"Petrotur": joint participation in autumn exhibitions and workshops. Natalia Morgunova: The success of participation in the exhibition is a joint work Exhibition - sale "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

for MiuMitsu©: I heard you, thanks.

I will try to summarize my point of view (which in no case I impose on anyone).

It is necessary to build on, as you rightly noted, in whose capacity to go to the exhibition - as a buyer or seller? These are two different tasks. Which are combined in trips to the exhibition, if you keep in mind the thought of WHY to go there.

Do you have a mistrust that an employee of a company other than yours will do everything badly and horribly? Excellent! Do you have confidence in ... say, the secretary of your company, or an employee of a technical / warehouse / some other, non-core department? And if an employee of the profile department works in a company without an ode for a week, and he was immediately "sent for the Christmas tree?"
Do you have confidence if you send a person to the exhibition who has been working in your industry for a long time, but not in your company?
In addition to the fact that you have trust in an adequate neighbor (nephew, etc.), who else would you trust?

It seems to me that for those who go to the exhibition, it is necessary to clearly state the task that must be completed at the exhibition.
Yes, perhaps as an instruction for fools, especially if you send a hired person.
And to prescribe on what points it is necessary to keep records, for which there will be a demand.

But like mine personal experience shows that such instructions are useful to any employee of the exhibiting company. And do not forget about the demand from the employee! Because, well, the reality is that they send anyone, for show and not an empty place. Or an intelligent employee, but absolutely non-core ..

As for difficult questions - yes, any question will seem difficult. But my belief is that EVERYTHING CAN BE SOLD. If you can do it.
Regarding the situation under consideration, visiting the exhibition - but just the company provides a presentation on the product, possibly complex questions and answers. At least that's how I worked with newcomers at shows. And such prepared chants helped them a lot, and also kept the image of the company.

Oh, well, if we go as sellers, then there is also our own scheme. And I agree that in most cases the managers at the booth are not interested in shopping, and also, alas, in handing over business cards to the right person. In this situation, we, i.e. visitors are interested. And in this situation, the main task is to collect contacts of those who will be interested in our products. With whom specifically in the exhibitor you can talk after the exhibition.
The business card of the general, by the way, will not always help to solve this problem. So what's the point of sharing it?
And here the main work is carried out after the exhibition, on the basis of the collected contacts.
Moreover, this work will be much easier to carry out than if it were to work with cold calls - we have a contact person in our hands that you can refer to.
Yes, this is a kind of blackmail, but such a mechanism works - it has been tested in practice.

Well, the last thing - I personally prefer to trust the Universe itself in the processes, with moments of mandatory safety net in possible weak points.

So, somehow it turned out suburno, but I hope the idea was conveyed.
This is my opinion, this is my experience, and I share it.

This September, for the eighth time, the ParkZoo exhibition will be held in Moscow, and in April, top managers and business owners will gather at the second Russian Pet Business Summit in Sochi. CEO ARTIS Expo Natalya Morgunova told what innovations await the participants of these events.

This year the exhibition "ParkZoo" will grow significantly

In 2011, when the ParkZoo exhibition was held for the first time, it occupied one and a half pavilions. This year it will occupy 5 pavilions. Including pavilion 3, which is not inferior in its technical specifications pavilion 4, which many exhibitors and visitors consider central. The registration area for the exhibition will be organized at the entrance to pavilion 3. A VIP area will operate in the same pavilion, companies will be able to invite their partners to it in order to conduct negotiations in a more relaxed atmosphere. It will also house a collective stand of European manufacturers of pet products, organized by the Italian exhibition company Zoomark.

Last year, already in April, there were no free spaces at the exhibition, and this year the competition has become even tougher. Of course, due to the specifics of the site, increasing in size every year, it becomes more and more difficult for the organizers, they have to come up with options for special development. So, this year we decided to move the Grooming Festival from Pavilion 4.2 to Pavilion 7A. Pavilion 4.2 is a checkpoint, which gives it additional benefits, and makes its study a continuation of the inspection of pavilion 4. And for the festival, a separate pavilion will be more convenient. By the way, this year the Grooming Festival will sparkle with new colors, its organizers are working on a new interesting program, which will be presented in the near future.

We do not rule out the possibility of moving the exhibition to other larger exhibition venues. We hold meetings with other sites, we monitor, but the transfer of ParkZoo to a new location will lead to a clear increase in the cost of participation. Today, Sokolniki leaves the most affordable prices. In addition, an important factor in the attractiveness of this particular site is the concentration of all services in one hand, which is convenient for exhibitors. In other exhibition centers, the infrastructure is arranged differently, all services work as separate structures, and provide internal logistics when organizing an event is much more difficult. In addition, other exhibition centers are not ready to give us a venue on the dates we are used to. ParkZoo historically takes place in September - at the beginning of the business season after summer holiday. The timing of the exhibition was chosen very well. We really want to make navigation through the entire exposition of the exhibition more convenient, we plan to change the format of the main catalog, bringing it closer to the guidebook format. This is due to the fact that the exhibition is growing in pavilions and visitors will need not only to move from pavilion to pavilion through existing transitions, but also to go outside, because pavilions 3 and 7A are located 50 meters from the main pavilions.

We do our best to make the logistics convenient for all pavilions. But 90% of the success of participation in the exhibition is not the location of the stand, but properly organized and planned work at the stand. There is an opinion that if the company's stand is near the stands of the "monsters" of the zoo business, then there will be many visitors and the stand will be noticed. But you need to understand that business representatives who purposefully come to the stand of a large company turn their backs on small stands. To stand next to the giants, it is necessary to think over a set of measures to match them. As the organizers of the exhibition, we are always ready to provide information support to our exhibitors, include information about their promotions and events at the stand in the mailing list, put it on the exhibition website, etc. Achieving success is teamwork.

This year, many companies want to increase their exposure in order to be able to present all groups of their expanding range. We continue to see the market move towards globalization. The more supply, the more demand. The companies don't just sell the feed, they provide strong sales and service support.

Business Program Raises Common Industry Issues

By organizing a business program, we, in turn, give companies the opportunity, devoting a little time to their product, to focus on general business issues. The first slogan of "ParkZoo" is "We unite the efforts of professionals", therefore business events should be interesting for everyone. Yes, in the market all companies are competitors, but we grow our business only in competition. We must support each other, including by forcing us to move forward.

The day before the start of "ParkZoo", together with the SPZ, we will hold the traditional Autumn Forum of the SPZ. We hope that this year it will attract even more listeners.

The second Russian Pet Business Summit will be held in April

The first Summit, held in the spring of 2017, exceeded all our expectations. We tried to set a high bar for the event, managed to keep it, and all our fears turned out to be in vain. because of geographical location Rosa Khutor resort here managed to create a feeling of closeness, to make the event behind the scenes. And the participants of last year's Summit noted the attractiveness of this venue.

This year we have strengthened the program by inviting speakers of a higher rank. The number of participants is also increasing. But the Summit is a kind of club for owners and top managers of companies, decision makers, so we limit the number of participants to a maximum of 250. If "ParkZoo" is a b2b exhibition where current business issues are resolved in a particular area of ​​the company's work, then the summit discusses general issues industries that affect everyone. There are no events in the summit program that advertise this or that product, we have training programs and speeches related to business expansion opportunities. The theme of the Summit-2018 is "In the fight for 385 billion". The potential of the Russian zoo market is estimated at this amount. Even though our industry is 25 years old, many owners still feed their pets from the table. The resource for market development is huge.

If last year the events lasted 1.5 days, then this year the participants will have a full 2 ​​days plus a “zero” day for those wishing to attend master classes, by appointment and for additional payment. Due to the increase in participants, we have changed the venue: the Summit will be held in the large conference hall "Moscow" of the Radisson Rosa Khutor hotel, from where events were broadcast during the Olympics in Sochi. This year the gala dinner will be held in one of the halls of the RosaHall concert complex.

A high level of trust in the Summit is also demonstrated by loyalty large companies. If last year sponsorship we were supported by Nestle, this year we already have three major brands– Nestle, Mars and Royal Canin (with Eukanuba brand).

Traditionally, within the framework of the Summit, it is planned informal communication businessmen during coffee breaks, gala dinner. Two more months after the end of the Summit last year, we continued to help establish contacts between its participants, who, for example, did not have time to take a business card from their interlocutor. Participation in the Summit is an investment from which results are expected. And last year's participants noted the high efficiency of the event.

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RUS Summary

Natalia Morgunova: The success of the participation in exhibitions is collaborative work

In September the exhibition ParkZoo will take place in Moscow – already for the eighth time. In April pet industry top managers and business owners will gather at the second Russian Pet Business Summit in Sochi. Natalia Morgunova, the CEO of ARTIS Expo, the organizer of these two events, told us what innovations await the participants at these dates.

In 2011, when the exhibition ParkZoo was held for the first time, it occupied one and a half pavilion. This year it will include already 5 pavilions. Last year there was no free space at the exhibition already in April, and this year the competition has become even tougher. Many companies want to increase the exposition in order to present all the groups of their growing assortment. Now companies do not just sell pet food, they also provide serious support for sales and services.

The first Russian Pet Business Summit held in spring 2017 surpassed all expectations of the organizers. Due to the geographical location of the Sochi resort Rosa Khutor the organizers managed to create a sense of exclusivity. The summit is a club for owners and top managers of companies and decision-makers, therefore the number of its participants is limited. This year the number of participants has increased and speakers of a higher rank have been invited to Sochi. There are no advertising events in the program, it includes only trainings and speeches related to the general opportunities of expanding business.

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Denis Grishkin

Compensation can be up to 700 thousand rubles. This will help entrepreneurs explore new markets.

Small and medium-sized businesses will be reimbursed for part of the costs of participating in congress and exhibition events. The corresponding resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

"Small and medium business in Moscow is dynamically developing and playing an ever greater role in the city's economy. Nevertheless, we must continue to expand various measures to support entrepreneurship,” he stressed.

Subsidies will be allocated for entrepreneurs who participate in Russian and international congresses, exhibitions, fairs and other events aimed at promoting their goods and services and developing new markets. The list of exhibitions and other events will be approved. A list of events for participation in which you can receive compensation will be posted on the agency's website.

The maximum amount of a subsidy for a small and medium-sized business entity during fiscal year will be 50 percent of the total costs for these purposes. The amount of payments cannot exceed 350 thousand rubles for events in Russia and 700 thousand rubles for events abroad. Expenses will need to be documented.

The subsidized expenses include the costs of registration, construction and equipment of the stand (including assembly and dismantling and engineering services) and the rent of the exhibition space.

“We will conduct a selection in order to select the most technologically advanced and economically developing enterprises,” said the head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship. When selecting applications, residents of technoparks, industrial parks and special economic zones of Moscow will have an advantage.

In addition, the following criteria will be taken into account:

- the average annual salary at the enterprise per employee;

— the ratio of tax deductions to the Moscow budget to the amount of the requested subsidy;

— the share of the subjects' own funds in the financial costs of participation in the exhibition.

The specific weight of each criterion is 0.25.

The use of the subsidy will allow small and medium-sized businesses to more actively promote their products and services in Russia and abroad, as well as help attract revenues to the city budget and investments in the Moscow economy.

“I think that the support of the Moscow Government will increase the accessibility of congress and exhibition events, especially for small and medium-sized businesses,” said Sergei Bednov, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee for Exhibition, Fair and Congress Activities. According to him, the Moscow Government was among the first to introduce a regular practice of support for businesses that participate in exhibitions.

One of such initiatives is the Made in Moscow collective stands program. The capital's manufacturers can show their products at these stands, Aleksey Fursin recalled. Mostly small and medium-sized businesses participate in the program. It allows entrepreneurs to conclude contracts, establish contacts. “Information on the stands can be placed by eight companies or more,” added the head of the Department.

Sergei Sobyanin instructed to monitor the situation and follow how the innovation will be introduced. “If it suits business, we will continue this practice,” he said. The mayor of Moscow added that the resolution would be promptly amended if necessary.