Electronic platform for the sale of property of debtors "Siberian trading platform. EDS for the "Siberian trading platform" The cost of an electronic signature

Siberian trading floor is accreditedtrading siteon the sale of debtors' property, in accordance with No. 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)".

When a business becomes unprofitable and there is no way to fully pay off creditors, bankruptcy proceedings begin. An arbitration manager is appointed, whose task is to sell the property of the debtor in short time and return the debt to creditors, employees, the state and other persons to whom the company has obligations. That is why the price of the property being sold is much lower than the market price, which, of course, is beneficial to the buyer.

Auction for the sale of property of debtors sibtoptradeunites the interests of all parties: both the organizers of the auction and the participants. Besides,Siberian trading platform conducts commercial auctions, but already within the framework of civil legal relations.

The register of auctions in bankrupt property is freely available. On the site Siberian trading platformyou can get acquainted with open, completed, canceled auctions, as well as find the necessary procedure for the name of the debtor or organizer. However, in order to view information about the lot and its initial price, you must follow the link by clicking on the number of a specific auction. This is not very convenient.

On the Sibtoptrade.ruvarious property is presented from real estate to equipment of a rather narrow purpose.

The legal significance of all actions performed by participants onETP Sibtoptrade, is confirmed by an electronic signature. An EDS key certificate can be obtained from any of the accredited Certification Centers.

To start working onelectronic trading platform for bankruptcyyou need to register and confirm information about yourself with documents. For convenience onauction site Sibtoptradeposted guides for the participant and for the organizer of the auction. Here all questions on work with an electronic platform are covered.

For the right to conduct auctions, the organizers must pay a certain amount, the tariffs depend on the number of exhibited lots. The minimum cost of placing 1 lot is 5,000 rubles. Participants interact withETP Sibtoptrade is free .

This is a trading platform that sells the property of debtors. It is also one of the most popular and convenient platforms for this process.

Starting from 10/12/10, the debtor's company and other property should be submitted at auction in electronic format, this is stated in paragraph 7 in article 110 and paragraph 3 in article 111 of the Federal Law of 10/26/02 under number 127 - regulating the bankruptcy procedure.

Marketplace ETP "Siberian" complies with all the conditions that have been approved by the Ministry of Economy and Development Russian Federation dated February 15, 2010 by order number 54, and has the right to conduct open auctions in electronic format for the sale of property or enterprises of debtors within the framework of the law that regulates the bankruptcy procedure.

For arbitration managers and companies that participate in the bidding process, accompanying their clients in bankruptcy cases, this trading platform can be used as an ETP to automate the process and guarantee the effectiveness of bidding.

A convenient and fairly simple interface allows both Organizers and bidders to make bidding in the simplest and fastest way, since the quick response of the support service guarantees assistance on any issues in the shortest possible time.

On this site, as well as on any other, it is necessary to gain access to the auction and have it in order to be able to conclude a deal with the Customer who sells his property, and it will also be needed for tender documents.

Do you want to be accredited to the ETP "Sibirskaya"?

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

2. Commercial auctions at the Sibirskaya ETP

A set of procedures in bidding for the right to sign a transaction for the purchase and sale of property for any subjects of civil law relations.
Using the electronic trading platform ETP Siberian” will make this process transparent and comfortable for its users. And also quite fast, which is undoubtedly a big advantage in this type of trading.

3. Federal purchases under 223-FZ at the Sibirskaya ETP

Also, in addition to commercial bidding, there are also purchases in accordance with 223-FZ in the same direction of the sale of real estate of debtors. In this article, we also remind you that starting July 1, 2018, trading on 223-FZ and 44-FZ will be held in a new format, to familiarize yourself with them, you can follow these links:, or.

4. Video instruction register on the electronic trading platform

For guaranteed results in tender purchases You can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement periods, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only profitable contracts with minimal competition!



Information about the auction organizer

Dear users, due to the increase in the amount of data accepted by the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information and the change in their structure, there may be blank fields in the auctions added before 12/16/2015.
Information, in this case present in other fields.

Bid Type Public Offer Bid Submission Form Open Bid Submission Form Bid Start Date and Time 2018-11-05 00:00:00 Bid Submission End Date and Time 2018-11-27 17:14:00 Date and Time start of trading 2018-11-05 00:00:00 Date and time of the end of trading 2018-11-27 17:14:00 Rules for submitting applications Acceptance of applications and other documents provided for in paragraph 11 of Art. 110 of the Bankruptcy Law for participation in the auction is carried out from 00.00 05.11.2018 on working days until 23.59 23.12.2018 (Moscow time). Registration of participation in the auction, the list of documents submitted by the participants in the auction and the requirements for their execution, the requirements for the application for participation in the auction and the documents attached to it are carried out in accordance with Art. 110 FZ dated October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On insolvency (bankruptcy)”; Procedure open auction in electronic form when selling property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated February 15, 2010 No. 54; Publication in the official publication of the notice of the auction. Regulations of Siberian Trading Platform LLC Procedure and term for concluding a contract for the sale of property (enterprise) of the debtor: The contract for the sale and purchase is concluded within 10 working days after summarizing the results of the auction, the procedure for transfer - as agreed by the parties. Terms of payment, details of accounts to which payments are made: Payment is made to the debtor's bank account within thirty days from the date of signing the contract. Debtor's bank account Beneficiary's account number: 40817810538297028505 Name of the bank: PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Moscow BIC of the bank: 044525225 Corr. Vavilova 19 beneficiary: Ponomarev Evgeny Pavlovich Amount of the deposit, terms and procedure for making and returning the deposit, details of the accounts to which the deposit is paid: The amount of the deposit is 10% of the initial price to the debtor's bank account. the deposit must be received on the debtor's account: "beneficiary's account number: 40817810538297028505 bank name: PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Moscow Bank BIC: 044525225 cor/account: 30101810400000000225 address: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova st. 19 recipient: Ponomarev Evgeny Pavlovich" until 00 h. 00 min. On October 20, 2018, the amounts of deposits made by the applicants are returned to all applicants, with the exception of the winner of the auction, within five working days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the auction. Information about the property (enterprise) of the debtor put up for auction, its composition, characteristics, description, procedure for familiarization with the property (enterprise) of the debtor: room located at: 105264, Moscow, st. 5th Parkovaya, 48, bldg. 2, apt. 3, with a living area of ​​15.5 sq.m., conditional number 2-1277630, cadastral number 77:03:0005008:6418, owned by the Debtor on the right of ownership according to the certificate of state registration rights dated 28.08.2001, form series 77АА 043109, about which registration No. 77-01 / 13-143 / 2001-1552.2-1 was made in the USRN. Procedure and criteria for determining the winner of the auction: but not less than the initial price set for certain period trades. The date and time of summing up the results of the auction on the next business day after the end of the stage for accepting bids or the end of the auction. At any of the stages of lowering the price of the auction, PJSC JSCB "power" has the right to retain the subject of pledge by paying 20% ​​of the price set for a particular stage to the bankruptcy estate of the debtor according to the details for the auction. Date of publication of the announcement of the open auction in the official publication Date of publication of the announcement of the auction in the print media at the location of the debtor 0000-00-00 federal register information about bankruptcy 2018-11-01 Description of the lot: a room located at the address: 105264, Moscow, st. 5th Parkovaya, 48, bldg. 2, apt. 3, with a living area of ​​15.5 sq.m., reference number 2-1277630, cadastral number 77:03:0005008:6418, owned by the Debtor according to the certificate of state registration of rights dated 28.08.2001, form series 77АА 043109, about than an entry was made in the USRN about registration No. 77-01 / 13-143 / 2001-1552.2-1
lot number starting price Price drop
1 1906200.00 from 11/05/2018 to 11/11/2018 from 00:00 to 23:59 - 1,906,200 rubles. from 11/12/2018 to 11/18/2018 from 00:00 to 23:59 - 1,620,270 rubles, from 11/19/2018 to 11/25/2018 from 00:00 to 23:59 - 1,334,340 rubles, from 11/26/2018 to 12/02/2018 from 00:00 to 23:59 - 1,048,410 rubles, from 12/03/2018 to 12/09/2018 from 00:00 to 23:59 - 762,480 rubles, from 12/10/2018 to 12/16/2018 from 00:00 to 23:59 - 476,550 rubles, from 12/17/2018 to 12/23/2018 from 00:00 to 00:00 - 190,620 rubles. The price reduction takes place according to Moscow time

Thanks a lot, Mikhail, everything was done promptly, and most importantly, it was clear to me ... Since we found mutual language. I would like to keep in touch with you in the future. I hope for fruitful cooperation.

Olesya Mikhailovna - CEO LLC "VKS"

On behalf of the State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopol Aviation Enterprise" we express our gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency of your company! We wish your company further prosperity!

Guskova Liliya Ivanovna - manager. SUE "SAP"

Thank you Michael for your help with the design. Very qualified employee +5!

Nadiya Shamilyevna - Entrepreneur IP Anoshkina

On behalf of the company "AKB-Avto" and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all the employees of your company for productive and high-quality work, sensitive attitude to customer requirements and efficiency in the execution of ordered work.

Nasibullina Alfira - Senior Manager"AKB-Auto"

I want to thank the consultant Mikhail for the excellent work, timely and complete consultations. He is very attentive to the client's problems and questions, promptly solving the most difficult situations that would seem to me. It's a pleasure to work with Michael!!! I will now recommend your company to my clients and friends. Yes, and technical support consultants are also very polite, attentive, they helped to cope with the difficult installation of the key. Thanks!!!

Olga Sevostyanova.

Acquisition of the key turned out to be very easy and even pleasant. Many thanks for the assistance to the manager Michael. Explains things that are complex and massive to understand, concisely, but very clearly. In addition, I called the hotline free line and on-line, together with Mikhail left a request. I got the key in 2 business days. In general, I recommend it if you save your time, but at the same time you want to have an understanding of what you are buying and what you are paying for. Thank you.

Levitsky Alexander Konstantinovich Samara

Personal gratitude to the consultant Mikhail Vladimirovich for the prompt consultation and work on the accelerated receipt of the ES certificate. During the preliminary consultation, the optimal set of individual services is selected. The end result is immediate.

Stoyanova N.L. - Chief Accountant LLC "SITECRIME"

Thanks for the quick work and expert help! I was very pleased with the advice!

Dmitry Fomin

LLC "Expert System" thanks the consultant Mikhail for the prompt work! We wish your company growth and prosperity!

Sukhanova M.S. - AppraiserLLC "Expert System", Volgograd

Thanks to the consultant, who introduced himself as Mikhail, for the efficiency in working with clients.

Ponomarev Stepan Gennadievich

Many thanks to the consultant Mikhail, for the assistance in obtaining the EDS. For prompt work and advice on issues arising in the process of registration.

Leonid Nekrasov

The company, represented by consultant Mikhail, does the impossible! Speed ​​up accreditation in less than 1 hour! Payment upon rendering of the service. I thought this didn't happen. FROM full responsibility I can advise you to contact the Center for issuing electronic signatures.