Group c.o. functional groups. Esters: R-COO-R

Classification According to the nature of the radical According to the nature of the radical According to the number of carboxyl groups - one-, two-, tribasic According to the number of carboxyl groups - one-, two-, tribasic Which class do the following acids belong to? CH 3 - C \u003d O OH O \u003d C - C \u003d O HO OH CH 2 \u003d CH - C \u003d O OH - C \u003d O OH

H-COOH - methane (formic) H-COOH - methane (formic) CH 3 -COOH - ethane (acetic) CH 3 -COOH - ethane (acetic) HOOS-COOH - ethandium (oxal) HOOS-COOH - ethane (oxal) HOOS-CH 2 -CH 2 -COOH - butanedioic HOOS-CH 2 -CH 2 -COOH - butanedioic (amber) (amber) C 6 H 5 COOH - benzoic C 6 H 5 COOH - benzoic C 17 H 35 COOH - stearic C 17 H 35 COOH - stearic C 17 H 33 COOH - oleic C 17 H 33 COOH - oleic

Formic acid Contained in the poisonous glands of ants, in nettles, in spruce needles. 10 times stronger than all carboxylic acids. It was obtained in 1831 by T. Peluz from hydrocyanic acid. It is used: as a mordant for dyeing and tanning leather in medicine for canning vegetables as a solvent for capron, nylon, polyvinyl О Н - С ОН

Properties of formic acid Colorless liquid with a pungent odor, highly soluble in water. It can exhibit properties characteristic of both acids and aldehydes. Write the equations for the reactions of formic acid with metals, metal oxides, metal hydroxides.

Acetic acid Known since time immemorial. It was isolated in its pure form in 1700. In 1845, G. Kolbe obtained it synthetically. It can also be formed synthetically (souring of wine under the action of bacteria). It is found in some plants, sweat, urine, bile. During the day, the human body releases 0.5 kg of this acid. O CH 3 - C OH

Functional groups are formed by atoms or groups of atoms that replace a hydrogen atom in a carbon base.

Functional groups have common chemical properties, which belong to the same class of derivatives of hydrocarbons, which makes it easier to classify the properties of compounds (for example, alcohols have common properties) and facilitates the study of all organic chemistry.

It must be admitted that the presence of several functional groups in a molecule greatly complicates the situation, since such molecules can participate in a very large number of chemical reactions - there's nothing to be done - organic chemistry is a rather complicated science.

Alcohols: R-OH

Alcohols are derivatives of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, in the molecules of which the hydrogen atom (atoms) are replaced by a hydroxyl group (groups) -OH, which determines the general properties of all alcohols. For this reason, in many cases it does not matter what the rest of the alcohol molecule will be, because. the functional group determines the general behavior of alcohols in many chemical reactions.

Alcohols are usually denoted by the general formula R-OH(R is the rest of the molecule or hydrocarbon radical). Alcohol names end in a suffix -ol, which replaces the suffix -en in the name of the corresponding alkane.

methanol(methyl or wood alcohol) is obtained by a synthesis reaction from carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst at high pressures and temperatures:

CO (g) + 2H 2 (g) → CH 3 OH (g)

Methanol is used to produce formaldehyde. One of promising directions- the use of methanol as a replacement for gasoline.

ethanol(ethyl or wine alcohol) is obtained from various sugary substances using a fermentation reaction caused by the action of enzymes that produce yeast fungi (this method of obtaining alcohol is used to prepare alcoholic beverages):

C 6 H 12 O 6 (solution) → 2CH 3 CH 2 OH (g) + 2CO 2 (g)

The second way to produce ethanol is synthesis from ethylene in the presence of catalysts (ethanol is used as a solvent in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries, as an additive to gasoline to increase the octane number):

H 2 C \u003d CH 2 + H 2 O → CH 3 -CH 2 -OH

Carboxylic acids: R-COOH

The functional group in carboxylic acids is the carboxyl group -COOH.

O || R-C-OH

The names of carboxylic acids end in -oic acid.

Carboxylic acids are produced using oxidation reactions alcohols. The following is the oxidation reaction of ethanol in air, which results in the formation of acetic (ethanoic) acid (do not leave a bottle of wine open for a long time):

CH 3 CH 2 OH (l) + O 2 (g) → CH 3 COOH (l) + H 2 O (l)

Many carboxylic acids have a strong unpleasant odor.

Esters: R-COO-R

The composition of esters is in many ways similar to carboxylic acids (the hydrogen atom in the functional group is replaced by the second group -R).

Esters are obtained from carboxylic acids when they react with alcohols ( esterification reaction), while, unlike carboxylic acids, the resulting esters have a pleasant smell (esters give the aroma to flowers, the smell of fruits and berries):

O O || || R-C-OH + H-O-R " → R-C-O-R" + H 2 O

Ethers: R-O-R

The ether functional group is represented by one oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups.

Ethers are chemically quite inert and are used as solvents in organic reactions. Reacting (slowly) with atmospheric oxygen, ethers form peroxides, which are explosive compounds (it is for this reason that physicians have abandoned the use of diethyl ether as an anesthetic).

Get ethers using the reaction dehydration alcohols. For example, diethyl ether is synthesized by dehydration of ethyl alcohol in the presence of sulfuric acid:

2CH 3 CH 2 OH (l) → CH 3 CH 2 -O-CH 2 CH 3 (l) + H 2 O (l)

If you use two different alcohols, you get a mixed ether containing two different groups-R.

Aldehydes and ketones

The aldehyde functional group is a divalent carbonyl group bonded to one hydrogen atom and a hydrocarbon radical:

O || R-C-H

The ketone functional group is a divalent carbonyl group linked to two hydrocarbon radicals:

O || R-C-R"

Aldehydes and ketones are obtained from the oxidation of alcohols. Aldehydes, which have a benzene ring in their structure, are widely used in the perfume industry because they have a pleasant aroma. Formaldehyde(CH 2 =O) is used as an antiseptic, as well as in the synthesis of polymers for the production of phenol. The simplest ketone acetone(CH 3 -CO-CH 3) is a good organic solvent used in the paint industry.

Amides and amines

Functional group of amines:

Functional group of amides:

O || R-C-NH 2

Amides and amines are derivatives of ammonia, therefore, they are weak bases. Widely used in the production of synthetic dyes, medicines, plastics, explosives.

GROUPS C = O OF THE FIRST AND SECOND KIND (C = O 1 and C = O 11) - a symbol for carbonyl groups detected in bitumoids by infrared spectrometry, proposed by Glebovskaya in connection with their recommendation for the diagnosis of genetic categories of bituminous substances. Gr. C = O 1 (absorption band at 1740 cm -1), corresponding to esters, is typical only for bitumoids syngenetic to rocks and does not occur in the spectra of oils and other naphthides; its presence is associated with the incapable of migration components of bitumoids. Gr. C=O 11 (absorption band at 1700 - 1720 cm -1), corresponding to ketones, aldehydes and acids, is also found in the spectra of oils and other naphthides; its presence is interpreted as an indication of the presence of migratory elements (epigenetic or syngenetic) in the bitumoid, as well as the secondary oxidation of naphthides (the content of C = O 11 in them increases with the oxidation of naphthides).

Geological dictionary: in 2 volumes. - M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts et al.. 1978 .

See what "GROUPS C = O OF THE FIRST AND SECOND KIND" are in other dictionaries:

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    Eigenvalues ​​of the monodromy of the canonical operator of the first and second kind. equations. In a complex Hilbert space, equations of the form where are self-adjoint operators, is periodic, called. canonical. In the finite-dimensional case, the eigenvalues ​​... ... Mathematical Encyclopedia

    Errors of the first kind (English type I errors, α errors, false positives) and errors of the second kind (English type II errors, β errors, false negatives) in mathematical statistics are the key concepts of statistical hypothesis testing problems. However, ... ... Wikipedia

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    Contents: Introduction. History reference. Designations adopted in E. Basic laws and principles. Ion transport. Electrical conductivity of solutions. electrical excitatory force. The conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. Classification of galvanic ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Not to be confused with protein particles that cause infectious diseases see "Prions" Hypothetical preons elementary particles, of which quarks and leptons can be composed. Despite the fact that at the moment there are no ... ... Wikipedia

    Decreased luminescence output caused by decomp. reasons. T. l. can occur when foreign impurities are added to the phosphor, with an increase in the concentration of the luminescent element itself in va (concentration quenching), when heated ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    LONG-TERM ORDER AND SHORT ORDER, the presence of a spatial correlation of the microstructure of a substance: correlation within the entire microscopic sample, long-range order; correlation in a region with a finite radius short-range order. That is, distant ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

(C \u003d O 1 and C \u003d O 11) - the symbol for carbonyl groups found in bitumoids by infrared spectrometry, proposed by Glebovskaya in connection with their recommendation for the diagnosis of genetic categories of bituminous substances. Gr. C = O 1 (absorption band at 1740 cm -1), corresponding to esters, is typical only for bitumoids syngenetic to rocks and does not occur in the spectra of oils and other naphthides; its presence is associated with the incapable of migration components of bitumoids. Gr. C=O 11 (absorption band at 1700 - 1720 cm -1), corresponding to ketones, aldehydes and acids, is also found in the spectra of oils and other naphthides; its presence is interpreted as an indication of the presence of migratory elements (epigenetic or syngenetic) in the bitumoid, as well as a sign of secondary oxidation of naphthides (with the oxidation of naphthides, the content of C = O 11 in them increases).

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