What is the Soros Fund. The biography of George Soros is a story worth a billion. The history of the founding of Soros Fund Management, Open Society Foundations, the main activity of the Open Society of George Soros


The Soros Foundations is a network of funds, programs and institutions established by a well-known millionaire and philanthropist to help establish and develop an open society in the world, especially in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

National funds today operate in more than 30 countries. Among them: Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Hungary, Haiti, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine , Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Yugoslavia and South Africa. Each of them has its own governing bodies and conducts its own programs.

The Open Society Institute initiates and supports open society development programs and coordinates the work of independent national foundations. The activities of the Institute go beyond the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including the United States in the scope of its programs. The head office of the Institute is located in New York.

Central European University is an international center for postgraduate education and research, which is located in Budapest. CEU was founded by George Soros in 1991. It has 8 faculties.

In 1998, George Soros opened the Institute for Educational Policy in Budapest, which develops a strategy for a network of foundations in the field of education.


In 1995, a representative office of the Open Society Institute began its work in Russia (before that, George Soros' charitable activities in Russia were carried out through the International Foundation "Cultural Initiative" and the International Science Foundation). Some of its programs are initiated by the Institute's offices in New York and Budapest. These are the programs of the Central European University, the East-East program, the programs of the Center contemporary art Soros and a number of others. In addition, the Open Society Institute in Russia develops and implements national programs.

The priorities of charitable activities in Russia are determined by the Supervisory Board, which includes prominent representatives Russian science and cultures that support the goals and objectives of the Open Society Institute.

Supreme governing body The Russian representative office is the Strategic Board, which develops and approves the mission of the OSI, develops the criteria and procedure for evaluating the performance of program areas. Each Board member oversees one or more programs.

The President of the Open Society Institute - Russia is also the Chairman of the Strategic Committee.

George Soros Private American Hedge Fund

The history of the founding of Soros Fund Management, Open Society Foundations, the main activity of the Open Society of George Soros

Soros Fund Management LLC is private American hedge fund. The company was founded in 1969 by George Soros and is managed by it. In 2010, it was reported to be one of the most profitable companies in the hedge fund industry, averaging 20% ​​annual returns for over four decades. The headquarters is located at 888 7th Avenue in New York.

Soros Fund Management is the principal advisor for the Quantum Funds Group. A number of funds engaged in international investment. The company invests in public equity and fixed income markets around the world, as well as foreign exchange, foreign exchange and commodity markets, as well as private equity and venture capital funds. The company is reported to have large investments in transport, energy, retail, financial and other industries and owns shares in Hess Corporation, Ford Motor Company and Lattice Semiconductor.

The company was founded by President and Chairman George Soros in 1969.

In 1979, George Soros created his first charitable foundation, the Open Society Fund, in the United States. Soros currently spends annually on his non-commercial projects averaging around $300 million.

Now he has established charitable foundations in more than 25 countries. In 1988, in the USSR, Soros organized the "Cultural Initiative" fund in support of science, culture and education, but the fund was later closed, as the money was used for personal purposes by certain individuals. In 1995, it was decided to organize a new Open Society Foundation in Russia. From 1996 to 2001, the Soros Foundation invested about $100 million in the University Internet Centers project, as a result of which 33 Internet centers appeared in Russia.

In 1995-2001, a monthly Soros Educational Journal (SOJ) was published under the International Soros Education Program in the Exact Sciences (ISSEP). SOZH publications had a natural-scientific direction; target group - high school students. The journal was distributed free of charge to schools (more than 30,000 copies), municipal and university libraries (3,500 copies).

The cultural studies textbook and the history textbook published by the Soros Foundation have been subject to criticism.

Much has been written about them in the press. And the Russian Historical Society even held a special conference dedicated to this topic. At it, the textbooks of the Soros Foundation were not criticized, but crushed. The cultural studies textbook was written by a doctor of chemical sciences, who for the first time decided to speak on social topics. And the materials for the study of history turned out to be overflowing with an insane amount of grammatical errors, fictions, conjectures and distortions. Some experts frankly stated that they were designed to instill in schoolchildren that all the inhabitants of Russia are flawed people, that the whole history of Russia is a chain of failures and shame, and, of course, Western civilization is a role model.

Alena Mironova. "Western bureaucracy defeated"

At the end of 2003, Soros officially cut off financial support for his philanthropic work in Russia, and in 2004 the Open Society Institute stopped issuing grants. But the structures created with the assistance of the Soros Foundation still work without his direct participation: the Moscow graduate School social and economic sciences(MVSESEN, established in 1995 with a grant from the Soros Foundation), Foundation for Culture and Art Institute "PRO ARTE", International Charitable Foundation named after D.S. Likhachev, non-profit foundation for supporting book publishing, education and new information technologies"Pushkin Library".

The fund of the famous financier was expelled from the Republic of Belarus in 1997.

As of November 2009, George Soros' fortune is estimated at $11 billion. According to Business Week magazine, he has donated more than $5 billion to charitable causes throughout his life, with one billion of that five coming from Russia.

In the political realm, Soros proved to be a sponsor and an influential lobbyist. Since 1979, Soros actively financed democratic movements in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe - Polish Solidarity, the Charter 77 movement in Czechoslovakia, as well as Soviet dissidents grouped around Andrei Sakharov. He played important role in the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe during the "velvet" revolutions of 1989. He also played a prominent role in the preparation and conduct of the Georgian Rose Revolution of 2003, although Soros himself claimed that his role was greatly exaggerated by the press.

Mikhail Kasyanov recalled how, when Russia received IMF support in a difficult situation in 1998, on August 13, "George Soros made a statement that Russia needed devaluation and that the IMF underestimated the seriousness of the problem. The market opened and immediately" died ". The next day, On Friday, President Boris Yeltsin swore that there would be no devaluation..."

In the US, Soros was very active during the 2004 presidential campaign, spending more than $23 million to prevent the re-election of President Bush Jr., in which he failed. Since 2005, he has helped create and fund the Democracy Alliance, an organization that unites and guides American progressives within the Democratic Party.

One of the leaders of the militants of the Caucasus, Doku Umarov, said that American billionaire George Soros allocated money to the head of the government of the unrecognized republic of Ichkeria, Akhmed Zakayev, for holding the "Chechen Congress" in Poland.




George Soros is considered in the United States "the main lobbyist for the legalization of the drug business in Congress." So, in 2008, he donated 400 thousand dollars for the passage in the Senate and the House of Representatives of Massachusetts of an act on the liberalization and mitigation of penalties for the possession and consumption of marijuana (Eng. Massachusetts Sensible Marijuana Policy Initiative). In October 2010, Soros donated one million dollars to the DPA (Drug Policy Alliance), which is seeking to legalize marijuana in the United States. Previously, he regularly funded their predecessors, the Lindesmith Center and the Drug Policy Foundation, which merged in 2000 to form the DPA.

Activities in Russia of the organizations "Open Society" and "Open Society Assistance Fund", which are part of the structure of the Soros Foundation. The reason for the ban on organizations is that their initiatives threaten the constitutional order and security of the Russian Federation.

The decision was taken in connection with an appeal on July 8 by the Federation Council to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Justice to check organizations included in the so-called "patriotic stop list". The senators justified their appeal by the need to protect Russia from the policy of “soft aggression”, which non-profit organizations(NPOs) with foreign funding are carried out by influencing Russian domestic politics.

What is the Soros Foundation?

The Soros Foundations is a network of foundations, programs and institutions established by a millionaire and George Soros to help in the formation and development of an open society in the world. They operate in more than 30 countries. Among them: Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Hungary, Haiti, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine , Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Yugoslavia and South Africa.

George Soros founded his first charitable foundation in 1979 in the United States. In Russia, the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) began its work in 1995. Initially, the activities of the organization were carried out through the International Foundation "Cultural Initiative" and the International Science Foundation.

What does the Soros Foundation support?

Projects in the field of culture and art, education and healthcare, science and human rights. Projects are very diverse, but have one common feature: they do not aim to obtain material benefits.

Among the recipients of grants from the Soros Foundation: teachers, journalists, students, scientists, artists, lawyers, businessmen, etc.

What does the Soros Foundation not support?

The Foundation does not finance:

  • any projects of a commercial nature;
  • humanitarian aid projects;
  • Scientific research;
  • long-term internships abroad;
  • reconstruction, construction and acquisition of buildings;
  • publishing projects.
  • restoration of monuments.

According to open sources, at the end of 2003, Soros officially cut off financial support for his charitable activities in Russia. Already in 2004, the Open Society Institute stopped issuing grants. But the structures created with the assistance of the Soros Foundation are still actively working without his direct participation. Such projects include the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, the PRO ARTE Institute Institute for Culture and Art, the Pushkin Library, a non-profit foundation for the support of book publishing, education and new information technologies.

On June 3, 2015, a law came into force in Russia allowing foreign and international non-governmental organizations to be given the status of “undesirable in Russia” if they pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order, the country's defense capability or state security. Such organizations will be prohibited from working in the Russian Federation, their structural units will be closed, and the distribution of informational materials is prohibited.

Philanthropist (from Greek φιλέω, "to love" and Greek ἄνθρωπος, "man") is a person who does charity work to help those in need.

Billionaire George Soros donated almost $18 billion to the Open Society Foundation he created, making it the second largest charitable foundation in the USA

George Soros (Photo: Yuri Gripas / Reuters)

Financier George Soros has donated the bulk of his fortune - nearly $18 billion (Forbes estimates Soros' fortune at $23 billion) - to the Open Society Foundation he created, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing unnamed representatives of the foundation.

Thus, the "Open Society" has become the second largest charitable foundation in the United States after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, established in 2014, the newspaper emphasizes.

The 87-year-old founder of Soros Fund Management will now be involved in setting its strategy along with the investment committee." open society, notes WSJ. This committee was once created by Soros himself, who is its permanent chairman. The committee will continue to operate after the death of the financier, sources familiar with the situation told the publication.

New director Soros Fund Management investment manager Don Fitzpatrick is now not so much a trader as an asset manager who communicates between various external and internal managers. Unlike his predecessors, Fitzpatrick will report not to Soros or representatives of Soros Fund Management, but to the investment committee of the Open Society, the newspaper emphasizes.

Soros does not plan to trade the money transferred to the Open Society, sources familiar with the situation indicate.

George Soros foundations were among the first to be included in the list of undesirable organizations in Russia. Although the fund had long lost its former influence, it had to be dealt with because they could not do it 20 years ago.

Open Society Foundations and "Assistance" were among the first organizations that the Prosecutor General's Office considered undesirable organizations in Russia. In general, nothing unexpected happened, because even when the law on the patriotic stop list was being adopted, all experts said that these Soros funds were primarily meant, although the National Endowment for Democracy became the first undesirable one. In May, Vladimir Putin slammed his fist on the table and lashed out at foreign foundations that "rummage around schools under the guise of supporting talented youth," "like sucked out with a vacuum cleaner, ... imprisoned and taken away on grants."

General and well-established in Russia the name for organizations related to George Soros is the "Soros Foundation". Now, by decision of the Prosecutor General's Office, he has been recognized as "posing a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, the country's defense capability and the security of the state" and can no longer conduct activities in Russia, and cooperation with him is fraught with criminal liability.

The phrase "Soros Foundation" was one of the main ones in the 1990s. There were many more people who heard about the foundation when it started working than those who even knew that George Soros was a real man, and much more than those who knew who he was and how he earned his capital. In the early 1990s, Soros was engaged in an unprecedented business for Russians, that is, he distributed private money to scientists, and before that, scientists were still firmly associated with state and no other funding. There were Soros scholarships, but in fact salaries, and very large ones, for teachers, graduate students, professors, there were multi-million dollar projects to support libraries.

From the very beginning work The fund was received with hostility by national patriots, who claimed that the fund was engaged in undermining Russian science, pushing scientists to emigrate and using their developments. In addition, other structures associated with George Soros participated in dubious transactions, for example, the Quantum fund, through Mustcom, in the Svyazinvest auction, one of the most scandalous transactions of the 1990s. And this also caused doubts of the counterintelligence officers, who openly suspected Soros of having links with the US special services. Soros collaborated with everyone - with Boris Berezovsky, and with Vladimir Potanin, and with Boris Nemtsov, and with Yuri Luzhkov. Later, during the 1998 crisis, George Soros was accused of profiting from the collapse of the ruble and, perhaps, even provoked it.

The figure was generally contradictory. The Kommersant newspaper wrote in 1995: “At the geopolitical level, Soros’s motives are obvious. An adherent of an open society, a semi-idealist Soros is afraid of the prospect of turning Russia into an intellectual desert with missile silos scattered here and there. According to Soros, the task of preserving Russia as strong and in the first place civilized country is tantamount to the global task of preserving the mind on the planet." Nezavisimaya Gazeta in the same years quoted the FGC report on the Soros Foundation: "The true purpose of the activity is to promote the implementation of the US foreign policy aimed at containing Russia as a state potentially capable of competing with the only superpower." It was believed that the financier-philanthropist is a person through whom Washington establishes ties with Russian politicians and businessmen.

American handing out money - in the 1990s, for some, it was the embodiment of philanthropy, which, at least on such a scale, the Soviet people did not know, to a certain extent, a symbol of change; for others, it is a cause for concern, because a person in his right mind cannot give away money and have nothing in mind. But still, the fact remains that thousands of educators and scientists, thanks to the Soros Foundation, have been able to continue scientific work, ride on international conferences, and in many ways these grants were able in those years to somehow help the rapidly depopulated and impoverished science. It was money, and money was then very needed, and for this money, in general, practically nothing was required. Therefore, the scientists themselves stood behind Soros with a mountain, and the State Duma somehow even expressed gratitude to him.

It's George Soros brought the very idea of ​​grants to Russia and taught how to write applications. And now grants are one of the main types of funding for science in Russia; grants are also issued by the Russian state. Last year, Vladimir Putin ordered the transfer of funding for science to the grant mechanism altogether. Much of what we use now was invented in the 1990s, but they prefer to forget about it, leaving only the epithet of dashing for the decade.

Gradually the Soros Foundation curtailed its activities - this was due, on the one hand, to the fact that the billionaire himself insisted on parity financing of projects from the budget, on the other hand, with increasing pressure from the authorities, who over the years found everything more possibilities to finance science and ceased to need sponsors. Already at the beginning of the 2000s, grants were no longer issued, but the launched "subsidiary" projects continued to operate. During the active phase of the fight against foreigners, books by foreign historians published by the Open Society began to be withdrawn from libraries. But in recent years, the fund has not been seen to be noticeable and influential, and certainly for a long time could no longer pose any threat to defense capability. He left all his strength there, in the mid-1990s, and only his ghost wandered around Russia, and although the elderly billionaire himself called, for example, for the European Union to allocate billions of euros to Ukraine, no one really listened to him anymore.

In the 1990s, those with a fund Soros caused hostility, they could not prevail and were probably very angry about this. No wonder they decided to finish him off as soon as they could give themselves the opportunity. Simply because they couldn't do it 20 years ago. Something like the political cleansings of the 1930s, when, for example, the former Left Social Revolutionaries or Narodniks, who had long since lost both organization and influence, were repressed. We said goodbye to another sign of the Yeltsin era.

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