Spiritual harmony and success: is there a difference? Mental balance of a person Mental harmony

It is believed that the transition to the level of the Soul occurs when a person begins to live according to his heart, in other words, “the fourth Anahata heart chakra has opened”, let's leave for now the complexity and multi-stage opening of the chakras and concentrate on the difficulties of moving to the level of the Soul from the level of the Personality, on the transition into the fourth dimension from a three-dimensional reality.

The difficulties do not even lie in learning to "in principle" hear the inner voice and intuitively perceive events, feel ...

Distinguishing between the Soul and the Spiritual person (in oneself, first of all) is extremely important on the path of the total transformation of the personality, that is, the realization of final, higher meanings and goals. It is the path of returning from a separate form of life to Life Itself.

I will describe character traits Mental and Spiritual person, emphasizing that these types practically do not occur in their pure form, but in reality there is a mixed type with varying degrees of predominance of the Soul or Spiritual nature. It is also important that...

The human spirit is the core of the Soul, a particle of the Divine Core - the Source from which everything flows. It fills us with the energy of Life and adapts it to the Soul. The soul transfers it to our underlying bodies for the realization of this energy in the physical plane.

And at the same time, transformed by our uniqueness, it returns to the Creator. This is how we are designed: to be pure channels to embody Divinity on Earth.

Soul and Spirit make up our Essence/Essence/Inner Being, which is on vibrations...

The unrealizable dream of humanity is life in peace and harmony, because initially Humanity on the planet was created as a testing ground for the improvement of souls. Therefore, in one form or another, "humanity" will always exist.

There will always be a place (whether on this planet or another) where wars, rivalries, power struggles and spheres of influence will continue to exist for one single purpose: to enable souls to gain experience that leads to improvement and development.

But only...

Harmony is the source of manifestation, the reason for its existence and the mediator between God and man.

The peace that every soul longs for, and which is the true nature of God and ultimate goal man, is nothing but the result of harmony; it shows that all life achievements without a sense of harmony are in vain.

It is the achievement of harmony that is called heaven, and the absence of it is called hell. Only he who has mastered this understands life, and he who lacks this is a fool...

We do not interact so much physically, mostly the interaction takes place at the levels of psychic energy.

This interaction can either destroy (this is especially true for women - if a woman is negative, it has a very bad effect on a man at any distance), or vice versa.

Briefly, the 7 levels of harmony can be described as follows:

1. Coccygeal center. physical level.

Harmony based on sexual attraction.

2. Inguinal center. The pursuit of comfort...

Don't interfere in other people's affairs

Most of us create problems for ourselves by interfering too often in other people's affairs.

We do this because we are convinced that we are doing the best thing and that our logic is the only correct one. As a result, we criticize those who disagree with us and try to set them on the right path, i.e. on our way.

This kind of attitude denies the existence of...

When a person squanders his inner reserves of happiness, then peace leaves his life. Now it is worth learning how to normalize your condition most quickly and effectively, using the recommendations of the Vedas.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that there is not a single source of happiness and joy that can help a person replenish his internal reserves. I will only say that you need to be guided by one simple rule: do not put pressure on one source with your expectations, but use ...

Success is often directly related to happiness. The only problem is that there is no such thing as happiness, just like there is no such thing as justice. Happiness and justice are some sort of advertising headlines, like these strange detergents, with which you can wash the bathroom, toilet, wash clothes, wash dishes, wash yourself, your head, cat and brush your teeth. Too many concepts in one, too many meanings, almost the same as with the notorious spirituality. And it is unlikely that they exist in the form that they advertise to us.

But in this post, I decided to call the notorious happiness spiritual harmony, because it is this phrase that best describes what is usually understood as happiness. Very often, happiness, as we have been drummed into various media products, depends on personal success. In fact, this is not entirely true. It depends on him, but only in terms of such inspiration and nothing more.

In our contemporary culture based on profits and incomes, we are accustomed to perceive happiness as success, measuring our lives with it by the achievements, the goals we have achieved. Success is in the foreground for us, spiritual harmony is unlikely to even take second place, and all because we think that, having reached the goal, we will achieve both happiness and harmony, and, of course, many depraved women.

Success is not and never was a reflection of happiness, but rather the opposite. It seems to be successful, but still something is wrong? If success really led to happiness, shouldn't the very rich and successful people to be the most happy people in the world? Why are there so many divorces, strange quarrels, suicides, drug addictions and other troubles among them? Maybe these things are categorically different?

You see, success and spiritual harmony are two different things that sometimes intersect. Or they may never cross.

Spiritual harmony can appear there when there is no success. Spiritual harmony can be born with no fig, but success takes a long time to go. But first things first.

1. If success is to earn as much as possible, spiritual harmony is to learn how to manage it so that it is not boring and informative

Of course, I will not say all this crap like the rich also cry. And I won’t even say that happiness is not in money. Having cash (sorry for the pun) can lead to you having somewhere to go. more possibilities. All this suffering of successful, rich people, buying gold yachts and diamond toilets from the fact that they have no idea what to do with this wealth. The presence of hobbies, interests and what you can use your success for is spiritual harmony.

2. Success can be measured, but harmony is difficult

Success is measured by targets hit, enemies hit, money earned, successful projects, and other quantitative characteristics. But harmony is not measured by quantitative characteristics, it either does not exist, or it exists. Harmony can be felt very well, as the absence of anxiety and other negativity. It's like the binary system: either 0 or 1.

3. If success is a great car, then harmony is a great ride.

Here is such an analogy.

4. If success involves long hard work or overcoming oneself, spiritual harmony is work that brings pleasure.

Of course, it makes sense to work at an unloved job. But best job- the one you like, not the one that brings in the most money. If you think that it is impossible to achieve success while working at a job you hate, you are very mistaken. If you have enough intelligence and no knowledge in this area, coupled with the ability to work hard, you will achieve success, another question: will you be satisfied with this? Yes, you have a little more money than usual, you can afford that expensive Starbucks coffee. Feel how awesome you are! And now what?

5. If success is fame and glory, then spiritual harmony is growth and improvement.

6. Success is earned, happiness is achieved

It seems to be absolutely the same things, but the difference is obvious. Happiness (read, spiritual harmony) is always a combination of various states that you come to. This is experience, this is understanding of some things, this is the reduction of mental anxieties, this is finding your place in the world and your favorite things. Success is the product of certain actions.

Either you work hard, invent something, push someone or deceive. Spiritual harmony in this respect is more priceless, despite the fact that you can run after it for as long as you like and not achieve it, or you can get it after any one event from which you learned the right lesson.

7. Success can be shown to someone, happiness and harmony are understandable only for yourself

Success, as I wrote above, can be boasted. It immediately becomes clear that this is precisely success, because it is expressed in a paper, material and more understandable form. But it is impossible to boast of peace of mind, you can’t even show it to anyone. No one will understand that this is exactly what peace of mind is, the maximum that they can say: “Well, that's cool! I'm happy for you". If you flaunt your happiness, tell everyone about it and try to impose it on someone, I assure you, you are not under the influence of happiness or peace of mind. You are trite obsessed or trying to wishful thinking. One who has achieved spiritual enlightenment without hard drugs, but by banal reflection and getting rid of aggravating circumstances, has understood life.

8. Success - the achievement of material well-being and the accumulation of good things, peace of mind - the ability to use these good things

For many, material well-being is happiness. Now dudes and girlfriends have figured out that saying something that betrays your mercantile inclinations is at least soulless. Therefore, they say that they will now work, achieve something, deceive, delay, risk their health and nervous system, but when they accumulate material resources in an envelope, they will immediately become fucking happy on the beach in Goa or Thailand, learning from some guru and absorbing spicy dishes. But over time, they understand that peace of mind does not come from the fact that you have a place where you can retire with a cool “plasma”, a brand new Xbox and a bottle of expensive alcohol, but from how you know how to use your resources and the fact that What do you have. Because if you do not know how, all these achievements will not please you in the slightest. Also, don't forget that .

Soul - what a subtle concept it is. She feels and understands everything without words, and many identify her with intuition. The soul with its quiet voice will always tell you, help you make the right decision.

And how often we, after some time after the onset of the outcome of a difficult situation, understand that we felt "inside", that we should have acted differently. Exactly - not like that, not like that! But we follow reason or momentary desire.

Often we cannot understand what is happening to us - something is missing. And what is missing? We rush, we experience, we search. How hard it is to look for something that you don't know what it looks like!

Which great amount time of our lives is taken away by work and striving for big, lofty, so noble goals. After all, we do it all for the sake of our loved ones. And often we do not notice how in eternal employment we are moving away from them more and more.

However, no material goals will give a complete, and will not help to fully understand what the real spiritual harmony. It is from within the soul that we are able to feel the degree of fulfillment of our life. It is the soul that always on time, or even in advance, signals us that "something is wrong here."

Although it is difficult to live without money, their presence alone does not guarantee the fullness of life in its diversity.

Think about how often we sacrifice our personal time for the sake of work, which forces many to conduct a daily race to the bottom. And how often in this race we forget about our family, our children, close friends, and our favorite hobbies.

Even financially secure people often become dependent on work and on the benefits that this security gives them.

We pay attention to one thing, no doubt, achieving success in the chosen area, but losing the accumulated success in other areas of our lives, such as self-realization, development, family, we forget to rest.

It's like a wheel with two or three spokes - it can go, well, but not for long. The blankness of the rest, not related to material well-being, no less important spheres of human life leads to the cessation of its further movement.

The man who doesn't know what is spiritual harmony, or never experienced a sense of the fullness of life, develops one-sidedly, provoking the formation of false priorities in itself, which can fundamentally interfere with it.

To check how full your life is, you can do the Wheel of Life test. Draw a circle on a piece of paper and divide it into 8 equal sectors. Now name each of them some life value that is important to you. These may be the following options:

  • A family
  • Children and communication with them
  • Material well-being
  • Pleasure and entertainment
  • Development
  • Education
  • Relaxation
  • Personal life
  • Hobbies and hobbies
  • Friendly relations
  • Communication

You can use this list to start with, or add your own values ​​to it.

After you have named all the sectors, paint over each sector as far as you can. this moment satisfied with the state of affairs in it. And how smooth your wheel turned out characterizes the degree of your spiritual harmony. Think about how you can ride on such a wheel, and how far will you go?

This exercise allows you to think very deeply about the quality of your life and where the trajectory of the path “drawn” by such a “Wheel of Life” can lead.

And if you find that your wheel is far from smooth, but rather resembles a “torn daisy”, do not despair. There is always a way out, and the fact that you have understood and realized in which direction you need to move is already a big plus.

You can harmonize your life in the direction of the "not getting" points of life values. And you can start small - give yourself an hour or two to relax, spend a day off with your child, make family morning breakfasts a tradition, buy yourself threads and knitting needles and start knitting or weaving macrame, take a vacation.

Take the first step, no matter how small. See how you like it! What was the matter? Continue in the same spirit. After all spiritual harmony It is, first of all, a choice. Choose a harmonious life for yourself.

The dynamic rhythm of modern life leaves an imprint on our state of mind. We are constantly in a hurry somewhere, we always have a list of urgent cases, a lot of duties and obligations. And there comes a moment when even an accidentally overturned cup of coffee causes hysteria, and a colleague's sidelong glance can plunge into a deep depression. In this case, psychologists talk about mental disharmony - a state when nothing pleases, fatigue and dissatisfaction with everything comes. If you are familiar with this state, then it is time to stop and think about how to find spiritual harmony. We suggest you take the advice of experts and try to regain your psychological balance.

Learn to live slowly

Probably, for many, this advice will seem inappropriate. After all, we are constantly running out of time. However, life is very short, so you don't need to live it quickly, it's better to just enjoy it.

Pay attention to how you read an interesting book: slowly, enjoying each dialogue or description, or do you quickly swallow it? The first approach, of course, will be correct. Do you rush while walking, do not take your eyes off the ground? Better try to walk at a slow pace, looking at the trees, blossoming flowers or the first snow.

Psychologists point out that our main mistake consists in the following: we stretch out all the bad things that we don’t want to do, but we do the good, the pleasant very quickly. Try to do the opposite, quickly finish unpleasant things and enjoy what you like.

Don't be too humble

From childhood, we were taught to be humble. In fact, there is nothing good in modesty; moreover, excessive modesty turns into shyness. And a shy person cannot develop harmoniously, be calm mentally, as he is constantly closed in himself, afraid of relationships with other people. A too modest person simply will not be able to realize himself in our society, achieve career heights, and even simply reveal his potential.

Of course, modesty should not be confused with good manners. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, give way to the elderly in transport, respect the feelings of others - all these are signs of a well-mannered person.

Don't argue

Try not to participate in disputes, move away from conflicts. Quarrels are exhausting, emotionally draining, and morally debilitating. What kind of spiritual harmony can we talk about in this case?

Naturally, there are situations when you want to defend your point of view. It is better to have a discussion, which involves listening and comparing different points of view, and finding a method to solve the problem. However, make sure that the discussion does not turn into a quarrel. If your interlocutor cannot resist starting a conflict, just end the conversation. And, of course, you should not arrange discussions or disputes over every trifle.

Don't deny yourself love

Man must experience strong feelings which will open noble qualities in his soul, expand his horizons of life.

A loving person feels his life in its entirety, feels useful and needed. The ability to love is closely related to the ability to respect, and not only other people, but first of all oneself. A self-respecting person will not act badly, humiliate the weaker or be insolent to close people. Among other things, the feeling of love inspires, opens up new life prospects and gives faith in the future. Perhaps that is why a couple in love is the most harmonious union of two people.

Believe in yourself

Each person is born active, full of vitality. This is later, as we grow older, we increasingly catch ourselves on laziness, a sense of insecurity, and simply on an unwillingness to do something. Make your life motto the statement: “I want, I can, I will do” and do not deviate from it.

Doing what you love greatly increases faith in one's strength, moreover, if it gives visible results. Try to do more often what you are really interested in, what you aspire to.

Take life positively

Try to fill every day of your life with positivity. Avoid negative information, refuse to watch the news daily, do not listen to the gossip of colleagues.

Surround yourself with positive people, smile more often, learn to see the funny in everyday life. Make it a habit to watch a comedy movie or read funny stories every night, listen to music that fills you with joy and optimism. Give yourself two weeks to control your mood, drive away the slightest manifestations of negativity and boredom. And then your brain will get used to it, and you will not even notice how you become an optimist.

The reason for the violation of spiritual harmony for many is a banal routine, when you have to live every day according to a certain algorithm. Try to change your habitual life script.

Arrange with friends and spend the weekend in an unfamiliar city. A change of scenery, new experiences can bring back a feeling of happiness, fullness of life. A nice bonus will be close communication with friends, joint walks through the streets of a foreign city and gatherings over a cup of coffee.

Another way is to spend the weekend with disabled mobile phones and the internet. If at first it is difficult to live like this for two days, disconnect from these benefits of civilization for at least one day off. Agree in advance with your loved ones about this, make a plan of what you can do together at home. Can play in board games, listen to music together, dance or just spend time in a leisurely conversation.

A state in which a person clearly knows what he wants and does not particularly care about the opinions of others. He has his own opinion on everything. When communicating with such people, you feel warmth, protection, an influx of positive energy, as if you are born again.

Soul harmony. Working on ourselves

Soul harmony gives rise to wonderful qualities in a person, he becomes a kind of “magnet”, a source of goodness and joy. But for this you need to work on yourself: you need to love yourself, life and the whole world, enjoy everything that surrounds you. In a word, live one day. Find happiness in ordinary things. You need to accept yourself for who you are: with all the flaws and virtues. And develop, develop, in no case do not fall into depression, but find yourself in some kind of hobby.

The harmony of the soul is your beauty

Soul harmony and the body will become apparent if you are constantly sincere, friendly and, of course, kind. As you develop inner beauty, remember soul harmony is the harmony of external and internal beauty. Therefore, do not forget to take care of yourself: go in for sports, eat healthy and wholesome food, rest on time.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, and everything will definitely come true and work out. And for the full result, do a little meditation:

Soul harmony. Achievement Technique

Sit very comfortably, relax your whole body, close your eyes and imagine a large Blank sheet paper. Ask yourself what do you want to get rid of? Different thoughts will come, for example, from an old sofa, or from a beer belly. By the way, here you can choose a new sofa: http://www.divani.ua/ But we go deeper into ourselves and still find some kind of poop - an anti-mush like Aggressiveness, Anger, Uncertainty, Self-dislike, Greed ... If you dig well - there will be. And figuratively imagine how you "unload" this poop from yourself onto blank sheet of paper. You will even see with your inner eye what size, color and smell this pile will be.
Then you pack all this beauty very carefully and beautifully, folding a box out of a piece of paper, as if you are packing a priceless gift.

And tie a beautiful gift bow on top, which will be in your hand as soon as you pack the box. Excellent!
Ask yourself where you would most like to send this box. Somewhere where it will safely burn or explode. For example - into deep space, or deep into the planet, where it will burn in magma. It is important that there is a cleansing fire that will turn this poop into primary elements, from which something useful and beautiful will then be formed. As a beautiful garden grows on the ashes.
As soon as the idea has come, send a gift there with your inner eye and watch how Beautiful it explodes-burns down and what appears-grows-is born, into what the primary elements are transformed.
Wonderful! Now we return to the body, and ask ourselves the question, what is important for me to add to myself in order to achieve success? Listen to the first thought that comes. The unconscious will tell you unmistakably. Perhaps it is Determination, or love, or calmness ... And we fill the place where the poop was thrown from - with a very beautiful shining energy, symbolizing this quality. You will immediately see her, with every breath she will fill body deeper and fuller... Enjoy this feeling. Notice how much easier it became to breathe, how the muscles relaxed, how the shoulders opened up ...
Thank yourself and smile blissfully. The program is set! The harmony of soul and body is guaranteed. And at the conference, we will take the magic technique of how to deal with poop, which give somatic manifestations in the body. High flight to you! Let's make our planet better and cleaner together!