collar. For example, one collar indicates that the wheel was front left, 2 - rear left, and so on.

What is the price

You can try to create ideal conditions in the garage. If it is not possible to store an additional set of tires at home (for example, on a balcony) or in a garage, then it is better to give it to specialized companies (usually these are the same companies that sell wheels). The advantage is that you can fit tires and store wheels in one place.

The cost of the service is not high is from 50 to 100 rubles per month, depending on tire size. Maximum price for storage of a set of rubber / disks - 320 rubles / month. In total, it turns out that for a car with 15 ′ wheels, seasonal storage of four tires for 6 months will be from 1200 to 1500 rubles. Agree, not so much money. For an SUV, the cost will increase by one and a half times. It should be borne in mind that if you want to temporarily keep the tire along with the disk, then the price also rises.

When choosing a company where you will give the tires for storage, specify where they will be located. Some firms store wheels outdoors, which is bad. They should only be in special rooms.

The post has been changed:

Winter is approaching, which means that for motorists there comes another season of troubles associated with replacing summer tires with winter ones. However, if the issue of “changing shoes” is quite simple to solve - all you need to do is go to the nearest auto shop and buy the necessary tires, then the problem of storing removed wheels is much more difficult to solve. Moreover, this problem consistently occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn.

What only original ways of storage car tires I have not met: at home on the balcony, in the pantry, on the mezzanine, behind cabinets, in the basement. It's good if you have your own garage, but what if you don't? So the poor fellow car owners are pushing around with their tires, not knowing where to attach the bulky “shoes” of their “iron horse”. And I think that many of them will only be happy to pay a small amount to someone who undertakes to save them from a sore point. Seasonal tire storage is another business idea that does not require any significant cash injections.

Is business registration required?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. If you decide to engage in seasonal storage of tires as a source of additional income (for example, in small towns), then you have nothing to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC - these will be unjustified additional costs. If you plan to open your own car service, tire fitting, or any other car-related business, and offer tire storage as an additional service, then registration is required.

Although, judging from the point of view of customers, there is much more trust in an officially registered person. Read about how to register your individual enterprise or limited liability company by clicking on the links. See how to choose the most optimal taxation system for your business, and you can find out how to combine several types of tax payments.

The most important thing is the room

There are a lot of options for using various seasonal tire storage rooms. It could be:

  • Own garage. By the way, in this you will find out what other business you can organize in your own garage.
  • Rented warehouse. It is advisable to rent a warehouse if you live in a populous city, and there is a strong belief that tire storage services will be in demand by many car owners.

Of course, it is much better to have your own premises, in which case the tire storage fee can be reduced due to the lack of rent. The location of your business does not play a special role: whether this building will be in the city center or on its outskirts is not important. It is advisable to maintain the air temperature in the room at least -5 0 C and above +30 - this is the optimal temperature regime tire storage.

Arrangement of the premises

Of course, car rims and tires cannot be stored by simply dumping them on the floor - you will need to build special racks several floors high. For customers, you can allocate separate cells by attaching plates with the names of the owners to them, and other necessary information(make of the car, date of deposit, and expiration date).

The room should be checked for roof leaks and moisture coming from the floor surface. If necessary, the roof should be patched, and absorbent material, such as sawdust, should be poured onto the floor, or a floor should be made of wooden boards.

Storage security

This is a separate issue that requires careful consideration. Firstly, you need to check the reliability of all doors and gates in the room, and secondly, it will be better to equip the room with a burglar alarm. If the storage is located in a garage and the garage is in garage cooperative, then you don’t need to worry - there is a guard there. In any other case, the safety of tires handed over for seasonal storage is on your conscience.

However, you will be responsible for the lost tires with your wallet not to your conscience, but to angry owners. In addition, such incidents are unlikely to serve as good advertising for your business, so pay special attention to the issue of security.

It will not be superfluous to take out insurance of the deposited automobile “shoes” against an accident, for example, a fire.

Provision of additional services

The ideal option for the development of the "wheel and tire" business would be to combine seasonal tire storage with tire fitting. You can find out how to open a tire service in this source. Good additional service will be:

  • Wheel washing after replacing them.
  • Rubber blackening.
  • Tire pumping.
  • Repair of cuts, etc..

Some numbers in your business

You will determine the specific cost of storage yourself, based on the prices of competitors in your locality. The cost of the service consists of the radius of the tires, their quantity (from 1 tire to a set of 4 pieces), and the shelf life. Based on these criteria, you can make more profitable offers than those of competitors.

An example is the following table:

1 complete set of tires covers an area of ​​just over 1 m², which means that in a room of 36 m² (standard garage), minus 5 m² of passages and additional space for tires - 1 m², approximately 29 sets can be placed. Taking into account various errors, suppose 28.3 one month of storage of 28 sets of tires "runs" the amount of 11,200 rubles. But we have 2 or even 3 tiers of shelving in our garage, which means that the resulting figure needs to be doubled or tripled. Agree, a good additional monthly income is obtained from a simple garage. And if you rent a room with a larger area?

The figures are approximate, only so that you understand how to calculate your income. Those readers who are interested in this business idea can order the development of a business plan for this idea with specific calculations on the site.

How to attract clients

As it often happens: acquaintances, friends, work colleagues, or neighbors in the house and porch can become the first customers of your business. Then, it's up to word of mouth. Sometimes no additional advertising is even required in order to completely “fill up” the storage and acquire regular customers for the future.

If you decide to start a “serious” business related to seasonal tire storage and register your business, then you should not give up on traditional types of advertising: newspapers, local television, social networks, city Internet portals. You can also put up ads.

A good option would be to conclude contracts with small tire shops (large car services will not work). The bottom line is: you leave your promotional offers about seasonal storage of tires and several copies of the agreement (a storage agreement must be developed!) in a workshop where employees offer your services to their customers for a fixed amount, or for certain percentage. After filling out the contract from the tire shop, they call you, you drive up and pick up the wheels for storage.

  • Premises selection
  • financial calculation
  • How much money do you need to start a seasonal tire storage business
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for seasonal storage of tires
  • What documents are needed to open a company providing seasonal tire storage services
  • Which taxation system to choose for registering a seasonal tire storage business
  • Do I need permission to open a company providing seasonal tire storage services?

With each seasonal tire change, car owners face the question of where to store the rubber. Well, if you have your own garage, but what about those who live in apartments and no longer have any premises where rubber can be stored? It was this occasion that led to the opening of a separate line of business - the so-called "hotels" for seasonal storage of tires. Wheels are stored in heated and well-ventilated rooms, where direct sunlight does not fall. The rubber is properly monitored - carefully dried and packaged. Such warehouses are a modern high-tech service, where everything is in its clearly marked places…

Rubber storage service is one of the types of business

The rubber storage service is exclusively urban and not of Russian origin at all. In Europe, a similar business has existed for decades, which is called the "Tire Hotel" - a hotel for storing tires.

It is better to open your own seasonal tire storage business with a working tire fitting - in fact, the client base has already been formed. This, however, is what most tire shops do, which have free space for this purpose.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Tire Storage Service

If the business opens what is called “from scratch”, then significant investments in advertising will be required. At a minimum, you need to bypass all the nearby tire services and offer them cooperation. Another mandatory marketing tool is your website on the Internet. In large cities and metropolitan areas, people have long learned to find services using the Internet. Therefore, without a website, you can miss the lion's share of customers.

Such a service can be offered not only if the client does not have his own place to store rubber. According to experts, proper care is important for rubber, and it must be stored at a certain temperature and humidity. Tires should never be stored upright - they should be hung or placed in a horizontal position, ideally on wooden pallets. Tires that are not mounted in a rim must be stored upright and should be rotated every four weeks to avoid pressure in one place only. They should not be hung and stacked one on top of the other. Deformations, microcracks, loss of strength and elasticity - all these are the consequences of improper storage of tires.

Of course, few car owners follow these rules - often the rubber is thrown somewhere in a dusty corner of the garage and lies there until the next season. Therefore, if you correctly explain to the car owner the benefits of this service, even those who already have a place to store tires can use it. Here is just some confirmation of the increasingly popular tire storage service:

This is an image from the "coupon", which shows that more than 500 people used the service of the Shinohran company.

Premises selection

To organize a business, you need a fairly spacious room. It is logical that the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more rubber can be accommodated, and therefore earn more.

The calculation is something like this: a set of tires (4 wheels) takes about 1m2 (depending on the storage method), respectively, 100 sets - 100m2. At the same time, it is not necessary to rent a large warehouse. This amount of rubber can fit in a much smaller area, due to the installation of two or three storey rack systems.

What equipment to choose for tire storage

The arrangement of a warehouse can take from 100 thousand rubles or more, depending on the condition and size of the premises. What can the money be spent on? In order to store rubber, you will need to purchase racks, racks or pallets.

To maintain the desired temperature, it is necessary to install an air conditioning and ventilation system. Do not forget about the condition of the walls and ceiling, the repair of which can also take a certain amount (elementary whitewashing). To create the same site for advertising services, you need at least 30,000 rubles.

financial calculation

Now about income. The cost of seasonal storage of one set of tires (4 wheels) averages from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the diameter of the wheels. Or monthly storage of rubber may be offered, for example, 100 rubles / month per wheel. When the rubber is deposited, the car owner is issued a receipt. The return of wheels is carried out only on this paper.

From a room with an area of ​​​​500m2 for six months you can get: 500 sets x 2000 rubles per set = 1,000,000 rubles or 166,000 per month. From the amount received, you will have to subtract:

  • Warehouse rental - 20,000 per month
  • Tax (UTII or USN) - 10,000 per month
  • Salary and insurance contributions (1 employee) - 20,000 per month
  • Consumables (detergents, processing agents, etc.) - 5,000 per month
  • Advertising - 15,000 per month
  • Other expenses - 10,000 per month
  • Total monthly expenses - 80,000 per month.

How much can you earn from a tire storage service

From here, the approximate monthly profit will be: 166,000 - 80,000 = 86,000 rubles. This, of course, subject to the presence of a client base of 500 people (which still needs to be able to develop).

It is extremely difficult to determine the profitability of this business - a lot depends on the abilities of the business organizer. But there are facts that indicate whether or not you should open a seasonal tire storage business. For example, such a “banal” indicator as the number of city residents and their standard of living. Small and medium-sized cities of the Russian hinterland with a population of up to 200 thousand inhabitants are immediately excluded. After all, not every citizen can afford to allocate 2000-3000 rubles for six months, for "some kind of storage of rubber."

The service life of concrete is around 100 years. The shelf life of raw smoked sausage outside the refrigerator is 3-4 years, provided that it is lubricated with vegetable oil.

Shelf life car tires somewhere in the middle between these two products. Tractors successfully run on tires manufactured in Soviet time. Retro cars in the Mille Miglia, Mercedes and Porsche museums are on tires from the 40s-80s and periodically participate in endurance races - drive from northern Italy from Brescia to central city Rome and back.

Tires get old! But they age very slowly. Everything in this world grows old and only cognacs and wines become better and more expensive over the years. But tires age very slowly, aging at about the same rate as humans. Five-year-old tires, especially summer ones, should never be thrown away, just like five-year-old people :)

How do you know if tires have been stored correctly? Were they lying in the sun?

If you see that the tires are yellowed, have cracks in the tread or sidewall, then don’t even look at the release date - you don’t need to take such tires. If the tires, on the contrary, are black and look sleek and beautiful, then look at release date You don't need those tires either. Just feel free to take them, ride and enjoy!

A few years ago, a government car, Seagull, came to us, having a very specific wheel size, and brought new tires with it. 1968 release. Beautiful, black with white insert, brand new looking car tires. We installed them on a beautiful car weighing about 2.5 tons and she left us with dignity. At the same time, the driver asked for his own peace of mind to give 7 atmospheres of pressure to each wheel as a stress test, and then blow off the wheels to the working two barrels. Tires behaved like new.

How many wheels are considered new?

Manufacturers do not recommend the use of winter tires made more than 10 years back. The fact is that the rubber compound becomes stiffer over time, which has a bad effect on performance - hard tires cling worse to ice and rolled snow. The possibility of further operation is determined by the buyer, based on their technical condition. But the most main reason why manufacturers started rumors about tire aging - they need to make sales. They are not satisfied if you ride the same tires for 10 years. They've long since made light bulbs burn out and cars break down after the warranty expires.

According to GOST 52900-2007 during 5 years the tire is considered new.

To date, there is no law regulating the period of use and storage conditions for tires, but there are only recommendations from tire companies. For example, Nokian does not regulate exactly how rubber should be stored. They simply ask them to periodically shift - there is no question of even a flat surface for storage - only a change in the support zone. That is, according to Nokian, even storage at an angle or on an uneven surface is apparently possible. Continental, for example, states that tires should be stored in a dry, dark, cool, low-ventilation area, and vertically rotated tire storage is ideal, not mandatory.

Guarantee period

Any manufacturer gives a guarantee against manufacturing defects. We give our customers a 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects. Some manufacturers give a five-year warranty on their tires from the date of manufacture of the tire. But in principle, this is a trick, since it is stipulated in small print that the tire should not have a tread height below 4 mm. Tire manufacturers are well aware that in three or four years after the start of operation, 95% of the tires will become bald and no one will remember the factory warranty, firstly, and secondly, factory defects are such a rare occurrence even among Chinese or domestic manufacturers, Yes, and it is usually opened on the first day and most often at the first tire fitting.

Storage conditions depend on tire centers and tire dealers. 95% tires in our company are stored in warehouses from several days to several weeks, because they are sold very quickly. A small part of the tires inevitably hangs on next year, since it is impossible to fully predict the demand in each model and size, but we move such tires several times due to the compaction of warehouses, winter tires are taken out for the summer to a remote warehouse (and not sold summer tires, respectively, for the winter), then they are returned to warehouses close to to the buyer. That is, during the year of storage, such tires change the side several times, on which their ordinal place in the stack lies. By the way, the stack cannot be too high, as the tires are light goods, and high stacks tend to collapse, often with the risk of knocking over the entire warehouse like a domino.

Why is horizontal storage better than vertical storage?

On the websites of tire manufacturers, it is sometimes written that tires should be stored vertically and rotated periodically at a certain angle. At the same time, it is not written anywhere at what angle they need to be turned and how often to do it. And the funny thing is that all tire manufacturers do not have warehouses finished products long-term storage - their entire business is built in such a way that tires must be immediately shipped and sent to distributors and retailers immediately after production.

Almost all tires go to Russia first by sea - it's much cheaper when delivering even from Europe, because transportation by rail requires moving containers from a narrow European gauge to our wide Russian one, and therefore requires additional costs. Therefore, it is much cheaper to send a hundred or two sea containers with tires on one huge dry cargo ship to Finland, the cost drops significantly.

As a result, tires will already spend several months in containers at sea, especially when transporting them from Japan. But even from Hamburg, the path is also not as close as it seems when looking at a geographical map. Perhaps a few more months the tires will stand in these same containers at distribution warehouse sites in Finland before they are needed by a Russian or European customer.

Why to Finland? Everything is very simple:
firstly, the width of the railway track in Russia coincides with track gauge in Finland (after all, she was part of Russian Empire when a huge number of key railways), so the cars of Russian railways can directly enter our northern neighbor;
secondly, tires stored in Finland are stored nearby, cheaply and reliably, and most importantly, you don’t have to pay huge customs duties , which are inevitably used when importing tire products when imported into the territory Russian Federation. Any wheel that has entered the territory of Russia will never leave its borders - it is not advisable, no one will return the customs fee back.

Thus, it turns out that any imported tires have already been stored in containers for several months, at best, in horizontal piles. And now we are not talking about our company, which does not even have foreign economic activity(we do not import tires ourselves); that's what everyone, absolutely all tire companies do. By the way, all tire supplies to Russia have long been carried out only centrally - absolutely all eminent tire manufacturers have their representative offices in our country. No one drives tires himself, directly, except Chinese brands . All tires are imported into the country only by the representative office of each manufacturer. And no one has been carrying them in trucks for a long time - it's too expensive because of the driver's salary and the amount of fuel consumed, and trucks are also lost and disappear on the way. Everything is carried by sea containers.

And it's good if the tires float in the lower containers and it's better in winter in winter. And if these are the upper containers that will spend a month in the Indian Ocean, a week in the Red Sea, a couple of weeks in the Mediterranean Sea under the scorching July sun (although it is not very cold in the Maldives even in winter), heating up every day, possibly up to 100 degrees Celsius?.. It is up to this temperature that closed dark-colored containers are heated. Then we'll get what happened recently with a large batch of Dunlops that were caked in piles, and buyers will blame it again. Russian Internet stores, not really thinking about how exactly they could violate the conditions for the proper storage of automotive rubber so that the tires turned gray and caked? .. Maybe they stored them in spray booths to save space :) And, in principle, nothing so terrible has happened, the tires are wonderfully inflated with explosive pumping boosters, which every self-respecting tire shop is simply obliged to have (we have them at all branches), than to listen to beggars-tire fitters from garage services about the wrong storage and increase the cost of mounting such tires.

By the way, this is an occasion to think about purchasing products from eminent manufacturers that produce their products in free economic zones in Russia. Half of the circulation produced in Russia tire goes abroad, high quality ensured by the application the latest equipment and robots, as well as the strictest quality control of both finished products and at all stages of production. Tire factories in this respect are very much like luxury hotels of the most famous chains: being inside it is very difficult to determine in which country this hotel / factory is located, workers everywhere are from third world countries or the poorest countries, management and top managers / engineers are always from country of origin of the brand.

At our company, tires are stored in a horizontal position - we declare this honestly and openly. Our many years of experience in storing and selling tires shows that tire storage in horizontal stacks greatly affects their characteristics and subsequent operation. The horizontal position ensures that the tire will not be deformed during storage.

We want to draw your attention to the fact that not a single company operating in the tire business stores tires in an upright position. This is due to the high cost of renting space, irrational use of free space and high time costs. And in order to properly store tires in vertical position, every few days they need to be rotated by a (not) certain angle.

How much time and effort do you think loaders and storekeepers will have to spend to turn all the tires in the warehouse? Are you true believe that at least one Russian person will turn the tires at a certain angle ??? Most likely, tires will stagnate in one position, and this can already lead to radial runout of the wheel and deterioration in performance! Yes, and the capacity of the warehouse with such storage falls several times. Plus the cost huge amount shelving. So with 100% probability it can be argued that all advertising texts Pro vertical tire storage is a ploy to lure unsuspecting consumers. The main condition for proper storage, in our opinion, is a flat floor and even piles.

Therefore, we only store tires in horizontal stacks, as shown in the picture below. And if one of our colleagues assures that they, when providing storage services, put rubber without discs vertically, do not be shy, ask to see. Most likely you will be denied this under some pretext. After all, often, instead of a beautiful warehouse with racks, you will be able to present, at best, sea containers, or even crates made of reinforced mesh in the open air, in the worst case. Our company does not store customer tires or new tires under open sky- We declare this to you with all responsibility. The floor of all our warehouses is concrete or asphalt and it is even. At the first request, we are ready to show our warehouses from the inside to each client who has paid for seasonal storage.