Ventilation equipment in the surgical room korf. Korf fans. Features of Korf products

Don't go to work here. Trust me, you don't have to. There is no reason why one could work here. Salaries, ecology, experience, conditions ¬¬ - this is an incomplete list of which you should not go here.
The pay is really low. Apparently, someone thought of it, but let's pay small salaries, let someone work. These are the people who work. Don't join their ranks. If you were offered, say, 50,000 rubles a month, then you should know that in Moscow they pay an average of 70,000 rubles for such a volume of work. That is, you have 20,000 rubles every month. And this is for not weak volumes of work (well, of course, except for you, there were no people who wanted to).
Employees very quickly understand where they are. Unless, except for two or three fools in rose-colored glasses, well, what to take from them, fools are fools. The others quickly figure out where they've gotten themselves into. And almost immediately start looking for another job. As a rule, most do not work for more than six months, someone quits in the first days. Considering that they are not in a hurry to go to them, they clearly have problems with the selection. And you do not go, do not let someone solve their problems at your expense. It is difficult for them to choose, they have to take almost everyone. There are still people gathering there. An unforgettable cocktail of prisoner tattoos, Uzbek flavor and stupid cattle awaits you. In the order of things, after sunset in the workshop, you can stumble upon used syringes (really), and there is an infection, do you need it? They have such problems with personnel that even guest workers are hired for managerial and office positions. If you want to understand what Chief Ravshan is, you are welcome. Apparently, these Ravshans write positive reviews. As you understand, normal people do not work here for a long time.
If suddenly you decide that, well, at least I will gain experience, then you will be greatly mistaken. The experience you gain here will not be useful anywhere else. So, for example, the warehouse here, in fact, is a pile of equipment, dumped into different piles. Now almost no one works like that. Work schemes were invented under the king of peas. It seems that there is no accountant, no, and yes, they check on accounts at computers. Nobody needs new. Employees have no interest in work. What are you here to learn?
We move on. Save on everything here. Well, for example, chairs are bought cheap and very uncomfortable, you can’t sit for a long time. Getting to work is inconvenient. You will have to go outside the Moscow Ring Road. There is no metro nearby. By the way, about the location. Behind the fence is a garbage plant, and there is always some kind of dust in the air from it. (By the way, there are more salaries in this garbage plant. There are more salaries in the garbage can, Carl!) And this is not the dust you are used to. This dust is so much that a rather large layer is accumulated in the room during the day, it is really visible. And the dust is not household, but products of industrial waste processing. According to one of the ratings, this place is one of the dirtiest in the Moscow region. And it will have to breathe. You will not die from this, but health problems will appear over time. Yes, by the way, do not forget the busy highway on the other side (how could people be put to work in such a place), smoky trucks under the windows on the territory and a plant in Kapotnya 1 km away. You can read about the healing climate of Kapotny on the Internet.
Let's summarize. Small salaries, inconvenient location, high turnover, useless experience, harmful environment. Do not go, do not repeat other people's mistakes.

KORF ventilation is presented here by the most popular categories of equipment, you can also go to the full KORF ventilation catalog or .

The ventilation equipment of the Moscow plant KORF (KORF) is today, perhaps, the most modern and reliable equipment on the market ventilation technologies and air conditioning systems. And the activity of this plant began with small production, organized by a group of like-minded people, in a rented fire station box in one of the cities near Moscow. Now, after several years, the production of KORF is a high-tech process, almost completely automated and using the latest German equipment in its work. This was achieved thanks to a friendly team of highly qualified specialists aimed at achieving a common goal, to bring Russian market ventilation equipment is a high-quality product that is not inferior in its parameters to eminent European brands. And they succeeded! Any specialist, one way or another connected with the ventilation market, can confirm that KORF ventilation is of European quality, which is available in Russia.

How did KORF ventilation manage to attract the Russian consumer?

  • State-of-the-art precision manufacturing
  • Professionals at every stage of production
  • European quality of manufactured equipment
  • Use of proven European components
  • The most complete range of equipment
  • Individual approach to clients
  • High level of service quality

Korf air conditioners and ventilation are well known among specialists and people interested in this subject. It is difficult to find equipment with the best ratio of cost, quality, durability and functionality. Thanks to these advantages, as well as the widest range of manufactured equipment, this brand has become one of the leaders today. domestic market. In addition, now you do not need to look for the official Korf website and order its equipment abroad. This can be done by contacting A-Klim, at the same time using the services of design and installation of ventilation and climate systems.

Duct equipment and central air conditioning systems of this company are not just amazingly in demand in our country. Korf offers the best terms of sale, namely:

  • only high quality products (confirmed by the provision of a five-year warranty);
  • reasonable prices;
  • the largest range of central air conditioners and duct equipment;
  • efficient service and competent technical support.

Examine the price list with Korf equipment - you are guaranteed to be able to find exactly what suits you best!

Product range

This manufacturer produces everything you need to build networks of forced air exchange and change the microclimate in the premises. On the official website of Korf, ventilation and air conditioning are presented primarily by the following positions:

  • duct equipment (round and rectangular) - fans of all types, noise absorbers, air heaters, air coolers, dampers, etc.;
  • axial and roof fans - air curtains for domestic and industrial use, all types of fans, air handling units, etc.;
  • refrigeration equipment - compressor and condenser units, chillers, fan coil units;
  • central air conditioning systems.

Korf brand products are confirmation that domestic ventilation equipment can also be of the highest quality, in no way inferior to foreign analogues, but at the same time outperforming most of them in price. Under the Korf brand, an extensive range of fans for domestic and industrial applications is supplied to the Russian market, differing in power, capabilities, sizes and other parameters. You can view, select and order Korf fans by studying our catalog.

Features of Korf products

Korf fans(Korf) have many advantages, including:

  • adaptability to domestic climatic and operational conditions;
  • duration of operation;
  • strict but attractive design (for wall models with decorative and protective grilles);
  • low noise due to the use of asynchronous motors and a balanced impeller.

All this, combined with attractive prices, makes Korf brand products an excellent choice for organizing ventilation at any facility.


The basis of the manufacturer's assortment is wall-mounted and duct fans Korf (Korf) of axial type. These categories represent the largest number of produced models. It should also be noted a good choice in terms of power of Korf roof fans and the production of a whole range of protected ventilation units by the company.

To learn more about the brand's products, study the catalog on this page.

Initially, all the company's products, including Korf ventilation, are distinguished by high technological characteristics and quality, thanks to cooperation with manufacturers of reliable electronic systems and accessories (firms SIEMENS and ZIENL-ABЕGG). Using the latest European equipment with a high level of accuracy and productivity, the company produces product samples that are superior in quality to European counterparts created by well-known brands.

Functional features of supply ventilation

Modern ventilated devices have successfully replaced the primitive old air vent system, giving homes, offices and production premises required percentage of thermal comfort. Cool the air in summer period, to heat up in winter, and also to clean it from dust are the main functions of forced ventilation.

If we talk specifically about Korf ventilation, then the principle of its operation is as follows:

  • air intake through the filter system and the performance of the cleaning process;
  • air supply inside the room with parallel cooling or heating;
  • the ability to control the speed and volume of air flows with the help of a valve system.

The price of a supply ventilation system directly depends on the power of the device and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that it will serve. The Korf catalog offers supply systems with a capacity from several hundred to several thousand cubic meters per hour, providing efficient ventilation for both small offices and large-scale production workshops.

Design nuances, their impact on the price

When analyzing the design features of the Korf air handling unit, pay attention to the two main types of the system and the degree of ease of installation.

  1. Assembly type. Installation of such a system is carried out according to the well-known principle of "designer". national team Supply unit Korf allows you to create a complex with the required parameters and low cost.
  2. Monoblock type. It is compact and, accordingly, more convenient in the process of mounting, silent in operation. The price is an order of magnitude higher.

Regardless of the price segment, Korf ventilation remains a reliable guarantor of cleanliness and freshness of indoor air.

Hardware Benefits

The supply unit Korf is the best option for ventilation equipment, from all the main positions (price and functional), since it allows you to organize air conditioning systems in rooms for various purposes and different areas.

The price of Corf equipment remains stable, not exceeding the level of the previous two years.

Among the advantages of Korf ventilation should be added:

  • normalization of the level of air humidity, purification from dust, harmful impurities and removal of unpleasant odors;
  • ease of operation: the unit is started once for a long period, in the process of operation it is enough to adjust the device;
  • low percentage of energy consumption;
  • possibility of installation in rooms with various architectural features.

And one more important point: Korf assumes warranty obligations for the repair and correction of equipment defects for a period of three and five years from the date of purchase of the goods. That's why buying Korf means you're getting reliable, easy-to-configure, high-performance equipment. An online catalog will help you choose a model with suitable parameters.