Trading affiliate programs truth and lies. The whole terrible truth about making money on the Internet! Reviews and comments

There is a belief that there are a dime a dozen jobs on the Internet. And all of it is very expensive and very (well, just very !!) simple. I came to the site, registered, sat for a certain number of hours - that's the money dripped. But how are things really?

In fact, on the Internet, as well as in real life, yes, probably even worse. There are so many people in the world wide web that it is not crowded. And everyone yearns simple money, and preferably a lot. But no one will share, in order to receive a little bit of money you need to work hard and hard, and it’s far from a fact that your work will be needed by anyone. Specialists of any profile in the network great amount enough for everyone. The competition in any field is huge. And even more scammers and scammers who are just waiting for a naive newcomer.

What does a person who first asked himself the question of earning money through the Internet do? Looking for someone to pay him. And after going through the search engines and sites, he understands that - yes, it's really real! It lights up and begins to dig deeper, and there are countless treasures and unprecedented wealth! Starting from the standard earnings of advertising on the site, ending with "very profitable and valuable offers." Let's say that our person does not have a special education as a programmer or coder, who basically work as freelancers (freelance mercenaries who do work remotely). Also, let's say that a person is far from the Internet and has neither a personal website nor the skills to manage it. Thus, he immediately discards earnings by freelancing in the field of programming or by placing ads on his portal. And continues to search.

He finds mainly scammers. Starting from mail sponsors, ending with clickers and pyramids. Let's take it in order.
Mail sponsors - they offer to make money on the fact that a person will read letters that are sent to his mailbox. You also need to surf (search) on sites of various subjects and perform “well, very complex” tasks.

It seems to be nothing complicated, but in fact, you will receive 20-50 letters in the mail, for each you will receive 2 kopecks. Even if you persist and get yourself referrals (a participant who registered in this scam using your tip or link), you will earn about 5 dollars a month. This is if you get paid at all.

Paid surveys - the essence of this income is that a questionnaire or survey comes to the mail, which must be filled out and sent back. The cost of surveys ranges from 10 cents to 10 dollars. And everything seems to be fine, but here is the snag. Surveys are extremely rare, and expensive surveys are even more so. Russian companies generally care little about polling their customers via the Internet, and even pay money for it. Therefore, questionnaires come even less often than from foreign companies. According to search engines, people receive 1-5 such profiles per month, if they're lucky. And they don't get it at all. Also, in general, survey companies are located in Europe and the USA, and the opinion of a Russian person is of little interest to them. So, the chance of getting a questionnaire is rapidly approaching zero. This way of earning is extremely inefficient.

Earnings by entering captchas or clickers - there is such a way to earn money. Here you get paid for guessing captcha- pictures or alphanumeric combination. Or for the fact that you will visit sites and click on ads with a mandatory transition and viewing of it. They pay consistently. But very, very few. For 1000 (thousand) pictures you will receive only up to 40 cents. There is also a rating system - I wrote an answer to 1000 pictures - I received an increase of 1% to the cost. Called another 1000 pictures, another 1%. But if you don’t visit the employer’s website every day and work, the rating will drop and you will have to start everything from scratch. That is, you will earn a dollar in about one to two weeks. This is not serious.

The financial pyramid is the most widespread scam in the network. Fraudsters promise mountains of gold, sometimes they even give quite real and very simple tasks. You just need to invest a meager amount of 50-300 rubles to get your first order ... A pyramid in the form of rewriting documents, not rewriting, but banal rewriting of documents, is quite common. Scans of manually written documents are sent to you, you must retype them. All this is motivated by the fact that text recognition does not work well with old handwritten sheets. You rewrite the text, send it to the scammer, you are happily informed that you did an excellent job, passed the test and, in general, well done. And now, in order to get a real job, you must transfer a symbolic amount to such and such a wallet so that the employer is sure that you can handle it and not run away at the last moment. The amount is really miserable, 10 - 50 rubles, rarely more than 300. But as soon as the fraudster receives the money, he will disappear from the horizon. Complaining is useless, because you only have his mail, which has no data about who this person is.

Sometimes, the first payments do come. Those same 50-100 rubles. All this is done just to stir up interest. Would you like a good order? Would you like? Then deposit 500 rubles to the account. And on this - just "goodbye."
In any case, the amount you spend will be higher than what you earn.

How to avoid a scammer?
First, you need to understand that there is no free money in the network. If you are not a sought-after specialist - he is always low-paid, hard and you will spend a lot of time on work - sometimes more than if you worked in an office. Secondly, always check in search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler) those from whom you are going to take a job. It is usually enough to enter the name of the site and read the reviews about it on other sites carefully, and you will already have a rough idea of ​​whether this is a real income or you will be deceived. Thirdly, remember that the more money you are promised for a simple job that anyone can do, the more likely you are to be deceived.

Can you make money online? Yes, you can. But for this you have to work hard and learn a lot.

The Internet is increasingly affecting different areas our lives, and the work on this list is no exception. The most common among remote professions is copywriting. So, thanks to copywriters, Internet resources are filled and updated.

The Internet is increasingly affecting different areas of our lives, and work on this list is no exception. The most common among remote professions is copywriting. Thanks to copywriters, Internet resources are filled and updated.

Many, having learned about such earnings, immediately register on various resources and content exchanges, expecting instant profits. But is it so easy to take and write a related and interesting text on a given topic?

Firstly, this job is not as highly paid as many people think. To start making really good money and getting good money, you need to improve your skills and earn the trust of customers. But copywriting is unlikely to immediately become your main income, it is better to consider it as an additional job.

Secondly, a copywriter must be literate and be able to clearly express an idea or state the essence. Ownership of information is the basis of writing an article. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that more than once you will have to refer to various resources on the pages world wide web. The uniqueness of the texts you write must be high in order to be truly appreciated.

If you have already decided on your desire to do copywriting, then register on two or three content exchanges. You can either take orders or write articles yourself and sell them in stores that exist at each exchange. If you decide to sell your material, then the articles for sale must exceed the number of twenty pieces. Only then will you understand whether your texts are popular.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this, but every job, and even more so creative like copywriting, requires your time. The Internet provides everyone with opportunities to earn money, and it is up to you to decide how to dispose of this opportunity.

Ways to earn money and the truth about them

It is wrong to say that all work on the Internet is a lie or a scam, because there are decent web sites and working methods for earning money without investment. For this reason, I will choose the most common ways to earn money that are now found and talk about them.

Making money from clicks - a very unpretentious and low-paid job.

What you need to do: view sites for money, take tests.

The whole truth about making money on the Internet on clicks: even if you find 4-5 sites and constantly click there (5-7 hours a day), you can save no more than 40-50 rubles a day (spend more on light).

Conclusion: if you constantly sit in front of the monitor (talk, do work), then you can click if you have the desire and time. big money thus do not earn.

Earnings on youtube - one of my favorite ways to make money, requires the ability to record, upload and promote your videos on Youtube.

What to do: wrote a little higher.

The truth about making money online from home. Youtube: after a year of fruitful work (about 200 copyright videos added), channel Clear TV (you can see) came out on income - $ 100 per month.

Conclusion: making money from youtube is a reality, you just need to work hard. What did you think?

By the way, if the youtube channel has more than 99 subscribers and 2999 views, you can (with its help I achieved such results).

Earnings on the site and referrals - methods that I tried to combine. I think it is clear that the main income from this site is the profit from referrals.

What you need to do: create yourself or order (you can from me) a site. Learn to write articles or buy them. Learn the basics of website promotion.

The whole truth about making money on the Internet on referrals: in order to gain a base of active, working referrals, you need to have patience (at least a year). Having your visited site, you can get a fairly large number of referrals and then just get passive profit. $1000 per month is the average.

Conclusion: the presence of ideas and goals, motivation is what will help you earn with your site and referrals.

If you want to order a site inexpensively (min $ 75) - let's discuss.

Hi all!

One of the bitter truths is that 80% of the time you will not make money, but 20% of your efforts and right decisions will bring you success, but it takes experience to get it right. To begin with, you do not need to be a sucker and clearly understand for yourself 3 simple laws of making money on the Internet. You need to not only know the laws, it is important to observe them here, otherwise the picture will be something like this: time was killed, health may have been ruined, scammers were fed, without their pants and dough they were forgiven for their sins. Then they sobered up and thought, well, fuck it ... this Internet.

About laws:

First law: Never get fooled by easy money. “Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap”, and the English say this - “There is no free breakfast”

The second law: If the work is simple, you will earn only bread

Third Law: If you want to get something, be prepared to give or do something.

I think it is not necessary to explain the details for each of them, everything is simple and clear. Do not be fooled by "success" coaches and various courses that promise that in a few weeks you will earn 100,000 rubles / month. At the same time, lying on the couch and still sucking money out of you. Learn different ways to earn money yourself, or even better, find a mentor or an upliner who, in his practice, shows real cases and results, and will also be happy to advise and support you.

So now let's move on to The main ways to make money on the Internet:

1. Earnings on bread, and maybe more ...
2. Earnings to understand how you can then earn more

Investment projects, HYIPs

Network companies (MLM) and other matrix projects

3. Earnings for serious people



Your website or blog

Partnership programs

Your project on the Internet


Online store

Earning without investments

To earn, for example, 1000 rubles. per day, you need to sit at the computer for at least 20 hours a day. And even that is not an option that you will earn, depending on where of course. In short, you will sit and plow, plow not plow.

If you want to make money on clicks, then you are most likely bringing trouble on yourself. You will click on ad links, click and click, click and click, you will end up with these damn clicks in your dreams, they will follow you everywhere, and your eyes will start to twitch or turn red like a vampire - this is at its best. case, and in the worst case, they will fall out or burst from straining !!! Oh my god... Do you still want to make money like that? Nafig need? Read on.

Polls, forums, reading articles, etc. - all the same, eyes will burst.

Writing articles (not professional copywriting) is a painstaking task, it requires the talent of the author, and in order to make good money, you need to write a lot or be in authority. We are going through this thread too.

File hosting

The earnings scheme here is approximately the following: we select a file-sharing service on the Internet (for example,, upload some of our files to it, if it is downloaded 1000 times, you get approximately 5-7 bucks.

The moral of this fable is this: without your advertising, no one will know about this file and will not download it; To earn at least $ 1000 per month, you need to have about 1000 downloaded files, and preferably several times more, and your site must be mega-popular with traffic like 20,000 souls per day, try to do this :)


Forex is financial market where you can buy or sell currency. As in any business, you can earn decent money in Forex and go bust. Amateurs and even just organic suckers in life are pouring into this niche in a big stream. But it is unrealistic for such comrades to make money on Forex. They will not even understand properly why this happened, and then they will call everything incomprehensible a scam. Therefore, those who burnt out in Forex are looking for the cause of their failures not in themselves, not in their knowledge, or in their intellect (after all, everyone secretly considers himself the smartest), but in external reasons and declare Forex a scam. In general, there is only one result - this business needs to be studied and then you will become a trader, or become an investor. It is easier to be an investor, many people understand this, but for serious earnings, serious investments and rich experience are needed here, while, like a trader, there will always be a risk of getting into something.

Investment projects, HYIPs

The fact is that investing in such inventions of the human mind is a profitable business, but also risky. There are strategies, methods, techniques that can significantly increase the number of projects from which you can get a pretty penny for yourself. Again, the words strategy, techniques, etc. were used. therefore, without knowledge and experience, you are again without pants, everything is simple. The word diversification in this type of income is used often and it is appropriate, but more important is your experience, activity in attracting partners and sometimes flair. Beginners, as a rule, in most cases in the minuses. Under favorable circumstances, a single investor will stand in line for bread in a bakery, and advanced investors in this industry understand and, most importantly, know how to spread caviar on their bread.

Network companies (MLM)

MLM (network marketing) is a complete tin.

To understand who actually earns in this business, I will briefly describe its structure.

Any network company consists of three groups of people:

1. Founders of the company - people who created the company and receive the main profit from its turnover

2. Leaders - the first persons on whom the whole company and all its distributors are based. it good human beings, organizers of various schools, trainings, seminars. They are very powerful at motivating people sitting in the hall, inspiring them and making them have a great desire to work in MLM. These are the people who get good checks in business, who stand with them on stage with golden smiles and joy on their faces, while everyone else (doomed to fail) stands, claps, looks at them and dreams.

3. Distributors (Doomed to Fail) are the 95% of people who fail in business.

Attention, it is important to understand!

Only leaders make big money in MLM ( network marketing), everyone else earns crumbs.

There are real leaders who are in contact with the founders of the company and are well versed in this business, they can really teach something.

There are empty leaders who imagine themselves to be MLM gods, who teach business to other people, while they themselves sit in the ass.

MLM business is based on the circulation of distributors - doomed to fail, then left, another came, then left, too, etc.

The most disgusting thing for me in this business is that some individuals in order to earn their money are engaged in outright lies. Another nasty thing in this area is the application of the principle of zombification of people and the fact that people succumb to this symptom. Do you want to be a zombie? It's up to you to decide, in short, stop writing about MLM, whoever wants to know everything in colors will find out for himself.

Let's go ahead and say an important thing, if you immediately think about one of the following ways to earn money and make a choice on one of them, then you will get to a higher level, you will not waste your time, you will develop in the right direction. You will not be among those who can be called shkolota, zombie people. To be honest, I myself was like that, I had to downplay for some time, distribute my money on the Internet. Think about it, you must get to this level, to the level of an adequate person who understands that you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty, that you need to invest or do something in order to have a profit.


Copywriting - professional activity writing advertising and presentation texts. These can be considered all texts that directly or indirectly advertise a product, company, service or person. Today, copywriting is more often understood as writing unique articles (from the point of view of search engines). You can write to someone directly, having rich experience, you can use the exchange ( to search for orders. In this case, you probably need a burning desire to write and you need the talent of a writer, knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization of articles). You can earn money in different ways, as an option, in order not to be a writer all your life, you can use this method to earn capital for some of your future project. This type of earnings can be attributed to freelancing.


A freelancer is a freelance worker, a private specialist who can simultaneously fulfill orders for different clients. The meeting point of a freelancer with a customer can be one of the popular resources located at Freelance is distant work through the Internet. These can be website promotion services, development of projects, programs, websites, design work, copyright and much more. In order to make money here, you must be able to do something.

If you want to earn a lot of money - you must be a pro, you must have tremendous experience in this field, examples of work, portfolio. You should be well-received by people who have already used your services and can recommend you to others ...

In copywriting and freelancing, you can work without financial investments Here the most important thing is professionalism.

Your website or blog

At the first stage, there are two problems here - to make a website and promote it. Learn how to do it, the Internet is full of information, if you wish and right choice information, as well as the right approach, everything will work out for you. It is not necessary to be a pro in some business, you can learn, put it into practice and write about it on the blog, while you must show your results. When you have results in your business, you can educate someone or help someone. Promotion is sometimes more difficult than resource development, if the site is zero and there is no audience, then you can only earn money on it for a sandwich.

Earnings on the site bring the following things:

Some information on earnings can be found here:

Partnership programs

AT affiliate programs you can work and earn money without having anything at all - neither your own website, nor start-up capital. To make good money in affiliate programs, you need to know certain information on this topic, look for profitable affiliate programs and be among the first to promote any project, product or service. The main hobby of earning on affiliate programs is that those comrades who have a huge subscriber base or have their own target audience actually earn money on them.

Your project on the Internet

First you need to become a pro in some area, to be well versed in your business, to establish contacts with people who are moving in this topic, and then you can already think about your project. It can be some kind of service, exchange, etc. and here, as I already said, a team is needed - organizers, programmers, promoters and anyone else.


This is earnings on the sale of their information products. Highly profitable view earnings, but in order to earn a lot of money in it, you need to be again a professional in some area. Creating information products (training courses, trainings, books, etc.) is not an easy task. Making a product is one thing, but selling it is another.

Online store

Creating an online store, I mean a good online store, is also a serious level and a team is needed here. A process with many levels of organization - managers, purchasing, warehousing, shipping, registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, etc. if you have interesting ideas in this area, you can try and start small. It will be useful to find training video courses on how to create an online store from scratch.

In the end, I want to sum up and express the idea that no matter what way of earning you choose, it turns out like this: HOW YOU DO NOT SPIN WITHOUT A BLOG! A blog is one of the important tools for the good development of your Internet business. Who knows how to make money on the Internet, but does not have his own blog, having got it, earned several times more. Don't be a ZOMBIE like those who spam in in social networks, on e-mail, on Skype and offers various super projects. Keep your blog, promote it and people will be drawn to you.

Well, here is a list of earn money on the internet and where someone is not easy to bring, depends only on the person himself. Within the framework of one article it is impossible to describe everything in detail, my goal was to show the main directions, to suggest in which direction you can dig further. I wish you good luck in your endeavors. Everyone, see you soon!