How to make money in Yandex Direct or what is better? Google Adsense or YAN! Earnings with Yandex direct and google adsense in proven ways Doing i direct and g adsense

I have been working with adsense for quite a long time, and I took the appearance of the DSP for Y.Direct without any excitement, because. adsense was fine with me (well, ). After changing the design and engine of the St. Petersburg minibus, I freed up space for the 250 * 250 format, and put my adsense there.

The CTP was very good - 0.2-0.8% (on average 0.45%), but the cost per click did not please me at all - $ 0.04-0.06. And this despite the fact that the site with a clearly defined geography. I wanted more, of course.

And I finally turned my attention to, with which a bunch of webmasters had already worked, and they didn’t seem to complain. The calculation was that advertisers in profit will appreciate geo-traffic above five cents per click. In general, I registered there, after a couple of days my site was approved, the profit had the same banner format - 250 * 250, and I happily put it instead of Adsense .. A week later I set the rotation - 50% adsense, 50% direct. Then he returned the whole adsense. And here's what I got, look at the graphs.


From August 1 to August 15, there was adsense, after which Direct was installed, then, starting from August 25, there was a 50/50 rotation, and on September 2, I finally removed the Direct code. On each of the graphs, these manipulations are quite pronounced.

What immediately surprised me was that the number of direct impressions was 2 times more than adsense impressions. Moreover, the direct managed to show more ads than the LI counter showed views. That is, as I understand it, the direct periodically refreshes its ads. If anyone knows something about this - unsubscribe, plz.


What surprised me STRONGLY was the very low number of clicks on Direct compared to Adsense. The number of clicks is 2-3 times lower. This is despite the fact that in almost all visual parameters (location, size, number of ads) the blocks were identical, only the color scheme is slightly different to comply with the rules of contextual advertising of both systems. And do not cling to the word "a little different", I do not believe that another semitone can reduce clickability so much.


Income also disappointed me. At about the same cost per click, the CTP is obscenely low.

Such strange indicators prompted me to somehow investigate the problem. After all, with other equal conditions, what prevents the user from clicking on ads?

  1. irrelevant ads
  2. unappealingly crafted ads
  3. incorrectly formatted ads

With the first point, the direct seems to be all right - there was even an advertisement for those sites that are advertised in adsense.

I sin on the third and partially second points. The second point - unattractive - means not so filed. Refreshing the page and comparing the ads, it seemed to me that the description of each advertisement in direct has more characters in terms of the number of characters than in adsense. Thus, these three ads, as it were, merged with each other, without standing out. His gaze did not touch them. There is a suspicion that the direct limit on the description is simply higher. Well, or optimizers are like that :) The design, the third point, further enhances this phenomenon - the indents along the edges of the direct are two times smaller, there is also less distance between ads (apparently, for greater description capacity).

Yes, and from my point of view, adsense just looks somehow .. prettier, chtoli.

Adsense has one more trick (I don’t know about Direct) - the advertiser can buy the entire ad space and show one ad. And when you visit the site, the advertisement of one ad is very clearly visible, which, perhaps, caused a large number of clicks, and, consequently, income.

As a result, I left the venture with direct, long live adsense! :) Although, I think, we need to try to put both contextual advertising systems in turn, something tells me that there are sites where direct will steer ... :) Okay, there will be experience - there will be another post about symbolic confrontation :)

And now I have a question: where is more earnings - in Yandex Direct or Google Adsense?

I decided to see what average price per click in one or the other affiliate program. (For other types of earnings read in this article)

I must say right away that the cost per click is usually higher for ads that are at the beginning of the article and much less for those somewhere at the bottom. I have one block at the top and one at the bottom, not counting ads from Yandex inside the articles.

Where more earnings, in Yandex or Google?

Top block, average CPC:

Yandex - 2.44 rubles
Google - 6.4 rubles

Bottom block, average CPC:

Yandex - 1.68
Google - 3.8 rubles

Subject computer or something like that. As you can see, Google pays twice as much. And what does it mean? And this means that you need to put Adsense ads in the most profitable places, and leave Yandex Direct only in the article as links - Google ads are not like links.

These are the pies, you need to experiment, otherwise you won’t achieve a good conversion.

A year or even two has passed, and I decided to check again, what brings more income, Adsense or YAN? In the article I placed the blocks side by side and now I'll see what happened. The experiment was not long, but everything will be clear. So:

Adsense: 22 clicks, $0.71 revenue (cool! and that's for 4850 impressions!)

YAN: 20 clicks, 50 rubles ($0.62)

That was yesterday, but what about today?

Adsense today is 50 cents, YAN is 34 rubles, which is again less.

The conclusion is simple: Adsense is more profitable than YAN, at least on my site - and why is everyone so eager to go there?

Didn't find an answer? Use the site search

Hi all! In today's article, we will talk with you about the earnings of a blogger in YAN (advertising network I'm index), namely earnings on contextual advertising.

Surely you noticed that I recently removed Google Adsense ads from the blog and installed Yandex Direct. Why, why? I'm experimenting... I want to know what advertising brings more money, Adsense or Direct. By the way, in the following articles I will conduct a mini review of the experiment, therefore.

So! Let's start with a little introduction! Finally, they took me to the YAN, applied for adding a platform 5-6 times, they constantly refused ... If I don’t submit an application, I receive an answer in 5-7 days:

I don’t know why they didn’t like my site (website), but in general, according to all the rules, it seems to fit. I read somewhere on some forum that if the answer from the moderators does not come within 3-4 days, then most likely they did not consider it, it was considered by a robot. And the robot in 95% of cases rejects the site. These are the things... Well, that's not the point... The main thing is now everything is fine.

By the way, I note that I applied not through the Yandex website itself, but through the Yandex Advertising Network Partner Service Center - Profit-Partner. The application in it is also considered by the Yandex moderators, but here for some reason I was immediately accepted, which made me very happy.

Let's start with the most important thing. Far from all sites are taken to Profit-Partner, you can participate in the conditions. Here are the most basic conditions:

- attendance (per day) more than 300 uniques (by the way, there were cases, they took without 300).
- the site is located on a paid hosting (blogspot, livejournal, mail, etc. do not roll).
— site audience — Russians and Ukrainians
– the age of the site is at least 1 month

In Google Adsesne it is easier, there is at least 2.5 people a week attendance and you will be hired without problems, here it will be more difficult with this.

It’s too early for me to talk about where more money is made in adsense or direct, it takes time, as I said, I will publish a small mini review in the following articles. So far, about 300 rubles have run up in 3 days. Now I would like to tell you why I was interested in making money on Yandex contextual advertising and why it is better to register through the Profit-Partner CSP.

First, about why Yandex was interested. See. If we take google ads adsesne, then ads corresponding to the subject of your site (blog) are shown in it (in advertising contextual blocks). That is, if you have a blog about cooking, then ads will be shown on culinary topics. I think you understand.

In Yandex, everything is a little different. Here, in contextual advertising blocks, ads are shown not only corresponding to the subject of the site (blog), but also those that will be of interest to the visitor of your resource. Now I will explain in more detail.

You sit at the monitor screen, climbed into google to find information about buying a Lada Kalina Universal car. You drive the phrase “where to buy Lada Kalina Universal” into a Google or Yandex search and it gives you an output (a list of sites with information).

At this point, the data is entered into the browser cache. Further, for example, you go to another site, maybe even on a different topic, but it has Yandex contextual ads, and what can happen?

The Yandex script will take data from your browser's cache and will show ads that matched your search queries. You typed Lada Kalina Universal in Google, so it will show you ads about Lada Kalina in some blocks. I think it's understandable!

My grandfather here wants to buy a new Lada Kalina Universal, so the day before yesterday I was looking for a long time where it is better to buy it in St. Petersburg, the data was entered into the browser cache, now I won’t go to any site (where there is advertising from Yandex), everywhere I see ads about Lada Kalina. Here are the things. I believe that Yandex has a big advantage over Google in this. More people will click on your ad.

I was also interested in Yandex by the fact that here the type of contextual ads is much more beautiful. Personally, I like Yandex context more than Google. And the ad settings themselves are more functional here ...

1. Top notch support. I asked a question about acceptance into the YAN, they answered me right away, and even so friendly, plus they gave free recommendations (sent by e-mail) on how to increase the chances of getting into the YAN and what needs to be done if your site (blog) is not accepted. In general, well done guys, they work with a bang.

2. There is a system of bonuses. Nicely done by the way. You earn money on Yandex advertising, you get bonus points, in the future these points can be exchanged for various goods and services.

For 625,000 points you can place your resource in the Yandex Catalog for free! How do you like this arrangement? Why do you need to add a site (blog) to the YaK? Read here - "". Also in Profit-Partner there are various interesting promotions!

3. Conclusion Money very comfortable. You don’t need to wait until you have $100, like in Adsense, for example, in YAN you can withdraw from 1 ruble. Payments are made automatically. You can withdraw to Yandex Money, WMR, WMZ, PayPal, ePassporte, Privat 24, bank transfer.

4. I don’t know if this is true or not, but somewhere, again on the forums, I read that if the Yandex code is installed on the site (blog), then the resource will be indexed by Yandex itself faster. The code from gogole adsense is installed, then there will be a quick indexing from Google. Don't know. I'm not going to confirm, but if so, then good!

5. The most interesting. Profit-Partner has affiliate program. Attract new members to the Profit-Partner CSP and get 5% of your partners' earnings. For every 1000 rubles earned by your partners, you will receive 50 rubles. What if there are 100 partners?

There are still other possibilities, but I think I listed the most basic ones. Now let's move on to placing and configuring context blocks. First of all, you will need to add your site (website or blog) to the system, it will automatically go for moderation. After you add it and it is APPROVED by MODERATORS, then after that you will need to get the script code for the ads, place it in the right place on your resource, and then send the platform back for moderation.

The second step is to let you know that the code has been placed on your site (blog) and you can start taking into account clicks on ads, impressions, CTR and everything else... You can place no more than 9 blocks with ads on one page. There are only three blocks in Adsense.

So what else. Yes, that's what. In the Profit-Partner CSP, you can also earn not only on contextual advertising, but also on placing a banner on your resource. Go to the site and click "For bloggers" at the bottom. There is all the information what and how. The scheme is simple, you negotiate the conditions for placing a banner from Profit-Partner on your blog, agree, place a banner - you get money. Usually paid monthly!

By the way, do not think that if you have a high attendance, then you will be paid more. There may be more, but basically the guys are interested in what phrases visitors mainly come to your blog from search engines.

Well, that's basically all for today. Although no, I didn’t say the most important thing until a permanent audience is formed on your blog and there is good traffic, don't worry about making money from ads- kill your blog!

If we make the initial conclusion that better than google adsense or Yandex Direct, then I still prefer Direct of course. More will be seen!

Which one contextual advertising do you post on your resources? Adsense, Direct, maybe Runner? I will be glad to hear the answers in the comments. By the way, what do you think about YAN, and especially about Profit-Partner? Is it a good company or not?

I am finishing the post. All the best. Last but not least, an interesting video. Just a roar...

P.S. How do you like the article? I advise you not to miss information about new free video courses and blog contests!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov