What does it mean to invite a device to mts. Information for users of the archival service “United Internet. How it works

Today it is already impossible to imagine modern life without mobile Internet. Daily owners mobile phones, tablets, smartphones, laptops access the World Wide Web and use the usual resources: learn the news, communicate in social networks, check email play games or just read books.

All users constantly update programs, install new applications. As statistics show, every year the number of people who own more than one mobile device is increasing. For each of these gadgets, to connect to the Internet, you need to install a SIM card with the number of the operator providing this service. Agree that if you have a smartphone in your pocket, a tablet in your bag, a laptop on your desktop, and a modem at home, then it is very inconvenient to keep track of traffic payments for each device.

AT this case will come to your aid new service“Single Internet”, which makes it possible, within one Internet package, to have access to the network from several mobile devices (no more than 6). With this service, you can share mobile internet with your family and friends, no matter where they are. To do this, you need to create a group "United Internet".

Terms of Service

  • In order to create a group, you need to be a user or
  • Invited members of the group can use any tariff plan.
  • If the connected subscriber has already used the Internet before, then access to it under the terms of a personal TP is suspended.
  • The group's traffic is considered shared. Each member is entitled to up to 50GB per month (depending on the terms of the group initiator's package). The initiator may set a usage limit for individual members.
  • When the initiator's account is blocked (regardless of the reason), each of the participants can restore access through the Personal Account.

Create a group

It is very easy to create it. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • enter the Personal Account on the website of the MTS operator
  • dial the combination *111*750# from the phone call button and follow voice guidance.
  • call 5340

An SMS invitation will be sent to each device connected to the package, which must be confirmed within 10 minutes.

Unlimited Internet at optimal speed. MTS.

Service billing

When creating a group, the fee for access to the World Wide Web is charged only from the organizer of the group.

For connecting one additional device to this moment no fee is taken. Payment for all subsequent connections will be 100 rubles per month for each.

From September 1, 2015, the initiator of the creation of the United Internet group will have to pay 100 rubles for the first connection.

Service " United Internet» on MTS and how to disable the service

Due to competition, each telecom operator tries to provide its subscribers with unique services. An example is the "Single Internet" (UI) option on MTS.

Access to the network of various devices is a separate item of expenditure. And within the framework of a single Internet, all services are paid for simultaneously by depositing money into your account by phone number. In this case, the total cost is reduced.

The MTS subscriber connects the option and creates an association. Its participants are additional devices of their own or others. Since there can be up to 6 of them, it makes sense to invite more people and save your money. With the functioning of all six units, five hundred rubles are paid. per month (100 rubles for each additional device).

To get into the "edinet", you must be an MTS subscriber of the "Smart" and "Ultra" packages, or tariff plans for using the Internet network Mini, Maxi, Super, VIP. Then you should create a group. The organizer invites those interested. Moreover, one person can be an initiator or a member of only one community.

If you need to go on a business trip, vacation, etc., you can find out how to turn off the "Single Internet" on MTS by leaving the group. Then you won't have to pay for a while. After arrival, return to the old or join the new community.

Features of solving the problem

To resolve the issue of how to connect, how to use, how to disable the "Single Internet" service on MTS, an Internet assistant is used on the company's website. There you need to register, enter your phone number and the code that MTS sends as a message. Access to the Personal Account is given, where all services are managed.

The same problems are solved using the keyboard. The following key combinations apply depending on the situation:

  • * 111 * 750 # , "Call" - connection, disconnection, etc. according to the spoken instructions;
  • *111*750* Member's phone number*1# - adding a new member to the group;
  • *111*750* Participant's phone number*0# , "0" - withdrawal;
  • 5340 – SMS sending address. Text options: "1" - entry into the group, "0" - exit from it, "0*" - deletion of all data.

"Single Internet" - a convenient novelty that allows you to save cash. But MTS has system failures, and all devices involved in the option may simultaneously lose their connection to the Network. And in cooperation with different Internet providers, access to information is preserved.

The United Internet service is undoubtedly a tempting offer for subscribers who find it difficult to imagine themselves without the opportunity to periodically visit social networks, be aware of the events taking place in the world, be in online chats with your relatives, colleagues and "necessary" people. From the name of this option, it immediately becomes clear what it is. However, as for any offer of cellular operators, whether it be a service or a tariff, the United Internet (MTS) has a number of features and nuances that you should study in advance before you start using this service. In order to understand the relevance of the opportunity to have general access to the Global Network and whether it is profitable to connect the option offered by the red-white operator, let's take a closer look at its conditions.

Service Overview

Before answering the question of our readers and talking about how to connect the United Internet (MTS), it is worth bringing short review this service. The main idea of ​​the service in question from one of the largest and most popular operators is the ability to access the Global Network simultaneously from several mobile gadgets on the same terms. Thus, one client of a red-and-white communication service provider can add several of his gadgets to the so-called group - among them, for example, there may be: a smartphone, a computer (including a laptop), a tablet PC, and not to think about each once that you need to replenish the balance of each of these devices. You can also include other subscribers in the group, allowing them to surf online at their own expense (more on this below).

Who can benefit from single access to the Web?

  • Friends: by sharing the Internet, you can give your friend access to the Global Network, helping him out in a difficult situation.
  • For family members: in order not to think monthly about whether relatives have access to the Internet, whether money has been credited to the balance, it is enough just to add them to one group and take care of all payment costs.
  • Colleagues: if you need to use the Internet on work issues, you can “add up” and pay for access by favorable price.

What you need to remember when connecting a single Internet?

MTS "Single Internet": how to connect?

Subscriber service can be activated by creating a group and adding the required number of numbers to it. You can do this in two ways:

  • on the official portal of the service - this will require access to the Internet;
  • through short requests sent from cell phone subscriber who plans to distribute megabytes - in this case, connecting to global network not required.

You can connect United Internet (MTS) from your phone via a USSD request: *111*750#.

In general, the procedure for connecting the service is as follows:

  1. Sending a request (or rather, an invitation to another subscriber or number, if you plan to connect your second number) via the Internet or via SMS.
  2. Confirm or decline the received invitation. You can also do this by clicking on the link to the service website or by sending the number 1 (in case of consent) to the service service number (5340).

In the event that the sent request was accepted by another number (numbers), each member of the group, including the initiator (i.e. the subscriber from whose device the traffic will be distributed), will receive a text message with a corresponding notification. Moreover, if the subscriber mistakenly gave his consent to join the group, then at any time he can leave it - how this can be done will be described later in the current article.

How to disable the "Single Internet" on MTS?

Let's consider two cases of refusal of the service: the initiator and the subscriber included in the group.

In the first situation, when the creator of the community decides to stop paying for the Internet for other subscribers or their numbers, the deactivation of the service means the dissolution of the group. Thus, other subscribers will no longer be able to use the unified Internet service. Payment for the connection will be carried out with them in accordance with the tariffs / options set on the number.

In order to delete groups and stop distributing the Internet, you will have to remove all the numbers included in it from the list. This can be done quite simply: a message with the text "0_*" should be sent to the service short number of the service, where _ is a space. A similar operation can be performed in the web interface on the official website of the service. A notification will be sent on the successful closure of the group.

How to disable the "Single Internet" on MTS for a group member? To do this, use one of the following options:

  • execute a command to leave the group on the website of the United Internet service;
  • send a message to the short service number of the service, in the text of which indicate "0".

If there are difficulties when disconnecting the service, subscribers of the red-white operator can contact the consultation line - specialists will help solve the problem. At the same time, MTS technical support will not be able to remove a specific number from the group - for this it is necessary that the subscriber himself perform the deactivation action.

Benefits of using the service

  • The ability to use the single Internet on any device: it can be both the gadgets of a particular subscriber, and smartphones, tablets or PCs of other MTS SIM card holders. There can be up to six numbers in a group. At the same time, geographically, subscribers should not be in neighboring rooms or houses.
  • Regardless of how many users the Internet is divided into, the data transfer speed of the group members is always stable and high (the maximum allowed in a particular region).
  • Favorable price: the cost will pleasantly surprise you - for each device (subscriber number) added to the group, not counting the initiator, you will need to pay 100 rubles per month. For example, for a group consisting of 4 devices (numbers), you will need to pay a fee of 300 rubles per month.
  • There is no need to replenish the balance of each group member individually - funds need to be deposited only to the balance of the group initiator.

Nuances of single access

  • If the creator of the unified Internet group forgot to transfer the amount necessary for payment to his mobile account in time, then all participants will be deprived of the opportunity to use the service.
  • In roaming, the Internet within the framework of the service considered in the current article is provided on the terms of the home region: i.e. the tariff or option implies the possibility of using traffic outside the home region, then a single Internet will be available to all members of the group. Otherwise, the roaming fee will be charged only from the balance of the group initiator and the service will be suspended.
  • If the set quota is exceeded, you can add a package of megabytes in the standard way for MTS subscribers: by connecting turbo buttons. If a community member has spent all the traffic allocated to him, then he has two options to use the turbo button or ask the initiator to increase the amount of traffic allocated to him.
  • The service is available only on some tariff plans, including: "Smart" and "Ultra". Also, a single Internet can be connected (create a group) by a subscriber on whose SIM card such options as “Internet Mini / Maxi / Super / VIP” are activated.

Where to go in case of problems?

In the event that the United Internet (MTS) is not connected or some difficulties or doubts arise when using the option, you should contact the customer support line and get answers to your questions. As with other services of the company, the subscriber can promptly and free of charge consult by phone, via the Internet or by contacting the salon in person mobile communications. MTS technical support works around the clock, which means that at any time you can contact free number operator and receive the data necessary for using the services.

Opinions of MTS subscribers about the service

The unified Internet service is quite popular among the subscribers of the red-and-white operator. The opinions of subscribers are quite contradictory, and it is impossible to say unequivocally what attitude this service causes in most SIM card holders.

There are both positive and negative reviews about the United Internet (MTS) service among subscribers: some did not like the terms of the service, while others, on the contrary, are satisfied that at a bargain price you can use the Internet on several of your gadgets at once, as well as connect family and friends. You can also find feedback from subscribers who are dissatisfied with the presence of features of the service, which they did not succeed in asking before connecting the service. Thus, it should be emphasized once again that the conditions for the provision of services should be studied as much as possible.


This article reviewed the United Internet service (MTS). How to connect, disconnect the service and what are its main nuances - you now know. Please note that the terms of provision may differ slightly in different regions of the country, so we strongly recommend that you check the data on the official website of the Mobile TeleSystems company.

The Internet has entered our lives rapidly and confidently, and more and more users cannot imagine their day without world wide web. To solve work problems, study, remotely manage finances, you need the Internet. And mobile company MTS is successfully working in the direction of providing services of this kind.

The "Single Internet" service is unique opportunity, provided to MTS subscribers, which allows sharing access from several devices (no more than six) within one package. You can take advantage of the offer within the boundaries of your home region, provided that your tariff plan supports the "Single Internet" service. The initiator (transmitting traffic to other devices) can be subscribers of tariffs and lines:

  • Smart (except Smart mini);
  • ULTRA;
  • Internet Mini;
  • Internet Maxi;
  • Internet Super;
  • Internet VIP.

Users who have connected to the initiator's package become members of the community, and their tariff plan and connected options do not play a role. Necessary condition There is one thing: the connected Internet options of the initiator and the participant must not be the same.

The traffic offered by the service package is common to all participants. In total, it can be up to 50 GB per month. As part of tariff package"Unlimited" - up to 10 GB. Traffic is served to each device by 100 Mb. The initiator has the right to dispose of the supply of the volume of MB to each of the participants, to set a limit.

To avoid activation of additional packages, the initiator needs to set limits for all subscribers of the community, not exceeding the main limit in total.

You can use this offer on all devices: smartphones, iPads, tablets and modems.

United Community Terms:

  • the initiator can create only one group, and cannot be a member of other groups;
  • the member cannot create their own group.

If the initiator's account is blocked, the service is not provided to all subscribers.

How to connect?

In order to connect the service from a smartphone or PC and create a team, you need to go to the sitei.mts.ru in Personal Area in the services menu. After activating the "Single Internet" option, you must select create a group " My group” and identify yourself as its administrator. You can invite your friends as participants.

Guests who received an SMS invitation to the group must enter the site and click the " I agree ».

You can do otherwise: send an SMS message with the number " 1 ' in response to an invitation. The message will be sent free of charge.

Reference! Consent to participate is time-limited - 15 minutes for confirmation. You will then need to resend the invitation.

This ensures that " United Internet" is not automatically connected to MTS subscribers.

To use the service in roaming, MTS has prepared Special offers(Internet Maxi, Mini, Vip). Traffic and connection cost in these lines is different, and for use in roaming is charged additional fee- 50 rubles. per day.

You can also send SMS with a number « 1 » to phone number 5340 .

If the service "Single Internet" from MTS does not work, then contact the support service at a toll-free number 0890 .

How to disable the service?

The initiator needs to go to the sitei.mts.ru to your personal account and use the settings of the created group. You can use another method: by sending SMS messages " 0 * » (zero, space, asterisk) to number 5340 .

A participant can leave the group in the same ways, but you need to send SMS " 0 » to number 5340 .

The organizer can also display all group members at the same time:

  • through your account on the site;
  • typing command *111*750*2# ;
  • sending to number 5340 SMS with a number 0 .

The group administrator will be informed about leaving the community.


The fee for using the service is charged only from the administrator. For the first subscriber who joins, 100 rubles/month (4 rubles/day) is deducted from the initiator's account, adding others (no more than 4 devices) is free of charge. Payment can be debited in the future 1 time per month in the amount of 100 rubles, or daily in the amount of 4 rubles.

If the total traffic is exceeded, the administrator must enter the site and use the "Turbo button" service, after which Internet access will be restored. Only the initiator can control this option.

Disadvantages of the service

The disadvantages of the "Single Internet" include several points:

  • overexpenditure of traffic by one of the subscribers leads to the suspension of the Internet service for all;
  • the ability to limit the amount of information to the participant by the administrator;
  • dependence on the state of the account of the initiator. With a zero account, the service is not provided.

Advantages of the service in its reasonable cost, and ease of management.

If you use the Internet on several devices, then it is not necessary for everyone to connect a separate option. You can use the traffic provided within one number on several smartphones or tablets. At the same time, traffic is accounted for regardless of where the other device is located - in the next room, another city or another region. The ability to use one traffic package by different subscribers is offered by all operators, however, each of them has its own characteristics of such a service.

Today we will tell you how to connect and configure the “Single Internet” service on MTS, how you agree to become a member of the group or leave it, and what restrictions the option has.

Service features

Connecting the “Single Internet” will allow you to use one traffic package on different devices. This is either a package included in one of the MTS “Smart” or “Ultra” tariffs, as well as individual Internet options available for connection. Any tariff can be used on the added devices.

Among the advantages of the service is the ability to use the package not only on your other devices, but also to share it with other people - relatives or friends. The initiator of a group, which can include up to six members (including the creator), has the ability to set different limits for each device.

Among the restrictions, it is worth noting that each of the participants can only be in one group, and in total the entire group can use no more than fifty gigabytes of total traffic per month. Participants can only be numbers belonging to the same MTS region. But you can use it in national roaming, if it is provided for by the terms of the package. On the numbers connected to the “Single Internet”, traffic options can also be connected, but their use will be available only after leaving the group.

When blocking the number of the initiator of the created group (voluntarily or for financial reasons), access to the use of the Internet becomes inaccessible to all participants. At the same time, on the connected devices, you can independently connect the “Turbo button”, which will allow you to use the Internet.
You can connect to the “Single Internet” absolutely any device, but only using MTS SIM cards. This means that you can connect a laptop or computer, but access to the network must be carried out from them through a router or modem with an operator's SIM card.

The company also offers a reduced cost of SIM cards for connecting additional devices. That is, you do not need to buy standard starter packs, but get them at a special price in the operator's salon - 50 rubles. On the balance of such numbers - 20 rubles.

How to connect and set up

Connecting and setting up the service is very simple and there will be no problems with this. If you decide to distribute your package to other numbers, go to your personal account on the website of the MTS Unified Internet service at internet.mts.ru.

The cost is 100 rubles per month and is debited upon activation in full. Further, the write-off is made once a month, and if there are not enough funds on the account, then it is paid daily in the amount of four rubles. In this case, the monthly fee will be from 120 rubles, so you need to monitor the availability of funds in the main account so as not to overpay.

USSD or SMS commands are not used to manage the devices of the “Single Internet” service of MTS - everything is through the interface on the site. To connect, you must enter the number and send an invitation. Whoever you want to share traffic with must accept it. If this device is different from a smartphone, then this can be done on the service website, and if it is a smartphone, then you can confirm the invitation both by SMS - by sending the number “one” in the text in response to the received message, and on the site.

After inviting a member to join the created group, there is only fifteen minutes to confirm. After this time has elapsed, a new request must be sent. This ensures that the “Single Internet” is not automatically connected to MTS subscribers.

Both the initiator of the group creation and the owner of the connected device can disable the MTS “Single Internet” service. The creator of the group can deactivate the service completely, or delete an individual device. Informational messages are sent via SMS to both numbers about all disconnections. As well as with the connection, to disconnect, you can use both your personal account and sending the combination “zero space asterisk” to the short number 5340, and for the participant simply “zero”.


The convenience of the service is obvious. It is suitable for those who, having an Internet package on their number, do not use it in full, but at the same time there is a need for cellular Internet on other devices. Among the advantages - ease of use and the ability to connect numbers even in another city.

The disadvantages include the fact that the service can only be used on numbers of one region, restrictions also apply when using Internet options in roaming, the conditions of which apply only to the home region. Accordingly, for use on trips, you will need to pay extra. Also, participants are limited to using additional options connected to their number while in a group.