Gas generator car. Wood gasification Wood gas as motor fuel

The quantity and composition of the gas depend mainly on the temperature and rate of distillation. Under normal conditions, the gas consists of carbonic acid, carbon monoxide and a small amount of methane, unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons and hydrogen. Yields of these wood gas constituents obtained by Klason were listed on page 51 " OM during dry distillation of pine, spruce, birch and buk, calculated as a % relative to the weight of dry wood. The average percentage composition of gas from the above rocks in terms of volume will be as follows:

COz. . . ... . -57.1*

CO...................... - 32.7 "

С4Н4 ■ ... . . -

Bergstrom and Weslen give the following figures for the composition of the gas obtained from the dry distillation of air-dried softwood in internally heated Swedish kilns*.

COj...................... 50-56N

CO................. 28-"he

Sn "................. 18 N

Heavy hydrocarbons 2-3 HI...... . 0,5-14

The yield of this gas is about 18% of the weight of dry wood. Its methane content of 18% seems too high, as VaK corresponds to almost all the methoxyl groups in the tree, while other dry distillates also contain significant amount methoxyl.

According to the research of F. Fischer "a, the gases formed during the dry distillation of wood in iron retorts have the following average composition by volume, derived from a large number of analyses:

TOC o "1-3" h z С02 .............. 59.0*

SO ....... .33 he

CH< ....... . 3,5*

Hydrogen......................... 3.0*

The composition of wood gas is generally not constant during the entire time of its release from the distillation apparatus and varies depending on the stage of development. At first, only air is released from the apparatus, which is contained in the tree and the apparatus, then a gas appears, consisting almost exclusively of CO2 and CO and little combustible. Only after all the water has evaporated from the wood does a strong development of gases begin with a significant content of hydrocarbons and hydrogen, which burn easily. In the next stage of the process, the release of gases decreases, but their combustibility does not weaken.

Although a small amount of air at the beginning of the dry distillation of wood represents a perfectly normal part of the gas, but in some cases, for example in such plants that work with the extraction of wood gas by a fan, this air mixture can increase significantly. Klar gives an example when the amount of oxygen in the gas reached 6%. I personally had to observe in the charcoal kiln of system A and and new oxygen content 2-5 and even 4 °/o, which was often accompanied by pops, especially when transferring gases from one regenerator to another.

In addition to air, the gases leaving the refrigerator contain a certain amount of wood vinegar and resin, with which the gases are more or less saturated, depending on the temperature of the cooling water and the pressure prevailing in the refrigeration pipes. The more gases are formed during the dry distillation of wood and the warmer they leave the refrigerator, the greater the loss of acetic acid and especially wood alcohol, resulting from the saturation of gases with the constituents of wood vinegar. Therefore, in order to avoid this loss, it is necessary that, firstly, the amount of gases formed be minimal, and this is achieved by lowering the distillation temperature, secondly, so that the temperature of the gases when they leave the refrigerator does not rise above 20 ° C and in 3rd, air access to the distillation apparatus beat Reduced to a minimum, since due to the influx of air, the amount of gases increases, and due to oxidation, the loss of products, especially methyl alcohol,

With an increase in the amount of hydrocarbons in gases, their calorific value increases. We have already seen in Yuon's table that gas in the initial stage of its development gives only 1100 cal, For 1 cube m, at the end of the distillation, its calorie content reaches 4780 cal. on the cube, m.

If we take the wood gas of the composition indicated by F. Fischer "oM, then its calorific value is 1312.8 cal., Those. one cube, m gas at 1b ° C and prn atmospheric pressure releases the specified amount of heat during combustion; weight 1 cube, m such a gas is equal to 1.479 kg. The useful calorific value of gas in practice is significantly reduced due to the inevitable loss of heat, and, according to the calculation, is 864 hal. In practice, it can be assumed that 100 kg wood I give * during dry distillation a maximum of 20 - 26 kg of gas, i.e. about 15 cube m , which have a useful calorific value of 864 "pi. will give everything 12 960cal, Comparing the value of this gas with the theoretical calorific value of good coal of 7000 al. and with practical at 50 00 cal, we find that this gas, in terms of its fuel capacity, can replace 2.5 kg of stone

5000 I. When wood gas is heated by flue gases leaving the chimney, its fuel value can rise to a calorific value of 3.3 kg coal.

Due to the significant calorific value of wood * gas at the plants of dry distillation of wood, it is not released uselessly into the air, but is burned under retorts, which saves about 10% on coal, or it is used as fuel for gas engines, with * az or 100 kg wood equivalent 3 hg coal, develops an energy equal to 3.75 horsepower per hour.

Natural gas is the cheapest source of energy for a heating system. But these days, gas is not so cheap. Therefore, many homeowners prefer to use alternative gas generators that run on wood or sawdust in their heating systems.

And in this article we will consider the process of creating such a gas generator. After studying this material, you can assemble a wood-burning gas generator with your own hands and take advantage of all the benefits alternative way heating.

Combustible gas can be extracted not only from a well. For example, if you heat firewood to 1100 degrees Celsius, limiting the access of oxygen to the fuel oxidation zone, the combustion process will go into the stage of thermal decomposition - pyrolysis. The result of pyrolysis will be the conversion of cellulose into low molecular weight olefins - combustible gases ethylene and propylene.

Moreover, the efficiency of the "pyrolysis" boiler is 1.5-2 times higher than that of a conventional solid fuel "heater". After all, low molecular weight olefins released during pyrolysis release much more energy during combustion than burning cellulose.

As a result, the generator on sawdust, firewood, cake or any other source of cellulose operates according to the following scheme:

  • In the primary combustion chamber, as a result of classical pyrolysis, cellulose is converted into low molecular weight olefins.
  • At the next stage, the olefins obtained as a result of pyrolysis pass through a series of filters that purify combustible gases from impurities - acetic and formic acid, soot, ash, and so on.
  • After filtering, the gases need to be cooled, since the heated fuel gives off less energy in the final stage of oxidation.
  • Further, the cooled gases pass into the secondary combustion chamber, where the final oxidation (combustion) occurs, accompanied by the release of energy absorbed by the walls (casing) of the boiler. Moreover, a separate portion of air is pumped into the secondary gas combustion chamber, since the primary chamber operates under conditions of limited oxygen supply.

The heated walls of the boiler can be connected to a water "jacket", turning the gas generator into a conventional water-heating boiler, or used as a heating element of an air convector.

Why is it beneficial?

By building a wood gas generator with your own hands, you can count on the following benefits:

  • Reduced fuel consumption. After all, the efficiency of a boiler with a gas generator is 90-95 percent, while that of a solid fuel boiler is only 50-60 percent. That is, for heating the same room, the gas generator will spend no more than 60 percent of the fuel consumed by a conventional solid fuel boiler.
  • long burning process. Pyrolysis of firewood occurs in 20-25 hours, and the process of thermal decomposition of charcoal ends in 5-8 days. Therefore, loading firewood into the boiler can be done only once a day.. And if you use charcoal, then the “charging” of the boiler is carried out once a week!
  • The ability to use any source of cellulose as fuel - from cake and straw, to live wood with a moisture content of about 50 percent. That is, you can no longer worry about the "dryness" of firewood. Moreover, even meter logs can be shipped into the furnace of some models of gas-generating boilers, without preliminary grinding (chopping).
  • No need for cleaning both the chimney and the blower. Pyrolysis utilizes the fuel almost without residue, and the product of olefin oxidation is ordinary water vapor.

In addition, it should be noted the ability to fully automate the process of the boiler.

Of course, you cannot create a fully automatic gas generator with your own hands, but industrial models can work for weeks, consuming fuel from the bunker and controlling the process of heating the coolant without the participation of an operator.

To negative side The practice of using wood-burning gas generators includes the following facts:

  • Such a boiler is very expensive. The price of the cheapest version of the "pyrolysis" boiler is two times higher than the cost of a solid fuel counterpart. Therefore, the most zealous owners prefer to build a gas generator on wood with their own hands.
  • Such a boiler runs on electricity, which is used to power the systems for blowing air into the combustion chambers. That is, if there is no electricity, there is no heat. A conventional oven will "work" anywhere.
  • The boiler generates consistently high power. Moreover, a decrease in the intensity of heating will provoke a malfunction of the entire system - instead of combustible olefins, ordinary tar will go into the secondary chamber.

But all the shortcomings "pay off" with abundance positive characteristics and economical operation of the heating device. Therefore, the purchase of a gas generator, and even more so the independent construction of such a “heater”, is a very profitable business. And below in the text we will describe the process of creating a wood gas generator.

How to make a gas generator with your own hands?

Before assembling the gas generator and transforming this device into a heating boiler, we need to prepare the components and parts from which this unit will be assembled.

Moreover, the classic device of a wood-burning gas generator involves the use of the following components in the assembly process:

  • Firstly, the bodies are the foundations of the future unit, all the constituent elements of the boiler will be installed in the inside of this unit. The body is assembled from corners and sheet steel, pre-cut and cut according to templates and drawings.
  • Secondly, bunkers are containers for storing fuel (firewood, charcoal, pallets, and so on). The bunker is assembled from sheet metal and fixed in the body. Moreover, a part of the internal space of the case can be allocated under this node, delimiting it with the help of metal plates made of low-carbon steel.
  • Thirdly, the combustion chambers - it is placed at the bottom of the bunker. After all, the main task of this node is to generate high temperature, so the chamber is made of heat resistant steel. And the cover of the bunker is sealed, preventing unauthorized saturation of the combustion chamber with oxygen.
  • Fourthly, the neck of the combustion chamber is a special area where resin cracking is carried out. This part of the chamber is separated from the body using asbestos gaskets.
  • Fifth, the air distributor boxes - a special unit located outside the case. Moreover, the tie-in fitting of the air distributor into the housing is carried out by means of a check valve. This assembly provides an influx of oxygen into the olefin combustion chamber, preventing the release of combustible gases from the combustion chamber.
  • Sixthly, a set of filters and a pipe connecting the neck of the firewood combustion chamber with the olefin combustion chamber.

In addition, we need a grate - it is needed to separate the coals in the combustion chamber, beams and doors - they provide access to the body cavity, including the bunker or combustion chamber.

Having prepared all these elements, we can proceed to the assembly of the gas generator, carried out according to the following plan:

  • First, the body is assembled.
  • Then, a bunker with a combustion chamber is equipped in the body, complementing the design with grates and an inlet channel (blower).
  • The neck of the firewood combustion chamber is connected by a branch pipe to the olefin combustion chamber. Moreover, it can be brought into the branch pipe to the gas cooling system mounted outside the housing.
  • An air distributor box is assembled in the upper part of the housing, having previously prepared the entry of olefins into the combustion chamber using a check valve.
  • Next, a door to the bunker and hatches to the combustion chambers (both firewood and olefins) are mounted on the hinges.

The boiler assembled in this way is equipped with air compressors (air distributor and supply channel to the firewood combustion chamber) and an exhaust pipe (chimney). Well, at the very end, a water jacket with an inlet and outlet fitting is mounted on the boiler body, preferably in the zone of the secondary combustion chamber, in which the coolant will circulate. Moreover, the jacket can be placed in the double walls of the housing or the combustion chamber of olefins.

Let's make a reservation right away: if a car runs on wood, this does not mean that it is a steam locomotive without rails. Low efficiency steam engine with its separate firebox, boiler and double-triple expansion cylinders left steam cars among the forgotten exotics. And today we will talk about “wood-burning” transport with the usual internal combustion engines, engines that burn fuel inside themselves.

Of course, no one has yet been able to push firewood (or something similar) into the carburetor instead of gasoline, but the idea to get combustible gas from wood right on board the car and feed it into the cylinders as fuel has taken root for many years. We are talking about gas generator cars, cars whose classic internal combustion engine runs on generator gas, which is obtained from wood, organic briquettes, or coal. By the way, such machines also do not refuse the usual liquid fuel - they are able to run on gasoline.

Holy simplicity

Generator gas is a mixture of gases, consisting mainly of carbon monoxide CO and hydrogen H2. This gas can be obtained by burning wood placed in a thick layer in a limited amount of air. An automobile gas generator also works on this simple principle, which is essentially a simple unit, but cumbersome and structurally complicated by additional systems.

Also, in addition to the actual production of generator gas, an automobile gas generator unit cools it, cleans it and mixes it with air. Accordingly, a structurally classical installation includes the gas generator itself, coarse and fine filters, coolers, an electric fan to speed up the ignition process and pipelines.

I take the refinery with me

The simplest gas generator has the form of a vertical cylinder, into which fuel is loaded almost to the top - firewood, coal, peat, pressed pellets, etc. The combustion zone is located at the bottom, it is here, in the lower layer of the burning fuel, that a high temperature is created (up to 1,500 degrees Celsius), which is necessary for the release of future components of the fuel mixture from the upper layers - carbon monoxide CO and hydrogen H2. Next, the hot mixture of these gases enters the cooler, which lowers the temperature, thus increasing the specific calorific value of the gas. This rather large assembly usually had to be placed under the car body. The filter-cleaner, located next to the gas flow, rids the future fuel mixture of impurities and ash. Next, the gas is sent to the mixer, where it is combined with air, and the finally prepared mixture is sent to the combustion chamber of the car engine.

Scheme of the ZIS-21 car with a gas generator

As you can see, the fuel production system right on board a truck or passenger car took up quite a lot of space and weighed a lot. But the game was worth the candle. Thanks to their own - and, moreover, gratuitous - fuel, enterprises located hundreds and thousands of kilometers from fuel supply bases could afford their autonomous vehicles. This advantage for a long time could not overshadow all the shortcomings of gas-generating cars, and there were many of them:

- a significant reduction in mileage at one gas station;
— reduction of the vehicle load capacity by 150-400 kg;
— Reducing the usable volume of the body;
- the troublesome process of "refueling" the gas generator;
— an additional set of routine maintenance work;
- starting the generator takes from 10-15 minutes;
- a significant reduction in engine power.

ZiS 150UM, experimental model with NAMI 015UM gas generator

There are no gas stations in Taiga

Wood has always been the main fuel for natural gas vehicles. First of all, of course, where there is an abundance of firewood - at logging sites, in furniture and construction industry. Traditional technologies of wood processing in the industrial use of wood in the era of the heyday of "gasgens" about 30% of the mass of the forest were released into waste. They were also used as automobile fuel. Interestingly, the rules for the operation of domestic "gasgens" strictly prohibited the use of industrial wood, since there was an abundance of waste from the forest industry. Both soft and hard woods were suitable for gas generators.

The only requirement is the absence of rot on the chocks. As shown by numerous studies conducted in the 30s at the Scientific Automotive and Tractor Institute of the USSR, oak, beech, ash and birch are best suited as fuel. The chocks used to fill the boilers of gas generators most often had a rectangular shape with a side of 5-6 centimeters. Agricultural waste (straw, husks, sawdust, bark, cones, etc.) was pressed into special briquettes and also "filled" them with gas generators.

The main disadvantage of "gasgens", as we have already said, can be considered a low mileage at one gas station. So, one load of wood chocks to Soviet trucks (see below) was enough for no more than 80-85 km of run. Considering that the operating manual recommends “refueling” when the tank is empty by 50-60%, then the mileage between refueling is reduced to 40-50 km. Secondly, the plant itself, which produces generator gas, weighs several hundred kilograms. In addition, engines running on such gas produce 30-35% less power than their gasoline counterparts.

Refinement of cars for firewood

Cars had to be adapted to work on a gas generator, but the changes were not serious and were sometimes available even outside the factory. Firstly, the compression ratio was increased in the engines so that the loss of power was not so significant. In some cases, even turbocharging was used to improve the filling of the engine cylinders. Many “gasified” cars were equipped with an electrical equipment generator with increased output, since a fairly powerful electric fan was used to blow air into the furnace.


To maintain traction characteristics, especially for trucks, with reduced engine power, the transmission ratios were made higher. The speed of movement fell, but for cars used in the wilderness and other desert and remote areas, this was not of decisive importance. To compensate for the weight distribution that has changed due to the heavy gas generator, the suspension was strengthened in some cars.

In addition, due to the bulkiness of the "gas" equipment, it was partly necessary to reconfigure the car: change, move the loading platform or cut the truck cab, abandon the trunk, transfer the exhaust system.

The Golden Era of Gasgen in the USSR and Abroad

The heyday of gas-generating cars fell on the 30-40s of the last century. At the same time, in several countries with large needs for cars and small explored oil reserves (USSR, Germany, Sweden), engineers large enterprises and scientific institutes took up the development of wood-fired vehicles. Soviet specialists were more successful in creating trucks.


From 1935 until the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War at various enterprises of the Ministry of the Forestry Industry and the Gulag (the Main Directorate of Camps, alas, the realities of that time), the GAZ-AA lorry and the ZIS-5 three-ton, as well as buses based on them, were converted to work on wood. Also, in separate batches, gas-generating versions of trucks were produced by the machine manufacturers themselves. For example, Soviet auto historians give the figure 33,840 - so many GAZ-42 gas-generating "lorries" were produced. More than 16 thousand units of gas generator ZISs of the ZIS-13 and ZIS-21 models were produced in Moscow.


During the pre-war period, Soviet engineers created more than 300 different versions of gas generators, of which 10 reached series production. During the war, serial plants prepared drawings of simplified installations that could be manufactured locally in auto repair shops without the use of sophisticated equipment. According to the recollections of residents of the northern and northeastern regions of the USSR, wood-fired trucks could be found in the outback until the 70s of the twentieth century.

In Germany during the Second World War, there was an acute shortage of gasoline. The design bureaus of two companies (Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz) were tasked with developing gas-powered versions of their popular compact cars. Both firms in a fairly short time coped with the task. Volkswagen Beetle and Mercedes-Benz 230 got onto the conveyor. It is interesting that in serial cars, additional equipment did not even stand out for the standard dimensions of “cars”. Volkswagen went even further and created a prototype of the “wood-burning” military Volkswagen Tour 82 (“Kubelvagen”).

Volkswagen Tour 82

Wood burning machines today

Fortunately, the main advantage of gas-generating cars - independence from the gas station network, has become of little relevance today. However, in the light of modern environmental trends, another advantage of wood-burning cars has come to the fore - working on renewable fuel without any chemical preparation, without additional energy wasted for fuel production. As theoretical calculations and practical tests show, a wood-burning engine does less harm to the atmosphere with its emissions than a similar engine, but already running on gasoline or diesel fuel. The content of exhaust gases is very similar to the emissions of internal combustion engines running on natural gas.

Nevertheless, the topic of wood-burning cars has lost its former popularity. Gas generators are not forgotten mainly by enthusiastic engineers who, for the sake of saving on fuel or as an experiment, convert their personal cars to run on generator gas. In the post-Soviet space, there are successful examples of "gasgens" based on the AZLK-2141 and GAZ-24 passenger cars, the GAZ-52 truck, the RAF-2203 minibus, etc. According to the designers, their creations can travel up to 120 km at a single gas station at a speed of 80- 90 km/h


For example, the GAZ-52, transferred by Zhytomyr engineers in 2009 to firewood, consumes about 50 kg of wood chocks per 100 kilometers. According to the designers, you need to throw firewood every 75-80 km. The gas generator unit is traditionally located for trucks between the cab and the body. After ignition of the furnace, about 20 minutes should pass before the GAZ-52 can start moving (in the first minutes of the generator's operation, the gas produced by it does not have the necessary combustible properties). According to the calculations of the developers, 1 km on wood costs 3-4 times cheaper than on diesel fuel or gasoline.

Gas generating unit GAZ-52

The only country today in which wood-burning cars are massively used is North Korea. In connection with the total world isolation, there is a certain shortage of liquid fuel. And firewood again comes to the rescue of those who find themselves in a difficult situation.

During gasification, the organic part of wood is converted into combustible gas and liquid products. Gasification is carried out in vertical shafts of devices called gas generators. Three main processes take place in the gas generator shaft, which can be conditionally divided into zones indicated in the diagram (Fig. 23).

In the upper part of the gas generator, the wood is dried (zone I), then dry fuel undergoes shvelevanie-thermal decomposition in a stream of heated gas moving from the grate and blast tuyeres up to the neck of the gas generator (zone II).

In the third last zone the process of gasification itself is carried out, which is no longer subjected to wood, but to coal - a product of wood shaving. Here the coke carbon (charcoal) is oxidized in an atmosphere of air oxygen supplied to the mine through the grate and through the blast tuyeres. When gasification of other types solid fuel(fossil coal, shale, coke and peat) is sometimes used instead of air blast - steam-oxygen.

During the interaction of atmospheric oxygen and coke, carbon oxidation can occur according to the following reactions:

A) C + 03 COa + 97 650 kcal/kg - mol;

B) C + 4- O .. -> - CO + 29 450 kcal/kg - mol.

Part of the carbon dioxide CO2, interacting with the carbon of coke heated to a high temperature, turns into carbon monoxide CO by the reaction

C + CO 2 ^ 2 CO + 38 790 kcal/kg - mol.

Observations have shown that during the gasification of wood fuel in a thick layer, as a result of the above reactions, mainly carbon monoxide is formed.

pieces Coal is covered with a gas film, through which gas molecules diffuse to the surface of the coal, and the reaction products are removed from the surface, entering the gas space between the individual pieces of the solid. The intensity of the diffusion flux depends on a number of factors.

When the rate of chemical interaction between a solid and gas molecules is very high, the overall result is

Interactions between reactants in heterogeneous reactions will depend on the intensity of diffusion processes. In this case, the process of coal gasification proceeds in the so-called diffusion region.

When the rate of a chemical reaction between a solid and gas molecules is a decisive factor, the interaction between the reacting substances passes into the kinetic region of the process.

With an increase in gas velocity and a decrease in the size of coal pieces, the thickness of the gas film decreases.

The rate of the gasification process in its diffusion region will increase with an increase in temperature and gas flow rate. The rate of chemical interaction between coke carbon and gas molecules, i.e., the actual gasification process, in its kinetic region will always increase with increasing temperature.

The reactivity of coke from different coals is not the same, and it is characterized by the rate of chemical interaction of carbon with CO2 and water vapor.

Charcoal is more reactive than, for example, fossil coals.

Therefore, for the case of wood gasification, the oxidation of wood coke carbon will proceed in the diffusion region of the process.

In zone III (gasification proper) a high temperature develops. Theoretically, it could be around 1600°. As a result, fuel ash melts, slagging and often blown devices are destroyed. These phenomena lead to premature shutdown of the gas generator due to an air supply disorder. To combat them, it is enough to add 90-120 g / n to the air supplied to the gas generator. g3 saturated water vapor.

The supply of steam in the blast provides some increase in the calorific value of the gas.

Unlike air blast, artificially moistened with steam, is called steam-air. The degree of humidification of the blast is controlled by its temperature, which is usually maintained in the range of 45-55 °, and sometimes even higher. By adding steam to the blast, the temperature of the actual gasification zone is reduced to 1100-1200°C, which is already safe for blast devices.

During steam-air blast, the following reactions take place:

A) C + H20 -> CO + Na - 28 300 kcal/kg - mol

B) C + 2 H20 COa + 2 H2 - 17 970 kcalkg - they say,

C) CO + H20 CO2 Na ± 10 410 kcal/kg - mol.

The water vapor of the blast is usually not completely consumed by these reactions, but by 70-75%. If the blast is significantly moistened with steam and the temperature is lowered, the reactions "a" and "b" can go into the kinetic region of the process.

Due to the unavoidable presence of nitrogen in the air, it is theoretically possible to represent the formation of CO in the gas obtained in the zone of gasification itself, with air blast, according to the following equation:

2 C + 02 + 3.76 N2 - 2 CO + 3.76 N3,

What corresponds to the composition of the gas in volume fractions: CO -34.7%-. N2 - 65.3%.

It has been experimentally established that the composition of the gas in the zone of the actual gasification of wood coke with air blast differs little from the theoretical one. From 1 kg carbon outlet gas

Equals 5.37 n. m3 s calorific value 1060 . From

The given data shows that in an ideal air process, the thermal efficiency of gasification, counting from the cold

5.37 1060 _ _ gas is equal to g^ = 0.7.

Gasification is the process of converting organic or fossil carbonaceous materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This is achieved by reacting the material at high temperature (>700 °C) without ignition with a controlled amount of oxygen and/or steam. The resulting gas mixture is called synthesis gas(short for synthetic gas) or wood gas, and is itself a fuel. The energy obtained from the combustion of such gas is considered one of the types of renewable energy if the gasified mixture was obtained from biomass.

One of the most typical applications of this energy is thermal power generation. Wood gas contains a large amount of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and does not emit pollutants when burned. environment. wood gas source of environmentally friendly renewable non-emission energy.


Wood gasification technologies have been researched and developed for over 100 years. However, the difficulties in managing a controlled and sufficiently clean gasification process make it difficult to implement it for commercial use, for example, in power plants. The biggest obstacle was the tar released during the pyrolysis process, which eventually destroyed the engines. In addition, the quality of wood chips, and in particular the percentage of moisture contained in them, set severe limits in the selection and processing of crushed biomass. to her

The solution is an innovative pyrolysis method.

The GASEK wood gasifier is a so-called once-through gasifier. It is based on a pyrolysis technique developed and improved over the past 30 years. The processed biomass moves in the reactor in the same direction as the gasifying air supplied in quantities substantially less than those required for combustion.

The biggest difference from the old, problematic, technology lies in the temperature and method of purification of the resulting gas. key factor gasification process - reaching high temperatures (800-1200°C), which prevents the formation of destructive resins. As a result, resin compositions break down into lighter particles that do not create problems for engines. The wood gas passing through the GASEK cleaning line is colorless and odorless and does not emit harmful substances when burned.

Purified wood gas makes it possible to produce efficient, low maintenance and long life equipment for power plants. A number of international patents have been obtained for the GASEK gasification technology.