Presentations on speech therapy articulation gymnastics with animation. Game-presentation “Articulation gymnastics. Lips are closed. Puff out both cheeks

"MUSHROOM" Smile, open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue to the sky. This is the mushroom cap, and the hyoid ligament is the stem. The tip of the tongue should not tuck in, lips should be in a smile. If the child fails to suck the tongue, then you can click the tongue, as in the Horse exercise. Caught in a click desired movement language. published on

"Pancake" Smile, open your mouth. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Remain calm for a count of five. In this exercise, it is important to ensure that the lower lip does not strain and does not stretch over the lower teeth. published on

"DELICIOUS JAM" Smile, open your mouth. With a cup-shaped tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom (you can anoint it with jam). The lower lip should not fit the teeth (you can pull it down with your hand). published on

WOODPECTER The mouth is wide open and slightly stretched in a smile, the tongue in the form of a "cup" is raised: the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, and the front edge of the tongue is raised behind the upper front teeth to the alveoli. The child speaks with a breath D-D-D or T-T-T. The tongue "jumps on the bumps." published on

"Hedgehog" The mouth is closed. The tongue moves from the inside, smoothly outlining a circle with the tip of the tongue (right cheek under the upper lip, left cheek under the lower lip). Then the tongue moves in the opposite direction. So "draw" 5-6 circles in one direction and the other. published on

"BRUSHING TEETH" Smile, open your mouth. With the tip of the tongue, “clean” the lower, then the upper teeth from the inside, making tongue movements to the right and left. The lower jaw does not move. published on

"TURKEY" Open your mouth, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it. The pace of the exercise, gradually speeding up, then add a voice to hear "BL-BL-BL". Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, it should be wide. published on

"KISK IS ANGRY" Smile, open your mouth. Rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth. At the expense of "one" - bend the tongue with a slide, resting the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth. On the count of two, return to the starting position. In this case, the tip of the tongue should not come off the lower teeth, the mouth does not close published on

"SWING" Smile, open your mouth. At the expense of 1-2, alternately rest your tongue on the upper, then on the lower teeth. The lower jaw is immobile. published on

"MALYAR" Smile, open your mouth. With a wide tip of the tongue, stroke the sky from the teeth to the throat. The lower jaw should not move. published on

"SAIL" Smile, open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue and put it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of up to eight, then up to ten. Lower the tongue and repeat the exercise 2-3 times. published on

"COMB" Smile, bite your tongue with your teeth. “Drag” the tongue between the teeth back and forth, as if “combing” it. Perform 3-4 times.. published on

"ELEPHANT" Lips and teeth are closed. With tension, stretch your lips forward with a tube. Hold them in this position for a count of five. published on

"Knead the dough" Smile, open your mouth, bite your tongue with your teeth ta-ta-ta ...; slap your tongue with your lips pi-pi-py ...; bite your tongue with your teeth and pull it through your teeth with effort. published on

“FOOTBALL” Close your mouth, press the tip of your tongue with tension on one or the other cheek so that “balls” puff up under the cheek. published on

"WATCH" Smile, open your mouth. Transfer the tip of the tongue to the count of "one-two" from one corner of the mouth to the other. The lower jaw remains motionless. published on

"CUP" Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the side edges of the tongue in the shape of a cup. Hold for a count of five. The lower lip should not fit over the lower teeth. published on

List of references E.M. Kosinova Lessons of a speech therapist. Games for the development of speech Publisher: Eksmo, 2010 published on

Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers

Prepared by:

Teacher speech therapist

Kamkina Alexandra Valerievna

Date of the event 18.05.2017

  • Terms of assimilation of sounds
  • Causes of incorrect pronunciation of sounds
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Tips for parents (speech development)

Sequence of appearance of sounds in children

1-2 years

2 – 3 years




35 years

5 – 6 years




Reasons for mispronunciation

  • - insufficient formation of movements of the pronunciation organs, especially the tongue, lips, lower jaw. The movements are not performed clearly enough, their volume is limited, which is why the pronounced sound is also distorted.
  • - any defect in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (structure of the lips, jaw, shortened hyoid frenulum, size, shape of the tongue, condition of the nasal cavity)
  • - hearing loss - hearing loss (consultation of an audiologist)

Poor development of phonemic hearing

Incorrect pronunciation of words by adults themselves (lisping leads to speech defects, the correct speech of an adult is required as a model)

Bilingualism (presence of several languages ​​in the family)

Violations during pregnancy, birth trauma

To get a complete picture of the speech of the child as a whole, it is necessary to pay attention to the following options:

1. understanding of speech - does the child understand what others are saying to him;

2. assessment of speech by sound (sound pronunciation: impaired - no violations);

4.tempo of speech (too fast, slow).

What is articulation gymnastics

  • Articulation gymnastics - this is a set of exercises aimed at developing mobility, dexterity and accuracy of movements of the tongue, lips, cheeks, hyoid frenulum.
  • The goal of articulation gymnastics is the development of correct movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, necessary for a clear pronunciation of sounds.

How to do articulation exercises

  • 1. You need to perform articulation gymnastics daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to do the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  • 2. Each exercise is performed for 20-30 seconds. Gradually, the time increases to 1 minute. Exercises are performed in front of a mirror.
  • 3. Articulatory gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.
  • 4. It is necessary to achieve a clear, precise, smooth execution of movements.

Lip exercises

"Frog" ("Smile")

Smile, with tension exposing closed teeth

("Proboscis") ("Tube")

Lips and teeth are closed. With tension, stretch your lips forward with a tube. Hold them in this position for a count of five.

"Hippo" Open your mouth wide and calmly for a count of 10.

Cheek exercises


"The balloon burst." Draw in your cheeks.


« Blow up the balloon."

Lips are closed. Puff out both cheeks.


Close your mouth, press the tip of the tongue with tension on one or the other cheek so that “balls” puff up under the cheek.

Language exercises "WATCH"

Smile, open your mouth. Transfer the tip of the tongue to the count of "one-two" from one corner of the mouth to the other. The lower jaw remains motionless.


Smile, open your mouth. At the expense of 1-2, alternately rest your tongue on the upper, then on the lower teeth. The lower jaw is immobile.

"Pancake" Open your mouth and put a calmly wide spread tongue on your lower lip.

"Needle" Open your mouth and pull the narrow tongue forward.


Smile, open your mouth. With a cup-shaped tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom (you can anoint it with jam). The lower lip should not fit the teeth (you can pull it down with your hand).


Smile, open your mouth. With the tip of the tongue, “clean” the lower, then the upper teeth from the inside, making tongue movements to the right and left. The lower jaw does not move.


Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the side edges of the tongue in the shape of a cup. Hold for a count of five. The lower lip should not fit over the lower teeth.


Smile, open your mouth. With a wide tip of the tongue, stroke the sky from the teeth to the throat. The lower jaw should not move.

"FUNGUS" Smile, open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue to the sky. This is the mushroom cap, and the hyoid ligament is the stem. The tip of the tongue should not be tucked in, the lips should be in a smile, and the tongue should be abruptly released.


Smile, open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue and place it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind your upper teeth. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of up to eight, then up to ten. Lower the tongue and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.


Smile, open your mouth. Rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth. At the expense of "one" - bend the tongue with a slide, resting the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth. On the count of two, return to the starting position. The tip of the tongue should not come off the lower teeth, the mouth does not close

Tips for parents:

  • Talk more to your child during all activities such as cooking, cleaning, dressing, undressing, playing, walking, etc.
  • Make the child verbalize all his actions (on a walk, during the game), talk more.
  • Do not be surprised if during the game the child talks to himself - this is good, if he is silent - bad.
  • Do not suppress the child's speech initiative - if the child turned to you with a question or speech, you must definitely listen to the end and answer.

  • Notice what the child's speech is like in a relaxed home environment and in an unusual environment (at a party, at a doctor's appointment). If problems in speech are observed only in stressful situations, the child psychological problem and he needs the help of a psychologist (removing anxiety, increasing self-esteem).

Ask the child to retell, tell everything that he sees (cartoons, movies)

  • Ask your child what was interesting in kindergarten today? How did he spend the day? What did you do on the walk? What were they fed? etc. In response to your question, ask the child for a sentence, not 1 word.

“There is a second brain at your fingertips!”

Development of fine motor skills!

  • beads (stringing on a string)
  • cereals (sorting)
  • hatching (notebooks - in the direction)
  • strokes (notebooks - by contour, by dots, by numbers)
  • modeling (plasticine, dough)
  • drawing (colored trihedral pencils)
  • fasten buttons, tie shoelaces ... ..

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Articulation gymnastics
Compiled by: Teacher - speech therapist of the first qualification category Ignatova Natalya Gennadievna

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lived and was Cheerful Tongue. Do you have tongue? Show me. The Merry Tongue had a house. The house is very interesting. What is this house? Guessed? This is a mouth. Here's what interesting house was at the Merry Tongue. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. How is the house closed? lips. Show me where your lips are. Do you see them in the mirror? But besides one door, this house has a second door. What is the name of this door? Teeth. Show me your teeth. Look at them in the mirror.

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In this house, my friend, a cheerful tongue lives!

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Exercise "Hedgehog"
Purpose: to activate the muscles of the tongue. Progress of the exercise: Lips are closed. The tense tip of the tongue moves between the lips and teeth, making circular movements, as it were, around the lips, but from the inside of the mouth. Movements are performed first in one direction (clockwise) - 5-6 circles, then in the other direction (counterclockwise) 5-6 circles. The speed of the movement of the tongue can be changed. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. Guidelines: the mouth is closed.
I have wool in my needles And a handful of reserves in the hole. You better not touch me! I am a prickly gray hedgehog!
I saw the tongue that the weather was good and ran for a walk in the yard. I had just left the porch when I heard someone rustling in the grass. The tongue took a closer look: needles stick out of the grass. It was a hedgehog. He ran in the grass in a circle: first in one direction, then in the other. Let's show how the hedgehog ran.

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Progress of the exercise: Lips are closed. The tense tip of the tongue rests on one or the other cheek, as if there is a ball. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. Methodical instructions: the mouth is closed at the same time. I looked around the tongue, I saw that the guys were playing football. And I wanted to join them. Let's play football with them.
Exercise "Football"
The courtyard is crowded with people. There is a football match going on. And our goalkeeper Genka Spitsyn, Should not miss the ball.

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Exercise "Swing"
Purpose: to develop the ability to raise the tongue up. To develop the accuracy and activity of the tip of the tongue, the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue. The course of the exercise: smile, show teeth, open your mouth, bend a wide tongue behind the lower teeth at the expense of “one”. On the count of "two" bend the tongue over the upper teeth. Guidelines: 1) make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless; 2) the language should remain broad; 3) make sure that when lifting the tongue up, the lower lip does not support the tongue.
The children sat on the swing And flew up above the spruce. They even touched the sun, And then they returned back
After football, the tongue wanted to swing on a swing: up and down! It's fun to swing with the tongue on the swing!

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Exercise "Turkey"
Purpose: to develop the rise of the tongue up, the mobility of its front part. The course of the exercise: open your mouth, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add a voice until you hear bl-bl (like a turkey chattering). Guidelines: 1. Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow. 2. Make sure that the movements of the tongue are back and forth, and not from side to side. 3. The tongue should "lick" the upper lip, and not be thrown forward. The tongue got off the swing and suddenly saw a formidable angry turkey. The turkey stood in the middle of the yard and cursed terribly. Let's show how the turkey swore.
I am a turkey "baldy-balda" Run up in all directions.

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Exercise "Knead the dough"
Purpose: to activate the muscles of the tip of the tongue. The course of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, bite your tongue with your teeth - “ta-ta-ta”, slap your lips - “pya-pya-pya”, bite your tongue with your teeth and pull it through your teeth with effort.
We knead the dough, we knead, we knead, We press the dough, we press, we press, After we take the rolling pin, We roll the dough thinly, We set to bake a pie. One, two, three, four, five - Isn't it time to take it out?
The tongue was frightened and ran home to his mother. And the house smelled of something delicious: it was my mother who prepared the dough for pancakes and pies. The tongue began to help her knead the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin. Come on and we will help the tongue.

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Exercise "Pancake"
Purpose: to develop the ability, by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide, flattened. The course of the exercise: slightly open your mouth, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the sounds "five-five-five." Keep a wide tongue in a calm position and with your mouth open, counting from 1 to 5 - 10. Guidelines: 1) the lower lip should not be tucked and pulled over the lower teeth; 2) the tongue should be wide, the edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth; 3) pat your tongue with your lips several times on one exhale. Make sure that the child does not retain the exhaled air; 4) the tongue is located symmetrically in the oral cavity. At the same time, this exercise contributes to the development of a directed air jet.
The tongue helped mom to knead the dough and they began to bake pancakes. Let's show what kind of pancake the tongue turned out to be.
They baked some pancakes, cooled them on the window. We will eat them with sour cream, We will invite mom to dinner.

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Exercise "Delicious jam"
Purpose: to develop the movement of the front of the tongue upward and the position of the tongue, close to the shape of the cup, which it takes when pronouncing the sound "Sh". The course of the exercise: slightly open your mouth, and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Guidelines: 1) make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “plant” the tongue up; 2) the tongue should be wide, and its lateral edges should touch the corners of the mouth; 3) if the exercise fails, then as soon as the tongue becomes flattened, lift it up with a spatula and wrap it on the upper lip. It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the active movements of the wide tongue. The wide front edge of the tongue completely covers the upper lip, tightly pressing against it, the lateral edges of the tongue close with the corners of the mouth, so the tongue takes the shape of a cup.
Damn, we ate with pleasure - Soiled with jam. To remove the jam from the lips, the Mouth must be licked.
Mom with a tongue began to eat pancakes with sour cream and fragrant delicious jam, but all her lips got dirty. You have to lick your lips gently.

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Exercise "Cup" (static)
Purpose: To exercise the ability to hold a wide ide in the upper position. Progress of the exercise: The mouth is wide open. Raise the wide tip of the tongue up. Pull it with your upper teeth, but don't touch them. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of up to 10. Perform the exercise 3-4 times. I ate a tongue of pancakes with jam and decided to drink some tea. Let's show him what a beautiful cup he had.
We ate delicious pancakes, We wanted to drink tea. We pull the tongue to the nose, We present a cup of tea.

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Exercise "Brushing your teeth"
Purpose: to develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, to activate the tip of the tongue. The course of the exercise: smile, show teeth, open your mouth and “clean” the lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, first moving your tongue from side to side, then from bottom to top. Guidelines: 1) lips are motionless, are in the position of a smile; 2) make sure that the tongue moves near the gums, and does not slide along the upper edge of the teeth; 3) make sure that when moving from bottom to top, the tongue is wide and starts moving from the roots of the lower teeth. The following difficulties are most common: joint lateral movements of the tongue and lower jaw, deviation of the tongue, sweeping, inaccurate movements of the tongue. If there are additional movements of the lower jaw, the child's attention should be drawn to the inadmissibility of this and offered to control the lack of mobility with the hand. In the first stages, when the tongue “pops out” because of the teeth, it is recommended to hold the tip of the tongue with your finger.
He drank the tongue of tea from his beautiful cup, and his mother said to him: “Tongue, it's time to sleep!” Before going to bed, the tongue went to wash and brush his teeth. Come on, let's brush your teeth.
Teeth should be brushed twice: Every morning and every evening.

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Exercise "Hippo"
Purpose: to teach to keep the mouth wide open. Activate the circular muscle of the mouth and the mobility of the upper lip. Teach to lower the root of the tongue and move the tongue close to the teeth. The course of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide. Move the relaxed tongue close to the teeth. Hold the position on the count up to 5. Guidelines: make sure that the lips are stretched, the teeth should be visible, the root of the tongue is lowered, the tongue is located symmetrically in the oral cavity.
So the tongue came to the zoo and sees that someone huge, like a mountain, is sitting in the pond, and his mouth opens wide. It was a hippopotamus. Come on and we will turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.
We open our mouths wider, We play hippos: We open our mouth wide, Like a hungry hippo, You can’t close it, I count to five, And then we close our mouth- The hippopotamus is resting.

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Exercise "Frog"
Purpose: To develop the circular muscles of the lips. The course of the exercise: The lips are stretched in the form of a smile, exposing closed teeth. Hold the lips in this position for 10-15 seconds. Methodical instructions: make sure that when you smile, your lips do not tuck inward.
We imitate frogs: We pull lips straight to the ears. Now pull your lips - I'll see your teeth. We will pull - we will stop And we will not get tired at all.
He looked at the tongue at the hippos and just wanted to go further, he heard: “kva-kva”. They were frogs. Let's pretend the frogs are smiling.

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Exercise "Elephant"
I will imitate the elephant! I pull my lips with a "proboscis". And now I'm letting them go And returning them to their place.
The tongue goes further. Oh, who's that big guy with the long nose? Yes, it's an elephant! Let's show what an elephant's trunk is.
Purpose: To develop the circular muscles of the lips. The course of the exercise: stretch the lips with a tube, the teeth are closed. Hold the lips in this position on the count of "5" - "10".

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Exercise "Snake"
Purpose: to develop the ability to keep the tongue narrow, to develop the lateral muscles of the tongue. The course of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, expose your incisors, stick out your narrow, straight tongue strongly forward, strain and make it narrow. Push the narrow tongue forward as far as possible, and then remove it deep into the mouth. The movements of the tongue are made at a slow pace and are performed 5-6 times. Guidelines: 1) lips stretched into a smile without tension; 2) the tongue does not bend and does not touch the lips; 3) make sure that the tongue does not deviate to the side.
We imitate the snake, We will be on a par with it: We will stick out our tongue and hide it, Only in this way, and not otherwise.
The tongue admired the elephant and went to another cage. And there is no one there, only a long rubber hose is lying around in the middle. But suddenly the hose stirred and the tongue saw that it was ... a snake. Let's draw a snake.

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Exercise "Horse"
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop the rise of the tongue up. The course of the exercise: smile, show teeth, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse clatters its hooves). Guidelines: 1. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster. 2. The lower jaw should not move; only the language works. 3. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, i.e. so that the child clicks his tongue, not smack.
I am a cheerful horse, Dark as a chocolate bar. Click your tongue loudly - You will hear the sound of hooves.
I watched the tongue for the snake and went on. He sees the horse rides the children. He wanted to ride himself: “Horse, will you ride me?”, And the horse replies: “Of course!”. The tongue sat on the horse, shouted "But!" and jumped. Let's show how the tongue rode the horse.

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Exercise "Comb"
Purpose: To develop the advancement of a thin and wide tongue between the teeth. The course of the exercise: “comb” the tongue with your teeth. Lips in a smile position. The teeth are tightly clenched. We push the tip of the tongue between the clenched teeth. The tongue becomes wide and thin. We push it forward to the limit. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
The tongue rolled, got off the horse and suddenly saw himself in the mirror: “Oh, how shaggy I have become! Probably, he raced very fast on a horse! Gotta brush up!" He took out the tongue of the comb and began combing his hair. Let's show you how he did it.
I am friends with hair, I bring them in order. Thank you hair. And my name is ... (comb)

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Exercise "Watch"
Purpose: to develop the mobility of the language. The course of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, exposing your teeth. Insert a narrow tongue between the incisors. Turn the tongue to the right and left to the corners of the lips. Guidelines: 1) make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw remains motionless; 2) tongue movements should be symmetrical; 3) the tongue does not bend and does not touch the lips.
He put his tongue in order and suddenly thought: “Isn't it time to go home? We need to know what time it is." Show me how the clock works.
Tick ​​tock, tick tock. The tongue swayed like a pendulum of a clock. Are you ready to play the clock?

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Purpose: To develop the circular muscles of the lips. The course of the exercise: for “time” - smile, show closed teeth, hold your lips in this position; at the expense of "two" - pull the closed lips forward and hold in this position. Alternate movements "frog - elephant" counting "one - two". Repeat 10 times.
One is a frog with a thick belly, Two is a big and kind elephant. Every day at the edge, Putting her in a tub, As if under a shower, he watered that frog from a hose.
Exercise "Frog and Elephant"
Once upon a time there was a small tongue. He had friends: a frog and an elephant. Come on and we will turn into a frog, then into an elephant.

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Exercise "Pussy Angry"
Purpose: to develop the mobility of the muscles of the back of the tongue. The course of the exercise: 1. Smile, open your mouth, rest the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, bend the “back”, and press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper molars. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of up to 8, then up to 10. 2. Tongue in the "Angry Pussy" position, press it to the upper teeth and scratch in the direction from the root of the tongue to the tip. Repeat 5-6 times.
Look out the window - there you will see a cat. The cat arched its back, Hissed, jumped ... The pussy got angry - Do not come close!
The tongue had a beloved kitty. When the pussy got angry, it arched its back. Let's show how the pussy got angry and arched its back.

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Exercise "Sail" (static)
Purpose: Stretch the hyoid ligament; develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue in an elevated position. Progress of the exercise: The mouth is wide open. Put the wide tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth on the tubercles, bend the back of the tongue forward a little. Press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper molars. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of up to 10. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
Near the house of the tongue flowed a cheerful stream. The tongue decided to make a boat with a sail and send it to sea. The boat turned out very beautiful, with a pink sail. Let's show what the sail of the boat was.
The boat sails along the river, The boat carries the kids for a walk.

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Exercise "Painter"
Purpose: to work out the movement of the tongue up and its mobility. Progress: smile, open your mouth and “stroke” the palate with the tip of your tongue, making back and forth movements with your tongue. Guidelines: 1. Lips and lower jaw must be motionless. 2. Make sure that the tip of the tongue reaches the inner surface of the upper teeth as it moves forward and does not protrude from the mouth.
He let the tongue of the boat into the stream, and he himself ran along the shore to see how far she would swim away. Suddenly, the tongue saw a painter who was painting the roof of the house with bright blue paint. Let's show how the painter painted the roof.
I got up this morning And the village did not recognize: Every pillar and every house Was painted by a house painter. If you want to live like in a fairy tale, call paints for help!

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Exercise "Fungus"
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament. Fulfillment: smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue to the sky and without releasing your tongue, open your mouth. The lips are in the "smile" position. When repeating the exercise, the mouth should be tried to open wider and further the tongue in the upper position. Guidelines: 1. When the mouth opens, make sure that the lips are not mobile. 2. Open and close your mouth, holding in the upper position for a count of 3-10. While the tongue watched the painter paint the fence, the boat with the sail sailed far, far away. The tongue rushed to catch up with the boat. Suddenly something flashed in the grass. The tongue stopped to look and saw that it was a mushroom. Let's show which mushroom saw the tongue.
Under the birch, near the path, the mushroom grows on a thick stem. We will not be able to pass by, We will help the mushroom in a basket.

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Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, to develop a lift of the tongue up. Fulfillment: smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue up. With the tip of the tongue, forcefully "hit" the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth and pronounce the sounds: "D-D-D ..." Perform 10-20 seconds at first slowly, then increasing the pace. Make sure that only the tip of the tongue works, and the tongue itself does not jump.
Exercise "Woodpecker"
The woodpecker sits on the trunk, tapping on it with its beak. Knock yes knock, knock yes knock - There is a loud sound.
He collected a full basket of mushrooms with his tongue and suddenly he hears someone knocking. He raised his head up, and this woodpecker sits on a pine tree and knocks on the trunk with its beak. Let's imagine how the woodpecker knocks.

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Exercise "Komarik"
Purpose: calling the sound [z] by imitation. Progress of the exercise: Open your mouth. Raise the tongue in the form of a cup, press the lateral edges to the molars. The leading edge must be free. In the middle of the tongue, start an air stream, connect your voice, pronouncing with force: “zzzz”. Methodological recommendations: when performing the Cold Wind exercise, ask the child to “turn on” his voice. Tactile-vibration control is carried out by the child's hand located on the larynx. The child should feel the vibration of the larynx. The brush on the larynx feels the vibration of the vocal cords. He listened to the tongue, how the woodpecker knocks and went on. Suddenly, someone squeaked subtly above his ear and the tongue felt that someone had bitten his abdomen. “Oh, you evil, agile mosquito!” - the tongue shouted and began to catch a mosquito. Let's show how the angry mosquito rang.
It flies at night, It does not let us fall asleep: Evil rings, curls over the ear, Only it is not given into the hands.

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Exercise "Accordion"
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle). The course of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue to the sky and, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth (as the accordion furs stretch, so the hyoid frenulum stretches). The lips are in a smile position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and longer and keep your tongue in the upper position. Guidelines: 1. Make sure that when opening the mouth, the lips are motionless. 2. Open and close the mouth, holding it in each position for a count of three to ten. 3. Make sure that one of the sides of the tongue does not sag when opening the mouth.
I didn’t catch the mosquito’s tongue and sadly went on. Suddenly he heard the cheerful sounds of an accordion. "I wonder who's playing this? I'll go and see!" - thought the tongue and ran to the clearing. He sees a hare sitting on a stump and playing funny songs on an accordion. Come on, let's play the harmonica.
Come on, wide mouth, babes. Let's play the harmonica! We do not release the tongue, only open the mouth. One, two, three, four, five, It's easy for us to repeat!

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Exercise "Start the engine"
Purpose: to develop the mobility of the tip of the tongue. The course of the exercise: open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up. The tongue strikes with force the tubercles behind the upper teeth; the child at the same time pronounces melons-melons-melons (at first slowly, then faster). The exercise is carried out for 15-20 s.
On the highway, the car rushes, growls in all directions. Behind the wheel is a dashing driver, "Dyn-dyn-dyn" - the engine is buzzing.
The bunny played his funny song and said to the tongue: “Help me start the engine in the car, and I’ll let you steer for it!” And the tongue began to help the hare start the engine. Let's try and start the engine.

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ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs. We correctly pronounce various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, thanks to the strength, good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Thus, the pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of various articulatory-mimic movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (muttering, babble). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child's speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of speech in the natural conditions of life. The accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements develop gradually in the child.

For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed - tongue, lips, palate. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Recommendations for conducting exercises of articulation gymnastics 1. It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to do the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. 2. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times. 3. Static exercises are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding the articulation posture in one position). 4. When choosing exercises for articulation gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones. 5. The child and the adult during the articulation gymnastics should be in front of the mirror.

"TROBOTOK" ("TUBE") Pull closed lips forward with a "tube". Hold them in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10. Target. Develop the movement of the lips forward, strengthen the muscles of the lips, their mobility I will slightly cover my mouth, Lips - "trunk" forward. Far I pull them, As with a long sound: woo.

"SMILE" ("FENCE") Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold the lips in this position counting from 1 to 5-10. Target. Develop the ability to keep the lips in a smile, exposing the lower and upper front teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the lips and develop their mobility. The Neva River is wide, And the smile is wide. All my teeth are visible From the edges to the gums.

"Bite the tongue" Smile, open your mouth and bite your tongue. Options: 1. Bite the tip of the tongue. 2. Bite the middle of the tongue. Target. Achieve relaxation of the muscles of the tongue, increase blood supply to the muscles of the tongue, improve innervation (nerve conduction). I put forward my tongue, To be lazy I'm not used to. And from tip to root I bite faster and faster.

"SHOVEL" Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold it in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10. Target. Develop the ability to keep the tongue in a free, relaxed position, lying on the lower lip. Across the smile lay Resting tongue.

"DELICIOUS JAM" Smile, open your mouth and lick your lip with your tongue in the shape of a cup, making movements from top to bottom. You can continue to move and put your tongue in your mouth without destroying the “cups”. Target. Work out the movement of the wide front of the tongue in the shape of a cup up. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. As if the jam is on my lip - I lick it with a "cup" in my mouth.

"CUP" Smile, open your mouth and set your tongue at the top in the shape of a cup. Target. Learn to hold the tongue in the shape of a cup at the top, near the upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. I smile, my mouth is open: The tongue is already there. The edges are raised to the teeth. Here is my “cup”.

“Slapping our lips on the tongue” Smile, open your mouth, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, say: “pa-pa-pa”. The pronunciation of syllables ("pa-pa-pa") makes it easier for the child to complete this exercise. Target. Relax the muscles of the tongue by self-massage (slapping lips). Learn to keep the tongue flattened, wide. And now it’s not with my teeth I’ll slap my lips: “The bull’s lip is dull, Pa-pa-pa, pa-pa-pa.”

"SWING" Smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind the lower teeth (on the inside), hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then lift a wide tongue by the upper teeth (on the inside) and hold for 3-5 seconds. So, alternately, change the position of the tongue 4-6 times. Target. Develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, develop its flexibility, mobility. Develop flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue "Cup" up And "slide" down My tongue bends - Artist!

“MALYAR” Smile, open your mouth and “paint” the hard palate (“ceiling”) with the tip of your tongue, making movements with your tongue back and forth. Target. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility. The tongue is like my brush, And I paint the palate with it.

"STEAMBOAT" Slightly smile, stick out your tongue, clamp it with your teeth and sing the sound "s": "s-s-s" ("the steamer is buzzing"). Target. Work out the position of the tongue necessary for setting "l" (especially when the tongue is tense and the hard "l" is replaced with a soft "l") .

"PENDULUM" Smile, open your mouth, stick out your tongue as far as possible and make smooth movements from one corner of your mouth to another. Do the exercise 10-15 times. Target. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, work out its mobility. To the left-to the right the tip walks, As if it does not find a place.

“GORKA” (“BRIDGE”) Smile, open your mouth, put the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, set a wide tongue with a “slide”. Hold in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10. Target. Learn to hold your tongue in the position necessary to pronounce whistling sounds. Develop the muscles of the tongue, strengthen the tip of the tongue. I smile, my mouth is open - There the tongue lies, curled up. Buried in his lower teeth, he will portray Gorka to us.

"NEEDLE" Open your mouth, stick out your tongue as far as possible, tighten it, make it narrow and hold it in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10. Target. Learn to make the tongue narrow and hold it in that position. I smile: here is a joker - The language has become narrow-narrow. Between the teeth, like a knot, A long tongue crawled out.

"SNAKE" Open your mouth and use a narrow tongue to move back and forth ("snake sting"). Target. Develop tongue mobility by alternately pushing and retracting a narrow tongue. And the tongue of a snake is narrow, thin, like a twig. He walks and walks back and forth: How does he not get tired?

"SAIL" Smile, open your mouth wide, put your tongue behind your upper teeth so that the tip of your tongue rests firmly on your teeth. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Target. Hold your tongue behind your upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. I smile, my mouth is open: "Sail" is already standing there. Lean my tongue, look, To the top teeth from the inside.

"HORSE" Smile, open your mouth and click with the tip of your tongue ("the horse clatters its hooves"). Target. Work out the rise of the tongue, prepare it for vibration, stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle). Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. I open my mouth wide, I press my tongue to the palate. The tongue jumps down, And a click is heard.

"MUSHROOM" Smile, open your mouth wide, stick your tongue to the palate so that the hyoid ligament is stretched ("mushroom leg"). Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds. Target. Practice the ability to hold the tongue at the top in the position necessary for the sound "r". Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle). I'll open my mouth wide, As if I'm about to click. I'll suck my tongue on the palate, Jaw down - and all my studies.

"ACCORDION" Smile, open your mouth, suck your tongue to the palate, open and close your mouth (as the accordion furs stretch). This stretches the hyoid ligament. Gradually, it is necessary to open the mouth wider and longer and keep the tongue in the upper position. Purpose. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle). I'll suck my tongue on the palate, And now look both ways: The jaw goes up and down - She has such a cruise.

"DRUMMER" Smile, open your mouth and tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeating loudly, distinctly and repeatedly: "ddd". The pace picks up gradually. Target. To work out the mobility of the tongue and prepare it for the vibration necessary for the sound "r". Strengthen the muscles of the tongue (especially the tip of the tongue). Behind the teeth, a wide tongue beats into the tubercle.

An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics should monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal. At first, when children perform exercises, there is a tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Gradually, the tension disappears, the movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated. The system of exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills should include both static exercises and exercises aimed at developing dynamic coordination of speech movements.


The value of articulatory gymnastics in the pedagogical process

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

Ageeva Elena Nikolaevna

Articulation gymnastics- This is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

What is articulation gymnastics for?

Articulation exercises help strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus, form the correct, full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs (tongue, lips, lower jaw, etc.), improve diction; therefore, articulation gymnastics is necessary for children with speech disorders, and is useful for all children, both for the prevention of disorders and for development.

  • 1 Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.
  • 2. Static exercises are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding the articulation posture in one position).
  • 3. When selecting exercises for articulation gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

  • 4. Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new, the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If the child performs some exercise not well enough, new exercises should not be introduced, it is better to work out the old material. To consolidate it, you can come up with new game techniques.
  • 5. Articulatory gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.

  • 6. The child must see the adult's face well, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. Also, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child facing him.
  • 7. It is better to start gymnastics with exercises for the lips.

"Fence (smile)"

Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Make sure that when you smile, your lips do not tuck inward.

"Tubule" ("proboscis") Pull closed lips forward. Hold them in this position by counting from 1 to 5-10.

"Cup" Smile, open your mouth and set your tongue at the top in the shape of a cup.

"Delicious jam" Smile, open your mouth and lick your upper lip with your tongue in the shape of a cup. Movements are directed from top to bottom. You can continue to move and put your tongue in your mouth without destroying the “cups”.

"Painter" Smile, open your mouth and “paint” the hard palate (“ceiling”) with the tip of your tongue, moving your tongue back and forth, stroking the sky.

"Horse" Smile, open your mouth wide, click the tip of your tongue at the top. Let's speed up the pace. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.