Preparing for the oge presentation. Preparation for the OGE (GIA). Types of essays - reasoning

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of the tasks for the construction of a bathhouse with a steam room, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5,. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 38 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks on agricultural terraces, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5,. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 27 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

The target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks according to the plans of the apartment, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5. Plans for a two-room apartment and a three-room apartment are presented. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 56 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

On the basis of a demo project, I decided to suggest possible tasks for the OGE in Informatics 2020. I deliberately consider tasks more complex shape, since during this period the guys are mostly conscientious. The material is relevant for the 2019-2020 academic year. year.

Today there is a situation where FIPI does not know what working programm and proposes to start preparing for the OGE in January.

The material is not a FIPI material and will not be used in the exam. (If this material hits, I consider it a coincidence)

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of tasks according to schemes, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5. Three schemes contain greenhouses, and in one scheme there are round and diamond-shaped objects. All actions in the presentation by control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 56 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 15 on the topic "Solving inequalities and systems of inequalities" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents a large amount of theoretical material for repetition. The presentation presents linear, square, rational inequalities. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 9 on the topic "Solving Equations" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents a large amount of theoretical material for repetition. The presentation presents linear, quadratic, rational equations. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of grade 9 of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 19 on the topic "Geometry on checkered paper" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents tasks and examples for different rules, approaches and ways of solving problems. Examples are given, in solving which it is reasonable and expedient to use not only traditional formulas, but also the Pick formula. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution to task No. 16 on the topic "Geometry. The value of the angle, the degree measure of the angle" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents tasks and examples for different rules, approaches and solutions. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the step-by-step solution of tasks No. 6 (8) and No. 8 (10) on the topic "Numeric expressions" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents tasks and examples for different rules, approaches and solutions. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to task No. 14 (7) on the topic "Probability of events" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents 20 tasks for different approaches and solutions. Tasks correspond to the specification and codifier to demo version KIM-2020 in mathematics. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to task No. 10 on the topic "Probability of events" for the new official demo version of the OGE 2020. The presentation presents 20 tasks for different approaches and solutions. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics of the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the exam in grade 9 in mathematics. The presentation presents the answers and a detailed analysis of the solution of tasks No. 1 - No. 5, which relate to the plan-scheme (innovation in 2020). The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of the 9th grade of the basic school.

Target audience: for grade 9

The interactive simulator is a presentation that can help prepare for passing the oral part of the OGE in English language. The simulator reflects all the main tasks present in the oral part of the OGE. The interactive simulator consists of 3 tasks:
1. The task of reading the text. 2. Conditional dialogue-interrogation based on the telephone survey questions heard in the audio recording.
3. A completed monologue statement based on a verbal situation and a plan presented in the form of indirect questions.
All tasks are completed automatically in time. To work with the interactive simulator, you need a laptop and a headset.
The work was added to the competition "Multimedia games, contests, quizzes, simulators for lessons and extracurricular activities."

Target audience: for grade 9

I offer material on the topic "Problems for movement on water", addressed to mathematics teachers, students of the 9th grade. Here, methods for solving the main types of problems for movement on water are proposed. Tasks taken from official sources(open bank of OGE tasks at FIPI). I hope that the material will be in demand, since motion tasks are a common type of text tasks. Technical recommendations for working with slides are written in the notes for the third slide.

slide 1

Effective preparation for the OGE in the Russian language Narushevich Andrey Georgievich Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of Russian and foreign languages TI named after A.P. Chekhov

slide 2

A.G. Narushevich. Russian language. Tests with commented answers to prepare for the OGE. M.: Education, 2016 Analysis of means of expression Spelling analysis Lexical analysis. Synonymy Phrase Grammatical basis of the sentence Punctuation analysis Syntactic analysis of NGN. Types of clauses Parsing NGN with multiple clauses Complex parsing Composition work Practice tests

slide 3

slide 4

Typology of tasks Write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the quality of the sound that begins the root of the word. Write down the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the fact that the root begins with a voiceless consonant. Write down the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the meaning. Write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "committing an action in someone's favor." Write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “spatial proximity”. Write down the word in which there is a prefix that does not change in writing.

slide 5

slide 6

Slide 7

Typology of tasks Replace the underlined colloquial word in the sentence with a stylistically neutral synonym. Replace the underlined word in the sentence with a stylistically neutral synonym. Replace the highlighted book word in the sentence with a stylistically neutral synonym. Replace the colloquial phraseology highlighted in the sentence with a stylistically neutral synonymous word. So they walked through the forest and so they returned; Pyotr Petrovich - tormented, in tears, and Pakhomovna - stone, not a blood in her face. (O. Pavlov)

Slide 8

Slide 9

slide 10

slide 11

slide 12

Typology of tasks Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence. Write down the grammatical basis of the main part of the complex sentence. Write down the grammatical basis of the subordinate clause of a complex sentence. Find a subordinate clause in a complex sentence and write out its grammatical basis. All the guys kept themselves constrained, huddled in the corners, not knowing what to do, realizing the falsity and unnaturalness of the role that they were called upon to perform. (V. Astafiev) Find an explanatory clause in a complex sentence and write out its grammatical basis. I felt that if I said even a word, I would immediately begin to complain about life. (V. Astafiev)

slide 13

slide 14

Parsing NGN with multiple clauses Determine the type of complex sentence with multiple clauses. complex sentence with homogeneous subordination complex sentence with heterogeneous subordination complex sentence with sequential subordination complex sentence with combined subordination (specify which types of subordination are combined)

slide 15

slide 16

Complex parsing 1) There are writers who are embarrassed to be called "children's". 2) I am a children's writer and I am proud of this title. 3) I love my little heroes and my little readers. 4) It seems to me that there is no border between them and that I, as it were, tell one about the other. 5) In children, I always try to discern tomorrow's adult. 6) But an adult for me begins from childhood. 7) I don’t really like people who cannot be imagined as children. 8) In my opinion, a precious reserve of childhood is preserved in a real person until his last days. 9) The purest and most original in a person is associated with childhood. 10) And wisdom, intelligence, depth of feelings, fidelity to duty and many other wonderful qualities of an adult never conflict with his inviolable stock of childhood. 11) There are things that at first glance do not seem to be in the same row. 12) Love for native nature, for the earth, for all living things that make their way to life, this love seems very far from war, from exploits, from death. 13) But good must be strong, courageous, it must be under reliable protection Only then will it triumph and triumph. 14) That is why my stories about the war, and stories about children, and stories about four-legged friends are in the same row, complement each other and serve the same cause. 15) There is nothing in the world worse than oblivion. 16) Oblivion is the rust of memory, it corrodes the most precious thing. 17) To fight oblivion, fresh forces are needed. (According to Yu. Yakovlev)

slide 17

Complex syntactic analysis Indicate the type of subordination of words in the phrase "his days" (sentence 8). Replace the phrase "children's writer" in sentence 2, built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase. Find a sentence with an introductory word. Specify the number of this offer. Write out the grammatical basis of the sentence 5. Find a sentence in which the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns. Specify the number of this offer. Find a simple impersonal sentence. Specify the number of this offer. Find complex sentences with attributive clauses. Specify the numbers of these proposals. Find a complex sentence with an adverbial clause of purpose. Specify the number of this proposal. Find non-union complex sentences. Specify the numbers of these proposals. Find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Specify the number of this proposal.

slide 18

Work on an essay How to write an essay on a linguistic topic (15.1) Read the quote carefully, think about its meaning. Determine what linguistic phenomena are being discussed. Reread the text and find in it sentences with language means mentioned/implied in the quote, underline these sentences (or their numbers). In the 1st paragraph - the introduction - state your understanding of the quote. In the 2nd paragraph, give the first example of a language tool (quote or indicate the sentence number) and describe its role in the text. In the 3rd paragraph, give a second example and describe its role in the text. In the 4th paragraph, write the conclusion.

slide 19

slide 20

slide 21

How to write a reasoning essay explaining the meaning of a quote from the text (15.2) Read the quote carefully. Determine its meaning in the context of the work. Reread the text and find examples in it that support your understanding of the quote. These can be quotes from the text, the thoughts of the author, the actions of the characters, etc. In the 1st paragraph - the introduction - state your understanding of the quote. In the 2nd paragraph, give the first example from the text, confirming your understanding of the quote. In the 3rd paragraph, give the second example from the text. In the 4th paragraph, write the conclusion.

slide 22

slide 23

slide 24

How to write an essay-reasoning with an explanation of the meaning of the word (15.3) Determine the meaning of the proposed word (for help, refer to the text of the presentation). Reread the text and find examples in it that support your interpretation of the meaning. Pay attention to the wording of the topic of the essay! What is humanity? Conscience is ... What kind of person can be called strong?

slide 25

How to write an essay-reasoning with an explanation of the meaning of the word (15.3) In the 1st paragraph of the essay, formulate the meaning of the word. This can be done in various ways: choose a synonym (synonyms): What is nobility? I think this is generosity, human dignity. list the main features of the concept: Nobility is a combination of many human qualities, among which it is necessary to highlight spiritual purity, high morality and kindness. describe typical behavior, actions in which this concept is manifested: It seems to me that the nobility of a person lies in the ability to respect people, to give “good” to others, without thinking about oneself. use a negative definition: Honesty is the absence of lies.

slide 26

How to write an essay-reasoning with an explanation of the meaning of a word (15.3) Consider a comment - your reflections on the significance of the corresponding concept in the life of a person and society. The comment can be placed in the 1st paragraph of the essay. In the 2nd paragraph, give an example from the text. In the 3rd paragraph, give an example from the text or from life experience. Please note that this may be an example from a work of fiction - a reference to your reading experience. In the 4th paragraph write a conclusion

slide 27

slide 28

Creative tasks Task 1. Read the given statements. Convey their meaning in your own words. 1. “Only in a sentence do individual words, their endings and prefixes get their meaning.” (F.I. Buslaev, linguist) the language in which it is expressed” (J. Swift, writer) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

slide 29

Creative tasks Task 2. Read the statements of linguists, as well as fragments of essays on these statements. Determine in which essays there are factual errors related to the understanding of the statement. Please suggest the correct option. Epithets are the clothes of words. (V.A. Soloukhin, Russian poet and writer) Russian writer V.A. Soloukhin, calling epithets "clothes of words", I think, wanted to emphasize that figurative definitions make speech vivid and unique. As beautiful clothes emphasize the appearance of a person, so epithets give expressiveness and beauty to speech.

slide 30

slide 31

Creative tasks Task 2. Read the statements of linguists, as well as fragments of essays on these statements. Determine in which essays there are factual errors related to the understanding of the statement. Please suggest the correct option. “Each part of speech has its own merits” (A.M. Peshkovsky, linguist) Linguist A.M. Peshkovsky says that each language unit has its own merits: a noun denotes an object, an adjective is a sign, a verb is an action, a subject and a predicate form the basis of a sentence. Thus, each part of speech is needed for something.

slide 32

Creative tasks Task 3. Read the text. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the textbook of the Russian language: "A word is able not only to name an object, sign or action, but also to convey the speaker's assessment of what is called." Justify your answer with examples from the text you read. You can use the given hint or write your own essay.

slide 33

Creative tasks I understand the given statement as follows: ________________________________________________________________ The text of N. Popov is an excellent confirmation of this idea. For example, already in the first sentence, the nouns “winter”, “spring”, “summer”, “autumn” are used, which way, _______________________________________________

slide 34

slide 35

1) It was 1940 in the yard. 2) At that time we taught in the village of Karyzh, Glushkovsky district Kursk region. 3) It was still far from complete well-being, but the first signs of change began to appear in the orphanage: the children gradually became more trusting, kinder, discipline was slowly strengthening. 4) And yet, the old order still held here. 5) I'm sitting in the teacher's room. 6) The manager enters. 7) Interrupting the conversation, he turns to the head teacher: 8) - Nina Petrovna, give me some girl. 9) Let him take the bucket to my house. 10) The caretaker's voice is dull, even. 11) There is no excitement, no doubt in him. 12) The usual thing is to take home a bucket of stolen sugar. 13) That's all.

Explanatory note to the presentation

GIA 2013. Module GEOMETRY (No. 17)

The presentation may be of interest to both the teacher and the student. It can be used in mathematics lessons during repetition, in preparation for the GIA, for independent work of students, in distance learning.

The presentation is a multimedia simulator for preparing for the final exams in the ninth grade. The development was created on the basis of a methodological manual edited by A. L. Semenova and I. V. Yashchenko. You can use a slide show in a lesson at school, the design of the show allows you to organize a frontal and individual work with students. It will be convenient for students to prepare for the GIA on their own with the help of a presentation.

Eight typical options for task No. 17 of the examination paper were offered to the attention of the teacher or students. The use of hyperlinks makes it possible, if necessary, to go to the theoretical part for repetition. You can check the progress of solving geometric problems on the slide with the task. When clicked, the solution progress and the correct answer appear.

The presentation uses sixteen working slides. The work is perceived well thanks to clear drawings and large type of assignments. Acquaintance with the content of the show will contribute to the development of skills in solving tasks from the geometry section, psychologically prepare for passing exams and working with tests. The geometric problem is displayed on the screen. If difficulties arise, you can turn to the hint and remember the necessary theorems to solve.

SLAY 1. Title slide for the presentation (in the slide the name of the presentation and the data of the author of the presentation)

SLIDES 18-19. List of used resources:

    The author of this template is Ermolaeva Irina Alekseevna - a teacher of computer science and ICT (Municipal educational institution "Pavlovsk secondary school")http :// people . en / disk /20305179001/ Shabloni _2. rar . html

    «GIA-2013. Mathematics: typical exam options: 30 options, edited by A. L. Semenov, I. V. Yashchenko. – M.: Ed. "National Education", 2013.

Pictures illustrating the conditions of the tasks:

    http:// www. dobrepole. com. ua/ bo


The slides contain the conditions of the problem, drawings for them (sometimes the task data is placed on the picture), a brief solution to the problem (with animation on click), the answer (with animation on click).


The slides provide hints for solving the problem on the previous slide. Hints are formulated in the form of theorems, definitions, properties, corollaries, and various statements. The number of hints corresponds to the number of actions in the task or stages of solving the problem.

Step 1 Where to start? Mandatory knowledge of the normative and legal documentation for passing the OGE: dokumenty Codifiers, demo versions, specification: kodifikatory

Step 1 It is important for everyone to know: 235 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks; KIMs consist of 15 tasks (1 - presentation, 2-14 test tasks, 15 - alternative essay C1, C2 or C3); you cannot use audio, video, etc. during the exam. equipment, reference materials; you can use a spelling dictionary during the exam; all legal information You can find it on the FIPI website.

Grading standards Scale for transferring points to a mark:

Step 2 Diagnosis What to expect on the exam? Check out the demo exam: try to complete all the tasks yourself and check yourself against the answers at the end of the demo. kodificatory

Step 3 Practice! If on the sites for training in the OGE, the structure of the examination work in the old way is divided into parts A, B and C, then use the following material to correlate tasks: New-OLD.doc The same should be done if you have manuals for preparing for the GIA 2014 year and earlier.

Step 3 Practice! Tests! Start training by working on sites where there are comments and answers to tasks:

Step 3. Practice! Practical Literacy! Remember that for literacy you can get 10 points. Moreover, it is these points that are significant when translating points into marks 4 and 5! Repeat the rules and learn to work with the dictionary!

Step 3. Practice! Statement! Download the presentation "Methods of Compressing Text" from the site at this link and watch it: %D0%B5%D1%81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%B 3%D0%B8%D0%B0- %D1%80%D1% 83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0 %B8%D0%B9- %D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BA/ E%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0 %B2%D0%B0%D1%8F- %D0%B0%D1%82%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1% 8F/%D0%B 3%D0%B8%D0%B0- %D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0 %B8%D0%B9- %D1%8F% D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BA/ (Presentation by I. Perova)

Step 3. Practice! Statements! You can listen to the exam presentations by clicking this link. Remember that in each text of the presentation there are three micro-themes!

Step 3. Practice! The writing! Here you will find the texts on which you have to write an essay and the formulation of the topics of the essay C1 (Section "Information processing of texts of different styles and genres"): 9/topics/11?page=2

Step 3. Preparing for the composition To prepare for the composition of C1 and C2, use the site:

Step 3 Practice! Websites and manuals will help to fill knowledge gaps: 81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%B 3%D0%B8%D0%B0- %D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1 %81%D0%BA%D0 %B8%D0%B9- %D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BA/ E%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0% D1%8F- %D0%B0%D1%82%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%B 3 %D0%B8%D0%B0- %D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0 %B8%D0%B9- %D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8B %D0%BA/